Logan Paul's Pokemon Man Is Mad At Me

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hey everybody um it's me jarvis and i'm making a video to update you on a previous video i made so this is regarding the collectibles guru situation i believe the man's name is jake also known as crypto king he is best known as being logan paul's pokemon dealer and he uh was featured prominently in the video i made about the 375 000 pokemon deal gone wrong if you didn't watch that video it's pretty much what it sounds like there was a big old deal for pokemon cards the very same ones that you had as a kid except for now they're super expensive so expensive that crime people are involved sometimes and this was one of those times this big old box of cards that was valued at like 375 000 turned out to be a fake the whole thing was live streamed it was very awkward um so that catches you up to the present jake watched my video and he didn't like it which is you know to be understood i kind of poked fun at him a bit but i thought i was being pretty fair so this weekend or a few days back he sent me a few messages on instagram and because i always put a lot of thought into like how i frame and position stuff in my videos even though it's all goofs i wanted to hear him out and genuinely see like what his qualms were what like whether or not i was being unfair and it didn't go super well and after seeing uh paymoney wubby's video about the conversations that he had with collectibles guru i figured there would be some value in me sharing our conversation i don't usually like feeding the drama but i think that we can learn a lot from this interaction i don't know if that's true but i'm kind of just shooting from the hip right now so let's see how this goes without further ado let's get into the conversation that i had over dms with collectibles guru himself hey jarvis you made an unbecoming youtube video with many false claims i'm not here to threaten lawsuit or name call all right let's stop it right there i guess he's saying this because he opened his conversation with pay money wubby by fat shaming him are you the fat youtuber who goes out of his way to create drama so he's giving me the grace of not name calling me but he does mention a lawsuit nobody was talking about a lawsuit does he think that he has a case against someone who described events that were streamed live to thousands of people perhaps but it kind of feels like an intimidation tactic to get my attention um and it worked i did respond so kudos on that strong intro but it's not a move i would make it's the kind of thing that somebody would say to unsettle you right before they make a really bad argument and that's exactly what's about to happen just wanted to let you know your claims were false and i would appreciate if you looked into the facts my first reaction was what claims are you talking about because i uh made a point of not making any claims in my video i speculated but uh i know better than to to make claims with no facts or evidence i did joke about calling him a scammer so eventually the scam uh sellers arrive eventually the sellers arrive i did do that it's not exactly a claim i think that given my history of comedy commentary videos my audience knows that that's in jest as other people who made similar videos are making new ones now that the truth has come out so the truth is out the truth is out there and people are uh they're rushing to their cameras to correct the record because that's it's front page news anyone who tries to talk [ __ ] linked that video bad timing on wubby's release as the real pokemon people yizzy did their research and cleared your name cleared your name i'm a little confused was my name cleared in this video i didn't realize i was involved also i'd like to note that yizzy is a person that i shouted out in my video as someone who helped me with my video i want to shout out a creator by the name of yizzy i consulted the real pokemon people i did i did do research and now you're citing my sources back to me anyway yeezy's video includes screenshots tracking down the original owner of the boxes allegedly and includes some evidence that could suggest that that was the person who resealed the box so i knew all of this information and had talked to yizzy about it before i published my video so this isn't news to me if i didn't make this clear in the video i want to make it clear now we don't know for for a fact what happened in this situation we have a few accounts from various narrators but only the people who are involved know for sure what happened and that's not why i made my video i made my video because it was an interesting story and uh at the end of my video i did say in short the dumb money guys were able to purchase a legitimate box from uh mr guru dumb money completed the sale um guru found a different seller maybe i wasn't super clear that he made everything right in the end i think the dumb money guys are happy they seem like well-meaning guys all of the stuff that i said about his story and how he presented it and why it didn't add up is true guru introduces information that i then poke holes in it's not my fault that his story was inconsistent i maintained that all of my observations about guru's behavior in my original video were valid whether or not guru is a scammer which is again something i do not say in the video i don't know the situation with the guru guy i i you know i i'm not here to