Team Secret vs aM | 5 Game Showmatch

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don't follow laws medicine like the imagine being bells because of nearly man reputation gun it not that I'm not invited to hidden come to see it 9lu out if you just did a little bit berry what I've gotten invited me it's more about you [ __ ] voting for bait well no actually I don't I did think I put you on nine Oh actually I didn't check your discord my discord well everybody's show me the matters in this could have devoted can you see who border what yeah I'm sure show me and I will check what I bought it yeah once a you scrub you over actually thank you know I put you on top eight actually oh so cute just call me thank you why did I put you in top eight what did I do what kind of review guys what's the other maps still nail don't laugh okay listen why don't you serious it's not no use do we have to use new sips yeah but what but dad wants to humans let's take forward raise a fortress chimera kuma humans and Chinese right like murder they do miss amazing man that chimera thing makes it's an Arabian but the thing is our rate but we can still pick like a pocket save like Frank's we lost feel baby wait wait wait wait step cooler and kilts yeah nice guys guys Arabia cumin flank and comer pocket and cumin go terrorist seed battering rams and comer help with full Scouts how much is better what's with the silence let's go boys I'm thinking sick man tic-tac I think cumin seed superstein one drug is a fortress yeah they are kinescope paladin vulgaris or better you don't need so on that's the right particular yeah yeah sure hey what do you want for step Mongols everywhere we want but it'll be safer to step one sec RF Arabia I did write it down oh you're late Scott yep but we have a new Excel boy what you already chose ourselves silly nilly man well it's up for editing I don't care like I can't edit your post where's comer everywhere I think makes it more citizen gold a bit no this makes sense for you everybody man yep on the corner pit four cities we have we don't just hands anywhere man we need answers your hands held their hands hands our hands man we could use hands 40-mile ins instead of Portuguese we need to land anyone to Ireland yeah that's what I'm saying Hunt's ones can do them but Portuguese man I know man but still well sorry going Frank's britons if you opened one of hands off today it's fixed position is my guess Frank's is still best pocket for regular like I don't think like you want to have kyumin's and Spanish and rosette fortress I agree human being I think a Spanish on the step is super stressful have it only humans chemistry of sick opening sure but like as the game with transitions they suck man what true let's have humans yes Paula Deen plus signal for but they were my aliens paladin but Iranians Lithuanians 3:20 ins yeah we can't have Spanish Chinese and humans and the medina Spanish oh wait but Spanish could be sick for razor for as well use play conchs bukhan can and pelleting as well now you have trade anyway yep okay okay it's been a her toy horse man they didn't know they already did have prepared for a week what you're gonna pick jello now what well I'm a bit thank Indians with a conference India's pocket Bandra camels deep reduce fast they are good in Rio wait for that let's do something else and Ethiopians Saracens why can't you be a man as you are my collar man I am the top zip but we don't know yet we should be Korean guys guys guys circenses Ivy tokens confirm right there are sins yes why not we need to see them for Mayans ok let's go Frank's better pranks mr. sands on Arabia let's go I think I feels good Weiss Korean some team Island I don't want that okay well we'll talk about later let's play this game so who's playing what and where lilies of playing I know that well tattoo needs to be flanking miss Harrison's on Arabia Reich he needs to be that I want to be dead but you can also be that I don't my there you go I go Britain's right so doubt is pocket Frank's okay let's go I believe I believe in this or something if you pick a Moran's what's your ping to the service I'm 116 126 for DT now but this is going after now yeah she's got out that let's go boys we have it I am sixteen Zulu think rishabh we also have pulley KZ coming with Indian I go in this I don't care about you now let's go the caiman Indians in which at least 8 francs for later for what ok actually francs could be good for step as well okay persons of a team island some dude lending what if you office to France the own step if it let versions instead of something on team Island Sunday legends on step let's do taro stuff we tried screw tattoo stuff man then we go Celts as well go double Malaysia all iiiness triple militia on spots as well Lithuanians is doing Scouts waitress Indians here Indians you pick whatever you want yes we got this to cut this out just know that they just know that obeying team secret Pro strategies we leave room for Nader to enter common games you lose three percent of price for its probability my color Dino and pocket in order in fact they might switch clothes now let's go sweet colors here they're like old out his pockets but so Nikko is their pocket right yep wannabes and his Franks yeah that's like him here as Britain and BLS it opens let's go ahead out now man we have Saracens personally persons will get plus two against my arch this man I hate it crazy and he will have they will have Britain's for gold rush we're [ __ ] we said let's go nice it's somebody job I see the loading pocket thank doubt the Rusty's Matata is like Incas man's ass that's creamy all day hey are there rules on naming yeah okay nice I have no more words and there is no the team guys and BLS another team remember thank you sir many to you have used the market first oh yeah what do we know who we're against do you know who I'm gonna be okay oh [ __ ] I get the mill okay waiting to go in there it went Indians I took a [ __ ] particular she ran understand scenarios factory - you're actually mean I'm against MBL I see a board I take it yes no I'm showing class you told me to show class at shows pass oh yeah you told me show class I show tests thank you for the show class but it's only one proposed Cheryl Amy that's actually true well we need to enter as second or third player and they get four and five and then we get six it's like that well he will have advantage with the naming right ma'am oh I think he's told more for me guys I think the pocket man I know but they can't find anything - well it's terrible we go we stay I wish well hey show some class doubt it's classy moment they're all mine is all Maurice was a forward and [ __ ] is but absolutely terrible and I don't have it I didn't get some you know you said earlier with some machine me Scotty no no what do you send it anybody need okay since you I don't subscribe it that format what is my pocket man I can't find my shoe please I need to pick up action actually I've no idea how to play this [ __ ] map so we can hope for [Music] cows are gonna die send me send me to me I'm missing man is it my ship is Yoshi they were stealing the thing where were they disrespect so one lazy okay keep going strong who know I'll tell miss can't Irish focus for vault where's my obstetrician anything else no I want to because I see em be alluring miss is there in that oh [ __ ] Nikhil Scout this here mouth it's just our sisters archers come here man they do talk to me but they're he's so low HP mo wall the whole mob Oh fire words I'm getting tower rushed oh yeah I can tell you're gonna microwave all my goals are there man yes now the x-callback I come and take Walter to a place but you will scout rendered putting you on the back to lose thanks for the tips but I got to MBL not what we pay so much so many scouts here too man well I'm doubled man a tower is everything man tarus myself I'm playing by myself here where are you [Music] where's the team just our everywhere Mack have resigned where's Neely I won't really do anything that's what I hoped it I think they won't do that enjoy but what [ __ ] no no need you anymore I'm already dead doesn't matter anymore Venus towers every woman I was just gonna go to castes and I'm dead this Harrison's you never know man I do counter-terrorist yes that's the plan mr. natural stop doing that well I get human and castration extra attack man where's my third gold I just [Music] it's okay one jaw one yeah there's a million Scouts here not to millions they see inflation that's like a million I just might go there some stuff like that yeah watches may or may not come there depending on what's happening they might go to a biker club well that'll be great can you scalp my map and look for gold - stubborn I think just find my last book I'm searching does my ex ecute well I'm scouting gold I found his story boy I forgot blacksmith check this might be there may be a oh he's towered everywhere Nikolas forging +1 I guess we will do bloodlines as well I'm bail is for sure up to Castle age always here there is a hole again I'm dizzy where's my third gold still [Music] worries to a few leads I don't thought I made a lot of Scottie how do we got this snow we're close like I'm as jet dead that we can call GG so I'm saying nobody's better I won't nearly so for best boy boy that's how you doing can we just call it particular there's really no point of playing on unless have to us big lead there then maybe we need to know this is your moment to show you're the best Indian pocket motivation side as well what they cannot come come there though yes sir now hurry hurry don't stop [ __ ] me like that do you know that though needs a compressor well tell them that oh they're here and close okay I came there well what's it when it's in the look I just go bike is that there's no point corner anymore well then kill the arches at least yeah at least something enjoy that to make me like a beast indian camel sick in it [Music] well that's to cast leash can you clean this so needy I think we need to get the Neko or only called this the pocket please the game the game and there's something to make