TheViper vs Hera | Best of 7 Showmatch | $380

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best-of-seven showmatch probably should remove or change the flexed at all all right there we go all right you go in one's hands were Arabia so let's go what does it mean to be founder of the channel what I mean I am founder of this channel because I made this channel Matt was founder of mixer if that's what you're talking about then means he created it vanilla is able to a store like the Casas are able to watch not sure if they were able to watch us against I mean I only played yo but at least neither was casting my pov kind of like this map so far holding back good they're tempting to go fast Castle you masterpieces we'll see if we can make a masterpiece happen at some point once war it's difficult to do too many masterpieces with Huns war but the élysée I guess our issues you you [Music] Oh guys just trying to and arrange savegame era bill Sycho is patient thank you much for two months appreciate that thank you Sarah don't say what you're planning to do he will be informed I don't think so he's dreaming as well so I wouldn't worry about that but save and restore we also can't cast out on the E do better they had a good nap here let's see what his map was like oh he had even better map Wow this black forest map I thought we had a good map I was wrong all right crate lobby public hey papi pollo wing over 600 Amber's invite at all closed closed closed closed 650 Amber's rather appreciate that puppy polo now it should be working you all right then you cannot add spectators in the game that's not how it works here you have to find a game afterwards they don't go in the game as spectators they have to find the game themselves afterwards in the lobby [Music] that's a very close foot line go for the one other destroy to the back first nice back gold chair is also there I would say I'm satisfied so far with my current map I'm missing four sheep right now we only see one boar I'm guessing we're gonna find them down down to the bottom I think I want to try Josh Vasquez loans latest map okay there's a second bar this map looks really sexy that looks really really good actually you want to try it that's castle became Samuel pecs mixers are totally laggy I'm sorry like I'm not dropping frames so there's nothing really anything on my end I can do or change at this point just hope it's stabilize it for you sorry if you have in luggage this guy's only I'm gonna do is try to stream a lower bitrate I guess should try and make it easier on you guys did you take my ball now Berlin was not allowed true it's only this thing I really can do from my side should be two more goats down here I'm just gonna mail those dear so we can wall there there there this cop came from Harris I'm guessing is towards the top [Music] taking I feel dirty I feel so dirty right now all this walling makes me feel so dirty [Music] [Music] well she live she will not live she tried to live though there goes my first castle [Music] [Music] [Music] my food income is really bad right now I have to idle and hope the best this greedy fest castle has not really shown any sense of paying off yet rough start rough start see if we can recover even across Kancil just in time yeah start hasn't been great the first one to admit that but feels please like google important and whole day feels bad man dude and we still won 3-2 against yo huh all you have to say that what does that mean you're like 1300 Ellis sure just stayed with his barracks with my militia and obviously I should have had loom before I started that walling backfired quite heavily I'm thinking about what accurate rifle really fast ballistics maybe hope for this up time is not good or address passed gas see if we can recover he doesn't even have such thing which means he probably as well should have a pretty good up himself let's see what it's trying to check Scout a little bit Stonewall's someone just bought a which through my channel thanks very much let me get this guy yes we've got him the star town tourism since he seems to get for the world Stonewall even it's for anything on but only in case it too didn't really get twisted there still doesn't have fetching really happy I saw about found those news now still no fletching for him [Music] is this scary though yes crossbows are gonna be better than my units at this point I'm gonna need a suitable shop here actually still does not bode King but risky move by him go to go inside my base still wants to stay in which case I'll just wait for a second manga now you could try and escape there if you wanted to look through the power sides I think this will not end well for him once my second manga Rives oh I'm not sure this is the way he wants to go it's going for couches it seems okay so I obviously my economy suffered a little bit from this it was still worth the time to my credit because I was quite crucial moment in the game she listened $1 to repair this dude I think it called me wise though but probably not far far off I think it probably has good economist term himself oh boy [Music] good timing on this [Music] so it's almost a doubt English word what wrong I wonder if he has ballistics here delete it up on as well to try and get value should continue this he doesn't have bloodlines on these characters yet thinking I will continue pressuring this doesn't look like as ballistics either from I can see I have better up Kristen him he doesn't have bloodlines not sure he realizes I still in her wheelbarrow that's fugly [Music] we got the villager I can tell well I really have to pee and it's affecting my concentration right now considering taking a small peepee break oh that was unnecessary by me just pause I had couches inside mine I do possible sector back right BEC so I think right now in this game he's he's got quite a co-lead he probably has at least ten more bills or so it probably has more economy and so gonna have to see if we can make this count in a way very defensive right now what what's the range on that thing these new shopping couches have a hard time judging the distance here mmm who has more here what is economy it's a barracks you probably had more right there I'd guess he had thumbing as well as simple we have been lacking more oranges I think right now I'm just gonna try to go for scams and I never said normally there is a castle right there I'm wondering if he's up now I'm wondering if I should just idling I [Music] [Music] think we're looking pretty grim here at the malt very moment in every possibly what possible way I equals a mess the situation isn't really good you need to try and click up I'm pretty sure he's up think I want to go I have post warmer now which is more important now that I have scans I think I might triangle talk to me as we are behind anyway now might as well try something [Music] he's down there and the one place I was hoping you wouldn't be some skirmishes their situation is not pretty at all one small hopeful thing on two would be that he's not up but I highly doubt that that's the case [Music] you need a castle here Asaph could be a chance that he's not up although it would surprise me a lot again if that's the case he's definitely just what his that's the thing we don't know he's kind of wasting his couches I assume he's switching to something else I think it's going some sort of cavalry could be a Tarkin the calvarium although I would still say it's probably talking I miss it extra still carassius auratus our question is will we be able to get enough tokens out and time it's not upgrading the speed with a paladin switch be unexpected I would say yes [Music] me a patent search for him for him from him or from us massive helens which would be a very unexpected but don't see anyone speculating in that okay time to go Tarkan's that's right yeah how about feeling about