Super Mario Odyssey's Superstar Mode is Chaos...

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we are gonna do the moon cave because I'm pretty sure it's been made harder and then we're gonna go fight Bowser and do the thing Oh Oh Moon Kingdom has been changed that's not normal wait there's no maja there's no moon gravity yo so he technically did patch moon caves yep yep just not in the way that we expected yes we're doing it let's see what the moon cave has to offer okay actually looks the same no it doesn't nevermind doesn't look too bad from what I can tell gravity feels normal in here yeah I mean it he's not wrong but this isn't much different maybe the platform's just don't move when you step on those buttons or something but oh no this is different nevermind no bit okay hello alright that wasn't too bad he some he got rid of the big bullet so let's get this moon to start apparently this is the thing yeah and will survives because I'm good check this out damn he's good how does he do it Christ okay should I mean this shouldn't be that hard just to jump yeah man that wasn't bad guys ready for this capitalist Ami's good wait what [Music] that's not bad there we go now there's two of them Oh God however if you only have to be one of them or both okay oh yeah what there's a moon down there okay yeah well there's one down I'm gonna start speedrunning galaxies we don't know where to learn root super cheese if you joined the super mario galaxy speedrunning discord they'll probably be able to help you out with that that's fair that's fair wait defeating one of them defeats both let's go the cheese okay lava huh cootie Bowser is the same except you can't do XD skip no no this isn't a speedrun though it's okay it's just not a speedrun what's the point of even playing if you can't do XD I know I'm legally required to I guess we just can't progress the game all right Bowser isn't there excuse me Oh God the whole thing ah okay uh-huh all right it just it all the whole thing just collapses huh okay all right all right here we go here we go here we go where am I going Oh a pair of Goomba please no no depth perception why all right all right we got it we got it see look at this look at this let's go goose okay but now what no what did they do - what did they do - xD skip no just gotta go damage boost huh you can't touch them at all Mario can jump off a building but if he touches a barrel oh my god he has no chance [Music] we've done it oh those Bowser let's go oh I've done it okay Oh ooh so there wasn't the next II skipped to do so I didn't have a choice oh I don't think I'm breaking the law here throw your ex DS in chat right now anyways Oh God [Music] this last room is a little bit more difficult as well isn't it NoHo ah okay we do start over yourself good okay all right all right here we go I think this is it we should be able to take it out so there it is superstar mode at least a story section is done just like that we are not done yet because this unlocks all of the other sub areas that we missed out on so we're gonna do the harder moon pipe sub-areas now now you guys wanted me to refight this for some reason so apparently this fight is harder let's do it alright here we go what is this this is definitely different yo it looks cool but the dragon looks the same okay what are what's different about it but it's definitely been changed no it's that's a lot bigger and there's moon gravity okay that's a big boy that's it uh-huh okay oh my god it's huge alright first try ah it was so close the first I what makes it difficult low gravity his faces I see he is huge there's things falling from the sky the arena has no walls I don't think it's that bad now that I know what to expect but it's just cool dude I'm practically using fast rats here yeah I'm trying my best to trying to go fast boom and he's done that's it let's go we'll probably die trying to get up on this just a fair warning it's not love which is very hot yeah classic so wait they just said all moons are possible damage list when you break open that moon rock if there's a 100 percent chance you take damage so that's actually a lie so damage list is literally impossible because of the moon rocks there alright so now we're gonna go to the moon rock sub-areas and they have been made more difficult or so I have been told they got rid of the water lights they got rid of the water [Music] I'm confused as to how this would work oh there's a platform down there walking doesn't cost water as a gushin if that's the case and we'll try walking and apparently this doesn't cost water which will make it possible to get across perhaps okay that should be possible to make just barely I tried to wall jump but he jumped off of the gush and that was perfect all right there we go nailed it I think this part has to be done without the gushin because there's no way is enough water can I sleep during what's the number after 8:00 again 9:00 okay apparently not I believe I can get this it might take a few tries but I'm gonna get it I'm still stuck on this yeah you just won't dive if I could dive over that right there that would work you don't waste water you can get up with the squid thing okay okay we ran out of juice dude Maura need more squid juice dude come on I believe it's just there man I don't know if I can make that cuz after a wall jump you can't capture okay I know how to do it I do know how to do it now you slide off of the wall there you do a homing cap throw return you throw copy again and that yeah I got it pick this one you sent me something is that you doing it Robin it's too late we have committed to gushin list we have committed to gushin list I will get this see see I don't need any tips there is another moon pipe over here so let's do that what moon isn't there hahaha the key is on the other side I bet you have to come all the way back oh I love it that may be true you go got that here we go yeah the platforms are very difficult to see