up our best would be if you could clean this I can take that back at some point best for your spare room Camas oh [ __ ] - can you call the lawns like clean the vibrating here I can't running like this give me something like you know maybe I can clean this all up your clothes I don't see any all that moment what is up - not impossible beat up your cross with what make me go faster dottie man what movie I clean the toilet by yourself I'm I didn't trust you I don't care last hope is things are tough anyway that's not gonna go wealthy you are we got this comeback is on well I come here I can only imagine how big capital me okay keys make a castle maybe we could they can be checked out so I think we should go around and keep vehicle yeah okay Nikolas I come I come I come I help I help so Charlie not trolling 15 night sir okay I keep his army busy so can we sign is trolling now the shooting with our arm is there we can take the Jesus don't need you to clean the towers here melis 20 cross here to help you I'm a good teammate not all of it there's more to the red we've got this there's one right side out somewhere okay it's open now you can take military score still doesn't work [Music] please Coppa out it out it out it out the all you send everything at the to light curve just wait for Carol to kick in no doubt about it just cheering man I would agree with that camels thousand to help I prefer need a lot of help let's go see if Miller units are good they Dex check for zombie you're gonna have to send more [Music] [Music] let's castle Oh No we also speletons there in cross/blue can we just call it and I think I'm still 65 I'm 60 yeah but I guess judge is a good warm-up was there any extra on our side of map don't think so just stated one rock wall to produce that has a goal all the way down in his face but cat was dominating no that's how I deal with my pro call nearly or goals were actually I don't know what I close I just like my all my goal was [ __ ] and [ __ ] what it didn't matter on your pocket I needed early Scouts vows gonna have any chance to hold anything there and the hare archers didn't help that person boom is good now we host two we can leave that was by the host I don't host where SP out on the rock is a fortress is that the map now yeah she is against Irish and he's like playing for 20 years I would love to put you in my shoes this game that will be more any brothers and so should we be rotating players I have playing graduating for this weekend without out this one thing what are the thieves anyway 20 years vanished Rachel giggles I think we put Chinese cumin Spanish I think is to go for the human spark is football yep you're invited me to a game and we are not [ __ ] around man but this is just gonna host I joined but still never do you wanna play it well apparently is that if you lame with but don't register it's an important no a decimal but if you lame like you will end this game they can block your scout yeah I'm just thinking like one time he goes from them they cost on Arabia the host introducing estas tricky to make the rules here you so I guess we play again and we submit in 14 islands I think nearly should be this way not saying anything you unmuted himself and I didn't say a single word I know what to say still really managed to play sorry I seem a special place no he's a fartist don't you feel because it's long laughs you called your best player what is also rainy maps [Music] deputy Milan don't think you can play instead of me this one okay ISO Belkin team I understand yeah it was the responsible exactly welcome hey darlin Aiko actually there's Coomer you what should I play there is no way to go and watch to actually join the game you cannot watch the beginning of the stream until so we are playing Chinese cool myself Spanish no yeah Spanish is master notices like 3ds so cumin pocket Chinese and Spanish flank um without scope humans enjoy oh that's something love to hear Neal Nellie do you want Chinese or Spanish okay let's try to not to any spoilers have United I'm gonna watch the game later so I would appreciate no spoilers and that is no way to win this game before it kicks in yeah I think Spanish is kind of a must as well yeah yeah there are rather played Chinese okay I was banished good gig that's what I want okay what color do I need six don't we go I got double TC and double market for the room doesn't make sense right after you hear it well I think that you don't have speed bonus if you please flip but when I get it back just go to TC boomin and 40s in an imp and kill a trade when it's sort of harm late imagine I don't use anymore than you can have it all well could also use persons here oh no it's a person for aren't you dying to something like mongols more surface depth if they don't and we have few minutes they're probably yeah let's go oh i'm ii I can lame everyone else except here now did you good Oh as a position in the game was the color the lamely thing silly Tati what is the color or is it position in the game like I'm second player but I mean okay so I can lame everyone except Terra good did you add the second in the loved' you can lame yeah even in Euro and yes okay that's so stupid oh yeah have you brought it up for the developers I'm pretty sure they know page official Amy isn't that for like blocky units and we should really good for late-game as well we should report it to them this is quite important in East Calgary Indian works I don't think they can fix anything like that I think maybe I'm mistaken but there's no like can we say 40 will will not leave any whistles good oh that's not true all the boards are inside now but it's not only for gaming if you said like you can block with Mele on its later on and it's wrong yeah but that's that's when the units are created out is not about the color and it doesn't matter after that it all - how the units are created who created you need faster it's stronger yeah I can block you that's why Blu Scout is created before your scalp well do like horses card is created before they always cut don't think about it and then they speak that's the reason why he can block you and not the opposite did you create a militia the militias probably will not be able to block the Villiers because they are created earlier if that first cows dies who takes the role of the blocker what do you mean never mind it's not something you pass sounds like heritage men your mother my mother was [ __ ] meth and I had no pocket Harris on a side man well you double one guy we doubled that how it works severa side yeah good they have Qamar man we're gonna die or they want to clap on their click instantly yeah you need to have a second good luck only if you marry wait so I'm against which color again yeah I should be embarrassed so he is Spanish why doesn't she slow you're just too fast I have the same feeling it feels like it's wrong I mean it's just I know it's just ya know it feels a bit slow you're like well we have doubt so it's actually good for us I like it true maybe Hera has fixed the US service hello I score board post fever and display your content create I heard this M what my American Sarah so the main difference here is pocket all about you don't I'm home like this - perfect I can suck kings now oh yeah go for it there's a good strategy pop do I go up 2024 what is the 110 Eastern I didn't want Chinese I didn't have better options Oh Tommy the King does people house there by and so good if they fix the farm son everything looks nice I'm not used it well this is better than your normal further yeah this is that's first Chinese vascular I should go up with my king do the same not to doubt steer don't send me out and wait for keep check masterpiece I still wouldn't surprise me if you dig go for capture 0p1 once thank you again it's gonna believe fireworks I completed masterpiece oh I'm gonna get five minutes I guess fireworks now whenever I click up nice glorious your king don't want to TC let's stay there the annoying Gold's Kappa no I don't think you should make it was just boom what don't make sure canoes just boom okay is your map seems fine to boom then you just add to this whenever your equal gets wrong told I still bother to see here I'm easily getting pressured you come over and clear up with that was about 37 hobbies and [ __ ] you didn't make a house man and Bo Sheldon a room but business out in my basement now they're all gonna come here because there's a gap there breaking into it walk it to your king okay something there he's now told everyone that is open there I'm so scared yeah Hera has lost out like one excuse can multiple it sees on the inside they're blocking mm escape well now I see your house you see him yeah my kill cause we Scout on ketchup yes thank you obviously already couldn't there be more than five why is there a wolf in my base cause like bigger team game maps and such you know nothing else comes so he's going to you though but there is one in the middle here oh I can block him because I have advantage I think it's going in to a hole to my base money I have to go there make house myself oh [ __ ] you beated me all your king right where is it it's in the castle rocky okay but that's bad it's good for us this huge investment yeah cannot make solos that's a good use of your scout yeah you should have plenary so anyway your king is inside yeah oh boy let's doubt our you know sniffles what could well just might be your king is depending on doubts micro seriously not a if you steal my kills no doubt as a man always a pleasure helping you notes actually annoying your cuman's you still have future equally I don't think I'm a single I take care of all men why [Music] section of pouring Paulo I kill the bill to bills [Music] later dude we gotta do you [ __ ] what Oh secret nearly death now males two balls there we should be dominating Lancers okay this is a good spot for the first paladin's I think is decent I could do a castle drop on ambience for wolves although it's slightly risky I think it actually would be nice but that's a bear I think we will go for a lot of traps here okay isn't that bad any come here elephant what if