This Guess The Elo Was RIDICULOUS (Ep 31)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series from your third favorite content creator guest the elo it's been a while since the last episode because all good things come to those who wait or something like that i'm not very good at motivational or philosophical quotes but before we get into the games today i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video surf shark surfshark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so you can browse it privately and anonymously you want to stream a show like brooklyn 99 which is unavailable in your country use surfsharkvpn you want to check some secure information like banking or an email while traveling use surfsharkvpn oh and my favorite you want to save some money when you're buying airplane tickets because those damn airlines are charging you whatever they want select a different country on surfsharkvpn and you can save some serious money surfshark also offers certain benefits that 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get to the games e4 e5 all right wonderful this is good stuff what is this that's not how we're supposed to play what is d3 what about the bishop i mean this is not a blunder but see that's how you're supposed to play very nice bishop g5 okay clearly white has a strategy this is the attack the queen variation f6 is not a bad move i mean knight should also come out uh-huh i like this oh oh oh so we we move our bishop to the edge of the board and then we just kill it it just dies just g5 kills the bishop although is there knight takes g5 let's see what the engine thinks no there is no knight takes g5 so this bishop was moved out here and then isolated and then killed off g3 is not a very good move which is why we need to develop our other bishop to the center so that we don't block it out and then kill off our own bishop but there's a zero percent chance g5 happens d6 okay now black does go for the bishop pair white responds by recapturing and now black plays g5 simply losing to queen h5 check now this is guess the elo so i haven't looked at the move list i don't believe that white actually finds queen h5 well turns out that i'm completely incorrect so um wow queen h5 check that's pretty wild um yeah that's that's uh that's very impressive that white found that but i think there's a lot more that's going to happen so you have to go king e7 because if you play king d7 you just get hit with another check so you gotta go here nice now knight to g6 doesn't work at all because hg and this is protected it's actually a very tricky position because on the one hand you want to continue to attack on the other hand you don't really have a lot of pieces left so i don't think that white uh disadvantage kind of means nothing according to the engine yeah it just doesn't really mean a whole lot because in fact i will um thank you for the five dollars and that person tried to spam the chat because they're annoying and they were i just skipped their okay this is the way we'll do it so this advantage is merely symbolic and um actually white has no idea they actually have an advantage now queen g8 is a fascinating move because it it ouija it simply doesn't make any sense at all uh i i i actually don't understand this move in the slightest i don't really know what we're trying to do here um like if we wanted to trade the queens we should have gone to e8 at which point there's no advantage here whatsoever but okay queen g8 now here white decides to escape which i don't really know why that happened either um so now h5 would have been possible to kind of create your own attack nice nice nice very good queen a4 h4 although this is hanging so probably knight d4 gets played no way queen e8 oh that's brave that's really brave to walk directly into this now knight c3 knight d5 here is possible wow i if you gave me like 10 guesses i would not be able to guess white's next move holy crap i would have never guessed that in a million years i would have guessed like here here here here i would have never guessed b3 what is with white and moving the b and g pawns for absolutely no reason what does b3 do all right g4 h4 nice now what white should do is obviously not take white should actually create a barrier um and try to play h3 completely shutting down over here uh yeah taking is an absolutely idiotic move and absolutely should not be played by white but obviously white plays yup ah just simply allowing rook h4 with just a massive attack on the queen so now obviously black so black decided to take with the pawn to set up this and i suppose set up pawn to h3 with queen g2 now the simplest move for white is to play king to h1 so now h3 allows the bishop to come over here with rg1 potentially that's exactly what happens bishop 3 bishop e4 do not trade don't trade don't do it bishop f3 now queen g5 is interesting rook g8 is interesting something like that i don't i don't know what that does thank you to nitrous oxide for 29 months what a long sub see there is a person who made it two years and five months watching the stream and was never offended never was like me me me me me me unlike that other guy youtube before we started recording i yelled at a person who followed my channel march of 2021 and wrote five messages over seven months and all of them were negative like imagine being that person i sound ill maybe mentally i'm