This is the most satisfying game ever

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[Applause] hello it's me i'm i'm the hero we're gonna clean today so yeah i can't believe we're doing this but we're gonna power wash a van in a game i've so much cleaning to do in real life and yet here i am why would i need to prone i'm confused what circumstances i would have to prone let me just get in underneath here imagine you came into your garage and the power washer was down on all fours combat crawling around the place just scoping out the joint oh she's sorry do how jesus christ okay got it power wash service wait is this my van oh god that's very shiny isn't it well in places look at how effective i don't know why i'm doing it indoors though the whole place would be flooded not to mention other issues what i'm confused with is i think the message said they just got this van how was it pre-branded with power washing services or did i let the van just pick the job it's like a one chooses the wizard situation van chooses the job what the hell was that okay that was i got a heart attack there that was a bit of a jump scare as satisfying as this is if i had to do this in real life i think i may as well be cleaning with my tears i would be so unhappy it would literally be the same water pressure with my tears it's just too dirty like i'm trying to clean it but there's just too much i'm also doing the very unusual strategy of just going ape like there's so much up the top that's gonna run down into the bits i've already cleaned can i oh my god that was a hell of a vertical leap all right let's get started here then i'm proning on the top of the van i was wrong proning is so useful all right other than a few minor footprints i think the roof is done i just realized over the bottom right there's like a stance thing and it looks like he's actually a sniper in the prone one i don't know what else i have to get it looks like the whole thing is sparkling other than the the black bits you know that's kind of everywhere i just i can't seem to get them off they're very stubborn is that working no it's not i just i can't get it off there we go did i get it i think i got it all right when do i get five stars i feel like i've earned five stars why do i get the feeling i'm gonna turn on the news after this and there's gonna be a drought warning oh is that it no really what else do i have to do oh the tires imagine all the muddy water and my guy is just proning through it all are we done yet it says 99 oh wait there's a to-do list okay how did i not notice that all right windows done grill grill is done doors at this store i've done all your doors i at this store maybe this door is going to be warped to [ __ ] i'm literally causing thousands of villages to run out of clean drinking water because i need to get this but i got it that took a long time i needed that last little spot of dirt i wasted a ton of water there's no way there's no way that was worth it i started jumping on it my muddy shoes look at that wow the time lapse there's like no rhyme or reason to the way i'm cleaning it it's just in uneven patches oh god that's great i love it clean the back garden 400. oh my god what have you been doing in it i hope you like a challenge because i'm pretty sure i've got the dirtiest backyard you've ever seen that's nothing to boast about calvin oh wait that's not me bragging by the way i had nothing to do with it i've just moved back to town okay good excuse calvin okay i made sure to get a hundred percent on the van because it's my van but this one i am definitely just phoning it because look at the state of this this is crazy what is this is this where you had your mud baths calvin i don't know what gave you the impression that i want to be friends with you but i'm just here to do a job stop texting me about your past love life is that the hoes or is that the birds screaming out in pain inside of there i'll water your plants while you're at it in fact i'll water them so much that they're going to be over watered and they're all going to die just for putting me through this that ought to do it okay well the house is owned by very small people look at this state of their car and make sure to flood the inside of it as well sorry my subconscious must have kicked in i didn't actually mean that at all it was just totally not a conscious thing that happened weird oh i like the sound of this i mean very selective with the things i clean i don't know what the selection process is maybe it's just stuff that looks or sounds nice sweet jesus what the hell is this why is it so high up and it just looks like a living room couch that they just chained up there i don't think i should be spraying this with water anyway i'm gonna start spraying it with water now oh that's satisfying the roof is very satisfying did i just jump up onto it i think i'm stuck all right fair enough sometimes you just need to not obey gravity if you want to get the job done right honestly getting down on my hands and knees underneath that sofa was not worth three dollars oh these people are so messy i don't want to do any more new job available oh my god i'm so keen to just abandon this one like why am i power washing your pond why not just [ __ ] fill the pond florian and i would