LOST GOLD recovered, watch how!! (Part #1)

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or one danver with dad or prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here in my winter wonderland out in my outdoor shop right now with the kk8 kiln and a whole lot of gold to smelt seems like a great thing to do on this cold winter day is do some nice worm smelting so hopefully today we're gonna make a nice big gold bar for you to see that's the plan hope it works out enjoy [Music] now before you start big shout out to Dave from 9-1-1 and Pat from quick kill for supplying me with the kk8 quick kill here so that I can do this smelting thing for YouTube to watch if you want to check them out there's links down below in the description for both of them [Applause] [Music] [Music] now we're gonna slowly start warming up the kill to drive off any moisture it might have in it because we are all outdoors here and we don't want to make sure that we don't you know shock anything with moisture boiling inside there so we're warming it up slowly and letting any moisture just sort of the vaporize off at the moment let me show you what we have to smelt today now the story of this gold is that one of my viewers one of my fans tried to do some smelting of his own and didn't necessarily do it right maybe made a few mistakes along the way and I think what happened is he was trying to smelt some black sand and gold and ended up melting the two together and ended up with a material that is just it looks like gold on the surface but it's brittle it breaks it's a mineral if you will a mixture of black sand gold and anything else that was in there any other rocks that are in there that's all melted together he contacted me and said dad help I can't get my gold back so I said send it off to me I'll see what I can do so today is a big experiment with this gold to see if we can recover the gold that is in there and get it back down to a pear form of gold I don't know what's in the actual material completely so it's possible that my fluxes will be wrong we're gonna start out with a non lethargy flux so no lead in the flux a non lethargy that is just your simple refining flux the exact same recipe as that's on legends I'm gonna use the exact same quantities we're going to use potassium nitrate in it to make sure any of the metals are completely oxidized we're gonna have silica and borax to capture up those oxidized metals and some Soni carbonate in there to do make sure the PHS are all right in it does all the right stuff we're gonna start with that and see if we can actually recover the gold with that recipe after that if that doesn't work we'll have to go to a large flocks which means we'll need to compel it after where it's a lot more work at that point I've got the killing over here just warming up nicely crucible inside nice and warm let's go - one degree is just below freezing right now outside here so being around a nice where kiln is very nice we will start off with just a small sample of this goal and see how it works with the flux that we're mixing up we don't want to use the whole chunk of it to start with in case we are wrong now whenever you are flexing it is quite important that you don't use large chunks of things that it's powders going in so and that's so that the flux can really make its make contact with every particle that's in there and do its chemistry right I am gonna put this chunk into where pestle here and see if I can crush it up to powder it it does look brittle the way it's broke less brittle so I think I can actually break it up into small pieces let's see and sure enough it just powdered up nicely as I crunched it it was definitely mixed with too many other minerals Hill is not here not gold at all to hold its metallic form so if French stuff nicely now the folks I'm going to be using for today's smelt I'm taking the recipe directly off legend site so a flux manufacturer and it's going to use borax silica sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate in the exact same ratios they tell me on the legend site I was thinking in this video of explaining what each component in flux actually does in the chemical reaction for a smelt but I decided that might be a little bit too technical for this video if you'd like to see that in one of my videos let me know in the comments below if I get enough people saying they want to know what each component in flux does in a smelt I will do a video on that if it's too technical and you don't want to learn about that I won't waste your time anyhow let's start mixing this up first I need one point three grams of silica next we need nine point three grams of borax we need one point three sodium carbonate zero this again one point three of Soviet carbonate and three grams of potassium nitrate hmm there's the flux I'm gonna use for this small milk to small amount of flux because it's just a small amount of gold I have in there we will mix this up with the gold really nicely I may have missed mixing up and pouring all the flux and gold and everything into the crucible in there it looks like my camera wasn't turned on brilliant anyhow we now have the flux and the gold all mixed together really well in the crucible inside the kiln and it's heating up slowly at this point a little bit of technicals here when it comes to smelting we have to bring the whole kiln everything in the kiln off to 900 degrees 900 is important because that's when the chemistry starts working in there right up to 900 leave it for 20 minutes and let some of the fusion the chemical reactions that happen occur at that lower 900 degree temperature we then bring it up to a thousand degrees and leave it for another 20 minutes and what that does is it makes everything a whole lot more fluid let's all the gold that has now sort of done its chemical reactions and it's just sort of up in that flux gets more fluid that gold sinks to the bottom and pools in the bottom of the crucible 20 minutes at a thousand degrees Celsius and then we can pour it out into one of our moles we will be using a conical shaped mold and why we use a conical shaped mold is it brings all the heavies the gold silver has melted in there right into the very bottom of the cone into a little button in the bottom and lets the flux sit on top and Harden on top and they should come out as two separate layers the gold and then the flux that break apart now the problem with this material before is the chemistry didn't happen completely the black sand melted into the gold some of the flux probably melted into the gold and when it went into its mold they stayed together they didn't separate gold versus the crap so hopefully today in our little experiment in the conical mold will separate out nicely and we'll have a pure gold bunny now let's talk a little bit about safety that you might not see on camera too much here just because I do take it off when I'm filming but I will be wearing a respirator when needed when I'm a breathing fumes or too close to the fumes definitely have leather gloves for handling the hot material and of course eye protection to protect my eyes from a splatter now you know I know get ready put the comments out