say whether or not he intended to to do the scam i in fact say that i don't know the situation with him but what i do know is that he is an unreliable narrator and the narrative that he gives in the video doesn't hold up to scrutiny i sent paymoneywubby all the details so he could see the truth also well we know based on wubby's new video that he did not uh send all the details and very much did not see the truth he sent me all the information of how to contact uh this guy and he even showed me some paperwork that apparently they had signed behind the scenes acknowledging the box was fake and there would be a full refund he phrased all this evidence he sent me as this will clear my name it really doesn't i don't think it does anything other than prove that you and the seller both acknowledge that the box was fake there's nothing in here that completely absolves anybody and wubby did contact those people that's in his video i have no interest in contacting them because uh that's not the point of my video i was reacting to a live stream that articles had already written about being this world record that was already hyped about that was supposed to be this big world record deal and it was kind of a disaster i think that that's a fair thing to talk about because if you want the notoriety of all these like publications writing about you and you're like look at me look at me and then someone looks at you in a way that you didn't ask for you don't really get to say hey like correct all the like you looked at me the wrong way like correct that it seems that guru is simultaneously image conscious and completely unaware of the way that he's presenting himself in public your allegations hurt my reputation i'd appreciate you at least doing more research in the future because the exposure was nice thanks but i would have rather you ask for an interview to discuss it as i'm transparent about everything from what i bought box a4 to where i source box b to make it right with dumb money he never calls dumb money dumb money he just like says dumb dollar sign which is kind of funny and your claims in the video were false dumb money chris flew us out first class to open the box on livestream for a cash deal that was the whole plan that's fine that that was the whole plan it doesn't matter whether or not it was the whole plan or not because what i'm responding to is you saying the sentence i didn't know if you were going to open the box today which is on stream i don't know if you actually wanted to oh what i was responding to was what you said in the live stream it's like how dare you not fact check me how dare you take my word and why would i ask for an interview one i'm not a journalist i'm commenting on a event that wanted to be the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the world if you looked at how they were presenting it and two you've proven yourself not to be a reliable narrator so what would i stand to gain by parroting back your own comments so this is how he closes the initial message you hurt my rep just wanted you to see facts as i'm out 55k in my own money and 220k in profit which is slightly different than what he told wubby when i'm the one out 55k right now and 225k in profit but i do understand that he's saying he could have made money on the deal had it not been fake but that's like counting your chickens before they hatch right like if i had bought the lottery ticket that won then i'm out i'm out millions of dollars that's that's crazy give me the give me the winning ticket if you got scammed you bought the resealed box like you didn't do a good deal you don't get to benefit from the good deal you did if you didn't actually do a good deal if i had bought a real box i would have profited on this deal and it's like yeah you would have but you didn't anyway i'm out 55k in my own money and 220k in profit while everyone else is whole i don't know what that means be well i'll read my response for transparency but keep in mind that i wish no ill will on this man i was simply roasting a live event gone wrong with rich people like you're fine like what are you like what are you talking to me for just go go make your deals but if like you can no longer do deals because me as a youtuber like took clips of things that you said and poked holes in them that's a like is that my problem so anyway i responded hey man i hope you're well and that's true uh i'm sorry to hear that you felt like i made many false claims in my video would you mind citing some of those claims i would like to talk about it like if i made some false claims let me know i did do my fair share of research and had yizzy review it the person that you're citing before it went out as a matter of fact and then i was like am i am i imagining things i rewatched my video and i i didn't make any really like hard and fast claims i just kind of joked and i was also responding to the chat who was very suspicious of him and i was wondering why that was and what information they had about him because i didn't have that information so people since the beginning of the stream have just been assuming that this box is resealed even the buyer made a joke about that and so someone in the comments is like guru knows how to reseal and i'm like how do these people know how does everybody have this man's number i just watch my video back and i think several times i say i don't know these things for sure i was just judging and theorizing based