this talking switch virus my hopes for it we're talking this double cap the cheaper to upgrades as perish the only reason and also they're tanky a very tanky Oh rubbish a going up start couches but if we get like 15 elite organs I can't even afford any targets right now that's the moral issue more a pressing concern is getting out 5 pardons my gold is quite exposed as well [Music] probably I'll need more than this as well I can get I need more than business way more I'm actually closing I'm being pop capital which is more than I could have asked for given how the game is played out I go from the hill now I think I should be able to win that depends how many faster he has to tank with the imagine I could win that fight from the top well castles oh there's also gold there that tail is gonna be tough to ever take back so my thoughts right now is raid where his units are not he's kind of chasing you right now [Music] [Music] we should win against those tax units [Music] much PopCap we're still just very like still the beam PopCap tis not something I expected it's all things ^ the talking voice he has a lot of time what if I can get seed round and like four or five see tram maybe we can then start fighting Oh [Music] doubt castle I'll fight there I mean there's limit until my goal there's a limit to how long my goal is gonna be existent as well don't go back I think right now I need to make full hustler switch I can't stick with [ __ ] anymore tokens are not going to do the trick I also think we don't have a way to win right now but I would still like to try as long as our population is healthy like this sir [Music] that's not gonna be a good idea it's a siege workshop I thought it will be a castle then it would be more scary still still obviously looks bad in every possible way but I have 144 villagers and usually I wouldn't resign if I have this economy still I also see a relic still on a map oh wait my Thompson er good I don't remember that going down [Music] in that push will be very tough to do it as well cuz - chefs I might be able to get the chef's actually yeah well the cast was down anyway it doesn't make that much of a difference you will always have the hill there think we're closing in on GG it was called G I was a disaster from the Josh fast castle I would say to begin with and also we invested into upgrades in yeah I could actually maybe I should drop my own castle here but then again if I do it there he will drop it there again if I do it there it's time to exposed and we worried we were that way before that it doesn't even matter so I would say a chain events all unfortunate reactions they're like okay I went to address press castle right he got in when it before I was finished walling disrupted my build a lot slowed me down and also invested in two upgrades for [Music] for my cow archers an early castle age when he was fully stonewalled so those upgrades are invested in did absolutely nothing occurred just gone three T's boom and then make army yeah so I wasn't ready to much I think we were behind just the whole way was not really too much else to say in that well let's see the village accounts at we're Signet we're like we're behind in population the whole time I think talking switch if we did a live earlier or yeah with another my eco was complete messed up the whole game with the thing at one point I had over a thousand would even when I dropped like universe to university is see true sharp Townsend or etc the game one was a win for him the score [Music] good right I think I'm supposed to host I'm not sure if I have the map store let's go Saracens try try he's going Aztecs this is the same mashup we had against levy taxes ain't much to lose your arrogance with you tattoos with your bonus that's actually really interesting one Tata's with your bones could have been realistic by previous phones I haven't considered that no I mean people can also see themselves that like doesn't make sense to spend sparks now but I'm never going to tell people hey don't spend sparks there's also a thing I like popping up an email in chat percent bright can be fun I'm gonna tell people to not do that the one good spirit no only spending sparks because they want to feel like haha these parts are useless now ha get rekt right so yeah I don't see it even makes sense to I won't really put effort into that besides the sparks aren't as valuable as they used to be it used to be a really good where there was a cash payout directly gas-propelled first demon right aren't as valuable anymore so yeah F fool ooh big Jilla think of a bunch of quarters up welcome don't like the map at all resources super exposed forward don't see the second role yet but i mean i only guessed communites really bad as well so our map is absolutely terrible I'm playing as a sticks that's not so how the hell do we combat this map yeah that's terrible I need to control that hill I cannot love watching he really like it and big gaming just a tumblr deer would probably been useful so I have a little bit of stronger opening I would still like to all seems to be Oh be very close to him and quite far away from me but might actually be good for me consume that the goal is my main goal is so awkward my advantageous for me that all the middle gold is further away from me ironically that might mean you want to go as forward as normal at least innocence still haven't found him really what's with the points he has an eagle Ward has way bigger scouting ranged and scout so it's normal for the Mensa player to have the higher score and I think he might have also dropped the barracks it's not impossible but primarily it's an find this assay that seems to me like a man arms play for him or from him or just a brush the score is how do I protect this all my goals like that even I would internet you could activate low latency I don't have new internet yet Unni I still don't have new internet something has gone wrong so that's the problem right I would love to try and try low latency again but I just don't have anything to go by so I just used this cold and hope for the best don't know where his stuff will come from really I don't know exactly what his basis just could be one of his stones as per that I really don't like that my army is so out of position like my Scout right now as we're about a foolish yeah okay he's definitely not there this means I'm probably I probably built my I'm guessing I built my fault towards him where is he you don't see anything I [Music] think you might just be going straight sperms as well which case I might have to do some shenanigans with market I still don't even know where it is ob just actually there's deer that makes sense he's up there then she looked around a little better earlier the walls see another evil because I don't know what he's doing right now it could be that ten sperms pop up now could be he's just gonna go to Castle age behind the walls I don't know right don't really have much info thing won't stop flashing I want to stop moving out putting on pressure there are two scams so these Scouts might prove very very valuable data Scout still making see if we maybe did a little bit of a good mind games here as well [Music] sar moans grunts yes it does and I could transport Lakers honestly it's not worth the investment that I would have to make in order to get there in a tower as well okay well attack from another angle I'm just gonna use the market now and tell them up so I live it's similar to last time we played where we just reduced the market as much as we can get good up times etc and never up so we're gonna get a very good uptime you know we made scouts as well think I'll just switch to couches as well after this injustice rage [Music] [Music] my foot is asleep I think I stick with crossbow crossbow night probably the approach we go for here okay sir out there questions