Arena Showmatch | TheViper vs JorDan | Best of 5

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so we have the um the draft here against jordan lord the arena best of five so it's uh two bands and then six picks and then one steal okay what do we want to ban here let's ban [Music] byzantines to disrespect of this guy banning portuguese i'll ban his favorite zip in as revenge there we go suck it malay do i could see that you're not too comfortable playing no been level four thanks for eight months i was here britain's lithuanians pretty solid sips can't complain can't complain what else do we have here how do you play arena again turks i think humans you have a lot of yolo potential humans fast and potential now this edward guy keeps joining every lobby i'm hosting and being an idiot see you next if you feel uncomfortable playing no uh the aux on rocks i'm not sure if the link doesn't work for you i i don't really know what what to do the raid link doesn't work doesn't provide a way to download a mobile that is weird can you try to go below the stream there's a panel there see if that works it might also work i don't really know it doesn't have to be completed today we do have in theory one week to do it but i would like to if possible get it done today so we don't have to have this open right throughout the week i would like to get it to get it done today seem to work on mobile with me okay that's strange you get to see how far you're into the target yes uh it i don't have it up on this overlay but all the other overlays will show you the numbers it picks mongols celts does this guy even arena or what does he even arena boys you gotta throw in one full monk rush there i'm thinking burmese that's the full monk rush let's take britain's he will take malay probably oh you'll take one of the first three i don't think yeah maybe he's not too comfortable with malay he might take frank's or turks yeah okay malay all right so the steel the way the steel works is that now he has malay in his draft and i have britons in my draft so i stole britons from him he stole my leg from me and uh yeah so my saves are turks pranks ethiopians vietnamese burmese and britons i think we have a way better draft than him doesn't even arena man i can't really i can't really say for sure i'm just gonna go britain's as the first that was his sieve i stole it and i slap it in his face and use it enjoy britain's lithuanians again base an ip shouldn't be yeah we'll we'll find out what this down arena map is not sure how i feel about this matchup he obviously has his skirmishers there isn't a place you can see if it worked uh cookie junior but i can see it on my end so if you tell me your name not right now probably after the set if you tell me your nickname i can check if you did get confirmed or not just remind me after the game if you want to have a confirmation i do appreciate everyone supporting i mean you're supporting the community by doing this as well like there will be a weekend tournament as i said open streaming the plan is to be a one-on-one tournament open streaming like up to maybe 512 spots just a simple single elimination bracket anyone can play anyone can stream um when i say anyone can play would be like probably sorted from like high elo but anyone can sign up that is my plan with the weekend tournament and then i want to host uh show matches such as some of you will remember the mix show much as we did with me when i teamed leery rubenstock togao against like hera shadow uh miguel and villas so those are the types of things i want to do with this sponsorship money so you guys can help that by uh by uh downloading the game and doing the tutorial so all these things will be labeled as sponsored by the vipers community so you are all sponsors of these things that are coming up ready there haven't been i mean one two three relics right outside my walls that i mean i don't complain about that but i also don't know if they change their well account on this map spider id you think of what's up by the way welcome to the channel no name is open thanks for seven months i like that nickname i think i'm still missing two sheep if i'm not mistaken never mind let's go out and look what he's up to i might also do something that like at the end of the event x amount of subs people are doing it right now right t9a has started off with the hidden cup yeah little core doing it for two pools i'm not sure how successful it is if it and like obviously it encourages people to sub i'm not sure how how much likely is a person to sub to support the tournament and if that's the case if that means if you understand what i mean definitely worth hitting cup well for hitting cup he would have gotten tons of subs no matter what it was still hard to grasp the data but i mean it's definitely it doesn't hurt right it's always not bad not going to be bad either way [Music] some point he's gonna have to turn around yes then i might be able but he got a double hit that's not fair how's the clown arena different uh we don't really know that's kind of what we are we're experiencing for the first time now um i mean distance seems pretty short i'm not sure if that's i mean it can be like there's a normal arena as well though so at the moment i don't really know what to say the difference is what if you lose correct and i lose chopper but come on it's jordan man i'm ready i'm another in there food man cbi things for four months do a win please okay i mean as you wish man we have a lot of people just completing tutorial thank you so much guys holy [ __ ] a lot of people just completed at the same time we have some alerts popping now for a while pajamas with 100 bits can we also donate separately for these events cheers i don't want to do that because it adds a whole level of complexity regarding taxes and so i don't really want to have like donations go towards prize pools and things like that we'll see i will reach out to microsoft as well to see if they maybe want to contribute a little bit to something some of these things that we are doing ready see if we can get him out of there he is now our leader and admiral neil has gone out ready tap into zero in the first two you have a moral obligation to cut from the back to your base to his with cj andrews i have ethiopians in my draft so two is an option why is he still in tutelage by the way a dark cage between us you should click up earlier i think his off time is strange strangely slow for a uh lithuanians mr pecker with the five months i'm very glad to be here green some turkey thank you appreciate that thank you for five months so we can get farming going i gotta make sure no farm finishes before horse color is done there's two hours freddy yay what's the difference between clown arena and sand arena i honestly don't know it feels like based on what i'm seeing right now it seems like we're just closer to each