on the live stream in the chat which was largely about the spectacle i also mentioned pokerev in the chat saying how difficult it is to authenticate legitimate boxes which was in your defense which is true you know what maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding after all the dumb money guys seem very well meaning it's just suspicious that everyone in the pokemon community seems to think guru is a scammer i don't personally like have the tea but you know to play devil's advocate there is a big pokemon youtuber named pokerev who has actually mistakenly purchased a resealed box uh and it was in the chat saying that it's really difficult to tell the reseals from the real thing i do take any allegations seriously that i made false claims though and i can assure you all my criticism was intended to be in good faith so please let me know more specifics about my claims if you can anyway thanks for reaching out i appreciate the feedback i do you know if i'm making a mistake i want to correct it he just never gave me any hard evidence spoiler alert he never tells me what false claims i made but he does say i received a flood of messages calling me a scammer due to your video when i was scammed and i'm still out money you framed me in a negative light the entire time when i did nothing but correct an issue i didn't cause at my own expense so a couple things here one did you receive messages on my behalf because that's something i also asked for a record of and don't ever receive if it is true that anyone in my audience is harassing someone that i talk about in a video i do not co-sign that never do that it's not how we conduct business here we're looking at things we're commenting on them we're using good faith criticism we're not trying to take like below the belt attacks though it is fun to talk about why his head is so shiny i'm not going to spend too much time on that it's just a little bit of sprinkles on top of the main course which is all meant to be in good faith for future reference though i have said this before you don't need to defend me i can defend myself or i can ignore it or whatever and please never harass anyone on my behalf i think that goes without saying but i have said it a few times and i have yet to actually see record of it happening but i want to get ahead of that as much as i can so even though guru never sent me any screenshots or anything of somebody who was following me for example and leaving him a bad comment i uh there is like roasting of him that happens in his comments and my comments i just like you could roast me about stuff you know it's like it's that's not the same as as harassment and also and this does not excuse any harassment that he's receiving but it is hypocritical and i think relevant to mention that there are several records of of guru dolling out the insults and harassment that he claims to be receiving like for example calling shaming wubby atkinsbro and a number of screenshots that i didn't include in my video because i didn't think it was relevant to the story because i was just trying to stay focused but it's true that when i reached out to people about this man i got nothing but receipts of him acting like an [ __ ] on the internet and i chose to use public examples of that rather than rather than the private ones it feels to me like you can dish it but you can't take it situation which will become a theme you framed me in a negative light the entire time when i did nothing but correct an issue i didn't cause at my own expense you didn't do nothing you sold a fake box or you in like we're in the process of selling a fake box to some buyers in good faith and there's a certain amount of responsibility that you have in that it's not like don't blame me because if i bought a fake box of pokemon cards for a dollar and then i try to flip it for 375 000 it's on me for making that deal we don't know the circumstances under which you purchased this box so it's not like you were just minding your own business and this deal happened to you you sought all of these things out so i think that if you're to call yourself an investor or a guru you have to own some of the fact that you're responsible for these deals i think that this video benefits people and makes consumers more aware at the end of the day but you seem to only fixate on the money that you lost on your bad investment which it's hard for me to sympathize about because you assume risk as an investor and if you're getting mad at me for poking fun at your assumed risk then maybe don't make your entire brand flexing your cash appreciate the response you're welcome and not once did you mention a positive like the fact i made it right within 48 hours or the reality that i knew we were opening the box and that was the purpose of flying in again how was i supposed to know that that was like that you were supposed to open the box uh because you didn't say that you knew that in the video and i'm just going off of what you said and i did mention that it was made right within 48 hours the dumb money guys were able to purchase a legitimate box from uh mr guru you made a lot of statements and spoke to no one in the actual transaction from buyer to seller i mean i spoke in the video so i guess by definition i did make a lot of statements but it's not i don't need to talk to the buyer and seller to talk about a live event if i'm if like the super bowl halftime show is a disaster and i'm like that