if I have time here keep taking even do this try to go for the middle those and those can just fall back no where to build the town center at all doesn't even have the need sperm making archers though how there's lead sperm [Music] [Music] that's the town sir so he has a house there which seems to me like he wanted to do some go forward on who might be going towards the middle and it did also do a tower which are things you always have to take into account into account because it might mean it the latest what I could also that could could buy a castle seems over I will rule out asked except s ballistic as well now so it's gonna be scary [Music] lines everywhere how many moms does he have here Mozza just program have to give him some nights why do they stop so the Mongoose the one job it'll be tough now I think I have to fall back with this these guys have to go up here and dr. Castro and get that castle up else is gonna look pretty damn bad for us he's investing about them now I'm actually gonna try there I need to make my own skirm sir he's gone for a full course I got a few months there build a stable so he can convert it and then make Excel all out of that idea my Khan is gonna be so exposed to think I need to just gonna run in here I met Philip Townsend earlier there it is that's nice he wasted about three months on the McCaskill so you can find any the units [Music] they got the food this to me like is going for that's the drop of some source [Music] could maybe buy a caster there drop it on deaf Thompson as well I think that's what I'm gonna do try and drop a castle in this face there +2 now as well see on the way to him I have feelings on with him that's gonna be bad news for me I'm a bad feeling about this his score seems like he's up to him which means that this would be a hard one again need to get my eco sword as well to go dim what do I play forecast lay still here I mean he's gonna be able to trap these castles they're playful casters in many forecast way fast it is the way a bunch of scams I think I'm committed area I need to go full test age think anything else is for this suicide I think we're dead anyway but I think our best shot here is castle age and not try to [Music] wait [Music] see how it goes good try my parrot for a bit buy some time in Pike round which is why what I kind of predicted that's why I'm adding skirmishers as well I'm not sure this is a good one you know that might actually be a big mistake but you know it's gonna sacrifice all these firms for that [Music] that castle is gonna be tough you can stop trapping my base there now that'll be another issue what I can't allow is a cast along the middle will be the absolute worst and there it is exactly what we couldn't allow it there it is think we are dead here especially not he's gonna have the gold I was like kind of up it could potentially holding onto a little bit but now the deaths looking rough as well [Music] [Music] let's see if sports super similar who's in gym so unless you can make Eagles still we'll try for a little bit the problem occurs from the Eagles we didn't get a decent grade the problem will occur when the Eagles start coming in it strips on the low ground now might be the only chance I ever have to tie it fight I need more ramps first before I can just apply an attack step not a castle why can't you not reach me this might be now never voice so let's go for it we're all dying what looks like you had the motor holster it after if my target was just completely off track Aram cast at the same time [Music] [Music] yeah I might have sent Asher sent all my rounds in this castle it seems like I'm not gonna be able to take it down and that means I'm not able to take both from down which is not a pickle but he lost a lot of villagers in that as well so that gives us again some hope that maybe his [Music] [Music] lecture is what population V is that [Music] there's Eagles that's what we don't want to see [Music] I'm actually gonna push this office they're still bold there there's a chance is equal suffering a lot guys so I'm actually starting to feel like there might still have a good chance soon this point comes as a big surprise she's doing this is awesome gonna tackle now what I didn't mean to send villagers there okay [Music] [Music] [Music] like any village I can kill really is huge I think at the moment sinful because he doesn't have you shouldn't have that great of an eco so even though we ask the middle right now might be the case that he cannot shine away he doesn't know the economy now the next step for me would be to make sure he cannot afford elite evils and keep raiding his with gold really the price food so it's really good still there was not a little Eagles now I can take this castle as well hold it pretty sweet that's a little worse don't like that without all upgrades though so it could be worse but now it's gonna be really difficult to trade well against him [Music] shooting up on our castle here a lot of eagles Circe ladies and gents Acosta's village people we still don't have all the equal press there yeah this is gonna be a big issue no there's so many villagers I don't win this fight now and we're dead probably still doesn't have a great eco it's just okay we can produce Eagles they're so cheap so that means it's over I was good try though I thought we were dead way sooner but yesterday like as long as he has 15:24 with the goal control he can steal my giggles I think I should have started raining him earlier then it would probably have a good chance to just to deny him from getting elite Eagles maybe I couldn't even just were going to long swords with this composition but yes they're difficult I did a really bad job in over the castle age to deal with his score monk composition the monks current composition was not sure mixed more light curve probably I won't say all I needed was life cap I said I went crossbow Knights probably just switched to stable life cap would have given me a way better or the castle age yeah look you see we have even here at the end we have more population on him that we cannot actually know now I still think we're dead his tech advantage would be too big but right there this moment right here he's down to more than hat less than half our villagers but the promise the Eagles are so cheap once we have gold but this is what I love gold rush because gold rush makes games like this you should pick massive and whatever just have mirror matches and stuff like that GG though that was enjoyable so game 3 should be cross what type of what type of pet would you get if you could have another one besides Eustis probably second dog I like dogs what's Aachen think of the gifting a sub two one-of-a-kind playing as Persians what's up by friendship not much produced having some fun with we played so much earlier today against yo or day 1 of the show Michigan 0 and now we're playing a show much against Hera it's best of 7 with two games and this is game 3 and I see if we can try win the game wish I had wood in the back somewhere right now it's all very exposed forward but it's okay I guess catch a stream if you then biscuit enjoy what score versus your I was three is three two for me so far but we're continuing tomorrow it's a 12 game show match it will be twelve games no matter what the score is it's not like a best applause just twelve games this is dismissed Waldo so in theory that might be good for us I went and watched Star Wars yesterday no spoilers in check guys and I'll show ya how I feel about it really I'm a Star Wars fan that I looked like super diehard into the try-hard into the lore and everything I'm in stars universe and I like Star Wars but I'm not sure how I feel about the movie and stop focusing on chat mr. Lee my people need to start winning some games against Hera I'll be all right that's a lot of fishes no not like this no