there protecting my beard yes I am very careful with my beard in that flame and I do tuck it in when I need to but I don't have you know a weather apron for my beard or anything like that but yes I am following safety precautions here to keep myself safe while doing the smelting and I am outdoors so the fumes are escaping quite easily I don't have to worry about them building up too much for all those of you who love to comment about my safety and stuff remember I'm a shop teacher I have a four year degree on safety basically how to keep safe in industrial situations and a lot of it was to do with not smelting necessarily but foundry stuff I know how to work with molten metals I know the safety precautions involved so I am being safe here you might just not see everything on video and I can't find my full face shield here it's somewhere I just don't know where it went now well the first little piece of smelting way over there I'm gonna wait up the goal of the remaining goal here it comes out 250 1.6 grams and we'll see what it comes out to afterwards to see how much of that weight was not gold as long as the smell turns out we should find out how much you know black sand and other things were melted in with that goal so 51.5 and we'll see what it comes down to I'll keep the whole beads that I'm doing right now separate so it doesn't mess up the measurements I forgot to weigh it before I started [Music] like 900 now or pretty darn close to it I'm gonna start by 20 minute timer and go from there 20 minutes at 900 have to turn down the propane a little bit otherwise it will climb over the 900 you want to hold it there for 20 minutes that is something else the gentleman that smelled this originally may have done he may have just brought it to the multi-point and then cast it it has to stay there for quite some time for all the chemistry all the smelting to actually occur in there so 20 minutes of this then we crank her up to help look inside so I don't have to put my face over the flame I have a mirror and the mirror can help me look down inside to see what's going on except it's fogging up a little moist out here definitely molded in the bottom there I can see that now this is interesting I see what looks to be a sulfur build up around the top ring here where the exhaust is coming out which might mean he was smelting sulfides as well as gold not just blacks and blacks and is an oxide a sulfide is like a pyrite and if that's the case those are much more difficult to smelt now luckily there's potassium they trade in there which will actually deal with the sulfides if they're there but I see this build up around the top ring which might mean that they're present in that chunk of gold material that he gave me well there we are 20 minutes at 900 degrees we're going to turn up or not bring it up to a thousand with all P steepness on the scale thousand degrees leave it there for 20 minutes at this point we should put the conical mold on top here to have it heating up so that when we go to pour into the mold it's warm and doesn't get shocked and doesn't cool off the gold really quickly there is I spoke a little bit on the edge and you can see that it's gold with it push that in there pucks on the edge no gold but when the gold went in I saw the perfect feed or I saw molten metal drip in before the flux went on top so where let that cool for a second but I think we got her keyless dump this out and see what she looks like [Music] [Applause] Punk look at the gold so that's what I wanted to see oh she's hot - the gloves I wanted to see some nice metallic gold on the bottom there let's get a nice close-up of this while it's cooling and that's what I wanted to see nice metallic gold on the bottom nice separation with the flux I could have poured a bit better it's not the greatest pour around but hey we'll get better as we get a bit more practice here today that looks great and maybe give that a second cool off a bit more before I try to separate the flux from the gold and see what it looks like [Applause] perfect I can tell right now just by the look of the surface of that gold that it's a good metallic gold could have done a better job of pouring it but we've changed that mineral that material that he created back into raw gold I'll knock off all that extra flux I'll put it into a crucible and hit it hard once to make sure that doesn't shatter on me but that looks good so I put in my mortar and pestle and hit it hard once and it just deformed like gold should we have nice metallic gold there there is still some up in the fluxes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna save all this I'm gonna melt it all one more time at the end so I can pour one really nice gold bar out of it all and we'll just use that same flux as its protective coating and it will get all the gold out of it it'll be good it would be good so here's the pearl from the first go-around it's not a nice real clean one I didn't do a great job of pouring it but I will clean that up you'll see that it is all beautiful cold gold it's nice of metallic you can see where I hit it really hard and flattened it out and this will be a combination of gold silver and some other sort of non-ferrous metals but mostly gold in there I'm pretty sure and let's see what it weighs so that first one was six grams of gold there was a bit more in there that I didn't actually get that was just trapped up in the flux but we'll get that out when I redo it but there is six grams of gold in the first pro now this gentleman sent me a few other things too this is all the flux that was left on top of his original smelt that went bad and I will melt that down and see if any gold got trapped up in that flux he also had a crucible break on him broken crystal cracked crystal from the same gold slag and gold number one so I'm gonna see what I have to do to this to recover anything that might be in it I'm gonna have to crush this down nicely and my even pan it out to get the heavies out of it because I don't know if I can really smell the broken up crucible very well but those will be other runs I do hear today is just going to be about get recovery the gold in the big chunks of gold he had there and I don't know how long this video will end up being I may have to split it into two parts if I do split it into two parts I will try to release them on the same day maybe a few hours apart I try to keep all of my videos less than 20 minutes so if this goes over 20 I'll split it off into two the flock certainly no gold went with it [Music]
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 59,760
Rating: 4.9562097 out of 5
Keywords: lost gold, smelting, smelting gold, kwik kiln, recovering gold, recovering lost gold, gold smelting, gol melting, melting gold, casting gold, gold casting, flux, video, gold mining, gold panning, prospecting, gold lost, metal detecting, found treasure, treasure hunters, smelting gold ore, smelting gold into bars, kwik kiln 8, kwik kiln melting kit, kwik kiln propane melting furnace, gold smelting at home, gold melting torch, gold casting mold
Id: rgmRInjtRI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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