THE DEVIL HAUNTS ME - Stellar Indie Adventure Horror! - Let's Game It Out (Full Playthrough)

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and today we are playing the devil haunts me color this out a little bit I you know I had a good morning had a good had a good day had a good cup of coffee and you know what I felt I felt like my day needed a game that just filled me full of dread so let's just get right into it shall we Oh difficulty forgiving when you run out of Hearts you lose some resources and are teleported back home if you go five days without resources it's game over so we've got forgiving and then unforgiving when you run out of Hearts it's game over if you go three days without resources it's game over let's go with forgiving because this we will just see we'll see we'll see how this goes so I know very little about this game outside of oh hello day one it is what are these what are these little notes you do not want to bring your electricity back to the bed chambers got it to make well alright let's let's try to translate some of this okay it looks like if you take an axe to a tree you get a Snickers bar if you take your musket and you shoot a deer you get peppermint candy if you take a bucket and you fill it with gems you get water and if you take the water to the well you get that one slime creature that you see in all the dragon quest box art yeah I think we nailed it no really I get it they get logs you get meat you get water you get I guess more water so I know this is a survival game I can already see my energy I'm assuming down below we've got a couple of things we've got energy stamina something like that we got how much wood we've got we've got meat and we've got water for hunger and thirst and the other ones for resources which we now know if we run out of that hello look at this we've got all of our tools here how do I swing this and then our musket so we can only have one at a time so I'm controlling with arrow keys and if you run around a little bit you you know what I wouldn't mind game pads to hold on real fast oh that's much better that's much better I like that a lot more you know take it back that's clearly stabbing at the bottom but in the upper left all blurry like that's our health our two little heart thingamabobs up there and if i zoom out I can see a lot of things that concern me like that pink dead deer down there first thing's for a Hey Hey oh let's start simple okay I know I know survival games which is you need resources right so we're just gonna pick that up oh that's it's it's got the classic minecraft noise oh and every time I hit this tree I lose five stamina really gonna have to watch out for um you know despite being just a few pixels that is some vivid ass [ __ ] we're gonna leave that be for now cuz I don't know what to do with that except feel uncomfortable but I will not sit here and let animals run away from me so we're gonna take this gun that is bigger than us and we're gonna go fight some [ __ ] where are you dear what is that green thing let's go look at the green thing shall we so long ago on the show we played the long dark and that was a favorite of mine I'm still a big fan of ah that was stamina picking up the green thing gave me a little bit of the stamina I still like to play survival games when I can they are of course Oh Oh do you see that you see that deer up there there of course a huge time sink but I still find the the general process really Oh area's watched as I bet I can hit him from here watch this oh that that did him alright can I shoot this dude - oh that was a big guy turned it oh so it looks like our health is well taken care of or not our health excuse me it looks like our meat is really is well taken care of but as far as our stamina goes is getting pretty bad so let's go over to that green thing over there first let's kill this out of the way please why do I get this horrible feeling that whoa what's this what is this you know I thought it was stamina and it turns out I was wrong it turns out that if you get the green things it helps you summon the Fox God clearly I don't know why the game is called the devil haunts me I'm pretty sure we're gonna find out and it's gonna be great what is this what are these giant nail polish bottles here what are these oh so I can't shoot my gun because I am out of stamina I see well let's go put this [ __ ] down then I don't think I can run either so the best I can really hope to do is just wave my gun like a madman put that [ __ ] back take this instead okay so I also can't swing my axe so let's go over here and get our bucket which I also can't use because we don't have enough stamina alright seems like priority number one is to figure out how to replenish our stamina so let's go back inside the house if we go back to bed there you go good night guys look at end of day I got 14 wood 9 meat four oh I see okay I survived another day yes you did okay got it so looking at this again what it sings are out of stamina go to bed sir and really what we're dealing with is we only have a certain number of things we can do per day based on our stamina so we have to really look at this and play it cool and figure out like so in this case it's like we know that before we go to bed we're gonna need a certain amount of water so we should use that 110 stamina we have wisely is that water we used here let's try it let's try it let's see what