event Lancers and good rain list already Anika is making care for them don't converse then the elephant's able unit that car he'll need stone that there are you shootout interceptor for Mike who used to market completely already already sold out happens really can you stop Jake yes that's a problem as well I have markets you didn't started cooking dicey yeah I will sell all policies there I just cannot fight against so much noise could use some gold I know the only one should i mix in Alps minute how to stop elephants I'm coming with chicken is a conscious one I was somebody needs a central police [Music] I know that using the trails nearly maybe not have your king in the tower the IKEA yeah I don't know I can't deal with that that or higher is the King still in the tower no no okay something something is in your apparent that is right there I think it's from the gage oh oh oh yeah looks like it's King his volume look for King in tower yeah what's going on here [ __ ] humans get helps well should it be a midship yeah I think so my considering a lot of them can you stack up a face no I cannot five cents openiv it's all this is really problem I don't think they have started trade yet there's no trades they don't have Marcus on this side so please there's the makeup hey I'm trying to show you would and so we good to try now or mmm any second finger did a lot of epidemic and relatives well the waiting is the only thing I can do I think we need to need to get a mark of a huge monk inclusion in your arm and thing well block 20 yeah you can convert 10 elephants that's huge well that looks like the king baby does well but the kids like I can send me there but of course this little to help me to get there really fast keep mixing it helps doing killing now they make another way to go is you stop you close the wall [Music] they cohere blade those get some population or a key moment I will slip traps at least by some time isn't they just didn't have long trade so I have planner gold now he needs me lead Oh horny Lee oh boy oh boy that was center stone as well I guess you need that I have a lot of stone - yeah I used to would listen you delete this [ __ ] consents oh you need go yeah I'm killing a lot of trade now they're going to now I can show you Neela try to get great Alison you try to get great wall and well the middle with your walls just like the whole middle so they cannot radar it easily connects big elephant go coming here but I'm somewhat holding this is annoying but I can send stuff and deal with it in a bit if you wish I can still use chemicals fault yep doing it for the basically those [ __ ] this is a problem so this is gonna be you need to deal with that I mean I can see it I'm making season so I will I can send my season right it's not as you can see with those comps certainly I mean I kill numbers but you know comes and I'll just always remake so you can actually sorry do I need to send stuff turd out or do you just and for the trade the Legos gates and everything the kind if you just change this time constraints to replace what you got it right yeah yeah you can come here whenever I find it where oh there let's go upon 30pi yeah I think just add million barracks yeah just million sending some conks there still take around Gold so I just thank you and make a market there as well as soon you know just in case without everything to new now the is and everything there Blair no that's stupid yes that is too literally this is a good son comes a step toward shops in Busan how many trade for myself in trade again bill seems to be switching into full helps now this is a big problem okay let's I can some part is there we can chat that maybe delete the old markets I think I'd gather the idea is we're losing a lot of trades other math is so clumsy right now I like he's so 500 balance in the map like you go this man you're welcome like how JD's [ __ ] but those pallets map got it yeah they're traditionally reverse although it's actually running so I have a time line we can see them in the middle out break time break there yeah okay okay someone's buying wood I'm not okay I can send my analysis is not official tribal to taste in over 25 paladins okay until eat the other one known right thing about that fight until it's completely safe no I think like nobody it's different than this I'm not sure it works I feel like it doesn't jamming the trail again with Long's man elephant attack you be partners in their kitchen I'll do a lot of damage there trading them yes they're okay they're nice move tots let's go you're losing a lot of trading room yeah have pop limit with AD villagers so if Jeff's army somewhere if you need more resources to kill a lot yeah like I can find myself mobile mitosis yeah do that telephone and go time for some unfathomable Terrace okay hobbits why do you have a villager there don't know how to answer that aha they did lose lot of traits we should have gold edge now for one yeah we both need my market get some chips as well only two cards suppose that one elephants moving these directions to somewhere yes savings on either side they wish I think I can get see Donna girls right you can I'm building normal on it just for now I'm gonna kill a college for that okay let's go for kill look for the kids let's go for cure yes don't see it doesn't go automatic it was just a lie nearly a look at why the villages why don't you say so yours called again I wonder if they're trying to secure the other side now because I see bomber cars there now maybe you saw something I think I might try to do something about that out when I get my babysitting the trail record well their market rate is moving some of it so I think you might have already deleted market so I see two icons there let's go baby you cold nearly all so that's why I'm asking that's gonna feel bad man are they buying if they do they have a lot of gold elephant go here where are they going man you're going nowhere man they cannot decide all the trade is going to here so just send me units here and we can all look at his guest and bring down it's going down to paladins remember sure it should right I'm watching and not doing anything else and watch that right now okay okay and that is that castle where's my gold you need gold has it's coming in now namely motorist has jumped out jump legend jump all the way I'm going to be generous you don't leave me alone I'm jumping man it's different why are you not jumping with me the question and protect me Donnelly's are they still training that said as well or oh yeah did they take that out guys there's a market that are trading with doubt the debate you have to villagers know million buildings there okay now let's just not lose things okay that's a good idea that's why your secret you know staffing experience with what did you play jumping over seven people don't know the way you know you can feel the bumper terraces well you're still on running guys yeah oh I defeated Cathy weakling confirm Taft a weak link i hath the man disaster then me Oh like immediately I know there's no water in the tray what the [ __ ] but do you see this the only treatment what's the bait house walls that's not how to baby won't you bait them into a trade no it's not it works but job guys thanks daddy even we doubt it man even without which I leave ok the movie man how is the village difference product and her a niqab that was a hit like 16 years 16 ok wanky keep and then ego gotcha banking me go beside particles had that was it out there what [ __ ] 5 pcs okay Tamara man power those are traders number wise good stuff now we host yeah because something I learned less let's go some golden Pittman [Music] can sit out this one if you guys want to play 80 miles I would sit this one out I need to cancel the Superman and dropping the frames many 20 straight today hate my [ __ ] like every Monty : 10 times every Monday sure you should get 5 ml it's so stupid and they were like the lights in the room are disguised distracting the signal and I was like not that I'm not an idiot I thought those guys are used to dealing with firemen that's what they told me last time every man who ever comes tell me different story basically they're [ __ ] up something sold outside out now yeah but this is I don't know her I go pig I said we're back you know Matt and schools going to sleep like a winner today guys I go peepee what I said think you play Julie fibers is day and night completely the place somebody didn't see and there to help that was you all all yours yeah sort of gone done some more conversions and sort of safe that's rate way better right well III send like so cool oh god I just wanted to be muted knee hmm I have a question you no guys I just realized I didn't have tampering what yeah I built the archery range and deleted it I rebuilt the archery range but never clicked it but you can go first course I didn't know better mr. Kunis and Fantas yeah could have been good another China half plus three men you can even compare the universal all right then we're missing here thirty-plus um and I have no okay no I have sent you in late this is the whole this is the second is lord thurlow okay post if there is not it doesn't matter color Kathy you know if we lose now not gonna look good for you yeah that's right mmm what's what says to go here so think we should go persons here it's not you can go to step as well yeah but we can use like Frank stare and who be the same Vikings Persians and persons do lending good talk boys yeah always great back and forth interaction sharing ideas no Eustace b9 Hyundai neck has moustache snack has beautiful mustard beautiful mustache yes hello Nadu Alice good ha toluse now this should remove next - hey I have one last game right now tattle is the only loser here moo-stache camera Rory at 35 million way what is 35 million the peak it doesn't move after 35 yeah looks like 35 million it's now the peak it doesn't go to a new milestone so let's hold our spots for now guys I'm not sure if it makes sense to push more sparks in when a black black seems like it's already kicking you want to go downstairs Eustace moonwalk you're just