Prospecting for High Grade Platinum ore.

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hello everyone damn her with the and her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn a subscription today I am starting off this video from the base in the coal mine up above Coalmont BC since my channels all about mining just I'd show off a little bit of a mind to start with but I have nothing to do with coal today today is all about platinum I recently got a Platinum claim hardrock platinum claim just up around the corner and I'm gonna go check it out today and see if I can find some platinum to show you guys what it looks like show you guys how to mine it and show you guys although platinum after the Hard Rock mine I'm going down to a Creek where there is known platinum in the creek between those two spots I hope to find enough platinum to show off what it looks like I hope wish me luck [Music] so I just drove through the length of my claim half kilometer looking at all the rock outcrops along the side of the road and some of them looked good now after doing my research reading them in files they said that the Platinum was associated with chalcopyrite that's copper sulfide chalcopyrite copper pyrite and so my job now is to investigate all these rock outcrops half a kilometer of them and see if I see any evidence of chalcopyrite that will stand out far more than you know the platinum or itself that's my next job and look at this there's water in the ditch if I need to do any panning of sediments I can pan a little tadpole down there scurrying around see these sediments here might be worth taking some pans and seeing what's in it because that will show off the chalcopyrite if there was any free milled platinum it also showed that off but looking at these rocks right now just the first set of rocks I've come to no evidence of pyrites in any way though it will help if I crack them open look at the wildflowers up here isn't that amazing [Applause] we won't do many pans from any one spot just one to get an idea and the Pyrates could be very rusted you know the chalcopyrite they can it could still be some iron pyrite there they can be rusted so I watch for things that could indicate those pyrites need to go back for the bug dope lots of heavy than that but no indication of pirates or platinum grains or gold or anything like that now this is the outcrop here I really expect to see something out because this is pretty the closest outcrop to where the mint file said so we go see what we can find here so here's the first couple rocks I picked up not sure what they're telling me at this point III can't make any judgments from those but serve what the inside of that rock right there looks like and we're starting to see some pyrite and there's definitely a lot of this stuff here which is just a rock that's had a lot of sulfides rotted out of it promising looking stuff for sure I think you should take a pan and try pan it another reason I think this might be the actual exposure is this little pit that was dug here isn't drainage it's not meant as a ditch there's no culvert going out of the bottom of it someone came and dug this on purpose so I'm thinking this is probably where they were investigating this platinum occurrence as they dig and blast and do all this a lot of the material that is left behind gets left out to whether the sulfides rust any free milled gold or platinum or anything like that gets left behind in this rust that's out here this beautiful chunk here all this rusted material loose on the surface so it is possible if there's free milled gold or platinum that it just ends up falling out into these soils and that's why I can pan a hardrock exposure and get an idea of what's there doesn't mean it's all fallen out but there's a possibility that some has and that will give me an indication of what's here I'm gonna dig that spot right there and panicked and on a relatively fresh exposure like this hasn't been around for hundreds of years I'm mostly worried about just the surface where the air could have oxidized a lot of those Pyrates you get down into deep and then all of a sudden the Pyrates could still be holding on to their gold or cotton them because they have rotted away roughed it away it's water lots more intriguing stuff along the same cut really hope to find at least one grain of platinum to show you guys if I don't find a grain of platinum today I have some back in my collection I will include it at the end to give you a good idea of what it looks like whoo I like the looks of this rotted bedrock very rotted bedrock I like this this will be my next pan right here as soon as I find some water the ditches are empty up here I may have to go back and temples as well sorry guys gonna make your water money for a bit not all that worried about making the water muddy here with this stuff because it is flowing a flowing there's water flowing through so it will clear quickly and be it is the same rock that this water is flowing over anyways so it's not like I'm introducing something crazy into the system otherwise other than just you know a lot all at once so this will require me going home the microscope to have a good look at this a close look with what I can see with my naked eye I believe I see a speck of platinum in there possibly a few but they're tiny and I can't tell really with my naked eye if it's platinum or if it's just a pyrite but there are a few little specks up there that indicate possibly something nice so I'll package this stuff up and take it home to the microscope so we have this little flow coming out of the hillside here go take a sample from here as well in panic see what it shows nothing too exciting from the little wash coming out of the hill so we're gonna go back to that bedrock exposure so the last pan didn't show anything that was that sir decomposed seam I found patent it all down didn't show anything this one here is one last attempt at the main pit over there I just get the shotgun approach grabbed a little from here a little from there a little from everywhere and I want to see if it shows us anything you know if I ever did see something I could hone in on the exact spot by going back and taking more samples but right now I just want to see if there's any reason to continue looking around here one of the reasons I have some interest in this spot is this exposure is right above a creek that is known for one of the best creeks in the - limine area for platinum placer platinum meaning it's coming from somewhere one of these showings has free milled platinum in it and is releasing it into that Creek so am i lucky enough to find it doubtful but let's give it a shot all the same yeah see what's in this not as much black sand in this one as many heavies and I put the camera away to have a good look to see if I could see any grains that might be platinum and yes I see something in that black sand that's gonna require a