World Desert Championship | Dream Team Match

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absolutely oh dear oh dear oh dear maggie for that oh doughty evelyn's reigns has a pocket pocket doesn't look to me like they're going to play heavy water guys just saying yeah i see heavy pressure yep your flank good luck don't worry jordan said he will take care of land yes send all foot starting this is black forest now go only way to be safe this map by the way rules are the same as in the tournament you're not allowed to lame slinging is only allowed an imp or people below you yeah man i it's it's crazy i'm not used to playing rm anymore such uh empire was trying man oh yeah training hard for the weekend but you play peak degrees in one day it makes sense i was like oh how do you start here where are my other temperatures man what yeah it's pretty um pretty slow paced now after playing empire wars yeah like uh boring are there two boards i see one so far let's see is any one of you gonna play planning to go to the like right side well you know what the flank is celts right he's going to hung you you know that's probably the plan daddy where do you need my scout i know i don't know where to hold it this looks super open like yeah it looks definitely first yeah my dog is here could be like a drush just rush fast castle one rush from there can't find it my dog is here look up with my face yeah the fish target box is super weird on this oh it is for you as well yeah okay i was like what's wrong with my mods i don't see any dog yet on the right hand side that confuses me what confuses you uh there i don't see any dock on the right hand side i don't think right hand side is necessarily like obvious to dock so i wouldn't doesn't surprise me i think i will just go for it see them it's going to keep taro safe you promise to take care of the land scout huh almost almost yeah we'll go fc and tonight i think that makes more sense we have various yes yeah but trust me that's going to be adjustment arms into huang i will be purely two walls and towers but where did you talk two dogs two dogs here i know you've seen hero and doubt aaron doubt doctor thank you we are what i'm checking should be world again the three names maybe they will learn the scouts that's what i'm expecting so jordan will take care he promised the fish on the right hand side is awful we knew the risks yeah sometimes it's good sometimes not that's kind of bad the two scouts are here oh they didn't land right no it's behind the balls but i could imagine that they are do that pretty soon next if you see regales of them holder looks like he's just going for fish at the moment battle so maybe we should just run all your fish without wearing water mainly but is going water i'm not sure how much he's committing but he's got a few gallons out i think he's been a transporter yep coming no i think yes yeah i think he's doing a transport where they do yeah he has a time for that so right side do you have anything there bueno are you cooking a lot of damage believe in jordan boy the chance that i'm coming here is sarah right jordan yes do i think water on the right side or are you taking care of that i have everything on the right instead but they have water there already i will i will clean that jordan man i trusted you i didn't expect him to run okay this is open now you want to vlog is there's one scout still in my base he's annoying he has plus one armored out that way yeah mobilize here um i should kill the fish now on the left side and he's fine and that has armor and bloodlines yep this one is out there yep [Music] and that is uh do you want to get those relics there jordy i they will try to land again i think did you destroy transport yes did you take that one it should be fine i think he's in there and move that knife i'm not committing on water here unless that anymore i'm not sure if they will keep making guys stout has top score that's outside for us that's very bad news you should go full [Music] full what go for jordan oh okay because i'm not committing on water anymore so if he hits cast uh starts he might kill all our fish on the that side on which side left side at some point but it shouldn't matter at that point here uh are you coming from the transport oh you want to meet the build one sorry yeah hera's still making gala so he will win the left side see if we can sneak no i'm just gonna go in at this point do some fires oh defense god you dropped your villager jordan i don't see it in a relaxer at the moment what's up what are you doing water right there i'm 50 or 60 in i will take back water do you think you can take both sides because i'll make some dogs on the right side as well just need a few fires there they should be good there's something here what's there i just one night was there no disagreeing there oh hera has a villager there as well there are the relics there maybe he's taking them what is this match viper it's in the title it's on the scoreboard it's everywhere i need to go pee quickly actually i'll be back i'm back is jordan back i just came back as well okay kenneth thanks for the prime the pharaoh thanks for prime as well six months thank you i know same well i'll take water now on left side at least i'll do some fires on rice as well maybe i can do cannon gallons as well yes to hit land care of the night is doubt still playing is he playing land there's playing water i can do a castle in front of us volcano i'll do it a little bit safer i guess typical doubt men doing with tributes you delete the house and be on your tc i'll do a castle there can you delete that house wait wait a little bit all relics should be yours now jordy yep oh that's a lot of stuff yep ton of fires there i need some more time there yeah