chilling you okay laughs damn timed event I say Italians Vikings Persians persons do landing but that what that was late game in in a land map because we're gonna kill them already we have percent for a step you even we have francs as well per step but we have millions very London Malians only thorns Oh Marlon's Portuguese but it's quite obvious though okay let's go Portuguese in Portuguese land okay okay so I left IIIi don't mind playing potagooos either I believe Vikings that I want to play fight his man's spores just water to the barista maegor's mangers okay so nearly what's if you want okay Oh confidence levels after winning one game I think Tara should be the landing guy why I want to be landing guy yeah he's the sneaky guy I am sneaky to sneak his neck [Music] we could also do come here but well if we're gonna use Persians elsewhere could the producer play Vikings I should play Italians and taro should play apologies later if you want to we can switch I play I play Vikings I think Vikings let's flag yes why I'm back yeah let's go why is it that you play Portuguese landing I play Italians Piper place why don't I go by King's Landing know what know it since it makes full-size Vikings Vikings control the water man well I mean we could go for because they will and we will go for reactive landing so you go like Russia stroke outs at home one guy is the only guy lands and the Vikings player plays FC along with also not sure if I like see them I think I can should go a few less calories then it's okay let's do that let's go Labour's within a lot or degrees pocket for you today oh boy nearly Italians Frank let's go on let's go but I think we should be pocket that I should be sixth right yeah I think landing I should be pocket let's go I think I think make sense that the defensive guy is pocket so he can help both sides yeah but you are oh yeah one of you're gonna learn wait wait so wait what do you know so I play water and you and both you guys land no nearly plays Scout at all yeah and you will land forward I mean yeah okay that doesn't make sense it nice pocket let's go but I'm building front dog front talk no no you go back look why you would go friend duck back talk and you go scouts at home yeah do you just freeze man your Palin nil silly nearly believe and not even right they have Japanese a big Japanese pillow should ensure them Japanese is a police believe man I believe man we have caravels so bright first my eyes mm weird he's weird to play before Teresa I'm not coming down here we got point out his yeah that's actually true I'm not sure if I want to push deer and there's nothing on them on the land then you build me fishing we're not transport yeah but the part like if you guys go far superior you trust em first Italians trusted me by the way we need to work on the Chinese pagodas I've ever need to play that again my chat was very unclear with my dog expert village what did you do in their cage 26 plus 2 what that's too much well I only asked at 25 for something and I didn't want to cancel at 50% of 24 dude you have played this game how long no it was all different in the old days I was never allowed I was always its bench player in Chinese but didn't want to play Spanish to learn okay and you use our show match with valuable money is on the line to learn the chords your chat can't even see my sheep it will play FC pocket buddy goes pocket Viking he will play C then I will go to the center yeah the topple lines but I lost two wheels only this one so that's a success in my eyes but but there's bunch Alliance everywhere man we had a strategy you have a strategy at least we did not include mufflers and Wilson on strategy no no I mean that I'm Scout rushing might imagine there's still Australia it's low again no anyway how much really boy should I be when it comes to accept me we'd be quite reading South Korea but greedy oh yeah oh boy I just heard he's on my side what spear spear and he can block me it's so unfair and girls fish so unique of doing FC it's expected I guess how about them put I see that's really and here are going water is yep parties [Music] and they lost all his fish Nico is backed off right yeah it is doing if they will at home you know just out ranges and everything to do with that [Music] will doing ranges no I was doing a stable at home okay shadow Scouts to you I can try to do some stuff to do with that try to debate the fire ship move into an eco fish now oh he landed here okay that's bad five six nine still wait for you to come and help me somehow why not here is probably free fishing here your guinea Kofi's I'm on his dogs now I haven't touched on fish shift but now my equations my own basis the referee has four dogs doing back he doesn't have activation where is some real Scouts do you know I don't know I'm killing his transport [Music] by other they're gonna lend them to you their budget kill the transporter 20 HP thank you but a new one not impossible and therefore symbiote aware of his race [Music] and O'Hara's Doc's not and I feel just need to take a fish or two there but I didn't manage to kill any of that neko neko percent don't really know where it's actually fishing right now watch quick what I'm missing man no no no you have to like five Scott [Music] okay a lot of galas and longboats nap from because Mustaine is your dared militant don't tell me because I rest my career and I lost everything this fire interview team is out I killed most of his whatever what longboats official Hera octi la vela timber off landing [Music] [Music] transporter if you can come on Neko fish now as well it's like I'm being left alone right on land well maybe a little did rillette mean I should be able to deal with that because you acted who says me well my water will die pretty soon what's there and what do you need how many like 10 long boats the whole long boats are there again this house water living with you does Harris still commit the water or he was making defensive approach [Music] okay took a very good fight against Amelia and I kill the rest of Harris fish here and wheezing dick time Nick okay good okay I will try to clear this up yeah I need to run okay it's gone cool for you now yeah I'm trying to come from behind and I think by Beijing I believe in the sports or [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah well we're fighting there I have the same mama sighs just tellin ya think of putting which not have a good Felicity now and then I should be able to fight Kember the castle yeah okay I think I killed him up now mm not sure where I want to put my cars ago I have a cut I have a curse of you Oh I need something I can put some nice for you Tristan Miami back Piper you're fine with it castle right okay okay and I will just build expensive costume myself and I can help the altar okay what's that Oh oh holy man sir yeah that's out yep oh right but that's a domestic this something pink is the my best day [Music] okay Italians Italians the other put this I need something here okay well he is asking for water support yeah yeah then I go just go fast fire center he is going to lose the classic you nice ridiculous it is anyone coming soon second slice today yeah I know you can't sorry I'm hot screen behind it I should tell you that you're muted on stream Viper there was another instrument okay watch out here see that Emma off-screen be hunts try to land those crossbow any other chance yep and BL all starts water now you always steal on land Terry it I'm landing as well I have cumbersome very posted in castles I guess it yeah they would push me now on Allah they have both casting about site well I will try to go into an image should be able to help you I didn't feel it okay [Music] I'll have come to spoil that it to take the trips socially repaired waiting search again and then I could use fire ships here I'm starting to produce now let's get the trade going as well Digby I gotta [Music] think this yogurt settle right what's a mud that's mine Trevor's down that perfect they generally like ask you mr. skill where exactly on their own nickel and Behnke DRAM so maybe we're gonna get boost accustomed Harrah's a huge water army there now but if you have fires no that should be able to do yeah wedding market yeah fire as well that's just using another person there well yeah they're building houses yeah sure if you have its own pretty yeah yeah that's an extra gold I think I am missing gold response yes I bet you want to try to take down the castle same condo how much trams do you have sending castle definitely down now we need to take down this trip I mean I could dive I need water here yeah we should begin making our way there daddy I can't dive on those that are me problem we have ornaments on the lantern I'm teddy you can go together yeah send your army here at a time we can kill whatever new class I'm doing Cavalier yeah we just send me right now okay let's go bye-bye sorry question novelist to the middle of the base well the middle of them of the land someone needs food let's push carrier with anything I'm just gonna take that part of it so it's change Torquay right really come here with your herbalist let's crush go to the Harris base I should cut off keep them in between to keep Nicole if they can you so much all Thank You Nelson while yeah never round here in Memphis one woman can send that song that's a good building yep five cent [Music] there's a lot of like you can do a little camel toe I'm there with Thomas already so hot okay put your five ships in the bottom land them as well with Bilson take whatever you can yeah oh no no no no [Music] well hair should be completely out of the game I'm doing camera dollies now we're gonna start buying woods yeah I can get guilds okay there's Casa felt what's out maybe some nearly can you make her markets elsewhere a myspace through them there I can use it so much food that understand right now we're almost out of wood on our island s [Music] but go to the island that's been working on did you see her nearly 200% twin ray and I worked out was a good plan teddy was controlling two words there and a lot of them yeah but actually three because