SO MUCH GOLD! in one little pocket.

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[Music] [Applause] well hello everyone dan here with daniel prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i am here on pickerton for the first time in 2021 uh first time out uh checking out the fraser river here and seeing some of my favorite spots i'm still healing from my heart surgery so i'm not up to all that much work but i think it's time for me to put a pan in the water and see if i can find some gold my goal today is one picker if i get one picker i'm happy so wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so if you're not familiar with my channel this is one of my favorite claims i call it pickerton because of the number of gold pickers i have found here the fraser river is known for fine fine gold it is not known for big gold it's not known for nuggets and is not known for pickers so this claim is a bit of an anomaly producing so many pickers now my plan today is to work down in a little pocket i have down here this area all through here has produced the most number of pickers for me i found a pocket down there full of dozens of them i found a crevice up here full of dozens of them including a couple of nuggets well there's a couple nuggets down there too um unfortunately the last few times i've gone over this area i have not found much but there's a pocket down there that i started clearing last year i didn't get around to finishing it off i wanted to finish off today unfortunately it filled up with sand so i either have to dig a lot of sand or try something different the wind is out today it is chile chili chili chili that's my planet bickerton absolutely love this place even if i don't find gold [Music] so the fraser river is absolutely loaded with sand everywhere you go there's great big sand bars there's sand everywhere it's actually kind of nasty it gets in everything during big rain storms water falling on the bar above us washes sand down below and it collects and pockets and unfortunately the pocket i want to clear out today ended up getting filled up with lots of sand and uh in order for me to clear the bottom of this pocket i've got to get rid of all the sand in the fall i left this quite clear but there was lots of material in the bottom that i wanted to suck up i brought the vacuum cleaner to suck it all up today but unfortunately sand is getting in my way as i said earlier i'm still recovering from my open heart surgery and i'm starting to get into my digging and prospecting a little bit at a time and what i decided today is that i was going to give myself this area of about three or four square feet to clear and that's all i'm gonna do even if i feel like i have more energy afterwards i'm gonna call it quits there to be safe so this one little pocket right here is all i'm doing today but i'm gonna do it really well one picker that's all i ask [Music] so i did bring the milwaukee rechargeable uh battery-powered vacuum cleaner with me today to clean up the bottom of this crevice plus all the crevicing tools i need for scraping out the little cracks and crevices at the bottom um i brought three batteries three of the big nine amp batteries because this thing sucks power back fast it does not last very long so i'm gonna try to utilize its uh sucking power to the best of its ability and not waste it i have cleared a lot of the sand but i was starting to get down into material that i thought was probably not touched by me last time and that's the stuff that i want to actually process today so i stopped digging sand pulling up the vacuum i'm going to see how well it clears without scraping the bottom then i'll pull the crevices so there's how fast the batteries get used up in that vacuum there's one done i got a little pocket though i did a really good job cleaning that pocket now i think i'm gonna go spend some time over there before i put the next battery in and clear that part of the pocket i like what i've done so far haven't seen any gold yet though love seeing gold on bedrock and i often see that here at this claim so i'm into some really nice crunchy material here breaking up the decomposed bedrock and i'm not gonna bother vacuuming it up i'm just gonna scoop it up and grab my hands and whatnot and put it in my pan directly because i don't want to waste the vacuum power on something that i can scoop easily so that's my plan this is nice looking stuff as i go at it with the pick here it just all breaks up and you can see the muds and sands that have washed down into the cracks all through it that's the type of stuff you find pickers in absolutely nice looking stuff and of course when i'm all done i'll go after that pocket there with the vacuum and clean it out back to it so superstition says the first pan of the year is gonna dictate what your year is gonna look like so let's hope i find something in there that looks like good material let's hope it has something yellow and shiny in it let's go pan it out bring my rubber gloves over and i don't want to get these gloves wet so oh cold hands in the water that's ice water first pan i'm 20 21. not just a picker also a little nugget tiny nugget micro nugget that's a small nugget but that's a nice pan it's gonna be a good year big picker tiny little nugget couple little flakes let's get the close-up up for that all i wanted was one picker