Gold Hog Multi Sluice Review *Full 3 runs* Part 2

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hello everyone and her with dan her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am back with the gold hogs multi sluice to do my second inaugural test my second first test well today I have a bucket full of very very rich high banking cons that I'm gonna clean up the gold from and today's test I'm going to run it through the first more aggressive Matt to bring it down to about a cup of material then I'm gonna run it through the Matt that's supposed to clean it up to about a tablespoon of material and that is really how this machine is meant to work run it through two times maybe three to get all the stuff as clean as you can get it before you pan it out that's the plan hope you enjoy [Music] so yesterday I did run my first run ever on the multi sluice and it did a fantastic job the machine caught about 95 percent of the gold in the first run I'd say about 5% in the second run and I don't think there's enough in those cons to worry about anymore now unfortunately this morning here the weather it got chilly last night and everything froze up my bucket full of cons is a solid block of ice I everything's frozen the little bungee cord that holds down this top thing was Ian my tailings from yesterday unfortunately frozen right in took me an hour to thought to get it out but I think I'm all ready to go um my bucket of highbanking cons is still in the Sun melting hopefully it's good and I'm gonna bring it over here we're gonna get started I will explain it all to you one second so we left the bucket out last night it froze solid too thought out this morning I put rocks big rocks in the fire keyed them red-hot and drop them into the bucket like excuse my language little hot still so I put hot rocks into thought out and it looks like it's still frozen around the edges darn it got another hot rock and you throw in there start to melt this a bit more make sure doesn't hit the plastic edge oh yeah once this is melted I will classify it down to quarter inch that's what doc from gold hog says that this first mat needs is quarter inch - material so I will classify it down I have a small amount of constant a not so much but it's much richer than yesterday's so I should have just as much gold in here as I did yesterday but with a lot less material will make it a lot easier to run and of course I'll be using the arbor fabricating cornets classifier if you want to get your own they're the best classifiers around link below with the discount code no well we wait let's look at the two maps we have the aggressive mat that cleans up the gold in its first step and it worked really well for me yesterday then we have the more you know the lower profile and less aggressive that that actually takes the gold down to I wants a pure gold but it's not it's cleaner gold in fact in the top few rifles he says it should be almost pure in the few as you get down the medal be more and more blacks and but it takes it down a lot farther this one here can blast through some of your gold they both can a little bit so it's good idea to rerun a couple times luckily this machine is so fast it doesn't take you much extra time to rerun and as I said yesterday I got about 95% of my gold in the first run okay uh stirred up the water and just going to go through it once with a brush to make sure there's no air pockets behind any of the wrestle air pockets would stop the gold sitting down where it's supposed to sit [Applause] I've classified all of my material down to quarter-inch it's all good to go nothing to do but start feeding [Applause] my gut feeling is yesterday I was feeding a bit quick so I may go a bit slower today easier would I have less material to and this is where I speed up the video so it looks like I'm being really fast love to try out one of Doc's bigger high bankers - they look like they're really well-constructed great matting well-thought-out I always use my home-built one but you know using a professional built one would be nice [Music] [Applause] and there we be let's shout out see what looks like inside okay now one trick doc does say is to tip it on its side for a second let all the water slowly drain down one side so that you're not fighting an excess of water when you're trying to take the mats out let's pop off full bungee cord that holds the header box in place see what I see you see lots of gold lots of gold more gold more gold more gold I do see gold I see what looks to be a very nice piece of gold let's get the camera in on this so I'm hoping I can make this camera work for some close-ups here because my good close-up camera I've got too much Fraser dust in it the other day it's not working anymore but there's some really nice pieces of gold down in there really nice the line of gold gold everywhere down on these rifles were they see if the shade helps it is everywhere riffles are just loaded with it nice well let's clean it up and see how much that comes out - okay - take the mat out you peel up one side first until it loses the pressure the pressure of it holding in from side to side once the one sides up you can pull it down and out if you know this machine there's often a bolt holds the mats in place I just decided I didn't need it the bat went in easily enough and held in place easily enough without it once you down below these little bolts you can pop up the one side completely as long as you don't have water in the riffles the gold will stay in place and we can take it over and wash it out in the pan I have my pan sitting on a big flat pan here just in case I screw up it will catch anything it falls out trick here is to keep the map completely over top of the pan so if anything falls out it falls into the pan and then rotate it through rock it through backwards