they just won't stop making deepfakes

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hey everybody it's me jarvis or is it no it's me uh but but how would you know so today i want to talk about something that has been gracing my nightmares which is this deep fake of tom cruise that went viral on tick tock recently i'm gonna show you some magic it's the real thing i mean uh it's all the real thing if you have already seen this uh my apologies for subjecting you to it again uh and if you haven't yes you have i just played it before we deep deep on these fake dives first i figure i should probably explain what a deep fake is i could probably look this up but i have a computer science degree i could casually explain this dpakes are a synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else's likeness see right off the top of my head the way that deep fakes work is that they use artificial intelligence and a ton of like photographs and references of the person that's being deep fake so like for example tom cruise you need a lot of images of tom cruise at various angles and vantage points but lucky for us tom cruise is a movie star so there there's tons of photos of him and movies are actually uh a bunch of photos stuck together so there's lots of famous people are easier to make deep fakes with is what i'm trying to say deep fakes have been in the news in the past for being used for bad reasons like taking someone's likeness and putting it into uh some sort of lewd video um which is very bad it's a no-no please don't do it and also in funny instances like this tick-tock sketch that features harry styles it's not really him it's a deep fake harry what do you want for breakfast i want some berries or uh there's horrifying instances like like uh somebody deep faked hard rock nick's face onto my body at jarvis always be plugging um because they just they just woke up and chose violence so uh so i'm sleeping great anyway the point of this video is to bestow my nightmares on to you so let's begin where all of my nightmares start tom cruise so it's a little uh embarrassing you know it reminds me once in the russia if there's one thing that's like not believable in this video it's not the deep fake it's this trip at the beginning of this video i like how i'm sorry this is not about the deep fake but it's just about the premise of this sketch you know you're filming tom cruise he trips and then he immediately tells you a story once in russia he ran into uh gorbachev that's unrelated to anything is it related to anything why is he telling this story about mikhail gorbachev he said yummy standard movie star are you nervous also the tick tock handle on this account is deep tom cruise so they're letting you know that it's a deep fake don't be alarmed everybody i said no mr uh mr gorbachev does tom cruise do that does he just like randomly he's talking just like twitch with his hands hey listen up sports and tick tock fans if you like what you're seeing just wait till what's coming next all right young deep fake tom cruise it's like way to be cryptic i know that the laugh is like a thing tom cruise does but when it's just like out of nothing and i'm saying this is someone who does laugh at myself a lot uh it's never this much this is this is a lot this is a little extreme what the hell was that he did like a mission impossible like judo chop to the air man like if somebody had been in had been in the flight path of that swift swift chop that would have been in trouble maybe i don't know enough about tom cruise and how he speaks and how he does interviews that rhymed but does he just talk in these like random like non-sequitur sentences like what what is he even saying you guys cool if i play some sports you guys cool if i play some sports which is already not how a human sounds more for the audio experience now that like i'm not wooed by the deep fake aspect of it all it's just a straight these videos are always very strange every now and then i like to treat myself and uh it's good because discipline oh i think there's bubble gum inside are we supposed to believe that tom cruise was about to say something philosophical and then he got distracted by the bubble gum that was surprisingly inside of his lollipop uh because i do believe that how come nobody ever told me there's bubble gum incredible in this one they're trying to flex the technology on us because they're doing all kinds of things that they don't have to do like have him eat a lollipop oh my god also who just chomps off the lollipop like a monster like tom like work up to that a little bit incredible if anything this just like confirms what a lot of us already believe about tom cruise which is that he's you know kind of out there so i feel like most people just like saw this as they were scrolling and didn't like look too deep into it it seems like they were just doing it for clout and also to like raise awareness of the thing because the person i like read this this interview with them and they want to work in hollywood they want to work for i uh peter jackson they want to work for peter jackson i almost said randy jackson which is a very different job time to think of it i think i'm gonna pitch some deep fakes to randy jackson we'll see what we can do with this randy call me the article by the way was by i'm not a rapper though these were created by a man named chris umi chris ume chris um i don't know and for his specific like tom cruise videos they have like a perfect storm going on of like trying to make the thing look accurate and you can still like if you look closely tell us that it's like a deep fake he hired a tom cruise impersonator who is apparently one of the best tom cruise impersonators in the world i do not know how much competition there is but there's got to be at least some i for example am the worst tom cruise impersonator in the world this mission is improbable [Laughter] so his videos in particular took like months and months to make apparently which may make it seem like these like defects are really inaccessible for the common the layperson so to speak but uh they're not because you don't have to like they he was he was trying to flex on us remember that he was like eating stuff and like getting up real close to the camera but that's not necessary i mean everybody's seen the video of like uh the jordan peel obama deep fake but even other than that there's like random people on