for this trip i got my first pan could be a good little trip when the flash is on my camera i have to go a little bit farther away so the flash gets it turn the flash off there we are first picker of the year in the first pan of the year and first little nugget of the year in the first pan of the year gonna be a good year oh yeah it might be kind of tiny but because it has significant thickness compared to its width i call them micro nugget well that makes my trip i'm excited now one pan one picker one little micro nugget i love pickerton even though the last few trips haven't treated me very well here always find a picker let's go see if we can find another one as i said one was enough for today but i still want to finish clearing that pocket so i don't have to think about it in the future i can say hey it's done don't have to think about coming back and doing it but finishing off what i missed the last time and that wasn't even the vacuum that was just what i dug out so i'm taking the vacuum to it every once in a while and cleaning out the bottom just to see sort of what i have where the good material is where the solid rock is really hoping to see a flake pop out i haven't yet with a vacuum but um it's a nice looking little pocket right now way down in there you can see that with the first one here's the second one way down in there and so far two pickers one little tiny nugget have come from this pocket i really like the looks of this because right up there is where i found a lot of nuggets well a lot of good stuff so this stuff is all loose here meaning there might be a nice pocket going back in towards where i got the good stuff from well let's hope i'm slowing down though i'm starting to feel it my chest is hurting a little bit so i have to take it easy look what i just scraped up on bedrock let's get you close up [Music] and there it is one nice little picker picked off bedrock love doing that into the sucker bottle it goes i just moved a bunch of stuff around including two big rocks that were sitting there and once i started scraping the material that was underneath them i see another piece of gold it's not a big piece but it's uh well actually i don't know how big it actually is i can't quite tell without disturbing it oh i'm shaky today there it is let's go see how big it is oh i lost it i think that's it right there just a little piece so i have another pan full and a vacuum cleaner full well let's go to the pan first and see if there's maybe another picker got one in the first maybe one in the second [Music] well here we go i pan down the first little bit already but you know i still have you know a quarter pan of material there i got all the rocks and stuff out let's go see what this has in it for anyone out there who says i plant gold in my pans just for my videos i can guarantee you i don't and really if you want to see people planting gold there's you know a few a couple of big channels out there and they do it right they plant gold right they put fist-sized chunks in their pan huge things if i was planting gold in my pan i wouldn't be putting these little pickers i'd be doing it good no i wouldn't do that my whole day today i'll be lucky to get even half a gram of gold which is like 25 dollars worth of gold so there's enough yet nope not quite okay let's see what what have i got oh oh i see one it's coming out there it is second pan second picker well well well i'm on the gold there's also a few little pieces in there but really only one to talk about let's get out the close-up camera so this is not the one i saw on bedrock i put that one directly into my stuffer bottle this is another one but about the same size that'd be about three that size now and the little roly-poly piece and the little micro nugget five pickers in total five pickers in two pans not bad so my heart is telling me i don't have that much more time today my recovery is going well but i still can't work that hard so i'm gonna fill up one more pan then i'm gonna pan out the vacuum cleaner and we're gonna call it quits there i'm not gonna get this pocket done today go home stay awake at night thinking if i had only gone six inches more what would i have found oh i guess it's there for the next trip i will move the trail cams to put keep a good eye on this spot because i'm having claim jumper problems i already had one group of claim jumpers charged love to do it again no i wouldn't i'd love to not have any claim jumpers again however if i do i'd love to charge them so put the trail cams right on this spot identify those people anyhow let's fill it in well i didn't get the pocket clean like i wanted to actually in a way i kind of did because i want to get down in there clean i want to get over there clean and in between them clean so i kind of did but the pocket ended up being a lot larger than i expected and i actually end up with a really big nice hole there and now that i see that i have to go this way more into underneath my knee here i have to go that way more up into that crevice because that crevice right through there has always treated me well and i don't think i've ever cleared it out this low and then back over here there's lots so again i'm not done this crevice but that's all i have it in me today to do so i'm gonna go pan out that little pan there see if it's got anything in it then i'm gonna empty the vacuum see