also actually sick c3 holy what does that do okay so i actually really like this i like a6 b5 now the question is does white find the only safe square for the queen actually queen g4 is also safe nice okay now does black move the knight out of the way nice now does white take on a of course not okay this would make sense if you didn't have a pawn blocking your entire attack i okay like this is great but you have zero threats you have no threats at all that's great you still do not have a threat in fact at some point white is going to move these pawns forward yes a4 c4 d4 something's got to go nice what i what what bro that what that what that but but but all right so black makes out like a bandit all right um what the f what is what the hell what what what it's like mate probably like queen e6 okay king d8 was made in one so luckily we went here i don't i think this game is anything but over okay knight f6 what is the threat knight d7 bishop f5 rook g1 at some point okay now it's now it's force mate knight d7 king g7 queen f6 king h7 bishop f5 etc etc rook g6 queen g6 nice nice nah okay that's no longer force mate oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that was two different mates oh my god oh my god and black won i guess white ran out of time or resigned oh my god oh my god you want to know if gotham's curtains match the drapes uh your dads do i can tell you that safely anyway he's got no hair in either place so queen f3 attacks the king youtube welcome to welcome to uh x rated guess the elo um wow what a game that was a lot of fun so i'm gonna guess like between six and seven hundred that's my guess like los probably low like probably in the 600s if these dudes are any higher than 600 i mean we have a problem on our hands uh this is just not okay simply not acceptable play uh where is my second window let me open up my big screen all right here we go and our first game is 685 gotham sub but white was 591 very nice very very nice solid guest to kick things off very nice combined they did not even cross 90 percent which is good nice all right two great finds each yeah that's being generous so people don't walk through traffic okay let's go back to the main overlay um for our second game gotham sub begins with a fantasy karo khan which i like a lot uh the fantasy karo khan is really really nice uh black plays d e we're gonna determine very quickly if black is playing like a person that knows what to do against the fantasy variation or if black is rated like 1100 that still doesn't give me a whole lot of information this is a very bad setup against the fantasy because you allow white to fulfill the fantasy of having dominant center active pieces okay okay okay wow yeah i'm i'm already thinking like a thousand eleven hundred because you're not really supposed to play like this you're supposed to just you know but okay white is playing in an exotic way going for bishop h6 does white play h4 okay no does white play h4 what the hell is this what the hell is b3 how you gonna play all this and then not play h4 boss i guarantee h4 a stop engine move right now look h4 top engine move i wasn't wrong i mean it's like tied with king b1 but if you look at king b1 the next move is h4 if you look at bishop d3 further down the line it's h4 it's like further down line you play h4 anyway you have to play h4 the opponent was worried about knight d4 that's number one illegal also number two idiotic as all hell also knight a4 and knight c4 are both impossible so i don't really know what you're worried about because knight c4 is just a full piece blunder i wouldn't be worried about that move whatsoever you gotta play h4 now h4 is just clearly top engine move and if h5 then unquestionably you have to go for g4 hg h5 in the future not right away because you'd lose this although here's a way that you might make that work anyway if you're very lucky check here mate like that might also happen um okay now black plays f5 because black doesn't give a crap h4 is still the top engine move now black is actually a genius because black made a pawn move inducing a weakness in the center knight to d5 h4 please can you please for the love of god play h4 there it is at long last we finally we finally got there h5 now we need to exploit the dark squares rook h3 rook g3 this should be two okay i don't hate this move nice okay a little bit bold but fine i mean yeah now you need to change your focus to the f-file okay by some miracle this doesn't just lose on the spot because like i remember a couple moves ago i told you you can sacrifice and it doesn't even matter look the engine doesn't even hate this it thinks that after uh rook g1 oh sorry rook g1 actually white has a very successful attack now black plays h5 with the which the engine also likes it turns out that white knows chess better than the engine look at that look at that white actually is even stronger than the engine playing a move that convinced it look at that now white is obviously lucky or cheating white is lucky or cheating um but clearly not cheating now the million dollar question what does white do with this pawn pushes it forward and if takes takes takes there's knight f7 at the end which black oh that's even that's even fancier that's even fancier look at this look at that now bring yo give the other rook a turn bro give the other rook a turn oh crap is the king gonna run away up up okay