I found two gold bars on my claim!

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we've got gold everywhere point three maybe there's no that's got to be getting close to one that's fat though to it look how fat it is blood spilled on the clay that's what we're talking about hello everyone dan her with Dan or prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome please consider subscribing I am here at the Pickers in claim with a whole group of people we have Holly Holly from Pioneer poly and we have I'm Shane from Quest guitars hi everybody I'm Andrew from backcountry explorers hey Dave iam from Chamber of Mines of Easton VP we're gonna have an amazing day a whole bunch of people have Pickard in we're gonna find Pickers for sure with this many people [Music] so it's a youtuber convention if we only had Jeff Williams and a couple of crazy Australians here with us today we'd have it all Polly found his spoon he lost at picker Tintin he also lost his pans his sunglasses all sorts of stuff but he's found his special spoon there Shane flesh up on the hill I should show him where the good stuff is though so this is what I'm looking for here at picker tonight when I move a rock because they're all leaks all these rocks are loose when I move one I see this material that's down between the rocks and this stuff it's on the back wall that is where I found most of my Pickers is in stuff like that it's basically enough most of its been in the side ones not the back but I'll take that all and put my pan and see what's there so again peckerton doesn't disappoint this is three pans into it today first two he had gold but he and and number three nice picker plus a couple of bigger flakes that's what we're talking about I dug that not from there where I showed you a second ago but instead from there the same type of material the material that served worked its way down the cracks when that rock was removed and it had some nice-looking gold no Polly wants to pan always use your pinky finger it makes the gold look bigger oh I love this finding gold before it gets in my pan I was scraping up there rubbing it all down with my gloves and my gloves exposed an ice flake of gold sitting on bedrock another picker not quite as big as the last one but pretty darn close wonder how many more are in here they always travel in packs Jack some Pickers have you found anything yet I tell you get panning pan ins where is that here I gave up I gave up on my bevel detector I went panning cuz I was fighting panting how pretty do I look right now with my feet up yeah head down ass up something like that yeah everything is so muddy here Fraser so muddy now for the reveal the reveal clickety clunk the town I just found a Claim Jumper dad has joined us we have a party going on there Shane from plush down there using his fancy dancy metal detector Davey from the chamber trying to find gold we got a drone flying over the river here don't crash out there whoo paulie's got the gold bug I think we all have the gold bug piece nice fat piece that is awesome really cool that's a beauty that is good nice close-up on that one that's I'd say it's probably 18 ounces that's a dirty 18 ounces yeah I'd say 0.3 maybe that's gotta be getting close to one that's fat though to it look how fat it is that's pretty cool yeah that's a grammar easy you sure oh yeah who knows I do I have a scale back in my truck that's very very very cool and you don't even look very happy no I'm pretty happy I am always happy I take finding gold for granite yeah I mean I got appreciate more that that is beautiful oh I'll get a close-up of that I think Davey's happy are you happy Davey I've seen a little bit of color that's always nice that nice-looking pan there full thick that one yeah cool water looks like you could pound that flop with a hammer on a against another hammer and it would look a lot bigger there's a lot of flour in there too yeah that's a nice spot well I just kind of looked around in bookmark the kind of thought that you were working yeah are you up there or down here at the bottom of my handle right and this down here looks down here looks good to just stuff that I removed with my hand I haven't gotten to the bottom of it that's where the big ones out yeah and my pan which had the best looking material from the best spot at two specks in it paulien cheater checking out the spot where Paulie found that nugget this right where the other piece was yeah obviously I'm using this whole runway to play on and off oh yeah I think you moved it yes screaming right here cover even it must be huge oh yeah that's bare hands that's mistake just give me blood involved oh I like my bladder you like your bed how do you like your blood nice and chilled lukewarm you got it oh not a screwdriver you got it it's in there Ted we got hold he's gonna find his second nugget of the day no don't pressure me okay your third nugget of the day second and third in one pan or not no I must spin the rock but we did find some gold yeah three little specks - no flicky so I think it was a rock iron eyes or something hi you're nice iron eyes like iron well there's a good word remember that for your next report there yeah it's ionised ha ha I found a bar of gold a bar of gold in my pan and it's a big enough there bigan that's awesome oh my my pan doesn't sit that's it there ah okay oh thank you finger always use a pinky finger makes the go and look bigger listen not as big as yours if we're comparing sizes that is how you right well that's exciting definitely going back to that spot right there blood spilled on the claim yep Pinkerton strikes again and I only just nicked that rock tiny amount yeah that's almost about a 5/8 yeah Danny's working a crack here that is very similar to where I found huge amounts of gold you can see that there is a boat 3/4 of an inch of dirt in there and it's that thick clay stuff that's where I found that big nugget butt right in that clay on a crack just like that let's hope this is similar see how it's coming apart here so I'll it's all graded just so many places for it to hide and it's dad's turn to get a picker that's mini gold bar that's two gold bars we've now found on this plane I'm gonna get up my Swiss Army knife and you know the tweezers and pick that one up okay just a second I know I'll put it back there we go it's a picker I picked it it's a nice piece of gold yeah I say that and this is let's get let's get a nice close-up of you sucking it up this is the trash stuff the good stuffs telling that bucket there let's come on it two more Pickers in the bucket den dad you just just be good you should be good so dad right after the first one gets a second and all the cameras come out cuz it's a nice one as I said I think the better stuff is in the bucket oh that is a nice picker that's crazy and everyone's camera we've got to come out to check out the new picker spilling my spirit he stolen his