i'm building as well [Music] first you're losing all your legs oh are you doing one trick oh yeah and he's going to do ascendant i think yes sir [Music] okay foreign let help [Music] [Music] is there anything that is a big problem right now buildings jordan drop a stable here he has monks there too [Music] uh but i need something against galactus yeah i mean keeping center there it shouldn't be a problem as long as they have bomb cannons they cannot break their relics are out jordan i'm preparing this thing as well they will be struggling with space now we have all the wood control yeah i need a stone yeah i'm doing banking i already need it right away all right well i can wish his traps on the side that's good what do you need resource wise i don't he's chatting man he's fine look at doubt fighting television against ships what does this guy think he is do we need anything for paladin jordy no i'm already upgrading 40 percent if you think you don't have space just wait how they're gonna feel tell you man i have a lot of extra wood if anyone needs yeah good job good job i'm sure you enjoyed it good job good job thank you very much i didn't have a space for even houses man yeah i know but that's why we put you in the front you can deal with that oh that was very awkward i had to sing the ears to the that left side looks amazing man good yeah easy five made a brick again just doubts when when you're up against doubt strategies it just gets easier if you like 164 villagers did you have no doubt no doubt oh my god leary and hair are gonna actually get to feel what it's like to have doubt in their team poor guys yeah they'll be scarred for life man i'll tell you i know they have to go through what we go through it's all five games by the water 64 villagers who got 164 dots what a question to ask taro who had 1964. uh we've been having teamed out for in like forever so i've never seen tata being as happy as he is right now i gotta go for this now they won't notice that sneaky probably not lovely what is it when you get i mean this is just for fun it's 30 dollars per game it's it's just for for fun and to like have a since there was like an admin win in the semi-final it's more to give the tournament more closure so the same texas blurred i don't know about that portuguese oh no please doubt please stop oh so you went for portuguese now no we didn't no he did one of them did right they had for the game last time as well man i'm so stupid and we're playing the rim that by what the hell i was like what the portuguese that sounds good let's hope you're against doubt i want to kill him i mean how many balls there's two or one two right two yeah yeah there's two should be normal in five versus that i will do 20 pop-up artists like almost 30 of us wait this one has mountains around has have we been playing at the comma those times i thought it was different no i think it's really no i won one time yeah i think we played these things okay yeah exactly i found two sheep here jordan i assume they're mine okay yeah just take them i will scout and see so far sounds awesome okay foreign i assume you haven't found any other sheep jordy i found two i haven't fully scouted the circle yet so just waiting for confirmation now you have that i know i hope so it's any good vibes think about how you clapped them yesterday and just do that again yep yep yep that's the fun better title you're 2v1 no like the other game no that's good though i'll look more in a sec i'm gonna push some deer it's okay i don't need them listen to it he has doubt he's like certainly doesn't need sheep anymore this guy i'm super fun come on what happened okay i think they will i can't find extra sheep jordan as well so i guess yeah it's totally fine doubt scout has two hp if you close five oh never mind i got somewhat close i killed it that's fine i couldn't do man oh there they were not supposed to be restarts by the way no they cheated let's go oh mine is going for a minute arm no doubts i guess you are going there no but good i'm question bloodlust i'm going full fuel later ain't no hell no chance i'm not going all out and killing though anyone has something here nearby they are walling that side okay jordan whoa let's go nice it's four meter arms uh-huh it's the right side here you have an easy plug there jordan as well secure your wood line i recommend you use it i found this wood oh let's go here that's right he has a spear now let's go through the middle here but yeah we can probably do a lot of damage there you come here o'hara has three scouts so now but yeah let's go yeah that's fine now oh come through on the top side where did you of already there's my arms are there but that's fine there's a spear here where's your arches going okay spears there my eyes have here of keep going are you going [Music] he's doing a tower you knew he actually talked to you by the way uh everything's coming with scouts ended up being a really bad site thank you careful he has a tower there as well [Music] i will come here yes for now jordan okay we can clean that up chase it downtown that's good so where can we attack that now i'm doing bloodlines as well i have the power here which is awesome without arches okay let's go we have more and here's all his arches are super low hp i'm jumping on his arches here hero has scouts there with armor but i have bloodlines as well so we can fight this though thank you of course that was coming i'm not surprised shadow come hurry let's go let's go boys hey look at that ready hey louise up though yeah i'll uh i'll click up now as well look at him run so many items i love it start to think this is the best possible thing that could happen to us that doubt was on the other team you see money let's say let's go to hera yeah