PALWORLD Ultimate Guide To Pals! How To Capture Them! Make Them OP! Breed And Get Them Working!

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hey R bags it's Jay today a super in-depth guide to Pals I'm going to show you how to tame them how to level them up the different abilities that you can get how to power them with Souls how you can breed them how to get the saddles or what the Saddles are so you can ride some of them and other perks going to show you stuff on how to get them to work better and make sure your base has your P getting all sorts of resources and crafting for you as well as keep them happy so it's a big long video I've put it all in here I think this is the ultimate guide two Pals you need to know ahead of launch and in the early days of having the game find the video useful leave a like check out the rest of the content and let's go so on the starting Islands you won't be attacked by any Pals they're all pretty passive unless you hit them so there's two major things you need to get Pals and actually manage them and that's obviously crafting bench to craft spheres unless you find some lying around which you can do and the power box which you will be able to manage your pals the power box has missions that you need to complete and this will get you even more slots for your pals eventually if you upgrade your box to level 10 you'll be given another box to place and essentially have a second base somewhere so you'll only have one slot for one pal in the beginning stages then two then three then four gaining more slots all the way every time you upgrade your box the left hand side box is for your party they're the poers that you're going to take with you as your companion you can only have one active power at a time but you can cycle through the five poers that you have in your party and you can choose them whenever you want to help you out some of them will be mounts some of them will help you in combat others will give you passive bonuses while you're Gathering resources wor exploring the middle box is all the PS that you've collected you can collect literally hundreds of these PS I think the max limit was something like 400 and something so don't worry about having not enough space or anything when you're capturing it if you see 30 PS that you really want and you've got the Spheres go ahead and grab them all you're not going to be over encumbered until you get that 400 plus limit then the BM box underneath that is where your PS are going to be at your base So within this area you put the PS into this box and they'll go around your base doing exactly what they're meant to be doing or if you want them to gather resources you can set them on Crafting benches and stuff so above the pals You' always see what element they are and what level and health pull they've got hit them until they get really low then throw your sphere and that's how you capture them if they're higher level you may need more powerful sphere to go ahead and capture them although there was always an outside chance you might be a to get one if you actually aim your sphere without throwing it out of pal it will give you a rough score percentage of whether or not you will be out to capture it generally you want anything above 70% to have that chance and then it might be guaranteed obviously 100% is always better unless you're playing on hard mode your poers will not die they will get knocked out and then you just simply have to put them back in the box for 10 minutes and they'll revive so once you complete the missions and upgrade did your PO Box you should have something like this once you start getting lots and lots of Pals definitely something you should pay attention to is the elements board it's inside the tutorial section you find it in the pools menu basically in the survival guide as you might expect from a creature taming game like this lots of poers have weaknesses against certain elements obviously fire poers are going to be weak against water grass poers are going to be weak against fire you get the idea P spheres obviously you'll be a to get a hold a bunch of these blue ones can craft or you'll find them scattered around the ground can also find the meas spheres as well and as you keep exploring you might get across even the biggest and best ones you'll see the capture power here is level seven so that should mean anything under level seven it should be relatively easy to get as long as you hit it quite a bit and got it low and likewise meas spheres if you use these they'll be a lot easier to get and you can capture Powers up to maybe level 14 you be a to craft the basic sphere at any workbench but eventually you'll get a special sphere bench where you can craft the more advanced spheres and there's like six different versions of this that go up to massive levels so you can get them really hard high level creatures the trick with taming them is absolutely try and get them to their lowest point of Health it's simply as easy as that if it really isn't working you are just going to need a better sphere although there are these strange little green statues you can collect called figs and you'll be able to go ahead and increase your capture level these are scared all across the land they don't respawn so when you find one make sure you get it and be able to place a special statue down where you'll be able to go ahead and increase your capture level and this should help also getting some of the tames if you go through the technology tree you will find traps that you can use basically these will capture