Worst Things Students Have Done To Teachers (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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reddit what's the worst thing a class or student has done tell teacher female teacher had a number of miscarriage s student body nicknamed her missus carriage I was present when a kid called her this name in a duck you sort of way you could see her heartbreak right then and there she ran out of the room crying uncontrollably even sadder she fell a few years later while on school property hit the back of her head and died god Bless You mrs. when I remember that a colleague of mine had a class in it was one kid who had already gotten himself in trouble stealing police at his house you name it this kid got ahold of her number called it not anonymously stupid for him and her five-year-old daughter answered he started saying how he would heal her and had mother throw her off the stairs et Cie kid got arrested expelled Andy's as I hear it doing time for this and the robbery that happened shortly after when I was a kid we had someone do that at our house it was like 2:00 a.m. and this kid called our home phone my dad answered and this kid on the other line told him I know where you live and I'm gonna come he'll you my dad responded back with no I know who this is and I'm getting up and I'm on my way to heal you the kid gasps and then hung up the phone not my story but happened to my dad's teacher when my dad was in middle school he had a teacher who survived a Nazi concentration camp who I guess due to malnourishment lost his balance ability terminology and had to either walk super closed her wall so as not to fall the kids and the school used to mock him a lot since it looked silly that is until the teacher broke down and told the class about why he walked like he did maybe not the worst of stories compared but she T behaviors nonetheless one teacher at my high school was broken I don't know how it happened but she was a constant joke kids would see how far they could push her they would yell at her in her office after the semester was over to get better grades and she would relent to do it people would write tests with the textbook just open on their desk and tell her to duck off if she told them to put it away and she would one time a kid roles in the TV on a cart usually for Bill Nye and the likes hooks up a DDR dance pad and plays it with the volume loud while she's teaching she was angry but did nothing she just shouted over it and taught and pretended nothing was happening I don't know what happened to her to have absolutely no fight in her if I remember her name was mrs. Dunn and she was therefore nicknamed mrs. Dunn I felt so bad for her had this teacher who we all hated but loved in hindsight BC she put up with our sheet and we had her for like two years in a row in a home one week she had some surgery on her ears and she told us she couldn't hear very well at all so we test the waters and she seriously couldn't hear us if we were loud Lee whispering we start playing the pen15 game and one kid starts yelling it and other curse words we tell him to stop and he goes what damage can't hear anyway then the teacher goes I've heard everything you guys have said for the past 20 minutes but in that really choked up tone like she was fighting back a fountain of Tears I'll start it off obligatory not my story it's my dad's he had a pregnant teacher sometime in middle school and some of his classmates found it funny to put horse laxatives in her morning coffee the school found out the boys did it because they were bragging about it my dad grew up in a farming community to explain the horse laxatives I don't know where they carry those yeah they were expelled but I think she had miss carrot edit I'm a numbers it was horse laxatives and not tranquilizers I called him to fact-check the story a group of guys at my high school was throwing eggs at other students at the train station on the last day of school for the year one guy threw an egg at a girl that hit her Ryan the cracked egg shell lodged into her eyeball blinding her do you know what happened to them I would report that to the police I was not prepared the level of a show lushness going on in this thread I was expecting more pranks and less physical or mental abuse kids are insanely mean a few of us planned a secret santa for our class we invited our teacher to be a part of it to being the mom of the department she was very excited on the day of the exchange a friend of mine noticed a gift deliberately kept at the bottom of the stairs it was anonymously addressed to the teacher she picked it up and passed it on the teacher later the teacher called her asking who the gift was from according to her it wasn't very Christmasy it was a book called how to be a good teacher she might not have been the best teacher but that was just mean the person who did it showed no remorse her friends just laughed with her in fact when she'd first drawn the teacher's name she'd immediately thought of this book when the teacher found out later she was in denial because this one had always been a good girl she blamed another student who'd always given her trouble basically it was a sheet show all around and we learned never to do anything nice for our class again in the year 7 age 11 my music teacher think his name was mr. Rayner or something there was a girl in my class who didn't like being told what to do at all she really was a tearaway always had been since she was younger she got pissed off because he sent her out of the room for being rude so she climbed up on the piano and stamped on it spat all over the keyboards took the teacher's glasses from his face and stamped on them and pulled his tie really tight around his neck before spitting in his face she was moved to another school and the teacher just disappeared we never saw him again maybe not that bad in comparison to others but I still feel sorry for that guy 14 years later we had a teacher in high school who was a bit odd it was a nice guy but everyone could mess with him I've had this teacher for two years but these stories aren't from me it was from a friend who was in a different grade and also had this teacher one time when he was going to use the bathroom in between classes some students followed him and forced the lock on his bathroom stall he couldn't get out for over two hours another time they've taken his briefcase and filled it up with water every document in there was ruined