spirit way to go awesome you pick it up you're gonna love guys see but see it to holder or sick I don't think is very sick pretty sick it's pretty thin but it's big and no folds keep it out cuz I'm gonna get another camera and dads two Pickers came out of that groove right there right below where I'm working I think this whole area needs to be cleared and just pulled out a little muggy a little muggy and sheen clash over there says he's got something good in his pan - oh except now I got a picture of Polly's but the biggest piece of gold chain flesh yeah do people actually call you call you clash all the time that's it yeah I guess piece of folk gold touches ever found I think so I'm pretty sure that's a picker Adam a Christian claim yeah yeah biggest piece of gold right here damn machine but thank you thank you insult for Shane but a compliment to me there you go same things he found his biggest piece of gold yeah nice and and we line it up we got a twofer both of us at the same time I'm happy with that Matt oh yeah awesome fleshes first picker from picker t'n nice no problem I'm glad you're happy we are on the gold now everyone's pulling the belt everyone right Davey we're on the gold I love this I say I have gold instantly all the cameras come running and Paulie tries to fall death to Polly another picker okay energy with his Arbor a fabricating classifier of course you can get a discount on these from either of our channels just use their discount codes in the link in the thing [Music] there must be something going on down there I I came back from I get in the water and all the cameras are out this is using oh yeah below that one your your one or your dad I think two pieces another twofer that was two in that one pan very bottom of the crevice in that clay when you scrape it on he bought him that clay is holding it for sure yeah nice so the big flake just found a big flake let's see it Davi little friends and the little stuff around that's a little friends hanging on the beach now you've lost it it's in there I just just concentrated on the beach I think you ready no it's always weird oh there's another bigger piece man's got a nice piece here at his pan and maybe got a couple pieces that I pulled one out at the same time that's a nice chunky little piece we've got gold everywhere and another piece of gold on bedrock let's bring the camera in have a look right there absolutely love finding those pieces just lay in there see if I can pick it up for the camera although I have no tools let's go find a tool to pick that up let's see if I can pick this out of here well it's just a small one I think that's better exposed now I hear something going on down here let's go see what he's got oh I can see it from a mile away probably Paulie beat me I think but this one is probably the second that is a nice piece of gold shaped like a like a country or something yes which country I'm Nakia so what's your one no that was at the bottom the bottom of your crevice yeah there sits I'm still not done with that crevice yeah that's crazy more someone has a really big smile on his face that's so awesome it is tasty mmm yummy [Music] dad's found another big flake another little picker that's Pinkerton nicely done [Music] [Music] and another twofer knickers one hand and again folded there's so many of them a hair folded and the better side of the Dean crew now we haven't told Shane this yet but Holly and I have decided that we're gonna send him home with all of our goal today so here's what I've got in my second bottle including Polly's my big one a bunch of Pickers a little nugget really nice looking gold I was just saying to the camera we decided to send their hope our gold home with Shane today but he doesn't know that yet no he doesn't nice looking stuff so there's the pickers of the day Pickers from Bickerton comes out to 0.74 three ever Graham and then I've got all the the small flower stuff wouldn't bring it up to a full gram that's probably another Oh maybe point zero five in there so we'll say for the day point eight I can't dry this stuff out right now because I don't have all the right equipment here in the Airbnb yep it's the first nugget we found during the day so where everybody's like it looks you look cute I'm still going with my gram no I'm guessing eight point nine nine nine really honest yeah I'm gonna go a half currency yeah really okay let's see what let's see what it is less than zero point five five point five 700 wait five seven seven I thought for sure it was bigger than that cuz it's the first one we saw during the day so everybody was freaking out about it that's a gram you know a hammer there's nothing wrong with a half grammar right so that means mines about point three yeah that is nice it there Shane's biggest piece of the day it was point two eight let me gram the quarter of a gram showing the rest in the pan oh yes and you got three other Pickers today as well let's put them in there it's with that way yeah they are slightly wet right now but that gives you a pretty close estimate point four to just under half a gram nice adding all the fine stuff you got the day I see you got a half gram date best day ever nice that's good to hear so here's all the gold we got today all three of us together all in one and of course because Shane is the guest here you get to take it all home today is our awesome man Wow this is what is that even add up to that's like a debt so two grams right we're a man a quarter I'm gonna grab and a half yeah well there's all of our gold today Shane paulie's had mine in one and it comes out to 1.7 six grams not too bad for a day at pick Orton not teabag as Molly would say and of course that's all going home that's all going self to the border yeah with this guy right here thanks so much man that was awesome that was an awesome adventure I'm glad you enjoyed it well everyone how exciting was that it has been a day with these two crazy people we found a lot of great goal today will definitely show you all that gold at the end some nice close-ups maybe even weigh it to see what we got you found a marvelous piece yes I hope you guys out there who have subscribed my channel watch my stuff have also subscribed to both flesh and poly if you haven't go do that right now they make amazing videos thanks I hope y'all enjoyed watching we had a real fun time today so thank you for your support thank you five patrons and it's on the next one everyone by [Music] you like your blood how do you like your blood nice and chilled lukewarm
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 315,128
Rating: 4.8991003 out of 5
Keywords: Pioneer pauly, Klesh guitars, collaboration, Gold panning, gold bars, gold nuggets, gold, gold claim, metal detecting, panning for gold, gold panning fraser river, two gold bars
Id: ElEIrZlaThY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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