you have you were mining one there yeah I took like a thousand gold from that home but I don't know if that was maybe was Harris well either way was rumors yeah good job guys good job and we still have comer she's like a free win so that's awesome is that completely gone or what I don't see em online on disk or either No but he didn't say goodbye since when does doubt like come to say goodbye but he could say like [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm not coming back today okay that's true it's like his bye goodbye that is true probably if something is messed up there which is just because we have a new week a new month I guess that's why there's not really messed up I will remove the low sparks I don't like that they keep adding those it's super nine if I can just find them okay what is next map no next lap he called pulled a bit do we use come earlier or do we wait for step no now we use it for khmer khmer hands Mayans they will use Britton surffisher or Mayans and Frank's I guess or hands dog a car think of the five numbers with this would be annoying how doubt is coming by the way part yeah he just joined teamspeak hello da la nearly mark is north updating thank you I like seeing my point of view and I'm impressed I have to say but you played amazing thank you doubt wow that game and the game on the future it kills those two games were like really impressive damn that would be the good one how did out it was really really sick thank you doubt what's wrong with you hi topa man how do you like my moustache why have we not called you have watched my point of view if you didn't comment on my moustache I come closer okay that's a no memory that baby not now glorious glorious moustache thank you I'm trying to pull attention from my hairline yeah your district here summer - okay so who plays I don't mind sitting out this one if you want I cross the setup step badges are golden pits every game zillions to play yeah no question about it and as the blow much moustache love I don't mind no that's when they again III don't want huh and am I sitting out less me there I don't mind sitting out the last one a conical thing every fire we came for me man was waiting for you by friends [Music] and what I can say that this one but the problem is Coomer is gonna be playing now [Music] I can set up this 100 Delta ready I can play I can sit down as well like fighting about sitting out nearly someone wants to play like for me it's the best thing yeah now [ __ ] out both last games and then we lose both we lose ready to come back and the problem is now they also have Leary so it could be either invite me inviting I was not even online man coming you it is food man not what he put the post and everything there he kicked people I hate them if you put close to goes open if you put open it goes closed in 20 kicks people and I cannot well maybe I can join through yours now you know it's closed okay now it's open now and right that's on the way you invite me I have tried I don't see the game I leave the game you in right okay we're supposed to be hosts now now we need to host man we host that close okay guys I'm gonna sit this one night I'm gonna take a cast before that comes Oh GUI is blocking your spot look guys you have come here now this is pretty wind pretty much wait you're not playing I'm sitting out man yo I don't want to play ever again after those companies for you man so all game that is complaints and is that do you stop breathing when you're like focused or what I don't know no one ever complained about it it's not like it's annoying it's just like because I have a cold but I'm breathing a bit more through okay well are you complaining that I'm focusing during the games now I don't think it's actually for it's like when you see 28 but the reference you're like well maybe no other Fuzzy's game over to the tears was the plan I don't know what that sounds good quit poking yeah you you guys I have Coomer this should be feeling premier Mayans plus one your hands I guess would be good tracks tons of Frank's Frank's could be nice too probably not my applying for Khmer pocket no no I can see their civilizations why because I switched to my colors well let's see well now we have to go with the since we said before you guys check the system air pocket Mayans and hands thanks okay this would be nice for hidden cut in potato I can play hunts flank cámaras pocket oh handsome Mayans planks oh come here pocket you're not I know the power you have - made out mines flank yes I have experience with that yeah play it once or twice but take your stupid car you but they like your certains [Music] you there was a plan Josh if she'll just archers and killed out best plans this is not looking good civilization wise all right you know this is how about we pick what we want old go triple or Church pick up once one becomes everything you got but if not you're not a lot [ __ ] changed oh I didn't even know how much Indian food okay so we're gonna cast this time but we're not gonna cast we're gonna expect it am versus secret it should be at this one let's go let's go team I think they are better says so should be a rough mushroom zoom out thank you so go do this I don't like that okay so we have Hera Larry and MBL hair eyes pocket right pocket Britain's no no that doesn't make sense liras pocket Indians are eyes thank Britons and BL flank Mayans now we're just gonna chill I'm not gonna lean back and relax listen what's going on where they're pausing people doubt I know we came here like biggest check or the only way spots nearly the only way to make more sparks is to be a subscriber or have a mixer Pro account otherwise your understand - parks no matter your level alright so let's have a look we have doubt mines here so it's a mines war between and beyond doubt and BL is going forward too lame right away oh and it's gonna get oh I missed out really fast here looks like that will get them this could have been a really bad lame joke mmm otherwise net eaten map they will be lamed and there's two boars as well Oh goddamn BL is going for double lame doubt they doubt the doubt the I want to listen to doubt is that even though all the [ __ ] told them not different of my three buffaloes and who knows it's show much guys still different next week this year they didn't even book anymore the body goes three buffaloes and two boars that's gonna be so good that's stupid man doubt to get hotter with the comments as well both ports yeah they took varsity baffles for me I don't play anymore sounds like you see a final zero food belt is super speed okay this is fun yeah that is super squid what I do know I'm someone listen to that is she yes they both landed me and they were lucky to find it right away in front and I was like double name no both Borsig on I thought it was double lane but it's in bad spirits come on play loose and that's fine I didn't want to play late that is fact well we land we have lanes as well it's all good who did lame lame in first game oh that's why they're doing it this is just so much doesn't matter just try it without imagine now if you kill him how I'm imagining isn't that motivating huh well guys don't count for my help for some time so standard nothing changes imagine you kill them BL now he took three buffalos and two boards and you can Superman she will kill him like this man will be amazing relative taking from there okay so here let me Mabel a dress like a boy please let me to who follows peaceful game here so probably consider you know you should being here I know why Jesus come to me I'm just gonna do you guys prefer to stay on teamspeak and just listen for you want me to turn up teamspeak and just like okay I trust chef see by the way babe there is a Scottie mister only if it goes crossbow I think gosh FC is good he goes Josh up seekh kabab sure they're not gonna agree with it this is Indians pocket again Sarah Britain's Bell stove both pores and is molding like madmen this is weird play normal if you still bought force you would not sure if just play mess come so what's the blame the [ __ ] to them that were estimating let's get my dude what about support creator functional expose app I just that I love you does it benefit yes that's me down drill mr. Ron dear thank you very much if you put the VIPRE in you will leave all the Creator support it will benefit me so thank you very much for that I give you discount if near the walls there there he doesn't have a scout for the dress then you can go tell him if he goes for my boss nearly call it okay because tower is really good at interception okay let's see if I can squeeze something in like it just get the barrack I yeah militia production already okay but I can still go for it I was down top score because he has far more farms etc probably scouted a lot was easy go nice cousin 3 HP no X I can help just can't avoid your since I'm already fully evolved and then Billy's falling on top of that it could have a team wall here is a scary man let's go scores they should have gone full scores I don't like this forward from nearly because oh this will be full Yolo yet because the gold of Harris we were like we were about to recite okay this was parables this so he doesn't have gone so if nearly towers this and then can move around their lair this will work but of course it's super Yolo good name is going lyrics gonna be here no there is one scout this is table don't make sure it's out to support nearly and I go up no no disparity unless you can send a scout fast Aki's field actually actually quick well the villager coaching is cheating I'm not talking to them all nice quick ball effective I'm not telling them what I'm saying right now they can't hear me just talking to you guys this is good actually manually Harris militia is going to tear over looks to it so that should also be good at taking quick all this now it should be very good for him Tara's dress she's getting close as well nice hey he's up next buddy here's one go he might be able pair through Delhi I broke the front but this was good enough for defense they won't be at the back he gets a ground ball there really