World Desert Championship Semi Final | 3v3 Tourney ft. TaToH, JorDan

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i think doubt nearly and slam did a restart on atacama and then i got that comma again i remember correctly yeah it's lovely that sounded like that yeah that would look um do we know what map it is i think it's the one which we played against the very first time what was it again and the tournament what did we play against i mean yeah actually yeah this one was that with the wood in the middle where you were laughing about oh yeah okay now i remember now i remember that's all you need to know right yeah yeah there's big wood here yeah i see big wooden middle as well uh mo dies here yeah he's the one that he's okay okay there are bears in the middle as well so good for pranks but risky bears there yeah i see barrett's there right next to shore fish as well so actually it could be good to make uh we do well here we can let's scout and look and see how it makes sense so we should try i start on stragglers because in case it is a map where i want to go for a lumber camp first uh i don't want to make a lumber camp there to realize that i should have gone to the middle so i was waiting okay remember there is no laming allowed of any kind for me stealing resources [Music] on my end there's we have fast laptops [Music] on this map [Music] i think they can be decent depending on their rush distance if they build a lumber can block you their jordan then should be pretty good not trying to be funny it's the truth yes for our berries i actually go my attempts here i trust you to make the right decision for yourself tyler he's far from the minute i would go straight into archers yeah is taking the the woods in his basement [Music] here two more pushes mexicans are we trying to teamwork still i cannot do one second okay so i'm sorry somebody said scout there i'm chasing just keep going i'll chase man a woman oh this is nearby he's doing a range right next to his tc [Music] he's taking all straggler trees right now around his base we are sort of teamworld okay yep now do you have any scout here okay are the scouts still there one scout oh no oh bad boy has archers and spear there jordan okay i'm here i'm attacking him yeah go attack him on them not at the moment but if the others come here as well it could be difficult an attacking [Music] [Music] do you still do you see their army no no no okay they are on my ex yeah i traded very nicely they cleaned bad boys army where are the rest and services car right here some of them i took some damage you might have to play bloodlines keep telling me where they are i'm still running blind i know he's he's i don't know we need to attack now i think did he go down or uh he went that way i think i lost he missed and he probably is going to me right this only three scouts yeah let's go i will come as well guys i'm here i just go straight to the pocket lost three villagers a few archers so i definitely should be in better position oh uh samsung has six scouts here taro you a little bit careful [Music] maybe add some extra spears just in case oh should we fight i think oh he's doing a building here yellow you have archer and he come here i'm here yeah come there he's doing the second table is almost there i'm here there's a spearman there let's go i'm here second spirit okay red and yellow i'm being doubled as well at home you're being done a lot of absolutely i have to deal with this stuff at my base i don't have four scouts left forward do you need my uh no i should be able to clean it okay then i will go forward can my scouts be used forwards though i don't think so you can come here if you want here [Music] there's a chance the army circles around to your side now though jordan yeah it's fine i'm wall as other archers like inside from my base oh yeah here i'm coming yeah you send a few arches there we can clean this you're the beast cut cathy microman i'm gonna go for arches hey i'm sitting in my asses here i'll send those two scouts down and kill this uh i'm coming with you we can chase that down i lost the vision of it let me should be able to on that one yeah just send the back squad straight down now here's the tower yeah yeah i'm taking arrows yeah but he moved forward there look at the beast uh he still has wood let's go here he might have wood oh yeah he has wood down there he should at least hey going to kill me now why are me yeah yes his army here jordan yeah that [Music] he's keeping all this all his armies here jordan his woodland is really exposed here oh here's a tc here thinking about doing a siege okay where do we maneuver them should we try to tackle right now your arm is by itself jordan yeah just micro there i can send you knights get out of your wall then i'll send my nice away but they are both there what's you have enough though against that yeah well both yeah i will come to you jordan once i come there we can clean this just keep running okay uh the very crossbow there right there okay maybe you can hoop around i think [Music] let's go up here because tara said there was like 20 30 crossbows in there i know where they are they were on my friend again oh there they are jordan yes yeah i got it i'm coming from behind yeah i'm jumping on the archers you take that get out of there when you can jordan that if you come straight down here keep chasing at you if we all just patrol go here guys i think both me and the other pocket don't have many nights left so it's all about your archer's number archer numbers right now you can't work on these ranges yes uh canuck i think slam has pulled him as well at the moment oh my god bit awkward to push into my uh brits yeah and we can move the circle around just move up to pocket yeah let's go up there i'm still have three three stables guys you want me to send would be good yeah they are both here [Music] yeah let's go there you coming this one okay go back now thanks and up now so we can jordan um i won't be able to click up in one minute they're coming we don't have to take any [Music] risks there's a lot of knives down here jordy yeah uh i will send my knights down there [Music] mhm no relics on our side you you try to walk there jordy there's a knife there they are more coming though yeah but we have enough jordan's coming from behind keep moving we stopped you could also go left here jordan okay okay i will go top so yeah i didn't need that castle probably i think just yeah just go back wait for our upgrades get that cast left one stay upgrades already [Music] we have the armor upgrade now if there is another one yeah then we can engage let's go teddy i think come through the middle tarot so you're not isolated uh it's fine they go i can't reach [Music] i used to bar me until i kicked up i think yeah we should be able to buy whatever time now i'm gonna start working on yellow pcs [Music] hyper man cat jordan man what is that puffing man you're ballsy aren't you oh it's oh there's a relic up there this is yeah enjoy i'm not sure if we need to go heavy on the trade but yeah might as well there's a castle yeah don't even tell me man i will just go raid for now then oh jordan here as well i'll go catch those go back careful are you still cast lazy knights it's all good it's engaged here eleven is almost halfway done i'm just gonna send all the way around and raid honestly you go right okay i will give you reinforcements okay then i'll just come to the middle i need five six packs here oh [Music] uh there you send a few more then i can go snipe those traps for you oh you're attacking there but uh that um can you come here oh no never mind never mind i'll send you reinforcements now how many goals are there on this map i only have two yeah i'm stealing one of yours [Music] well you can take that one it's fine i knew this game is just so you have more gold my lines are more important hey try to see my screen go jody target the archers teddy which is skirms [Music] i don't know i believe okay once you have starting to get a lot of gold and i just think missed them yeah oh yeah i need monkey already yeah tina is more important is we will crush on the bottom side now [Music] is [Music] i'll go right pocket jordan i'll come with you i mean let's i mean there's a and a goal there maybe jordan took one of my goals and i don't actually know there's some units here careful there are some rates um he's taking that one there's a teaser there careful jordan oh no now we're talking daddy let's go the goal is coming already oh boy uh the stone price is super low you can buy them i i sold a lot of stuff what thanks daddy what oh you have some here i think do you have a market that is still in your starting base or something is gg i wonder if you that was not the wall right completely the right side no no you can't still pass maybe you can pass on top so yeah i don't know and you can't tap you can pass it so when daddy was like jordan wall i'm