The Pressure of Being Gifted | Pastor Keion Henderson

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Holly would you not say that we just finished one of the most epic sermon series in the history of elevation church epic bars and battles be honest you didn't know what bars were until I told you it's it's your story everybody and some of you you better not judge her cuz you didn't either but now we do what an amazing seven weeks we had studying the life of David through the lens of the Psalms I pray that your heart is full your faith is refreshed and this weekend I didn't know what else to do but to bring you one of the greatest preachers in the nation today to preach you into oblivion this guy pastor Qian Henderson is the man yeah he's tall he's handsome he sings he makes me insecure but he's really nice and he's the pastor of the Lighthouse Church in Houston Texas you may remember over the last three weeks we were able to give $200,000 to many of our outreach partners in response to hurricanes Irma and Harvey well pastor Qian Church was one of the churches that we were privileged to partner with bringing relief to the city of Houston and he's here with us today and I'm so grateful now I told pastor Qian and his wife Felicia that they would never be in a better preaching environment with more hungry people who would be on the edge of their seat leaned in and for the Word of God then you would be today so at every location get on your feet right now and begin to make unprecedented decibels of noise for my friend a great man of God the pastor of the Lighthouse Church in Houston Texas pastor Keyon Henderson [Music] first time [Music] some church [Music] listen before you sit down I just want to thank God for one of the greatest men I've ever met in my life and he makes me feel like Nicodemus in the book of John chapter 3 when he says to Jesus can I just crawl back in my mother's womb and try this thing over pastor Steve is just a phenomenal guy come on put your hands together praise God for help you [Music] what pastor Steve and Holly have done and I think I think priceless Steve he'll be 16 this year is that right 16 is it he's done so phenomenal into all the campuses over I think it's like 17 I got some of them memorized that no one is in Concord tell me where the rest are New Zealand Canada Toronto I know is one there I think I think you guys are going to even put a church in hell there's that about right get everybody saved out there yeah yeah so all of the campuses there Lake Norman that wherever you guys are we bring you and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ and Raleigh and Roanoke and all of the different places we all have is just so phenomenal to see all of you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord you know I I'm so I'm just so I guess I want to do I want to use a big word our regular word I'm just shocked at what you guys have been able to do it's just it's just an enormous enormous task to be one of the greatest churches in the world and to have one of the greatest pastors in the world and this church is extremely gifted would you would you agree with that extremely gifted the way the way you guys we've been here early and the soundcheck and all of that kind of stuff is just amazing what you guys do to prepare for every worship service but let me tell you with being gifted comes pressure comes pressure and and you know pastor Steve is like a rock star you know he plays a guitar and he dresses well and he's strong and he's got confidence and he'll fight anybody did you know that did you know that I know he's saved and he loves the Lord but he's tough and and he's everything and and yet many of you in this room would never know how much pressure it is to be him that that sometimes you'll look at a person from the outside and you'll wish that you had what they had and you you'd wish that you were where they were but let me tell you the easiest part of being gifted is being gifted the hardest part is in the company of people who don't have what you have and it's gonna be it's gonna be difficult for you because I believe that this is what God does I believe this with my whole heart I believe that God introduces you to people who look like you will eventually look that's the only purpose he has for bringing people in our lives yes you see you I haven't met everybody you've met and you haven't met everybody I've met because all of the people that we've met God's gonna use to shape our life and every time you're in the presence of a great person God has given you a snapshot of what you're gonna look like so every time pastor Steve sent us here or Holly stands here or whomever stands in this place and you admire them and you're looking at them you know what God is basically saying is listen I'm showing you what you're gonna look like and let me tell you how many buddy have anybody has a dream anybody have a dream in here today let me tell you a dream is nothing more than a thought asking for permission to live so whenever you have a dream that's something that God put in your head and it is actually asking for permission to live now everybody in this room is gifted Paul even says to every one of us there's given a measure of grace every person in here has a gift and you may not have the gift I have and I may not have the gift that you have but we all have gifts and the greatest thing about life and relationships is that we don't all need the same gifts I say this to our staff all the time if I can do what you can do and you can do what I can do then one of us is irrelevant you don't want everybody in your life to be able to do the same thing you don't want everybody your life to have the same talents you don't want everybody your life to have the same income bracket you need some people who are behind you and you need some people in front of you because you need people pushing you and you need people pulling you so so the Bible lets us know - every man has given a measure of grace and every person in this