Two little sticks of dynamite, one big blast! (Micro Blaster and Visible Gold)

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blasting in 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 oh hello everyone dan herd with dan herd prospecting here welcome to my channel back at the blue-chip mine Here I am about to blast off the capstone the rock on top of a quartz vein here I'm gonna blast it off because I've been intrigued by this quartz vein every time I walk over top of it so today I'm gonna see if I can access this quartz vein and see what's in it if this sounds exciting to you you like watching this kind of stuff make sure you subscribe to my channel so you never miss more of this kind of stuff being put out on YouTube so enjoy [Music] so here's the seam I'm going to be working at today it happens to be right on the trail that I use every time I walk through my step high I step right there every time I walk by but every time I walk by I see this court scene and I've looked at it so many times I see these pockets of pyrites that have weathered out it just looks perfect a horizontal seam right by where I found all that good gold it seems to go quite a ways there seems to be lots of it it travels back in there looks like someone has dug some of it out in the past but that rock right there is a doozy I'm not just hammering chiseling that guy away so I plan to put a couple charges down on top of there and see if I can blow the capstone off of it and just expose that seam and then in the future I'll kill the step there rather than on top let's go see what I can do there are other courts seems really close by that if this one goes quick and easy I might try to get some of this other stuff as well this is the one I'm intrigued with today [Applause] so I kept drilling until I I felt this rock get softer and I saw a change in the color of the dust coming out which I think means I hit the court scene so I don't want drill down into the court seem very far because I want the blast to be in the rock I'm gonna put a double charge in I'm also going to try to weaken the rock along a bit of a fault line so I'm gonna actually take the chisel and chisel bit of a fault line maybe even drill a few partial holes to see if I can split the rock along a line and take this chunk off that's the hope here one double charge I'm not gonna do a whole lot of blasts I'm hoping through this whole job with just two caps to two little sticks of dynamite yep that's it okay here we go two of these micro blaster charges little sticks of miniature dynamite into the hole one way up they have a little igniter huh well place for the igniter to strike on top to set them off and they say in the instructions you can use up to two in one hole do will get the igniter push those down okay here we go set them in place all the way down this is not attached to the air source yet so there's no chance of it accidentally going off while I push it in I find nice big heavyweight to go on top a big rock so it keeps the blast down and keeps this from flying away and then we're gonna be good to set this off I have drilled extra holes leading out so hopefully the crack will probably out that way splitting off this rock these charges are directional when they go off they blast out sideways so the hole almost all of the force goes out sideways in them but should in theory push this rock out not blast the top up in theory so I'm gonna be standing way way back got long air light here so you don't want to shake any rocks loose from above so I'm way back I'm gonna have my one camera right there beside it one of these days I'm gonna regret leaving my camera so close to the blasts I should destroy it one of these days but hopefully we get a good shot and you rock on top still let's turn off the camera while I wait I'm gonna now retreat well behind that rock there so no blasts will get me I'm about to hook it up and we go hopefully I got the camera around the corner enough so I can see it three two one it's in the air on three now the problem I see with that is my courts went with it my courts perfect perfect explosion except some of my court stayed and some of it went for oh no there it is right there oh good ah it was the top it was the top rock that went first something went for a ride but exposed a lot of my seam look at that oh I thought I lost it all but nope there's chunks of it right here there's chunks of it right there and then lots of it that worked way better than I could have dreamed oops I'm losing air turn the air off that may have been the best explosion I have had and I didn't lose the rock I wanted now time to recover some of my courts seem I may have to take some of this to the rock saw and cut it and just see what the inside looks like a nice clean slab you can see the hole I drilled stopped right at the top of the quartz that's the bottom of it right there right at the top of the quartz and when it blew it blew the rock perfectly exactly where I wanted to it just shot it right out straight out like that it broke up the quartz a little bit but managed to save the pieces in place this one I'll probably have to chisel it off the rock that sort of fell out here that that's just rotted out Pyrates there that's where you find the gold in pockets like that there's a big pocket around a pirate now it's told by some experts that in a vein like this that's horizontal you will usually find the gold if it has any on the bottom edge of the quartz because when it's in a fluid state of course gold is still heavy when it's fluid in the mixture of water the hot waters which is depositing that the quartz and gold and gold is sinking to the bottom of those waters now I'm not geologist I don't really know those things that actually didn't make that