smaller Pals and then you get much larger traps that will be a to help you with different or higher level ones I found one kind of weak Source obviously if you place a lot of them down the Chan are you might cture one or two but it wasn't too much of an issue getting some of the smaller ones anyway when they are in the traps you still have to hit them a few times to get them low otherwise the chances are they will be able to break out of the sphere and once they've been caught and that trap has been used it will break as you get more powerful you won't even really need to go ahead and whale or beat up on some of the small lower ones like chickpeas you'll be able to tame them relatively easily once you've captured the first one it will show you on the map where you can find lots more if it says doesn't seem to be active at this time it could be because it's a rare actual p when it says habitat unknown that normally means it's a cave Pals have a chance of dropping resources when you kill them so check the PO deck to see once you've captured one what it's going to give you if you did went and killed a bunch more you might need a specific resource from these Pals to really make your craft and benches or get armor and stuff so let's talk about Pal's jobs some pals are good at Gathering wood some at mining some at cooking so vix sees here they'll always be the same they're going to be good for Gathering resources and farming whereas tant is only good for watering the one thing to say is that certain creatures you assume will just do the farming and do everything they won't they'll plant seeds they'll go ahead and harvest but they're not going to go ahead and water so if you have got a creature that says it's going to be doing farming you're still going to need a creature that does watering in your actual base so that they can grow crops without you having to do anything so you can get Pals to go ahead and cook meals for you on a campfire the oven or the same Fire PS they should be able to go ahead and smel stuff in furnaces if you want a power to kind of stick to that one thing and craft a lot of items sometimes you're going to have to pick them up you simply just go over to it press the x button to pick them up and then press the x button again to throw his fixed assignment now is this then you can go ahead and choose what it is you want to actually be making some of the pals can be a bit finicky and as I said if they become unhappy or they're overworked they might stop and you have to reset Gra grab them and put them back on other Pals I noticed whenever I was trying to use The LumberYard or the masonry they would do it for a little while stop and then maybe sometimes not return if that happens to you you can go ahead and leave or check that actually you've got a pal that's actually really suitable ctiv can go ahead and mine but if you look at the rest of what they can do they're also gatherers they're going to do handiwork and transport in so it means it will kind of blend it will take a bit of rocks or help you mine but then it's going to carry that rocks over to your actual boxes and if anything else appears where it's going to be building then it'll also go and do that too so what you're really looking for is dedicated miners that maybe only have that one job like Rush BS and there you go he's doing a much faster better job and he should pretty much stick out that now until we gets tires and want a break one thing I have been having more trouble with is sometimes times when you're going to craft stuff you'll get help if anyone does do handiwork and other times it might take a while even if you've got a lots of the actual actual poers that do that job some stuff they just don't seem to want to come over and help do I think occasionally they do get kind of sidetracked so dayre here should be doing handy work pretty easily so you might want to just go and grab one if they've got a handy work sign and throw it at the actual crafting bench you can Al help it speed it up as well that was only like kind of a little bug I found with some of these Pals in their jobs to feed Pals you're going to be okay with berries to start with but eventually you might have to start making more advanced foods to keep them happy and their sand levels high you can manually feed Pals that are in your party just by clicking on the food and choosing what pal to use it on if they seem a bit slow or not interested in eating as much you can do that to keep them happy obviously you'll be putting your pals to work chickens and Lambs at the ranch will drop you eggs and wool and then eventually you will be able to unlock the factories but you're going to need a ton of ingt for this to go ahead and craft lots and lots of things at bulk you upgrade beds as well to get even better ones that will give them more Comfort but it's not simply just saying Comfort it's something called workload you can see it's highlighted in Orange 500 workload so everything you do everything your pals do I should say at your base increases the workload whether it's smelting whether it's farming whether it's go ahead and mine it it's not that easy to keep track of it doesn't seem to be any kind of monitor other than you just manually going around and checking but you basically want to have lots of their beds and them items that I mentioned earlier like the Springs to try and keep their sand up obviously there is ways you can make your PS work harder you'll get this little alter and you can basically increase the workload that they do but effectively