place has a gift today but I want to let you know that being gifted is not easy being gifted it's not easy there's one of the most difficult things you'll ever do and I want to take you to a story right in the Bible if you have your Bibles it's in the book of Genesis chapter 25 and we're gonna start our commenced our discussion right around verse 20 21 if you want to twenty-two twenty-three it's a it's a whole story but the Bible was talking about this guy named Isaac anybody ever heard of Isaac Isaac is this young guy who was born to an old mother now I know if there's any women in here if I know you glad your name is not Sarah because you would have to have a baby at 90 now how many women so it was difficult at 25 it was difficult when t five can you imagine holding a baby in your stomach with 90 year old hips because you imagined it I mean could you imagine when he was born he would his mother and father was already too old to pick him up you know when he was born he had to learn how to walk him and his father were at the same stage his daddy's stopped walking and he was started they were just looking at each other his hand was just a little looser because he was a baby and his dad his head was loose because he was old and everybody was looking at each other and saying you look like me I had hair but I don't and the baby was looking at daddy's head I don't have either but I will and they just looking at something they look like each other and they're sitting there and you got one two older walking one two young the wall and and you've got you got this baby in his father who who got the discussion and and you understand that when when Isaac is born to his father he goes on and produces with his wife Rebekah and they have two sons one name is Jacob and the other is Esau how many of you ever heard that story and and it's a story about two twins who were in their mother's womb and let me tell you Jacob and Esau were the mary-kate and Ashley Olsen of their day they were the kids that grew up in the spotlight you know it's hard to grow up in the spotlight you see those of you all who will be famous one day and who will be wealthy one day and and who will go on to do great things one day you should be grateful that at this present stage in your life that nobody knows you because you're typically dumb early right anybody want to be honest some of the craziest things you've ever done in your life you did it in high school and you did it in college and the hardest part about being gifted is that people find out about the gift early and so now they have a a label on you that that because you are gifted that you should be perfect but let me tell you something and don't you ever forget this God does not call qualified people don't you ever forget this God never calls qualified people he simply qualifies those whom he calls so if you think you have to be good for God to use you if you think you have to be perfect for God to use you if you think you need to already be at the upper echelon of life in order for God to use you let me just bust your bubble and grip that ceiling over your life now God is looking for crazy deranged mixed-up confuse people so that he can put his hand on you and the Rick can I step down here like pastor Steve does the reason why he wants to put his hand on you is he doesn't want anybody else to touch you so that when you finally become great nobody else has fingerprints on you so when God does the forensics of your life nobody will be able to say if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be there God he will leave you all alone so you have one testimony if it had not been for God in my life I would give your little high-five to say I'm not perfect but I am gifted sometimes I have bad thoughts but I am gifted sometimes I say the wrong things but I am gifted sometimes I don't come to church every Sunday but I'm gifted somebody give God praise in this place in fact the earlier you find out your gifts the more difficult it is he was you know you go you go to school and you go to college and everybody's trying to help you find your purpose let's see the problem with finding your purpose early is you never get to make mistakes it is she said that's the word right there it absolutely is you find out your purpose early and sound was preaching at 14 so you know having this much swag at 14 that's not you understand I'm saying does she I mean I was just cool when I was born well I was born I gave my mama high five we I was cool when I got here and heaven I was preaching at 14 years old so here I am in high school 14 years old the most swagged out kid in school I don't understand why you all Alaska this is like a true story like has so much swag I was a I was a basketball player starting starting shooting guard and but I'm a preacher so so when you have this little swag ladies like you I can't help that I mean I'm 6 4 I'm I'm about right now I'm about 210 pounds but then I was about a hundred soaking wet with rocks in my pocket with weighted shoes on and so here I am a basketball player and a preacher so every time I try to talk to a girl this is what she say ain't you a preacher huh now she's gonna expect me to be holy and I'm not so earlier you find out your gifts are more difficult it is see that's why you got to thank God for your journey that's why you got to thank God that sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down and sometimes you're in it sometimes you're out sometimes you know where you're going and sometimes you confuse because all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose somebody said God send it all to the God send it all to every Valley has a purpose every mansard has a purpose every struggle has a purpose every pain has a purpose every friend has a purpose and every hater has a purpose and God I saw you say everything in your life to get you where he wants you to be and I know I'm talking to several of you today because I can look in your face and tell you were marks since you were born you