climb up and down that rock garden all day pretending we were on a rumbling mountain rush list in the pond i do not give a [ __ ] calvin i have no idea how we explain the i do not care you're distracting me i'm cleaning my hands to go to my phone thinking it's important and you're just small talking with me for some reason i don't know you i'm just here to wash your pond there we go wow that is actually really clean that is kind of satisfying weirdly enough there we go the second stage is done i can't decide whether i love or hate this game because it's very monotonous but also it's really satisfying like i've got a lot done here but at the same time i've done nothing at all like i as i said at the start i have so much i need to be doing today but yet here i am cleaning a virtual garden doing a good job of it though there we go dog ball cleaned a dollar it doesn't really add up like i put so much effort into cleaning one thing and i get like a dollar fifty and one score tonight like that and i get a dollar i wonder what happens if i load in some cleaner because this is going so slowly like get some cleaning liquid multi-purpose buy i would load it in no cleaner attached why what are you on about just pour it in there the hell is this what have you got on it now what have you been doing like why why is everything in your garden destroyed hey doc bumped into the park warden he definitely needs your help why are you calling me doc like if i'm a doc i would describe this garden as terminal and just leave like i've been here for how long i must be legit cleaning this for like half an hour now and it looks much better but i'm still only 42 percent of the way and you know that's only gonna slow down because i'm taking away big chunks now but as we go i'll start to miss more and more and i'll be going back just cleaning little spots and whatnot but yet i can't stop i'm like addicted to getting this place clean all right i think i should get the turbo nozzle will that help and a soap nozzle maybe i'll buy that too so soap nozzle cleaning liquid and then we'll spray down this because it's just [ __ ] nasty and you're using it to cook i hope this stuff is flammable and when they go to light it up they'll all just burn to death that would be ideal after putting me through this you'd swear i wasn't allowed to leave like in reality i can leave any time i want but i'm just kind of addicted to cleaning the place i still hate them for it though the roof is the one area that's not dirty surprisingly the house is just the cleanest thing ever you couldn't eat off the table or the barbecue but you could eat off the roof all right you know what that's enough you you've gotten it clean enough considering how bad it was that is a good enough job for one day i leave i went back to clean a dirt bike 75 like how much is the garden paying me i've had 68 so far i've been working for like 40 minutes ah this is ridiculous like look at the amount i've cleaned already it's flying up as i speak the garden was the slowest progress ever plus i don't even have to move with this i'm just aiming i don't even have to walk around the other house must be pissed though like i only have completed the job i left without saying anything and i left the giant [ __ ] on their fence there we go job complete clean as an egg what is that a standard it's like clean as an egg i've never heard of that before job complete i got paid that was well worth it look at that i didn't even swear i like it's not really showing much because i started entirely from the other side there we go now we're getting going that's lovely continue level complete no i don't want to go back to the garden anything but the garden i don't want to go back i'll say the you quietly okay we're gonna need some soap here to speed this up because this is a disaster stone cleaner there we go buy that and let's equip it i don't know if this is actually going to help or not but i kind of have to do something because otherwise i'm going to lose my sanity oh wait does this just get rid of it on its own oh i thought that i'd have to still power wash it maybe i do i don't know but it seems to be doing a pretty good job of it out of stone cleaner well it doesn't appear so it's still coming out is this a glacier is it just not working anymore i don't it doesn't seem to be that effective so i don't know okay i'm using the low pressure one and it does seem to be taking care of business maybe not entirely i don't know it's just nice and wide when you use the low pressure one so i'd rather use this one oh no it's not getting it done at all all right fine let me go to the middle one a new job available oh maybe i should just leave there's a dirt problem at the local playground oh i don't know if i want to clean up after kids there's a reason that my guy stayed single and is just married to the job you know he loves his power washer some say a little too much but those were just allegations unfounded rumors that really shouldn't be circulated what a man does between him and his power washer should remain private he's not hurting anyone except himself and he likes that i'm building a lot of lore for my for my guy here could they not even give me a ladder so i don't have to be jumping up in the roof i honestly don't know