Gemstone Hunting. (BC Agates) What a haul!

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this video was sponsored by oh light flashlights stick around to the end and i'll show you one of their amazing flashlights in action [Music] hello everyone dan here with dandruff prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i was here two weeks ago maybe three hunting agates and doing some gold panning on this creek here which i'm gonna leave unnamed and i had so much fun that the family wanted to come back with me and see if we could find some more but today i've brought the wetsuit i'm gonna jump in the water and i'm gonna see what i can find underwater for agates and maybe even some gold and i hope you enjoy [Music] so we got the whole family here today they're gonna be hunting the bars the riverbanks here to see if they can find some agates have you found any yet yeah and uh as i jump in the water and go underwater to see what i can find i think alex may even want to jump in the water with me nice what'd you find there do you have a hammer yep you got hammers got chisels look at that and it gets everywhere oh look at that one up there yeah cool you may find some a lot easier to get than those but keep looking evan just found his first good agate free in the gravel bars alex found a nice one too in a fairly small rock that he can beat up and get that out of there so we've got the wetsuit on here i'm gonna jump in the water and see what i can see underwater gonna throw my mask on i forgot my snorkel today i'm gonna have to do a lot of holding my breath oops having fun yeah i haven't even got in the water yet and there's a rock with some beautiful beautiful clear agates that egg it is so clear [Applause] so clear so i'm just going to see if i can get these ones out just to serve you know wet or appetite a little bit they're big but they're not the huge ones i'm looking for there's the first one loose oh in pieces but we have agate pieces luckily the basalt that we're working at uh is very easy to break up uh let's store the agates yeah so the egg is apparently come on you there we go nice one yeah just sitting right here rock with a nice egg in it got a little bit of banding in there a little bit of banding one more and then we'll go on to the underwater stuff even more down inside there it is but that's not what i'm after let's go find the stuff i'm after so this section right through here is where i've already pulled out two like tennis ball sized agates and i do see evidence underwater of more but i can't really see through the glare of the water that's why i have to go underwater with a mask and see what i can find i'm pretty sure i'm going to find a lot of agates in the bedrock in this stuff on the bottom of the creek [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] well done bob hey that one's for you awesome i don't have enough hands oh i saw the flashlight light it up man light it up there we go nice again looking good especially first [Music] [Music] perfect i hit it broke it [Music] so [Music] [Music] got some blue to it yeah grayish blue yeah that's the nicest one so far awesome well done thanks i'm getting cold oh where where are you there well done found one in the wall there we go [Music] there it is wow that's a nice one alex says i'm a bit of a raccoon at the moment raccoon yeah raccoon gotta have this thing really tight to seal against his mustache i want the one that came out of that socket nice it could be anywhere so everyone's a little cold from playing in the water we're gonna pack up here move to the second claim where we're high and dry and we can pick agates just off the surface in the warmth it was fun but a little chilly and we've got some good stuff here so we've come to the second claim now and uh we're going to go down the trail and see if we can find a safer spot to hunt agates rather than you know at the top of the treacherous cliff that i was at last time boys slip and fall there they're they're doomed so we're gonna go down the trail and see if we can find any easier diggins look at that we got agates already in the rocks just on the path careful it's steep [Applause] which way to go which window and yes i see agates in this rock face right here i see evidence of people digging in the path and it's much safer there's nowhere to slip and fall and die well not easily at least can you slip and fall and die from here yeah yeah you probably can how's everyone else doing sliding yeah it's a nice one [Music] oh it's big it keeps going got it loose let's see what it is most of this there it is as one beauty again that's a good one and another good i don't know where the bottom half of that one went but the top half is still there it's nice there it is just going over to help alex get something i look down at my feet and [Laughter] just sit there at my feet you have to work a lot less on that one there's a lot in the debris evan's chipping away here i was just moving some debris and i almost missed this egg but as i was moving to debris i saw a little tiny bit of egg it show up there and then realized that in behind it this is all one nice big thick agate and it's loose oh it goes into the rockaways might need to deal with the stuff on top first careful careful still goes back oh look how long it is that is one big long bubble that made that egg very cool and i got a rusty one exposed inside here i saw it move so it's loose another nice nice egg so i just pulled a rock away from this spot this agate fell out of that socket right there you can see the sockets here and there and the agate big perfect look how thick it is and is that another one absolutely another one in behind it whoa hey dean oh my it's perfect too yep well there's another big one nice big flat right there and that possibly another one even above it let's see if i can get that out as a full one oh that's too close to the agate never hit too close to an egg they break that's breaking up just a thin one and i've exposed the top edge of a good one no that one came out nice alex and dana are digging below all the debris that's falling down from this hill they're just picking through it and pulling lots of agates out this one looks to be as big if not bigger i see a crack right there i can follow knock that rock off i'll do my best to knock off some of this around it don't want to break this one it looks perfect this rock's bouncing too so i should be able to pull that rock and this rock away from it and get an idea or what it is there goes that one [Applause] now so you can get this one away there's that one going away [Applause] still solid in there see what i can do with this here do you see it spall see all this spalling it just broke along the bottom edge too much pressure from this rock up here went into it it spalled along the bottom edge breaking off this white opal i'll show you what's inside of it white open the bottom probably egg it on top gentle gentle gentle it's free it's free ish i don't want to pry on it oh look at all the opal oh it's a double it's attached to another one that goes back even further wow okay so this is opal on the bottom and opal is very fracturable fracturable sure fracturable and then egg it on top there's the biggest one of the day wow we are doing so well here unfortunately it's time to go soon i don't think we're gonna be able to get evan out of here he's on the agates dana got a whole bag full today i got the behemoth alex with comic relief we're having so much fun what an amazing day we had so much fun collecting some awesome agates thanks so much for watching everyone big thanks my patrons out there because of your support patrons we get to do these adventures and make youtube videos for you guys to watch we need more bug spray thank you patrons for paying for bug spray yes if you enjoyed the video please leave us that thumbs up tell us in the comments what you liked and until the next one everyone bye bye the people at olight sent me new flashlights to check out this is the warrior mini and they also sent me the i3t eos not sure what that is but it's a pocket flashlight i actually keep one of these in my pocket all the time for just general use let's have a look nice looking flashlight there we go it's got a side button and a back button five different settings soft medium bright and there's also a turbo setting strobe setting they're waterproof they're drop proof they're amazing lights and there's a nice little handheld guy and of course rechargeable big battery inside that is magnetic attachment and a usb now this guy here just runs runs off a aaa battery again multiple settings we got the dim and the bright very useful as i said i keep one of these in my pocket all the time for everyday use there we go two new flashlights from olight woohoo
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 328,870
Rating: 4.9255738 out of 5
Keywords: agate, ck hunting, agate hunting, bc agates, hounding, rock hound, ne, gem hunting, opal, cutting agates, prospecting, video, dan hurd prospecting
Id: mKetKvc7neQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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