were born to be great and everything in your life is trying to impede that progress you were born to be phenomenal and you continue to me have you ever met people and and gave them good news and saying this is what God is getting ready to do for me and they trying to beat you too well let me tell you what God is doing this is not your moment I'm trying to tell you what God is doing in my life and you're trying to one-up me by telling me if you want to start a good moment about God initiate your conversation tomorrow today is my good moment but see the problem with being gifted is that gifted people often choose people to befriend who are not gifted because you think it's your job to save everybody and you feel sorry for people and you end up spending you're gifted life with people who have no gift and now you are exhausted because you're trying to lift everybody up and you're trying to encourage everybody you're trying to get everybody to the Lord you're trying to get everybody in curtain now after you've encouraged them what do you have left for yourself because the fallacy of the gifted is were always given our gift away and if I could label this sermon and call it anything I would call it the pressure of being gifted that you walk around all day despondent and confused because how many of you know what it feels like to give everything you have to somebody and they don't give it back to you in return it's like Paul when he went down to fix that fire and the Bible says that his hand was bitten by a snake have you ever been bitten trying to help somebody he goes down in and he bites it but let me tell you the venom does not enter into his his veins because let me tell you God has a protection over people who have enough heart and enough sincerity to be there for people who don't deserve it and to be there for people who don't need it Paul survives the snake bite and I tell you that anything that bites you because you are known to the gifted you are survivor give everybody a high five you can reach a say I'm a survivor [Applause] gifted people make mistakes Thomas Edison he tried 10,000 times to get the lightbulb correct 10,000 times 10,000 times it takes a while everybody said it takes a while you know when I first moved to Houston I'm from Gary Indiana I'm from a small town I'm from Gary anybody else will Gary cuz I you thought oh you've been there oh yeah what what part of Indiana Indianapolis about two hours away from where I'm where I'm born and raised and and I grew up in Gary Indiana nada the the unemployment rate in Gary Indiana was 40% when I was growing up the average age on the street Ellsworth place where I grew up the average age of a young african-american man was 21 that means I should have been dead 14 years ago my first friend was killed when I was in the sixth grade shot in the head right on the street that I grew up on I saw drugs growing up I saw I saw all kinds of things growing up and and and I don't know how I made it out of I was born to a mother who who had four children and raised us in a 600 square foot bedroom 600 square foot apartment two bedrooms my sisters all three of us all four of us I should say three sisters and myself shared one bedroom we had one bed on the floor another bunk bed here and then another bed nailed to the top of the wall in my my oldest sister slept in there is about six inches between her and the sill and so she had to roll out of bed because she couldn't sit up and we have one dresser drawer in the corner and and since it was three dressers and it was all girls my sister my older sister had the top one my middle sister half the middle and my younger sister had the other one and my clothes the ones that I had were on the floor and and my sister and I since we was so close in age I'm Keyon she's Kiana and and I'm 36 and she's 34 we shared the same clothes we shared the same bath water she took a bath in the water and then I would come in and and yes we did share the same clothes but I did not dress like a girl so get that out of your mind right now she dressed like a boy I saw you thinking that I have to get you together right here in the name of Jesus matter of fact let me give you a t-shirt for thinking like that and all of that all of all of all of what God has done in our life right now in and all of the members that we have in and the businesses that my wife in our own and and everything that that we've been able to accomplish and and the 30 acres that we have and and this company that we started and all of that and all of our children all of that was in that 600 square foot bedroom apartment all of that because let me tell you something it does not matter how you start the only thing matters is how you finish and I prophesy to speak to somebody in this place today that you are no longer going to judge what God is getting ready to do in your life because of where you are right now God is getting ready to do a new thing in your life and get ready to take you to the next level as a matter of fact I want you to look down your row and just tell everybody to see get ready get ready get ready tell them get ready because when I get here next Sunday I'm not even going to be the same person I am today you better get ready and listen let me tell you something you never water yourself down because people cannot handle you at a hundred proof you say what you want to say you become what you want to become and I tell you today I have not seen and ears it's not even yet appeared what God is gonna do with your life but never forget this you are born looking like your daddy but you will die looking like your decisions and if you could just mix some different decisions you will look like what you chose somebody shot I'm about to make different choices I'm about to stop speaking negative to myself I'm gonna stop letting negative people speak to me as a matter of fact the next time somebody negative comes up to you tell them these words leave me alone I don't have energy or space in my head for you to tell me what