you've got a squint really hard there oh boy that was close and we've done it okay got that moon excellent apparently this one's gonna be harder this one unchanged oh no it falls way faster okay yeah I think it's falling faster yeah it's fallen significantly faster oh my god they tried to make that difficult but in they really didn't today all right I think we'll go to Lake coz I want to do the sub-areas in Lake let's go into this pipe and see what's up I should play balloon world again maybe one day Brendon okay um so this looks a bit tricky is what I'm gonna say this one looks a bit difficult timing this is so tight that wave hit me but it didn't count let's go those are tiny dude I missed we noticed right ripple jumping this gap oh yeah that's the stuff that's the stuff we're getting a moon oh there's so fast how am I supposed to react to this it's just three jumps it's just three jumps how do I make you happier I'm happy as can be how do I make you happier then can be um will you marry me or you can press that sub button what am I gonna do I got afford a wedding I'm too young for this erm oh no think that would make him happier was turning down the proposal yes it was a test to see if he knew it's definitely one of the harder rooms here I've done it though haha I can't say no I'm the one who proposed a that's never been a rule is it why could I do this to you hey it's just a prank bro it's a social experiment why would I be so mean it's just a social experiment it's for YouTube okay I swear am i playing on English no I'm not going on English oh I'm playing on like normal English I what else we got around here I'm playing on a normal English mmm I don't know what the mood I hate that it doesn't show where the moon is if something tell me where it is it's on top of the tower okay well that's fairly easy I think yo you know what to push Prime welcome to the ant colony we need to scare the Sheep over across that way so this is gonna be a little tricky out is what I'll say have you know but what's the first thing I ever streamed the first thing I ever streamed was pixel art on LittleBigPlanet did so much to live for and now that's not the right way wait we wait we wait we wait and lunch we miss I miss me last try for the Sheep last try for the Sheep nice alright alright that's it that's it we'll continue this tomorrow I'm back how's everybody doing we haven't done Cascades let's go back to Cascade and get the moons that are unlock now okay what's different about this bunch of the platforms good stuff so just do full loops nailed it first try easy oh they made it so it's harder to get on top there I see I mean I can still get on top but it made it harder to get on top now yeah I think they wanted it so you couldn't get up here but they didn't make it following up it they weren't expecting alpha gamers like me to pick this up and do it first try all the way across trying to make this hard by making the roofs taller I don't think I did this timer challenge before yeah okay it's so aggressive I I wasn't expecting a dinosaur to come at me during the timer challenge honk and I still get it let's go looks like Koopa freerunning is here let's see what they change yeah I can't not jump because um tried to be a speedy boy oh my god look at him go he was like 2 seconds behind me oh please tell me there's one way out this way oh my god are these wires actually capturable there's no way they're actually capturable all the way out here what we're going back to cat dude that's so cool there's some food out here under the old electrical pole huh that is so cool look how far away we are I love that I love that oh now find a way back all right five hundred bits if I make it back I just did five hundred bits if I can make it back without warping nice I made it back if I die I go back there we go I'm back I didn't warp I died that counts right it counts pay up no it's fine do lost kingdom next okay okay will it lost and we'll do lake yeah you can see lost kingdom is a little bit different it's just a lot of poison deaths it's not that big of a deal come on all right so yeah now we have all the harder moons purple death waves just another day yeah there's another everyday there that fast let's just try and make it normally okay we definitely need to do some fancy stuff to get up you have to leave the cage oh my god that's so fantastic I love it that's clean woman how many moons of my I currently why does it matter I'm not stopping when I get to a certain amount of moon so the amount of moons I have right now doesn't even matter you guys only want me for my moon count yeah I need to figure out how the heck to get up there there's gotta be another way up or another way to do it I think we need to take this guy walk them over to like right here maybe [Music] oh I think that might be the trick you shoot it off that direction and then as Cathy's coming back it'll hit the Scarecrow if it's right I think what we could do is this just do that just kill Mario that's what you gotta do [Music] he's done it so now do you guys want to figure out captain toad it was like a tiny hole there I think we can dive in we can definitely dive into that gap could I use two player to break the bricks genius I could I actually don't think cap we can fit in between those copy actually can't go in between those what the heck I don't think it's possible with wait wait come on come on I need in we got this I'm getting in there I'm saving toad I'm saving them I'm saving them I'm saving them I'm saving them yo for saving toad always in jet man alright let's get the heck out of here where are we going now we can go to dark I guess we're going to dark side they change dark side to make it insane okay see did they remove this is the question now little interesting maybe they didn't even know about that apparently this is harder I don't know how seem to me there's multiple excuse excuse me excuse me oh my god [Music] yeah well there's one looks