whether i love or hate this game because it is very satisfying like i can't lie it is very satisfying to just clean off the stains and whatnot but at the same time i'm just mindlessly cleaning this virtual house oh that's lovely though look at that and i'm like i'm not doing anything productive i'm just here alone with my thoughts and that's the last place i want to be i gotta see now that i'm 69 clean funny internet number i gotta see what other people are saying the reviews overwhelmingly positive okay so i'm the only one who's on the fence everyone else has cleaned the fence and they loved it satisfaction incredibly satisfying like some of these people played for like 30 hours okay finally a negative review the least entertaining game i've ever had the displeasure of playing i have no idea why i thought this would be enjoyable the only thing that could be more boring would be paint drying simulator or maybe grass growing simulator if your brain is as smooth as glass you might find some remote feeling of enjoyment from this game jesus the shade and i am getting some sort of enjoyment from it but i guess my brain admittedly probably is as smooth as glass i wonder could my glassy smooth brain use a power washing all of my friends think i've generally lost my mind for playing power wash simulator but jokes on them i can't hear them of my scary argue with that power all right well that answered that uh it seems to be more positive than anything that i've ever seen on steam i thought it would be very mixed but other than that like one guy who seemed really hateful towards power washers everyone else loved it so what you're saying is other people haven't written swear words all over the npc's house shed clean yes okay shed is done the barbecue's done the pond's done the car is done the sofa's done lawnmower's done the last bit i need to do is that fence which is staying till the end and this old patio which i got kinda have when i got fed up and stopped jesus this thing would rip a hole through this umbrella it seems like the wrong nozzle let me try something a bit lighter there we go that's more like it the only conclusion i can come to is there was some sort of volcanic activity and the ash just came down across this house specifically nowhere else because i don't understand how it's this messy you know what'd be a great feature in this actually like if you left the soap soak like i came up and did the patio first and then just let the soul soak into it and then came back into that last and it would come off like nothing because the soap would just do it such a thorough job and the other feature i want is to be able to kill yourself i know the narrowest nozzle you can get on the gun just put it right on and just spray yourself in the face calvin stop with the small talk i swear to god i have no interest you're just another customer to me i like how he's talking about his girls going out there it's like don't send them out yet i still have the swear words up i've not censored the garden yet how do i write a sensor you know if i want to make a noise like this how do i how do i write that like to be honest i think my guy's being a bit of a perfectionist there's just little bits of dirt and he's using his batman vision here to trace them all down like does it really matter that much the place was an absolute state i'm sure he can finish off the little bits himself i had no intention whatsoever of doing this whole garden but yet here we are and i've nearly even done it what have i done with my day i like how in the game there's absolutely no chord but in reality if they look out the window he's gonna be so tangled up it'll look like an anaconda has got a hold of him i've just been spinning around randomly in certain directions okay i think it's time to buy a bit more cleaner to get this finished off all right let's get that stone cleaner down oh oh that did it oh that's lovely it is cleaning it to be fair okay this is definitely the fast track to success it's also an expensive track to success but it does work look at that patio clean 40 bucks like the two packets of stone cleaner cost me 20. so i don't know is that worth it or not but it's done now may as well use out the rest of it and i'm out of stone cleaner okay i think i can do the rest with my good old prime vista 1500 turbo nozzle i'm so depressed that i actually know the name of that all right well that's all done the last job to do is the [ __ ] fence my eyes are starting to water i think i'm getting like virtual allergies for me in the virtual garden oh what a dystopian future i gotta say the time lapse for this is gonna be so satisfying especially the swear words just watching that up on the fence my true feelings out on display as the rest gets power washed it would make a hell of a youtube video well i guess that's what we're doing so i hope you're enjoying the youtube video okay the fence is done what else is there to do i thought i was done where's the dirt see some dirt here on the table but does that really matter okay the parasol stand is clean what else is there there's got to be something else in the garden i'm missing oh i got i got a bit here okay that's something jesus they're picky i just want you to know calvin i'm not doing this for you i'm doing this for