I'm not gonna do I already know what I can't do I'm trying to figure out what I can do and I need to get around people who can see in me what I cannot see it myself [Applause] it's difficult being gifted the difficulties of being gifted it is so hard it is so hard is not easy everybody wants the gift but here's the problem with a gift you have to learn how to open it I remember one time pastor Steve bought me a gift and he got me a gift and you know pastor Steve is a Class A guy he's ahe's he's phenomenal see if I had purchased you a gift you ripped the paper off pastor Steve bought me a gift the paper was so good I couldn't rip it I wasn't used to that nobody had ever gotten a gift like that and I went to rip the paper and and it wouldn't rip and then I said okay well let me just slide it off because nice gifts have to be open carefully stop surrounding yourself with people who handle you any kind of way we're just trying to rip into you and trying to find what's inside of you touch somebody and say just handle me with care just handle me catch yes because I've got a I've got a gift inside of me and it just can't be handled by anybody any kind of weight you know the Bible says that the reject the rejected stone eventually became the chief Cornerstone you see to every person in here that has been rejected the only reason why they rejected you is because they didn't know where you fit but let me tell you something how many of you how many of you all have ever driven past a nice car dealership and said I wonder one day I want one of those you didn't get it but you you even went up there and you stopped it you sat in it acting like you could afford it my the only one I have gone to the dealership and sat in it and and after like I could afford it and the people will come over and say may I help you I'll say no I'm not ready you know that's I that's how you treated me you know when you can't afford it but you just like be gone and leave me to leave me I'm not ready so I will go and sit down on the car and I would look at it and I knew I couldn't afford it but they didn't know it doesn't have to act like you can come on yes sir you got to act like you can it and solve it I was sitting there and and with the hopes and the dreams that one day I will be able to own what it is that I saw but I understood that there is a time and so I had to leave and I didn't get the car I had to go I wanted it I rejected the car watch this people every day reject things they cannot afford when they rejected you it didn't mean that you were valueless it meant that they recognized they could not afford you so they left you and you misinterpreted their exit answer that mission that you were worthless but it was actually an admission on that part that you were priceless you got to change the way you see yourself because if you don't change the way you see yourself you have to teach people how to treat you this woman Rebecca she's pregnant with twins she's got two babies inside her she's been asking God for a baby for 20 years and I just I tell you this if it takes 20 years I was just stop asking I'm from Gary Indiana I remember I moved to Houston Texas and my wife Felicia who's sitting over there waving honey so they can see you my wife was sitting over there that's been my girl for 10 years and I moved to Houston now she's from Houston I'm from Gary when we say down the street in Gary we really mean like over there you know right right over there with that lady in the white shirt is that's down the street but but Houston is so big it's so big if you've never been to Houston you can drive 70 miles per hour on the freeway for 70 miles and still be in the city okay when the hurricane that just came that you guys helped us to help so many people and we failed over 10,000 people over the last 30 days and we've given away over $200,000 in clothes and toiletries and all of those kinds of things thanks to you and and pastor Steve and other people helping us like that but when I first got to Houston I got on the freeway and and and I was looking for see we have inside of the city we have these ez tax and you really you're on the tollway in the city and so my wife was telling me that you can get this easy tag because when I first moved there I didn't know so I drove through all of the tolls and then one day I got a bill in the mail for $500 and I said the devil is a liar I'm not paying this that I didn't know that you had to pay to be on the street where I come from the streets of free their raggedy but least they're free give me free raggedy streets overpaid paved streets and she says the easytek place is right around the corner you go get this decal and it'll bill you automatically on the credit card so I drove 15 minutes and and I wasn't there and I drove 20 minutes miss Danielle and I wasn't there and I drove I drove 40 minutes and I called my wife on the phone I said woman you told me that it was around the corner I have been driving for 40 minutes she says where are you I told her I was at a certain Street and a certain intersection and she's sitting here her words out of her mouth she says oh you're five minutes away I was getting ready to make a u-turn and go back home and then that is when God taught me a lesson then you quit about two exits from where you're about to get off and I'm gonna tell everybody in here keep on going keep driving I know it's taking a long time and I know that it has been frustrating and painstaking but would you help me encourage somebody say keep going brother keep going sister you're almost dead God is about to do something great in your life it's difficult being gifted it's difficult she's got two twins in her Jacob and Esau excuse me that's a whole nother story that's a whole another story she's got two sons in her and and and watch this they're fighting they're fighting one of them one of them is going to to serve the other they're gonna serve the other and Jacob is the greatest one he's the greatest one because but he's the youngest one he's the