other and there is the back base as it used to be in the old arena but i don't really know what else to expect i sell 130 now i will have enough for a month at 100. come come come john can come nothing to be afraid of here i was just kidding just a joke man relax oh i pulled the wrong guy [ __ ] other wood is thicker and middle space is smaller okay gotcha roger that right let's do a lighter cap you kind of just i just oh my god i kind of just want to get two relics if i get two relaxings i'm satisfied not been the best execution on my end though at the moment i don't want to show the light upgrade yet let's see jordan where are your monks some of those monks [Music] okay [Music] yeah we got one i get three relic relics here there's oh he just flipped it he just grabbed it [Music] he also did a light cut upgrade confirmed but that was a really good snipe for us let's heal those bad boys [Music] gordon wakey wakey man okay all good really good start for us especially considering the trainings should be the favorite sieve in the current fights we're having but they've been going really good for me [Music] i can somehow grab this relic as well i'll be nuts okay i think this i think i will lose this i don't want to invest more because i think i will give up that relic i will still make him invest for it but i'm kind of content with letting it go we'll try i mean within our range of [Music] our monks so in theory we could okay by all means i even got a conversion there sick i'm gonna fight i have more spears [Music] this is strange i mean i should be able to grab get this right one more okay well incoming you can kill that one and that one i think it's going very well for us even though my eco is slipping it's worth it what [Music] he doesn't want to let it go man why do i have so much wood [Music] waste what we don't do to try and get those damn relics hey merch thank you he just threw it inside man he was like i will die but take the relic that's a proper monk right there sacrificing for the cause i'm not supposed to win the relic fight as britain's i think but okay we'll take it we put resources there and there so both sides okay so it seems like both sides of each base there seems to be like stone and gold so it kind of makes all the sides being worth fighting for them in some ways and then we transition from there i think i'm going over this light kev as my opening because he will go skirms so i will try to get a lot of farmers up and running as well would make sense but i want to get mobility on the map first and onager will be like a longer term effect switch since i already have a stable as well i think we'll find this doing a black cup first yeah i got three relics [Music] man is uh i can go through every like the names after to confirm uh if people have a contributor or not uh you can you already can pay attention to the top right after you complete the tutorial then you can see if your your nickname uh pops up there those are like the main ways for you to confirm whether you contributed upgrades as well so i can also cut through his [Music] forest oh [Music] man [Music] i don't even have to let them go just [Music] reinforce he's lithuanians used to be a lot more backspace is a terrible male okay whatever it'll work yeah i want to get i want to get online asap if i can start cutting through his forest paladin is usually not a good option 1-1 and also since he only has two relics pardon was not really something i am worried about and yeah 1-1 paladin are very rarely the best choice you can say he's switching into it now and also paladin is something that takes a lot of time for him to successfully pull off paladin he needs some time [Music] yeah we have only now a little bit adventurous here would like [Music] oh [ __ ] he's gonna see it no all right stop it before oh [ __ ] is up it's up he will know man he will know [Music] yay we're gonna need some more barracks here [ __ ] he knows damn it well we forced the castle in an awkward position it's not not the end of the world expecting to have more space in the back i mean i have war wolves as well right i don't necessarily have to be scared of any trebuchet fights right now yeah he has paladin now hodor oh [Music] i think it's time for me to switch into longbows i don't have a human yet naturally something i would also like only have two castles though which is obviously not ideal i think with some more trebuchets his skirms can't really engage us either his skirmish numbers are really low he has paladin obviously so he's going to win the fight but scar numbers were really low [Music] yay question is that we're actually trading cost effectively here i think i need to mix an orange restaurant or more on this value still he's making paladins it's it's cost effective trades for me i would say make army i'm making army man chill [Music] rip don't think losing a few bills was bad for us though oh my god he's keeping that open ready [Music] and he's now trapped not sure how clever that was mr jordan was a trap all along how did you not see it jordan it was a trap there goes all his paladin i mean he's gonna run out of gold at some point right he has to new traps lymph [Music] i have three relics he has two he didn't have the last arm attack upgrade earlier he has it now yeah it's just it's just not cost effective for that minions late game especially if you play paladin just so expensive i'm taking my gold i think he's preparing for a big fight he's already making light cap though which is obviously also a bad sign for him he has a [ __ ] on a paladin he's going to clean up my army me is just about saving my expensive units here hello all right that whole thing about saving our expensive units didn't really go to plan but it's like after this his cold situation should be pretty empty never listens man again i was obviously on paper it looks like it was a good fight for him he lost his castle though and he burned the last of his gold so i don't like those paladins out of his composition his arm composition is so much worse i don't think he will have much to fight back with i don't want to try i can try and snipe his chips with my longbows atomic saucers thanks for giving us up to ellie dave thanks for 26 months yes you need to watch dave's masterpiece with elephants ballista elephants with a controller oh boy what a beast i just don't think we can take a cost ineffective fight anymore so no matter what happens now we should win this game why are you not using yellow [Music] save the tower yeah we might be able to save these we'll definitely want to save these no you didn't maybe getting too many arches even though if that's the thing with britain's but the amount of arches i have is possibly too much for the composition okay it's i have too much too many archers meaning i don't trade as effectively as we would like [Music] i don't have enough meat shield i'm trying