How To Put Pals Onto Breeding Farm In Palworld

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what's up guys it's Smith here from Gamers we got a quick guy for you today in po World on how to put Pals onto the breeding pen I've got a couple of breeding guides up and people seem to be confused at the very start of it so I'm just going to go over that here real quick first of all this is where you put your cakes a few of the comments were like where do you put your cakes you put them in this box here and they will not deteriorate you can see it's got 20 minutes and it will just set out there permanently so you can make as many cakes as you want throw them on here and get a nice backlog going now as you can see here I've got two dig toes breeding I'm hoping to make the ultimate mining dig toys I'm about you 40 eggs in so far no luck you can see here when you approach the breeding pen you can see I have one male one female those are the only requirements one female any species one male any species they will make an egg so if you're struggling to put your pals onto the breeding pen there are a few problems and a few bugs and glitches that are getting in the way so what you should just be able to do is simply pick your P up and throw it onto the breeding pen and then it will come up saying fix assignment to the breeding Farm job done he will now stay there there is an issue where if their food gets low enough so if they get to the point the food threshold point where they go to eat sometimes they will only eat a single item then come back here and then they will immediately hit that threshhold again they'll just keep coming backwards and forwards over and over again the best way to fix this I've found is to put some food into your inventory and then feed them yourself you can always pull them out and put them to the feeding trough but I find doing this it doesn't interfere with where they're assigned so there's no issues trying to throw them back in and it fills them up cuz you can use better food than you've got in the pot outside so that's number one number two if you're using a massive pal such as this fellow over here they are just really really difficult to place if I pick him up now and put him somewhere so I want to try and get him on this furnace over here right so for some reason he ended up on the sphere assembly over there so some of the pals are just really tough to place you're going to have to try and throw them sideways turn around you want the power ideally to be looking at the structure when they land that you're about to put them on most of the time it's a bit difficult it's a fidgety situation um the breeding pen one is actually really easy in terms of just throwing into the middle now if it doesn't work there are bugs that stop it working restart your server so what I do is I pick up both the pals from here using the power box so I will take them out of here and I will put them onto a blank page somewhere so I don't forget who they were I will then wait a couple of seconds I will close the server down so close the game open the game again give it a couple of minutes so all the pals respawn and they're all off doing their tasks then I'll take them out of the box one by one pick them up and throw them back again that usually fixes it the first time sometimes you got to do it two or three times but that should get you most of the bugs out the way so you can get your guys on the breeding farm so nice and quick nice and easy get ready you and get back to the game if we help you out today do like subscribe we do appreciate it and I'll see you the next one take care now
Channel: Gamers Heroes
Views: 41,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gamers Heroes, Gamers Heroes Guides, Game Guides, palworld, palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld where to, palworld walthrough
Id: 2Vgsb8Gb5PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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