take a rough look at what you're asking them to do how many crafting ventes you got how much workload it says it will use and then you can work out how many of the beds and stuff if you keep seeing your pals saying they're slacking off or they're not going to work they're upset you definitely need to put more solers down or the Springs the more you craft or make you can see it increases the workload so honestly I don't think this is an issue in the early game but once you start looking the factories and more automation where you're getting the PS to sit there and just make stuff I think that's when it becomes more of an issue and you've got to really check and make sure you're keeping them happy ping your part you can feed manually Pals in your base they should be eaten from the box the ones in your inventory though they do need to be fed occasionally or instead you can craft a viewing cage this unlocks at level 15 and you can fill it with your pals they will no longer get hungry so you won't have to worry about feeding them also if they are getting hungry a lot try placing maybe two three or four actual feeders down as these also contribute to your feed box it might be a reason why some of your poers are going low on food but yeah you can use this and just place a bunch of them inside mentioned it earlier but once you get your first power box up to level 10 you'll be able to go and place another one has to be far away enough from your original so it's a good idea to go ahead and find somewhere else I've got and put mine in a pretty horrible looking place but it's super super flat here in the swamps this is where I'm going to start setting up my more advanced factories I might even decide to build a huge base here who knows but it does mean you can have more workers you don't need to upgrade it again if you have a second PO Box it'll have empty spaces for you to fill up so you can get even more Pals working and doing stuff right let's move on to the actual pal stats and how you can level them up and make them op so your pals have things called partner skills they'll have active skills and then they've got passive skills the partner skill will remain the same for every type of pal so no matter how many lamb balls you get they're all going to always have the fluffy Shield as their partner skill when that's equips to the player and becomes a shield sometimes drops wall when assigned to Ranch so that never really changes some of the standout ones that I reckon you want to get hold of early are things like login assistance from gumos while in team improves efficiency of cutting trees so you don't even need to have him equipped as long as he's actually in your team you'll get more wood or at least quicker anyway and Elk deer here he also has something where you can gain bonuses from basically chopping down trees so they're passive skills the majority of the pals actually have active ones where you have to press a button to summon them or you can ride them and that's El's second primary ability he can be ridden once you put a saddle on it but be warned some of these partner skills only work once you've equipped them with their saddle or a trinket so for example here Fox Sparks his partner skill is Huggy fire where you can literally use one as a flamethrower you'd have to craft these harness which requires flame organs Palladium and lever and yeah it can be really useful as an offensive weapon so it'll run to you and then you can literally go ahead and start firing pretty cool what you'll notice is in the technology tree though you won't obviously realize a what some of their saddles or their trinkets can do until you obviously unlock and capture some of these piles some really good actual accessories for your PS are things like gloves for acceler which you can use as a glider they tend to be better than the parachutes that you get in the early game but nearly all of the Saddles to ride your pals require or that you're going to need to smelt down there's a fair few creatures that you can use as mounts including obviously flying ones and some are definitely a bit faster than others but I'll be saving that for another video talking about all the different mounted creatures and which ones are best so that's what the part in the skill is some will be locked until you equip an item to them others you'll get straight away as they'll be unlocked at level one as soon as you've got them then you've got active skills and these are the things that if you keep leveling up your pet they'll unlock and gain new skills so this little Vixie here's only got an air cannon but other creatures like Nightwing I've got three different active skill attacks the fastest way to unlock active skills is by taking them out with you in a party they gain much more experience than you do leaving them at a base so it's a good idea to focus on the ones you want to really level up knowing that you're going to get some more active skills but that's not all you can swap their active skills also so my pen King here has got three different skills two ice based and one wter based and they're all pretty much offensive abilities but I could change the Christ breath here and instead I could put Iceberg or Aqua gun and even when you're riding creature you will be able to go ahead and use them same abilities just like this one and sand blast too and why not the stone blast as well so you will unlock these over time keep leveling them up getting into combat Gathering resources defeating bosses pretty simple stuff but there is even more you can do