$500 Showmatch | Best of 5 vs Liereyy

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i'm gonna play our best of five show much against leery i think the prize pool is five hundred dollars i could be wrong i think i i saw that uh map pool arabia's game one and then cross mega random atacama reddit fortress islands and acropolis you each get to ban one map two three four five will be chosen on random on stream from the map pool there's no safe drive to get hit and save global no repeat all right so it's pretty much free pick no repeat time to ban raja fortress why what you got against that let me see uh i might bend mega random because it's just so random my grandma would just be a save one i i think okay to explain the whole why i think wheelbarrows should be adjusted a little bit why are my sheep always so far away so the main reason is obviously it's a really powerful upgrade to get for free it's quite it's more expensive than any other eco upgrade such as double bit x the big thing though is that brother sieves to catch up with for example double bit x versus burmese your tc isn't idle if you to catch up with wheelbarrow you also have to idle your tc for roughly three villagers and that is that is massive on top of that is also one of the most expensive technologies and eco equally sources equal upgrades to do so there's some stuff there but uh yeah i will i will fight for what is right in my opinion i think they could give wheelbarrow for free but hand cards should not be free anchor should be like a discount or something or with wheelbarrow you can get it for free but at least make them research it that's the big one others have to pay 175 food 50 wood and the one and a half minute is one minute and 45 seconds no how long is it research one minute 15 seconds something like that the research time as well there's some problems like while you get it for free again very expensive upgrade others have to research it and pay for it that's the bad stuff these vikings i'm expecting to do like a rush fast castle i will do scouts into archers just play meta well i say meta it's not bad anymore i will play classic let's put it like that we try just a little i'm gonna try to win for sure what two tile stone you don't see those very often i don't see those very often [Music] every day of the week oh no yellow because he plays green and i don't like yellow logan's green forgive me long stories make you sad yeah and i don't understand what viking villagers say about lost today no doubt lost yesterday or two days ago i don't remember when they played he almost ate it should be there all right wait i didn't check no that's four on wood oh this is a brush 100 to rush or oh this is a crush oh he's thinking he's thinking twice before going in there eat it ah didn't do any damage let's confirm his barracks should be coming up shortly there it is there it is okay i need to pre-wall my villagers here so we send those dudes there you do we do that we do that we do that and we're good parents are fine that we do that with that that we do that we do that unless it is uh double ship it could also be my arms play but you never know why i got 21 when you can do 20. why go 20 when you can do 12. better equal out lost 3-0 to land today are you surprised so because you can't do 12. oh you absolutely can ah okay now mine's my arms it's my arms boys now these walls will go those berries are about to expire that's what the same metal arms into archers confirmed we go scouts into archers confirmed [Music] see if he still does my arms upgrade he should because he wants to apply the pressure so right should get some hits on the scout get some hits on the scout get something scouts get some hits in the scouts okay i need a range follow-up quite fast because we are expecting archer's man quite fast as well without just some random oh that's open now i'm sad [Music] when will you do a 100 first to feudal show match versus herrera the first to fuel wins get him sounds like a good show match i should probably consider that it's actually open not there not there okay we're fine let's clean that up probably should have the uh [Music] i don't really want to fight yet i want to get fetching now probably even idle to get clutching i am the official record holder era can cry all he wants there is no doubt that i am the official record holder of the fast a few days time there's no absolutely no doubt about it i also have fetching which he doesn't what can we clean up that guy please tower oh boy maybe i'll just waste the two scouts i just wasted two scouts for nothing nothing to tell you just two skirms just in case the wheelbarrow catch up on that i'm a bit worried that he does a sneak attack now with those archers but i also feel like oh it's open actually what makes more sense here i guess the palette that's probably what we have to worry about we know he did a tower as well so there's a big chance he will do one tc play i mean i assume he has clicked up could be wrong it's not arabia only noise different maps the first game is arabia also wondering how many skirms i should make here now we're causing some idle time though can't complain oh okay archers at home confirmed okay that's very very satisfying to know because my main concern at the moment was where are his archers spring build is that what we are doing he still does not flashing right okay it does now i don't have armor so i probably shouldn't be fighting yet once more consider that he delayed fletching i'm surprised he's not up yet but he didn't do fletching or blacksmith upgrades a while oh there it is i guess we are wait i'm doing four ranges oh accident accidental four range play boys trust me i wasn't planning to