that'd be bad for a bully now like this as well no i do not know oh i still want to hear the team speak on them now how doubt is blaming them you think he's blaming i don't think so of course he's blaming him here we are he's there yeah that's it now i'm 40 yeah i will go back then groove up my army yeah that doesn't really have a proper woodland it should be pretty much horrible we can actually team all this jordan if you wall up to that force instead you know instead of sideways then we are actually kind of teamworld at least like on the inside so question do i go elephants he's trying to break here there are light cap there careful yeah [Music] that's perfect then me and taro can take care of larry actually i think you'll find her tylenol yeah no he wouldn't i'm coming with you jordy but hera when doubt is right there jordan it just feels so wrong you know like doubt is right there and we're going to hera i know i know but it's just like don't worry i will attack that okay tattoo takes out that's fine yeah or let's enjoy ourselves somewhere else oh oh oh oh uh i mean i have a few units here but not enough to we can fight that just trading as a nice to the best of your ability if taro comes we can kind of trade okay probably i think i will leave you guys i don't think my meat shield makes a difference run for your life i'm standing one night or nothing oh it's fine you made it oh oh no we need to break here uh let's meet up here guys all of us yeah yeah like here and there obviously are ahead but we still have three armies who cares so we have to be careful with very fast and at the moment a lot of crossbows there go back okay well we could go on downtown sense and jordan tries to get him let's try to heat it down [Music] i think i might also just go in here it only has fetching on the tc let's take it down buffer has some booms here oh you want foods how many uh just four i'm gonna island go up myself yeah i'm making too nice jordan i'll take care of that i think we should fall back and keep our armies alive i'm not even close to webs i will write i guess oh you want to keep going okay i i'm not close to rubber i can't be either forever yeah you're on your own like uh i think if we i think they are the armies are bigger than ours or stronger than us at the moment and they will be impressed here but we can still try to do something if error comes from your tarot then me and jordan can try to do things yep he's here okay jordan let's go in a little bit here let's jump on the pc question is where leery's army is i don't think he's back if he's taken care of you need to keep your numbers alive jordan i'm just 40 i'm 45 there you go castle there i'll do castle trailer up daddy come here it's the weather man it's the weather and i lose this one this kid running to run we need that they will push here now we need a castle or something i put a castle there already i can make another one i'll do it here behind my rangers they would push i cannot get up freaking below i'm going to come from the bottom with you taro just guys in the tc jordan let's fight that from that angle yeah i think so i think we kind of trade that a little bit here for doubt now now we probably enjoy this sending some units to your base my game crashed hello hello well yeah i think so does it work we can save now write and restore because we have the interest it crashed let's just say restore yeah you're saving viper yeah sure no i'm serious you don't start your download until you click in right oh yeah i know i know i thought the download itself was pretty slow as well right yeah so that's why i was wondering and you gave me an answer which didn't make any sense uh we need to chase the army on top that's the scary one welcome to the imprint beast oh doubt is causing issues man never underestimate something mark it here where's the army this direction could be that direction micro in those few booms so hard man daddy man hello that fan that fan is killing me we don't know if he went to the corner right maybe he did went to the left now and then we're chasing nothing that would be so bad i think that's what happened there where did he go must have gone to the left at this point oh they're driving me here here they are yeah some of them i don't see the herbalist still you must be behind me there's i'm coming and can you send i'm sending some they're pushing her myself that's what patrol your arm in there jordan i'll try to help [Music] are you fine letting that one go and theory there i don't have food you guys have some extra is it going slow for you as well a little bit [Music] okay i need to get that second army there [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i can sling some stones soon you got control over this or um kind of falling apart here yeah i don't have any wooden cup anymore what is something we can sort out still from the outside yeah i took a few losses here the chance we're still in an okay spot well i'm 100 pop cattle how are you looking i have 100 i have three let's try i'm not sure if they have trade yet [Music] well i'm with you obviously okay like because hero left him so we can charge him that we need to clean those in my um i'm thinking can i sell my small army to the trade i'm looking healthy now i will do banking you just need the jordan to get resources we can spam crossbows again yeah we'll try to [Music] i didn't see any trade from them yet now they're not down here they are not trained yet they are nothing yet [Music] if you have extra right there oh no i think we need army from you as well yeah but for now will islam i don't have any of it do you have enough production jordy i have three castles holding a pork let me know the fun is there what you're gonna still listen to the fact no no no yeah