to say game runs a bit slow i'm not sure if he's still having pc issues or not or if it's just the e things shoot why not where is my control group for stables i even did murder holes not bad 52 farmers 39 lumberjacks i think i could actually add a few more and it's good man these towers clean up everything with arrow slits they have eight plus nine attack crazy going for the big hits didn't really get him i feel like my food eco is still lacking a little bit unnecessarily question mark ready nice it's a trap come back it was a trap man he never learns he never learns i just need that castle to go up [Music] i'm losing too many uh long balls for what i should but yeah the castle is up now so from this point we will start trading way nicer again i think the main thing missing for me now is arbalyst i said our best i set mentors [Music] it was not a trap this time what oh he's moving as well to the back i think maybe even rams yeah let's go rams eco is still fairly solid we're waiting everywhere now i think he's falling apart now he doesn't have the resources to keep the mass production going so i would say it's uh it's a gg now you confirm the night that you are playing yellow you can't confirm ready yeah this castle indirectly becomes a i mean it's a good investment because he denies my raids but i don't think he wanted to invest 650 stone there at that time but then again i mean look i have two castles in the back but then again i use my castle for production so it's a bit different all right i think lithuanians need more of a relative like relat lithuanians need a relic advantage if they should if they're going to win late game against britain's without a relic advantage i don't think you win late game yeah britons are more of a cost effective pusher rather than a um bushfast sip i'm gonna go for a month rush now i don't know exactly how long it takes because i haven't played it myself but i will be playing after the show much here so um yeah uh we will see them i cannot confirm everyone because there's so many nicknames and so many different ones so it's hard for me to confirm or deny this or that if we really want to get your confirmations in i can maybe do that after the show match i would have to open the actual website to be able to search vendor funding look at me i'm just bouncing now thanks for the 415. okay okay uh also on the raids i know i'm talking a lot about it but it's just i want to make sure everyone knows and understands um there is an end goal of 850 and if we reach that we will get maximum payout which will make obviously the tournament better and it will make us able to do more of the show matches so the end goal is 850. if you guys help us reach uh we'll that very happy with that and it will allow us to create a lot more good content for you guys [Music] slap him with a smiley that's the worst [Music] talking to stream man this guy no respect so i'm going full yolo uh mom crush pro player begging for 850 dollars i'm asking for 850 tutorial completions sir i'm not sitting here begging for 850 dollars we're talking about slap some respect no ends in general ends don't justify the means at all but i think we can do a lot of good with like create a lot of good content with uh with this i think it's a good opportunity bunch of fluent in german nobody's oh everything is firm under control guys don't worry relax aim 68 thanks for the prime film to storm things for 10 months it should be up there maybe my guess let's slap jordan with the minecraft see how it deals with it uncle i do follow protesting uh i don't follow it intensely but i do catch results like i know who magnus meets in the world championship and things like that i do watch some chess videos sometimes before going to bed or falling asleep so i do keep up to a certain extent but i don't follow it intensively i think something like this should be fine or is that stretching it too thin we'll find out what if you go scouts with the faster uptime how do from malay how will you do spears i will deal with that if that happens planning ahead is not really the way to go you see chris weidman break his leg at the weekend i did not i don't know who that is i'm sorry if there's a sport that you followed i don't follow i do apologize ufc i probably should but it's obvious there's so much hype around it but it's never really been fighting boxing things like that never really been my cup of tea why build farms when you have so many sheep you want to have a smoother long-term development imagine i put every villager on the sheep the sheep would have run out by now and i would suddenly have 10 idle villagers the way it is now i have more of a smoother uh transition and development so um everyone doesn't go idle at the same time and the natural resources will last longer so there are there's some logic to the madness but don't really need farm space either so i will just send those there should be able to get up here comfortably even without market abuse okay [Music] oh i'm gonna take the fight oh you bet i'm gonna take the fight i ain't afraid oh he's afraid who's afraid now huh okay house we take me 400 i know how to play this game man play yourself let's do this angle don't have a loom either i'm going full clown oh surprised okay i'm gonna need another monster here so i would appreciate some extra stuffs let's go there i guess that's deeper deeper and more likely to get straight transition my um conversion was moving from one to another that could have easily been some scout conversions [Music] uh oh boy you better run fast jordan oh he was running [Music] okay okay all right all right so i mean we're making progress we are making progress but um it's also quite slow if he has towers or say castle up already which is not impossible my push is a bit slow [Music] that probably works you just heal each other it's all good never mind [Music] oh my god losing all right that was not the best way to engage against um against this we can probably call it gg now if we got real about this but let's um it's just jordan let's try to go to imperial h i was hoping i would be stronger was it a guard tower from the start or was the watchtower really that strong [Music] a little bit there guess i should try to collect the relics i've had a better man crush in the past just need bomber cannons all right up we go [Music] not really not get a conversion [Music] oh yeah this thing where you you can't touch them [Music] then again like the score advantage isn't that big that's kind of what makes me believe a little bit it's probably risky as well to dive in here yes where do we push from boys someone won't tell me how to push this convert the tower now he does he has too many towers and defense all over the place you never know if it takes like an amazing fight you never know you know you never know what happens does it look great we still have a chance unlikely are we