you'll come across these fruits they usually hanging from a tree like this maybe now and then you might find a random one on the floor and these will pretty much give a special abity and you can really mix and match some of your abilities as well so here I guess it's important to make sure you're using the right ability for a creature you will be taking out a lot I'm about to get a saddle for Nightwing it's my first fly amount that I have and I know that he's attacks I'm not that Keen on some of them he's already got three attacks but if we go ahead and use some of these you just simply click on the fruit use and then choose the power that you want to use it on then you can simply swap out whatever attack it is for the one that you just got I'm going to use spine Vine here and I've now given him a bit of a earth or ground power generating spiny forms that chase an enemy along the ground piercing them from below then on top of that you can go ahead and use Souls from Pals you'll find these usually on the floor or they might come as a reward or in chests and then you got to use these statues you can find them scattered around the world or you can place one it's level six so fairly early this is also how you increase your capture level like I mentioned earlier each level that you gain it'll increase the next level how many of them green figes you need to collect I've already done a guide on the first Windswept Hills area where you can pick up at least three or four of these and gain a couple levels pretty early you can see it's got a maximum there of 10 at the moment that seems to be the max level that you can get for capturing or you can go ahead and enhance them these will give a quick boost to some of your poers so at the moment I've got 400 attack 392 defense and 70 work speed for pening you can then choose to go ahead and use your blue Souls here to level up whatever one you want HP attack defense or work speed now got 412 attack and you can see the next level is going to require two and so forth and so on once you get to level four then it begins using the purple Souls so you find more of the purple ones in purple chests the blue ones in blue chests and yeah the blue ones are meant to be small Souls the purple ones medium and then the yellow ones large and the same deal you can increase its attack score and then once you get up to level seven after that you are going to need some of the gold souls or yellow Souls these are large souls and yeah they got a more rare chance of dropping from loo in certain chest and as far as I could tell you could get them even from purple chest or lower so I've used up quite a lot of my souls and they're the ones that I've been saving I've not done this before until this video and it's already taken me a huge amount just to get one of my pals to increase just one of its Baseline scores so think carefully about again the pals that you're going to keep with you your favorite ones and hopefully increase their score does look like you can also reset what PS Souls you use as well it's got a reset set button and it costs some gold coins to do so I guess that's because the chests don't actually respawn so apart from finding some on the floor or maybe by defeating or gaining access to higher dungeons you will eventually run out and then lastly you've got passive skills now these can be a real mixed bag this Lambo and this fox Sparks both have conceited as their passive skill which gives them an increase of work speed by 10% but a defense score of minus 10% some creatures don't have have any passive skills and some actually have up to four so it does seem pretty random how or what they might have and some of these skills have different levels too so Fox Parks here as well it's got work speed 30% attack speed 30% minus it's worth paying a bit of attention to this don't just gloss over because it's such a big amount of different numbers and skills I find tuning it you can get a really good balance of getting the best PS to be doing the best work for you back at your base and the PS that will come with you on adventures passive skills aren't always bonuses though this pacifist score can give you tack of minus 20% and occasionally you will come across some poers with these yellow passive skills and they're basically much better versions or really maybe a bit more rare and special like this workaholic where it's s its happiness level drops 15% lower the lower they sand the more chance they're going to turn around and say they're upset they're not going to work or they might start overeating the game obviously teaches you this by making sure they've got plenty of beds and somewhere to go and chill like a hot spring is a good way to make sure they're happy at base these definitely feel a bit more generic and apply just randomly to all different types of Pals so it's definitely worth looking at these to see if you're going to breed them whether or not they'll carry over to your next Pals another way that you can make Pals stronger you can sacrifice other Pals to make one better with its main stats much later you get this the power condenser this ball has got a star on it and that's because a sacrifice the rest of them to make him stronger you can do this again so you go ahead and choose the ball that you want or the pal and it will increase their Max HP their attack their defense and make their actual partner skill much better once you've chosen what one you want you then go ahead and sacrifice more after you've done it once though the amount that you need will increase so the