greatest but he's the younger the Bible says that that that the older one is gonna serve the younger one now that doesn't make sense are you guys sisters many chance do I have anybody here two sisters one older one younger who's in charge who's the oldest you see how that goes see you tell her what to do right you've always told her what to do because the younger serves the older but in this story Jacob becomes the one that served Esau's the oldest but he is serving him that doesn't make sense let's see when you're gifted God breaks protocol when your gift of God changes the order let me give you the definition of favor when God wrecks the rules to bless you that's what favor is favor is when God upsets the protocol and does for you what he doesn't do for anybody else and you can't explain it all you can do is say I'm gifted oh I woke up like this I was born to be great I can't help it I didn't ask for it I didn't petition for it I didn't politic for I just woke up great and and and and and and and the devil is trying to make sure you never realize it but you are in spite of what it feels like and I know it's difficult but but but what's this Jacob is the promised son well if you go back and read a story prior you start to see that this guy is going through in his house what his father went through in his house because his father was also married to a barren woman Wow her name was Sarah and she prayed with her husband for baby and they didn't have one until they were almost 100 years old but Abraham doesn't do what Isaac does when Abraham wants a child he goes and sleeps with the handmaid Hagar and has a baby and named Stan Ishmael Ishmael Ishmael if you go to the Middle East right now all of the wars that are going on over there in the Gaza Strip and all of the upheaval that's happening between Israel and Isaac today that's why some Muslims against other Muslims in and that's why some people are against other people because because both of them believe that they are going to be the progenitor of the promise and so they are fighting for position the fight started in Rebecca and now it is taking place in the world and they are fighting and they're jostling it and and now now our country has to figure out whose side we're on and where does the capital city belong and it's Jerusalem supposed to be here or is it supposed to be there all because Abraham couldn't wait and let me tell you whenever you become impatient your impatience will give birth to the thing that will fight your promise Ishmael is fighting Isaac Isaac is the promise but his impatience caused his promise a problem I know you want it right now but don't get in front of God I know you want to succeed right now but don't get ahead of God because whenever you get ahead of God you give birth to the thing that's gonna fight your premise she's got a fight inside of her her two sons are inside of her and and she's feeling insecure but but but she's not the only woman who's ever been barren you do know Samuels mother was barren Joseph's mother was barren Samson's mother was with John the Baptist his mother was barren and all of the boys that they had became great men because let me tell you for every person in here who feels barren the longer the wait the bigger the gift the longer the wait the bigger the gift Isaac Crane said God I want you to bless my wife I want you to bless my wife in wanted to have a baby God says alright I'll do it but there's gonna be a dilemma there's gonna be the limit it's not gonna be easy it's not gonna be easy they're gonna struggle inside of you and they're gonna fight inside of you and and let me tell you every person in here right now if you're gifted there's a fight inside of you sometimes you feel good and sometimes you feel insecure any amount as this honest today sometimes you feel like you can conquer the world and sometimes you feel like the world is conquering you sometimes you feel like your real friends are your friends and then sometime you have to look at them and say I don't know and it's not always because they did something to you does just that insecurity will rise up and make you question everything that everybody has ever said and everything that everybody has promised and then when you look back over your life and think about how bad you've been hurt and how many people have lied to you and how many people didn't keep promises then you start making people who you just met write checks for people you got rid of and you've become frustrated and you become angry and and anxiety begins to sit in and and and you become frustrated but let me tell you something I want you to write this down gifts are often accompanied by discomforts so that the gift that doesn't rest in the gift and neglect the giver I'm going to say it again so I want you to write it down this will change your life if you use it gifts are often accompanied by discomfort so that the gift it does not rest in the gift and neglect the giver sometimes God will give you a gift and also give you a problem so that you won't think that you got the gift without him watch this Israel who is not the promised son has children and here Isaac is who is the promised son and he has no children the son who was born illegitimate has all kinds of children's the Sun that they waited on for 90 years has no children let me show you how God will test you some guy sometimes God will test you by making sure you fail at the same time your enemy succeeds some of you all drove here today you drove past people washing their cars at home today you drove past people cutting their grass today you drove past people you know people in your neighborhood they never go to church they don't do that God thing they don't go to that church they're not gonna give the church all of their money they don't have time to listen to a preacher they don't have time for God and and here you are you're here every Sunday and every Saturday and here you are in this place every weekend giving God all the glory and praise and you're looking at