do four ranges it's accident [Music] makes sense we'll have some skirms be annoying for sure why are they being so weird about that he doesn't have ballistics pretty good situation i would say so far now we're going full classic mode four ranges i haven't played that in forever one night to rule them all what does he have armor he's luring me away though makes me think that i can do something up here never let's do ballistics before we do anything else oh i don't have bloodlines that is bad found them i think we're in a pretty good spot anywhere here oh there's one there's one oh tc he doesn't have ballistics no no guys hans huns are hunts man hans are hans and what about this wall doesn't make more sense to wall there maybe but maybe i didn't scout this i don't know bouncer hunts that's his second teaser right yeah well you go for the greedy faster castle without upgrades and you can get punished we served out some punishment robo thanks for 56 months almost four years man no that's almost five years so i'm talking about um [Music] captain house is 2014 oh boy damn right it is only gold a little bit behind or behind but everything else looks good i guess i guess we're gonna have to go chinese here now right although i kind of like to play cubans here but then again humans are awkward because they keep chuck kebachakas aren't as strong anymore i might go humans though i think chinese on paper should be slightly favored but i think there's a lot of potential in humans crusade strats are sicilians yeah yeah also since chinese is the obvious picker i think it's more fun to have a not mirror matchup i think this is good for everyone except my eye all right come on except my idol villagers this map is sad face probably not the most entertaining map in the world at least not for the first the first oh for quite a while oh i'm doing this wrong i am one percent doing this wrong i'm supposed to go having food so i can go to field age fast what does my king look like a long sword okay he reminds me of a long sword it's kind of a mentality i have beat out i mean for a show match of course right like i would like to win and i think humans have potential to win against chinese no question about it but i think a chinese war would have been less entertaining even though if there was a million dollar at stakes i would probably go chinese i still think this is a close match-up and i think humans have a lot of potential to be chinese so by no by no means is this like a throw pick is there a queen's mod for the king whoa whoa whoa why do you stop this boar mean one ah right right right right right okay so plan tc plan tc there's a beautiful dc that's probably where we'll end up going hey i wouldn't even if i had the chance to kill this king in fuel in dark age or fuel age i wouldn't do it that's in my opinion that's not what this match up is supposed to be the only thing that's faster and king is a human imperial scout oh is that really fascinating i guess i'm not surprised [Music] i swear he looks like a long sword to me when he's walking like this i think that's a long sword i also went way too late up i should have probably gone like 18 pop-up i definitely misplayed my opening here a lot i have so many resources now and my i will not be ahead in the room even i think but he's not by much he will catch up and pass me quite fast yeah my build was not great i always forget to completely 100 adapt the build to humans when i played on registered that's all me king is dying to a wolf would like to see that relics one two three four five okay we see all relics good stuff what does he have no gold i have gold uh it's right outside fortress you start with zero gold there you give that a serious answer we start without cold too actually relics position relic positions are very much in favor of me they are very favorable for me no question about it yeah i was considering doing wheelbarrow or not i'll do market stable problem that's my buildings i'm faster i'm faster yes but he has monks or chickadees on the way eventually i'm faster nice i reckon yes think about a second castle already i played in the past with the idea of also going to castle age at the imperial age quite fast after two tc's you can do that and then apply pressure with kappa chakas see if we can pull up something like that still see all the relics on the map this is not arena this is registered fortress or it's fortress played with the registered game mode did he heal oh my god two monka and oh spearman oh i didn't expect experiment sad let's do a blacksmith got caught off guard by the spear man i'm gonna stay too tc maybe he thinks i'm not adding scouts therefore i might be able to pick off his relic monk still or not looks like he already made it oh never mind who's this guy you're playing against as leery he should be fairly known most people i would like to uh not to get all five relics that would have been pretty sweet i may say so myself probably need to put some emphasis on gold that part of my eco is not fully [Music] operational nice wait he took the relic no i let him took a rally took the relics bro this is oh i wish i went for the castle there oh i didn't know that would be open i could have known i probably won't commit there maybe we can do a follow-up castle there at least go right there with our pressure took a long time ago makes sense because i have had a kipchak sitting there for a while and he hasn't seen nothing wonka manka monka no no monkey oh there's monka okay i like it [Music] no chance that you're getting away with that relic as well no no no there's a mass search going on because there's a missing relic did you already take it no no no cheeky boy there oh i missed click