first time I did it it only needed four but now you can see that's jumped up to 16 so I've got a mpac here that's level 37 but it doesn't have any passive skills I've got one that's level 34 and it's got the conceited skill which means it will be a better worker it'll only take a short while of making sure I've got this male Packer with me in a party and I'll be able to level it up anyway so I'm going to go ahead and sacrifice the other four so you'll see I'm boosting their stats quite a lot and including its partner skill you can't use a random mix of Pals either it has to be the same breed or kind so you better off actually having that pretty close to your pal box that way you can check things a lot quicker this guy is going to increase my player speed by 25% of its passive skill so I'm going to probably sacrifice the rest of them or I could go for this guy with serus which give me 20% extra work speed let's go with the work speed it's one 2 3 4 and there we go now here's the crucial bit with the condenser you won't be able to get it until you defeated Iva the main boss that tutorial guides you to I'm not going to spoil it more than that in this guide but that's enough of a hint follow tutorial all the way through and it will tell you exactly where to go or at least what boss you'll be fighting when you do you'll be rewarded with a ton of ancient technology points otherwise you can find some of the bigger special Alpha actual powers in the world and they will for the first time you kill them at least anyway drop one ancient Point I've killed these a bunch of times the first time it definitely give me some ancient points the second time no it just gave me some drops Loot and obviously lots of experience you can find these roaming around the world when they're really lower level than you they'll have one of the big red horn devil signs next to them indicating that maybe you shouldn't be messing with these but obviously now that I'm nearly level 42 it's not giving me that same but obviously they are alpha versions otherwise you'll also usually always find some sort of alpha variant inside caves and you can capture these but you may need special more advanced spheres or to be much higher level now I'm pretty sure the first time that I killed one again inside a cave I definitely got more of the ancient points but the second time I didn't ah this is a special one my timing couldn't been better as this is a shiny pal you sometimes get larg versions of the smaller ones or bigger versions and these have basically got better stats but they are obviously maybe tougher to actually get and yes you don't want to kill them like my stupids did here they're pretty rare I think I've only come across maybe two maybe three in nearly 20 hours of playing you'll hear a little tinkle a little sound sound so when you do hear that look around and make sure you go and try and get one of them right back to the condenser and how to unlock it so you have to be at the right level also to unlock it so level 14 it's going to cost a bunch of resources and again them civilization Parts you'll actually get from killing alphas and some of the bosses but you won't be able to get that either until you've also unlocked the egg incubator it's considered part of a set you'll see when you look at it it says part two or part one on the bottom right and that's the idea behind it so the egg incubator is literally what you can use your eggs that you've been finding all around the world just put one in and then you just hold and incubate the egg it may take you longer depending on your settings these eggs can be some of your best chances of getting unique subspecies of eggs or creatures or just more rarer ones so when you do get your ancient points absolutely focus on getting the egg incubator first which you need to be level seven and I personally would ignore the grapple gun and the small Feed Bag and try and get a hold of the essence condenser instead last thing to mention about the pals is of course that you will also need a breeding Farm you unlock the breeding farm at level 19 the breeding Farm requires cake and this cake is what you use to go ahead and make create new Pals but to make the cake you're going to need cooking pot so you get the cooking pot at level 17 and then the breeding farm at level 19 I would actually avoid unlocking them not wasting your points until you're able to make sure you get honey everything else you can pretty much get from a Trader or Pals you'll be able to find seeds the milk even eggs from a Trader that you find in a settlement towards the south of the map if you go ahead and die and respawn you'll be able to see the spawn points at the South that I'm talking about there's a Trader at a certain one there and a Trader does come visit you occasionally as well flower you will have to grow in a crop plot and get a grinder to make and stuff but it is doable what's not doable is honey honey seems to only drop from one particular enemy and that's this B type and it can only be found so far found in the east of the map the Northeast this is a crazy dangerous Zone it's got some really tough powers in it you're swamped by MPC Bandits and enemies all the time pretty much everything here wants to kill you you more than likely won't be able to tame any of these until you get the much better spheres and yes so you have to kill the bees to get the honey maybe there are some of these bees in other biomes but I've explored quite extensively the south towards the center and fair a bit of the north and I actually needed