THEY WANT THEIR UNIT BACK / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars / YouTube Rewind 2020

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[Music] these three walking right here just came from out underneath the bridge in front of the warehouse you know what that means they're living under the bridge warehouse my truck here's the bridge now somebody tried breaking into all of the trailers yesterday so you can see the trailers over here and now i think i know who's trying to break in not only that now i know where they're staying as well i am down underneath the bridge where these three just emerged from and where they are living so you can see right here there's a bone this is what they lived on last night so i have three people stealing from me and they're living under a bridge what would you do we're going to do something about this i don't know what yet but we're definitely going to do something about this today now now it's time to go do what we do best time to go restorage some love christian and i are going to try and set this up there were three of them that came out and i think three on a king should be okay don't you think yep we want to keep the plastic on because we don't want to get wet down here i don't care if they stole from me or not nobody deserves to sleep on mats on rocks under a bridge period i don't care let's go get the my pillows let's see if we can find some blankets to keep them warm as well because it's supposed to be in the 50s all week this is a pretty thick comforter so we'll set this on the bed as well these are 50 plus dollar pillows okay all right i think we're all set we've got them a natural king-size bed with a pillow top mattress three my pillows and a thick thick comforter for when the temperatures go low it's got to be even colder down here by the water on the river why don't we make a care package tote if they abandon the mattress we'll go back and get it water bottles in there too with all that oh nice hat yeah that could be important once it gets sunny yeah there you go right there at the foot of the bed okay perfect all right guys i think i know where they're at they go downtown the salvation army and the hope center i'm gonna go see if i can find them and go talk to them and tell them what we did for them okay [Music] we set everybody up a bed we got pillows does she need pillows does she need blanket she need anything else okay rachel hey we we set you a bed up and everything down do you need pillows do you need pillows blankets i don't know what they're going to have me do they might have me go with them okay because i didn't have nowhere else to go did you have anywhere to go at all get too cold was it freezing somewhat it seemed pretty cold down there okay so we set up a king-sized pillow down there for the three of you [Music] oh his mom kicked him out yeah drugs or just all right well we're going to leave the mattress down there we put pillows down there we put a thick comforter we put a bag with uh shoes if you guys need a shoes water bottle or anything okay if you guys need anything else just holler all right you guys good everybody good all right holler at me if you guys need anything okay i get used stuff all the time you're welcome [Music] well they took everything we left i just don't get it i don't get it flip the mattress over completely and totally flip the mattress over i just came down to make sure everybody was okay the mattress was right here they flipped it over on itself there are the three my pillows the comforter and the beautyrest mattress they took the water bottles the shoes yeah and they took the bag so odd trying to see if i can see them anywhere something extremely unusual just happened last week i tried to help three individuals that were sleeping and living under the bridge by my warehouse today i got a comment from a local person that said hey i have information i want to meet the talk here's my number i thought why the hell's not maybe they can shed some light on this whole situation there were people that were living under the bridge we know them personally um and you left a comment right yeah i left a comment giving you my phone number because i knew them personally and i felt like you needed to know what were the circumstances that that got them underneath the bridge i have a bad criminal history brandon is a thief and he steals from people and he likes breaking into things which obviously that was going on here what about the girl the thing that concerned me the most is the girl was there rachel can go home she just needs a way to get home oh so she's stuck in worcester yes so her dad lives in michigan she just needs to get out there the guy she was with was beating her and she's stuck in that situation she was she was stuck in that situation the guy's in jail now oh he he is in jail there was an incident and he ended up mollywhopping the dude in the background oh my goodness he hit me so how how did you guys how did you guys know these people i'd known them for for years and it was like not gone ongoing but they hid the fact that they really were you know i really know who it was and i was like i'm not hanging out with you no more now one of the things that you you did share uh with me is that you guys are currently homeless as well right yes so where are you living in a car and a car a broke down car so you were living in a broke down car uh honestly i i can't even fathom i can't even imagine what that's what makes it ten times worse where we're located because the guys that the property that we live on the guy literally harasses us and calls the cops on us all the time and every time the cops show up the cops say the same thing you cannot do anything to them this is they have to be legally evicted through the court system and the courts are closed do