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so I've been doing a lot of breeding these past few days and when I say a lot I mean a lot and as you can see there's a lot of different things right now in my base and unfamiliar faces like this one this Anubis and this toor like grease bolt this Blaze owl and that blue blue Bron Cherry which is a a Fusion Monster yeah and of lag there and also this one this Verdes so yeah I've got a lot of different things to show you so might as well get right into it so before we jump into everything if you find yourself enjoying this one make sure to whack a like subscribe ring the bell enable notifications leave a comment down below if you want to suggest some other things to improve and anything and also as you can see I cleaned up the base right there cuz I actually put it in another place I transfer it somewhere and yeah uh as I said before my map got wiped out uh last day last last day think the day before yesterday to be exact so I got nothing to upload yesterday so yeah I just went ahead and explore again but I didn't completely retrieve all the way points that I've unlocked especially in this side the volcano side haven't explored there yet but yeah I built a base right here and here so maybe let's check out this one first and so I plan to make this base as a production base for me this where I put all the electronics the electric powered facilities so you can see there's the production one I think this is the spear for what weapon production and this one is the high quality production and this is the the pile condenser where you can dissolve the duplicates just to power up the main one and on the other base that is actually a mining a mining base that's where I automated my my metal Farm using that one that dig toys which I got from an egg in an exploration and the one that is refining them is that one that red flying thingy suzaku which looked like a I don't know it's it's quite unique when it comes to design it has a kindling level three so it's very good for refining as you can see I'm already using a a leveled up refining furnace and improved furnace and I could also now refined get a refined Ingot so let's make some of those I've been quite busy while I'm not recording and if you look at my level I'm already level 44 so I'm so over level build right now and I haven't done any bosses or some sort just the ones that I've already fought but I've done some caves actually I haven't recorded the others but I've recorded one that is not that hard also I'll show the clip while I'm talking like right just right now yeah so yeah if you want to make a base it's like this an automated metal Farm here you can see can look at this map it is near a mountain near the MOs for Manda Forest Manda Forest Way point just uh in the northwest of it this is a really good place because it has a a lot of or or nodes and the co nodes here in just one place it is really convenient and as you can see I've got a lot of ho and ore which I already refined into an iron ingot so yeah our main goal for today is actually to clear out this level 23 bosses or the the ones that are in level in the level 20s oh yeah I the FED one the level 23 fell B because I find I found it looking like a an Absol which is quite cool well not not really not necessarily an Absol because it is standing in its two feet so yeah I've also reached quite far until there so yeah maybe I'll just let's just clear out this level 20s and maybe let's start here oh yeah I also forgot to show my team right and this is the team that I'm running right now oh someone is actually attacking so I've been using this kitson which I breeded a lot just to get some good passive skills it currently has a lucky lucky passive skill which I could which you would also only get with the shiny ones but I managed to reproduce it by cross breathing the lucky one the lucky one with the different different pal which resulted to me getting a lucky kit soon and I've done a lot of lot more breeding to get the passive skills the other passive skills here uh ferocious it has ferocious barely body lucky and Swift it's not the best passive skill set but kind of works it has 780 attack and 591 defense so yeah it's pretty much um beast when it comes to damage and here's my be Beacon with the the new ferocious passive skill and a birdy body it's also breeded I also have a Anubis an Anubis in my team which is not really my strong as strongest my strongest anues because I'm still currently breeding them I haven't gotten a good passive skill for it but yeah it's pretty much usable and I've also used this brown cherry Aqua this this is a recently breed one I think I just readed it a while ago if I remember correctly and this one is really cool it's a blaze owl knock it's a fusion one a a blaze owl with a dark dark type dark typing it has a ferocious serious artisan and muscle head I actually wanted to remove the Artisan here because this is one this one of my battle battle Pals battle Tes I plan to use this for a long time so maybe I could remove that later on but yeah it's really cool so let's head straight to where that catus is I think it's just here it is a [Music] dungeon Invincible maybe we could use the blaze out in here the blaze all knock let's just try how strong it is as you can see I'm still using a crossbow I plan to create a gun that's why I built the mining base but it's not quite enough yet just yet to build one because I've got a schematic for a better [Music] handgun so I'm still waiting for it all failed to catch that I underestimated my own damage again so yeah that's quite easy so let's jump into the next one so yeah just just after the recent update of this game I've been getting quite the lag spikes that it's getting quite annoying to be honest especially in this places that I previously previously unlocked but