they've also taken all his documents that were placed on his desk and glued them all together also ruined there were a lot of these anecdotes about this teacher I remember classmates of mine throwing candy at him he never responded this was over 15 years ago in the years I've left this school I've heard he had taken his life it makes me sad even now just thinking about it he was too gentle and couldn't handle being a school teacher despite he being a nice person and wouldn't hurt no one teenagers can be cruel I don't know if taking his own life was a result of the constant bullying or not but I kind of think it was our Ip Man you were too nice to be here idk for Vidya was floating around of Estill it was a huge deal in my local town there was this high school that was known for how bad its students were drew Gus gang fights et Cie anyways in the videos there's this subset of teacher trying to calm down this unruly class the class is ignoring him and mocking him suddenly these teenage girls get on top of fire desk and start dancing nasty and super sexual one ghost of a teacher and starts trying to twerk on him the teacher backs away but the girl keeps going after him it all ended up on the news idk what happened to the son but I believe the girls got suspended I was in band in high school my senior year the freshman class was especially disrespectful to the director one day they pushed him too far and he sort of snapped but not in the big explosive way he told us he had lost hope in us calmly walked to his office and closed locked the door for a week and a half myself and the other seniors would come in and lead class for that time we came in and made sure everyone got instruments and music we usually led a group rehearsal for a while and then broke into our respective sections to fine tune the musical problems one day at the beginning of class the director called my friend and I the two at the helm of this student leading into his office and thanked us for proving to him that his work wasn't in vain when my mother was in school mid late eighties I believe she had this class clown kid in her class it was a science lesson and they all hated this teacher especially this kid so he secretly told everyone in the class to turn on their Bunsen burners when class ended and to just run out so they did as this poor teacher is hurrying around to turn The Moth this kid pulls out a match from his pocket and Wiggles it while he's standing at the doorway grinning apparently the teacher went white and kind of froze later on that teacher quit I don't think much happened to the kid another story she has not really the worst just me I'm pretty sure it involves the same kid they had a religious studies teacher who was all for celibacy till marriage and trying to teach the kids of the importance of it the kid asks if she's married she says no so he ridiculed her for being of err keen the rest of the lesson we had this teacher for Latin and Greek she's nice but she can be a bit boring sometimes she always wears her hair in a really long braid like it goes to the bottom of her back some girl cut off the braid some years ago and was of course expelled not my school but an older guy was a teacher at another high school and the kids didn't really respect him he had a heart attack while teaching started to grab his chest and yell children help me as the class laughed at him he then yelled help I'm dying and they all laughed harder I'm sure at least a few thought the guy was joking but a good majority must have known it was legit had laughed at him pretty disturbing edit he survived I guess and I think he retired in eighth grade I had a woodshop teacher who was an old curmudgeon Lee dude hugely tall seriously like 6 feet 8 and death and one year he was a nice enough guy if you payed attention and didn't make his life job harder some eighth grade kids in my class were being little sheeps on the last day of school and wanted to be mean to the teacher so they snuck out of class on his free period and into the woodshop and into his office where they ripped to shreds his autographed poster of John Wayne when the teacher returned and found it he started crying apparently John Wayne was his idol and well a personalized and autographed like in person from John Wayne poster was not something he was going to be able to replace as far as I know everyone knew who did it but without any actual evidence no one got in trouble and the teacher retired at the end of the year a teacher our high school was known for crying and his son was in his class fourth period every period that day he told the story about how he caught a fish over the weekend as he is telling the story to the fourth period class his son stands up and yells nobody cares about your stupid ducking fish story and stomps out of the room his dad just puts his head down and cries for five minutes I had this teacher in middle school that students enjoyed messing with students threw things at her when she wasn't looking put glue in her hair and other horrible things over a decade later I work for the district and heard stories that she she still gets messed with one student put a made in China sticker on her because she is Asian they went as far as locking her in a closet my school was relatively tame compared to that nasty sheet your la posting we had a little group of disrespectful rebels in our school they would call teachers by their first name bully teachers in Sodom refused to learn or do any work would just walk out of the classroom whenever and would leave campus whenever knowing that the cops can't really do anything about it one particular instance I remember well is these two little sheets ragging on one of the school's favorite and most chill math teachers they were joking about how being a teacher is a joke the pace terrible he's wasting his time he should do something else with his life if he's that smart et CET see this particular math teacher was a saint probably still as if he's still working he is a real gentleman would give a strange of the coat of his back if it meant the stranger was comfortable he was a real tutor and never minded staying ten minutes late to go over a lesson that they didn't quite get during class basically he was an amazing guy in these little [ __ ] made his life hell for that entire semester at my school we had a year where two teachers were arrested for having sex with a female student one girl was clearly taken advantage of while the other knew the teachers history