the quarantine so being homeless uh you there's got to be some things that would actually help you guys what are some of the things that would be helpful for you guys i don't have much of anything a hairbrush maybe hairbrushes that's going to be what else what other kind of things can you think of anything that could help get clean tell you what we're going to do for you i'm going to give you an empty tote okay i'm going to give you just it's going to be an empty tote whatever you can fill in that tote i don't care what it is whatever you can put in that tote you guys get to take home i don't want to overfill you guys with stuff because i i realize you're in a vehicle you're in a car we do have a lot of shoes what size do you guys wear our size like eight seven and a half eight twelve twelve to thirteen that's me too perfect would a blanket help or do you guys have enough blankets all right one blanket in the tote sleeping bag yes or no yes sleeping bag is good i'll tell you what sleeping bag does not count for in the tote sleeping bags outside of the tote okay new candle now give you a light all right here we go let's see if i can yeah that's three points you want a 10 can we the tent yeah yeah all you gotta do is break it down it'll be a lot nicer than like sleeping in the car oh for sure a blanket inside of a pillow so it becomes a blanket and a pillow yay or nay yeah yeah definitely use it what about if i offer you guys a ham how are you guys typically eating right now the churches so it's all with the churches yeah and if we don't get up in time so how many meals do you get a day one one meal a day shower gel and shampoo and lotion and there's like luffa in there definitely that would help a lot do you guys want matching water bottles would that work aluminum ones is that okay thank you would this help on the rainy days yeah all right well you have to wear it now then so it's rainy outside you got to wear it now i only have one though and then patients found clothes you guys wanted to look like clothes there's a whole bunch of clothes right there yes we don't have a lot of clothes but we do have some clothing hopefully will be helpful turtles going in [Music] you just said your son would have liked this if he was still here what do you mean um he really likes turtles um his favorite tv show is ninja turtles oh my goodness all right so you want you want to take that and just as a memory of your son what is your son's name jonathan okay so for jonathan right there's turtle for jonathan his favorite his favorite right there all right we got a full tote coats in our goats and found a cart too so helpful heart that heart that that cart will help like when you go to the hope center to get food and everything yes all right guys hope that this was a blessing to you and appreciate you reaching out and um don't forget pay it forward to other people as well okay thank you in these uncertain times there's something we can be certain of we can be certain that what the hails is going to continue to restorage the love we can pay it forward we can create an entire movement of paying it forward she basically signed off and said due to the time she couldn't she couldn't pay for a unit so if you buy the unit if you have the kindness to find the photograph please just drop them off at the office eight eight hundred sold eight hundred dollars [Music] fifteen about a second units right here just found out by the manager the second unit is actually owned by the same person common owner lori you got a story do you mind sharing it with us i lost my job my entire life in these storage units at home i have a single bed card table i have my tablet and i use that to watch tv on and a printer and then it's just some clothes everything else is in here everything from your life has been stored for four years 40 years worth of things all of my kids childhood belongings their baby books and i wrote in those baby books until they were teenagers um all of our photographs everything from my husband he died in o4 um just everything absolutely everything so to have these back is the most remarkable thing i could not pay the balance of the storage units what happened was covid 19 hit everything stopped no money coming in i mean no money coming in whatsoever so i could only pay like 50 100 here and there in the storage units the balance raised and they got auctioned off here we are i have the opportunity to actually buy them and now we have the opportunity to re-storage the love oh look at this i know these are just old pictures i knew my dad's family very well i did not know my mother's especially since she was adopted so these old pictures i never really had a chance to go through them so i mean it's just it's absolutely wonderful that i can go through these and see what's what and try to figure out who these people are in my life and my children's life i mean you just don't find photos like that anymore that's remarkable yeah you got your whole family history there i truly do [Music] [Applause] wow we are in such a hurry i just whipped things in oh good god so you have you literally had to run to put everything in storage this is what photographs used to look like in the 70s when you had class pictures i don't know where i am and i don't want to look but there you are [Music] oh my gosh what'd you find my yearbook oh really from high school wow yeah i went to st v so where lebron james went so here are some pictures oh wow there's a ton of pictures there i think a lot of these are just yeah you can't replace this stuff you cannot replace this not replace any of this is that your wedding dress yes that's my that's my wedding veil this is my daughter's prom dress i mean she's gonna love having this back she designed this on her own your daughter designed her own prom dress yeah and then we had it made for her yeah so i mean do you know how incredible this is did you tell your daughter you're getting it all back uh-huh she looked tried to look you up remember i said i don't have a fork to eat well thanks to jeremy at least i can make brownies there's snacks i see food i see food unicorn snacks 170 now 180 180. 