like there's some places like you have oh yeah do you have two mountains yeah that's true i could have one right behind bro i mean purple's wall looks open still in the bottom down there like i shift clicked it down and then into their base and they went down and then they went up again okay well definitely looks like it's open right but maybe that one tile the diagonal one yeah it could be it's not there it's weird already 50 trade units so so good yeah they didn't let me enjoy my one wolf traps were you able to enjoy it started or not yeah well it was already just in warwick i could have enjoyed a bit more indians england again they didn't change beast yeah we are very close there's me in turtle i'm not too far away as well there is water in the middle there's one if that makes sense now with this i will play this map later actually i don't think this is mad no we don't play that one i'm not sure if that like approach works now considering ourselves this is where we wish we had the lithuanians they won't be happy with that which or not uh maybe we should just do that still though like i'll go water you because that and whatever really good equal as the game goes on and let me take my map and then they come to water but it's more about ocean numbers since they have indians i would say good as well for me a going castle can sling people in feudalish right yes i'm against him i'm missing two sheep at the moment uh i may have them actually because i have six but we were quite closer mine do you have your scouter yes i'm there let's go thank you daddy you block trying to okay okay and what's the really good fish in the middle because i mean i see quite big land there it's it's okay it's decent already where did you dock taro my dog is here and i'm not liking like a secondary doctor is really not that much fish now that i'm looking i'll then uh abandon the idea of going for water i'm going to make a i'm going to send one first ship to scout more yeah it definitely looks like making too much water water is probably not worth it hey let's call it yeah i don't think we should compete have a little water yeah yellow scout is there i'm sending my scout now and all the fish in the middle here is all small fish it's not big yeah okay am i fine to do a fast caster you think it would be okay for me it would be hard for me to actually i mean that would be a late few latch anyway now might as well commit okay but there might be some pressure on you boys yeah it's okay is that okay talk for yourself yeah you have had a great experience already where is your dog piper give me information as soon as you have any by the way yeah and assuming anything barbara [Music] this one fire from yellow too far some yellow so far yeah sccm seems to be going water [Music] video okay just answer jordan man okay he's he's building a power here it's in uh it has one fire oh and yellow as well yeah we have a couple of fires yellow has two hdmis one as well ellison knights do you have arches out taro i have artists here yeah who wants nights i would want to i would like to poke his water uh blacksmith and barbara he's still open there jordan you could do a lot of commentaries asap here's the spear tower now yeah let's look at the wood line party oh that's big party what's up biker there oh that knight arena oh do you have any army there taro i have some arches can we kill that i think it's without yeah but he's running he's running he's close to the water so he's tricky maybe i don't know let's see well we're top scorer after losing water that's a very good sign yeah you can raid this woodland from behind here as well yeah i guess alert is here how many uh i would say [Music] i only have one night there's i don't think we can do too much good now bad i am going to sorry oh oh he's coming with me you guys seeing a relics [Music] yeah i'm gonna start making a lot of nights now [Music] oh wait all the relatives are in the middle no oh that makes sense in the middle yeah i got car now [Music] oh okay low hp here though can i chase those camels and kill them i'll come to you will you have enough knives to clean that i should have him you can go out there i'm not trying to chase them but not lose more crossbows will you be able to clean that yeah i will clean it by myself that's fine yeah because there were candles as well now oh they're lower speeds fan you can go attack that oh oh [Music] okay i can comment on you now right in here [Music] i'll lose everything again should have a really good situation with numbers now i don't have eleven nights for you jordan no this is probably not an option we can let's go to pocket jordan circle around go to oh okay that is on the high ground here yeah i think we can still go he doesn't have uh army there yeah just go straight to the pocket okay yeah go back [Music] is it easy there taro we can go around um they will have to draw me there i will i don't want to lose my army because i can't promise that you're probably going to lose your army i think so [Music] we didn't finish the sentence why did you not want to lose your army uh so what i was originally saying i was following yeah that was good you wanna go in why not i'm on the way to him i'm not sure if i want to waste nights all right they're gonna come here taro i think we should go back they clean up our army behind pocket base i think they will come to us now i think you should go back i didn't use me like that well i will leave you let's try to do some damage no we can't yes they have a massive arm there tell them like i said they cleaned me and jordan up they will come up now i think we should go back to our army well you can just hide in the corner and wait for a fight or something [Music] let's go up to the tc tower no it was a lot just wait for my impulse chris are you so scared oh it's without castle jordan that's such a nice feeling [Music] any chance for any siege follow up their cuddles is 30 on the way [Music] okay and you're complaining about someone stealing your gold jordan man you're mines you don't need that oh wait you're like i'm china yeah you're chinese you don't need that good argument don't worry i i i have you can take reds gold man after we're done yeah i i'm doing so demanding this guy just stating the okay um [Music] did we just circle around taro if you're still in it we can't go for that to see what what's wrong with those bros i hate if the rams are just listening [Music] trying man [Music] [Music] dominating wait there is gold in the center we should take back water yeah i will go this time you don't have to jordan okay i was just showing my commitment that was better good start boys i like you see the middle water it's like there's no deep fish in the middle yeah there's only one for each almost yeah although you get all the relics heavily yeah they were competing quite heavily right yeah did it yeah i think that's there's one two [Music] four five six seven eight there's only eight gold piles as well yeah it's not really too crazy they will fall back behind online too much yeah it would have made sense if i built the market and forgot about the hunt in the corners yeah so tati went but you didn't want an imperial age to hunt there yeah i went i went in cassada there's a golden stone along the edges there yeah well i had to take one because someone stole my goal it's jordan man you're you're just stating the statement it was the payment i took for sending you paladins okay that's not how it works that is how it works no you should do that voluntarily i did it voluntarily after taking your gold yeah that's exactly the thing which i want to mention here give and take relationship man take and take i mean take and take relationship and then maybe give i have a lot of experience in those females huh yeah let's uh state like that okay so i think we send our first player right already man let's go let's go let's go can we bother doing capture age i guess we can not that hard all right so jordan went for this map why does it feel like the game is lagging the capture edge is lagging or not smooth okay good we have um it's our primal gifting five subs to the channel thank you thank you sir primal [Music] didn't work okay i just searched it and i found them yeah i said jordan this guy doesn't know anything wait what this is him he's freaking saying my name yeah what do you say it's him he said that he was facing this is him ah yeah what is this map again a robbie kobe okay because almost only stone is in the middle old okay well it's a fairly straightforward map i guess always like the rocky forest terrain as well we need to have a gap between the woodland oh accm joined the lobby to invite say my name that's why i'm going to reset capture as give me a second it's good laggy actually okay well the best seven is not over it's uh still feels a bit laggy i'm not sure what's wrong it doesn't feel smooth um buster seven is not over uh this is game three of the