this is not too bad buddy [Music] a little new side you think you scouts everyone is fully walled okay the gold is there so needless to say this is the biggest problem is it may be a solution nearly open there it's the biggest potential danger I think lira will go to try and help her Hera know this pressure is actually doing quite a bit although this tower is super exposed I think you should made a change we've market a second tower like there I think this is - yeah I think in a level dying off because he doesn't have doesn't have the connection between towers now always good to have farm it like do what you want and make fun of them yeah the biggest issue is this tower isn't world and easy for them to take it out and now their accounts with Scouts and just oh really opium beware yes please like this is bad hey Cody Wallace himself trapped oh I'm getting cleared up he needs to wall in the tower drivin mean I think what they get to the gate open ah nice nice nice maybe not look at me much no it's okay don't drop a tower there that's what I believe me you can think cause I'm BL doing range blacksmith looks like first castle was that was that already not looking too bad but again he really should have walled this tower as well that's the main problem here thank you filthy Baltimore indeed most likely no plan we're rotating well where all of us are sitting out a little bit now and then it's for boss that comic is Sinclair possible and that's a double pass there's actually a good reaction by now double palace a 20 mile rush actually like what reaction here yeah just finished a wall and the biggest issue is the front area okay sending a new bill to do that you'd think this is kind of working out familiar to a certain extent Hera can't take cold summers nearly wall Susan but he needs to be fast I had on Alice's in bigness it should have been walled to begin with this big mistake but I can do can yeah they're clearing it up that was a big mistake oh geez you don't look too bad this tower there is really nice from nobody needs to world fast at the wall first needs to wall this path yeah eighty percent or something alone wall at first with I think right guess it'll be in time you know we understand Bob can question funnily enough is not looking too bad I guess up inside can't hear me I want to turn the teamspeak down okay I'll turn it down a little bit so something like this maybe it'll be lower now but you should be able to hear he's going without me here no okay I won't throw it I'll turn it back up then he's going to yourself yeah yes this is good for unless he gets balled in then it's not good well then it can easily break out anyway good good good pressure been doing slows down here for sure but yeah it's not great still funnily enough it's not looking too bad that's gonna a second TC before and BL okay last time I bailed with double bore lemming is Leary and that final of the mixer tournament and BL also lost maybe I'm tattoo should make elephant with +2 if I cut you forest nuts or you'll be fight together yes it's like together it's scary there was a lot of crossbows 211 crossbow targets as well but a lot of farms rather than a lot of farms oh ok it was they I will already lower it a little bit but I can do nothing here 20% okay there we go this should be okay I think Tony's red plus two and LA so can I go just get slowed up by nights just face for my postal okay it's not looking good anymore Tara what am I going for school pin I guess Cattier your ex are gonna have to like pretty much right now they're relying heavily on doubt getting equal lead and plume numbers I think this game will build about actually doubt having a really really good game with his pimps that's gonna be their way to actually stop scorpy all this goes for it boom boom nice [ __ ] yes good Larry has a teasing middle that's that's a tough one to compete with this we all about the minds right now I tried to purchase deal with the stream link put it keeps asking a super strange buys turtle I I don't know I don't know I appreciate it trying though but you don't have to go through too much trouble if it doesn't work so as a partner we haven't heard about and in bonus Emperor award oh I don't know about pecan I haven't heard about anything here I don't know about Khan I could look into it though layer some later point this is scary well this isn't terrible as long as doubt gets on to great economy and they are still playing 1 TC he's gonna have a huge heart melt and lead but if doubt gets up to like 30 40 points then it's not terrible still and those scores can have huge value where do you eat all the pizza demon I'm fighting kind of fighting they are so many cross border that's why I try to blame you only they knew that just now in such a pounds anyway it's gonna be huge to actually these are fortune villagers 14 MBL villagers are the accused is Delta ballistics think they're always doing it now this should be a lot of that bills from BL section be sick value this is huge this is a really huge think I'll be fine wow we were when you're listening to rectify all the cow see village account that 64 Lear sister five tattle so the big difference is Hera being having quite a little mooing besides that honest is looking quite pretty good I don't understand them be else like one T's to play for so long you could have added an extra TCO faster yeah this is almost not shut it just a few crowd okay come back that's what Charles I said this is decent for our team not only enough it's looking okay MBL is down to 28 villagers I repeat a male has 28 villagers biggest issue right now is that doubt lost some villagers so it's not a smooth frame this fight as well it's gonna be okay but still much the type of trade you want a couple win this but he didn't wanna lose this monotremes so question now is south coast a little bit in 76 totters boom is doing rather well too though yeah I think family no I mean that's yeah I think funnily enough this is looking pretty good for for us if I choose the side right now I think it's I would pick it and BL is so out of the game but I don't I don't think they realize how much damage and BL is taken and how late it can be else Townsend is worth yeah and I have that money right now and we need to think about middle middle is huge dog anyone castle there was no need to this hill for example and then the second one here could be huge nearly it's 55 bills here six or seven I'm not looking too bad on the other side either Harold only has two TC it isn't looking too bad he's been there how much 15 come she's not looking yeah I should go full lexcorp's here yes please elephants right the Fingal offensive to Doughty run those girls back they have nothing to stop that they found the business yeah jinx tattoo should use those words you should just go sports why not head out don't forget the past for a poor I'm doing it now [Music] run to the right no I think we should go or Sport+ I agree with tapping live on with him yes yes exactly that was awesome with him Delta's always also over to him and BL is going for full arch is still Harrison with him as well maybe Nico elephants I think it's looking good for am slow because the herbalist Nam is so here are good but it's here MBL is the weak point at me always half the villagers so so maybe thing is with me chill if delt has 40 booms and behind elephants and elephants should still be really good the problem for them is now to get on top of the middle we actually have top score sick yeah the big getting presence on the middle right now all the pressing in the middle is where I am oh those s fight this fight time to just fight tough to just fight I can move there should be okay 4,000 for her on weird go this castle is in a pickle I love kind of a disaster it's gonna be a dog castle that's a doubt castle right there just looking bad in that Oh needs a little bit more time so once he has fetch like the bracele and everything Delft can start to micro a little bit more force still Anila being a disadvantage is not the best you'll notice on the way to imp as well so they will have three players in him against two players in him against two so it's obviously still prefer am position right now captain the others but Hellenism repellents a subject of this can't afford it this that should let out get its castle up but yeah it's not it's looking for rocky now although I've heard the thing is they have the middle still AM has to fall middle control those looking pretty bad pepto is Tucker getting any fellow fantasies so all hope is not lost tattle still has a huge ego so it's not terrible you should ring the bell here put every religion inside houses yes Neely Asim it's also getting a decent trade there it's possible but it's Hara not to our Blastoise weird health got the castle up and BL is still going for are blessed and just Graham she's still not close to Cathy to Imperial age so definitely not over still elite clubs are out this is definitely not over yeah looking decent actually what this nail is going for helps scams also nearly should just push Harris base yeah this is bad this castle needs to stay alive just feel bad about this hope it's careful going down it's gonna be a full disaster although this might still be a decent trade for health needs stone just so many got cast little down was still doctors bias now just needs to castles and Meghan produced non-stop see Tata will clean this up now but again biggest issue it's the fact that they don't have any presence in the middle and looks the harder and harder for him to ever take it back should I started trade problems they wanted to have a chance but yeah it's looking pretty bad now let's go how many plans coming oblations actually not looking too bad either nila is getting on to a healthy population but nila needs to put it like needs I think it Rams just what new needs here I like that is going for help sperm colorized best option not consuming with no access to middle but he needs we need way more blooms to here pink elephants is so expensive at 800 we can't justify making help son's name stuff looks like he wants to go forecast in middle I guess