Dhar Mann Solves Racism

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/this_guy83 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hi! Happy new year. It's been a while. I, honestly, was putting a lot of pressure on myself to make a video. And I, I couldn't pick an idea of... Nothing seemed that interesting to me. But I've been watching a bunch of Dhar Mann videos for some reason. For those who aren't familiar, Dhar Mann is a content creator, enterprise, businessman, who creates inspirational content that teaches a moral in the form of stories where Karens get owned. - I'm really sorry. - I feel really bad for how I treated you. - Well, it seemed to change her life. - Cody Ko riffed on him and then became his friend and, sort of, was in one of his videos, did some behind-the-scenes stuff. But anyway, even though Dhar Mann seems like a nice guy and all, it doesn't make his videos immune to criticism. Especially when you have an audience in the tens of millions. So every Dhar Mann video follows a pretty simple formula. Someone has a dream, someone crushes that dream, and the person who crushed that dream instantly regrets it. I say the phrase, "Instantly regrets it," because it is present in nearly every single Dhar Mann video and thumbnail. Pretty much every story involves someone being shown the error of their ways and then immediately changing and becoming a different person. "Gold digger breaks up with boyfriend, lives to regret it." "Car salesman humiliates a poor customer, lives to regret it." "Mean girls kick out teen from TikTok group," that's topical, (chuckles) "They live to regret it." The videos definitely mean well, but a lot of them tend to come off like a Instagram inspirational meme come to life. - Okay, I'm done. - So this first video is called, "Son Demands A PlayStation 5." They're always topical. They just had SSSniperWolf in one of their videos, and she just inexplicably has a PS5 for no reason. Anyway, the title is, "Son Demands A PlayStation 5, Then Mom Teaches Him an Important Lesson." Maybe she like schools his ass in (chuckles) Mortal Kombat or something. - Let's go. - But you still have half a sandwich. - I'm full. - (laughs) Like, why the intensity? I said, I'm full. Also, shout out to Firehouse Subs, the product placement for no reason, but I do love Firehouse. - Don't throw it away. - Why? I'm not gonna eat it. - I have a hard time imagining that this is the first time a mother and son have had a conversation about throwing food away. (laughs) Like, he's already made it to asking for a PS5. That phase of their relationship, I assume they've shared a few meals together. - There's a lot of people that have nothing to eat that would be happy to have that sandwich. - I don't know if I'm the biggest fan of shaming a kid into finishing all of their food. That was something when I was growing up, and it kind of developed an unhealthy relationship with me and food because you wanna listen to your body. And if the kid says they're full and they've eaten a reasonable amount of food, they might be full. I don't know if like stuffing yourself does any good. - So? What does that have to do with me. - This woman is like, "I've raised a monster." (laughs) I would also be taken aback. It's like, "I guess, I don't know my own son." - I'm not gonna carry this around. - The mildest of inconvenience is that you have to carry around half of a sandwich. Also, his mom has another half of a sandwich. Why don't they just put both halves of the sandwich in the same container and solve the problem. - Give it to me. I'll carry it. - Why is he look so dejected? Like, he was like, "Man, I really wanted to throw away that sandwich." (dramatic music) There's just a homeless guy right there. Are they not going to offer him? I know his sign says that he needs clothes, but I'm sure he wouldn't turn down a Firehouse sub. They're delicious. I wouldn't turn down a Firehouse sub. Anyway, mom has to catch back up to son because she's over encumbered with her two halves of Firehouse sub, (laughing) so she's unable to keep up. - You think I can get the new PlayStation 5? - Don't you already have the four? - Yeah, that's the old one. - Yeah, I already have the four, but the PlayStation 4 doesn't have moderately better graphics. (Jarvis laughing) So I don't know what happened, I think it was an act of God. He was just walking for a second, and then he does this weird, like, jostle jump thing where he spills his Diet Coke that looks like water. - Don't worry, I'll wash it when we get home. - What, no. The jacket's ruined. - You can't get diet Coke out of a jacket. God, dumb lady, buy me a PS5 already. (laughs) He's just like, "You'll just buy me new ones." - You can just get me a new one. - All right, it's not like you can wash it or anything. You can? (dramatic music) - Stop! Don't throw that away. - How is this the time that you're teaching your son this lesson? - Do you know there's someone