i justly i guess castle will be there instead but we have two tribes on the way still like my position somewhat somewhat we have to go down there before we can attack [Music] feels bad man what will be his army of choice i wonder but now it looks like just chicken alright whether it will stay that way is a different story well that castle is gone that was a quick one boom yeah let's go make sure we get that relic what you're going to do against you can use a better unit for sure yoki might be making a camel switch of some sort so [Music] are they exposed run run now we're just oh no why are they so exposed they don't delete yet though okay um my guess is that his equal probably isn't as strong as it's probably stronger than mine still oh those are exposed all by themselves for a little bit anyway elite eleven hundred thousand well let's see how that goes i guess this elite chicken now i don't have the bestest of upgrades either neither us oh we got one trap neither of us can't really fully connect her either that's the issue oh that's a bad fight for me if i fight like that here i have hills i could potentially justify take me a fight can i probably not oh two more traps down oh he's committing still gotta find a way to get the upgrades that we require we have a castle there as well it's sort of alright for me and if he pushes there i can also push on the other side this castle is a goner but i think it has bought us a lot of time and we can now push over to the other side our eco is approaching acceptable that castle should go down i'm housed oh there's one low hp one there you can probably snipe yep okay we got another one [Music] took that castle still a very strange game 29 on food it's not enough per se it's a work in progress oh he's well there whoa whoa we were that's not a big army though i have mobility on my side i could maybe jump on this still missing elite burps maybe i'll just pop everything i need for that oh not like this why am i not making anger yet someone tell me oh i'm fighting before elite not good might lose a second castle here they are moving quite awkwardly or where strangely those hopefully sending all reinforcements through there you can pick some of those off oh why is it well uh unders hurry please well if you commit i can jump on this though right this feels very strange right now i mean once i get on the shirt i do feel confident confident about this fight we do have anger now so it's okay we got all the relics coming okay we just got to get farming eco going now gotta be careful that he doesn't snipe my forecast but shoot oh no oh no my units be out of position [Music] i don't think he's done yet i oh wait can i i don't have stonewalls too okay we have enough stone for now 37 farmers still not great numbers oh it's not meant to be like that that passport is not high up on the priority list as we speak oh we took one trap that's annoying that yes stuff there 38 farmers i mean we're getting there still not great might lose this castle very likely probably at this point i can't prepare anymore i'm getting a solid army and that's kind of the most important thing here especially considering we have four relics ah don't die two trips my boys it splits in this end i wonder if i have a better army right now all right still has a lot of trick in here yeah maybe i should feel good about it maybe i've too many villas even at this point but make sure those castles don't get sniped he's definitely got his eyes on those i need no question about that can know just say have enough wills too many bills i think i did she's still fully world here for now i could cut with one angel though and break through he doesn't want to deal with that if this is a fight i'm gonna have to oh holy that's a lot of traps holy great splits for him the castle is certainly going down [Music] i cannot win straight up fights with the arm mayhem right now oh housed i think what other army can i think i just need some angers and actually trade well i still have oh my arms are there seven traps he has there i need to protect my unders though right now i've just sent them in into their deaths pretty much yeah well there's gonna be an issue that's a close game for sure he's forced him into cab well i kind of wanted to go kev as to begin with anyway the issue there for me was um that i didn't i haven't ever protected my owners properly i've had online but i've sent them in without protection yes if i arm it together with my hungers i'm gonna see my own just trade way better all of a sudden [Music] my king is there 48 idols where are they oh there's someone for sure there another great microbiome dodge all those are idle i don't know wood at the moment why is what's so expensive holy i don't fight there [Music] yeah i need to somehow rega get my equal sword again my echo right now is just really bad and i'm open to raids on this side six idols and it's into my equal here as well oh you saw that [Music] i might end up with a really big army here which isn't necessarily bad at the same time also lost way more than i would have cared for i'm gonna have to dive nah these traps are there i need to summon my whole hustle arm here they're still fully well inside that is a problem for me he's considering pushing there over king snipe i don't think i can i think king sniper is too ambitious i'm getting a massive arm here still only a plus one that's quite awful it's this fight we have to jump on after jump is not the word [Music] it's like a pretty good fight for us at the moment now we gotta not take damage from the counter attack that's where the problem for us might be now we clean up all the zombies though naturally that is good i'm down to 40 no 88 villagers