that castle is good they can get chubs out can start doing things ablation that's population isn't very healthy data as well is feeling a little bit oh boy oh boy oh boy emails and I want full scams from cast which may be something oh it's not yet yeah I think I think the game's over didn't have pop for middle let's call it moving slightly like I'm not dying here but here's obviously in the middle adilyn they have the whole middle look how much colder is in the middle they don't have like tattoos out of gold I became an overall income belt as well mobile so obviously they're all kind of doing here there's no access to gold for secret here yeah true Delta seen it lost every game episode on helps helps Corp Ram this potential for I agree I agree with teto house corpse around hold out the window air support no did it oh yeah true right now me and nearly have to one or two wins one loss doubt and tatoes one win to us me nearly I clearly MVP a secret score is to all right it's going to be due to very shortly that's why I put two two because I'm pretty sure this game is over and vital strips house population is still just 130 yeah even though he yeah he just can't get resource in middle table so moving the way it should be over yeah yeah with the thing but you have access to Willie nothing GG a place they made that GG boys if you're Indians win this game and accurate at which is gonna help score it's that horse not carbs what's corpse I also agree with corpse with better than elephants no matter what if you get like 30 scorp sand in mixing helps then it's really good I think scraps trust and then answer it whatever because somebody's corpse I means community camels but elephants too expensive either way you can only do only thing you can do is trade with them turn elephants decent rating against camels especially de they don't get surrounded so easily I mean you trade okay no matter what cause they're elephants but it's not effective considering the situation game where they have full gold yeah go was the problem you guys were actually Gambia was down to 28 witch's I know I just don't have the half bills of everyone else so you guys we're not actually in the para position but obviously they had full middle control and then you doubt if you kept that second cast alive somehow and you wouldn't still have a chance yeah exactly that's what I was thinking for heading off Bob Cohen please play next game I will be yes the best pocket as we saw in Game one okay who hosts again because the game now and we go all in person versus kills congressman or their Auto persons to be on good spot here okay I was stood out silly nilly stopping on a - woman it's just guaranteeing that positive went right that's how I roll I will frame it put it on my wall I like it you okay I'll be back quick guys a bit back quick you now you host help you guys do we start what you damn back so what's the plan Mongols Mongols Persians know what is there to banish will you Spanish please policia use Chinese as well right we can use pranks Korean action it opens by birth or could be an option earth Japanese Japanese crossover good Oscar good cutter cutters could be good we give him extra sheep if you have any more slaves among some persons for sure like the first breath now with this like we can block with the Scout super easy now true it's like the Eco gets super shitty what counts like that that's it yeah it does I think like we have if he opens as an option archers male cross beam option Koreans also could be decent Japanese could isn't I mean we also have francs which would be decent - we actually look at what we think no spoilers non-united match please I'm gonna watch it later alright they will use manga for sure bread's francs I think some archers it I guess but what Incas maybe like I think I mean we could do francs and then Persians and bongos play archers you is doubt you we already use c'mere out yes I'm eating what's the plan which one of you used to play Mongols the most was it out I was at Adam the other is placements Deadpool Mongols Prabhat flank and play archers with Scouts arches right depends on their team composition we put Mangal flank to go Scouts we've got person's pocket Scouts and I say if he opens two archers if it's going to go f-secure why don't we do if he opens hmm think Ethiopians make sense they might do burgers I don't think it matters what they pick we just focus on us we have persons among us for sure option is if they open a mongrel flank both goes archers and Persians go Scouts or Mongolia open flank and Mongols also go Scouts and then switches or stay stable even I'm sure you won't person right I don't mine person is Ethiopian purposes in options well burbs can also play archers good late game with can lecture also to County machine I like it he opens or you it was relating will you get a show well we have no choice as well Palestine Berbers could also be good to counter Mongols and the rating with Karen watches etc a bareback on second we start I accidentally saw her a sieve now by going through the colors we already picked Saracens you you shouldn't be able to see the civil auto guy even if you go into the same color all right he was a Stax and his pickpocket I'm not gonna share this info with my team I think we already decided and save so I think they will probably play Mongols and we all will play Berbers or Incas or some Korean [ __ ] we already used Italians the police the Koreans our options agree they instead of you open say if the opens will be better especially for that game you come back do I go if um I would say if your pencil Berbers Japanese and Koreans are also options it's of course what your what you want Japanese could be good for hunt purpose also grant to move a stream he opens opposite for strong archers but you know I say whichever you prefer question is what will be open by person opened restaurant now I'll go scouts from pocket then was on hit open Bibles and I go Theo PS yeah I think Mongols anybody's my color open six or four but it's fairly easy to own this map although they never will it's not fairly easy it depends a lot it's you can be super unlucky as well I think mongols and easy opens gusher and then one scout player is enough it's got a don't just got a pull villages back from middle when you refuel it maybe only keep three or four there at most so it's not too risky lyrical moguls he's so good with them with diving attack your doubt hmm no he always polakov man he gets flashing like 20 seconds faster he's really good there I always play Chinese well your Mongols now those house done did you have braces Louie let's go no I don't get smelly believe me first you know built easy on strategy go mail and well now is not important why we do have it snow would not like this step we had more all this different yeah it's Alex lightly different what's the difference I think you start with less food on the wall oh really yeah I think you start yeah because the lumber can because you you have 200 wood left here so you can go for both in the other house they may be open to squares workers he what they have booked it well I know believe it time attack he will go are just super fast i thing is he doesn't have to fight you can just dodge you until there are scouts in playing those in those games are waste but then again it would keep you safer read what confuse me he actually click color for and come back to check with you oh yeah you guys didn't see that purpose it's a stupid well I went I accidentally saw heresy as well I put for me is not when I take his collar okay when I went through cars I saw hair elastics but I don't think this what he's actually going to play really weird as the pocket red would be where he's probably on the Franks who is Mongols leave his mother's removals thing I'm bill will be Ethiopians or how they used if he opens today once it was heron game or a desert along here um I can see oh when you're ready you cannot leave that save all and be able probably be it opens the Berbers on difference perverse or whatnot it's called out because he is Mongols his yeah and I saw the bait yeah Frank's Celts oh guys Josh coming in the middle I like disappoint you now guys Josh coming in the middle okay I think I will not even go for like ever since in reality not even go for hunt well I mean it - yeah but you still do not fail it all the time to use the horsie to find his barracks and such promise they will use triple corset of water juice yeah boom and send six bills to me so you can fight I don't meet the mirror and food that you can go fast with that we got Paulista could be I will not go for a meal I will try to go fast you get both fast they're gonna link [ __ ] to that till I can name the Boris you can make divorce villages on the horse I see unless your horse had blue horses here have you found that in barracks it was the NCN militia do I need well he probably did barracks right away if he is one for a brush of course there's a chance it's not doing it I'm trying to find just cartina where where is this [Music] path this is here he's taking the second board right now I guess Oh blue horse they're still looking eyes open Livie Frank is here I don't see a sign of any birds he has barbecue yeah and we notice the drush is scouting my hunt now she's gonna find my okay well other guys his horse found mount I don't see any English it I'm trying to see if he's popping out one or two lucky I've seen so far selearis horse as well as next to my hunt they would love you and wanted to do now yeah we don't know yet if that's what you're going for is just sorry no no they they're taking machines hundred TC and Georgia Garros and [ __ ] like that noble force - dude when I saw that happening I loved it so much man the erection was so slow he was taking for five minutes until reacted that's fine actually against you the boss firstly sold in kg there's a ninja here I haven't seen a single machine they probably want to get Mongols that's why we just need to make them fix the - you don't have blocking NORs be dominant I see the Scout come horse is coming to me now so I guess they're making a break here