got wiped in my map that's why I can't teleport to them guessing it's a bug or something or they change something on the actual game okay this would probably be fast awesome just hope I could catch this one it's really lagging oh that is a lot ah failed it I failed it once more I guess um yes you can see I also got a shield now I've got quite a lot of resources from just [Music] grinding okay let's jump to the next one right away I think the next one is the beacon yep it's the beacon and if we finish this qu quite early maybe we could go for this one elizabe the mandals maybe this one too the mampu Boran and the mamores which is my target from the very first time the mamor but I'm not really planning to capture it because I've got my own from an egg so our next Target would be Beacon right yes it's Beacon which is which will be quite hard since it's flying around I've seen this one before but I didn't pirate yet because when I saw this one it's quite a higher level than me but right now you can guess what would happen if I battle it right now especially with the level 42 Beacon of my own is this it's a burant egg yeah when it comes to eggs it would be better if you could get a large one large egg or a huge one the huge eggs are the best ones in my experience I've found a lot of rare ones with the huge eggs that's where I got my Blaze out the huge egg see it's it's lagging this place is lagging already was not like this before when I've V visited this but now it's really laggy I do hope I could fight this one properly I might not because of this lag oh my God this lag is quite [Music] unbearable oh I wasted that uh don't you worry I've got a lot of Spears now and I've also got a lot of resources to make them so yeah the mega spares up to Gig spares are not a problem if I waste them but the hyper hyper ones and the ultra ones are quite still hard to make so I'm really I'm being very careful not to show them blindly that was quite quite easy but let's get out of this place cuz it's lagging a lot it's very unbearable to watch I don't know if it's with my PC or the game itself so let's go for the eler [Music] be next it's near in this base so it's not hard to find is it still lagging it's not right it's not oh there's cave right here maybe we could take that on later it's level 29 and could take that on later let's deal with this elab be first it's up here I think oh there's the free P Alliance guys are quite [Music] High how did that [Music] Miss yes i' I've been using the skill foots for my teams so as you can see my beacon could just far type move even though it's an electric type oh it's chasing another I feel like it's lagging quite a bit maybe I should restart the game let's restart the game first so it's quite better I think see can't find this elizabe where is it hiding or is it just going to show up when it's night night time or something maybe it does huh and maybe it does let's just go to a different place then let's go to a different place then uh where's my base there it is yes you can see the reach of my Bas is just that it's not really that far so yeah it's not really that far that's why I needed to make another one oh I I I almost almost burn burned my own base this pral alliances they're breing Havoc everywhere but it's quite [Music] annoying I'm so sorry camat you're just casualty but you didn't dodge you'll definitely attack me later on why are you guys just standing there maybe I should reset cuboard yeah a lot of Blaze house as you can see I've been reading them for the passive skill that's how I got the passive skills of my the nocturnal one so if it's going to be there at night maybe we should just go for the masanda the masanda luxs this one is a variant of the panda the grass type Panda this one is I think an electric type the Luxe ones are the electric types yeah maybe we could use Anubis here cuz it's not that far a level it's only level 5 this one is also a good base location I think it's quite flat it's and there's a lot of resources that would be a good base location so where's the panda it's over there here it's under under under the world under the land what should would call it yes you let's reload first oh mes maybe we could try to catch this one we [Music] could can't even and this just another hit maybe it's deing [Music] what the Dare T in front of a newbies or at least it it got that confidence [Music] maybe see a g here maybe we could get this one uh let me try to damage it more go back if it does not go in I'll use this hey we got it I needed to say hypers sphere but I still got it it's worth worth the hypers sphere I mean it's a fusion one and it's a boss so yeah definitely worth it's quite night time maybe we could go and challenge the Elizabeth or maybe we could go for the WAN first yeah let's go for the wobo first it's here yeah I've been just going for a boss Killing Spree right here you know just to catch up because I've been progressing in this game quite fast and I haven't done this bosses so it's definitely a good time to fight them guess I also needed those ancient civilization parts and uh it's targeting me why are you targeting me I'm not the one hurting you it's Kit soon Target her Target him I mean it's a he well I don't need to catch you to be honest but I'm going try since it's still a boss I just wasted a hypers spe just kill it still not going in might lose all my hypers Spears here let's use a gig [Music] spear what makes me think that it would work if the hypers spears are not working hey I just want to be your friend I need to be [Music] so rude yeah let's waste the last one it's quite worth it anyway time sus [Music] please you please go [Music] in it's not even shaking you can't get the backbones please hey we got it if it's if it shakes three times that's when you know that you already got the monster that you're trying to