if it's got anything in it and then i think i'm done for the day i might go around take some shots of the claim and whatnot move that camera but uh i gotta take it easy let my heart feel so that's it for the day let's go see what i got in these two pans though well here we go the last pan from the bottom of that crevice pocket crevice whatever you want to call it [Applause] wouldn't that be awesome to find a picture in this one too that would be three for three well i would actually be like seven for three or something like that but i would have pickers in every pan if i did let's actually bring the camera over here and have a close-up of the pan itself okay here we go one-handed pounding at its finest let's get the riffles in the right spot [Music] well let's see what we have in our pan there's a flash of something oh probably just that white rock come on come on oh i see i see a picker nice one more picker and it looks to be roughly the same size and shape as the previous one they all seem to be about the same let's get the close-up camera and have a good look and yet another picker from pickerton and a big cut in the bottom of my pan look at that it must have been a good piece of sharp shale i'm liking it there we go and now for the vacuum [Music] there we are a very full vacuum of peter [Music] look what i saw fall out of the vacuum when i started dumping the vacuum i saw something exciting right there oh it's way bigger than anything else i found today too it is a big picker nice let's get the close-up camera on that let's put it up here there we go and i know there's gonna be at least one picker in the vacuum because we see it hickerton strikes again that's a nice one [Music] now i'm excited what else is in there let's go find out i have the camera strapped my knee right now which i think is probably wobbling around far too much final pan of the day we know it had at least that one big picker in it i've already put in the snuffer bottle let's see what else the vacuum was able to capture for me suck off the bedrock damn this water's cold haha i can keep the cameras more stable when i'm panning one-handed [Music] come on picker at least two in the vacuum at least two in the okay now i'm getting greedy i said i won one for the day i got my one for the day hours ago i don't care if there's anything in here or not i had a great day that was nice getting out that's for sure okay let's see what the vacuum was able to find other than the one big bun oh just a little guy one big piece and one little guy and that's it i expected that vacuum to do better than that but i still had a great little pocket piece of lead battery led suck that up too get it out of the river well that's somewhat surprising definitely somewhat surprising now as lots of people will tell me i have to clean out the hose as well i will quickly clean up the hose and make sure there's nothing hiding in it if there's anything in it i'll show you right here nothing in the hose well i guess this gives me a good excuse to come back here next week and finish off the job i started clear out that clear out up there might have some clearing to do up there but the majority of the work is right in there now didn't do too bad today i would say that was a very successful day well let's get packed up and show you guys the gold not a bad little hull for the first run to pickerton of the year in fact i think that's better than i've done the last few trips to pickerton that is awesome what do i have there one two three four five flat pickers two rounded pickers and a dozen you know flakes not bad at all i'll take that home put on the scale so i can show you guys the total weight it feels so good to be out here doing this again even if i'm doing it slow for short periods of time it feels so good to recover enough from my heart surgery to get out here and do some prospecting i am so happy to be here so happy to find that goal too way more than i expected today those gold pickers i found today i think there's about six or seven of them are going to go into my nugget and picker pay dirt bags if you are one of those that likes to do pay dirt by paydirt i do sell it on my website and one of the biggest bags i sell is a nugget picker bag where i put a nugget and a picker in every bag just to make sure people find them and uh those six or seven pickers will be in the next group of bags if you'd like to help support my channel head off to my website and see what i have for sale merch paydirt rocks gems all that kind of stuff it really helps my channel out lets me get up here and do these trips and make these videos also big big thanks to my patrons out there because of your support i get to go and do all this and make these videos for all of the internet and youtube world to watch thanks so much hope you all enjoyed this episode of down here prospecting see you next week bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 318,502
Rating: 4.9227772 out of 5
Keywords: pickerton, gold panning, panning for gold, where to find gold, finding gold, how to find gold, gold prospecting, bedrock gold, looking for gold, bedrock pocket, gold mining, gold rush, how to find gold in minecraft, gold prospecting for beginners, gold rush white water, fraser river, bc, british columbia, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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