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so today I'm going to be heading out to explore the The Volcano area because we're going to find some blaso eggs in there and maybe a lot of you doesn't know who blaso is but it's one of the strongest Pals in this game it is also a good minor pal so I want to put him on the mining base and it's also a two in one because it's it can it could also use as a refiner so I'm going to be looking for an egg for that because apparently you could get one on the eggs at the volcano area and this is a good opportunity to regain our gain back our way points on that area but before we do that we I'm going to just show you some new new piles that I've gain I've got from breing this is one of them it's a line Aline I'm going to show you it's description right good there it is line a doile pal full of love it watches over small Pals who have lost their parents it uses a full full powers blast to displine norals so it's basically a mother nature type of P I think yeah it's very very beautiful and it's also a good one to use for farming as you can see it has it works with abilities planting level four handiwork level three Gathering level two and Medicine production level three well that's that's like a bonus be honest cuz I'm not really using my medicine counter here I guess there is just no reason to yeah most of the supply the medicines here do not they didn't they don't really increase your health or something like that they don't don't really heal you when it turns to HP just the injuries most of the time so yeah and another one is this one Shadow beak born from the depths of insanity its very existence should not be having lost all genetic ties to other Pals one wonders if it could still be even be considered as a pal so what does this make then is it an artificial pal I don't know maybe maybe it is and another one of those new piles that I've that is this feris when it Finds Its spray it unleashes a whirlwind of flames burning the entire area to Ash feris breed bre is known for its pleasing scent and the last one would be this one wait is it the last one oh yes yes it's the last one Legend says says that the your moon tide I think it's pronounced as your moon tide was once a wise man who after being wrongly convicted and cast into a Whirlpool returned as this pile to destroy those who wrong him oh wow it's quite the heavy back story a youron TI it looks cool but I think you could get this pretty early on I forgot the fusion for this oh yeah I visited the spreadsheet that was made for the fusions I'm going to make another video for the fions of this guys the new ones and I I attach on the description of that video the spreadsheet that I have used for this one so yeah you might want to check on that later on so I guess that's the newer ones that I've got oh yeah and I've already caught the king Papa the boss one because you could actually fight them again oh yeah and here as you can see I'm breeding my orks because I've got a lucky one well not really a lucky one directly as an or orer but I've got the lucky passive skill from Cross breathing uh lucky pile to another so yeah and I haven't touched the settings yet so as you can see it's still it still doesn't have any timers and might change that later on I kind of want to have a strong one of this boys so before we jumped on to our adventure make sure you walking aik subscribe if you guys are new and leave a comment down below if you find anything in this video that is helpful or want to suggest anything to add yeah so let's go let's head straight there oh and yeah by the way I I forgot to show you I've got a new Blaze old knock and it's got the lucky passive skill I've got that from breathing cuz I made a a lucky fell bat uh where is it I kind of forgot what I've used here but I think I've used a crise yeah I think I think I used a lucky Cris to get this one it's a lucky fbat you can see yeah then I reproduced my blaz Al knock using my one of my blazs here I've only got the Ferocious and muscle head for now I I kind of want to have a legend legend passive skill on that once I've patched one of the legendaries I mean let's head straight for the volcano area first I'm going to check on those eggs later so let's start here this is the only Waypoint that I've managed to retrieve from this place where's my flyer yeah if I manage to find the boss the Blas boss maybe I'll take that on if I could I think we could this level I'm already level 46 and yeah I've made myself an assault rifle and a sword I don't have any schematic for that so I've only made the basic one but if I did have the schematic I could probably make that already so for the Blas mode but we're looking for a huge huge scorching egg I think so if it's not a huge scorching egg then it's not a Blas just like that one it's definitely not a Blas let's drop that one yeah there's a lot of eggs in this area actually so you if you if you have an access to a flyer you might as well go here you don't need to fight anything here you don't need to tame anything just the saing percentage of those those spells that are higher levels are so low compared to the ones that in your current level I think if I'm analyzing it correctly so getting eggs are the way to get a lot of new PS of stronger ones I can't seem to pick up this fug kind of kind of afraid to just press F because I might dismount here oh and as you can see that those are pure lava