180 your way sir number 10. number 10 thank you jeremy hails all right the accordion folder yeah paperwork that we own my fiancee's family pictures that's about it the rest of the you can have family pictures and the accordion that's got my birth certificate and everything else in there personal personal personal paperwork and that's what happened just couldn't afford it i lost my car and trying to i'm on the streets right now she's three sisters you're living literally on this little ground streets here so you're gonna be able to uh are you gonna be able to store anything or you're gonna take it to our sisters i'm gonna take it to her sisters what's that right there so this right here i think is the accordion file he was trying to describe to us so that's this is what they really really want the rest they don't really care about we'll see if we can actually drive this straight to them and we'll see how much they can actually take back i think that's fair whatever they can take they can have well we took a trip to arkansas this supposed to be a five day week trip we got there and our transmission went out on our truck he got a new transmission but it didn't fit so a week-long vacation turned into a month-long vacation we slept in the truck finally got somebody to even up trade on vehicles yeah we got a honda that yeah we put a lot of money into that just to get back just to get going yeah and that was um early july and ever since then everything has been just like downhill i tried to stay up with the girl there but and you know i just other things came up we couldn't just pay the storage so how far behind did you get it um about five months so what i did is everything essential is literally i appreciate it if we thought it was essential we just dive in and the clothes that i have on is what i what i own so this is this is this is the accordion that's what i'm talking about right okay so so i'm gonna you know yeah somebody put that somewhere yeah i can get that job and uh i appreciate this so much we'll uh i mean i'll start helping you tell me where to put it i'll get it there with you i prayed for a blessing today here it is you got it yeah for sure i did i woke up and prayed for a blessing today yeah the picture you know we're displaced because uh you know we will have been together october 13th to be a year yeah and she moved me in and uh you know i was paying rent and all this stuff but she didn't put me on the lease so she got evicted yeah the only reason just put me on the lease so defend oh my goodness this is not this it's a blessing for us to do what's your name jeremy thanks man you're more than one future got the storage unit the public storage run in broadview heights 125 there's one reason and one reason alone that i actually purchased it the manager at auction told us that there was the deceased sun the remains left in the unit and i wanted it as an opportunity to re-storage the love we're going to have to look through everything we want to set those ashes aside very very carefully and very delicately and respectfully and we'll make sure those get back to the rightful owner and frankly we're going to try and give it all back i didn't believe it it's 100 true i'm jeremy all right nice to meet you i've got it all okay so it's all back here okay and they told us so they announced it and they said that you wanted ashes yeah yeah he passed away uh in 2001 and i have a box that has all the stuff in it everything yeah do you mind sharing what he passed away um so he uh swallowed meconium so that's the fluid in his lung and the sac went in his lungs and when i um by the time i had him he was brain damaged uh this was back in he was born in um 94. so he lived five years and um yeah he had to trach a feeding tube he was in a wheelchair yeah and then 2001 i had my other son i have two more kids that i have one is a freshman in college and i have another one that's a sophomore and so yeah i just wanted that i paid on that for two years and it's like um stuff came up with my daughter in college and one month to do it and then that's it i'm gonna give you that stuff i just want those two totes right there with the pictures one right here the one that i'm talking about okay yeah we thought maybe it would be in there we saw the shoes so all this is well most of it is his stuff um is this him right here yeah beautiful that's beautiful yeah so this is all i have of him so okay and then there's something that he was christened um that's in there too we saw a baptism yeah the show yeah we saw that he was gonna make it through the day and they they baptized them in the hallway oh wow i'm not going to cry you can just actually put it in the driveway you want it in the driveway yeah i really appreciate it i don't want to cry you're more than welcome i'm just going to be the only blessing so it's it's been stressful but i thank god for this just the stuff that i couldn't replace so i know it looks like junk to people but it's memories it's worth more than money i really appreciate it it's not a problem lisa i thought you were a joke it's not a joke it's 100 for real i appreciate it all right you take care of me and i thank you for coming over here this late too not a problem i appreciate it thank you [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 52,455
Rating: 4.9537683 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: ieqc_6sDcN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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