Blast!, Crush!, Concentrate!, GOLD!

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hello everyone dan her with dan her prospecting welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn a subscription today I'm here with dad again dad Doug Doug hurt Dan heard hmm dad we are going to be doing a run on the icon today of some blue chip mine material if you watch my videos you were you may remember seeing this stuff I blasted a slab off of a seam in one of my you know my crow blaster videos I'll leave a link here in this video if you wanna go back and watch it and we have this big slab of court seam you can see here's the host rock but this is the quartz seam and we've got a bunch more and buckets all sorts of material we're gonna run that through the icon and see what it can recover hopefully in some of these pockets of sulfides there are some gold let's hope [Music] now again if you haven't seen earlier videos of the icon I have many many many videos on how this icon centripetal concentrator actually works and how it recovers gold if you want to know the Howells and why is and all that make sure you go back and look at previous videos this video today I'm just gonna show it to you in action recovering the gold from the blue-chip mine we will be using the jaw crusher up top to get primary crush a secondary crusher of the impact mill here and then into the hopper into the icon when the icon is done it will discharge out the bottom into the bucket where we'll pan it down and see what's in it I really hope this one has some good gold we're getting water from our tailings pond here it comes here comes the water ah there we go we're good fire up the impact mill the jaw crusher grab my material [Music] [Applause] and when dad gives me the okay that things are ready to go we'll start the bead that's just down there getting the water pressures just right on everything we go water flowing hey there we go dad to either shower today anyways okay here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] their sugar do turn down her water pressure downer water pressure [Applause] for me it's all going into the I realized about halfway through that run and fit foot your buffs back on oh my poor oh that was smooth we did it all in one no jams no problems no nothing we get everything right now if we can every right if it's gold in this thing well that's just hey if there's gold in it it was the perfect run let's go see okay here we have the blue chip sample show you what it looks like before we pan it all out heavy in quartz for sure this is the the tons of gold that are in it the bottom pounds yes I saw lots of those samples leave lots of those rocks that went through were very high in sulfide so you can see the big chunks of sulfides in them so I assume a lot of this will be heavy sulfides the shadow of the tripod of exactly there weren't any big massive sulfides in there like anything more than like a half inch across little pocket so that's nice when you have too too much sulfides it just makes it a pain to deal with and actually there's not as much as I thought in here the sulfides in this material a combination of our sino pyrite iron pyrite and copper pyrite and pure tight which is just another form of iron pyrite here tight is the most common one there there's not nearly as many sulfides as I thought dad's already checked the safety sluice on the tailings and there was almost nothing in it so we're not losing anything but if there's nothing in that to start with well there's no way we can lose it let's hope there is something how are you um now we're basically pure sulfides good looking material just not much yeah well that would be nice if it had lots of gold and that's all the sulfides that were in it that would make it easy to run easy to work okay let's see turn off the camera singh's not seeing much dad no I'm not seeing much what yeah next team yep that seemed looked really good looked really promising [Music] what's the light sulfide sir probably our see no car see no goes is much more white yeah so there is gold in it there is gold there's a whole line I'm tapping up to the top here tiny tiny tiny stuff and not a lot of it now that was a very small sample to rocks but not very much there okay well I won't go for more from there right but I do have some really good spots on the blue chip that's just not one of them again I'll take this home and get a really good picture close-up of that goal to show you what it looks like under the microscope I'll also show you what the sulfides look like that in the microscope but it's not pounds of gold like I thought it would be well have no like I hoped it would be I knew there would be pounds of gold we only had pounds of rock dirty hands thank you on me so I'm just walking down to my favorite spot on the river to say goodbye in this video but before I do that of course I got to show you the gold under the microscope so here it is now this piece I'm showing you right now is probably about 100 mesh gold if that gives you an idea of the magnification here and when I start looking around at the absolute powder let's move over here you can see that is loaded in gold stuff that my eyes could not even come close to seeing and you know showing you that big piece early on oops if that's a hundred mesh gold what is that tiny stuff that must be like a thousand mesh or smaller but look at it all it is everywhere through these cones little hard focus of that kind of magnification I'll see if I can get a good picture to put in here you and here's an interesting piece I just found it is gold still attached to the Pyrates and actually is zooming in and out on this piece I can see that's got probably an iron pyrite pura tight and gold all in one piece I may have too much light on it right now turn that light down is that better maybe neat looking piece though with the combination of the two and again that piece is probably about a hundred mesh gold and pyrite so again gotta say goodbye from a very scenic spot this is my favorite spot on my little river here it's beautiful down in the canyon I hope you like watching this part rock prospecting as much as you like placer I know in person it's not quite as much fun but you do have potential for finding lots of gold however today's didn't work out didn't pan out death they say that seemed although it looked fabulous just didn't have the gold in it I have another sample from inside one of the audits that is just loaded and hopefully you'll get to see that on a future video if you like this stuff and you're new to my channel please make sure you subscribe I have hundreds of videos on this kind of mining Oh placer mining hardrock mining rock hunting metal detecting gem hunting everything if you like what you see subscribe so you don't miss anything in the future also I have lots of social media I have Instagram Facebook behind the scenes footage hints to what's coming up in the future lots of great stuff on that check me out on Instagram and Facebook please remember to Like share subscribe please leave me a comment until the next one everyone fight you know you're near subscription today you you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 55,312
Rating: 4.9395947 out of 5
Keywords: Blast, crush, concentrate, gold, Gold mining, gold recovery, crushing gold ore, crushing rocks, rock crusher, centrifugal concentrator, gravity concentrator, icon i150, blasting rock, blasting gold ore, fine gold recovery, micron gold, mesh gold, quartz, sulfides, sulfides and gold, gold processing plant, small scale mining, blue chip mine, hard rock mining, crushing quartz, free gold, high grade gold ore, gold ore, gold in quartz, jaw crusher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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