no I said no never listen can't be so crappy as the wished Witcher is richer crappy I watched the first episode so most of the first episode haven't finished it yet we just started watching it I'm not sure heard good things about it heard good things about it but the animal the only watched a little bit of the first episode it's like it's live it's those moments so nothing is Vegas happening upside down yeah by Ginga [Music] let's show what to go for here I was in black and fights in yes but I don't want to spoil people in case they want to watch so we should not talk details although I guess which isn't the same oh that was a mistake Oh almost captain why are we doing this I already lost my scout man alright I'm a setback just go up and adapt into village what happens f totally F super s man take this as well I guess Swati go to the barracks first a little bit and always land right now right on I'm not doing anything just kind of here just realize my gold is super exposed as well that's usually bad scheme today exactly totally we have full vision of our whole lake with you know if he wants to sneak or anything we will steal those Scouts Oh what press f to pay respects phone call duty right I actually didn't know where the meme actually originated from but spirits behold you right you gotta be careful a lot of fish traps tend to just go idle around them [Music] I got real careful fishing ships are very weird they divide which can be quite frustrating come for me come to me come for me come for me [Music] for me I can actually really go in because my food because it's crazy see this is know what do these fishing ship provide all there no reason to go at all we're still plenty of fish in the sea plenty of fish per day yeah this guy's flying guys he's in the air to see hurts a little bit to remedy I think Aramis plan is go to go helps here no most important part for us milliner's forward turn on the voice isn't sure how I can sure can do something that were lower voices for everything else as well and don't wanna lower everything what is he actually won the cameras do full dear really for me they can it slow sure if I was ready a boy lost that fight might mr. casler very likely I shall just made Hobbs first if I did house first probably would have lost that fight that badly let's add a healthier Barrett's generator still full infantry so in theory as we mess up helps I imagine we still be okay full assault coming well I knew what was coming as well I was just kind of thinking I wouldn't be able to come here upgrade came in a little bit [Music] just need to stabilize [Music] [Music] for villagers it doesn't count fish okay we are full of words now not to find out what Army's adding is it Hank owners well the thing is I don't really have the new farms we world doesn't affect me as much let me lower the audio game audio voice volume 9 a bit better my helps on dying like flies balling my supplies I think for men we are how the deers are they also pull advising us our population isn't looking very healthy nurse now fish chaps are alive I believe what we need is wouldn't calm sustained reduction of efficiency or we just need to even have don't even know can still win this I think we can [Music] [Music] but I need to micro better and these more intense curves as well you talk as if he's losing I would say at the moment I mean you're not asking me you're not saying that I am still losing I would say the population is probably quite need to get more many more barracks there should be a good fight for us I can I can feel it's pain right now this is trying to target spar with Obamacare but they tend to act very strange and not really shoot sometimes very specific fight this wrong yes I want to grab that banks Kermes as well this is where we can think about the forest la vie [Music] alright guys I read it before as Livie no I am gold we can do that [Music] so I would like to grab at least one more relic so I like this wonder as well so I know for sure he's not gonna have a big lead it will be gonna get there as well you might even have a relic advantage that's with with first lady approached the freedom first this ain't the way to go sir [Music] yeah I lose that hope they can be active with sure they will be won by between the pop we're getting there we're gonna slow and steady hands are supposed to belong to m'lady we can add our bliss behind 65 food we also have relic advantage so I would say unlikely to lose at this point and he should be out of gold as well well that's true he can go for free crossbows ah true this might might be masterpiece the crossbow versus free [Music] mr. LeClair indeed see those are things I read that in chat now and I'm not supposed to know that unless I see it myself deviation if you Spock things like that on the map you really shouldn't be telling me I'm not supposed to know that I'm actually not gonna take that look now because I didn't see it myself I might have seen it later now but I don't want to have chat tell many things I can't notice myself right because that's their really cheating so yeah we just want to try and avoid that going forward okay let's just see you up here he's doing the crossbow thing now forget some skirts and want a novelist still not that strong five mystery attack super scary take me on a couple minutes we'll be fine yeah maybe I'm just saying that in general she was flesh damaging on to this trip wat new cannon galleons how many actually let me see so we have 48 fishing ship it's pretty solid and more to come I think it will call cheeto sir I cannot house Kenan guns worth it they're cool okay actually I think they're not too bad because I'll be able to target his town center here also here I might be able to do something when the elite can't go in as well because I don't do something just gonna half-ass it right it's properly [Music] mr. castle there as well more you know era is cheating with his viewers they are stream sniping for him and remind him of stuff well you are doing that to me as well and even if so it's not a big deal can we reach anything here they were actually sniping water look and who said that cannon galas are not worth it look at this he will never be able to take this wood properly that's not a value then I don't know what value is let's get out of here with my valuable crossbowmen my harvests are helping but hardly so inaccurate was very disappointing tomorrow we can trade my fish traps it's all the matters I was wondering the same if a fill of ballistics or actually a ballistics I'm wondering why that thing there never hit to actually take out his market okay someone just bought a HD Edition through much a de addition to my channel think rumor spread you can't see who did it but either way I appreciate it very much this guy is still going ham that's the MVP right now much wood is across for now is it 70 target fired crossbows emits might become about would actually as the game goes on guys they do not where's our ratings on this side as well just fighting in one spot it's just gonna be taken forever [Music] this cosmic cream as well this is chips mine will obviously never be ever running out I also have harbors that's obviously convenient Crossman certainly good though I think it would be fair if I take the rose now see again someone's telling about the relic I'm fully aware of the relic but I was I wasn't aware of it earlier and then I was told and I don't feel like it's right by me to take yeah I think so as well I think for me to lose the game I would have to lose the pawns it is again I think this will become about would control in the long run and no matter what I could never lose this game I think the only one who can lose is him mother castle [Music] but across mine compressions definitely is that they're still pretty good Stephan gonna be a powerful tool castle that's so much cold air