youtube who are making like really convincing deep fakes with like way fewer resources people shouldn't be scared that this is something people will be able to do on their own a year from now most people don't have the best imitator of tom cruise in the world or me the worst tom cruise imitator in the world as well as my expertise in the hardware which is true they won't be doing it a year from now uh they'll be doing it years ago they'll be doing it in the past because it's being done already i like we have other deep like we have worse deep fakes and i don't think the d-pick has to be like particularly good to be like eerie and weird for example there's this video of bill hader that i watched like years ago yeah 2019 and he's telling a story coincidentally about tom cruise the traffic thunder yeah traffic thunder tom cruise you're working with tom cruise what was that experience like now i don't know why tom cruise has become the poster child for deep fakes but here we are now all these heavyweights like you know you know ben stiller jack black robert denny jr everybody at the end is like me like you know like hey he's happy to be here guys okay and some other supporting guys and then uh and then tom cruise walks in and even those guys are like whoa and he's super stoked did you catch that and uh and then tom cruise walks in weird it's creepy also we love bill hader here we we we do stan come on stefan barry we love bill bill bill bill bill and i go yeah you know i'm friends with judd apatow and seth rogen and they went to your house and went yes yes yes i they did come to my house this is crazy because it like just seamlessly jumps from from face to face and it's like pretty eerie if you ask me shout out to this youtube channel control shift face which is uh funny that was also kind of a schwarzenegger a little bit yeah i'm four and a half father gotta get out of here i went mega viral also with these videos two years ago so i feel like every couple of years we're gonna get viral deep fake videos until ultimately our society crumbles or something um due to them and we'll be like how could we have seen this coming uh you know how like everything the thing that's interesting about this is that bill hater wasn't even trying to be a deep fake right somebody else just took this existing video he doesn't even look like any of the people that he's impersonating and i i said seth rogen was like you know it was amazing he has like a you know a bike track in his backyard it was phenomenal orton and he doesn't really sound like them except for except for the arnold thing but uh i don't know if you guys know this but there is technology to there's like deep fakes for audio now as well as like i don't i don't know if anybody's made an app out of it but like there's research being done to like make that happen hey everybody this is codevid19 i wanted to take this opportunity to address the allegations made against me but you combine the audio defects with the video deep fakes and they come together like peanut butter and uh the fact that nothing is real um so that's uh pretty exciting a peanut butter and nothing is real sandwich see nothing is real so i think that like deep fakes are worth being concerned about there's like a lot of like nefarious applications and things that we need to be you know thinking about as this technology becomes more and more available but breaking news uh right as i turned off my camera there was a a a news report today that a pennsylvania woman is accused of doctoring photos and video of her daughter's cheerleading rivals to get them kicked off the squad three misdemeanor counts of cyber harassment dude oh no it gets dark it gets really dark anyway this is a real problem everybody that that concludes our deep fake news break you know who's not worried about this future is uh the people who wrote comments on this article if this is the best deep fakery can do then why worry the fake doesn't look anything like tom cruise for goodness sake that's a lie you know how i know because when you pause a deep fake it's just a photo of tom cruise so that would be like saying these photos of tom cruise don't look like tom cruise yes in motion it you know it like hits this uncanny valley where you can you know it doesn't look natural so you can tell that it's faked but from far away or maybe you're not paying attention you're not gonna some people won't pick that up i we've talked about this already i feel like there's so many people in these comments like flexing that they weren't fooled by the deep fakes they're like my giant brain is too sharp for your visual trickery i'd like evidence that it wasn't cruz the simplest explanation occam's razor is usually correct here it's that that was the pint-sized pretender himself the simplest explanation is that the article that you're reading on this reputable news website is true it's not that the visual effects artist who's telling you that he hired a tom cruise impersonator and did a bunch of visual effects work to make it look more like tom cruise is a grand conspiracy to fool a random user on the internet that is not outcomes razer that is a super complicated explanation then the reality which is that we have uh proven evidence of the advancements of computer vision and modeling technology that this is something we can do now occam's razor you can photoshop tom cruise's head onto my face and thus if you go frame by frame you can photoshop tom cruise onto every frame of my face and suddenly you have yourself a very rudimentary defect of tom cruise it's not as if the videos showed him doing anything interesting difficult or out of character offensive at least make it interesting as a minimum something you'd never see in real life or what's the point [Music] i'm just gonna assume this person didn't read the article uh or watch the tick tocks or has ever seen a tom cruise movie or interview or anything it seems like they're just entirely speaking out of their ass tom cruise playing golf that's not interesting enough maybe put tom cruise's head on a on a horse's body then we'll talk give me centaur tom cruise now we're talking i'm rubbish at recognizing people however that doesn't look like tom cruise but you're bad at recognizing people you it's in the it's in the beginning of a sentence look i've never seen or read the 1990s tale about a boy wizard but that's no harry potter to me harry just hurry i love