happens meet do we chest let's alright let's go back over to camp now that I understand how this works I'm like wow I'm glad we really bought a day one here oh the water view so the water our water resources come specifically from the well so we need to fill up the well let's zoom out again here mmm I wonder if there's a specific place we have to get water from like if we can't just cuz my thought was to just like go to the river right and just grab some water but it doesn't seem like that's gonna work I can't tell because the world is all just a horror movie but there's a bridge over there let's go check out the bridge shall we yeah so I still love survival games still playing when I can the forest is one that I've been meaning to come back to okay so the bridge is [ __ ] up and we need nine wood which I how many would do I have I can't tell I have nine wood let's do it and you know it looks like I need a hammer which I don't have obviously [ __ ] did you see that he just let he just let go of some of his energy he just let he just expanded it out into the world what's that what is that back there is that how are you hey hey what are you sorry it's like my last remaining like food sprout and I'm like what are you when we see these green things let's go ahead and get them and let's go oh now I have 115 stamina there's all these bridges over here the song is breaches that I can't get into there's so many mysteries here need to find the hammer so we can repair the thing and then we've got wait a minute are those heads can I can I hit these are you the elders mio Lego speaking of did you know that the plural for Lego is Lego who says that do you say that goals we got goals we need to find two more of the green things so we can get the Fox mask or Fox abilities or whatever it is I would like for us to be friends would you like that too okay good talk we're gonna follow this path down here you know I think I've probably mentioned this before but I have a soft spot for games like this like top-down RPG ish like old-school RPG looking games well what a big [ __ ] surprise here and so when I see games like this I'm like yeah yeah it sink my teeth into this tear running back to get my musket no no I shot the tree twice and II ran away and now you're just gone all right Clint Eastwood put your hand cannon down we got it let's pick up the ax let's do some choppy chop hurt that looks like water to me let's go get our bucket I feel like water is the one thing that we are truly screwed on if we don't get enough I think we should we should water that right when we get back we'll water that oh [ __ ] that was all the water well this seems risky but I'm gonna try it anyway yeah see I mean at the expense of my own survival I gave that thing more chance of living so let's review what we know we have to keep ourselves alive we have a finite amount of stamina in which that can happen we have to keep ourselves fed we have to keep ourselves from dying of thirst we also look over to the left there's another thing of water I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get it we're gonna switch to just the bucket I've decided so we can go procure all that delicious water the thing I love about these kinds of games too is like you know the game is called the devil haunts me which I mean for all I know that could be entirely symbolic but something tells me that the devil is actually out here somewhere I want to believe that these first couple of days things are going there we go whoo things are going just fine do you want some water oh my god why did I do that you didn't even appreciate the water right Josh you gotta promise yourself this time that you're not going to just throw the water down just because you got excited I think I've killed all the water sources for today we're going back for the gun you're mine yes all right well after amends an immensely unproductive second day let's go ahead and just go ahead and go back to sleep all right tell me what I've lost what are you using that wood for oh I survived another day but now I have no wah-wah-wah does that droning noise well what the [ __ ] is that over to the right did you see that did anyone see that am I making this [ __ ] up [ __ ] it let's go take a look I'm not making this [ __ ] up I saw something what's that noise so you don't look at that look at that look at that do you see that do you see that [ __ ] do you see that [ __ ] flying away right now I heard that in my ears and then I saw with my eyes that was real you saw it I saw it peace I did see it right look dude I just want some water okay okay Forrest devil get that [ __ ] you see that [ __ ] moving towards me look at that you [ __ ] you're like a tattoo flying around trying to [ __ ] with me well how do I do this how I don't like that [ __ ] I think we can all agree that while there is clearly something in the forest here the real danger is despair apathy here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna go ahead and ignore that [ __ ] and we're just gonna go about our day like and nothing is wrong we're just gonna be like dum dee dum that's interesting ha ha I need some wood there's nothing out in here there's no pink serpent coming for me holy [ __ ] am I like 3 years old why is that deer so big okay hey hey hey ha Wow really I don't know if you can hear it but every time I sense the devil I can hear him in my eardrums as he drones