can just make so many things the problem for me that this castle goes up I will just trim it down soon anyway don't think I realize how much gold I still have I'm sure if I like this this might mean that this show much might last a while yes he's going back to that protect the traps another one while my unit stuttering so much now I wonder maybe taking out houses would be the way to go my fishing ships do we have 59 fishing ship that will never stop working somebody give mind it will never be idle just their distress what else can we spend our gold on really could make our ballistic on me all in all I will not betray the first I love that they rather save my resources for other things so bomber cannon just take the cast with him Hollanders that little fun I was thinking thought earlier but then again by little funds they're not good at his wins units and he has I'm not sure that it makes sense for X I don't think that makes sense [Music] I could actually buy another castle that might be worth it this game will probably last a long time so strap on in baby if he wants to play I think we can make this last a long time it's pretty much situations now [Music] military I think maybe spending some ramps might be the way to go of course he has the crossbows that will last forever or that he can make as long as yes would Islanders could be an option as well I think I should go bomber cannons actually go for talk behind his base I'll be cool if I can pull that off if I could sneak a lake in his pond that would be sick but I don't think that's gonna be possible yes I have 34 villages right now everything else is in fish traps this my workers I would have to take like wood step by step didn't even get dark bomber can they're all about taking wood the game goes on though how can they be so loud even after I blow Duvall you so much what about a for Karambit switch elite core embeds six to nine stone our full Karambit switch never sick took out a town center actually he's back here now let's go pumpkins station has made six pumpkins let's go where the pikes I don't need pipes pipes cause I don't want to spend with if possible to avoid it realistic action will be bomber cannons from towers also the expensive please are unlimited food supply survive survive now that's just disrespect what he's doing right now that's just not nice imagine discovering now no skillnets [Music] you guys are our secret question so what I want you now is take a production service there's my call right now expensive I show them too soon No built builds woman why do you not build scary [Music] thinking game game GG is coming up could feel it yeah I think it was just never it was never gonna win this I mean I three relics I could have taken the fourth one achievement to forget now yes what our first winners male yeah so I don't think was ever gonna be passed with him to win he would also would control with her lake actually taking out this doc hurt him a lot with the food in come here like seven six fish traps that would be inefficient oh yeah this is the only would he help remaining so that was all across what cost seventy would right you get seventy would now with that upgrade our Chilean goal cost is replaced by additional would cost okay they should be costing seventy would then well there you have it the power of turning a swordsman and force levy shown once again good eco pretty solid I would love to see how effective our fish room was opening was very awkward oh there oh it's no he killed our villager making a dog he lost her Scout to his face mm er so the opening was a little bit dicey I think you can lock oops not mistaken next map should be my choice on relative fortress thanks guys you want me to drink coffee in a bit please I got a new cup of coffee and it was late but I need it work so far although boss insides they have fixed the map that's good yeah boss used to be so far away that fixed step that's really good Samsung won't be along serious maybe we just throw quickly now make sure it doesn't load long it's already 10 p.m. here yeah come on king is beautiful it's pretty for sure look at him wearing his umbrella chat with no moths oh the horror my name is a scout to learn Boris and you don't really have to be really close but still might as well by inside what's our late-game composition air holy style fans scorpions think Nashville transition is obviously blye style pants right yeah day two was yo continues tomorrow it will be played on Buble and it's gonna be seven games I will post the settings under this tree under stream when that's what's distracting from all these clips let's telephones and scorpions is my current thought what sound is very weird I I enjoyed playing ballista fencing is Lehrer the other day and I played on Ghost Lake I enjoy that not that bad the Scoob we have lost cans Kahn's content no it will be without the IDO will be like the old patch pretty much I assume don't think they have any solution for that is I haven't heard of any yet wait I have messed up fair I don't mean buildings to go up am i doing I didn't need to [ __ ] this past definitely messed up just take all night to Castle II didn't need buildings I will definitely forget about a brain farts of the same regarding the sit bones here former can spam late-game to counter scores elephants in advance I'm expecting him to go help maybe no hard to predict yeah we'll see we'll see you're a noob we'll see I'm not really gonna make any decisions right now but I would like I would like to play bliss telephone counselor counselor and then boom away you mean on tungsten there see how this looks [Music] which music option do that I think I have dynamic or dynamic so as pretty much is gonna be a boom fest for now and I will try and get the relics of some relics at least just to ensure the Elvis doesn't get all them woman show exactly healer Scout first and then we start moving out a little bit elephant height yeah again the end goal here is probably to try and get to bliss telephones but it's not a competition you play very often so it's not very likely to work oh he's already picking up relics himself see some relics have disappeared I guess as long as I get to relics I'm not through dissatisfied the cell phone is ballistics no they don't do they do no oh let's not think of them similar to scorpion this is luck wait it's really bad oh you even grabbed that relic he's really been picking up those relics fast I guess we're gonna let him have gonna have to let him have four relics down choice now also means the open Darrell monastery for the past probably art I have one relic he has probably rest now I guess I mean I haven't scouted everything's I don't know sure there's a chance to post it he's missing one but in theory and what I can see right now you should have the rest of the relics my house inserting the deleting marks uptown we have been life for over eight hours now not too bad for me a there's a chance he also didn't scout all the relics we'll find out soon enough [Music] I think you just picked up based on his score drop can't justify going below cellphones are we doing it I think we are doing it I just want to see if they really are powerful they felt good when I played with Leary and then they were apparently bugged still so I really want to try them still we're trying whatever need something to support it don't be an East elephants why would they need support scorpions they are scorpions why would they ever need another unit and one of it is going for I'm going for a light cab as a support unit a fans always greedy cat will disagree with that know how fast it comes the Dauntless [Music] there are the monks see barracks CeCe's workshop gee hubs I see Castle clicking on farm lost all the resources not good this guy won't die Willy yeah full helps I guess as expected really and we could also make some storms