This "influencer" is openly racist

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so before we get started I wanted to quickly mention something as my dog howls downstairs I got my play button I'm so excited I'm honestly kind of really emotional about it I may have shed a tear but we're not gonna go into that because we're about to shed rage tears in a second but I wrote a really cheesy caption on Instagram so if you want to read it you can read it there but I'm not gonna bore you with anything here except saying thank you guys so much anyway all right so today we're gonna talk about this honestly influencer but if you say influencer they need to have influence so people need to care about what they say and I don't know if that's really accurate here today we're also gonna be introducing this this is a pineapple light my mom got me and I have no other way to include it in videos other than what I'm about to do this is gonna be racism pineapple when racism happens I'm gonna light it up and you can barely tell the difference in the viewfinder so I hope you can see it anyway that should let you know what is coming your way right now so there was a tweet that got a lot of attention that I also retweeted it showed a youtubers snapchat and Instagram story where he was saying extremely racist ignorant just overall disgusting things now I reached out to them just to give them an opportunity to explain themselves even if there's no explanation I really just wanted to see what this person was gonna try and say in order to defend their disgusting words they never got back to me shocker it's always the loudest most racist that end up being cowards let's look into who we're dealing with before we actually look at this scandal Taylor Goldblatt has a youtube his YouTube has two point one thousand followers and his about me is particularly interesting he says hello there my name is Taylor I'm a rich kid spendthrift and money is my middle name I spend the majority of my time living a luxe life of opulence in Beverly Hills goddamnit my dog needs to knock y'all this I swear to God I got my play button I'm in poor not pleased I spend the majority of my time living a luxe life of opulence in Beverly Hills California I'm a blogger and social media creative with an avid love for menswear and all things find luxury I create content ranging from lifestyle to men's fashion tips and upload here every single day subscribe to the bujji's channel on all of youtube so you can come along for a sick little ride he has been uploading quite consistently he also has a video with Charles gross which I'm assuming brought him a good deal of attention though the video who sits at 4.7 thousand views so since the scandal blew up charles gross actually made a video addressing the fact that he is not actually connected with taylor he does not appreciate or support Taylor's words and that he is not a racist and that him and Taylor barely know each other just did a video together so one other thing you need to know about Taylor before we go into this is that his entire personality trait is money so he really defines himself via having money and that's really it apparently there's nothing else worthwhile there according to himself you saw money as a central thing so he's not really rich on the morality scale though is he Couty store you guys they gave a champagne and everything because we're definitely overage and all you know yeah there's all that good bubbly lovely free of course complimentary on the house what did you think how is the champagne baby I think sure really it's like even with this outfit you know it is really kind of elevate that it just takes it up a notch and I love like the bigger buckle and everything this doesn't say Gucci on it or anything so actually like that like no one's gonna know but I know and that's all that matters and you know me I'm gonna talk about Instagram so people are gonna know all right all right you guys so I picked up my dog Gucci a little something from the go yard store look at this here in the Upper East Side the famous go yard boutique I'm still excited they wouldn't take my picture out here so I'm gonna have to ask someone on the street to take my freaking picture in front of the Goyard boxes - the coolest limited edition runway shoot I just love these they say love sucks in cash and then on the front they say living the effing dream they also come with the white shoelaces they're so cool I just don't like the peepee on the front like you know that's my first name and last name started with a P I just wouldn't want this in the front of my shoes so I'd probably just get some spray paint honestly and just like mark that out and then I'd also like spray paint like but I love everything else about this year I love the crown it says king over here BAM a new bull and fiag a shop over here I don't even stole Balenciaga before wow so this really can hold him rent for them and everything really exciting and then over here I noticed Dolce and Gabanna used to be on the end so they moved their section over there ironically a couple months ago he actually got robbed police allegedly told them it was because of him kind of showing off his stuff online he apparently had shown off that he had over 30 grand worth of Gucci items and he got robbed so a tweet came up showing screenshots of his disgusting comments about some workers he had setting up a neon sign I'm assuming for his channel and he said I forgot which one is Quan and which one is Jose as they both look alike now I just want to know if they climbed over the wall or dug beneath it regardless I could buy their entire existence 80 times over so I'm just glad to have cheap labor then he says the workers installing my neon