on by 25 that cut fine you want 25 wood you'll get 25 would eventually tomorrow because right now I'm going to bed with little food and no water in my stomach what's that seriously do you hear that it's mother [ __ ] doesn't have anything better to do hey I'm out of water but I survived another day what what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right see I can't help but think that Ed Hardy tattoo flying around is getting a little more bold you know what I have an idea we need wood and I think that this dude needs to be released so let's go ahead and just open up the trees around him how's that sound seemed like a good idea Oh calm down all free you little guy don't you worry sorry to walk on your face for a second there 25 wood that's how much the bridge called for let's go get it the devil flying around there he is there he is there he is is he in Search & Destroy mode now what's happening there oh oh oh I just stand next to it he just builds it okay okay mmm so we got the wind chimes I'm willing to bet that this is a safe spot right so presumably that means we can I'm guessing we can like build here or maybe it were just safe from the devil in here look at all this water can I drink can I drink me some what why does this thing have a skull on it there uh there appears to be meat in that tree you see that [ __ ] there was meat in that tree yeah another green thing okay so I think we can agree that water is priority number one so we got to go back we got to get our thing we got to set out a lot of goddamn walking in this game but it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow because I'm out of stamina do you suppose I need the wood for I guess we'll find out it was a cold night without firewood and I'm out of water but I survived another day don't worry dude this is the day where it all turns around I promise you can I build like a Vespa that might be nice to water down do you see this there's so much water like is that one and that one and that one oh and then that green thing let's go get the green thing I got look at all these meat trees here huh tada with getting that fifth green thing I believe that the pillar of green with the Fox head or whatever should be good to go so let's go check that weld no let's get some water first since you know kill two birds with one stone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey hey I got water here man can you just cut whoa hey hey dude see I told you I told you the devil was here I wasn't making this [ __ ] up oh cool he knocked down well this is handy are you here to help me out here if I just keep juking you you'll just nut what you just knocked down trees for me this is [ __ ] great right there perfect perfect I didn't know you were gonna be so helpful even you have to do anything you were just like here I'll just knock down literally all the trees for you here one more please thank you can I just do this all day this is the bet oh god okay I take it back let's just get out of here this was more funny when I had extra health it's a little less funny now run run run run get in a circle ha ha so now we know that the circle is our safe place okay now that we've got that let's let's take our gun with us I'm making my way to the Fox pillar our eyes and ears need to be peeled for the forest devil what do we got what do we got we got gimme um all right eyes wide shut you've done great you know I'm not gonna complain it's a splash of color I like it you know it's not that I want the devil to come back but where'd they go oh you know yeah I said that [ __ ] and now here he is oh maybe he doesn't you see because the devil just went right on by right I wonder if the devil doesn't actually attack you unless the devil sees you and if you're not on its radar at all it doesn't come after you remember all that [ __ ] I said about how like yeah maybe the devil doesn't oh oh no no no no oh hey man hey hey right here right here right here downtown no no no no no he please hit one of these meat trees for me I could really use some of that thank you quick to the chalk bye gotta admit though that is a fantastic way to save your stamina so Graham what else we got here 25 a there might be a tomorrow thing until then we'll just chop down some of these trees I don't want to alarm anyone I'm pretty sure the forest devil is getting a little bit bigger and a little bolder I mean he probably saw my Sikh mask oh is he back oh he's totally back oh and he's not happy about any of this stuff is he go away dude I'm going to sleep now I survived another day all right we got two top priorities for the day on day six here we need to lure him back here so that we can have him help us harvest both wood and meat meat trees but until we can capture his attention and his heart we're just gonna go ahead and keep transporting water oh look at that look at that tiny little thing of water there here he comes here he comes here it comes easy easy there buddy don't don't shoot me yet shoot this shoot this oh come on dude you have better aim than that I know this okay perfect thank you look at this look how prosperous everything is when he's around I truly would not be able to survive if it weren't for this abomination chasing me around my cup runneth over I've just got so much stuff now if this were like a Wii game this dude flying around would be like my player too yeah yeah yeah now this one this one do me do