rest of them you see their militia still don't know oh they're just so he's killing a deer there with this pollution it's probably not in the middle at all though that he said am billeted here now locking my villagers probably is using the camp all this time doing a blocking thing it's super annoying yeah I told you I was to scout it we'll just before you lose to us as well alright it's not ever see and then lose to this husband but they still if they're not especially their priorities priority over our units yeah well we need to get some of the can can remove all tickets or anything sectors to militia in my base maybe tattle you can add spear and go straight for I see other two archers yeah I need a BL right now I killed the to Rochester okay good let go like what the kids can't hear their I'm gonna kill thorough doctor as well I've come in a Spearman now okay I haven't here left left I was you're flashing looking getting blacksmith for the incoming macho spear get arches first arches first time I'll see what this waste HP I go for those they are here yes six bills there dot that's good careful that about the ELT he's doing the second option range Harris coats are here yes we know where he fancies I need to go back I think you're fetching this book I'd just like your food income for that yes yeah oh and you're using this home are you attacking at the moment Eddie I'm here trying to find Hera oh hey Kira has one experiment here he has a Scouts you don't get the spirit out oh yeah I'm making out of berries forcing my second being just plain bill at the same time what shot is that I'm busy and interested same time losing those let's block thing again I got a clue anyone have like finished card artists here come come here that tell you thank adult can you be fine by yourself or think so I want to deal with those fifty nation I cannot see anything give me to guide me just go there this direction Tony okay one here like here yeah just push today where's their army now top of each other okay they're going I don't see yeah yeah should I go for those four army well it out oh here left them go for those packs more no visual here keep going that way past two militia same direction estimation that's I hear he's gonna he's got spares mama okay what how they have a good with cows are they what's out okay it's pure it such as beer doubt oh oh I have a horse I'd do the black man who the block spirit out well his villager is ignoring my horse block I kind of block his Vil well he lost all the votes in room I know anywhere oh we take Paris a lot of stuff sir and I want to know what he made is doing well he added some Spearman whose army that's all so far probably siege bikes each probably so many that then let's go for cotton X are you know how to make a lot of scouts I'm chasing her hair stuff now my name is 15 that I will get yeah most likely siege manga no like my gonna Pike I think what does it call me guys you know I don't think there's much I will go to hey I don't think you were endangered out so just do damage where you can we're all moving towards her right now okay sand are just as well yes bears terrible nothing a manga ready you will just can you text on that oh I have a listen inside but I will try to it by baby I'm in doubt ideal partner this is our just he has a wood line on the right side if you like 20-under but maybe i don't know what i do it is there so we're losing both ranges here and bikes just buy enough i think should buy more stone and biasing adopt is taken food there with hunters well [Music] oh yeah I know it's send you my stone no [Music] promise the spices well are you able to you're not able to get up red or encapsulate that okay what can you get a simple shop yourself don't think so let me try and I'm not allowed to sting you and I think I lose in everything here so yeah try traders position that should still be in a good spot compared to Larry and I need I don't know not allowed to sting don't lean start up your love to block with the Scout because you're a scout sling I don't care if you get that minnows and kill to the bow down I will send me a nice knife everybody will take [Music] Oh night so cute killing a lot of bills in the real space at the same time Terra [Music] and they'll sing a lot of those well how was your angel investment was not ten I just lost about ten bills [Music] let's go ballistic duck on the way just like Wohlers really have to fight for walks and not have to fight for what now go even what to do now yeah well you'll find out it's just you have enough steel yeah yeah Mike adept how common students do it's dangerous be careful if there's a manga no pop another so we're sending everything here now to the right we are thinning yes well you might have to come help the family is wrong there's he has pikemen okay gonna go back to the value yes there is I think we move the hot spot yeah what you dope you can clean this need to micro a little bit but actually you can I'm not that sure but I don't have the luxury to be sure I'll give it a - I just hit and run Michael like a beast is doing another get out let's dive Talton microphone yeah my kid well let's clean the villagers to me let's just screw this up now very scared but some big deal I go back trying to do something on this or the tip for a team we're not looking great but we can still find chance now when you're backed up we can jump on there probably yeah help us too as well he's taking the Harrah's there as well a little bit closer except nice scare part I think is Harris equally if we just ignore the Ringo for era Cassidy consult so we can do that yeah you gotta cast the differences also can will you a post wish to make a living you should have equally the name I think I go straight up no doubt but to do some her physique oh yeah yeah okay that's bad [Music] just kill as many unions as you can hey I might even go for cameras now because they were the most liked to go for I'm just gonna dive in doubt on his equal yeah and I will switch into full camel ladies from behind be engaged yeah just come with me you kill equal I'm kicking up now Oh plus forearm with that sick yep just trader suppose you can [Music] there was more stone do you think there is switching going romantic my good day well make sense but he still got a lot of leftovers like you love with him well I will still coming to four cameras I [Music] have to night you this about careful there's yeah it's gonna be looking bad something I would have equal to computers in you wanna be idle now as well well I mean wall control mas I keep like the manga completely yeah I've had that as well sometimes it's weird search it's supposed to die from one hit but sometimes it doesn't which we can't explain really what it happens questions how our army counts to look those when Leary know what she does Grace's everything oh yeah nice but the calibrate is hurting me Sam another senator knows everything as well the ball control like I scouted directly the kind of losin Super Bowl oh you haven't scouted everything shall I okay yeah that's when I'll accept so I'm not sure how much damage with it to her a sequel probably not enough and you know indeed well I am stabilized now sort of but I still need some time to get Ippo rolling properly another question is how good in bills eco when will he enter the game need to buy right there's not too much balls in the back there knock yo Kiki's army that's a lot of jobs well I will have have a camel soon I have like seven of them so I support that step by step get there oh and be able to castle in the middle base on my face I don't like that that's gonna be ugly and it goes your situation today population 33 yes the second caster and there was doing a castle there I don't think we have any much control here to win this city so much I know I know what's there about this frame strategy I mean lay back of us whatever but the lyric check my tip and then they complain really did the same and switch to Burmese to debate me he knew it was coming that was the most disappointing part it's not nice so guys yellow comb it back and then I did the same he ever like doubt what you doing stop cheating it on top of that he checked up on me so he knew it that might come yeah oh yeah you had already called forward yeah think also there you need to fix this prioritization in horses and blocking all that stuff it shouldn't be like that at least at least the Neely's demeanor today to fix it if they bump into each other then both units stop something I don't know I said that probably doesn't work either but like was longer than the speed of the scouts chorus II did yes yeah but that's the thing the horse yeah I think it's easier to microp it's slower so that's not a good idea I don't think Michael like to block his pasture you just need to change how that works well as long as there is that as long as there is priority leymah shouldn't be thing or an option like that MBL's being playing as the Celts by the way guys there's a back at the moment that Mangan olds only do 49 dementia can show the manga nods yeah I saw that yeah I've had as well where does sometimes Magnus survive it when I spin it square in the last patch where does it happen it's randomly or no no always yeah sometimes it's long shot it's weird okay weird yeah it's very strange like if it's all 49 then it's fine but it's sometimes that's really bad yeah so I'm just taking shot straight to the face and nothing happens first I wasn't shown much I enjoyed it sometimes silly nearly won some games that's good he won the best win rate of the entire show magic no Larry won 2-0 I think he came in third fourth game Delta me we won't even get to that weak links confirmed Chris Jordan is Jordan slam come replace alright guys I'm gonna head off DG's see you around yeah bye guys alright alright guys that was it for show much hope you guys enjoyed the show
Channel: TheViper
Views: 105,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uQuGJLwyaPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 39sec (13239 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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