was crazy right people aren't gonna be like you didn't talk to shakira about this that's you should have asked what she thought you shouldn't speculate to millions of followers when the result is my reputation damage and your speculations were unfounded in false if you spoke to either of the parties involved you would have known instantly here's the thing i uh do the comedy uh i make the jokes so i i know that the guy who had the gun safe was not a time traveler but must have been uh mr time traveling gun safe man so i don't need to talk to anybody to know whether or not i'm doing that in jest i just refuse to believe that my commentary is what would cause damage to your reputation and not your own actions and behavior how can you be concerned about your reputation when you conduct yourself the way you do online the bulbasaur comment was taken out of context and logan kept repeating it i'm not i don't even collect bulbasaur you can't be like i'm concerned about my reputation and call somebody be like atkins bro and and talk about pansies and in [ __ ] and oh and using the r word that's going to damage your your reputation more than i can for pointing out the inconsistencies in your own story anyway he didn't you know he kind of dodged me asking for receipts so i asked again i was like can you source some of that response you got uh calling you a scammer for my audience because that's not okay and that's not something i've ever heard of happening on my behalf because if i did then i would i would talk about it because it's not okay then i mentioned that i didn't know that he was opening the box in the site the clip of his own speech and i go on to just kind of refute things like i did correct i did say that the situation was corrected i didn't really claim anything constantly i'm like i don't know what actually happened unfortunately i disagree with the premise that i can't speculate on an event that was intended to garner attention from media as it did i'm sure you saw all the articles written about the event i went on to say you know i think long and hard at this point i i don't know why i'm still responding because i'm clearly talking to a brick wall but you know i've said my piece i think long and hard about what i do and don't comment on i still believe i was fair in my analysis the speculation was founded for what it's worth um because i my speculation was based on what i saw actually it wasn't um i wasn't pulling it out of thin air i went through all the possibilities based on available information and then offered my opinion if you're making deals in public for the spectacle it only feels fair that the public can form an opinion and comment on it and then i'm like if it's true that people are reaching out to you slash harassing you on my behalf that's not okay and i'll definitely make a statement about it if that's the case i've been doing this for a long time and have had far more strong takes on characters in the past and i've never heard of that happening and which is true and he hearted that uh he heard a few of these things and i i'm not sure what it means and i just say that i'll like make that right as for commentary speculation on a live event i remain steadfast in my criticism that it was fair i genuinely mean no ill will to you as a person i hope that's clear and i do genuinely wish you the best i mentioned that you lost money on the deal he said i didn't mention it but i did you know i disagreed with him but i'm i'm trying my best to make it right i'm just like let me know what i can do i just need some evidence that what you're saying is happening is happening it would be nice if an educated well-known member of the public took the time to research and contact the actual individuals versus negative frame and speculate uh i mean i've already addressed this he just kind of like repeats himself a bunch um the video framing very negatively you didn't reach out to me or the seller it's like in every message i would hope with someone of your level of respect and outreach would at least contact the parties involved it's not like i'm not a journalist i've already talked about this stuff maybe a follow-up video highlighting the new facts or an interview where you can grill me once provided the facts i see no value in that it just seems like a it just seems like a collab to like grow his own profile and you've provided me with very minimal facts and i didn't ask for any other receipts because let's just say he didn't do anything wrong uh all of his public actions are enough for my criticism to be fair of him so that that's kind of the point i'm making it's like he's so concerned about whether or not he's perceived as a scammer and not enough about uh whether or not people would want to work with him based on his behavior and then he gives me his like list of demands for um for my video that i'm supposed to make about him anything that demonstrates i'm one not a scammer and two made everything right at my own cost i said that in the original video i'm not here to say whether or not he intended to to do the scam uh it seems like he may have lost that on some money if i'm gonna make a video about this uh it's gonna include all this information and not just me like clearing your name because i don't have the ability to do that anything that you could provide me a circumstantial until there's some sort of like criminal process that looks into this a bunch of like armchair forensic