tame I wasted a lot of balls there Spears rather so where should we go next and maybe let's get back to that one and those hypers Spears maybe I I'll just go treasure hunting once more especially on the desert the desert part yeah if you there's a lot of treasure chests in the desert and those treasure chests always have they always have those hypers spheres gig Spears inside so you'll definitely get a lot of them that lack marketer I want to catch that but it's really strong so I need to prepare but let's check what is selling right now and those equipments are quite creepy oh he's selling a f bat but it's quite not quite that good so these guys are still here it's really annoying oh B are actually help I guess they thought they were invading our base nice one oh no Lambo what did they do to you Lambo you need need to heal up yeah I'm using that Lambo to produce some wool here maybe let's go straight for the mam rest I mean hon could definitely take that on but I want to use Blaze how for that battle I think this one should be cleared up it's getting in the way so oh yeah I would still need to fortify That Base because the alliance guys are getting in oh yeah and I turned off the raed one because it's it's really annoying to deal with when you have multiple bases and the defenses are not set up yet so maybe if I set up the I get to set up the fences I'll turn it back on later on so let's deal with this one this is this would maybe be a difficult F because this one does a an AOE damage I think yeah got one quite a lot I mean I do also have a an reject that so let's just kill it hey got him I I think despite the level of the boss you still get to ancient civilization Parts I do have a lot now oh probably because of the cess one a while ago those dungeons do give quite large amount of those ancient civilization parts so let's go back here I think let's put this one here put those away this one and let's go back to the main base let's let's hatch some eggs so yeah I'm back and I spared you guys the time for waiting for this eggs to incubate and yeah I have also put them the huge electric eggs of the gas bolt here these are gas bolt eggs I have bread the ones that I have right now cuz I wanted to get a pretty good one a good passive skill and that's not it that cward passive skill is a downside that one is not it either so I need to read them another for another time you should go back to your pen I don't know why are you standing right there where's the other one why are you m why you're not supposed to be there we're supposed to be here we're supposed to be breeding with that one still have a cake in there I'm using a heater so I've got some oh I don't have milk anymore oh yeah because the cow died a while ago so yeah there are times that when you when you teleport into your base there are times that the creatures are falling from the sky so there are moments that they just die from Fall damage when you get back once you loaded them in so yeah I'm just going to organize some things here then we'll go back to that cave near our production base so I am back in this base and let's go take on that one oh I am missing the wrong one take on this cave what type of cave is this I don't know of course but let's take it on maybe we could get something new here it's a pretty high level one it's lagging again maybe it's the loading this game that's why it lags a lot in the vicinity of my [Music] base it's lagging quite a b bit or maybe because I have a potato py I don't know you'll never know it's quite annoying how slow the cool Downs are how how long the cool Downs of my skills are but yeah they're pretty powerful so I guess that's quite balanced there's a green tail I was wondering what was that was wondering why something's moving there this is where I came from I don't know I'm not quite sure but this is pretty high can we ride Beacon here okay that water oh that's something oh it is water I was wondering why there's a hole in there I was thinking maybe it was a an instant kill hole that would be really crazy if it is because I've got I've set this game with the drop all things if I die so yeah and why is the grapple not working there I don't I'm still not sure how the grapple works here it's definitely surprising that my other my other Spears are not working anymore on some monsters this beards are quite annoying to deal with because they just explodes once their near their [Music] deaths let see do you hear that it deals a lot of damage yeah just still 999 damage right there so they're definitely annoying to deal with it's like a labyrinth huh feels like there's a civilization inside here from best oh this is the last stage I can see the tree it's a green tail a green tail place I we could take it on it's not really high of a level C you let's try one more one more time and The Shield is pretty [Music] op I was planning to kill it already let's see high grade technical man a handgun schematic oh it's only an common one I have a rare one this one is for technology point so let's use it right away is there someone attacking oh this Robin something Robin crew oh there's a floppy in my base they're quite cute I think I have a shiny one of that they're just going in and out of my base like they own it let's see let's see oh there's there's a LIF monk fug there let's get that then maybe let's call it a day there thank you for watching I hope you enjoy that and if you do please drop a like on the video show some love and hit the Subscribe button while you're at it leave a comment down below if you have anything to say just be respectful I guess just don't bash me or something and yeah I will definitely see you on the next episode peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lGTlnl2Qy9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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