The Whole Sluice Filled With GOLD! MY BEST GOLD RECOVERY 🤑

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and that is what it looks like after just 10 teaspoons what's up guys chris here from vogus prospect and if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome it's great to see your smiling face and if you're very warm beanie like this one welcome back today i'm going to run the richest bucket of pay dirt that i've ever done on this channel there's a super long story behind where and how i came across this bucket but the only thing that i can really tell you is that these are the spots that we don't film i just thought it would be really cool to show you guys what a truly rich spot looks like so after you finish watching this video let me know in the comments below would you like to see more cleanups from this spot this bucket is about two days or about 10 hours worth of panning the gold in these areas is so rich that we don't actually worry about sucking up our snuffle bottle once we find the spot all we do is process the dirt down to about a handful of concentrates throw it in a bucket like that and bring it home for later processing to run this dirt we've got a few tools we're going to need two cons pans this is for the course classification this is the fine classification we've got our coarse and fine classifiers using the gold wrap micro cell cleanup mat i've linked them in the description below fantastic product to have if you're running large amounts of concentrates first the course classification [Applause] might have overfilled that i've made a big mess and uh i'm a bit of a a bit of a stickler for a nice clean work environment this is all our plus kitchen deep fryer now we're just going to go through a quick visual look to make sure we can't see any big bits of gold just sitting in there and then once we've done that we're going to do a quick pan we're also looking out for gems [Music] [Applause] so no huge nuggety bits in that pan but we did get i believe a tourmaline he's not very good it's a bit cracked and and dirty but that's okay that's still a cool little fight so i'll put that aside i'm just going to take this quarter bucket or thereabouts worth of cons and push it through the kitchen strain to get the really really fine particles and then we can run two different watts through the cleanups loose so [Music] [Music] so everyone seems to think that the sluice is the most important part of doing anything like this but it's actually at this stage because this gives your clues the best fighting chance of recovering the gold first go if you're putting itty bitty gold up against really big black bits of iron stone and tin and all other matter of heavies it's going to struggle there's no two ways about it here we are with our minus and plus kitchen strainer the first thing we're going to do is put this in the water with the magnet and just get rid of any heavies that might be in there as you can see bugger all something a lot of people are going to tell you about this mat is that there will be tiny little bubbles of air within each cell and you've got to get rid of them before you start otherwise it won't capture any gold all of our tailings are running into a bucket for reprocessing it's only a short sluice any micro gold especially with the quantities we're doing in that size sluice is likely to get blown out so re-running very important right big stuff first let's see if there's any pickers this is how good that microcell mat is that's a shotgun pellet and it just sits there i see a bit of gold i see a bit of gold where'd he go he was just up here oh there is look at that another nice speck and we've got our second shotgun palette i'm only about halfway through that pan down there and the gold's starting to reveal itself this is why it's one of our best spots so remember this is our plus size bit we've got a nice chunk just there we've got another nice chunk over there oh look at that flake that is a good bit of gold and that one oh i didn't even see him before most people have removable mats [Music] but i'm an idiot and stuck mine in this is what we're left with so let's give it a bit of a shake together find out what we got oh look at him all right we got some nice nice chunkier pieces and a heap of lead that's all out of our plus size that is some good looking gold right we're gonna get a lot more in the under kitchen australian size [Music] first teaspoon i've got heaps of gold let's do a few more and i'll show you [Applause] all right that's 10 teaspoons teaspoons [Music] and that is what it looks like after just 10 teaspoons i did warn you that it was going to be the richest bucket of dirt that we've ever processed even though it was only about a third of a bucket of dirt and but i probably should have warned you about weak hearts [Music] [Applause] i really love this when the cells start loading up with gold like that and then you look down in your pan and there's just a wee little speck just pop it out to say hello we're just getting down to the last few teaspoons of concentrates and the mat is looking seriously golden mean how often do you see that that is a beautiful beautiful side i think any gold miner would be happy with okay that's about as much as i can get out of this pan so we're just gonna pan this off because there's nothing in here really but there'll be gold in it and then i'm