best of the seven which is a best of three only one for one point so we're gonna now play best of three gl against bna in one way once and whoever wins this best of three only one gets one point all right i'm back in what was the safe series chinese war makes sense italia is muted still jeffy wants to go cast or not what's the overall score so far it's a 2-0 for us i'm not sure if i should put that on the board i just kept one best one one best of three here can i do this let me see okay let's try this for one point current score to nil does that work no it interferes no and we'll just do gl in a that work oh we need to change the score it's very confusing but i guess that will work okay whatever that works confusingly not put gl on the left but i feel like saying current score zero two might sound people might think we're behind okay let me do that it's dark edge guys we have plenty of time current overall that will work one on best of three for one point current overall score vna zero o2 gl okay that works fast forward to live we are live oh we're not live we're fast forwarding to live apologies all right so chinese war we're expecting kind of a scouts opening from both players opening with a farm as well for same name so it should be scouts for both and jordan doesn't look like he's going to deviate either so scouts it is both players woodlands are a bit awkward though see say my name went for a lumber camp on top side here there is 100 wood per tree jordan went straight for the low ground which has more trees but closer but you also will have a gap between the lumber camp and the forest because the rocket terrain this going archer's viable it can be i'll say my name is going down see where he does lumber camp here so you think he can build a lumber camp maybe he doesn't know that you cannot build alarm camp on the line around the forest 23. so uptime almost the same but jordan has one more villager so it seems like jordan has had a better dark age here so good start for uh brow boy then just like dank acropolis i'll just change this part again let's change what we're showing down there we decided which player went on team gla or glb what was logic we had a group call all of us we were talking like what makes sense isn't that we want to win the tournament we want to just have fun what's the idea here and we kind of just figured out that every team can pretty much be sent but yeah we figured i wanted to team jordan uh since it's been so long since team jordan and i was like okay islam and doubt have played a lot together let's do that and then we took that as well it wasn't real in the end it was just me saying okay we'll go with these teams because we took too long to decide and then that was it not sure jordan this is a bit of a misstep here sending all the four wheels back because he's out of there but he brings them out quite fast stable opening for both players so that's what it's going to be does jordan have loom jordan does have luminess with chinese you always do loom as the first thing because you have an idle town center you start with zero food but you start with six villagers so you um always do a loom at the start disguise for jordan got a nice hit there so scout advantage is in there for jordan already two villagers three villages i had okay two villages ahead for jordan now so you can see the idle teaser timer 30 seconds more for same name which is pretty much a little bit over a villager uh but jordan does some more idlique though so yeah it's been coming in just in time as well i'm curious how they're going to develop their woodlands here you just keep chopping here until you can drop a lumber camp there that was going to be the approach here either way woodland's a bit awkward jordan going for a second one on the on the high ground though this guy's coming around to raid same name with three scouts now but jordan does have two scouts to defend as well 0.02 idle tc with chinese visual bug no no i mean when you start the game you do you do loom right and then you if you have a sheep really close you can start taking food right away pretty much which means you don't need to have idle tc time uh a little bit is huge is normal but not that much there's villages going down on both sides here jordan lost one villager but he's going to get some good damage on those scouts now so i think that was definitely worth it for jordan the village numbers are equal now but uh jordan has advantage in the scout numbers two full hp scouts on top we scout's chasing the three scouts of same name so still looking good he's just did not take damage there he's going aggressive now as well he's probably gonna group up his army and try to put some pressure on the woodland score it's all the way on top where it's a scoreboard same game does have enough scouts though to defend so i think for now it's going to be very like equal game it's just about transitions here now good transitions into what this could be ugly for jordan spearman was just fighting the spears those actually became really good for jordan now he can fight two spearmen say my name is big troubles here jordan's going to get a lot of kills there are no spirits around for salmonella so he cannot engage he's going to lose a lot of villages there is a massive trade-off for jordan fantastic uh situation now he killed jordan only getting two wills from that okay three villagers now jordan is losing all of his scouts gordon should definitely have gotten the full villager kills here if you see the villagers they all are quite low hp now jordan should have definitely gotten more value out of that now jordan lost all his army what's that i mean it's a four village elite now jordan did sacrifice a lot there range coming up he does have enough spears and scouts at home though so he should be fine here as indiana was still a very good trade from jordan but he should have gotten even more value from that i like what he's doing now he knows the same and feels the pressure he knows the same name feels like okay i need to attack now so jordan defending with spears lost another villager there and going for the camera attack with scouts oh if they just went straight there he would have gotten another three villager kills at least but yeah pressure pressure on a lot of stuff happening but i think jordan is being too he's not being greedy enough right now the greed would have been to go straight into the woodland again of the same name still solid four villages lead we were coming in now for salmonella though so that lead will even grow further okay now he's going in the woodland it's gonna be good good value for jordan once again at least two villages should go down here possibly even three yeah three villages down great great stuff maybe even four experiment diving in here yeah jordan is in a fantastic spot now has enough wheels to deal with this as well it's just a reminder to switch to make a new lumber camp somewhere else so jordan just gets reminded here we'll see hp on these scouts uh scouts are quite close because jordan needs to react there he does but he will definitely lose a unit there too they're fighting on three different fronts right now so it's obviously difficult for him to multitask another villager down i'm saying wheelbarrow there's probably like a four village lead for jordan at the moment you just get out of there these woodlands monkeys yeah they are a bit nice oh that's lowest privileges jordan might lose another one here indeed but he pretty much cleans up the two scouts so um well roughly three villager lead for jordan in theory jordan with 500 wood in the bank 21 on wood jordan is seriously sort out his wood situation right now he has way too many on that okay he does that now he realizes he drops a mill and uses all these to make farms and he still has 10 villagers on wood on the low ground so still very good situation actually say my name jordan investing into armor bring the pressure on the right side the second woodland of same name jordan is investing to heavy fuel glacier while simon is actually thinking about castle edge he was thinking in a way but now he's queueing up more scouts and bloodlines so seems like we're going to have heavy feudalist player from both sides at the moment yeah still looking very good for jordan yo liveness thanks for 25 months uh thanks for the prime nice nine with the five months you know doubt this back song it's fire search i know i know it so primal dude thanks again for the five gift subs earlier we also have wubba fett with the seven months thank you very much yeah there's a lot of idle time here on the farms uh aliko is going ham now for salmon name two minutes more there and jordan 10 population i had here and doing we were himself so yeah roughly three villager lead for jordan he's in a great spot alvish thanks for the 43 months okay so eminem does get back on to uh to wood now doing armor himself jordan hasn't done bloodlines