Thieves Steal My Gold! I need Revenge!

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[Music] poor one damn her what dammit prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome please consider subscribing I'm here on my peckerton claim for a couple days it is the middle of August and being in you know the lil wit Litton area in the middle of August is Frick in the hot so I'm taking advantage of the cool evenings and the early mornings when it's not so bad out and seeing what I can find on my claim I will be joined tomorrow by Pete when he gets here but for now I'm just enjoying a nice evening on the claim panning away I've done four or five pounds already and I've hardly found a speck but I'm still loving it wish me luck I might need it tonight [Music] well it was bound to happen sooner or later seeds on the claim team jumpers found pick Orton they moved a big big slab of bedrock down here none of this was us class we were here for just over a week ago and this was still in good shape even jumpers have come and hit this hard and where else did I see I saw another spot they hit oh yeah right down here knocked all that off to right beside where we're working all this debris all over the place we were trying to keep our excavation neat and tidy and small all of our rocks in one spot that we can put back in after we're done we were even putting rocks with moss and stuff back in place after we were done with a certain cracks we were keeping it nice and neat and then some nasty claim jumpers came and made a mess it was bound to happen sooner or later putting my life out there on YouTube people are going to take advantage of it oh well I guess I put the trail counts back up I took them down because all I was getting on them were people walking their dogs and coming down and joined the beach and that kind of stuff but someone found my spot let's see if we can catch them on camera oh please hopefully there's still enough light for a good video it is getting dark oh I had the most magnificent night without any gold not very much cool hopefully tomorrow will be better the crevices we were working last time they're giving us on average one picker per pan hmm the gold must have got scared from the claim jumpers or something in the hid because it's not here hopefully the claim jumpers got as much as I did serve them thieves right and maybe they didn't know to wear gloves revenge the thieves make them bleed all joking aside they shouldn't have been here that is thievery steal from someone else's claim claim-jumping is a form of thievery criminal act and help I'm off to have a sleep for the night yeah they'll be back in the morning see you there nothing like walking out of the claim in the dark and this is almost where I've scared up the bear last time I came in right on this hill can you see me at all oh maybe somewhere to be there we go against the sky yeah as long as I'm talking locks to the camera the bear should go the other way I think if I had my headlamp with me I would be panning right into dirt tonight oh where are the trees I bet you can see me now can you see me now not really well good night everyone see in the morning and good morning everyone ah back for day 2 now today under each panning in yesterday and today I was panning in a tub here and I'm doing that for a couple reasons first I forgot my boots so I need we stay at the water second this gives me a chance to actually contain some of my tailings in one spot because today I want to start reclamation a bit so there's one trench that dad dug out here I put back a bunch of rocks that are covered in moss over top of it and then filled it back in with some tailings and I replanted a little a little weed down there just to put some greenery back in it that Moss will have no problem taking back over the nice wet tailings there we'll sort of promote growth of everything right now and this little section of trench nice and reclaimed I will do the same for that section when I'm done here and there is no lack of moss covered rocks to put back in place woohoo they're everywhere well let's go find my first picker I'm sure it's here clearing this spot right now right through there that's my next task [Applause] [Applause] well it's taken a few has in a lot of pans clear that out and it wasn't fine it wasn't fine it was by then one really big thicker one just big picker and three good-sized flakes a bunch of little stuff now this wasn't all in one pan the two Pickers where this little stuff was sort of all leading up to it but that's a nice one let's get that back my sucker bottle and go on but that that there that material there was in that crevice right there another picker and nice big quake and this time it's out of this trench I'm gonna nickname this one the quest wrench that's where Shane was working moving down down another picker I thought about leaving this trench for Shane if he comes back but I don't know if they'll ever come back I hope he does there will be more I'm a little bit worried right now the Sun is approaching it got up to 37 degrees here Celsius that's almost a hundred degrees Fahrenheit yesterday it's gonna be a scorcher and Pete's not here yet Pete's gonna arrive just as it gets really hot poor guy just took a bit of a break to look at what these clean jumpers did here and I don't know what they were up to because they they busted up a whole lot of bedrock and I they went through some effort to knock down that bedrock for sure but then it doesn't look like they cleaned it in any way maybe they took some of the material from the fire joint but like all the stuff in the back seems to just following and they didn't clean it out over there they obviously did a bit more work you can see their tailings piles they see that great big slab they knocked off the face there that's weird they seem to go through