obviously that's not ideal he still has fairly untouched eco well i think my standing army might be potentially stronger once we're maxed out i'm still very vulnerable to raids mainly because this side is open a monastery is also there hey stonewall that again [Music] oh that's a bad fight wasted a lot of unions there [Music] that's a pretty solid shot i have to say i have four relics he has one that's naturally positive if the game goes on but i still don't feel like we're in a fantastic spot here this castle surely will be targeted very soon by um by units aka trebuchets i still think we have a good chance to win i cannot fight like that oh we got in that's pog so can i take good trades here we're getting some raids in though that's very good for us very important [Music] why is everything involved the illness population is dropping a little bit rates and that's uh he's going for my oh wait i need to jump on this that's the potential chance to kill this whole chicken army we also have 55 farmers still that's a good shot i can still make villagers i can still get up why did he stop i will struggle i think i shouldn't struggle with mobility more than him he's still making helps so we should in theory be fine i still think we have a cost-effective army composition chicken army i didn't say that did i don't have stone walls we still have four relic events in theory i should move the relics to a safer location we're about to destroy that i don't want to go too deep [Music] good price is still insanely cheap that looked like it was probably a decent fight for us i can get those oh yeah we have kipchak there now he upgraded fortified walls damn [Music] stop chasing that fisher is out of gold here so we're gonna clean that and that's pretty good [Music] that's bad it also hurts a little bit well for a second i thought there was a flag on the tower so i thought he may have had a king there but that would have been unresponsible cast in the back still getting some solid raids in you have four relics to uh oh there's a tow oh wait that tower is garrisoned hmm guys there's a garrison tower there my king is sitting nice in this corner there i would like to clean this up don't really have raiding opportunities besides the besides the left side do it should we go click go for a king i have a he shouldn't have oh there's a raiding opportunity i'm just gonna go and clean up all the buildings i think that makes sense either king [Music] we're gonna lose all of that but we'll take some units with us on the way this might end up being a game about wood control in the end i'm not really sure how i feel about the wood control situation yet i think i'm gonna try and think about trapping this down to push that area i'm not sure about at the same time monitors there was lot four probably still somewhat okay trade but i'm gonna okay let's have a run there see if there if there is a chance that he for some reason has this king there we can have a run there and check it out i still don't have plus four you're kidding me i think he willed it up again yeah he willed it up oh do some hundred stones there i only have 40 farmers that's not nearly enough i was too slick too slow oh no my honors not like this [Music] 60 what villagers not a lot yeah we're still so exposed to raiding but he's gonna have to move out eventually right because this wood here and everything should run out fairly soon i'd imagine yeah we're gonna have to make some moves now with us this should be a very hard push for him to stop but also i don't have population here anymore to defend my my base because i'm investing everything there which begs the question is this really a good trade then might not need more army here though looking at it but i can expand here again then the other side so there's pros and cons to this this may have been a massive mistake by me i'll take out an area of this sure i'm also losing my whole economy that may have been a big mistake on my end oh there's a trap on that i think i may just have thrown by going for that kill ah that was not a good move yeah i think that was uh that turns out to be possibly what kills me here think losing that castle is a problem i think we just threw yeah looks like it feels like it 61 villagers [Music] i don't know why i did in hindsight it obviously is easy to say in hindsight i think it didn't make sense what i just did i could just fight for the wood on the left side i didn't have to force the issue on the right side my whole eco was on left side as well i just invested my whole economy and my whole army to get an area where there wasn't really anything crucial at the moment and i made my whole eco exposed in the process [Music] so safe to say that was a mistake yeah i don't know stonewall like i couldn't really have secured my base with that in mind i only have one relic there that's not the end of the world i still have 40 farmers i still have 50k check there's no point throwing in the towel yet still have a monk the relics [Music] i think there's i think there's still reason to play on we have six tc's cruising villagers i still think this is doable [Music] let's not get really caught off guard by one big massive there's push there up to 70 wheels again oh this is germs maybe it's time to make some angers again trips yeah i definitely need oranges again there's no question about that [Music] population doesn't look healthy and i'm assuming he is maxed out right that is something that is should be fairly safe to assume my population isn't exactly growing though that is a cause for concern [Music] i just lose it i just lost one too i just lost an anger to the trip that stings they're gonna use those farms again oh i can't afford that 100 