going to show you the mat so this is just what i couldn't scrape up with the spoon so that ladies and gentlemen is just from the dregs that ladies and gentlemen is what i call a freaking good result look at all of that gold we had migration down to about 50 percent of the mat too i can see a little bit down here so in more than likely we've lost some in the bucket but that's why we've got that bucket there that first runs probably honestly good for 90 plus percent of the gold that we ran through it so i'm not two phase what i do is i throw them through big cleanups i'll usually take them back out into the creek and just run them through another sluice run uh when i use that bucket again just look at all of that gold world's most expensive toothbrush currently need more water more water [Applause] for a little bit of scale we're going to put it in the same size pan as what we did the course pieces in by the time this video is i'll have given this piece of gold away to someone very important to me so i wanted to show you this before i filmed so you get to see it as well just a refresher this is our course piece gold and we're going to find out what's in this together oh well oh wow yeah yeah it's just not like it's not every day you get to go there and mine this sort of stuff seeing clean up that good is just it makes you feel really good does it don't think how many clean no matter how many cleanups you do if you get a good cleanup it brings that same sense of joy back and i love that i'm just going to get both of these cleaned up all right we're gonna have to do this in stages there's so much gold that i can't i can't do it properly hang on all right we're gonna snuff a bottle up this stuff and then just keep gradually cleaning it what an unusual problem to have so i've got all the little stuff sucked up in here not completely clean but sucked up and we're just going to add the uh chunky bits two things it took a while but we got it clean and the second thing is apparently my beard was inhibiting my ability to find gold because that's unreal look at that so i let the gold dry out overnight and that is our result next to a clash guitar's pick for some scale i also re-ran the tailings to see how much our tiny sluice box blew out which we know there was going to be some but i was surprised that right there is all we lost after running the entire bucket through that tiny sluice box which is a really good result i mean we can't ask much more of a sluice it's already full of gold to keep catching all of the gold in the future i'm actually planning on making a much bigger sluice box with nothing but that matting in there which will basically make those losses zero this is the lead we recovered after i finished re-running the tailings i went back through and i pulled out all the garments that were pickable i mean there was thousands more in those tailings but these are just the ones that we could pick up i have no idea if any of these are actually gem quality but this is sort of the average size you find out of this spot now we're going to tear this off and we're actually going to weigh up the garnet first we've got it on carrots garnet's worth 50 a carat minimum for cuttable stones now i don't think any of these are actually going to be cuttable but it's nice to know how many carrots we've actually got here in raw form just for fun oh there's a lot almost 10 carats on the dot so theoretically if they were all cuttable it would be 500 worth of garnets now for the part you've all been waiting for this is a gold we have the scale tear off to zero on grams now my guess is 2.5 grams over 10 hours what's your guess okay we've passed my guess 4.48 grams you freaking kidding that's nuts 4.48 grams just panning in two days that's oh man okay well let's say 4.4 because there's a little bit of black sand in there but if we say 4.4 that's 2.2 grams a day for 5 hours worth of panning [Music] unlike the garnets the gold value is true 375 australian dollars that's worth in just 10 hours of gold panning and i mean at the end of the day isn't this what gold prospecting is all about it's a big kids treasure hunt getting out there finding the treasure and from seeing that sluice map fill up with gold to picking the garnets out and doing the final weigh-in for 4.48 grams that to me is living the dream thank you so much for watching my video i hope you did enjoy it if you like this video chances are you'll like other videos that are up on my channel page hitting the subscribe button is completely free and gives you access to well over 300 videos all on goal prospecting out in the wild and here at home and until i see you next time remember to like that smash button give this video a share if that's something you're into peace from the northeast and i i'm out [Music] you
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 666,232
Rating: 4.8488431 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, sluicing for gold, gold sluicing, how to find gold, looking for gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, mining for gold, gold sluice, gold nugget, fine gold, slucing for gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, panning, mining, river gold, where to find gold, pioneer pauly, dan hurd, klesh, jeff williams
Id: ZZN274hyjF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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