still going to try yeah yeah we are always just have to tell yourself it's just jordan it's just jordan it's the ultimate way of giving yourself uh oh my god why are you guys not yo pikeman yo you had one gerb there we go hello is just jordan and your confidence levels will jump a lot we have five relics after all stop it i just need to confirm what is it going for let's see archery range so i'm guessing it's crossbows or arblast castle drop doesn't have ballistics no target fire no it's not dead okay [Music] that's the beginning boys i can probably do i can afford andre here think about that for a second we can do onager these guys would just stop resetting farms [Music] okay so this squad or control group the others are not important information wow just a little bit more food thank you thank you heresy [Music] a couple of units this is a definition of a slow push the definition is right here now we have an issue in the fact that his eco gets better and better my eco some might claim anyway that his eco is better not sure if [Music] oh [Music] that's fine because i mean that just i can heal these again this is such a weird game are we gonna fight at all this game it's 35 minutes and we haven't fought yet i'm so confused yeah we got this jordan no jordan why do i have top scorer [Music] well well it's time to enter see what that's what's in store for us [Music] this is gonna be strange i have nothing on control groups but we're winning we're winning oh my god i hate that this is possible in age of empires i hate that this is possible ah don't kill yourself [Music] i decided to start booming finally convert one each okay i'm a clown i don't think where did he go wrong i think maybe he went too little economy i only see two town centers he probably went to he probably overreacted in many ways i think he simply over overreacted jordan said it's boiling inside dude even i i'm mad that this works even i get i won this game and i'm i'm freaking mad that this worked i was considering subscribing today i'm out shut it down you guys took discord advice and decided to play full triad for comparative play yeah yeah yeah yeah to be completely honest this approach i went for isn't that bad considering i was up against malay with five rolex and only 13 bills behind i really think he overreacted to my aggression if that even makes sense he overreacted but madam monks are a thing or no i'm mad about i'm not mad i just don't think i don't even explain that i think the rng of monks is still too big not that rng necessarily was a big impact in this these conversions that happen in this game but um i think the monk rng stuff should still be a little bit less but yeah i i guess i hate and like at the same time that this is a possible play style it adds a lot of depth to the game in many ways or avenues to play the game but at the same time it's like i hate that this is possible i still like it you know this one i'm gonna do my ethiopian strat overcast war wagons i don't have koreans at the moment sierra knox thanks for the nine months uh stephen thinks we're fighting bits yeah the double castle rambo play is kind of dead because you don't have the damage output against buildings is just so much less where can i sign your training camp what did you click idle military button to get a monk with faith or how do you select them i have nine on control groups and then kind of just randomly select uh it's not the optimal way of doing it i think i have a clear sieve win here so i'm afraid this will probably be the last game i have no idea why he picked celts it's a really bad arena compared to probably another 10 options and that much world cup is already over joe rogue or my my set is already over for today it was the first thing we did uh on the screen why is this everyone it just doesn't have counter to bomberkin or blessed of the ethiopians no matter what he throws at me i will have a counter like early like so i'm going to explain to you guys how this game is going to play out i'm already going to tell you i'm going to go fast to castle 3tc boom i'm gonna make let's say 55 60 villagers and then i'm gonna go to imperial age i'm gonna make our blessed bomber cannon and probably win the game however there are ways to that this doesn't happen and that is if he puts pressure in the castle age because if he plays normal he will open with a stable compete for relics if he follows that up with a siege push on my base he has a chance to make this not play out as i'm predicting but i'm not sure if that's really jordan's style now can you throw it it's really hard like i just think it's such a clear civ one for ethiopians here like a bomber candle is to deal with his genders if i just add my own c challengers he literally has no way to compete with that people ward raiders i will have arbalest paladin is not an option albs i have arbalest siege i have my own siege and i have bomber cannon it's it's a very clear sibling cal poly and rocks never heard about those maybe that's why jordan picked kills because he i mean he's the one who played against him [Music] there we go not that hard you would think probably it opens is they die to any anti or anti-arches but tell me an empty arches here that they died too and i will shut your theory down immediately goth they don't die to god they go shuttle wars shot wars and siege goth has nothing teutons students die because you have bomber cannon portuguese you have better siege health malay and malay has a better economy so malay i agree malay should beat ethiopians but malay aren't antiochusiv are they persian knights well if you open this make helps you could even get pikemen for free mayans well mines is like the worst ship i just go online mines is dead don't struggle against vietnamese they still have better better siege but yeah vietnamese is probably a good save against ethiopians that's not very impressive is it see you guys talking to me what you're doing i have to do a little it's not even worth it just build a house and go without bloom still that's a lot of idle time i guess what am i doing this is a disaster built yeah you know what i should have probably deleted my scout in that situation probably would make sense aztecs don't beat the ethiopians you don't have an answer to uh like shuttles how do you kind of shuttles you go jaguars that doesn't really work you want a mobility and you get counterbalanced so you add skirms yeah but then it opens add on jurors to add monks well it doesn't really work you can get sniped by other units is a clear sibling against many saves in my opinion it's one of those things that just has really good matchups shuttle's best unit in the game and that one i'm not really sure if i agree with why is it featuring your rabia list arabia is different i'm talking purely about arena here arabia um it's different yeah jaguars aren't often a good unit to go for um yeah