i need i need wood and food to get elite blooms 400 food and 500 would miss there you go okay there we go upgrading looks like we're staying here we need here jordan this needs to be there or something an episode oh they know i think they know but you're obviously [Music] probably i have a force to fight here i will do cabaret okay yeah that was an ambitious castle jordy okay i don't need that more combined time you guys need miami or should i try to push here you can't really get in front of your jordan when you're on this two-spot um i'm not sure teddy we are holding here so if you can push there then that could be good possibly and then i will try to push uh any gold yep maybe not cannot give you that and like a small hit squad to translate the you have a lot of extra voltage you can also send me some uh i gave it everything they're gonna have to move fast nice guys guys guys tony's super cheap though who he needs don't know you have extra gold always welcome and give you every everybody yeah it's two houses are in our trade i'm cleaning those not sure how long we can hold here [Music] oh yeah yeah they're coming through now uh well listen to my cowaxes therefore the bomber cannons are greater just cannot get the masses anymore i think i will send an army now with taro to try and uh hit them i feel like we are on a desperate in a desperate situation and i have to do something i'll start coming that out try to roll your traps i cannot go there oh there was a deer your couches are just hitting buildings let's say we can try and run through now see if we can get i'm constantly producing there jordy so mitchell will come when i can pretty much i guess victoria uh he's sending a six foot here to be able to take care of that some news that way maybe do they still not have trade they do have trade are we able to get siege ram oh i don't have wood really to get yeah i have wood but i don't i can send you the tools do you have any oh yes if you come up and he's doing the can you cover on the way [Music] we need numbers here let's go for a trade anyone have a little bit of stone i can drop a castle just need like 50. [Music] have gold units there he has fatoria i quick open man what will be a problem though i have five thousand well price is good if you if your extra gold buys and buy some wood as well i don't have cold at all can you send me some wood yeah [Music] at the moment i don't really have tools to do that oh you want to share that stone that were you thinking about we have to i kind of need we need to stop the siege push i can use food as well now yeah i don't have anything that's yours bomber towers i don't like that actually makes more sense to don't make more castles are we looking on those siege rooms i'm building rams i still need 500 food to get there any specific place in mind for your receipt for your castle you're thinking about i don't know just anywhere i think we could potentially push that now how many how far more 100 more zero on food it's seven i guess we wait for seizure and then we try to make a push if i can max out now we'll have like 100 calories so we have one big push to make okay i'm getting ready to go okay let's go let's do it all or nothing let's go close your eyes hope the best don't think it won't work out better believe joey gotta believe i think it's looking good i'm killing the trade again so yeah you're killing now just very much focus on the rams moving now jordy that's the key we can actually there's still plenty of force on the top side we should migrate there rather than don't tell me we're actually winning this i told you man i have i have gold guys what did you think jordan just know i sent 1000 to it we're top scorer of what jordan man what did you just ping you said viper and then pink what kill the bomber terrorists go man i got some idols jordy they were not there before is he actually repairing that castle he was we're actually winning this and jordan you in doubt man in doubt what is this it was right decision to go for the defense i'm only 150 pop i mean i'm producing nonstop but yeah i still need to stabilize 100 yeah that's perfect we're pushing them here now so alefantos they don't have too much gold so i don't think they can afford to yeah jordan you sure you cannot get some more plumes there no right now that's my problem i'm not sure if that's an effective fight for us anymore and just go back a little bit until i get more meat chill there daddy what sugar daddy ready where um i want cold good job [Music] i've been trying villagers let's go okay we are actually not winning the funky switch is painful let's get that many wells come they have three armies here right but yeah but it's looking good so we have to believe oh i believe i mean the good thing is we got rid of the big bomber tower mass yeah so we're fine [Music] let's pick up with the bomber cannon shots all over the place i don't have spare wood by any chance i bought it oh the price has gone a lot up now again we have some small rates here i have some units in the area [Music] well the victorious are going down now [Music] that should be nearly in a pretty awkward position oh george my cavalier can't get forward obamacare down man apart from now you're mixing like two or three traps now because the bomb cans are gone yeah that makes sense [Music] yeah okay now enjoy will be hard for me to provide why i don't have gold food nothing okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go elephantos elephants elephants don't die what the hell i'm actually thinking about adding monks i'm making elephants as well no there will be each thing i only have like 20 trade cards uh goldie is not afraid of 76. okay so one of them is selling wood again they are selling good product they don't