much sense to me because of the way that it's depositing but anyhow that's what I was told by a couple of people that should be in the know that the bottom edge is where the gold should be so I may have found my first piece of visible gold right there you're not gonna see it on video if it is I'll put it on put under the microscope and show you but this piece here might have visible gold on it woohoo my eyes are getting so bad I can't tell for sure well here's the seam I've been working all cleaned up take and serve as many samples out of it as I kind of want for today I even went and took some out from down here took a spot there and a spot down even farther along the same scene just a little bit down there most of it was just off this ledge here I have a bowl and we can take that back and crush it there you go let me take that back and crush it and see what's in it see if this seam is holding any gold values I may have seen one piece of gold go by tough to say though my eyes are getting really bad I need glasses I actually have got glasses now I just don't wear them very often but that's the seam I want to sample today so I've got my sample and the light is failing but I'm off to do another claim tomorrow and it's all plaster they're not the next stuff we'll see how that goes now I did do a tour of this blue-chip mine in my last in one of my last videos if you didn't see that tour here's a link at the top right corner this video - click on that link and I'll take you off to the tour of the mine and you can see where all my old sites are on this mine I typically don't dig underground I'm too afraid of things coming down on me so I do most of my digging out here on the exposed seams on the surface because I don't want to have a bulk on the head with the big rock that would put a damper on my day real quick okay note there how do you focus it on that's too bright it's so bright out there cameras are you focusing there we go beautiful December NBC December in the great white north well time to carry that bucket down heavy I've taken some of the court seam samples I've taken the rock saw and i've slabbed them to see what the insides look like and here's a good idea mostly quartz with some Pyrates some nice glittery metallics inside for sure there are some pockets here some pockets have completely rusted out Pyrates limonite just completely gone we still see some Pyrates that are completely intact haven't oxidized or rusted out at all and I did find one piece of visible gold on this guy now unfortunately it's not on the cut surface I found it or is it there it is there I found it on the end I found it on the end on the raw surface I'll take this over to the microscope and show you it's right there I think your tip counter will pick it up I know it's small but there's some visible gold right there you can actually see it glitter when I move the rock just right in the camera there's some gold right there I'll put that under the microscope though so you can see it but I don't see any on the cut surfaces you sort of see that there is a chunk of Telluride and the gold is right beside it right in beside the Telluride you can see the Telluride crystal but the gold cameras I can focus on it's right down the surface and then you can see these guys here lots of pyrites in little pockets all over the place the outside the inside that there is what the court seam looks like went slabbed out cut a nice fresh cut so you can see inside the quartz itself that chunk of pyrite they're reflecting out but only one visible piece of gold here's that piece of visible gold we found right on the edge of the cut slab hopefully I got unfocus here for you it's right with a Telluride crystal hasn't been cleaned up in acid or anything is just natural as is as was pulled out of the rock it's about as clean as I get a image with the microscope microscope though it's not quite focused but close to it so the next step would be to maybe dissolve some of these in some acids to really expose what's there I've already got one or two pieces going in just simple iron out but that won't really get rid of all of the rust and whatnot in the pockets I'd have to get some more serious acids if you want to see the whole process of dissolving these 10 things in acid I'll leave a link right here in this video and you can see a whole big video I did on cleaning up specimens gold specimens in acid but yeah it cleans up some of them see what else I can see on them and then crush them down and see what kind of gold content they have but that there is for another video so I'm going to end off this video right now with a big thank you to all of my patrons out there for supporting me and my endeavors if you'd like to learn more about being a patron you can visit me on wwp tree on Comm slash dan heard off the left more videos on the blue-chip mine if you want to go and see everything i've done at the blue-chip mine just click on that link it'll take you off to a playlist so I'll show you everything I've done at the blue-chip hopefully I'll have more videos out really soon until then bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 380,948
Rating: 4.7850184 out of 5
Keywords: Visible gold, micro blaster, sticks of dynamite, miniature dynamite, mini dynamite, microblaster, Blasting gold ore, big blast, blasting out gold ore, Blasting quartz, dynamite, Blue chip mine, blasting rocks with dynamite, old mine site, blasting rocks, rock hunting bc, blasting bedrock, siarra blaster, rock blasting, blasting rock, drilling and blasting, rock hunting, Mine shaft blasting, Hard rock mining, hard rock gold mine, how to hard rock mine gold, small dynamite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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