wishing they had a sweatshirt like that? - You keep saying that. I told you. It's not, my problem. - You know, your mom could be like. "A PS5? Not my problem. Get it yourself, bucko." - Take this. I'll hold onto it. - Just for the rest of his life, his mom is just holding onto everything he wanted to throw away. (coin jingling) There's another homeless person here? Are they just, like, stopping at every homeless person to have an argument? Like, they can hear you. Someone would love to have this sweatshirt and the lady over there was like, "I would love to have the sweatshirt." It's like, "Shut up lady." (dramatic music) - Sorry. - Well, well, well, if it isn't yet another homeless person. I sense an argument coming on. - Back to the PS5. (fingers snap) - Got'em. - Coming out soon, so- - So, have you made up your mind yet, woman who's holding all of my stuff? - Well, how much does it cost? - Let me, look it up. (coin clinks) - Be gone, quarter! This is but a peasant's coin. - Did you just kicked that quarter? - I'm looking up the PS5 prices. That quarter is not gonna help me buy a PS5 based on my calculations. - You shouldn't throw away money like that. - It's not like I can buy my PS5 with that. - Does he not understand math? The quarter, technically, does help with buying the PS5. - While you're focused on all the things that you don't have, there's someone out there wishing for all the things that you do have. - There's tons of people who wish they had what you have. For example, six feet away from us. He's like, "Hey lady, I'm right here." Like (beep). - I want you to give him these sandwiches. - What? What, no! He's all dirty and smelly. I'm not getting close to him. - I can still hear you. - You want your PS5, right? - That's not gonna to help the kid not be spoiled. It's gonna make the problem worse. Now, we understand how we got in this situation to begin with. (dramatic music) - Excuse me. - He's like talking to him like an alien, "Hello. I come from Earth." - Yes. (dramatic music) Jessica! - Where did she come from? (laughs) She just, "Oh, I was in the living room." - I can't tell you how much this means to me. - You're welcome. - He's like, "Maybe I am a hero. I do deserve a PS5." - I can't believe how much that sandwich meant to them. And I was just gonna throw it away. - You see? - (beep) dog, she really got your ass. (laughs) (dramatic music) - I want you to give this sweatshirt to him. - News flash, homeless people deserve clean clothes and not half-eaten food also. Like it doesn't just have to be your scraps. - Excuse me, sorry to bother you. (Jarvis laughing) - He's like, "Ah! A person." - It actually has a stain on it, so not sure if you want it. - It has a stain on it, so it's pretty much garbage, but I figured you might... You seem to like garbage. Do you want this garbage? Like, it's like, if he thinks of it as garbage then it's not so nice that he's giving it to a homeless person. - You don't know what this means to me. - Like the lesson should stick regardless of whether or not there's a homeless person who needs exactly the thing you're about to throw away, you know? - [Mother] Now. - Feels like a fetch quest in a video game. (laughs) It's like now we have to go back through all of places we've been. - I want you to give this quarter to her. - Like, that's all they could... They didn't have any more change to give? (dramatic music) - 25 cents? - This is the last quarter I needed to buy a PS5. (laughs) - 25 cents is exactly how much I needed. (dramatic music) This is my daughter. - I just don't think that people should only be charitable when they can see the direct impact of their contributions. - To be able to get on the bus to go see her. - Also, maybe this reflects something about the country, that we have people on the street to begin with. But that's not something we're gonna get into today. (dramatic music) - Mo- Mom, what's wrong? - So just when you think the video is over, it's not. There's actually a lot more to go. We find out that there's backstory to the mom. She actually was homeless while she was pregnant with her son. Also, because this is a manufactured story, someone doesn't have to have gone through, specifically, the same thing to empathize with someone else's, like hardship or situation, you know? But it makes it more intense, so that's, gotta keep that watch time up. - I know how it feels to have a stranger help me. - Also, it's dark now the sun... It's 3:00 PM, but no light for me. - That's why this all means so much to me. - So she was homeless, then some people helped her out, and now she's like, a high roller with a nice car, and PS5 money to blow, and a spoiled brat for a son. Like, how did we get here? - I've been so focused on stuff I don't have, I forgot that people out there wishing for the stuff I do have. - You know what? Because of what you did, I'm gonna get you that new PlayStation. (chuckles) - I don't know how I feel about this