have too much trade i only i only have eight five so food i cannot provide okay just keep slinging me gold now i can make full elephants that's my boy i'm getting electrons on the top as well okay now doubt has to play against elephants let him play guys i have 17 villagers let's go oh that's too many jordan oh okay how do we do this how do we do this i don't have good man there's a there's something open man where are they go spiderman i'm trying man [Music] try man there's units everywhere [Applause] i provide man yes there's a lot of uh rushes he's gonna lose sure he'll kill some stuff but you know gold food everything i just bought food gold now i think i think parker yes jordan let's push here in a sec i'm ready man i have 30 elephants there yeah i see that let's go let's go oh this arm is starting to look good let's do that now i need more elements [Music] there's a few elephants i like look at those mistakes guys [Music] go tower kill one look at the tower [Music] i think this is it boys oh how did we win this game how did you trade man i told you man you just killed out it was easy but yeah no early trade definitely back to that singles definitely this way you won i mean let's not call it too soon you know but yeah now we'll get back here they got the tournament stop shooting a tower with your blooms don't fight do you want to fight no man fault actually somehow have 45 bills on wood all of a sudden no idea how yeah i have 14 villagers in total every trap is so costly [Music] uh i just spent all my words but i can swing you in a little bit i'll send you what i have can you set the elephants forward yeah we can't be too wasteful still yeah i need some hazards to sneak that trap maybe why don't they're just in elephants elephants not good enough for you or what yeah yeah well come with me together can you have this can i dab where do you want to push that on can you run behind the markets and enter no no no nobody we got this market i just sent elephants there let's go wait they're making helps well then just ignore that we can just i will clean this this tower now uh i clean this tower so we can get some oh there's master up there [Applause] [Music] oh that's a lot of crazy though i'm not sure if i got the treble even no i didn't get it you can always use gold beautiful oh no helps okay let's let's push this door because that's where the wood is left it makes sense to push that yeah one second having a good fight right now what is this game that's the common man in the middle doesn't have left yeah victoria is pretty good here yeah i guess no it's pretty good yeah i prefer my towers too far they're pretty good as well i'm pulling the boys do you have boys yeah any farms not working on jordan that i can steal desperate times man yeah we have we need to use our army tarot i'm put i'm pushing it can afford might as well erase getting a lot of elephants there yeah i can still use gold thank you thank you oh uh we need to push that they are pushing like we need to kingdoms we also need to tower get okay but we are getting close [Music] yeah go back back no [Music] i'm making got it there are some hustlers what the hell was that that was the dog man was that the dark again by air doctor no there does i told you like this wood is super important we have to really fight for that we need some siege to take that bomber tower those bomber towers ramps maybe it's been doing one like my farms are expiring i cannot replenish them anymore not sure about that except the trade cards i mean i can't force my elephants on the towers can maybe clean it yeah we have to use that i i built one ram that's already enough oh yeah i can use it once now [Music] all if anyone can afford thank you yeah that's good we're cleaning that now so we should get control of that wood beautiful and i can start slinging wood soon watch me going home now you know the best part i don't have cold cola oh really that's not gonna work fight he has more than yours we didn't have anything else i'm scared man i was taking care of my one ramp you can actually reset farms what a feeling you move your trap up taro i think we just go in jordan i think let's go there's a bomber cannon there try to snipe it i'm not blind yes it was down there he left there all the way now he got away tattled my boy oh eagles eagles well that makes sense i make some ls elephants go to your towers go with your wrong ram jon i got elephants their turtles can you push yourself on this that's ridiculous this game and we're taking whatever wood is left so that's that's fine i have 100 pot more uh 100 more than most people i think you have to go eagles as well jordan that's the thing how to get i mean i can swing your food yeah but i also need barracks i don't think we can make that switch at this point we have to well are they still training up here no yeah i have nothing yeah maybe in this case victoria are gonna be sick yeah i think we'll actually lose this yeah it looks like that no you could try and make a sneak here on their trade as well with some plumes yeah eagles coming as well then guys do i send elephants there uh i think it's open here isn't it we can just run through no no no okay nevermind let's take the game yeah chasing units with jordan come down to my elephants it's a lot of dead trades i don't want to see my trade don't look look away look away protect the trap yeah you can also make unlimited helps because of victoria actually insane [Music] okay got the upgrades digital switches ready how many barracks do you have and six i still have a lot of uh elephants left but that's kind of like gonna be in my last army yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] earlier and the eagles coming there as well well we're on the trade this could be really