help from people in stream to guide me to where I might find these guys maybe there's other settlements that I haven't come across yet that might sell them but either way honey is really tough to get hold of you more than likely also need some sort of flying creature or the grapple that you might have got with ancient points and maybe even a sea fairing creature to get across the river and the oceans as a lot of it does separate this land mass I'm totally going to do a separate video on this in more depth though so don't panic so you've managed to get honey you've got all the other ingredients be careful they all spoil so you have to make sure you got cooler box or make it very quickly then you go to your cook pot and you can go ahead and make the cake the cake takes a huge amount of time to make you are going to need a fulltime one of your best cooks to definitely try and get a hold of the our Soxs as there usually got level two in cooking absolutely make sure youve got these being made and like I said you can store the rest of them in a cold storage and so then with your breeding pen you basically pick up the P that you want from the ones that are running around your base and you go and Chuck them inside the pen one has to be male one has to be female you get the idea if you put two of the same pal species they'll effectively give birth to a same pal but it'll be slightly stronger in terms of its Baseline stats and may have maybe more chance of getting some really good passive perks then go ahead and put the cake inside the chest that's part of the breeding and once it's got all the way through that's when it'll go ahead and you'll find an egg waiting there for you to pick up it will be a level one but again don't panic as soon as you do something like going take on a few enemies it will quickly level up and it sinks pretty much with a lot of other creatures you go ahead and hatch it inside the incubation and you've got yourself a much stronger better version of the parent creatures they just had but what about crossbreeding it's a little more complicated the idea is that you can just throw any two creatures here and you may come up with a variant but if you run around the power world enough you will come across the variants that actually can be made there's a lot of frost versions of some of the creatures that you come across like the mammer U elephant one and then you've got the M cats you've got frost versions of them I stream this extensively testing and trying trying to do the best I could but it does look like if you haven't got the right combination of creatures the ones that are already variant in the world instead of giving you maybe half of this dinosaur and half of this bee queen it will just give you a rare maybe pal I got this large Rock egg and another time I did it I just got an uncommon egg when I went and hatched it I got a nubis which is definitely not a variation of that dinosaur nor the bee queen so there is quite a lot of experimentation it's going to take a long time for everyone to basically breed all the variations that the game actually has in the game I've got to say it's pretty confusing it doesn't have any kind of markers or any tutorial to really show you the variations effectively you've just got to find them out in the world first they basically put the names of two of the creatures together and that's your hint about what creatures to put in the breeding pen together but you can't Grumble about getting a rare or really powerful pal and that's what I kept getting as well so even if it's the wrong combination you should get some sort of reward but you definitely want to be saving your cakes for the most powerful creatures or maybe the later game ones rather than using them to get like maybe a chicken cat breed but you can see here Manda mixed with some sort of lightning creature and that's definitely going to give me this variant I'm working really hard to get you as many of the poers discovered as possible to do the ultimate video but that will be coming separately but hopefully this gives you enough tips and there you go a huge video but I feel like I wanted to get everything you need to know and obviously you'll be watching this before the game releases or even after I still think it's a great guide for introducing you to Pals even if I do say so myself look out for smaller more individual ones covering a lot of these topics so make sure you subscribe make sure you got notifications Bell dinged and if you want to see me carrying on playing power world then please leave a like absolutely because there's lots of games coming out at the moment and unless I see lots of views and lots of comments on these types of videos I don't know if I'm going to be doing as much content on power world and something like enshrouded which is also coming out anyway there you go until next time rap bags laters
Channel: Jade PG - Crafted
Views: 90,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jade pg, jade pg crafted, jadecraft, jade pg 100 days, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld release date, palworld faq, palworld news, palworld xbox games pass, palworld xbox release date, palworld release time, palworld pvp, palworld official servers, palworld roadmap, palworld release, palworld modding, palworld new info, palworld news 2024, palworld cost, palworld new gameplay, palworld new pals, palworld guide, palworld breakdown, palworld explained, palworld tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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