pops i saw his traps there i think i cannot i don't think there's any chance me to get them that's a scary army boys it's all going in one direction and not the boy band my economy oh hey don't fight like that i might get the tc up but i don't think it will stay up very long uh question is are we delaying the inevitable here that's the question um i have some wooden comb in the center again he [Music] we had i'm probably just going to take a fight no probably not we had stone walls my whole left side would have been walled would have made things so much better that's part of the curse with humans i suppose there both raids aren't too bad in summer base they aren't bad there goes my honors it's not noticing i'm taking wood in the center right now he hasn't picked up on that as far as i can tell oh yes i'm still stuck on 100 pop which is the same pop i've had for the last couple of minutes we do have wood to replenish farms now i might just dive in though he smells blood he smells blood and rightfully so yeah i think that's the moment this is probably it death i mean what the hell we might still win this fight but it's still a losing fight cost effectively let's call it i think we've threw the game i think we had the game to win but we should have won the game but i threw by investing like unless like 90 military population to take out his side base here right it was actually an irrelevant base i should have gone for i should just fully focus on the left side like make sure i get this wood this wood and then maybe take this hill and play it from there and then i could attack his eco the main reason that was a mistake as well was because all my farming eco was on this side and suddenly i invest my whole army to fight on this side yeah it was definitely a bit of a throw there but also very well played by lyria of course we're going for the head i should have tried to snipe his uh she'll try to snipe his this uh hero and his king i should have tried what was your reaction after her accused of cheating person i think he has a point it's outrageous i put my lawyers on the case like i said a few times now my lawyers are looking into it uh he's definitely damaging my image right now so he's gonna have to pay up that hidden cup price money will be in my pocket very soon the amount of damage he's done to my image with those cheating accusations lithuanian's war damn it i i mean this we still have registered i think lithuania's war is any other civ was just worse so we we cannot not pick lithuanians there oops or licks we're not going to insert a search function here where that game was gg could you elaborate healthier one he punished he really i mean in the early imp i got a lead but then mid imp or let's say yeah a little bit mid imp he did a good nice moves on the right side i never got online involved as we did some nice moves there to come back into the game and then [Music] then i again got controller game i would say but then i invested my whole army so he did the right move which was just to ignore that and go full rating on my eco my very exposed eco and uh after that he just had such a big equal hit that he kept raiding constantly so he was doing a good good choice there have been hair accused of cheating you guys should check our youtube channels if you want to know what's going on there there's a lot of youtube drama on both mine and harrah's channels at the don't forget to like and subscribe and uh to both of us by the way it's it's the juiciest drama of this year trust me you don't want to miss out on that well i restart uh we had accidentally uh registered again so we had to start over sweet how do you want to play it that's the question i don't know again if you guys want to get all the juicy drama i'm telling you guys just check our youtube channels it'll be among the recent videos yeah by the way guys shout out to grothrun he's hosting this show match he's doing a 24 hour stream right now so definitely check that him out you can tap smash mark host in the chat and there will be a link provided to his channel uh so do do that and go and check him out we will probably host him when we're done here as well all right so far so good his comments on casting and cheating are wonder what oh my god we're still close his comments on casting and cheating are spot on have to be sad no question about that i'm looking at my map and it's quite honestly this my next woodland is so far i'm gonna have to go for both woodlands there or second lumber camp also on the on this side which is a bit awkward this a bit awkward do you think stealing borah with scout should be banned in competitive play i think they should just increase the damage even more that scouts do that boars do to scouts like make it make it another five damage so do 15 damage per hit that means your scout only survives uh three hits from the board to make it way more risky i'll eat it [Music] okay i subscribed now where do i find palisade and tc delete build order there's plenty of that on my channel as well don't have to look far thank you 12r for the for the five euro where candy sir i think he will be surprised to find out how close we are as well always previously there he might just go and try and clean up his scouts might be up faster i mean this one is pretty good considering the distance between us it might make sense to me as well to make a barracks you know just in case oh there's doc there maybe he didn't know about mine though either way it's about to get spicy reaction there so far okay reaction ah that's bad oh you know that can go here though guys well this is becoming a little bit all over the place but i've done more damage to his fish than he has to mine i still am happy