good uh i mean center doesn't matter anymore there's no more wood there so how what place do we make now draw i have a nice spot here but yeah like 23 cards [Music] i think i'm gonna send all my elephants to raid the bot from the bottom where you went with your plumes i have 50 elephants yeah okay i think long term will die against fatori anyway yeah i will defend with eagles you have some elephants in trade that can help [Music] yeah they're really struggling to clean that one up perfect i'm going man hope you're ready oh this is going uh ted i'm gonna give you like 20 15 outs on some top side as well you know 50 15 oh wow look at the wood price look at the good price guys they bought a lot of gold they wait they sold what they're so good yeah probably okay jordan i'm going what hope they're ready for this actually happened to me a chance probably it's unlikely but let's see he does oh yes i'm thinking about commenting on the castles even maybe there no i don't think they are useful at all yeah not that great fastest rate you've ever seen man let's go i'm going to stop that one bye i'm going under that's actually going to be really hard for them to stop let's go let's go [Music] uh if we take the markets out they will struggle too maybe they don't have food to build a market you take the market i take the stuff and you take the not stops yes oh we got the relic let's go jordan go fight i don't want to fight helps send more send more [Music] markers are down yes the trade is idle make more make more on the top make more of them [Music] oh there's still trees there oh oh look guys tutorial time oh jordan yeah go for it go for go for it i need oh might be fine oh yeah yeah the gold price is insane for food i'm not buying food are you drunk oh this is going to be the best oh teddy he's going to raid our wheels no oh yes wait there's a mark on the right side somewhere yeah yeah that would work okay let's just convert forward nice nice nice these worries are going down guys look at that yeah kill the train kill the trade of course man this is hilarious it's the craziest game i've played in a long long time let's go what fun is it never played such a crazy game easy game there's never any doubt about that yeah the eagle switch that one was crucial i told you man do you know you know look at my five and six elephants tank in there they actually still have wood shopping on the top right yeah yeah the 50 elephants rates the slowest rates in the history of age man should i take the cast though like no there was i was wondering if i would ever reach the markets at that point you know i was like yeah i know [Music] all right so how many photographers you have one two three four at the moment five oh yes i've got one two three four five six seven yes eight fightoria yeah 160 pumps he had ten right because two were taken down now so he was like full full of patora slinging then i guess yeah oh he still has villagers yeah of course you can still have bills sick yeah victoria is such a crazy thing in those type of games yeah yeah look at the wood collected there with 72 000 stone collected 12 000 holy satori man look at tattoo with the trade beast eight thousand eighty four thousand that was a wild one that was the craziest game i've played in a long time that was actually really good i i didn't expect us to win that one yeah it was looking dicey when yeah i think yeah we restored a thought i thought you were finally restored but like five minutes after i thought they were dead never stabilized and then i thought we were dead again and we stabilized and i thought yeah we didn't know we were dead and then we kind of fought back to back the middle then i took it back and we were dead but apparently weren't dead back and forth all the time yeah your flank and you lost i don't think i had like did he [Laughter] a little bit of breathing time then tower okay then i run and then the crossbar hits in there okay here let's we can do this we can do this we can stop them and then 20 hours of time okay i'm dead daddy was always like oh guys watch watch it at least i annoy with plums the whole game lithuanian flank oh good luck with that thank you though the thing is i mean we start i mean wrist no no no no actually do you have one i think he's not i mean yeah it should be out there when i compare the game like this having an extra ship can help a lot yeah i don't think so my game feels like it's so slow on this server yeah it's crazy feels so weird uh could there be wolves on the way to the outside i don't don't know they were bored on this map and i don't think so no no we're too bad up here right yeah is [Music] no foreign [Music] lost the villager that's biggest you got this i'm not sure about the whole teamworld thing no no that's fine do you know who you're against against the wolf i'm getting started but the penguin is attacking me man i thought they only fight back if you would fight them no no no they won't start fighting the distance is slow so i will just go water by the way [Music] slurry [Music] oh oh penguins leave me alone enjoy [Music] [Music] could be a stable yep is that land and water no their scouts are there [Music] unless you have scouter there [Music] okay i don't see a duck from him on the middle either i think he just didn't talk please not in the center okay i see the doctor oh yeah uh three archers and one spearman moving out from lyri i have six scouts there i can potentially clean it three scouts here tell me when you see the units i will clean them see them no no no how many units are there three archers one speed yeah is right here uh do you have any water units by any chance jordy yes i do can you send one or two units here so you cannot carry my fish with scouts yep lyria has a fire there