me me next me next well look how the tides have turned since we have some water now I'm gonna go water that plant in the backyard hello there ah look at that now I have three hit points you know what I find kinda eerie about this it's like there's no there's no daytime and there's no nighttime like when you go to sleep is completely dependent upon if you're tired can you imagine if this is really what you had to do you know between hiding from the devil and chopping down meat trees oh oh he just nailed me immediately so here's we're gonna do we're gonna take our friend here and we're gonna farm no more playing with the devil cuz this is gonna get me killed oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't hit me don't hit me almost there almost to the house almost ha ha ho ho ho let's go to sleep I know we got a lot of energy and stuff but he needs to sleep I need my health back I don't want the devil to kill me look at that I can still hear him outside even while I'm sleeping all right day seven get your bucket let's go do this how about come on all right just hang out with me while I repair this okay okay okay okay you got to dodge him that's not gonna be a good dodge ooh okay let me keep on buildin this [ __ ] I need to get him out of here because I need to stand there to build the bridge and I can't do it when he's over here being like what are you up to by boom bridge built I'm ready to mingle with some other villagers now ah you'll do 130 stamina huh look look I was joking but there's another person hello wait no no I saw another person oh look right there at the right bit oh hi hi oh [ __ ] I just threw water on them I'm sorry what's this what is this you guys cool with me taking this all right you guys cool with me sleeping in your house suite check it out we got another house now no tooltips uh all right well we have to see what the gold bucket does oh okay oh it's a big boy and fill up oh that holds four what is that over to the right do you think let's go check it out what is all this okay we need 25 total wood this is my new plan we're heading east always just who I was hoping to see come with me I'm gonna need your help you see sir I want to conserve stamina so I'm just gonna use you we're gonna play a little game it's called you help me harvest all this wood and and then maybe we can be friends you think he likes the bucket you think he likes all the color I think we've exhausted things here so you can leave now thank you for your service so there's this other bridge over here to the left that I'm gonna I know I just made this huge declaration about always going to the right but you know since well guess we're not guess right actually because we don't have 25 wood but we will I think this games got a lot of cool things going for it I really do like the Bleak black and white world with the splash of color fill yeah there he is all right we're gonna need his help actually cuz we need more wood so hold please while he helps us farm I just now realized that as his face gets darker that's how you can tell he's about to fire I've been doing it all based on like just timing in memory and I realize you can just actually tell when he's shooting see his face watch his big old face now see how it's getting darker and darker and darker and darker and Fire ow okay this isn't funny anymore almost my house almost is almost sighs go away go No oh I'm just back in my house no you die you just lose some resources okay okay I thought that was like the end of the game and I was about to scream and cry where were we I said me and the devil had a grand old time harvesting the entire forest for a little while as you can see now we're at 134 wood so we're gonna we're gonna take a little nap here but then I think we've got some bridges we can build I didn't just survive I thrive so excited you just never know what you're gonna find yeah yeah take that 25 oh my god what do we got what do we got what do we got woo snowy land what is that what is that orange thing oh my god the orange thing keeps moving hi hi you son of a [ __ ] and here's my winter home ooh Oh The Devil's just hanging around outside doesn't like this does he I'll just take the gun I guess thank you sir for this hot new gun I've got oh it shoots three shots it's kind of hard to see especially in this snowy climate I can I talk just want to talk to you man let's go try out this gun hello okay felt kind of bad about that one but alright here we go here we go hi jeez yes it looks like there's nothing left to do on this biome besides collect a sweet new six-shooter so we're gonna go back where we were gotta say I like this game I like the pretty basic survival elements I like the day-to-day loop and I especially like that I can exploit the devil and get him to do work for me I'm always gonna carry the bucket because I feel like the hardest part is keeping myself with enough water yep go ahead and oh god sir I was doing things I don't have time to play right now he just leaves like you'll be sorry bridge done what do we got I saw a green thingamajig I think yeah look up up there there's a green thing with jiggin oh my god look at all that water green thingamajig my cup literally runneth over whoo uh oh [ __ ] let that deer hit me that was that was no bueno what do we do do we go we have one health so if something bad happens to us we lose some hi-hi okay but I've got to get us that green