ending. (chuckles) I don't think that, like, altruism necessitates a reward. You don't do things cause your mom's gonna buy you a PS5. - It's fine, mom. I don't need it. I'm happy with what I have. - I thought because they focus so much on homeless people in this video, they would include some sort of educational resources about the unhoused. But nope. On the bright side, oh, ho, ho, you can get inspirational content and exclusive giveaways on Instagram, so that's pretty cool. Remember, we're not just telling stories, we're changing lives. - We're changing lives. - I think there are so many stereotypes in here about homeless people that I feel like, if you're gonna use those stereotypes, you may as well educate about why those maybe aren't true, or about the root causes of the problems that are depicted in your video. And also how did this woman come... That seems like an interesting, like that would help somebody, probably, to know how this woman went from rags to riches in such a short period of time. But PS5 though, so that's pretty much all there is to say about that. This next one is called, "Mom Accuses Her Son's Black Friend of Stealing, Ending Will Shock You." I'm gonna go ahead and guess a Karen gets owned in this video. We'll see if I'm right about that. - Oh, behind you! - Aha! They got me. They got me. Come res me. Come res me! - Come res me. Come res me. They're playing Guitar Hero III. (laughs) - Your report card says you got a C in math. (dramatic music) Wait, what is he doing here? - I feel like she's either about to like, turn into the Terminator or like whip out her cell phone and call the cops. - We're just playing video games. - Hi, Mrs. Baker. (Mrs. Baker laughs) - Brayden. - Oh, Brayden, that's a great name. - Didn't I tell you not to hang out with kids like that? They're nothing but trouble. - Didn't I tell you not to hang out with kids like that? Kids who need to be res'd? He's weak, Brayden. He's ruining your KDR. - They're nothing but trouble. - [Brayden] What do you mean? - He fully can hear them. He's just like, "I'm trouble?" (chuckles) - [Brayden] What do mean? Martin's my friend. (Jarvis laughing) - Why... (laughs) Why does he pronounce Martin like that? - Martin's my friend. - He's a bad influence on you. - She has two different colored eyes, which makes me think she was one of the homeless person in the other video. Damn. What's her origin story? - Look at how low your grades have gotten since you started hanging out with him. - When PTA-president-supermom walked in the room, she said that Brayden got a C in math. So first of all, he got a D in math, (laughs) which is not a C. Second, his grades are way worse than that. Like what? He just like, fu- straight... Like, Brayden, shit. Like you gotta work on this stuff, man. - Martin's one of the smartest students in our school. - Poppycock! (laughs) There's no way someone of his kind is smart. - You really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them. - Now, the kids are teaching parents lessons. And now, the parents are the ones who refuse to learn the lesson. Until they get owned. - He probably doesn't even go to school. - Where do you think they met? He probably doesn't even go to school? Like, what does that even... That's a baseless statement. You don't know shit about Martin. - You know how his people are. - Whoa, "You know how his people are." I'm just gonna go ahead and say that, like, if this woman becomes unracist by the end of this video, that's not how that works, usually. Usually, people are just like, "Oh you know what? I've got a black friend. Now, I'm not racist." (Martin laughing) - You almost won. That was insane. (Martin laughing) - Hey, Mom, do you think I can get that new laptop for my birthday? - This is like, so unrelated to the conversation. "Man, we almost won. Hey mom, did you know the capital of Djibouti is Djibouti?" (laughs) - It'll really help me with school. - We'll see. - Why'd she say it like that, "We'll see." - Man, that was good. - I love ending a gaming session with a good old bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. (dramatic music) - Pretty hungry, huh? - He added like, three Cheerios to his bowl. (laughs) - Can I get some milk? - Oh, yeah. (milk pouring) - Did you just finish the milk? I was going to drink that. - I was parched after cleaning the same spot on the oven over and over, and I wanted a shot of milk. - I'm sorry. Um, shoot. I, I could pour it back if you want. - I don't want your black milk. (laughs) - Don't your parents feed you or something? - Damn, we're just eating a snack. Like, fu- "Don't your parents feed you?" We've been playing for hours, we were hungry. Your son is also eating, don't you feed him. - I'm really sorry about that. - I, I should go. I'll text my dad to pick me up. - And then mom catches Martin stealing, so she thinks. - Caught ya, red-handed! - Oh, it's not what it looks like. - And then his dad comes to pick him up