that's where uh same has a lead right now it is in the bloodlines jordan being forging now still no bloodlines though i would like to see bloodlines considering how many scouts he has made and that he continues to make scouts bloodlines would make a lot of sense samely not committing against the spears as well but he's not killing the spears when you engage like this you have to target down the spears and then the rest of the army same name here had like two scouts fighting two spears and the other scouts were fighting the other army and yeah i think jordan is just absolutely crushing it now and will uh bring the point or the first game at least home to jail no teddy coco i started talking as if i was casting with him but he remained muted so and in that case i don't really want to interfere with him if he's casting in spanish so to say like when i started talking i'm muted and then it was like invitation for him to join in but he remain muted so it's all good second stable for jordan as well bloodlines coming in now yeah this is just full fuel from this point same name this is very desperate 18 villagers now trying to take called um he will probably try to switch to or go to castle age here but jordan is not far from it either double as double the villagers own food as jordan market now the same name is going to buy some food to go castle but he's going to lose a lot in the process jordan not easing off at all who will play the second game um i will suggest taro to play it hopefully taro can play and bring home jordan house again he's been housed two or three times this game same name had to cue up more scouts instead of picking the castle he has 600 gold he could just buy a 100 or 200 footer and go to castles but yeah he just did this now does it now but the adjourn is him up even faster so earnestly this is there triple stable four stables all right jordan all right he's going four stables coxinator thank you for the prime yeah quadruple stable from jordan here and still keeping scout productions this will be a light cab into night camel probably and that's a massive investment on the stables it does have a lot of food so i guess you can maintain production for a cycle or two but yeah the the fourth and third stable might not be constantly working the whole time but this is a full one tcp play from jordan i think i don't expect him to see like him drop a tc or two i think we'll be all out gotta end the game as he hits castle h which he should be able to do honestly there's just so many scouts 15 scouts with full upgrades in futile age there is no army here for say my name to defend this he's going for a counter attack on the right side and this will not end well for him yes that's about right matrix potentially nine games but a minimum amount of five games is the guarantee oh jordan does go for a tc even playing safe behind this very heavy all-in approach those five scouts are actually gonna do quite a bit of work jordan will just have to back out and then defend against it but he should be fine doing that okay light cab plus two on the way the economy i'll say my name is gonna go to the hell is there a magical number we have to research light cap uh it depends not so simple it's very much depending on the situation it makes sense or not uh jordan obviously invested with the idea of going like that so for him it made sense it's a good fight for him there are a couple of nights now full hp same and he's going to get a decent trade here i'm not sure how many villages went down in the process as well some spearmen i see one villager two villagers there's a 14 villager lead so it was worth it in the end no matter what and yeah sami was just desperately trying to hold on but he's going full nights jordan is now going full camel see jordan has four stables how many are producing one that's like going for the fourth stable is just i would accept three stables in case you want to like go ham on the production but going for stables you cannot maintain that production especially when you drop a second tc yeah it's weird but okay look at this massive army from jordan two knights from same enemy on the bottom side that's not really a problem more than double the military as well here for jordan i'm not sure why he's not just going straight for the kill third tc for jordan as well not taking any risk he doesn't want to lose this game he's tired of being humiliated i'm bad at defending against feudal rush i play with frank's and advice don't be afraid to make archer's archery ranges with pranks and still be very good i think sami might have enough to clean this up now with the monk as well getting conversion no okay jordan did crossbow that was a great move by jordan he still had six archers seven options and those seven arches turning into crossbow makes a hell of a difference when it comes to damage output especially if it did bulk in air as well he would have that those crossbows would have uh provided so much value this memory seven times seven once he has parking arrow so he has 30 no 177.49 49 um extra damage output every volley which would have been insane right what a beast man who is this dominating man that was a weird map why did i choose that one what's wrong you dominated i should have listened to daddy man before stable play yeah four statement what the hell only using two of them but it doesn't matter it's about intimidating the opponent yeah yeah like he saw he didn't receive your fourth he did three money if he saw the fourth he would have instantly resigned yeah makes sense makes sense beast intimidating opponent thanks daddy dominating tattoo let's go [Laughter] i want to see it now mediocrities with the thunderbits let's see what we got here got a call from anna sulbrecht she says oh it's forgiven to please come home thank you man or woman career six things for the seven months no bully tati potaty you mean all right let's go man chinese war again that's exciting well it's kind of a good civilization we're kind of forced into the pick yeah i'm kind of surprised they're putting chinese so often in the map that's a pretty dope map i like that one why didn't you pick it as your home app i forgot about it honestly and i like to try out new maps and how did you know the the other map i checked the video right again it's like yeah that's should be fine as well let's pick that one i mean this one is very straightforward woodlands to save all this exposed but it's kind of a arabia style that was gold is pretty nice though to be fair i wouldn't mind that one so jordan tell us what was the plan with the four stables initially i thought okay let's just go full feudal and go full scouts and then i realized oh i have 600 food already in the bank and he's playing so extreme defensive defensively let's just go up make it safe but yeah well the fourth stable came on the way to castle really yes you added it on the way to castle age okay i fought okay then i thought i had enough economy to support for stables okay but uh it was not to intimidate your opponent no i blocked okay um i mean yeah i usually tell people never to go three stables either because it's like wow oh because you can only in in most cases unless you go like full on tc you can only produce from the tc uh of i'm saying sorry i'm typing at the same time you can only produce from that uh those three stables maybe one or two cycles and after that there's like only two stables working at most yeah yeah there's like the third stable isn't worth it most of the time yeah but if you stay a bit longer in futile age your economy is stronger right so yeah and those cases make sense but yeah fourth one is obviously way too over overpowered there doesn't make any sense another dark age i know it's intimidating i'm just making fun so many people watching you i suppose i don't know you're not that talkative man wait i'm looking at the idol teases him now you had 0.02 idle this time in dark age yeah that cannot be uh because you did loom right away right i did loom right away yeah did you have a sheep right away yes i had sheep right away so you almost started like um obviously it was not under the tc right but i had it right away yeah but did you actually have only zero like was it longer than 0.02 i don't think so the start was perfect okay well then it might have been 0.02 idle t's time the first drop was 50 and the second drop was 51 so yeah when that happened i was like okay this this game is won yeah it's just so smooth the versus if you drop and it's 49. yeah it's like are you serious no but then it might have been accurate that you had 0.02 idle tc because you were also like a villager and a half ahead of him in dorky what yeah well one villager at least yeah but that's crazy yeah jordan's back which was back i have a lot of experience with chinese i've been playing them a lot i actually learned from you about chinese to use seven wheels on the ship oh you learning from me oh