people who never give them any honor and praise so sometimes it seems like their life is going good and their children are on the honor roll and their children are gifted and talented and and your children are are still in the car keys and hopping out of the window and you brought them to the church that Pastor Steve if you don't pray for these shores I'm gonna leave them at church you said this church is on fire and so the law is if you take them to the fire station you can leave them here you are gifted a prayer warrior you live your life right your honourable your upstanding sometimes life is falling apart for you and somebody who doesn't even worship God seems like their life is going well but God is testing you because what they have is fleeting it will disappear it will not last and never forget this only what you do for Christ will last [Music] only what you do surprise will last she's battling let me tell every gifted person in here as I wrap this up you're gonna always have two battles either gonna fight or you gonna be empty those are the only two things that gifted people can be either gonna have battles or barrenness and the moment you're filled you're gonna have a fight because the devil is gonna try to take everything he gave you you know what the Bible says he comes to kill steal and destroy the law of superposition excels that the latter is stronger than the first kill still destroyed so superposition says that the last is stronger which means destruction is greater than death so what the devil will do he won't kill you he'll leave your life so you'll kill yourself he'll leave you alive long enough to depress yourself into oblivion he'll leave you alive long enough to talk yourself into a depression he'll leave you alive long enough like the young lady said on the string to write a letter and lead to your family and say I'm leaving because there was nothing else worth living for but I've got a word for somebody in here today that there was a declaration from God and he told me to tell you that he is getting ready to lift you up to another dimension as a matter of fact I hear God's saying for this church this is the year of elevation who am I talking to in this place I don't know who it is but you're getting ready to go to another level eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and neither has an incident to their hearts of men the good things that God is about to do for you as a matter of fact if you are not nailed to the ground I want you to stand to your feet in this church today and begin to give God a praise in this place open up your mouth and let God know that I am done fighting with you I have done arguing with the devil I'm done trying to convince people that are nice I'm just gonna walk into my divine calling I'm gonna walk it to new dimensions I'm not going to worry about my weight I'm not gonna worry about my shed I'm not going to worry about my skin color I'm not gonna worry about where I was born I'm not gonna worry about where I am I'm just gonna walk to my destiny and if I had somebody in here that will look at somebody say I'm not gonna leave you behind when I go you know we're gonna take you with me [Music] somebody give God praise in this place [Music] I refuse to be depressed Samia I refuse to have my head hung down I refuse to be angry I refuse to be upset I refuse to let my past tell my future what I'm going to do let me tell you something out your past it hurts you when you decide to leave it come here young lady if you don't mind are you afraid to somebody who's not afraid to come up with you come this this listen I want you to stand here with me she represents my past as long as I'm with her it'll never hunt me the moment I walk away from her follow me see this is what your past us see as long as you stand shoulder to shoulder with your pastor to pretend like you're friends as long as you stand shoulder to shoulder with your pastor to act like you're covenant brothers and sisters but but when you decide to walk away from it I want you to stay here here's how you get away from your past you got to go to another level thank you y'all give her a hand thank you so much listen on every on every mountain there is a snake line let me tell you what that means yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they come for me Isis he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies that word table is actually Mesa because the flat part of a Mesa a mountain is Mesa the Spanish word for table is Mesa he prepares the table he he actually prepared the flat part of the mountain and so since sheep will eat anything the Shepherd went ahead of them and picked all of the poisonous flowers out of the table that's what that's what David met when he said he prepared the table he went and and and got rid of all of the stuff because the Sheep would have ate anything so God took all of the poisonous things and only left the good things and you know snakes snakes like to climb mountains but there was a certain point at every mountain called the snake lines and that snake line is this that snakes can only survive in certain environments the snake line means that once the snake gets to a certain level it turns around because the air is too thin whatever you have snakes in your life is because you're living too low as long as those snakes keep fighting I will still just keep climbing until you get to a level where the smackwall time [Music] go back where it came from somebody sound elevation now listen Sarah [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 838,522
Rating: 4.9150872 out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Church, Pastor, Keion Henderson, LightHouse Church, Favor, How to be patient, How to wait, Blessing, Gifts, Pressure, Dilemma, Discomfort, Challenge, Letting go of your past, Destiny, Calling, Purpose, Test, Climb, Snake line, Change your altitude, Impatience
Id: TzQDwrHcPH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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