and guess what? His dad is a VP at a tech company. - My dad is the vice president of one of the biggest tech companies in the world. - And his family is rich because they have a Tesla. And so that makes racist mom go, "(beep), y'all got a Tesla? I guess I'm not racist anymore." (laughs) - Tell him the truth, Martin. - The truth? You want the truth? - You wanna know the truth? - I knew that was coming. (laughs) - I'll tell you the truth. You see- - This is definitely how teens talk. "You see." - You say that I'm a bad influence, and that kids like me probably don't even go to school. - You heard that? (laughs) I was six and a half feet away. - I go to school everyday. (Jarvis laughing) - I don't know why he delivered that so dramatically. And guess what? I've got my report card, I got receipts on lock. - [Martin] And I get straight A's. - She's just like, "(gasps) I can't read." (laughs) - Oh my gosh! Your dad drives a Tesla? - Your dad drives a Tesla? Yeah. Yeah, he does. (laughs) - The truth is, I was only in Brayden's room to surprise him with this. - You, you bought me a new laptop? - He's like, "Yep, I'm dad now." - So you see? (Jarvis laughing) - I am so sorry for how I treated you. - I didn't know you were rich. - I never should have judged you before I got to know you. - Like, when in life has someone been shown the error of their ways and then they give a monologue about what they've learned, and how they pledged to change in the future. Usually, people just like double down on their bad stuff or it takes a longer amount of time. - Can you please forgive me? - It's, it's okay. Honestly, I get this all the time. - Martin, it is not okay, even if it happens all the time. Sorry you had to go through that, Martin. (dramatic music) That's something that you could just say and then go, "Yeah, no, that makes sense." You don't really need like a full on story of somebody who thinks the opposite of this and then gets owned. Okay, so this last one I have not watched but it just came out. It's called "Lady Calls Cops On A Black Mom With A White Kid, Instantly Regrets It". Okay. - This is Jess. Is it okay if she comes over later? As long as your mom is- - Hey, sweetheart! Oh, my goodness! I missed you. - Uh, excuse me. Are you her nanny? - What a weird question. Like, why do you need to identify who the person is? Like, it's clear that they know each other and are comfortable with each other. - Are you the babysitter or the maid? - What is she? The cops. Like, I don't understand. Like nobody just like starts interrogating a older woman and a younger kid going like, "How do you know each other?" (laughs) "Who are you? Are you the maid?" - If you really have to know, she's my daughter. Come on, sweetheart, let's go. - Listen! You can talk to me. Do you know where your mom is? - How is she's so dumb that she refuses to believe that this could be this woman's daughter. (chuckles) - I just said I'm her mom. I adopted her. - Unless you've got some paperwork to convince me- - Last time I checked, you were not child protective services. Go take your kid home. Like, go do something else. This is not a real... No one is like this, I hope. Is anybody like this? - Security! Come quick! - As if the school security guard can do anything. (laughs) - Is there a problem? - This woman is trying to kidnap this girl. - Wow, uh. You know, you really shouldn't be so quick to judge - The amount of patience this person is showing. I don't know if what you say to them at that point is "You shouldn't be so quick to judge." Why are we all bending over backwards to prove to this crazy lady that she's wrong? - Come on sweetheart, let's go. - No, no, no! - [Security] I'm sorry, I can't let you leave. - That's not even legal. Like he's a school security guard. He's not a cop. - What's your name, ma'am? - (sighs) I cannot believe this is happening again. - Again? Where do you live? 'Cause wherever it is, move. - I am so sorry, sweetie. It's Ebony. - A black woman's name is Ebony. (laughs) Good Lord. My name is Ebony Blackmun. (laughs) - Ebony Jones. - Oh, of course. Of course, it's Ebony Jones. Couldn't be Ebony Smith. - See! - They don't even have the same last name. How could she be her mother? - What a dumb person? Like the thing that bothers me is also that the story exists because like, obviously this person is in the wrong. This does nothing to illustrate the like real experience of like adopted kids or kids who don't look like they're family members and stuff. Like it's just annoying. Especially, like me having not been raised by my birth mother is just like so weird. - I just told you that I adopted her. Smith is her birth name. - Um. - You gotta do something. - School security guard, you got to lock her up. Am I right? - Do you have any photo identification? - Who the fu- I can't keep watching this video. - You see my photo right there. (Jarvis laughing) - Nice headshot though. - Isn't that enough? - "I don't know. This