He Muscles His Way To A Brutal Sneaky Mate! Weldon vs Boston Mike

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don't chase my king off the board man i know you got a lot of animosity and frustration built up okay you know straightening their chest good surprised uh i just don't understand the game i feel bad for you i'm going to try to be nice and not something i really want to do but you won't make an exception that wasn't even a nice thing that was probably the worst move on the board there's nothing more worse than that like sorry you resigning what's up with them hmm look at my you got all kind of little things right yeah i've got to say i launched a pretty good attack on the camera that wasn't too bad oh my god something that you don't know what it is that's like the worst move on the board um uncomfortable yeah come on this is i'm sorry i'm sorry i should have to apologize for doing this to you yeah um i like that what's this this is me no it is isn't that bad thank you very much you want to see that thank you mike hi thank you hey guys brian here in a beautiful win by mike to finish it off and for those of you wondering in this position when rook takes rook was played your eyes did not deceive you do you guys see it yes the mate was there a move earlier queen takes h4 but uh better late than never and beautiful way to convert the win to win the one game that is not easy to do i mean mike is kind of known for blowing the one games but here he did not and he delivered beautifully done mike if you guys want to get him coffee for that sweet sweet mate his link is in the video description and i think weldon realized don't count out walden guys he's a really good player it's just not that was just not his day that day but um but i think weldon knew he kind of screwed up when he played here and he he actually said if you go back and look at it in the game we had bishop takes and kind of his king side got opened up and mike was able to kind of build on that advantage so going over here will be another move for black here yes maybe just something like knight f7 and game is a little bit better for white out 1.4 to give you some context it went from 1.2 to 4.2 that is a huge huge jump so it's the equivalent of kind of like dropping a piece and i wanna go here in this position kudos to mike for you know his attack was very it's very good it's kind of forcing moves and everything and noticing what changed in the position and in the game we had rook takes c6 what a great move right um attacking the queen let's go move back there's that old adage in chess when you find a good move look for a better one what's the better move here for white yes queen takes rook this is more forcing because it comes with check and this could be one continuation and white is winning at about 10.6 so pretty big pretty big advantage there but just that one little slight error and mike able to kind of build on it and more importantly not let go of the advantage and convert it at the end easier said than done not easy to do weldon did his best just uh couldn't kind of his king side was like too open for the attack and that was a nice mate to finish it off so beautifully done boys hope you guys enjoyed it let me know without the game comments below don't forget to like share comment and subscribe that both kitchen thanks see you guys tomorrow you
Channel: Coffee Chess
Views: 11,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess hustler, chess hustling, chess hustlers, chess trash talk, blitz chess, chess endgame, chess tactics, chess openings, chess middlegame, chess opening, banter blitz, chess trash talking, chess trash talker, trash talking, friends playing chess, chess with friends
Id: -oXLrUP5wzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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