with my position for the most part what the spearmen there oh that's bad it looks like we're trading palms pretty much [Music] a second dark i think i might let him have it [Music] all right [Music] no idea where this game is at right now af repair [Music] he's fishing there sweetie boy that's some solid raids [Music] he hasn't noticed yet who's not reacting to that really good for me still hasn't noticed clearly now i noticed what a mess i shouldn't fight that like that we have that yeah i have no idea how it's looking right now i don't know who's ahead i don't know who's who's winning he's losing gotta be right there that one should pop any second okay just two fires from what i can tell not sure if he has he knows he probably if he doesn't have town watch he might not know that i have but i made that yeah there we go you now just go up this is so messy [Music] play could even be an option here oh no he's gonna repair it castle i never thought i'd see the day oh i might win this pond now actually one of five legs maps good question there where's five legs i wanna see five legs oh oh he's doing another second dock there even breaking four legs man never know what the hell to expect from that this cast stage as well i didn't get the dark there's no i'm just going to invest more there still a second dog that one i really want to deny [Music] oh boy this shit's about to get wild if it wasn't already about to get wilder as if we didn't have enough places to watch already hey we killed the fire yes come on a little wood nice yeah we're even trading good there might even be able to kill his fish you know i still think he has more army than us there oh hello looks good boys looks good what a freaking mess this map is holy cow fighting you fight on land and four different pawns what a mess in the frank thanks for uh i am me frank thanks for prime never get to find out if the knight or the monk wins massa is looking fairly good for the night i must say i think this would line also kind of became nice for us because it served as part of our wall to secure our base he did he had really bad woodlands as well to be fair yeah he has a he actually has a thanks for worse than us community a good one keep having fun yeah he has a way worse map than us uh when you consider the woodlands in the end yeah in a double dock there double duck there double duck here and single dock in his first pond we did double duck single single single so we definitely invested less wood in theory on docks zero farms yeah our food equals looking better anonymous thank you very much for five euro appreciate the kind words jimmy fry things for 21 months with the prime farland mitch with 80 months 18 months i just watched harold's video exposing your fraud to try and take the fastest village in the comments mr viper outrageous accusations there is nothing to it he's just looking for a way to retain his old worse world record you can't admit defeat simple as that yeah our economy is way better in the end i think the map had part of it part to do with that as well i don't want to play yellow against green i repeat i don't like yellow against green it's going to have a better eco early on but we have a better scouts once bloodlands is in and late game i think margaret should be better so just gotta survive thunder muffins thank you for the six months that was fast from the older sheep we have a woodland down here i'm going to be happy lithuanians counter communist name probably hankins it's your best bet against commutes so answer to a question is probably yes yes they can might be better there first lumber camp second i'm camp downstairs let's do that maggots better uh frank's in theory should be better but if i survive and don't die early game then maggers should be pretty solid oh it's close already yeah it pretty much depends on if i survive the opening or not or don't die the opening and fall too far behind once we switch into knights although i could also play catwatchers i might play scouts into archers then and not just complete meta meta would be scouts were in tonight's war i think we keep it non-meta and play a little bit aggressive eh fantasy fighter i think for two months we've had some good success with aggression lately in this series as well to get there why not don't like the berries quiet exposed mangoes do have full arch line you can in theory play arboles but it just feels so wrong when you know that you have those magnificent cab archers right this feels so wrong to not play with your characters and arms into archers yeah i think it will be scouts into archers will be the play i'm just gonna go back and lure deer i think he's been going there that's why scout was still at home so let's try to not fall behind [Music] rave raven hey vip ravine can you help me out i am having trouble with people that are paralyzing bulgarian slash comics what should i play against smb that only plays comics pikes don't seem to do the trick especially like especially late game also love this stream thank you thank you for the five conics uh usually the way you want to play against convict conics is a combination of you need range units in there first of all you need range units so you want to have a metal unit supported by a range unit that's the main thing that that's the key actually if you have that you that's probably the best way to trade like albedier arboles for example is a good way to deal with them you can play some sort of cavalry and range unit as well but alberta's probably will trade better so let's try to make sure you always play a combination of units playing only helps will not go well for you as i'm sure you have experienced just win bro and to pop up let's do it