nice because i used to play back i was all about maximizing the dark age right and then i used six wheels only on food for the longest time yeah until we were playing and you commented and asked me why i only have six on on sheep i was like yeah why wouldn't i and it was like mind blown you can have seven seven on cheap and your tc production is so much easier viper there is a secret i want to share with you yeah but it's like it's in hindsight it's like such an obvious thing right but yeah yeah when you're just so used to that okay you're supposed to have sex on sheep yeah and you're so used to that kind of thing it's just yeah that's is he losing one yes i seriously loom right yeah but there's a wolf and the scout oh are you behind i'm 10 minutes yeah yeah i see as you know i'm 10 minutes now as well the wolf again oh no i think this time he will beat it down do you think so yeah let me see let me see i think he's starting speed 25 and he started walling to trying to quick roll too late i think yeah okay that is not having the greatest start so far but he's able to ball himself maybe that's why he doesn't have a greater start yeah usually when you walk too early then look at that kind of stuff happens that has a piggy that's too stable why is it there he played he played too much black forest with doubt yeah i can tell and not the greatest start but i mean still he's stable there's no no pressure coming in oh well pressure is coming but he has a scout and a spear should be fine no worries his chinese number is yeah and it will be for the world so this will transition to macro macro game yes look at the spear on the middle of bad boy it's like he's looking he's just looking into the middle i got the wheels turning and now i'm even getting some scouting value look at that two hp for the win uh he's gonna see the goal though that's really important he knows now that bad boy has a back main goal so yeah well bad boy's full of walls as well i mean i prefer bad boy situation looks pretty good yeah he has one will each more and he has better gold right he's going to lose the two scouts oh there's the low hp the wolf fighter oh hill advantage oh no oh no is he losing another one he's losing another one yeah he will lose him quick wall in the west india pink don't have potato oh three villagers behind that yeah okay too it also has 12 more idle tca time well i guess now they just stop making units and transition to castle so yeah yeah but that boy's situation is definitely better here yeah for sure he also has a better tattoo needs to go out of his map to get gold as well it's actually really bad for taro and that was awesome made more scout well batboy's still open so he can still get him with scouts yeah i think in that case it really makes sense to jump even yeah just to make some work with the scouts that's to debate and then dive surprised that he has no wallet out fully because that's uh one of the lessons i had to learn the scouts just run in and you're like okay you know i have four scouts in the in the base this is another good thing you have to spend so much time chasing them down and suddenly your spears aren't following and then he can pick off a villager and so forth it's super annoying yeah he's added um archery reach range that's doing a market okay okay i like the approach by batboy because with the now you can really pressure the gold of tattoo even in fuel asia already and especially if their castle age times are similar he will hit with like six seven crossbows as the knights come out yeah yeah looking really good for bad boys especially if you just go for uh crossbows into camels like those two they're gonna counter the truth he's a real bad boy this guy yeah he knows how to play isn't bad boy the guy you have like that norman bromance with no it's song song oh samson okay all the time when there was a period of time when we played one once he axed a corner and says jordan you go there like migrating there right okay okay you go there you go there i got you okay it's bad but moving out with one spear and one archer apparently oh i like he sent the other spare back to to bring the other archers safely across that was cute perfect perfect that's adding a blacksmith now tattoos seems like he's going to play cavalry this is really good for batboy yeah it's only 30 seconds behind the castle as well in that point of time you should make a tower right this is a disaster and the main goal yeah but ted is greedy here man he doesn't want to he wants to okay he has a market so yeah he could just clean that one up with two knights and then we'll make a tc there right no it doesn't work because because the follow-up right tara has no goal now he cannot make units sure he will make one or two nights but after that and then he uses those to clean up that but there's gonna be a second wave of army from bad boy yeah i know he cannot he doesn't won't have the numbers to make the tc he's going out again he will i think he will he's fighting he's fighting man freaking tattoo man he's so mad he didn't get object [Laughter] honestly this one i think you just put two thesis inside your base and try to hold with maybe mangano monastery and then transition like make a castle to get gold as and so forth i would never want to do that i wouldn't always so i wouldn't want to either but i feel like that's his only option it's doing a nice job picking up reinforcements though with upgraded scouts so that's really good by taro really nice pickup that's that's extremely good but uh still yeah nothing oh he's going for the teaser though yeah that's what i told you man yeah i mean well the reason he can do this is oh he's going forward again picking up the units here great play by taro using this great use of the scouts to get that though 60 on tc should be able to get it up without any losses will we you should already lost i'm not sure about that one viper i think this is the right call by samsung as well just go for the bills i'm not sure if you would get the tcf no he should 98 yeah it's up he didn't lose some will just sound something with a five lg lead something he's only building the second tc right now so that will be able to catch up quite fast right but now the siege workshop is coming that's the thing the pressure on this gold is going to be oh it's going to be massive very uncomfortable yeah like i prefer this by samsung just do two tc and put pressure rather than going through tc for sure yeah i really struggle to think about how tata can defend that they have manganese and stuff but that's always so awkward right if your opponent has knights then that's gonna be really problematic and the whole backside of his base is also super exposed still to crossbows right tattoo still has he has one light cap that's his army yeah this is just such an awkward spot oh i think there's a hole between the two houses he's building okay he plugged it okay good okay how can you see that like literally how do you see it looked awkward that's how i see it oh well you can kind of tell that something seems a bit off in the distance yeah still very awkward tattoo obviously has to react and taro still doesn't have a bow saw things like this slip under the radar when you're being pressured yeah there's going to be a couple idle farms i'm confused both of them have heavy flow is that a chinese thing or what well no right that doesn't have doesn't have any uh back there right no no tara did the heavy plow okay yeah and now the magnet is coming for yeah but now the mangano is going to be the biggest issue see if that directs okay good reaction oh yeah super awkward i like that television stone though he will be able to potentially do guard tower or castle defense eventually but doing scorpions defending at the crossbows but yeah crossbows aren't really the main issue anymore it's issues or the mangan so he's doing a good job in keeping the villagers up to seven villages ahead now which is good but still losing a scorpion there now the pressure is so big it's also from the hill that town center is and taro still doesn't have double uh both saucer armor patty man what is that doing man i think fortizzy is fine as long as he puts more wheels in stone is his only way to reclaim position in his game is with a castle i can see a castle between the tc and the blacksmith like next to that gold yeah yeah and to reclaim that that's easy on the front is gone i'm sure three dc's going to come as well let's see the micro here see if that can get at least what what bad boys what's that oh my god what what is happening man that's hilarious that's hilarious wait so that's the best engagement so bad boy deleted a mangano shooting from the hill to downhill he missed the shot yes and then he oh god all right tara has a chance again let's go the funny thing is the leader one which was not even targeted yeah yeah it was just what was that it made no sense okay that that's just perfect