thing building a bridge gonna take a shortcut home you know we've been here before because all the trees are gone and more water for the well so check it out of our three weapons here we have upgraded colorful versions of two which means that act dad acts has to be right around the corner somewhere right for now we're gonna get some sleep I know that we're supposed to be doing this like raise our stamina but really what we need this for is for our health more than anything else well like the devil's waiting to play let's head up their field only 15 huh fancy seeing you here I'm gonna need your help for some wood action I'm running a little low I only have 48 Oh God that it alright hold on devil let's let's finish this up I need to go look at these story elements now oh wow that is just uncomfortable hello what's your story I don't like collecting the gun from here devil you're my best friend you're also legitimately the only creature around here I could consider living besides the deer so by default I guess besides mother nature itself you are my best friend Wow look at all these trees you just chopped down all these trees for me oh three at a time game is just a story of beautiful excess all right devil hang tight I got to see what this building is there's my axe yay now got my golden axe alright so it takes two hits okay do I get more wood from doing this the answer is no so as always I'm just gonna keep using my devil friend because it's still peak efficiency to have someone else do the work for you the extra does look cool though let's go over to the left one cuz I saw a bunch of meat/meat one come on bring it to me who have you suppose over to the left there huh let's keep going to that let's get our gun thank you sorry this is gonna hurt me more than her to you well she may be not considering I shot you so hard you just magically turned into meat but we've seen the skinned animal and then the pink person which maybe maybe neither one is skinned maybe it's just symbolic ah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is this what is this poor water grow heart I know what you're saying that you grow the thing in the MOU but that's that's a sword sir we're gonna come back with some water I'm not really sure what that means but my guys all tuckered out from a long day of killing oh it's you oh okay leave thank you oh that's right that's right I need to sleep alright alright alright I know I know he's tired but can you blame me there's a bridge to build right here if only all bridges could be built by having enough materials and then staring at them what do we got here first let's grab the green thing let's so let's check this out shall we it attacks us and we hold up the sword like link in the Legend of Zelda maybe we deflect it just like blinking Legend of Zelda but first we must slumber hello random bed in some random part of the world day 10 check it sapling right up here so let's water the sapling get us a heart and then we'll go figure out what to do about that sword what I'm speculating is the reason that note was near the sword is you need to find all the saplings perhaps water them get maximum hearts and then it'll let you pull up the sword think yeah there's a river right here oh it's you again huh Oh oh [ __ ] he's upgraded did you see that he could shoot two fireballs I don't know how to deal with this situation oh [ __ ] No Oh God Oh God this is not good Oh dodge dodge dodge dodge I didn't touch least that was a quick way to get my water back I guess look he's [ __ ] over here like haha but you didn't see that coming did you I wonder if he just normally upgrades at day ten like that or if it's because I've gotten too strong here we go now I got four hearts hopefully that'll help me survive the onslaught three fireballs what am I supposed to do about that I'm just one tiny guy wearing like a hard hat Fox mask thing have I been up here already there's a bridge up here they're a rave going on up here what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this I mean something tells me I haven't run into a giant ass key yet what the [ __ ] I guess I know where we're headed after we killed the devil guy if we kill the devil guy oh please please please please he died watch this watch this mmm thanks for knocking down the tree though yeah leave oh let's go over to there to the right I like how I'm in like imminent danger and I'm like oh my god oh my god and then I would he's gone I'm like whew xxx were back into the snowy climate of oh [ __ ] this game just keeps on going mmm well there is a house down there so let's go check it out standard bed oh Jesus Christ do you see that down there I mean we have to I don't want to but we have to oh wait a minute but I'm wearing one of these - I feel like the circle didn't work for these people they stayed in the circle and they're like we'll be safe and it didn't work out that way there he is I was kind of wondering where he was Oh check it out if he hits that stuff it melts perfect so melt that melt that shoot it shoot it shoot it okay don't shoot it shoot it shoot it shoot it yes no no no no no no don't shoot me though I'm your buddy god damn it that was not a touch that was not a dodge where the [ __ ] am i I'm way back over here okay here's our gonna try and do we're gonna go over to the sword and I'm gonna put water on it because what do we have to lose right mmm which you oh come on