analysis is not going to solve anything people have been harassing me by the hundreds a day because of you and and money won't be you guys know how i feel about this stuff he reached out to everyone and said he'd make an update video i watched the update video and i don't know if you'll like it either you don't have to but a statement would be appreciated either way be well just wanted to let you know i caught backlash when i was the one who was [ __ ] over for a year's salary over 30 seconds i can't help but feel like he keeps wanting to be framed as the victim here and i've already said that like there's a certain amount of responsibility that he should hold due to his position as a dealer a guru uh a seller and also like weird flex a year salary over 30 seconds it's like cool man cool story bro if you didn't know that was a possibility then what are you doing making that deal in the first place if you didn't want to take these risks don't you come from the crypto world isn't that a far more volatile market than pokemon cards but if you don't want to worry about the volatility of all this i'm sure you could get a nice job at a bank where you get to be around money all day and don't have to worry about this stuff then i'm just like hey bro we disagree uh i still want some receipts i interpreted mini i interpreted many of the clips in many ways i understand that you don't like the way that you were covered but you're a public figure doing world record deals in public i type out is that not the sort of attention you're inviting because i'm pretty sure it is you're collabing with logan paul of all people like i'm sure you're aware of his history i never called you a scammer by the way that was wubby sorry wubby and i actually don't think webby called him a scammer either i can't remember but i uh did it as a joke so i will own up to that i did like jokingly call him a scammer in a bit um so that was a little bit incorrect i think it may be best to remain quiet versus seeking clout in exposure is that so how pray tell could you seek clout while also being quiet no one's exposed for being quiet but that's not even the point i'm not seeking clout i don't know who you are like i don't there's not really anything i stand to gain from seeking clout from you uh if if talking about events that happened in public and giving commentary on them is is seeking clout and exposure then welcome to my youtube channel buddy and of course a deal this large invited media attention but most media or attention is intelligent enough to do research versus solely speculate do i even need to respond to this i did i said sorry i'm not intelligent but wish you the best because you know i i didn't think he would respond to that but he did it's the clout chasing views while framing in a negative light without taking the time to derive an opinion you could easily have sent i mean i did derive an opinion that was like the whole of huh you could easily have sent dms to the parties versus speculate so you could add viewers this doesn't make sense he's a broken record at this point another interesting thing is that wubby's video came out and he he posted a screenshot of a conversation he had with with wubby um hey i said in the new video i don't think you faked the box um you see the comments scammer you called webby fat he exposed you by the hundreds i didn't tell them to do that watch the video i don't i i said i don't think he scammed the boss homie and he just shares his full screenshot and he's like look what we said i didn't scam anybody i'm clear it ends with hashtag facts by the way this isn't the point really for anyone as soon as i had that conversation with you i noticed that you posted this comment on yizzy's podcast who you previously cited as being a legitimate pokemon person who knows what he's talking about this is the wall of text that he posted and no one is going to see this like even if you posted it in my comments which you know wait wait a second because he did the impressions on this sort of message is going to reach very few eyeballs your facts couldn't be more wrong take the time to discuss with the people involved versus running your mouth and speculating sorry about this talks about sniper bidding he's also been accused of inflating his own ebay listings i have no opinion about that it's a accusation that i have no evidence of i have paid for every single item and spent six figures monthly regarding leonhardt three experts there said it was likely real we planned to open it to prove he's like so obsessed with like correcting the record on these things that are largely inconsequential leonhardt looked at it during the livestream and said it was likely real i didn't see him say that it was likely real i see that he said that he had concerns this is my biggest like oh my god i don't see any concerns with the outside like my concerns are the ones that you were saying as far as you know right here right here your points are wrong you guys are trolling and chasing clout off an event neither of you could afford to be a part hold on hold up buddy you hint at scammer but you provide no facts you're not providing facts for your hints stop hinting i was scammed and i unwound the error at my own expense that's my favorite phrase all of his writing i unwound the air at my own expense it's like beautiful it sounds like a night of the round table i unwound the era at my own expense anyone can be sold a fake box it