you should get the barracks unstable before i do the second one but okay let's do it i'll do it the hard way why are you in there are you gonna run all the way across now man this guy's he has decided he's gonna be a pain yes to work boys while i'm in i wanna i wanted to lose aggro and then go back and i can shoot him once with the villager he's just never losing aggro there we go is definitely likely as the game goes on no doubt about it would please wood please yeah we got the first hit hello wood please i said wood please thank you ah cheater foreign well the good thing is my spears have extra damage output that's good i saw your scout there mr leary you cannot avoid me i saw ya where'd you go what nigel he's there i was trying not to be good for me considering that he am i'm housed that's not good for me that isn't obvious enough well you will die take on it he's being quite aggressive here i mean he went up really fast so it makes sense that he wants to enforce the issue a little bit here don't like being in the dark which we are right now so let's try and move out a little bit oh he's there oh that's not where we want to be okay could be worse let us go aggressive now her rules shall be reversed bam that's my pipe man no sign of archer switch yet i will jump on this oh that's bad foreign [Music] okay i guess i keep making scouts i think he might be thinking about a switch to castle or focusing castles now i'm still defensive or at home yeah he's definitely thinking about castle age i think i make car washes which then i do bloodlines there can i fight those spearmen will be the question [Music] how many are there even seven okay i don't think i can fight them we don't do bloodlines simple as that a lot more scouts now to see how it plays out after that i didn't i should have confirmed that building i did not that's bad by me let's confirm it blacksmith i still will have no idea whether he's going scouts uh going knights or anything else at the moment do a rage quit for fun was it fun this one might be overchopped eventually dirty i can pull more wheels to repair and then accidentally puts them on that tree okay never mind not sure if there's much for us to do here i have my my starting scout no i lost earlier i don't have a blacksmith just realized ah he walter i need a blacksmith still no confirmation of a second building from him either very confusing yes forging [Music] that's actually very annoying i'm going to lose some bills there should have probably taken some time and fully weld myself he doesn't have armor though would have probably made sense we're looking forward to aov4 of course experiment please follow [Music] there's literally no reason for me to have this open except laziness [Music] is i think there's a big chance that he will make a siege push up in here on the low ground he has a tc there already i don't like our position economically but we could have some potential with military composition as soon as we get more numbers my whitaker is definitely suffering though no question about that oh my constantly house let's change that [Music] [Music] i'm still on one tc which is obviously quite awkward oh my god i got in there i think this is resignable i think this is resignable because we're taking too much damage and i was still in abu diko yeah i won't resign but i will i will have to play this full one tch how many nights are there it's a lot of nights [Music] okay so new plan pikeman pikeman character push through the center and try to win dude you just wrote in chat 51 to 32 villagers why do why do you come to my chat and reveal details that i'm not supposed to know that's just absolute nonsense dude you don't come here and post and leak uh information that i'm not supposed to know and i don't think that's even something that it's hard to understand that that's not something to do i don't feel bad for calling out on that okay i'm gonna need seed workshop forward i would have loved a ballistics as well i'm afraid that's not gonna be on the menu anytime soon that's unfortunate very unfortunate okay that that ruins our push let's call it yeah we just took too much damage i should have walled in my base that would have prevented all the possible raids uh like this this is how my base should have looked wait there's still a hole wait where did he enter wait there's a wall there wait how did he get in oh that's walled oh he broke that okay i'm blind i'm blind yeah i lost two wheels in feudal age and then i couldn't do any damage we tried to go aggressive but we weren't able to do anything as too good of an echo here and a tc on the low ground i mean i did go for low ground lumber camp as well maybe it's too greedy yeah we didn't manage to do anything there but lesson learned you should have walled your base there you know about the whole new woodland why didn't you wallet um i mean down here i'm pretty sure he broke that there wasn't a hole there this is something he broke he broke in and i didn't notice that with his mouth behind grass tingle down coming with the tier 2 sub i'm not sure what will be the last map now um last night should be atacama oh boy boy let's see what he goes for here there are good options there students is i'm not sure about tutan's actually could be an ugly one japanese wait that's terrible for me i know overlay guys relax oh that's terrible for me oh yeah the hell do i do now i was hoping you would go a cabaret like slabs maybe right now this is this is gonna potentially be a really ugly one i think i don't sell out the doubt socks enough without socks are there they're fabulous they don't need to be sold like i don't need to sell them out or like sell out for them they are as just look at them