against pure infantry obviously they will do good but you don't really have too many jaguar situations where jaguar is like oh this makes sense i'm gonna go jaguars don't have too many of those [Music] what's my favorite sieve don't think i have a favorite civ right now expensive i mean the big thing about jaguars is that there are super specific super situational unit and they need to be produced from castles and yeah that's kind of where they become a problem if you compare to a lot of other sieves that oh i made too many farms to compare to other sieves with unique units they're like they will be useful in a lot of different situations but jaguars is like super specific it becomes really difficult to utilize them properly how about a unique unit only tournament there will just be like siblings all over the place lots of mayans as a general fantastic general sip not that great on arena anymore they used to be like top pick on arena even but they're not considered that great on arena anymore they're more expensive now and all the juices in particular counts your minds pretty hard like the save that should never lose to mayans is tootins they have armor on their c challengers and he has nothing to do with cedars you go champion c geologist mines have nothing nothing no i'm saying arrows maybe it's a small part of why they're not as good anymore not a big part not too happy with that town center but it's kind of in the middle of everything type tonic knight c jean palin that's very expensive very expensive composition sir but yes um if you get to that against mayans mines has nothing humans they have a lot of potential on arena with like fast fuel to tc into like a faster imperial age can be really good i just want to confirm that he's competing for the relics town center okay oh he's going macro game yeah and knight yeah is he i hate to say it boys but he's dead it is a really hard shot [Music] oh well hello there you think you can just enter my base just like this do you think you are man [Music] um well at least we're gonna have some excitement now i'm chasing his scout so he has to react her with a forward siege i think he doesn't i think he will just simply die okay he hasn't picked up well one relic might be gone i don't know if i started all five okay so we have 50 villagers i'm gonna do a hand cart now and then i'm gonna click up [Music] confused as to why the relics are still there why is he not taking the relics oh he's taking the relics this monk just picked up this oh i failed i thought i didn't have protection first now we wait point to think the spearmint escort indeed relics i am kitty z thanks for eight months time for shaves nick yes absolutely haircut shave everything it's time for everything it's all desperately needed i don't have buildings what am i doing [Music] everything i said earlier about the game like that it's over you know all those types of things this can be annoying to deal with [Music] man [Music] oh that's not part of the plan more than this oh we got the woman so range range oh not like this okay i want one that's fine oh how did he survive or not die rather thought he was one for one apparently not i think he probably thinks that we don't have gold right now but obviously i know that that's not the case we get them we did not what how they survived that's fine but a low hp one we can just snipe that one with the crossbow [Music] destroy a mining camp chemistry is what i need my question is simply how does he what does he do against this moment and the answer is i don't know is should not have sold stone that was a mistake should have done a siege tower let's still do one it'll be late but it will be worth it style points [Music] should be way better than ours but my whole prediction on how this all plays out obviously was a fail i would welcome uh siege paladin at this point uh paladin but i wouldn't expect it which are still crash arena games oh this timing here that's a nasty timing right there um don't really know what he's going for very style such wow at this point i'm expecting i'm even expecting [Music] paladin i would love to know there's one stable there i don't see more than one stable though that's the issue more siege always what why would you go world raiders i mean it cleans up my army there but i'm surprised nonetheless [Music] that would not be too bad better than kel palin that's for sure ram is something i would possibly struggle with right now a bit there's some ramps i'd love to get some of those bad boys out looks like he's just focusing on he doesn't have seizure yet which is good for me i shouldn't really have been able to mine this whole gold uncontested i don't really have to worry about i have to worry about this gold anymore for the rest of the game pretty much simply due to that i'll probably do shuttles as well i think it's going to be a good choice think the time has come i need to this should be fine for me though especially with this choke point i think i'll just kill everything here yeah i don't mind this we got like the perfect choke point as well for this right [Music] that was a massive investment for him then on garrison i don't think um garrisons would have changed much there's not many known [Music] oh now he still should have a better equinox and he obviously still has a massive army but i think now i have the game in a stable position which is kind of what we want cheeky boy don't lose any arson isn't really that important right now oh did i just kill man i did exactly what i did yesterday as well i killed my own units that's scary man he gets one shot oh that was a nice one don't have a leaf though [Music] and he's keeping my my uh village account fairly low the thing is he is in a decent position i need to be able to take my goals yeah as long as he has the equal to keep producing this i think i need managers even like i think he's still winning this game at the very moment let's get delete he's doing a good job at constantly targeting my um bolts i can get torson engines as well it's so expensive nice civilian hey even though i have a better sieve the other guy can still play better and win games like that that's one of the reasons why this game is good um i guess i saved for torsion engines what oh not ready for this yeah that cast is a goner okay the issue now is that i don't have relics right so this is a very likely gonna be a jordan victory but it looks a bit turns out vault raider was a better choice than i anticipated he did a really good job here let's move on and i think we had some obviously our build wasn't the best from the dark age and then for getting my buildings to collect to imperial age was a disaster but he did what he should do which is apply some soft uh cast leg pressure to buy more time for his imperial age which he did and he got the old weird numbers out and obviously has five relics as well well done to jordan