Why would ANYONE do this! * Call the cops QUICK! *

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whenever prospecting here trying to wash up a very steep hill at the moment I am checking out a creek a river unnamed for now unnamed for now which is going to be my best claim it is gonna be my retirement dream claim I am buying this claim here for a lot of money and I plan to keep this one forever or at least half of it forever going to be amazing now I'm leaving it unnamed although some people their local fee area might know where it is because it's a famous famous Creek we're just here with the plain water and buying it off of he's showing us around and fortunately we found something very disturbing stick with them have a look [Music] now yes this is gonna cost me a lot but for something this amazing you expect to pay for it this is going to cost me $10,000 for this party but oh that old Chinese working is probably around this Boulder but this is gonna be my dream property forever I'm actually buying two cells right now two claims I'll probably only keep one of them I'll have to sort of see what they're all like first we're just walking around checking things out and let's go show you what the disturbing thing is now if you watch my videos you'll know this is not the first time this has happened to me but we drove in here to this supposedly pristine place and found squatters not just squatters these are claim jumpers they have sluices and pans down in the river they're working it and making a big mess the claim owner that's here with me that I'm buying it off has already called the cops and hoping they're going to come down and deal with the place yeah so the squatters here they're here right now and they're you know making excuses of why they're here and oh we were looking at buy-in the place ourselves and stuff but you know they've been here for months camping brought in all sorts of garbage what a mess they've made and originally they claimed they weren't mining although we found sluices we found gold pans we saw them down there in the act so yeah it is obvious what they're doing obviously plane jumpers and the police have been called they come and deal with it and get them off the land because the claim owner is wanting to sell it to me and obviously I'm not gonna buy it in this state so he's gonna go and get that dealt with so that we can actually make the deal and have a good looking claim let me take you back to the river to show you the good sites rather than the bad sites now this is at very high water the water does go down long ways from here and the canyon way down there is where they say they pull all the big nuggets Anna one of my big reasons for getting this claim is so that I can make some youtube videos here pulling out and this is one of the creeks around there and soon that's also why we have claim jumpers down here see them down there in the rock at the police here's an old excavator pit they were digging down trying to find the bedrock apparently they hit a big boulder at the bottom which stop them from being farther but good spot for tailings pond if I need it I guess I do have to document all the previous work that I notice here when I buy the claim send it off the ministry so that they don't tell me I have to clean up previous people's work so this one here is already documented and gonna be sent off to my report and then obviously the mess those claims those squatters have made up document that view I just got value yeah we seriously just bought it I just you so we gave those squatters until Friday three days to get out of here I'm now back on Friday I parked above because the road is really muddy at the moment so I parked above him walked in to see if they had left and sure enough you would expect it they're still there no signs of cleanup the only thing that seems to be missing from the camp is the mining equipment that we could clearly see before so they've hidden it away maybe under a tarp or something I took lots of footage while I was down there but I didn't talk at all because there was no one around that could have still been in there campers and whatnot and I just didn't want a confrontation while I was by myself so I just walked around quietly took a bunch of footage of the river took some footage of the camp checked out the claim a bit more but unfortunately they're still here I've got to call the cops quick so that this doesn't persist and become a problem become more of a problem I think I learned my lesson a little bit at blue-chip not having the authorities come and deal with the people right away because they just left such a mess up there so right away gogo all those cops get them out here and deal with these squatters claim jumpers thieves I just have to walk back up to my truck now and drive down and called cops now on my last video at the blue-chip mine when I said I was gonna call the cops I had a lot of negative comments calling me a snitch calling me much worse things telling me to mind my own business apparently there's a lot of people out there who do not like someone involving the authorities when something illegal is happening to them very strange those people that said I had to mind my own business well mining is a business this is my business I'm actually registered as a business and those guys down there claim-jumping could get me in a lot of trouble if this were my claim haven't bought it yet the fine for having something illegal done on your claim like rivers losing like they were doing it could be up to $25,000 yes I have to mind my business I do not want a $25,000 fine for someone stealing from me I have to deal with this I can't let it go between myself and the actual claim owner that I'm buying this claim from I think we're gonna be a bit firm on this one and make sure that they are gone right away and cleaned up because again it's our business this chunk of land and if they leave that mess down there we will be responsible to clean it up or get fined by the Ministry of Mines so yes I am minding my business now let's hope this road is not too muddy for my truck to get out more mess from the claim jumpers I guess they couldn't take the cat with a camper and trailer all the way down the rough road so they left it up here let me didn't get a good shot of the river from above oh yes look at this Oh mice holy smokes that steep and windy adults illness and leaving hey five cents worth I paid gold yesterday that down there the ridge you see down there is not on the claim the claim starts up farther I think it starts just basically where you can't see just pass that rock there's a road on the other side but it would be a heck of a hike in from over there well I think I'm gonna sign off at this point sign off with Polly because Polly is amazing I'm gonna sign off at this point and and say thank you to my patrons for supporting me thank you for all my YouTube viewers for watching please remember to Like comment subscribe and share and until the next one everyone fight you you you you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 132,920
Rating: 4.9225512 out of 5
Keywords: Police calld, cops called, ppolice, cops, squatters, claim jumpers, criminals, gold panning, gold claim, horrible site, prospecting, British Columbia, BC, gold, river, placer, treasure, gold rush, squatters evicted, prospecting for gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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