and I don't know what would happen to us if we drop down there might be an insta kill so yeah oh there's another egg there is that a huge one it's not it's not a huge one it's just a scorching egg yeah if our inventory got that full from the eggs I might just drop the normal ones because most likely those normal eggs would just contain Le Punk ignes most of the time and I've got a lot of those I mean I could use them for breeding but I don't really like to keep them a lot keep a lot of them I mean cuz I'm not going to use them on my team I I've already had a blaz blaze how knock so I don't need a lower chair fire P item so there's there's the BLM boss we just passed by it I think I could take that on it's level 49 but I do have Anis Anis is very strong actually it's really really strong in terms of it's move set but I think it's better to get it from egg from eggs because you cannot breed you cannot get blaso in breathing but by breathing can only get blaso through this way I think and true wild I don't know if they spawn in Wild but yeah you could get them true bosses and getting their eggs here because you could only get uh blaso from breeding if you breed two blut so yeah cannot get it from Cross breathing that's what I meant wait is that a ragna what level is that catch that one why can't I see its level it doesn't show me its level is it here oh yes it is oh I can't I that's a 1% chance of it's just do I think I mean I've got got three ragna Hawks in my P box I think three or two and I could already get them from breathing it's not that hard obtain them so yeah let's continue looking for huge eggs so I found a huge dragon egg just lying around here and now I'm not really sure what contains a plasm I don't think it's a fire fire dragon type is it a fire dragon type if it is a fire dragon type then we just got that I guess what if it's a pure fire type then it's not but this is the first time I got a huge Dragon egg in this place I've been exploring this place before before my map got out got wiped out oh there's s fugy let's take those to increase our catching rates uh so before my map got W wipe out I I've already explored this this whole place and I haven't seen an egg of a blaso so yeah maybe it's just my luck I have pretty bad luck on this type this type of things like looking for rare things can't even find a shiny shiny Pokemon unless it is in a rom hack that has that has increased shiny rates Power Boss I I don't know what level is the boss here Brothers of Eternal fire [Music] tower I'm not really sure if I could take this one on yes I did not take a peck on what level the bosses are and what are their locations I want to discover them all by myself so but I guess I'll just skip on that for now I'll take it on once I reach level 50 and all my piles are Level 50 that would be a good time to take those on why can't I maybe they should make the they should change a little bit on the eggs so that you would be able to eat those eggs that you do not want to take home and just like in art but I I guess it's quite like a I don't know a a safety pin so you would not accidentally eat the huge and the large ones maybe like a safety mechanism for that I'm going to explore some more and I'll take you guys back once I found another huge egg so I just found a huge scorching egg just lying around here near the tower I guess this just respawned here or maybe I just didn't catch it earlier okay it's a huge scorching egg and now I'm still searching for another one because maybe they are plasm with eggs I'm not really sure what what plasms your typing is if it's a dual typing or something maybe let's just drop the other ones H I'm running low on Space here I mean I guess I could drop the horse Amo I'm not really using those is this a large one it's not it's just a normal scorching egg yeah we can leave those I mean I could go back and get them because they might still have good passive skills but I really doubt it so I think I just explored most of the volcano area yeah I think I've explored most of it maybe I didn't really reach here yet but I I've explosed I I've explored more more of it most of it I've explored most of it but I haven't really found a lot of huge eggs I've only got two and I've got a lot of large eggs scorching eggs and I just remember that huge scorching eggs could also contain what do you call it repo the turtle one the is that a turtle I don't know this one let's just search it on the P this one yeah the huge the huge eggs also contain that one so let's just hope that one of these huge eggs are actually Blas maybe the Dragon one but I kind of doubt it gu from the looks of Blas with it looks like a pure fire type but we can't be so sure if it's a dragon type then we're in luck because we've got one but I kind of want to have another one just to breed them you get some good stats good passive skills because breathing makes the piles a lot more stronger just by passing them the passive skills from the parents I've been leaving the normal eggs alone because I don't really think I would get a rare one from them or something that I don't really have yet so I'm only targeting the large ones and the huge ones but to no luck I've only got two of them oh there's another egg there is that a huge one that's pretty pretty massive maybe a huge one oh no it's just a normal egg it it looks looks quite big for a normal egg though oh that one is probably a large one think yep it's