good decision making yeah i mean especially considering that i still believe this is a big civ advantage for ethiopians makes the wind even more impressive so that's very good economy-wise he is quite forehead and at least boot in particular the issue was as well the goals that i was using he kept targeting them all the time yeah i know i said it was over in tutelage that's even great better uh he kept targeting my gold spots i wasn't able to get that consistent gold income to make my gold units five relics as well yeah well the way he played was the good counter the correct counter to um to my approach italians actually is super hard counter turks in imperial age if i can bait out italians that would be great vietnamese is only weak against aztecs ranks should be average against aztecs and mongols to show you guys the draft that is left as well turks fast imp i think if i'm up against italians with turks i would probably do something i'll probably do something really yolo if we can organize tournaments whose price money could be coaching lessons oh we got aztecs against turks guys this is a really clear sib win for turks aztecs have nothing to counter this so i'm sorry to say but i think the game is over just saying what do you mean what do you mean i don't understand oh boy's gonna be too too has there been many people willing to pay 500 for the coaching i don't think i don't even know if i'm listed there still so i i haven't had anything obviously on my end but as far as i know doubt and jordan have both had one coaching session so there are people willing that looks to it nellie's also had one okay beetlejuice thanks for gifting a sub mediocre thanks for the tuna bits thanks for streaming these great games you're welcome you remember the game on black forest where you were aztecs versus turks against mr and you defended with aztec monks versus his myself like fast aztec uh like fast aimed monk defense if i remember correctly that's what i did and yeah that was a that was a good game unfortunately the first and most important lesson to a good dark age build is have twitch chat open to distract you that's numero uno lesson random maybe user thing for seven months i think the villagers want to have a good day out looks like it that's not how this business is operated i won't be able to get back to my original soon feels bad man tries to pay [Music] yo funny bunny thanks for the prime [Music] listen winning tournaments doesn't automatically make you a good coach okay you can lose tournaments and have won tournaments in the past and be a great coach there's a hotkey to go back to original soon it's fine this zoom is also nice we got a little bit closer a little bit more intimate with our folk i don't mind it yeah so julian nagelsmann is gonna become the new leipzig code uh buying coach and i can tell you debbie's parents are not gonna be happy about that they are really hardcore leipzig fans so um you can imagine them not being happy about that i haven't dared ask them yet how they feel about it i don't think they're happy default cam control backspace oh my god oh my god my life has been changed it works that's a nice pocket for lumber camp it's a bit exposed they'll do this is how i play man what just happened now magic like i went like this and then when you like try to go back you cannot find your originals soon but apparently control backspace puts you right back at your original zoom all right [Music] hey i can zoom in and out of the game amazing content bro as it should what i think about jordan overlay what do you mean how do i look too much i know he has a new logo a phoenix because he always comes back and i don't know i haven't looked much of the stream since then overlay you're gonna mount crush me that's a faster time stop fighting me man pronounced phonics the phonics running around the bush what hit me do i do a forward castle seems slightly risky and i'm not a guy that likes to take risk in video games like age of empires so i'm not sure if that's really for me risk equals reward i'm not sure that's how it works i'm not sure if it's automatic risk equals reward i think you may have got that thing a little bit wrong why take risk middle games making that in real life exactly this language i understand this guy why did you do horoscope before the vx because i wanted to start farming did i even start farming i didn't start farming okay it didn't make any sense considering what i was doing monastery monastery there yo cat andrew thank you for doing the tutorial much appreciate it you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take such wish wisdom such wow i was just about to send wills forward six six six i have six on stone and i have six six six stone oh my god what is this what is this madness [Music] that's scary no joke man that has to be a siege tower i think it's convenient how my cast is going up right there why do you know jump out man ah he did debate it was actually mom crushing me you cannot moncross two things jordan what are you doing uh turks well twons as well for that matter guys i'm afraid to say but i think this game is over i don't think he has any any way to counter what i'm doing here john mayer monkeys oh that's bad oh my god disaster okay not too disaster that bad he has janice right now though don't like that let's go jet this light camera too little hp let's heal this guy up [Music] but it only has two months now that can convert oh we got a kill these are no stone troopers i tell you that he pulled the right one back debated to pay the jordan man [Music] oh my god jordan there's so debated well that's pretty good i must say i think that is the famous gigi [Music] that's got a conversion eagles then i said he was lagging for some reason okay that's cute he's trying to save the relic man dinosaurs are insane they're pretty damn solid no no no [Music] now where is he hiding i don't did he get in i guess there's a chance he got him [Music] no foreign [Music] in the face castle that's what that is and we're going to imp should be pretty solid i think the imp will be the gg call if anything in five well he's got amp as well isn't he he might call it when i hit him now wait am i hitting the wrong wall now how do i hit the right wall are you kidding me hello what how do i hit the right wall okay you have to hit like a super specific area that is so weird [Music] snipers [Music] this could get exciting i don't think it is though it actually has town centers [Music] didn't expect [Music] where are you going where are you guys going huh [Music] hello let's do the security game move behind this aka add two stables and house our production he actually has three tc's behind this but still just like 20-ish farms so his eco still isn't great but it's competitive [Music] get him nice [Music] [Music] you have twenty one yeah time to go in and going hard i killed one monk i'm losing my