signs I only had to pay him a buck under minimum a penny saves a dollar stupid big peasant so then someone actually messaged Taylor on snapchat now this isn't confirmed though it seems like it is real considering what we saw is actually him on his snapchat and on his story the person says he he Pablo and his helper need to hurry their asses up make sure you're watching them you don't want your stuff stolen you never know what the blue collars these days and Taylor allegedly said don't think I haven't been eyeing them down like a hawk all the designers locked up behind closed doors and all the cool see ouch ahead of time and told them I wanted security armed and ready they have nothing to lose no visa no nothing they're flat-out losers and I'm sure their mamas are proud all drilling signs into the wall for a living oh I'm sure that's pretty [ __ ] lucrative dumb ass ass [ __ ] ass hoes where do I even begin I myself am an immigrant so that makes me slightly more biased I moved here from China but I'm from Italy that's my first language so the topic of immigration for me is a big thing I'm not gonna go into my stances on everything because that's not what you're here for I just don't understand this thought process okay first of all he's racist that's obvious that does not need to be said more than once the thing that I don't understand is this so you're saying that your entire personality is money essentially and I'll put some Instagram pictures so you can see what I'm talking about too okay so there's an update with the Instagram so the Instagram was private at first then it was public and now it's private again also he changed his Instagram name from Taylor B Goldblatt to Taylor M Goldblatt and now it's back to Taylor be gold but and it sprayed again obviously before I could take any screenshots so sorry no Instagram pictures for me but what I don't understand is if you're so allegedly rich according to yourself why can't you pay these workers the appropriate amount of money now of course we can say well he's racist and doesn't think they deserve more which is probably the truth but I just think it's a little bit hypocritical and at that point it's like if you don't respect these people enough to pay them appropriately why don't you just get people who are more your type of person probably white I'm guessing in my head of course he probably wanted to save money though he has so much let's remember but it's just kind of like it feels like he really did hire them so he could have this brief stupid snapchat Instagram moment where it could be an entire piece of [ __ ] you know like it almost makes me feel like his distaste comes second after the possibility of humiliating someone does that make sense it's almost like racism isn't his first priority his first priority is like let's humiliate someone and also I hate this group of people or I don't respect this group of people whatever you want to call it I just don't understand why you would go out of your way to hire people that you disrespect and dislike unless you're really trying to get a scandal out of it which you know maybe this guy is the type of guy to be like all publicity is good publicity but let me tell you being known for this is not a good look aside from that he then uploaded a story to his Instagram which reads stop threatening me essentially and everyone's allowed to their opinions which is interesting because usually opinions for me are like my favorite flavor of ice cream is macadamia nut that's an opinion being a racist yeah it includes opinions but calling it an opinion rather than racism is a way to try and cover your ass because most people would just call it racist and not an opinion we don't have to focus on semantics here but it's just funny to me that's someone who's so brazen online and is so comfortable saying certain things doesn't expect anyone to react like did you really think your entire following was just people who are racist like you really an interesting thing I think he must have blocked a lot of people cuz last time I checked if I'm not mistaken he had 13,000 followers and now all of a sudden he has 200 a lot of pictures are still there though he deleted one of his most recent I am assuming because of the hate he was getting on it but now his most recent picture still has a lot of hate on it as you might expect so things that happen online where death threats are not expected you know like there are times when people lose their [ __ ] over stupid things and go out of their way to scare people or try and ruin their lives what you said online I don't know what other reaction you expected considering that people online are offended over I don't know the color blue probably what did you think if you actually did something that offensive did you really think that people would just be like that's just Taylor he has opinions and he's entitled to it [ __ ] no I just talk about that because I feel like so many times racism is subtle or based on implication and I was just boggled that someone would feel that's okay with saying these things outright because there's no debating here whether this is racist or not it just is it's not one of those subtle situations that we often encounter where it comes down to interpretation here there's no need for that anyway thank you guys so much for watching let me know what you think about all of this in the comment section down below thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 803,226
Rating: 4.943975 out of 5
Keywords: taylor goldblatt, taylor b goldblatt, charles gross, influencer, instagram influencer, luxury influencer
Id: f-1arKH6ebQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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