as well yeah i'm coming should be lowered okay you okay yeah nothing was up i'm hitting hero fish now with my scouts we're cavalier are you going doing by the way taro what's happening there i'm doing watering for water here it has three dogs better man yeah six scouts here all the lazy samus units are here callus speak amy yes cavalier okay i should win water now [Music] here i will try removing the water so that's ugly i actually think i might just die here [Music] i i feel like they might just take my tc after this [Music] as well well i mean i won't be able to help you guys on land yeah i'm pretty so we need you guys to pull out an eco for sure be able to kill your guys and compete with her huh you have three tc going as well yeah taro how's your you want to see water nine two i'm doing the third now uh be careful titled from our side they can come with cavalier crossbow or from me okay okay then i think i will stop water didn't work yeah [Music] i guess we might need ourselves here actually he's going to use mommy's attacking my tc okay let's probably just do this quick run there cavalier here on the water or heading your way or i'm being chased your way right there well i mean i still have 14 season everything so as long as i'm just bought time i will be back in the game fast i will be more concerned about hero hitting him and he might be coming at you apple jordan kevlar as well jordan kill your crossbows rather than my bills man jumping in there sacrifice my bills for five crossbows is very light place this game enjoy taro you're next actually i mean i'm feeling kind of good about this because doubt is not on their side so when we lose it i mean if we lose this no dreams came true guys gonna have to make um almost as well probably at some point i still have 50 wheels so if if i can be bought a couple of minutes i'm back in the game you send your pipes this way jordy yeah um yes is paladins like we've been in better positions before i think the criteria for us to have had a chance but we also were winning on your sides but i don't think we're pushing or making round anywhere right no not at all make sure my economy which much i cannot decision for sex and i'm still not up there 75 villagers now but i don't think we can it was a horrible game by me well good thing is dalton win exactly look at the right side that's the thing which is the most important one it's interesting you should have restarted one glassware well you're not supposed to have a restart in the tournament or in this show match no dream too much so i don't think it matters much why not make pikeman at all vip there was not a single chance in that game where i had the ability to make pikeman and if and depending on what stage of the game you're asking me to make pikeman there were also crossbows in my base so me trying to go pikemen serves no purpose you don't have to zero all right yes okay okay we're forcing you sure yes yes yeah i'm sorry tattoo i'm sorry you have to all right good luck finding the any resource to put the tc yeah sarasons as well copycats see ethiopians are the vikings so you think just because they pick it that's the right thing hey where are you guys right i am up here can't find anything what the hell give me a resource actually i do see that i'll show you the right choice what is why can't the trade card out of scout that would be lovely where is the wood i see it but it's quite far away i'm taking that wood i'm like this is some gold man this is perfect that's why you go sarasons don't how stupid this is here firefighter man what i give you um accidentally are sheep up for grabs like i found two sheep here is that like am i laying if i take those no i don't think so there's a lot of extra sheep in my makes mouth i'm not sure i think i'm blaming is to them um do i go scouts do i go fast castle i want something like even fast castle boom what can they do fill you the deer with the freaking caravan well you can do a beer with that yeah what am i doing with my life what the hell i didn't know that yeah that makes sense i did not there's only one bear patch right yep so you want me to go scout today's next go nice i think this is a one piece plate almost at least a foreign never mind i will i will definitely drop these as well when you want to go with cebu we can just mine some stone and do two towers and then we should be fine but we should agree on that already i can do a stable since you guys want me to but i don't think when i still retain too much then i should just boom right okay yeah i'll do like mini boom into the army obviously i'm going to leave you guys hanging that's why we're not teaming up that will do that i use my comments really or [Music] ah that's a pickle this is grace boxer i'm a teaser i cannot farm that's annoying my goals suck i think everyone gold kind of sucks and this is on your tc did we no does the barry bush respawn we'll figure it out south is up fast man look at that beast what does this is there i'm oh i feel like that as well oh oh now that i think about it should be pretty nice really you probably didn't have to sell the stone to make that i mean not silver buddy one more day uh i mean my gold is very exposed and doubt is camping it oh makes sense what [Music] this area they're gonna work from the wood now jordan stop chasing the wagon jordan man yeah careful careful what's up oh sir sorry this is fine the barry doesn't respond hurry up how far are you from castletown are is so awkward two knights here there's one there might be hard to get there are you doing jordy my farming ego is starting to get decent so soon enough i'll make units okay i will stop making wilson go for army now i will try hello be positive guys we got this don't worry like a beast now i'm about to spit