pumpkins let's send in the hustler let's finish this [Music] you can have them [Music] yeah again this is also just it's just a sibling i think in the end in post imperial age i think it's closer but and to get to post-imperialized aztecs against turks is just really difficult you just have no counter to janissaries in the castle at all with aztecs where's the calendar turkey well i beat yo once where i did like to counter the turks fast imp i went for my own fast input aztecs and i just did monk defense so i had 12 ranged monks and it worked but still it it shouldn't the best way to play aztec turks is just cast this genisaurus because there is no there is no deny uh no option to deal with that skirms the turkey has such an easy way to switch to a hustler and for skirms you need a bigger economy and you don't get the time to get the bigger eco eco going right so you always have to cut some corners and in the end you should always get punished by a turks player it's just a really tough sieve matchup jerks what is this aztecs last game so i keep the lizard around for these special missions hello hello welcome guys um okay as we just finished the fourth game jordan why did you go for this strategy on on the last map yeah i was struggling to think how essex could beat turks so that's why i went yolo okay okay your voice tells me it was wrong against the castle the double monastery among fresh against castle in january doesn't sound like the winning strategy to me tell me the winning strategy i would go well if like uh assuming that viper would do what he did i would say going grabbing some relics because you are them super close and then going to tc boom into our blast would likely be the the play but i mean i'm interested with viper thing there about this match up i think it's a complete civ win i don't think aztecs can do anything against janissary and caslich okay yeah okay okay um all right so first of all uh how did you enjoy that in that map guys some thoughts i don't what was even the difference i was about to say it's already different like i saw there was like stone and gold a little bit like on the side more i guess equally spread closer to your walls but besides that i have no idea what was the difference the map size the map is supposed to be smaller based closer to each other and that should lead to more aggressive games oh yeah oh it kind of happened but now that you say it i guess no i couldn't tell it's a small difference and small difference but i like the map for sure okay would you because like the previous version that we had for example that we used for the show image of me versus stout we there was like smaller a smaller different distance between the players like would you prefer it because obviously for us it's important to um not have only the scout spear boom meta all the time uh i prefer it like more options open so yeah i guess smaller smaller map is good so you would like compared to what you have what we have today would you make it even more smaller so you would see their moon crashes and such more than you would see normally it felt it felt well balanced this map it felt like it was good okay yeah okay perfect jordan your thoughts about it so i think because of it being closer or smaller uh the aggressive play will be more important there right and you can punish the booming so it's it's gonna lead to good games i guess for my playstyle i prefer the other one but i guess i have to adapt there yeah okay okay thanks about it uh so first of all about the draft uh viper do you think that you had better draft in jordan miles better i was like wondering if jordan is does he even clown bro like what the hell what is that kill was the other sid like i mean worst clown i've ever faced there's room for improvement for sure okay yeah no yeah fine what do you want from him he didn't have one bad sieve in the draft i feel like well like mongols and celts against the civilization swiper head i also felt that those those two civilizations should be like the weak links of chardonnay yeah and i won with celts yeah celtics all the other says were fine but celts and mongols were bad pigs you had vietnamese that's the worst you are so dumb john slow you have any idea how good vietnamese are out there dude i think they can they look the only thing they probably convincingly lose to is malay no yeah i don't see a single match-up in this draft that vietnamese win versus a player with the same on the same level they win against britons they win against maybe not lithuanians you had frequents that's not how you have to think about every sieve they win against kills they're winning as mongols they're winning against italians malay liberty iffy aztecs could go either way lithuanians could go either way right well i mean you can beat each other a different time so um about every kind of upgrade that viper's draft was slightly better because of those civilizations we had the game one lithuanians vs britons um jordan first of all your thoughts uh about this matchup uh i knew that late it's gonna be tough but uh yeah i see britain's a bit better but lithuanians have their options i think if i have enough mass of paladins and i'm able to push his castles then there is a slight chance and also i would have to get at least three relics but i was not able to do that so i would say britain's is better in that case then uh yeah okay i kind of agree with i would say you you what kind of cost you their game there was uh that you lost the traps like two times before you get the paladin numbers to to finally push viper so at the time you're kind of one big fight with paladins and then you didn't have to blow it up exactly and that was a huge problem i won the fight there but obviously he only had helmet ears right so he didn't really care if the bad trade there yeah exactly uh viper uh yeah i mean he needs to just get more relics because i mean the twins should be better in the relic fight uh so if he gets three four relics maybe lithuanians have a chance but yeah considering how the game played out i didn't really think i could lose that game uh there's one relic that you are fighting for for like five minutes both of you was it like more for you uh for like the prestige to get to get a relic than like not caring about is it really important it's obviously important right but i kind of i kind of told my chat and like to myself that i i kind of gave up on that relic and let him have it but then suddenly like it started going really well for me and uh yeah i mean they were like the relic as well was like throwing the the monk was throwing the relic through the gate at the end as well that was pretty awesome you're not asking the important question lizards there was one wolf viper is that you dropped a relic on your monk not not in the corner how the hell did you do that and that was different game and it was a different game