that i don't i don't know i don't need to talk about them they're just so good into tonic knights has a samurai countering them dude italic knights ain't gonna work sayori i think about 17 months we go from middlewood right away feels like it might be far like it might be a real far where is the middlewood what okay i guess we do we try larry is a japanese larry wasn't it katsuna you start calling larry then he became larry i haven't heard larry much lately though it's mostly lyric these days oh there's books see genders and micro now sea challengers aren't bad against japanese i'll give you that but that's like post imperial age question is will we get there and canada's kind of counted by arbalest so i'm not i'm not even worried about late game i'm worried about early game what there's no wood behind there oh my god that's awkward i'm worried about early game boys how what do i play against mana arm i'm gonna arm archer i guess i'm just gonna go scouts if i try to go scout skirm he will he can just put so much pressure with my arms i'm still missing four sheep you can put so much pressure with minute arm and archer you know potentially a tower forward what not yeah we'll see we'll try see what happens [Music] why the bar stopped well don't get me wrong there's still good parts about tutans it's just that they're [Music] maybe not ideal for this match up still down four sheep if you're not mistaken i don't really know where they could be am i just having like i'm just having a really bad luck scouting shouldn't be in the corner it could be there could be there could be there i guess it could be on any black spot ever there's a chance he landed as well right now this feels very awkward i know sheep i don't have food to click up there's only one but he maybe took he's got the other one i'm so confused about my position here i'm so confused i can't click up and oh my god this is really ugly this might be a very disappointing last game i can't even place my farms correctly still and it's for pop-up i'm going to check down there as well just in case i have a bad feeling about his futility if he towers me i'm just so dead right off the bat that's gonna be a disappointing one i'm afraid i think he will even do he will do my arms and then probably my arms followed by archer pressure and i think i might just die right off the bat i don't even know what i'm what i should make here see what did he wall this and now towering me okay my scout was just weird could there be a sheep there no i don't know maybe things are fast castle but well one way or another this is less it's not likely to be pretty at this point oh i have a theory that he is up here and that's why he scouted there and found one ship i don't know though oh archer is on the way i'm almost fuelish guys it's all good don't worry guys i'm almost futile age [Music] i feel like i can't even do a tower there that would be disastrous for me this i'm afraid to say but it looks like this might be a short one almost trapped three arches there yeah i'm afraid this is gonna be a very unsatisfactory last game i apologize for that why not that ain't pretty boys i mean i have so much food in the bank if i can get if i can get like a stable up okay another issue that i just realized if he gets fletching at any time the next three seconds five seconds oh he has touching i'm so dead i can't afford to have the tower of the a tower attempt to survive you have to tower i'm gonna check the wreck after just to see where my sheep spawn i can't afford anything come on we can do it we can build a blacksmith follow-up here we'll be probably dropping a stable trying to go like for full feudal age maybe mass towers oh he's adding his own scouts the farms are still cheap i don't wood equal upgrade this is so ugly i know where his arm is but i'm guessing he's gonna stick around here because there's not really any other place where he can do too much damage right now although he's coming in there score doesn't look too great either i could afford two scouts that correct get it hey one kill boys let's go we can do this we got a kill let's just try counter-attack he's towering me that's not nice scary not nice at all don't appreciate that i probably can't send my sperms forward but i can but i like loaded them he's already defending i will lose that was two villagers he loses two villagers seems fair i didn't finish the wounded one feels bad man yeah this is bad he's gonna clean those up and then i just have skirms let's end our suffering it's over there's no coming back from this all right i think this is eco um i think he is probably not too far away from from being able to click castles as well he probably doesn't have the food right now but i think he has bloodlines and armor and forging as well it's we're super dead i think when he idles his production he will click up quite fast anyway 400 more food no more wood thousand more gold yeah we're so dead well done to leary again guys this this um this show much was hosted by gret thrung a part of his 24 hour stream do check out his channel by typing next to my exclamation mark uh type exclamation mark okay all four sheep were here it's just a little bit unfortunate on scouting all right exclamation mark host in chat and it will it will show you the link to grathrank who was the the host of this of this show match uh it is his um a part of his 24 hour stream so definitely do check them out
Channel: TheViper
Views: 48,514
Rating: 4.8792186 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: nwXZPrRS7G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 13sec (7633 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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