Claim Jumpers Beware!

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holder 1 dan herbert dan her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome please consider subscribing i am checking out a new spot on the fraser today I just came down and I'm looking for a trail down to it and I haven't found one so I am making my own trail luckily the forest is nice and open here and the Fraser is right there so it's not far to go I'm just walking over the edge down to the Fraser I'm gonna see what I can see down there and just prospecting a new site I'm not gonna say exactly where this is after I found claim jumpers at picker 10 I'm a little bit more tight-lipped which kind of sucks I love telling you guys everything but for now it's a secret [Music] now I know people do save with a place as amazing as Pinkerton why would I go anywhere else and I can't agree but I love exploring I really like checking out new ground just something I enjoy doing so that's why I do it yeah I'm down in one piece a little bit touch-and-go there for a little bit now let's see how far off track I was before I got down to the river I don't have my GPS but I do have some landmarks that I can look at to figure out where I need to be nice looking place ha ha I'm right where I'm supposed to be right at the edge of my claim now let's see what this claim has to offer now of course I want to head over to check out the bedrock that is my first ball that's where I'll do first but I see some nice gravels here and I would be a bit negligent in my prospecting if I didn't sample these gravels so you want to pan the gravel before I go over and check out the bedrock so in my first pan of gravels from this new spot I see a few low specs well another one will spec so not much just specs but there's a few of them 1 2 3 4 5 6 you go check out that bedrock now old way wish I had my metal detector right now this is my favorite kind of bedrock shale up on edge full of cracks this is where you find the gold nice metal detectors nice on this to because you can go over this stuff so quickly to see what's down there and this stuff the cracks don't look huge they don't look like they've gone down too far take a pen really easy digging into it nice and loose so all that material down in those cracks did bring my classifier that was a very smart well with the old-fashioned way well nothing in that first pan right there so I look for other spots see what we find so the next pan from right there showed a few specks again but still not enough to you know weren't sticking around so still moving on someplace beautiful [Music] good digging utensil here start of rock [Music] so you get for coming down sort of just for a initial check being a little bit unprepared but you never know what you're gonna find when you get down here I do have my two others back my backpack over on the grounds way over there big piece of lead couple little specks of gold but nothing amazing next here's my next spot good looking gravels in there it seems like a massive crevice from above that could have caught stuff and sort of funneled it all the way down got caught up in these as they wash out now I have found very much of anything yet but I thought I often wonder if my first day on picker chin was like this if I would have you know gone back to check for more I've had many days ohnparrot in they've come out serve who not much gold like my last one I wonder if on my first trip I didn't find much if I would have given up let's hope we find something here a bigger piece of gold you know picker is like that but for your flight you did not bring a soccer ball down with me I'm definitely not prepared today so donating it back to the river because all I'm doing right now is getting an idea of what's here oh there's another one let's see what this claim is like don't leave it in my pan because when I go to evaluate the next spot I don't want to have flakes left over and not know if they came where they came from I know some people will be calling me an idiot for throwing away gold it's okay I can get more so a few dozen pans later and all I found is beautiful scenery no gold obviously there's a little specks of gold in every pan but really good looking spots behind a big bed rock outcrop around the corner and a little Hollow water should swirl around here nicely when it's just chugging through nothing you know wander around a bit and just have a good look see what else is here but so far works so far nada [Applause] people keep telling me that they like watching my videos about the exploring and the adventure and getting out it's not all always about the gold let's hope they're right because I'm not gonna have much gold to show you this trip obviously I showed you a little bit in the pan but that spot looks good we should jump right there crazy anyhow yeah today is about the adventure not about the gold look at this shale up on edge that is the perfect stuff to bed it's not actually holding gold today let's try right there lots of it like that and everywhere court seems wouldn't that be nice to find one of those that actually had visible gold in it [Music] to watch sports here let's need to find the gold and not the court there's a big block of quartz [Applause] okay I think that whole thing is quartz leaving the source [Music] the interesting things you find on your claim that is nasty I'm sure glad I didn't meet the person that was wielding that at the time it's a local fish down here all the time that must be their club for killing the fish or something hoping that's what that is crazy [Music] [Applause] do I look menacing now there's a thumbnail for the video now since the fisherman or official people do leave their stuff down here I will leave this right where it is because hey they might be back for it look at that nasty Club well that's prospecting for ya went from all the way over there on those gravels all the way along this bedrock and found Netan Wow you know I probably throw out a hundred specks of gold in that time but you put all those hundred specks together it wouldn't even come out 2.1 of a gram interesting this spot should from what I know of the area should have lots of gold interesting maybe I just had a bad luck date maybe I need to bring some friends out and try this one a little harder maybe there just is no gold here we are sort of the outside corner water flow isn't quite right but things like that corner there should have had it and those are for old Fraser River gravels up there it should be washing out on here interesting very very interesting at least I got to spend a beautiful day on the Fraser snow in the health any day out here is better than any day I work do you like my job but it's still gorgeous out here but I think I'm gonna call our quits here for this video unless I find some more gold before I go I think that's it for today so if you haven't know if you haven't found me yet on Instagram Facebook go check it out I've got lots of good stuff out there for you guys as well as the videos here on YouTube thanks everyone for watching subscribers people who are not subscribed my patrons special thanks my pages because of your pledges I get to do this and make these at YouTube videos for everyone to watch please as always I love hearing your comments if you liked the video hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed yet I hope you liked what you saw enough to hit that subscribe button and get close to a hundred thousand that's my goal before the end of the year so everyone that's it from the Fraser I really hope you enjoyed so until the next one bye [Music] do I look menacing
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 35,989
Rating: 4.928299 out of 5
Keywords: Claim jumpers, gold claim, placer claim, gold panning, gold panning video, new claim, fraser river, fraser river fishing, fishing, fishing club, bedrock, shale, panning for gold, exploring, gold mining
Id: MdQ0qE1wJbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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