it's mate it's queen d7 that's it game over it's game over end the game end the game okay okay okay okay okay okay okay it's over huh so fantasy karo khan featuring some very decent play by white i mean b3 was ludicrous and then this attack was either the most genius or the luckiest attack of all time i gotta think about it because black had no clue how to play against the fantasy caro and white didn't really play the best way but played in a very interesting and challenging way so i'm gonna give i'm gonna give the the i'm gonna tilt the scale to white let's say like 1100 actually you know what i'm gonna say 1100 because b3 was ridiculous nah let me think about it um yeah 1100 i feel confident in that guess maybe high eleven hundred nah nah nah nah nah you buggin nah nah nah nah no no this is a 880 turkey boom four is 880. no way what's your rapid rating nah i don't believe you bro i don't believe you your rapid rating is 9 18 now i don't believe you no no no no no no no no i don't believe you nope i don't believe you nope overruled don't care don't care plus ratio don't care you're not 800 that's stupid that's that was the most sophisticated 800 attack i've ever seen in my life i told you so that was either the luckiest or the most genius attack and it turned out to be the luckiest yeah that was the luckiest attack of all time that yeah wow fantasy caro at 800 god damn didn't yeah no no no no no all right crazy game by the way you played so well can i show it again this is guess the elo we don't have time for that this we got to keep the show moving you're like in the movie theaters you can't just ask them to all right we have a london very professional by white transition to a queen's gambit nice h3 move making sure that the bishop can always drop back well it took eight moves but i can now successfully ask what the what is that what is knight h7 like up until this point it looks like two gm's playing what is that what is that what is what is this maneuver what are y'all doing oh there's just a hanging rook bro i mean it couldn't necessarily be taken because there was trades going on it still can't be taken now it can yeah all right well now now we have the answer to our question of what rating these players are that's just the free rook the question is does black see it the answer is a convincing no black absolutely does not see that move now obviously white castle's long here and hangs the rook again and black doesn't see it again oh no actually black decides to take the rook once it gets protection always use protection nice very good okay d6 so we have a little mini quest of putting all our pawns on the sixth rank and killing the activity of our pieces while creating irreplaceable structural damage e4 white has the opposite quest to put all right now we are going to move a pawn forward on a square we don't control more than our opponent that's pretty good and knight takes of course very nice now queen activates to b4 or c5 momentarily that's a good move that's a very good move now white probably plays queen e4 because white has learned about batteries oh look at me look at me f5 just take it don't take back that's a very tricky move attacks both queen e6 best move okay so we went from playing like absolute bozos to absolute geniuses now b3 is not great i would play bishop b3 with the idea to attack the king like this that's usually how it works so b3 okay bishop b1 we need to give the king a hug all right we're still finding our way in okay oh oh yeah i was gonna predict that black plays this to prevent the fork and then blunders the other fork yep very good nice so now white is just up a pawn in this end game all right what do we know about endgames uh you have to play uh snakes and ladders with your bishop okay knight e4 that's just the free pawn so what do we know about endgames active pieces coordinate your pieces push your pawns on passant of course not depressing all right still looking for a way through there we go there go the pawns there go the pawns um okay now that now now now a full blunder of a piece full blunder of a piece nice now white is obviously gonna just play a5 and hang the rook like clockwork now obviously black is not going to play knight d5 black is going to take the pawn now white's going to take back and now the question is does black find knight d5 and i predict that black either plays this or this ah very nice and now white plays king to b4 and then black finds this i know everything i know every i can read the mind of the baby player i can read the mind of that was nuts and now well now i actually have no idea does white play this move and win the rook and then promote the pawn let's see this king b393 black hangs this and allows this to promote oh okay okay okay very nice very nice e7 wow what the hell is going on here is this wait i think i think white is still winning i think king d6 is an insane blunder to e7 and then e7 take here oh crap maybe the engine finds a way to uh yes yes yes yes i saw somebody say you can just see the moves you can watch the footage if you see the moves if i look at the moves first my eyes go here then to the board you really think i'm that sad of a person that i would fake finding the moves and guess the elo because i need that validation come on that's so sad you should know by now that i don't i don't lie like that so apparently according to the engine rook b5 saves