me oh i didn't do the toy car seat why is it separate from the toy car for god's sake okay here's another bit i didn't do well i did kind of do it i did a half-assed job of it this is when i started and i could have never envisioned me finishing the whole garden but yet here we are okay lawn edging cleared are these other parts too swing sofa chains cleaned come on just give me a list of what's left you're being cruel at this point the roof is cleaned okay window maybe window little bit of dirt there oh oh bit of a fence there you would never even see this oh that one specific stepping stone or two of them three of them oh yeah i gotta prone under there and get under those blocks you couldn't go away with that dirty jesus you'd be the laughingstock of the power washing world don't want your mud dirty better clean up your mud well there's a few rocks here surely that's not a thing is it it was a thing a pond liner fixing okay we're at 99 what is left what let me guess the lawnmower engine yes for fake sake oh what are you hiding from me oh yes the gas bottle how could i forget to clean the gas supply my mistake i'm such a novice everything in the garden seems done there must be something up here this is becoming a mystery game at this point oh oh strip here let's get that that's done oh a bit more under there that's done geez i'm gonna get so much business after this like i am not leaving any stone unturned honestly the house is gonna look like something out of the truman show or something it it doesn't look real there's not any speck of dirt anywhere oh i noticed a little bit down here i gotta get that off there's a bit in there you see that gotta get that for god's sake like oh there's a bit of dirt there i think aha under here of course all right yes we got the list dog house roof garden table fence post how is the table not done and honestly this roof looks pretty done too oh there's a little speck of dirt there i have never done such a thorough job in anything in my life like just in general i've never done this good of a job in anything where's the dirt on the table garden table oh for god's sake is that it no there's more oh for effects sake i gotta do underneath this is just layers and layers of gum right that's done and now fence posts but which ones oh we got that one there we go oh we did it i'd like to thank my parents oh jesus that was that was something else the yard looks fantastic there are a couple of budding mountaineers already clamoring over that rock garden i intend to join them this what are you claiming this oh what a job well done do i get a time lapse i do nice swear word up there four hundred dollars not worth it at all but let's continue oh my god look how big that playground is and the bungalow jesus that's even worse this is calvin's as well this is this folks house for god's sake it's genetic they have such a shoes when i mention you to my her eyes lit up pops moaned and said the browner the porch the warmer the torch which clearly means nothing so he's overruled and what's the playground then okay it's not calvin at least finally someone who is realistic i've got a frankly ridiculous situation on my hands oh wait no hold on he's saying that the children have been coming down with a curious and unsightly form of dermatitis and a few fretful folk have been putting it down to the condition of the recreational facilities it's all nonsense of course but if we could just humor them and give them the whole look like look at this look at this you don't think this is a reason for concern let me go look at where kids are playing these days sweet jesus look at this is that caked on like mold or something what is that this is ridiculous you know what kids just don't use the pack stay on your phones yeah he's using the slide this is the only fun he's ever had there we go the slide's clean i've done my part and now it just looks like someone really teenage you just went for a base on the slide it's just a streak of water going down there we go i installed new toys for the children all right that's my community service done honestly calvin has disappointed me so much i just hate humanity now so i've decided to leave the planet and go to mars i'm gonna do all my power washing on mars now cleaning the mars rover oh i wonder how much i'll get paid for this judging off the previous jobs probably like a buck fifty imagine them back at nasa looking at the camera feeds like we found life on mars he appears to be power washing the mars rover and is now cowering behind a hill i mean rightly so you'd be afraid of human viruses right especially when they live like [ __ ] calvin but i think we will leave it there i hope you enjoyed this video it's a strange one i do admit it but i hope you enjoyed if you love cleaning be sure to subscribe because we do tons of cleaning content all the time trust me don't look into it though thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 519,519
Rating: 4.9731603 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, power wash, powerwash, power wash simulator, powerwash simulator, simulator, sim, sims, callmekevin power wash, oddly satisfying, most satisfying
Id: WurxF10IWkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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