that this person's comment ends with the bigger problem is photoshopping like youtube comments aren't this bad excellent self-promotion for mr ume here easy copy for lazy journalists whose own authority has been diminished over the years like he spoke in rhymes it was crazy so tick tock does actually have a policy uh around deep fakes because they have removed there's this person who just keeps deep faking charlie dimiglio and then getting an audience and then um tiktok finding her and going like scram get out of here and they didn't remove the tom cruise guy because it was like clear that he was creating a deep fake whereas the charlie damilio person was trying to impersonate charlie demilio i feel for the tick tock support staff who have to be like chasing down charlie dimillio copycats and i feel bad for charlie emilio who is first and foremost a child and is entitled to her own privacy and she would be entitled to that privacy if she was adult an adult as well um and i really do think that like deep fakes that are used in this way are kind of a breach a breach of that privacy um so it's good that there is a it's good that there's like a policy against it but what bothers me is that there are clear dangers with deep fakes um and just like letting them run amuck and stuff it's just really annoying to me how people can't even imagine that someone doesn't want to be critical all the time when they're on on the internet especially about inconsequential things or seemingly inconsequential things if everything you saw on the on the internet you had to get to the bottom of the case as to whether or not it's real that's an imp impossible task so like to expect that out of every individual is uh foolhaughty to say the least um because it's it's just actually impossible like i get it be critical be thoughtful like if something is gonna you know dramatically you know concern you or or change your worldview in some way make sure that it's like legit before you go on believing it but for tom cruise golfing on a golf course who gives a you know what i mean like but that's the insidious you know foot in the door to like more dangerous things down the line news flash this is exactly how fake news works it's like it preys upon the fact that people just can't be critical of every single thing that comes out of like the internet's fire hose and if you're someone who just believes tom cruise is a little kooky and then you see a video of tom cruise being kooky as you're scrolling and you're not even you're listening to it with the audio off you know because the video's auto playing because that's something that we've allowed to happen then it just like confirms this world view that you already have and if you can't imagine how that can be used for nefarious purposes then um then maybe there's no problem and i'm a big dummy so that's the public sentiment that we're working with and i guess it kind of like wraps up my feelings on deep fakes i mean i am not the one who should be deciding whether or not these things should be regulated and in what way but at the very least i think that we as a society need to be aware of like what is possible it's like if you don't know that sleight of hand is a thing and somebody like makes a coin appear in their hand and then disappear then they're gonna believe in magic you know what i mean so uh i think it's important to like uh be aware of what's out there and to you know not believe everything you see because even without fancy visual effects it's possible to you know be tricked and influenced by random that you see on the internet and sometimes it's gonna like be tom cruise golfing and it's not to have any impact and other times maybe you're going to like a video of a tick tock dance and it's not going to be the person you thought it was or or maybe something even worse like you not liking and subscribing to my youtube channel this is now a pitch for the no i'm just kidding i i don't know that i i don't i don't want to come down with like a really hard hard and fast conclusion because i think it's just like i don't yeah i'm not an expert i don't pretend to have the answers but i do think that like i want to sort of use my platform to at least make people aware that this is a thing because when i brought it up over the past few weeks of just like having this in my head a lot of people still don't know that deep fakes are a thing so um and most people aren't hyperactive on the internet most people aren't writing comments to even tell you that they weren't tricked in fact there's a bias the other way where i'm sure that somebody who didn't know that it was a deep fake and then later found out it was might be embarrassed and is way less likely to comment ugh i got fooled you know it's uh computers are at it again than somebody to be like i am megamind and you'll never trick me you know what i mean like i just think that i don't like to use this term often but i do think that there's a slippery slope here that at the very least it's something that we should be aware of but i hope you enjoyed this video i hope it was fun i hope it wasn't too dystopian because i got a little concerned while i was making it that it was a little too scary and so i wanted to make it fun um because you know i'm trying to make entertainment here at the end of the day i don't know what this was but uh it was a video and with that i bid you farewell um uh maybe i do maybe i do an outro as like a some sort of some sort of deep fake i haven't i as of recording this i haven't fiddled around with um uh i haven't figured out how i'm going to end this yet but maybe i'll maybe i'll cut to maybe i'll cut to a deep fake of me wishing you goodbye and uh you'll let me know in the comments if you think it's it's me or if it's i actually got said celebrity um in in my video so uh i can't seem to wrap this video up it's in fact i've definitely cut it by now so i'm still talking for no reason because me nor anyone no one's gonna see this thanks to caleb locker for sending me a message on instagram i have no idea if i'm saying that right if you want me to butcher your name send me a message on instagram i've always looked like this
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 589,329
Rating: 4.9620614 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: n9_KeIfJdPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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