man that was hilarious uh yeah but daddy i personally think he is too little on stone yeah like that has to be prioritized like tyler is still in a very in a lot of trouble but it's looking a little bit better than it did it looks definitely better after that 3v1 let's see again another one another one this one good job you might get two for one delete okay good so two for one that's fine i'm getting some shots on the crossbows free shipment finish it he's getting some free here okay so even though the village account is still advantage taro the ram now is going to be a big problem because he has no army and again bad boy has doubled uh he has both saw and he has a wheelbarrow that was neither so even though there is a television difference as well yeah that's huge at that point of time i'm thinking because at that point of time you just abandon the right-hand side and go to the left-hand side yeah like building this castle there i agree got to the top score let's go he's doing a good job still but yeah the pressure is still i don't see how he holds this thesis still although he's doing a really good job with the micro hair on the tc yeah yeah yeah there's the tc down there's no way to get in back in there now so that's going to be five six dead villagers at least and batboy has added nights now so it's really nice for him it's really nice for him don't come up with those things okay you were the one using yeah um taro what to do now uh it's not only that the pressure on the front is gone it means the pressure is coming into his base now and that's yeah there we have knight's already coming in taro desperately doing a lot of stealing shot he needs that castle asap on that ball so you can do some military here yeah but also that so awkward now to have those knives in right yeah so much farming for idol adding a third tc i really like the way bad boys playing that one yeah plus two armor as well on the knights that was now committing finally on the castle so he will secure himself gold income but yeah suddenly he's now in a position where the gold income isn't as important anymore exactly it's not the most important thing though anymore yeah looks uh tough for our boy yep i hope you're ready to play viper it seems like i might have to that's a village like if he can get some decent trades maybe get a good conversion or two you can still stabilize but yeah the position advantage is just huge here yeah the problem is he doesn't have blueberry yet would upgrade still missing right these are all things which are adding up here and this all the economy is idle at least fifty percent yeah look at the idle echo time one almost two hours for taro 40 minutes for a bad boy tattoos losing bills left and right as well here the main piece is very likely to go down soon there's no manga on the way there's no monks on the way there's no army on the way one chicano is on the way yeah that's not gonna help too much either against that army soul wood for goalie tara is buying wood like now he has 20 bills on gold but he still has to buy gold oh he's diving all the mango mill oh what is he doing we have he feels like he has to but yeah we'll call the dg here i think yeah that's just too many that bills and yeah looks like i might have to yeah man looks like it yeah i'll say though fantastic play from bad boy like credible this is really solid macro micro decision making on how to pressure a bad map yeah yeah exactly and also bad strategy right bad strategy because i i think no no from uh tattoo i don't know yeah going with all the archers is uh some way to go especially without that kind of map yeah you need to take the map into uh into account better okay nice manual shot there let's start the comeback the rams are left under defenders so you can take out the rams now yeah but the handcart is coming on in for batboy and he has 22 villagers more so that's so huge right that's incredible very nicely done by batboy this game perfectly played at let's have to see how long paddle decides to suffer stick around yeah i'm just waiting to see his uh discord name being like unmuted yeah bad boy dropping three more stables forward he's going for the kill man i watched me playing yeah i can tell he also has bills on stone so he will also do a castle eventually and yeah you know you're desperate when you have to force drop a second tc right next to another to have safety yeah uh i'm wondering if darto is thinking that bad boy is playing this one tc i can't be at this point with the amount of armor that has come out in the score difference yeah i can't imagine that at least tati doesn't have doubt in his team that's always the worst when you have doubt in the team and you lose the one one like you know you're exposed yeah look at the eco kd 55 to zero there's a 40 villager advantage now for he will he will get one he will get one yeah you think so with the light cap oh oh yes oh yeah this is the five two one let's go come back another t super tower the tarot i missed the 40 c there's no water crate still no wheelbarrow bad boys on the way to imp yeah okay that game is so over looks like it last map is map pack mirrors right yeah maybe you get um maybe i'll probably get that shitty map that i don't want to ever talk about oh yeah that one i would laugh so hard if you got got it that would be amazing that was just waiting to resign as balboa gets imp that's pretty much what the storyline is right now so viper tell me how was the weather in life well that was kind of great actually a little windy gray no rain though but at least the sun isn't out in full force it's not out we have it out now finally after a few hours and it's just great to see after a couple of days with clouds only yeah we've had we have had the sun like it's been cloudy and rainy the last couple days but the sun still pops out a couple hours okay uh but when you're streaming it's annoying rather so i think last time i saw you i watched the streaming and you had the sun directly in your face but i have like uh like you know the angels with the holo on top of their heads yeah the ring the of the light yeah yeah that's how every stream is yeah that's good okay 35 seconds tattoo's gonna lose all the chukunu's there on the middle of the map as well will he resign before before m kid kicks he doesn't see the castle if he saw the castle matter okay now he's the castle so he sees the castle and he's gonna see him and i think rotella is gonna unmute himself on this chord uh very soon in five seconds something like that pound it down five four well he's imp on my uh one there we go no oh yeah that was a perfect time good timing there good times that was a good timing that was wrong there okay freaking tattoo man you have to go for it man can we you always have to bring it home by i would love to bring doubt into this call now you see what he has to say azam keeps sending me the doubt washed up emote the bastard please be a good map please be a good map it is dark that's promising oh i think it's the map we played earlier isn't it with the mountains in the sides he was like oh wait no no no what is this what is this map oh is it wait i'm so confused what is this map okay i think i know which map it is okay i recognize the map i think i recognize it i thought it would be only wood in the middle maybe i don't recognize maybe i'm wrong maybe this isn't the map i think it is i'm not really 100 sure can't find any extra sheeps i'm wondering if there isn't extra sheep and there's only the elephants in all the hunt on the top can we drop a male here yes we can okay there is extra sheep or goats if you want to be politically correct this is not the same as jordan played now she there we go the games we're currently playing is best of three only ones so only now if if i lose now vns get the point if i win we get a point it's the best of three only one and this is pretty much the decider for the point so yeah yet foreign me think he might do archer opening so i might do the same you feel like he wants to rush my my hunt that's the impression i'm getting what's wrong with him today mr berg hope i have enough food foreign see how this goes so it doesn't really mind i'm killing some of those i'm sure he's just sitting there on the mail really good fight for me [Music] okay um range um oh i think it's somewhat okay at the moment just finished his range and i have numbers so unless he switches makes skirms should be looking pretty good here um you prefer to have the initiative i'm having let's just go for his hunt i'm sure he has something somewhere that's great running straight into my numbers cheeky guys [Music] i think he's dead [Music] um good fight hell yeah it was how long is he going to chase us keeps chasing those a little bit let's do it attack it shouldn't work as long as i make sure i have skirms here [Music] yeah this is probably where i buy my way to castle edge paid off frame i'm not sure i mean he is losing a