closer look back home so I'm gonna add this to the other sample we're gonna take this stuff and put it under the microscope and see what the silvery things in the black sand actually are nicely focused there I'm on my cell phone right now so I stopped at the next outcrop because it's very different than the last few really got my attention the sparklies now this is sparkly and I'll make a schist kind of way rather than a you know gold platinum kinda way really neat I found one rock over here I believe it's by a tight that's the black mica loaded with big flat flakes of it but as I was playing around with all this stuff a couple of these other rocks that are in the area caught my attention the fact that they have pockets of sulfides rusting out of them so I'm gonna grab some of the soils around here and do another pan see what they show so this time around I'm fairly certain that's the piece of platinum right there I know this camera won't be picking up it's small I will show this under the microscope for sure but that was in this interesting stuff over here or that glittery shiny Rock was where that rock with pyrite pockets I dug it from right there and right there and right there and I don't think that was the only piece I saw sitting right there still so ooh I'm gonna take a full bucket from this area full bucket right from here over there too and take it home and process it or take it down the creek and process it or something where it's easier and see what I find because I think that I think I found platinum here let's hope so I just spent about 10 minutes trying to ground balance this guy and I can't no matter what I do these rocks are way too hot the Fisher Gold Bug to want to set off any wear one of these shiny rocks is and they're everywhere here these rocks that have the pyrite pockets don't seem to set it off the same but even when I'm metal detecting around here it's just one of those shiny rocks underneath and I keep trying to ground balance on it it doesn't want to so middle detecting here might not be the best choice hmm let's go look at one more thing I might do before I run off for the day there is one more option so driving down to show you the one more option I had I noticed something else I noticed this rock coming down the hill here with a seam in it so I just want you cleared to seem a bit look at this sort of brown clay a real rust a black and a brown again that could be something so I just took a sample from here I'll go pan that out and see what it shows but this rock this whole rock over here is that same stuff that had sort of pockets of pockets of pyrite pockets of pyrite in it that I saw up the road a bit and there's some intriguing looking spots on it just all of that mica again it's just mica I'm digging through shiny shiny mica okay well another possibility nope after a careful look I don't see anything of interest in that lot lot and I mean a lot of that black mica huge amounts of it but didn't notice any specks of platinum in there so let's go down to the next thing I want to show ya so the last thing I might want to check before I head off to the real task I had today is to check out the Creek down below now the Creek down below is known for having platinum way down below wait way down from here miles away but up here could be the source of it it's not a very large Creek at this point it's really small I see bedrock down there I'm thinking I should find a way to bushwhack my way down and investigate the creek at this point I don't want to take a long time because I want to spend most of my day panning somewhere else so I've made it down the cute little Creek which I'm gonna leave unnamed for now just guys I don't exactly want to give away where I'm at just in case they find something good but that's cute little creek I see some bedrock I'm gonna find a little pocket in the bedrock and clear it out people stay flat in a minute after follow up well isn't that Purdy a waterfall shoot coming down in here I just did two or three pans haven't found a stack of anything yet I don't know how you spent too much time here I know I can find stuff down at my other claim so beautiful little spot over swim nice old swimmin hole I bet you the Platinum is here somewhere I just haven't hit it yet so you do this one last pan here if it doesn't show me anything even if it does show me anything I'm gonna move on to my other claim I only want to spend an hour down here and it's been more than that already and [Applause] let's go [Applause] put this little girl with flowers pretty much every flower a vegetable around here all in one little spot right on the creeks edge easy to pull let's see if I can get up that as I'm walking up the scree slope I find a piece of or I really like the look of look at the Pyrates in that oh my goodness there's the couch the pyrite they were talking about it is loaded in here [Applause] well [Applause] might want to take a sample or two of the two back with me and nothing like filling your backpack with rocks to go up to the hill with look the truck that quick in fact it wasn't that quick I am NOT an expert with you like poison ivy it's the middle and poison oak and all that kind of stuff I don't know what everyone and it looks like but there was a plant down there that looks scary so I thought I'd step over it stood over it on four rock the rolled fell on my butt in the patch of what I'm assuming now was nothing because you know no itch go figure hey how I am going to sign off beside my friend the spruce tree is that nice well spruce tree there's the pit behind me that I think is the main showing though I took a bucket from somewhere else I hope to find platinum I'm hoping at the very end of this video there's gonna be some nice pictures of platinum to show you I don't know yet exam thrown under the microscope thanks everyone for watching special thanks my patrons because of you I get to do this stuff if you're new I hope I earned a subscription today click that subscribe button and the bell icon so you never miss an episode now I don't post everything I do on YouTube some things just don't make a video but I do post a lot more behind the scenes stuff and other things I'm up to on Instagram and Facebook check me out there just do a search for Dan herd prospecting again thanks everyone for watching bye leave me a comment after looking through all the cons I only found one piece that looks like it is platinum and that's it right there I was hoping for more but hey I'll take one you I am going to sign off beside my friend spruce tree is that nice hospice tree
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 575,218
Rating: 4.7535396 out of 5
Keywords: Platinum, platinim prospecting, prospecting, platinum in gold pan, panning platinum, PGM, platinum claim, tulameen, BC, hard rock mining, mining
Id: NtzGnovbFc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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