like the music died cuz it thinks I finished the boss alright here we go done yes that six eight feet was really useful yeah we got first try how are you how to do this has returned music is back let go [Applause] easy-easy game it seems easier than last time so far yes it does yo there's another bubble the squat he's got the legs dude I'm pretty sure it hurts me if I hit it so I'm gonna try and stay away the power squat dude oh you know what I think what I needed to do is when it was falling over before I needed to hit the top that's what I needed to do we'll try it again okay so the first thing that I need to do I need to knock off carry it on the top [Music] good good stuff come on gosh alright alright that was easier than the first Mac absolutely absolutely so let's see what they changed about this apparently these are harder right how am I supposed to get back from that bounce on the bills oh that's what the second one is okay so we'll start with that hey there's one you just followed bounced all the way back that just sounds like hell this this one seems cool though can you capture them with what Cappy huh this is gonna suck sure you have the cannons but you can't jump from cannon the cannon like I can't I can't make it I think that might be the way they're jumping from Canada Gannon bulldoze in between when I get this it's gonna feel so so good you really you never have to bounce on bullet bills in this game that's not something that you have to do ever so it's actually really cool that they force you to do this I I like this now that I've tried it a little bit I like this alright here we go did I not land on that use cap use copy used copy use Cappy huh you sucks good he can't be very far ahead of you the bullet bills crash into each other I think long jumping onto a bill definitely helps you have to go all the way to that one see if I can do it oh if you can get like a rhythm for bouncing on them all the way back you can bounce pretty much all the way back I think that might be the Strad actually it's going diagonally across now you can see this is a straight line if I can just get it with the right speed and just go across all of them I might actually be able to make it work see that that's what I mean the combo all the way back boom boom boom alright dive is tough now we need to do that one more time No no bull bill didn't spawn that was his bad luck I'm addicted to death you're right I'm addicted to death I just need it one more death please just one more all right now you just need to do one more across that cannon if we can get to that cannon that we can just jump right down [Music] oh we're so close I got robbed I freaking did get robbed right about that all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go you started Oh first try to no damage Yoho let's go that room was ridiculous man that was so good that room was awesome this room seems significantly easier I'm just gonna say that now like it please haha excuse me okay alright I'll do the next sound Z Z should be able to do this as long as [Music] what did I get it by I just jumped on him where are their doubles are there two there yeah damn the Sun good know what hit me I think there's two in there that was easy what is next so there's more fruits oh I know where they are around here they're not around this corner really clearly there are some hidden fruit somewhere around here so let's find them oh excuse me but like didn't stick the lid didn't stick it's what it's so janky I'm pretty sure I'm like half doing it wrong but thank you okay we're up here so now where do we need to go cuz there's still some that we're missing I was gonna go and shoot everything just to see they're probably in the taxis I bet check around the eggs look pipe I did not in there where are they please check the eggs I've checked the exit pipe there's nothing around the exit pipe dude there's nothing here to the right I check to the right I went here I check there already you guys saw me walk over there I'd literally Chuck there okay okay on to the next sub area eyes are a taxi just chillin [Music] doesn't look much different yet okay nevermind what what is this looks like they didn't change too much maybe they'd like reduce the timer or something okay I didn't expect that this one doesn't seem all that much more difficult the timer seems a little bit tighter but that wasn't bad all they did was add those little things there so that wasn't bad at all easy this one is gonna suck what did they do to this one to make it harder I feel like the fruits are just in the worst locations if that moves a lot faster that moves way faster what a good time to get the moon we might be dead here you got one moon though we got one did I find I haven't captain toad yet no you gotta find captain toad all right the sub here is literally the same it seems like except it just moves way faster yeah all right why did we get stuck there that we've been easy dude all right now we need to find captain toad which is the last thing left are you guys want to see something cool so we need to find captain toad is this little man the captain toad is usually right here he is not I just need to check something because I remember that haha there is now I wonder what's up top you're on top well I mean that's all of darkseid I feel like we finished all the all the kingdoms that have been changed significantly I think so uh yeah that's uh that's that I think
Channel: Smallant1
Views: 549,969
Rating: 4.8904691 out of 5
Keywords: livestream, highlights, twitch highlights, stream highlights, funny moments, fails, mario odyssey, master mode, superstar mode, modding, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, Super mario speedrun, speedrun mario, super mario odyssey, mario all moons, mario odyssey all moons ending, mecha broodal, dark side, darker side
Id: TfyAl32oeCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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