lot of ground on his own base because of that pressure so not sure if i would say it was it was worth it that's poor micro by me i'm taking them down to like 50 hp and then i'm not killing them i still think i'm far enough ahead but it doesn't matter i still traded off the whole army equal numbers and uh yeah it was it was completely fine i know exactly where his army is and i'm gonna be cast there soon sometimes [Music] annoying he escaped yeah this game should still be over hello i want to delete the wall i was trying to delete the gate [Music] oh [Music] all right 3-0 game legend let's go you're demanding jordy man i have a question i didn't understand one thing in this game why did you delete your market was trying wasn't the gate enough i was trying to delete the gate man i know i know feels better i i could have seen your face at that point of time when that happened especially with sore sins that's always a good move well at least it's cheap to rebuild so i mean in the end it's okay okay you won yeah all accounts okay are we guys ready for that one now guys you guys might be very cool like just to talk to our viewers you guys might be very confused initially on this map just so you guys know um you're gonna see a lot of relics a lot but the relics are not relics the relics are objects that you have to destroy in order to summon trees there are no trees on the map or relics it's very weird there are a few trees there but very very few of them right are there even trees maybe there are yeah there are trees there are trees yeah let's go tell are you ready yeah daddy which civ foreign surprise for the viewers as well sorry sir that's for sure i know tati no no no i didn't know it though okay guys let's make it a 4-0 we have one every match so far x0 oh yeah there are some trees but it's like singular trees we need to find where or freeze by the way what do they have by the way first berbers it opens chinese okay they're gonna play very aggressive here which makes sense no surprise okay i found relics here i was here really excited yeah me neither yeah i might go this way or there it's a bit far though for my liking oh mine are here keep in mind the relic trees have 300 wood you guys found eight sheep no i don't were there no boards here or no there are no boards yeah okay i found my last codes they are confused man we're confused wait until i see the middle that's when you get confused there's another woodland there or relic line or there's a red likes there my wood line is very much forward so you have me here i'll be there man be there man i need you as you can see they're called plants they have 12 hit points and they turn into trees after you destroy them yeah this is full of dressing digression has any of them attempted to scout you guys no are you still missing too sick i started to lose so i can make the keyboard i'm against wait wait did those trees regenerate i just ate a tree and it regenerated at the normal tree yeah the normal tree like 100 uh tree actually if they regenerate right yeah yeah yeah they they do they do they do then the relics are useless [Music] we failed wait so there are those trees regenerate forever it changes a lot now they have bamboo now for me yeah bamboo true but yeah i'm super confused right now i miss like three times they're not even going for those man yeah i want to see now if like the second time if it regenerates again that's the question my friend there is two scouts here you need me right away uh you could come i didn't answer my question come man oh man i'm really close to my guy i'm on the way i'm gonna see if it regenerates one more i may time open this on a skinny sport yeah it reached it regenerated again but now it's only 50 wood like it's like it's changing from three to three like it went to bamboo and now it went to uh reed of 50 wood uh [Music] i'll be playing on tarot's side and uh jordan's side taro now but i want to know where pogba's playing oh he's on this side at the moment it's my arms now jordan wait after you destroy one of those relic trees they become baobab trees and you cannot eat them anymore [Music] this is so weird are you confused i'm very confused i think everyone is where are they jordy left yes [Music] unless the pocket comes as well oh okay now my pocket is here probably would be ideal okay where exactly i'm kind of engaging forced into engaging now [Music] don't come don't come i will go forward i cleaned all their stuff but i also i mean i traded my army for that [Music] tell me if you guys see their army here that scouts uh two scouts yeah i'm gonna try and run right across the map to see if i can raid are you all right he has a tower on his golden wood jordan okay they are cleaning me now okay like pocket is there oh uh jordan he is there with five archers in the spear i'm coming do you know which way he's going and he's going up i might need help here by the way okay i will need help on my woodland then if you can come in this direction yes i'm coming i'm following you later uh you should if you feel like you can get pressured fast taro don't do a tower i killed one archer and one is very low hp yeah pocket scouts are all here so you don't have to fair being doubled right now i'm here with the stouts kiss his arches are here i'm behind him okay how many does he have four and one spear but i'm behind him so he's here just a bit okay just you keep chasing it i'm going for another army i will chase you oh no [Music] okay i lost back because i don't know where pocket scouts are now by the way yeah okay they're there i lost i lost the track unfortunately they are behind the taro aren't they yeah i think so kathy do you see them why do i have to cheat right here goddammit oh they're on there up there i'll go clean that go forward i'll clean it okay today uh archers i have a lot of archers let's go attack jordan do you know where is it [Music] uh yellow has a couple of scars here do i have to deal with them uh i think yes but they're only four right yeah why are they attacking gaia man where do we go jordan i'm coming home never turns around man keep trying to bait him kill it jordan i killed him he has a okay let's go purple let's go purple up right okay okay the four archers could be coming your your way but yeah i see them where do we go from here this way yeah i'm here here uh woodland there was on there yeah i'm getting a lot of kills there [Music] oh yeah yeah finally there are spirits there you can attack now his army is busy purple army [Music] they're all here jordan just keep running see if we can get a good angle to fight that if you just go just go here i'm coming there all armies are chasing us believe it or not i'd ran out of holes but try to get some hits now jordan with the hill okay yep good damage to the flanks i'm 50 on the castle knights are coming questions that i play you getting some animals here [Music] there's your ship jordan uh taro jordan of course so all my spears i have no defense now amazing as well [Music] 24 just camping my farms at the moment and i have some support that did you have anything probably my guys on my base okay i will i will come we're taking my stables now i'm coming i just got ballistics and we can clean this already yes plus two as well [Music] you got cardo i do yes oh i come from ghana as well go back jordan they have a vlog that doesn't look good was looking there teddy i'm going to hurt you now there's some crossbow there i don't have unit villages there anymore how many crossbows are there okay i'm coming here i can clean those crossbows if you can come here with your arches don't see them though [Music] army try to minimize turn [Music] they are going here hey purple is there can stabilize and take a few good fights we can possibly compete again are you on the heat now yeah just keep charging down there tarot always by myself yeah i think we can call it guys let's do it uh okay i don't really understand how the map is supposed to be played out well the fact that the trees respawn change a lot and we don't have to go for the far relic forest right away knows you wouldn't have to do the for the forward number camp in that case yeah that changes a lot yeah for sure that's something we probably should have tested but we tested a lot on this map how could we know yeah we did a lot on that map but this is something we did not [Music] what if they knew that i see them as well have taken the relic forest so if they maybe they didn't know either yeah what's the price for everyone yeah i guess in the corner is gold and you have stone your golden stone along the edges what's the next one again art arctic scientific circle yeah maybe considering the map how it plays out probably ethiopians berbers make more sense yeah how did the marlins feel teddy i think moments should be good considering how it plays out as well right yeah i was doing really good but then they come both to me yeah on the start and the opening