knights like a madman [Music] help i don't like this i'm producing that man hold on how about this this is nothing yeah if we were forced to play like this i'll use my production now [Music] oh she's there as well let's find out just make new production you're fine i have eunice okay sam is coming here as well where's our purple player now i'm bad something about my tc man i think um we have almost 20 nights we have a group of roller armor we can try to take a fight and hope for the best jordan you want to come down or you want to watch my thesis i'm jordy let's go on the bike on the way yeah ballistics yeah it's sick let's kill ted are you ready let's go no no no no more is [Music] george probably did not win that convincingly enough he's there wanna come here teddy let's just fight resign all right let's call it yep it was probably not a good strategy yeah he probably shouldn't have gone risky when delta's in the other team he's not a castle yeah and he's not good for to play with us it's not fun because you cannot move out nice understood i thought that barry was lasting forever as well the bear ran out made it hard with food eco this this was the first and last time we ever have to play this map luckily yeah let's go for the last one let's go let's go and after this jordan practice 50 games red bull that's pretty good let's go they have inca pocket not the best rng way to end is this arctic circle no could be actually it could be yeah i mean i see snow what else other maps have snow but there was no yeah yeah it's arctic circle hmm yeah it is arctic circle okay this time my opening will be better jordan careful at least there was a wolf that killed you right not the penguin thank god i thought the scout comes in time and last hit was done before the scholars here it was so frustrating well i'm gonna go super fast you know the drill the tc boom enjoy my life yes i go archers and water it mind that they have inca pocket they have a human's flank so not really sure what to expect my same up against a map pack can be any map from the tournament did you use that on my side he's humans how do you think he will play i have an idea what will you do on the phone so i don't like that hello oh maybe talking center for me would make more sense me doesn't cure in pakistan foreign uh there like you can make a dock anywhere here it's all it all counts it's it's a weird map let's just put it like that we'll leave it like that can i build a teeth no it's only if we could build tc on the water but it doesn't work i was thinking about it initially but then i was like as well you never know he will go for water since like four minutes ago you lost your score no i just haven't used him for like four minutes um gage looks like it's is those fish is here [Music] i will okay to dogs between lyria and out like this is increased as well right yeah it makes sense okay larry has water on the outside what's up jordy i just don't like those noises yeah i just um the gal is acting here but okay nothing major happened here you might lose your fists uh i barely have fish in the outside yeah poor fish and chips this time i'm more worried about my fish on inside that's what's they don't have dog inside yeah i mean that's the good food income uh delta scouted me though he knows something belt has made a doctor he's probably gonna damn more wills i think that's what he wants to do what is my demon okay it wasn't too bad that's just my scouts is it safe again do you think yes i'm losing my water outside beverly jordan from behind he's doing a landing with him you put the fire on his dock oh yes a fire ban that sounds good to me look at that demand sneaking dock and going along at the same time dominating look at that he's preparing the fish and ship wall look at that fish and ship wall look oh this guy jordan i'm so disappointed that was supposed to be much better so we think that is just booming yeah uh yeah he's doing that i can't pressure him from here though i will come and support you with kept check soon alright [Music] a beer or what i don't think so he's also trying to fish him in the middle now he has two diseases at least there's three ducks in the middle what the hell oh yes i breathed on the videos well i think he might have ears possible i've kept check out now i might lose everything here but i think i did not that much for some of the production yeah i don't think i'll be there in time i'm attacking him on the other side at the moment so he might be somewhere else oh hmm any fish left to raid or kill i have killed ccm fees now and i kill doubt leery pieces alive they were still making some knights yeah dropping a castle i think we're in a good spot here yep [Music] thank you something um what is that i'm doing anything on land jordan or is it still for water okay i'm gonna go right in i think we've applied enough pressure on i think i can message there is one better and we killed one yeah that's fine i don't think it's worth it just get your own econ is him has some pieces around oh sounds good i mean it's in space now jordy want to put pressure are there's some nights here coming now we go for the op unit turtles more wagons oh man i was joking all the way that's true actually a tower to counter maybe just do your own tower first go for it man be brave he did you guys the only thing that is bad is that no doubt it's gonna be like yeah but you've got cumin pockets in the pocket like yeah he has that excuse but yeah well velvet another victory for us boys let's go oh boy oh boy getting used to that i like nicely nice
Channel: TheViper
Views: 57,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 57sec (10617 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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