you know it probably makes sense even more how's that guy still alive what why use doctrine damage such as me or did it say not to damage there mr. king you don't want to send you out you can hide in the tower might just die right away because we don't have units yet okay might lose that we're gonna lose that castle that's already for sure thing is we have a strong a strong elephant army that's everything we have going for us right now is those dudes right I think actually this is turning out to be a complete disaster I'm losing all my [Music] you sure about this something is looking too pretty these blessed elephants don't really know how to deal with Rams they also kind of melt to how the deers don't have double projectiles either seems like we might already be pretty dead here no getting my castle up somewhere just to get anymore what why they stuck [Music] need more time to get larger elephant numbers that's the main issue right here whose workshop also need to be able to kill those two other shades my food was a little bit slow looks like that cast is a goner as well which means we're down to two castles I can get elephant two numbers up a little bit more than we can dream do I get Ben do I get affected by ballistics I wonder I also don't know let's try numbers are growing I believe guys actually you know what would have been best for us here and make our own brands here that's probably the main thing we're missing yeah you got one forever Shay at they'll be worried about this getting raided of hope you can avoid that avoid that for time being they were still alive for the time being we can't complain [Music] the trip oh [ __ ] just need to get rid of the tips here oh [ __ ] just gold there yeah we're down to one caste law are starting Castle that's where our existence but our existence relies on right now new houses so I have two goals here still honestly what I need right now is wood to produce enough buildings what is my big problem right now real need this as well [Music] your pop kept low and we're alive chopping our seed Brooks blacksmith I can live with that [Music] that's good to know that's actually his goal is gonna be super help us game goes on we're kind of pushing him back never know how it's unlikely that's gonna carry on like this we're actually sort of pushing back a little bit list elephants showing their value once more yeah extra range now as well don't need that they don't have castles anymore making monks because I want to heal my list of runs I assume I can't heal them and I wonder what he's actually preparing since it's taken a while I'm not sure if he's making elephants now or what well pecan thank for gifting a sub to paper mill dudes [Music] show and so I thought we were missing just like to get actually numbers with tablet cell phones and it's looking good number wise now um but it's still a tough one yes because yes all the relics thing is mission switching next I saw a light cab I thought it would be but will be blessed elephants no bad elephant sorry so can we heal this HUP two-minute villages as well [Music] Hollanders Emily we might actually win this game even how everything laid out in the opening we only won Castle I might even try to buy another castle honestly there's such a big golden dustman but it will double our ballistic on production and not in auras but we are relying on those where's my army like I'm missing what army okay I got a lot of market they're just gonna help a lot that's an issue I don't I haven't addressed yet can raid me there I did it I bought another castle time to raids time to attack into everything really still waiting for my bomber cancer to be produced I queued them up so long ago yet they're still not produced I'm sure that's a mistake for him but he's chewing up the only sober mistakes sometimes there's so many resources well I'm maxed out and population caps so having resources is good try to debate my fire but Peabody [Music] i should add helps as well on this side would make sense [Music] there scorpions man it's such a beautiful unique one mixing some mock so I can try and heal up a little bit as well oh yeah that's gotta be fixed [Music] [Music] actually relics potentially exposed to him yes she's monitoring that's actually gonna be my target they're actually their relics there gotta be my focus point here mix it and make a militia again I'm guessing it's by mistake country is trying to do that I think the reason why I'm not really spending resources is because I never losing my bliss telephone but they're always staying alive just when I'm also queuing up so many units [Music] surprised we're looking good here I mean our early impose looking quite rough but not a stopping like we might have a good chance yeah I'm just gonna focus on his monastery they all have to be mine they'll have to be my goal also getting all these bad boys healed up will be amazing he'll be realistic probably doesn't hurt me even to lose a couple of villagers they have so many so I might even beneficial to me we got raided Bluebird thank very much with sub welcome to channel bum tallow three five one as well welcome I appreciate the sub thank you very much for support [Music] it's some more monks involved devs just there's so low on HP here that I can just keep them alive replenish your health really good calling it I didn't expect to win this after how early inputs going we lost okay we're not the one castle it was the thing I was talking about I said we just need to get her as an elephant and that was it I thought when I saw the stables and we were pushing him back I thought he was preparing an elephant switch but I guess it didn't really have too much cold either um I didn't notice that she was taking wood there that was a interesting game list elephant's definitely tanky super tanky unit and double blister they have nine plus one attack 210 HP and then really good armor as well definitely a solid unit right there Katie almost double we have large the army of 102 yeah I guess we lose a lot of villages towards them but the thing is we never lose herbalist elephants right they're staying and they're so tanky and stay alive for so long that they trade so effectively which is why as well we never really lost well we had so much resources and so many units in our queue wasn't it we were never ever like losing population who always maxed out pretty much was risky though when he got had all the four relics 1ml get out of here here we go mongrels just do a match mirror match here you would like that cough could be interesting what the thing is it would have been such a disadvantage in early game just really hey mumbles is more likely to end earlier which means we have a winner faster if I go an order see like - the game is likely to last for like either we lose early or the game lasts for a long time you went Stephanie's yell final no I want Mongols against MDL win slaps opposite Arabia right yeah oh yes you you go for a quick run what do you mean oopsie no masala ya didn't I didn't catch it what's the scrolling speed yeah I have it a max but I feel like it's still too slow I would I wish there was a little bit more oops I wish there was a little bit more room to move it up but now it's still too slow in my opinion I would like to have a faster [Music] luckily be a scout swore into something range units or camel night we'll see I might try to play a range units just to mix it up a little bit I think normally we'll just see stable war here both players going Scouts in two nights coughs monks and then maybe after a while see manga in an imperial age it's really unfortunate zebra though really far away come beaver skin so don't see my rhino yet no we're here please act was it only one elephant here don't even remember anymore maybe it was only one elephant start to wonder if there was maybe only one I also feel like I'm