was much better the middle arm's opening here actually i'm not sure how much they slowed you down jordy but in this moment i think it makes sense because i can also go past to the pocket way easier yeah yeah i mean it didn't really slow me down at all i feel because i was able to quick wall i didn't lose anything but i think the big issue was that they were able to do good damage on your side right they didn't do that they killed one villager and i had to trade my whole starting army off yeah yeah but it wasn't the end of the world i think yeah they have good humor that's that's good good guys are you listening now don't be vikings again man oh i'm not working what i thought that is he's joking hell spiking so his only difference is the pockets here burgundians oh are you boy to the middle or outside i go outside this map is so much better than the previous one there's actually trees like honestly who in the right mind comes up with the idea of the last game he should be put into a mental institution yeah i would not mind that seriously like i get all the great things about playing around with maps but that one was just too much i like it of course you like it because you should also be in the mental institution [Laughter] out there the truth man not to foreign tata was complaining so much of like like about black forest jordan yeah you know how much force nothing he has played throughout his life nothing is fair i saw a couple of them exactly nothing is fair even doing like world record attempts in four is nothing and he complains about black forest yeah that doesn't add up but black is nothing is the most for map ever relax it's okay we didn't mean to offend your precious force nothing you are no no no of course nothing is fair something here dude man so you're saying force nothing is fair it doesn't matter what sieve you are you have the money you have gold four wire or hills [Music] so getting kills is not a big advantage it's fair for the fairest too many maps to remember everything only 17. man and he's not like anyone he's known right yeah on this tournament that's true there is everywhere be nice penguins what was there with them they don't attack right no they attack not the fishing boats but the villagers will they attack the wheels yeah but they do can move and then they will be nice guys be nice i'm going to check to see if they are there i go minute arms into the bottom okay sam has a villager okay he's just walling but it was for a dog he's just born oh i found today hello to what do things no everyone wants himself i think it's hard to pull up okay make it nice he's going forward here oh coming doing something for me well he's taking time i have too many says that he will come along get the lowest people [Music] i will go to the middle to try and take the fish [Music] or something's fish he's also taken here here where he was right there right i can't walk to that woodland uh well we can see mulder yeah is you and me has a villager here as well in the water i'm gonna clean all this fish in the middle [Music] is [Music] he's losing all his fashion ships and sending alex to ssm i guess kcci is fishing there yeah i know necessary now i will stop making scouts and just go up as anyone's guys open you guys know what mine is open here yes i'm going there oh he's trying to wall on the backside here in philadelphia oh this is easier is it's okay i gained like two or three he has a lot of fishing ships at the back yeah if you can keep his armor busy i can send my my scouts and see if i can kill him like if his arm is busy on the front i can go and snipe fish on the back of samsung like one qualified well he lost all his fish right so okay sam has some fires in the back here so i cannot [Music] okay there's experiment there so it's wrong style yes he has stable as well so he might forward you actually yeah i'm excited okay there's a ram already [Music] yeah it's one wrong style for one style if you can kill the water pocket obviously that would be good viper i lost water here it's a bit tough i will kill the water hey is [Music] okay it's full long style here by the way all right can i do anything that kept you there if you have army it would help but i'm not sure and send me the send them to me that is it's studios as well and for this issue do you want me to do bikes i think i think it would be a good idea actually and as long as you kill the fish i mean i will struggle with production now because i don't have fish anymore but uh he has no peace now yeah okay this should be doable but there's a chance to go to you as well do that that was a good eco behavior i think you will be able to add pieces soon again didn't know my first arrived [Music] uh yes yes how much do you have i have 10 packs for them just build up i mean they're not killing me or anything right so as long as you just keep building up your numbers should be okay guys they're actually diving maybe it's time for you to send your pipeline after all i'm coming kill them okay thank you then we can see that yeah these should be fine uh okay it's just a few nights left [Music] is [Music] okay where are the relics on this map it seems like on the outside yeah they're on their water i think i would say okay uh water is somewhat lost of course but chateau took somewhat back again water there's one cavalier there i'm chasing him and he's doing a lot of scorpions there okay i know what i think you'll be able to clean that out your friend i'm just gonna keep booming they cleaned me up here but it's okay you need bikes there or you're fired you can send this if you need me to do army tell me um yeah getting pikachu would be awesome uh here bucky you have some knights here as well oh here he's through there get flexing jordan yeah i'm getting already oh and the question right now is should i keep investing in cast stage to help secure worry [Music] you leave some hikes in my base as well just uh they are circling around now you're here aware of the red water coming on this backside title and massimo [Music] just to get some extra and it's not food the only scary part right now would be the early paladin which is surely on the way so he's in there first to me yeah that's good [Music] is any more to united viper what awkward can you send those packs up to my base title and send me everything hollanding [Music] okay so we're gonna stick [Music] that's a good trap you can send me 500 food i can do coloring i haven't i have i'm using everything now on my six yeah as well okay well we cleaned up the whole polynomial that's good well then i'm good i'll buy it probably on the way just need a minute of time and he's through here again is halfway done i will be able to i will have better problem then soon uh coming all right we should be good now places you need to taste those yeah i would no i killed that morning i think i think we can just steamroll straight through the middle now i'm sending traps for this castle do you need more paladinos there jordy oh the more i get the better it is okay oh really jordan is it better the more you get yeah just wanted to explain you how it works thank you thank you why are you asking me those questions now ask if you need me paladin you're stating the obvious define needing man are you gonna die if you don't get paladin no then no is the answer how am i supposed to know it could be a different meaning as well man okay i'm pushing here but you can always just keep pushing your gun let's go let's go wanna run under the castle have been there thingies [Music] do a better thing is right do you fight the paladin oh it's flemish it's flemish i'm out of here see you all right bring him to the water man i have all my oh yeah yeah yeah i'm ready for this yeah let's go let's go i'm ready for this there you guys come come okay the scorpions are coming as well man everything is coming everything is welcome here i wanna see that let's go teddy let's go [Music] oh god oh another revolution bye-bye he takes the hill what a coward [Music] bring it to me palin actually winning true flemish revolution who way to go revolution just need a water water map that's all that was super dicey though freaking huang rushed on even in 33 you don't get away from the juan rush yeah pretty scary but i think it's a better strategy compared to what i did i don't know i think it depends on who wins oh okay because if temple wins then obviously we can't start the same time as today yeah so we just have to see who wins or the other guys and then okay take it from there make sense we even managed to let that to enjoy and end with some yes purpose perfect all right guys i need to move on to the next tournament ggs
Channel: TheViper
Views: 57,946
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: IZl_8d28t0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 34sec (10474 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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