dude hey what do you think of this yeah here well that did great I'm holding to my original theory I need to have all five hearts for that to work we got to find that other sapling is the problem mm-hmm I thought we were friends bro so back in another place surrounded by tombstones oh I think I see something good I think I see something in the upper left corner over here hello what's up what what do you got yep there's that sapling here you go ah okay now that we found all the saplings I'm assuming all the saplings because that little what is it what do you want what you want anyway where was I I want to believe that because the little shaded box up there with the hearts looks like it's filled all the way I'm hoping that that means that we can come on dude dodge dodge dodge dodge okay now I'm afraid to sleep too much because I'm afraid that he's getting I don't know what's making him more powerful if it's the days that have gone by or just how savvy we're getting but let's go get that sword or at least try to oh my God look at it look at the sword the swords popped out the swords popped out hello sword oh my god oh yeah so here's a potential dilemma as you saw it I hey where are you you want to fight you want to fight about it oh you like that do ya huh huh oh you want to don't don't hit me this isn't oh oh I hit him I hit him where you going where you going Zhanna you didn't like being beaten up by this construction worker with the master sword here's the thing I'm wondering now that I found this am I gonna have to go all the way back there all ways to get it where can I pick up the sword at other places now cuz that's a real scary proposition if I have to go all the way back to that spot just to get this sword pretty sure we have to go all the way back there to get the sword again so I was gonna go to sleep but we're just not we're gonna ignore that part and I'll just take the penalty I'll take the resource penalty because I really don't want to walk all the way back there [ __ ] and we're gonna need him to melt this [ __ ] to him and his [ __ ] spread cannon we're just gonna keep soldiering on we're heading further into the snow because I'm pretty sure that's the only place we can really go right now look who's back yeah no oh oh what happened there what do you got what you got what do you got get out of here leap Oh bye survey the scene here oh [ __ ] well hello there hello did I just get like a level three thing about dig why are all the trees here on fire well looks like I came all this way to get that new battle axe so it looks like we're heading back his attacks are coming quicker and fiercer he is not a big he's not oh that's gonna do it in for me alright here we are back at that sent us all the way back to base camp here alright here's my current thought we need that sword so we can beat him up it's clear that beating him up only serves to make him run away but since we're running out of options here let's get the sword and then head to that big keyhole thing and there's the sword I hope my 115 stamina is enough nope here he comes see if we can't take him huh come on leave Leave come on man what's it gonna take I hit you so many times just now oh oh my god oh my god that's it I got him what happens now oh my back you know oh this is um this is very peaceful very peaceful let's go over here and see what we got oh I like that so we did our journey we we finished we completed our journey we stopped we stopped the thing that haunted us and we get to sleep for real at last I like that I think that is a solid nice ending unless it's not unless there's something else coming that was great that was great Lum I like what you did here Quinn thank you for playtesting that that was good and look at look at look at all these free resources he use that's pretty cool oh man so let me let me give some thoughts on this to me this was a perfectly contained a little survival game with elements that were interesting to deal with and had a nice sense of mystery and in a cool sense of discovery I liked that a lot no hey thank you for making it this was a great game to go into knowing nothing about except that it was a survival game in some aspects but it was great to go into that knowing only that and also thank you for having controller support the controller sport I think actually really helped the game play it felt like that kind of game where a gamepad is really nice for it I cannot believe this game is free soul um you did a great job if this game looked cool to you I highly recommend checking it out still couldn't figure out what to do about this big door over here but you know what maybe that's a mystery for another day so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh thank you so much for joining me and I will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,286,011
Rating: 4.9444203 out of 5
Keywords: the devil haunts me, the devil haunts me game, the devil haunts me ending, the devil haunts me game guide, the devil haunts me gameplay, devil haunts me game, devil haunts me gameplay, devil haunts me game guide, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, josh lgio, lgio josh, let's game it out josh, lets game it out josh, stellar indie action, indie action horror, action horror indie, games by lum, horror, devil
Id: tefUYCupvxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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