opening up each of the grooves to let the gold fall out do that two or three times back and forth always staying over top your pan and then if you're really concerned or if you want to do an even better job you roll it backwards on itself this really opens up any grooves letting anything else fall out there we go here's the cons left behind half the master take tup take a note take don't take take dope and there's just gold everywhere through this those guys did well on that day woohoo that is rich rich rich rich material so now we can put the aggressive matte aside shake off all the sand I have on the cleanup mat I think he calls this the scrubber map but this mat that's designed to clean up the gold better get that in place here make sure there's a bit of a radius up at the top make sure it's all pushed down nice and tight so no gold gets down beside it there we go put the header box back in place just like that now the idea of this second run is to take this material here the tailings anything that's left over and catch that you know 5% that made it through the instructions for doing this is to classify it down to 16 to 20 mesh and then run it through this mat here at a higher angle the first one was 11 degrees the next one is about 13 degrees and it should catch the remainder of your gold I may not have thought this through completely I have no water in my bucket there we go and I I will also pan through this stuff because one problem with big flat flakes they like to flitter through machines like this so if there was any big flat flakes on here they might be up in this stuff so fire up the machine again and scrub those mats down one more time to make sure there's no air pockets because these are brand new mats to me I can see lots of air pockets in this one because brand-new map tend to hold air a lot easier than old maps do they use my protractor here to check that I get 13 degrees we are packed let's see there we go look at that what a guess 13.2 ish that'll be plenty accurate enough and the step you don't want to forget when you're going down to when you've gone to a higher angle and this lower profile mat you have to restrict the water flow and they have a special adapter here it slides in there which restricts the water flow so that you don't blast out these lower profile mats let's get going and on this one we feed a bit slower feeding slower because there's less room in the map to catch the gold so we have to give the Machine time to clear the black sand and give room for the gold to be caught again [Music] and remember these are the tailings from my first run there's not much gold because I've actually removed most the gold from here already the header [Music] I see the odd flake but not very much not very much at all now I will take these tailings and effectively throw them away I'll put them aside for other purposes because they've been run twice now there should be so little gold in there that it doesn't matter I'm gonna take the cons out of the mats right now which have the odd flake in them and I'm gonna add them to the cons from the first run I'm then gonna set up the machine for one last stripping run with an empty tailings bin so I can run it multiple times and run all of that through classified down to 16 run it through one more time and strip it off to as clean of gold as I can get that's the theory so I classified it down I classified my good cons down to 16 mesh and anything plus 16 is in this pan right now and there's a few hundred okay maybe the twenty or thirty plus sixteen flakes of gold they look nice in here is all the minus 1/16 and I'm gonna run it through the machine right now my tailings bin is empty so that it can catch all this and I can rerun it a few times running it really slowly so that has time to catch all the gold see what this looks like Wow gold gold gold look at that shot look at that one riffle there whoa and they just keep getting better and better and better so here's the 1/16 plus material was that about 40-50 flakes of 1/16 plus there's some in there that could be led or it could be platinum I have to test those first before I make that call they're a little too dark to be led in my opinion so I think I may have some platinum pieces in there Fraser is known for having a little bit of platinum on it that would be nice what a beautiful looking pan the black sands out here are still all loaded with gold I just did a very quick swirl back to have a good look look at that there's some gold and here it is 15 grams of Fraser River glass or gold well everyone in conclusion I love this piece of equipment it's every bit as good as a gold cube and capturing the gold and a whole lot easier to use so if you have a lot of high banking pawns or dredging cons or just volume in any way you need cleaned up this is a great tool for doing it the gold hog multi sluice well worth its value isn't that gold gorgeous this probably eight grams of gold in there quarter ounce of gold unfortunately it's not all mine I have to share it with my compete they have a lot of fun collecting it I had a lot of fun cleaning it and it is beautiful gold look at this shiny I sure hope you enjoyed the video if you did let that thumbs up please leave me a comment big thanks to my patrons out there for your support and please consider subscribing my channel if you haven't already until the next time [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 94,079
Rating: 4.9651761 out of 5
Keywords: Gold hog multi sluice review, multi sluice review, multi sluice, review, gold hog, sluice box, high banker, gold, gold concentrate, gold cons, gold from black sand, placer mining, gold panning, prospecting, gold prospecting, placer gold
Id: wE_iI2ORjH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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