missing missing something bigger I don't have everything I'm supposed to have look I'm missing I got to have everyone but I'm missing I think I'm missing a pack of hunt isn't there supposed to be ostrich as well as the confusing part for me right now thought it was to Boris and also ostrich should be one Rhino I should it is steel it no we didn't we had no blaming allowed yeah I don't know I don't have a right now SIV was cameras game it was a relative or ready for prison still confused about this whole lack of elephant and ostrich I thought it was like that they had that maybe something has changed I know this is so exposed to Rhino you look for the ostrich seems that way dude can't find them anywhere oh you were that could be that I'm just I just remember this map wrong though it could be that it actually had didn't have that really like a big wall from the right side to our Thomson er we still have a goat I think I might do something like that [Music] [Music] chicken zero thank you chicken still 91 which means that you're born in my age are my year as well thank you very much for this sub [Music] [Music] like this state always trapped hey I can free him though with the tree I can't select the tree okay that worked husband okay I lost some HP now on my scout that was really bad value actually I lost HP now as well on my Scout house house this is a complete mess now why are dolls there they were hunting zebra what's wrong with you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] this is opening has been super mystic hard to do to that trapped stamen as well I lost a lot of initiative with that okay male mind that means in my guest where's my gold even what is that my vault aren't you supposed to have a main goal here am I am I losing my mind where's my aren't you supposed to have a main gold so confused right now [Music] what are you guys going and I am so confused this game feel like heaters are doing what I'm not telling him to do these things it's so confusing I can't the world apart [Music] actually finish that gate it's impressive pinkies up to castle age so we're a little bit late on that oh you actually Adam or scallops it makes it tempting for me to do bloodlines especially considering that bite my worst enemies she has all she ranges don't have the second building it's the first officer though this is such a mess finally I can't believe how this game is like just a full disaster probably not the tower of my gold actually first opening here and there right this game the full disaster I think we should have not time there and it should would be very good for us very very good for us very happy with that in advance [Music] and complain still going for it [Music] [Music] okay so it's still going for mutilates night scouts see for a full foolish play them obviously experiment as well so it's a proper proper I think that our was looks like a good decision at the moment our houses when will I ever learn to make houses even catch some reinforcements [Music] whoops oops should be really impressed yeah it should lose everything I think it's probably game yeah you went further all in foolish play we've been super exposed to my camera now and they the first fight it took with the arches and the scouts when I was on the way to castle it was just a terrible trade room but you can't also have to do it if he was committed to it all in right so yeah I don't know I can't complain worked out well very well different economies also are opening this game as well was full disaster I feel like maybe it's just because I've played for so long all right today I mean we'll be live for nine hours but I filled my early games like that say early feudal age ends to be completed even dark age and early fuel age is complete disaster at the moment you alright Italiano built do what mutts that's your level in the chat you get you gain levels by being active and shared watching etc it doesn't really mean much except that it kind of shows how active you are and things like that there are ways to make it matter in terms of like I can unlock emotes and such or higher levels but I just want everyone to be I'm all about equality so the level doesn't matter in my channel you still change the sieve yeah I mean when the map changes you need to be allowed to change the sieve that's just how it's got to be so he might expect me to go fast castle Turtles now but no no I'm just gonna go completely meta past cast what I swear I chose Mediterranean [Music] yeah I was it was Mediterranean no I swear I chose it and so I'm like it's that kind of spooky isn't it feel like we're part of like a horror movie right now it's scary [ __ ] man we make it well we're already Foreman is in I think let's just play this map might be a better more fun anyway than Mediterranean would have been dock the corner it was on coastal really I swear I clicked Mediterranean they're not I'm so confused now yeah not go in there and click Mediterranean are you playing seven games of a season it's the best of seven as far as I'm aware so my intent is to play is to play until one of us has four points considering how long I've been playing streaming already today my wrist is hurting I would like this to end when it ends but no after Nilla says we nearly is not in charge not gonna restart now after seven minutes get out of here ain't gonna happen take what you get $4.99 food flew in I don't care what new says go away build it build vom nearly Zelman he says where we start well it's too late now okay I said too late to apologize guys actually let me do a sneaky forward over in the pickle mister no way out no way out [Music] they're way too many on water civil Siegen Italians right now [Music] please don't be another oh he's just gonna chill there that's his job now [Music] what is a fire ship even 64 would only ask but it's sweet actually pretty sweet oh I see another level apart oh no no scary scary acquiesce top five water Civ unlikely but they are top five fun sips to play let's do it like that dog here does and I don't trust this Snow Leopard [Music] and Archer is 21 woods [Music] my building a house anywhere please it was good job me I'm not gonna make more horses now it's just a few - for some action you know wait a little bit of drama have some fun there we go survives yeah I'm gonna lose that fish I already counted on that you have a plan actually you allow this person to move further forward [Music] come us no effort oh here's our me encounter that everything's for the plan right now everything is going according to plan oh hello there hello soon I will send Turtle ships your way didn't expect me to be there than Jack there's a lot of fishes get him down a man Oh God nice did you not see me take what there why did he go back Turtles boys let's go because that's why I didn't want to affect that let's go less damage is real [Music] Oh yeah files are okay against those no question about that we admit that with other problems it's even pushing with those surprising me let's go till I was surprised to decide to go for seasonal shop something you needed to [Music] why are they acting so weird or then I bought can arrow you know [Music] all right all their own Stanground that also makes sense [Music] inflection and we need you we need monastery he loved his bad boys [Music] it's so expensive on these turtle ships don't think we're that far behind but we're certainly behind this moment no [Music] [Music] shoot em I don't have Boston's down this chute so slow do this they go for unique unit not unique unit a unique 300 food it's so expensive it's just freakin Turtle ships can't do that let's go to the water here [Music] thank you clicked in his score dropped now could be because I killed fish as well but I don't think so they make a goal here I got oh you got one conversion only I don't have ballistic Syria should I name in a