the position because if king c4 there's here oh and then the knight takes yeah that's that's tough so it's a draw obviously that doesn't happen now does white hang the rook again i probably right probably white hangs the oh no the game just ends why did black resign here you never resign if you have a knight left on the board you never do that you never do that because your knight can win all these pieces have you not seen my my series on youtube wow this game was nuts so they played the opening like grand masters i mean knight h7 was the stupidest thing i've ever seen in my life uh then they played again like grand masters like for here they just played like gm's uh then they played the end game like it's like grandmasters were playing with their like spouse who like doesn't play chess or something i said spouse by the way male or female so don't try to cancel me it's like they were playing like hand and brain or something like the spouse like doesn't play chess so uh can't cancel me nope i said male or female so maybe i'm talking husbands ah got you i'm way ahead of the game so uh i'm gonna go with like i'm gonna go with like 900 i'm getting like 900 vibes or high 800. here we go bro wait what just happened did this just crash did we just crash guess the elo how did this happen how did what why did guess the elo just crash okay well uh let's go back to the main let's try that again that was weird all right let's try that one more time i don't know why i guess the elo just decided to to die on me real quick okay weird here we go uh yeah uh 1400 1400 y'all are 1400 playing like that bro y'all really 1400 bro y'all y'all killing me out here bro really god damn and you have my courses playing like that holy crap well you gotta just get more courses that's it you got to get more courses you actually got to study them not just buy them bro how are you going to get my courses and then really just h4 is a great move this is a really good move is this really the only good hold on a minute i don't believe you you really mean to tell me that's the only good move in that position let's take a look at this so there's like three moves that give pretty decent evaluations h4 only good move bro like you could just play like rook g1 like at rook g1 rook g1 anyway wow wow all right wild game bro that was that was that hurt my soul a little bit but you know what we chilling we killing we grilling and we skilling and that's it that's all there is to it that's all there is to it and now you can do it all right come on man come on man like i really thought we were gonna have a two nights carol like main line you know knight f6 e5 knight e4 92 queen b6 like d4 you know f6 some knight g3 maybe some critical variation with fg or something but instead instead we really get queen to h5 i'm sure doesn't have a name for this like the you trash and you bring your queen out like what are we even doing obviously black goes knight f6 oh my goodness i think it's like -3 already after knight c6 knight c6 oh but this should be five that's actually a nice move doesn't matter what you take that with and actually white has found a way to keep the queen around but e6 bishop d6 will do the job nice castle don't be scared homie nice and now you could do whatever just don't go h6 and then like somehow blunder on h6 and okay i like the move rook c8 nice play knight e4 this is the karo khan move in exchange structures no why see your opponent did a good job okay queen trade nice okay now bishop b5 traps the rook that is not a hard move yes yes yes yes take it yes kick the knight out yes now we need to um do stuff with the pawns yes knight c4 okay induce weakness nice target weakness wound taking its toll as i feared yes oh my god knight f7 yo is like is this a gm playing with black oh oh lord oh lord oh my god creating a little smoke balcony for the king but going this way oh my you'll shove the pawns forward is that the top engine move to try to get into c2 are you kidding me bro bro bro take the rook rook b8 bro bro are you now this this is how real 1400s play unless you're like two thousand oh oh all right all right something had to be wrong with you some had to be wrong with you you didn't see rookie three but fine fine all right now you gotta throw this end game for content right you don't know how to mate with king and rook right just absolutely pristine checkmate with king and brooke okay so white for playing like this probably is either 500 points lower rated than the opponent so black played like a 95 game i just want you all to be very clear black did not make a single blunder bishop b4 bishop c3 was bad so all i can do this game is base literally everything off of bishop to b4 bishop takes c3 that is the only thing i have because otherwise black played basically a perfect game and white played queen h5 so based on queen h5 i want to give a lower elo but based on bishop before i also want to give a slightly lower elo but black played so well so let's say let's say 1200 i'm gonna say like mid 1200 because here's my logic um wait a minute black played so well right but can white really be a 1600 and playing queen h5 no no no it's got it's got to be like 12 1300 all right let's make sure our window didn't crash again oh my god white is 1786 so i should have guessed that black wow so black played to the level of a 1617 i just thought there was no chance a 1700 played