takes a man not a scammer to unwind the issue at his own expense okay okay now now it's not as poetic you were wrong and should be ashamed of how you framed me in this light which really wraps up like what he feels like he deserves from everyone who's talked about this incident like how dare you frame me this way you should be ashamed and i'm not ashamed i i carry no shame about this because i didn't do the things that you accused me of we're all just responding to how you framed yourself and i do wish him no ill will it's just like it's like i wish he was only you know barking up like me and wubby's tree that's a weird phrase i i only wish he was like upset at us because when he's coming after smaller creators then there can start to be like a weird power imbalance there and i wish that if he had legitimate criticism to give like he could frame it in a way that wasn't like uh insulting to the people he's trying to uh sway if it was just me he was mad at i would be more empathetic to the situation because originally like i was responding thinking that he took specific issue with my video but now uh it seems he's just on a rampage because when i saw this comment i was like oh that's funny and then i looked at my own comments and saw that in the sea of comments uh after we had our conversation after we talked about how we disagree and i said my piece he left this comment on my video your facts couldn't be more wrong huh why does that sound familiar oh [ __ ] guru has copy and paste and he's not afraid to use it take the time to discuss with the people involved versus running your mouth and speculating clearly this is not to me because he knows that i know all this stuff he's he's saying this to the audience to hopefully garner some support i assume three experts there said it was likely real we've talked about this is he typing it out again point by point this is like a slightly different wording your points are wrong you guys are trolling and chasing clout off an event neither of you could afford to be a fart okay this is the same um i'm pretty sure leonhardt said he wouldn't buy the box they asked him i say that in my video and i play the clip what's funny to me is that they asked leonhard if he would have bought this box and he was like nah would you guys buy it okay so honestly i would not have purchased this box did you watch my video or did you just copy and paste this [ __ ] this [ __ ] comment because it's exactly what you left on yizzy's podcast it's like what are you doing man this doesn't make you look any more credible all i'm trying to tell you is to just like take this in stride say your own piece provide evidence of the things that you're claiming instead of just showing up in people's dms and in their comment sections barking at the [ __ ] sky also when you get upset take a walk have some tea [Music] decompress a bit maybe write a letter and don't send it it doesn't matter whether or not you're a scammer you're making yourself look bad and i don't think that's what you want and i wish you the best in this you know investment game so anyway yeah i i kind of just like rambled for a bit but i felt like this would be at least useful to discuss because i think it's it speaks to some greater points in making commentary videos and talking about things on the internet and how i you know get comfortable with a concept of talking about something i do do my research i do talk to uh relevant people in the community i will say that i received an abundant amount of support on my last video from the pokemon community and that was really cool and so i want to thank all of you who are tuning in from there also uh and maybe this is inappropriate but while we did it in his video so i'll do it in mine i have some i have some pokemon packs i've got a uh i've got a first edition fossil pack got some second edition i've also got one of these bad boys and i have a few i have four unlimited base set booster packs and i'm planning to open them because i actually like collecting pokemon cards and i think i want to open them on stream maybe i'll stream it on youtube or something maybe on the second channel and i'll probably make a video about it as well i've also got a bunch of yu-gi-oh cards that i want to open so it'll just be a card opening extravaganza let me know if you'd be into that because i think it'd be really fun for me um but anyway thanks for watching this video um again i i wish jake the best um i hope he's able to recover all of the money that he lost and i hope he has a you know a long and fruitful career in the pokemon community and i hope that he can sort of make inroads and make friends and you know be seen in a more positive light by that community um a couple of shout outs you can go and listen to yizzy and not shivam's podcast you can watch wubby's video that he did about this situation you can also watch pokerev who is another pokemon creator who was actually took part in one of the follow-up live streams to authenticate the first edition base set booster box he recently was the victim of a resealed box and he kind of walks through that process on his channel so uh he seems like a cool guy and also don't harass anybody okay goodbye
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 1,326,570
Rating: 4.9572458 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: BMICSZa1l1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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