wheelbarrow probably on a Idol [Music] stuff for myself what is this that was certainly not power plan that's where my second manga went wanna see if he has fish elsewhere housed everyday old-time story malaise so he's gonna be empty for me where can we do okay here and getting cast up there will be very very nice yeah we tried that let me start troubling us from the hill it will be a pickle you have to go skirmishers [Music] ashay it's gonna be a toughy for sure I think just going bomber cancer is our best shot oh this is gonna be a disaster oh my sir you come and sit here mr. Trichet all right Travis a free plane actually got this castle up two things that weren't deathbed in a very short amount of time trippy snoring noise in this Marx [Music] during words of mr. Krown thing I should be preparing that in all honesty butter will be under more pressure I mean I still am I was under pressure I was expecting it to be worse I mean I guess he was expecting me to stick with war wagons given what we would read earlier so I satisfied with the amount of damage we're getting in here well if you're seizing up astrub stir oh yes yes check [Music] I'm not sure if I like his score it feels to me like he is on to something just he hasn't showed his card yet just kind of my impression or feeling Cavaliers what's going on don't really have an intellect so just oh yes Allegiant is crossbowmen [Music] for the cause lock in it is sexy in the face I'm not sure what to do right now it seems like very still right will you have to do anything Bombur tiles give an option to also just make normal towers this rare but we're spending any should be good yes one more one more good good good I think I have better equal in the maxilla and actually yes the whole right side still yes that might not be accurate should be going down autumn feels like he's kind of on his last legs at moments that makes sense suppressed there isn't a switch chair going on of life test for him expecting to be makers like adding Cavalier maybe I would like to start terrorism now I don't think he has extra Ranger our tower should be able to out range this bomber camp I won't say can we go there please and chill there there's a stone there and I like stones it vampire stones to have a neat to so I can make castles and towers and such we got all those trips to immediately yes she'd be able to keep that alive [Music] condos which maybe you know it's still full skirt from what I can see that's scary don't move in there [Music] [Music] oh sorry I think have a lot of gold stored up so another they have problem for me to make some sugar two or three there another one have some stables there [Music] your I am new hashtag clearly video got so famous my colleague loves it he even says it all the time hashtag clearly I am new I know nothing and so on thank you there are many years of entertainment from then good times trolls happy holidays and Happy New Year thank you do at the same time we have arrow slits and everything so our cars should be pretty strong things I might add our bus as well that make make sense [Music] I'm stereo dude thank you man wish you all the best for Christmas hope everything is going well I'm stopping by again and for all the support over the years I'm glad your friend also liked the video yeah thank very much man all right oh he converted my bird in my English word thing it's not a relic their response push back there and Merry Christmas but I still hope you're an atheist I freaking hate religion not religious myself but I still have absolute respect for religion and I think you should as well no point hating it wouldn't say thank you coda to kay I appreciate the Tyler don't know going here [Music] the hill there and I also don't have that armor a place for my posture nor do they have attack upgrades so obviously my house for her stores aren't that strong crazy quarter I'm just taken with this fight might be quite disadvantageous for me that's even the word taking with this army composition rather next getting pushback I need to need to play better then all my beautiful towers you have a good amount of map control though still so imagine we're still pretty looking pretty good here what go for the trips just go right there you have so much mass the problem should be really tough for him anyway either way you ever come back here relics just not really up there I would like to grab and I still have one down there I'd like to grab that one as well [Music] yeah hey I don't really have to fight this hill so in theory this hill doesn't have to be a problem for me I map control still should win us this game in the end you should be struggling with wood I mean goes on surprised to have so little food a nurse I have eight farmers and I'm still struggling on food or certain extent again should still be ours let's say we'll take a lot for us to lose this game [Music] you think actually would help a lot that's what we need to just go here and take out his production there you know it also helped a lot I think we're close to Gigi again you know looking like it that's right I belong we'll read that one of his best wood lines and now this actually hasn't more ranged in this dough she sent skirts impromptu think think the GG is imminent Koreans once more showing its quality I think he probably would have had a slightly better shot on me actually another thing about it my training will be more choked 20 maybe that's even better cocoa beans yeah it's completely I would that's the thing once we control this front side now for him he's completely I would carry mad dude thank about five months you [Music] I'm just update the score quickly and then we look at the map um yeah really good fish in the back was base we had a good owner as well though what do you want to say yeah maybe we'll have had a better shot on the Mediterranean it's hard to tell video it ends the best-of-seven show match koreans i am proving powerful what do you think about step lens is now viper after the nerves i haven't played enough with him you have to have an opinion but i play with him in yo earth against yo earlier and then it was kind of a step Lance in mirror so again I didn't get to see it properly but I would say it's looking like it's still a decent unit but it's not anymore obviously as broken as it was you have your ranked matches now dude I've been streaming for how many hours now for 10 hours my wrist is hurting and it's approaching midnight so I think this was a good time for this show much to end I gotta say as well tomorrow at 13:00 GMT we're playing again it's gonna be against yo we're gonna play day 2 of our 12 game so much then to be to help us see you all then as well check out the achievements Thank You VIPRE for all wish you Debbie justice cats and all around and chat the happy Christmas arrrooo think of 10 euros dude yeah right back at you dude I appreciate that and I can also speak on behalf of Debbie used to cats and all around and chat epic Christmas to you as well thank you for dono I said look at that ass that's KD better name for us Lord his arm as well economy we had better everything except stones he actually had a relic way longer than a stone so we all had more radical than us even though we had more relics in the end I thought it would be in trouble here with being later to him but we're able to pull it off in the end and it's quite a similar game though all the way here is kind of where we start taking the advantage I would say I was expecting a Kaveri switch for him earlier as well but I guess it didn't have economy to do it yeah I was expecting Cavalier or hustler switch earlier
Channel: TheViper
Views: 103,736
Rating: 4.86551 out of 5
Id: I3ty8X9ozX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 29sec (14309 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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