yeah that was the last game no no no oh yeah that's all the second i can't wait to talk about that let's let's skip the second game yeah let's get to the second game i think we got this one quite quick uh so the second game was burmese versus malai obviously it should be i think we can i kind of agree that it's very good matchup for malai there yes yeah i agree uh i think you had really good reaction uh but okay first of all we are surprised that by prayer is going full moon fresh like the full clown mode what why i do it sometimes and i can't remember the last time i lost doing it so there must be something to it yeah it felt it felt strong let's say it like that um i think i had the right responses most of the time but i think i should have gone for karambit warriors right would have made more sense i think you like in the last fight you were just missing heresy yes yes so that that's also uh very important yeah also i felt that uh because you had this stone when viper viper wasn't going on stone at all so if you like it just made their defensive castle in time like bit more forward you could be just holding there longer you would be fine with your goals and i think it was literally about harassing getting curious like your defense was felt really good yeah i received yeah someone in my chat also uh told me after the game uh we're missing harrison i was like yeah that definitely would have helped viper was there like any part of the game where you felt that you are behind in the game like from like minute zero to like minute 40. you you feel that you are behind yes okay okay yeah and uh okay uh also why weren't you on stone there in in this one i didn't you think that going there for the ford castle and traps would be better for you now i felt like i needed mobility as well with my siege i think if i went for stone my equal would be slower my imperial time would be slower and yeah i mean i kind of i wanted to dive on the tower and everything but was the was it guard tower however there was a guard tower it was quite terrible okay because i i didn't expect my monks to die so fast i wanted to like out heal the tower it didn't really work so after that initial time there was no god power okay yeah well that's why i was surprised but yeah they obviously lost about four four or five monks there for free so i thought the game was over then but it was like okay let's just go fast imp and see what happens and something happened so it was a it was it was fun okay and there was okay the one instance when you drop your relic under your feet so the light guests couldn't attack it viper how did you did that sorry can you repeat yeah there was the instance like what uh trevor was talking about before where you dropped the relic through your feet yes you have to you have to click like a super specific location and drop the relic and then you can do that even on like open field yeah just you have to click like there's a very specific angle where you have to click because any other angle it doesn't work okay do you think is is it uh broken okay i'm just kidding by the way i don't know how i do that you do it pretty often though yeah no you can do it in the corners if you're between two trees for example then it always happens but on a on an open field it's the first time i saw that so well i don't know don't ask me yeah one chair it is i guess but it's uh that was really cool yeah but um okay so that was the second game uh vibrate felt that you are nervous in the third fourth game because your your dark age was was not really clean there you were like house and such were you nervous that you will like first time ever when jordan in a show match whoa whoa the right answer viper yeah i mean uh facing the admiral hidden cup finalist on the other side it's obviously nerves pump to play shaking a little bit my dark edge wasn't the best but i still felt like i had a super clear sib win in that match so uh but then again obviously it's the admiral so i mean what can you do uh yeah well so that's like one thing about it second thing don't you think looking back it's looking big it was [ __ ] too greedy to play full boom this year gold spots i didn't look at my gold spots i just wait for my strategy okay yeah in hindsight maybe i guess it could have been but also in hindsight if i if i just uh if i didn't forget my buildings to pick up and things like that i would have been up probably a minute earlier and things would have been a bit smoother but uh yeah easy to say in hindsight yeah all right uh jordan uh seeing the matchup you felt that it's very zero i saw myself having some problems against the topians yeah that's for sure yeah but you know it's just like i knew that if i was able to do a a lot of rams and wood raiders there is an option yeah yeah and in the end like when you had really big lead going for the rams and world traders kind of could cost you the game and you have to get real bad fights yeah actually but on the other hand we were like really complimenting your gaslight play because we were like microwaved there and you had extremely clean game for dc boom up four minute third day and like lots of votes so it was extremely clean and you were really really good position at this point thank you very much yes i was i was busy let's say like that very busy yeah and then we had the last game which uh we already talked about but yeah this one like again viper uh that one cheap how did it end there what the sheep that you killed like five miles away and you invested all the villagers to go for it oh yeah yeah i mean they all the villas went there by themselves as well so i had nothing to do with that but uh i mean when you talk to chat sometimes your attention isn't really there so sometimes things happen but i mean i had such a cursive win so it was kind of fine you're saying that you were not 100 focus [ __ ] no i mean with admiral on the other side how can you not be focused especially after that second game you know right like search the tight close game all right yeah i mean we really had a lot of fun uh watching you guys so thank you so much for delivering today and uh thank you so much for for the show thank you for having us thank you as well and don't forget to sign up for master foreign six in a month or two or so yes oh god oh yeah so guys this is gonna be played on clone map on the clown fps of course and that's the only tournament he wins the viper so you better start practicing so when is next to copterman that's what i'm waiting for in a year you cannot have the world cup every every year to make sense makes sense all right today see you guys see you guys
Channel: TheViper
Views: 41,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: Z6Wgh4vfBPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 1sec (8281 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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