system that we've created is very high tech and useless. It can't be trusted, so I'm gonna need further identification." - Here. (dramatic music) (Jarvis laughing) - Their head shot photo is on her driver's license. Damn. LA be crazy. - Sorry for the mix-up. You're good to go. - Whoa. - She's the legal guardian. Have a nice day. - Come on, sweetheart. - Oh. Well, that's unfortunate. (Jarvis laughing) - Her head like turns fully around, like to the back of her head. - Excuse me? - I was just saying that's unfortunate that Jess got adopted by you. - I just don't understand like, why you make it a story? What lesson does this teach? Just feels like it's, this is meant to make the viewer feel good for not... It's like, "Whoa, well, I'm not racist like that, so I must be a good person." - She belongs in a white family. She would be loved more by her own people. - I just can't. This is just too much. - You know, I don't know about you, - ♪ but I'm feeling 22 ♪ (laughs) Sorry, is this inappropriate? - Love has no color. - The crowd goes wild. That's clearly... It's in the description. Love has no color. They're like, "Oh my God. We are so... We did it everybody." - Nothing has stopped me from loving Jess as my own child. - I feel like one would actually feel like they needed to prove to this woman that she was wrong. It's so clearly obvious. You would just like walk away. - [Ebony] You asked me if I was Jess's nanny, well, I was and more. Jess's mom and I were good friends, and I looked after just like she was my own child. - Oh, my God! (laughs) This is like insulting to the audience, I feel. - I'll never forget the day that she told me she had been battling cancer. - First off, none of this justification is necessary for a mom adopting a kid of any race. We don't need a story like this to make you feel like, "Oh, it's justified now 'cause it's like they were best friends and then she like passed away." It's like it could just be that's who she adopted. No further questions. No further justification necessary. - [Ebony] And only had a few weeks left to live. - Like, who would give this much time and care to give their like heartfelt backstory to somebody who just said like, "She would be loved more by her own people." It's just like that's a lost cause. I don't know. So this woman's mind was changed by this story. Her entire life she just hadn't heard a convincing enough reason for why not to be racist until just this moment. Well, I'm just lucky we could be here for it. That's pretty cool. - [Ebony] Knowing the challenges that I would face as a black mom raising a white- - This is like "Actually Happened" but in real life. It's like these stories are so overdramatized and I know that that's on purpose, but like it really dilutes any point that you're trying to make because it's not like relatable to the real world. It just like plays on people's emotions. But I don't think in a way that's like... I mean for me, personally, I don't think it's a way that's gonna like motivate change in the people that need like their opinions to be swayed. - I am so sorry. - It's just like always this complete reversal that doesn't make... I'm never like, has anyone ever seen this happen in real life? - Please forgive me. - It's weird 'cause like all the people who were in the wrong asked to be forgived and then the people forgive them as if, and then it's like this happily ever after. I don't know, man. (sighs) I don't wanna like shit-talking too much 'cause I understand that people like these videos but I also think that, for me, it doesn't land and it feels a little like toxic positivity to me. I feel like there are far better ways to share a story like this. Then, the context of proving to some racist lady who doesn't believe that the mother of her kid is the mother of her kid. Like, why is this? Why is this whole story centered around proving her wrong, when like we can just hold up like good examples. Like we can just tell the stories of these people themselves and thus have like more representation for these ideas which actually is gonna make it less likely for people to have a really closed-minded approach. But, what do I know? I'm just a YouTube shit-talker. Anyway, that's all I have for today. I hope you had fun. Despite the fact that this last one was fu- up. (laughs) I'm gonna leave some educational resources about homelessness in the description, because I feel like that was a missed opportunity from Dhar Mann so that's the least I could do, I suppose. I know that people like, "Dhar Mann and I don't wish any ill on it." But the videos leave a little to be desired for me, personally. If you disagree, that's fine. I'm not here to make enemies. I don't know. (upbeat music)
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 2,275,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: d7ShPtShl0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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