this in a 10 minute game i just really did not believe a 1700 would play queen h5 this guy's at 1800 playing queen h5 that's nuts wow that is depressing that is so bad oh you know what you guys were right to find b5 is not is not 1200 yeah i should have known i should have yeah i should have known that was that wasn't my best yeah i forgot about like some of those crazy moves like b5 wow yeah i forgot about the movie five completely okay let's let's finish strong here before title tuesday all right uh here are the engine lines gotham sub all right this is bad vibes this looks like a player who learned the vienna and plays the vienna versus everything even though it's not a vienna okay okay okay all right oh okay we give a check because we can okay we attack b2 now we hang e5 which white doesn't see of course we play b3 okay all right all right nice bishop h3 not bishop g2 like a normal person we gotta go out here all right what is b3 well the pawn was hanging actually b3 kind of makes sense in this case all right bishop h3 i don't love it now here's the question does white hang this in the in the future no actually not at all okay all right oh oh okay so at this point you got to play the move f4 that's where you're stronger that's where you're stronger so you really should try to play f4 of course white doesn't do that queen e7 b4 so white is playing on the side of the board they're they literally are playing on the square their opponent controls more than any other square you see how that works you see that that doesn't make any sense black doesn't do anything about it though okay and now now the engine thinks that white is winning because probably f4 and e5 rook b1 rogue b1 focus on the queen side but there's a lot of good play here f4 oh that's brutal there's a tactic but there's no chance that black sees that yeah wow instead of so there's a yeah i missed that too completely d3 ouch uh f4 was stronger in this position yeah before you allow the bishop to c5 yeah see that's the problem when you lazily just click through the moves but anyway instead of playing the best tactic black hangs rook in one move so you know we have premium content now does white remember that they put the bishop here no not at all they moved their other bishop to a square to defend this pawn wow what a defensive player rook c7 e5 puts the knight in the middle now what does white do when they don't know what to do bring the bishop back if you take that it's discover check but of course you're gonna take it because you're like 700. okay bishop d4 wow that's a nasty move does white see it i predict white maybe plays queen c2 yes to prevent the pawn forward oh and black just hangs a knight now does white see the bishop this time absolutely there it is there it is boom bring the bishop back yes white is a fan of these big long bishop maneuvers among other big long things rook b1 okay h3 i don't know what that does but it's fine rook b1 nice uh oh another does white see it bishop takes rook wait a minute oh my god wait if you take then you lose queen h3 and then it's mate now black did not see that black did not see that black got really lucky black got really lucky now did white take the rook oh see both players got so lucky here because no one saw that like i guarantee nobody saw it nobody saw it okay see i told you nobody saw it because now it's just there i told you nobody saw it nobody saw that and now white sees it wow but actually g4 to set that up damn did white actually see that is really impressive of white actually that's really cool wow credit to white nice and now comes back again okay on passant though does white seal the deal with the of course okay i feel like white somehow finds a way to lose this yo what are we bro white loves this bishop maneuver up and back up and back up and back all right see like white still is too scared to leave this pond okay yo can you play the white hung mate oh my god white hung mate after all that white hung mate white abandoned the bishop's post one time in white hangs mate in three oh my god white hung mate white hung what the what what what with how do you what oh my god it's just bishop oh my god you can get out of check with a check and in fact it's almost the only move but of course you play f6 and now check oh my that is unbelievable that is absolutely unbelievable um wow closed position vibes here yeah this is like a 800 game i think because a lot of like pretty solid play what do you guys think some blunders like i'm getting like 7 800 vibes no chance it's 1 000 it just doesn't make any sense there's no way it's a 1000 game i mean to take like this i'm underestimating this no i think it's like between 700 and 800 no it's not four digits there's no way it's four digits no way i predict about 800 is the average of the players all right i was wrong but not that wrong the average rating of the players is 900 something and how long did black spend on this move so what it's 15 10 is that the time control so black had to lose time black spent three seconds on this move with a minute 20 on the clock black spent three seconds on bishop takes g1 that is absolutely that is violently disgusting
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 922,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 0JhTJRl4uew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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