and wanted to do this to be able to say she did spoiled rich girl type and after the arrests she got an innocent teacher arrested by claiming victim intimidation during class this guy was everyone's favorite teacher he helped students personally and really cared about the community that didn't matter the school put him on leave and he was arrested without any evidence and with the whole class saying that literally nothing of the sort happened in that class she has her lawyer contact every student in that class and asks them to testify for her they all told her to duck off and testified on his behalf months later he was finally proven innocent but the school wanted to move him he was arrested and lost out on an entire school year and the students missed their favorite teacher senior year on top of that his mug shot was in every article talking about the teachers ducking their students what a ducking hunt later she had her lawyer contact everyone you'll live in nightmare worlds geez in all my years of schooling not a single kid was ever disrespectful to a teacher where olive even the delinquents were nice to just about everyone the closest thing we ever got to that were these memes that students made of one particular teacher that became so prolific throughout the school that you could actually find them as the first result when searching his name nothing ever mean-spirited and he knew about them all I don't know how isolated the area I live in is or whatever but folks here are just too nice for that I heard tell of one particular student who yelled at a teacher once but he had a bad home situation and was real frustrated that day in 2012 a boy stabbed another boy five times during class in mild hometown and the teacher had to go and call him off the stabbed boy survived but it took a year for him to recover from those injuries not my class but it happened at my high school there was a teacher who had just taken a year off of teaching because her son had died in a horrible accident he got crushed by a farming tractor when the teacher came back to school one of her classes wrote a song about the accident and they sang it to her on her second day back she quit that day the other story is slightly related because his was the school's administration's doing we had the most wonderful paid teacher he was very patient with us and would always listen to us and offer advice so now last year in high school was also his last year there he was 64 and was considered too old to be a pay teacher even though he was fit as a horse we could all tell that he was very sad because teaching was his passion on his last day our class bought him flowers and he'll tea snacks he cried two years later he held himself he left behind his wife and their two adult children the school held a memorial service and around a thousand people showed up to pay their respects sadly I couldn't make it to the service but I cried a lot that day we had a teacher that was absolutely or for one day she gave a guy a zero on his quiz because she thought he was cheating the dude was this nerdy dude that was just smart AF likely made 100's on every test and ended up going to Cornell when the teacher left the room he hocked up a nasty as logy and spit it in her tea and then studied it he never said a word while doing it the class was in disbelief when the teacher came back in and drank her tea everyone gasped and started laughing the nerdy kid actually kind of gained a lot of respect from other kids after that there was a math teacher in my high school that everyone loved to have because she was a mess kids would have contests to see who could make her cry that period which wasn't hard she cried at the drop of a hat one at the beginning of a new semester she was doing introductions in telling the class about herself and one kid asked if she was married and she ran out crying one time she had a stain on her pants and everyone made fun of her for sheathing herself she cried one time around Christmas she did an interpretive sign language danced her Christmas Carol everyone made fun of her and she ran out of the room crying I felt really bad for her there was a year of high school where I flunked and was pushed into the one of the last classes where all the delinquents were and they made it their mission to see how fast they could chase a teacher out of the class there was this lady teaching us maths that would always approach every situation with a smile and was patient at with our class one day she comes in a bit down and silent but carries on with our lesson one student made it his mission to be a complete big dick to her throughout basically ridicule in her for teaching a subject that was as useless as the person teaching it she packed up her things and left with tears in her eyes these idiots took it as a victory later on we found out she lost her daughter over the weekend to leukemia but refused to take some time off since our exams were around the corner and she wanted to prepare us for it she transferred out of our school shortly after this incident still dux me up years later and I'm embarrassed at myself for not doing anything to stop it back there a cousin of mine was in a class that conspired to drop their textbooks on the floor or lap the strike of a certain time to freak out their teacher that's when they found out the teacher had PTSD from his time in Vietnam I had a teacher in high school that was an Army Ranger during the 90s and fought in Mogadishu during the operation that the movie Black Hawk Down was based off of he was on of the head football coaches and taught history he was a nice guy defiantly not shy of discipline he had PTSD and on occasion you could see his eyes drift out of focus like he was somewhere else one decade in my class though it would be funny to try and trigger his episodes he would slam books down and say sheeps an upset him coach was Stern but embarrassed of his PTSD and didn't say anything about it I lost it one day when [ __ ] was ducking with him and cursed him out in front of the whole class coach looked at me smiled and went on teaching I got an A in that class and not from good test scores [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, people, funny reddit stories, students, teachers, school, prank, high school, comment awards, tz reddit, updoot, rslash
Id: o1kHkRbtuTQ
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Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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