a lot of work to destroy the bedrock but not actually work the material in any way bizarre I have no idea I was starting to worry I'd go through a whole video without showing you a piece of gold on bedrock but alas I found a piece oh he's that Purdy nice pretty piece of gold sitting on bedrock let's hope he's got buddies kicking around close by there it is there it is just a small picker but she's a picker let's put that my pan so I can discover it again excitement excitement twice over whoo how to beat the gold how exciting there's the one I put in the pan already but he had a big brother nice big one there the one I saw in bedrock another good-sized flake that's a nice pan bubu this is coming from right through there and clear that little spot next right through there and see if it's got any yay to more fully one typical for Pinkerton had another nice big one now as you can see by the bright rocks the Sun has made it over the mountains why in the camera what I think I'm gonna do yes I'm on the gold my last three pans all had Pickers in them however I'm going to abandon this for a moment I'm gonna go over there in the shade and I'm gonna take advantage of the shade as long as it lasts I want to try out over there anyways so get them over there give it a shot once that gets me in the Sun again I'll move back here and just you know suck it up I'm a redhead I don't suck up son very well actually no I suck up son very well way too well so PD finally made it he had to sleep in he has beauty sleep this morning after 5:00 came in the heat of the day crazy guy it's starting to warm up out here there is no shade and it left anywhere so we're just back out in the hot spot in the Sun burning lots of sunscreen on and see if we can find Pete a picker he hasn't done one yet yep and the little muggy he's small but it's definitely not a flat flake sometimes they turn up better in the shade sometimes they turn out better in the sunlight it's off to say but definitely a little nugget little noogie now if you haven't checked me out already on Instagram on Facebook go check it out I have a lot of behind the scenes stuff and hints of what's coming up in the future posted on social media so check me out on Instagram Facebook just search for Dan herd prospecting just as I give up for the day I hear that Pete's got his first picker from picker tonight and opens a picker but is leered let's call that a picker oh very nice piece congratulations Pete has not done well at picker thing Pete has not done well oh it's fun it's always a good time out so I've decided to put on my video glasses here and do a few pans and record a few pan now you might notice I'm panning without a classifier right now let's not talk about that my classifier is out there somewhere bye-bye classifier classifier today they don't have my gloves on it's a mistake to be grabbing rocks it was gonna bleed and nothing so here's my soccer bottle there's my take for the day pretty nice tape considering for the afternoon we found what one two pickers one picker and one little nugget most this was this morning before pea ever got here before bad luck Pete ever got here there's probably most of a gram if not more in there so you know not too bad even though I was feeling defeated still great gold I'll weigh this up when I get home and give you a shot of the weight up gold I almost have enough of these picker tin pickers now to give one to each of my patrons I plan to do that as a back-to-school giveaway each of my patrons will get one of my picker 10 pitchers sent off to them in the mail the size of picker will depend on the pledge they have on patreon thank you patrons you guys are amazing now let's hope the claim jumpers didn't get nearly that much look at the mess they made there there we've made our own mess but we are going to be reclaiming it as we go good job sweeping the ground there people Pete's version of reclaiming you might be a little bit different than mine apparently my flame jumpers are the thieves smoke export a because they left a bit of a mess here as well as stealing from my plane now we have done a little bit of Reclamation here today we put some moss covered rocks back in where we cleared off this is an area work done with we put the tailings from the bucket back in one spot that needed it we put the moss covered rocks around back down in the holes we are leaving some spots open because we're still working them but we've reclamators there we've reclamators spots I have left the claim jumpers mess the way it was but we will take care of our spot so taking a bit of a break here in the shade well mostly to say goodbye thanks for everyone for watching very big thanks to my patrons out there because of you I get to do this thank you so much if you'd like to become a patron and help support me in making these YouTube videos there's a link here at the end of the video click on the link he'll take you off to patreon a $10 pledge goes up very long ways in helping me make these videos and if you enjoyed watching this make sure you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe if you haven't and until the next one everyone fight now let's see what we got here there it is and it is wait six four three so my guess about postal gram was a little bit off but still not too bad for a day that I didn't think I was doing very well on let's get a good close-up picture that stuff [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 157,780
Rating: 4.9077415 out of 5
Keywords: thieves, i have been robbed, thieves steal my gold, claim jumpers, gold panning, gold thieves, pickerton, claim, gold, gold pamnning fraser river, fraser river, prospecting, gold nugget, thief caught on camera, thief caught, thief caught red handed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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