a large let's discard one of those it's a large scorching egg there's another egg but I didn't really seen this ones before maybe it just respawned okay those are just normal eggs so I'm going just going to leave them there but I'm going to pick up this FY maybe it's time to go back or something yeah let's just go back for now what are those people doing they're drowning themselves Dum Dums big Dum Dums yeah just drown yourself there I hate fighting those guys the ones that the fire brother something something cuz they all use flamethrowers and they're all hard to deal with the flame because the flamethrowers got that knockbox mechanic so can't really attack them properly that's why it's pretty much annoying to deal with oh where's my orks are they going to go back in yes that's good maybe let's get this egg that they left here oh I my inventory is already full let's start hatching this once it's lagging quite a bit cuz there's a lot of things happening in my base it's probably loading the island over there this would definitely be just this bnk yes it's all these bunks oh that that one got ferocious that could be useful for breathing if I could get a cross breid from that oh yeah I forgot that we could get B worms here in the normal scorching eggs oh that's a Pon no with no passive skill with no passive skills I'm really sorry for the back background noises it's really noisy out there wait is that a large a large scorching egg I've got got a repo from here do they not hatch from huge ones if I remember correctly they hatch from the huge ones though maybe not maybe I maybe I was wrong got a lot of ragna hawks and let's hatch those two later let's put that At Last At The Last of the list let's start with a huge scorching EG oh it's a blaze H knock oh wow we could get blaze out knocks from Wild Eggs I guess oh it's a y yonti ignis so you could also get those from Wild Eggs I don't have this yet because I've been delaying the I've been delaying the crossbreeding of this one I think you could get this from e suzaku and the Yon tide or is that the suzaku aqua I think that's a suzaku aqua maybe this one is from my a blaze house kind of forgot what's but it's crossbed requirement but that's a good one we don't have that yet but I didn't manage to get the plasm yeah maybe I'll go back there shortly let's just pick this ones up for now oh I don't have enough cake there let's see if this would bring me some good passive skills Bly bodish I mean the one that I've been using is apparent oh already have a birdie body and the lucky passive so those are rejects yeah I'll condense them later on if I get the stronger one the ones the one that I think would be enough for a battle pile I'll be condensing them for that one so let's put all those cakes there and maybe organize these things before we go back so we are back on the Vol volcano area and we're going to go on a round trip once more on the area where the blot boss [Music] is cu maybe we could find some blaso eggs right there and I hope I could also find another one of those Geron tide ignis eggs so I could breath them easily scch M shaft is this where the Blas is maybe it's inside here maybe we could get some eggs in here I don't know I'm not really sure oh there it is it's got 3,000 Health should we take on this one could we let we take on this one what do you think let's see it's only got 0.11% looks cool though BL oh it's aggressive let's take this one already aggressive anyway oh let's go out from that really hurts yo nois is already nearly dead how did that that happen do a lot of damage it's a good thing that I've got this rifle oh I need time that one there you so focus and get I've got my file right there you know focus on him oh wow that one shotted me can I get my items from there it's quite aggressive I don't know I've got a lot of items from there we fail that miserably and I need another armor that could resist the heat can we make one here or is it here H resistant armor maybe we could make that one on the other base let's make one before going [Music] there kind of messed that up oh I don't have the flame organs yeah I forgot to bring them maybe I should just bring all those ingredients or take half of them let's take half of each and let's bring those carts because I really need those just hope that the I think the items they not do not despawn so you could see will get those I need cloth make some sanity is already dropping so we have the resistant armor already and let's head back that place maybe this one is could have I could have won if I if I just dodge the attack correctly but I mistimed my Dodge and that deals a lot of damage that that one attack this spon wants a piece of me yeah you want a piece of this don't you don't bother I'm quite annoyed right now I just lost my garments and uh and I forgot where the entrance is finally I finally found it that took quite a while I've been I've been running around in circles just to find this place yeah I do hope I do hope the Blas doesn't takas just yet so yeah as you can see I've already got my things my OBS just froze again I think it's a hardware problem or something but I'll try reinstalling it once more later on yeah but that's it for today guys I hope you enjoyed that so yeah thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoy it and if you do please please hit the like button subscribe if you guys are new and I'm going to see you on the next episode of Power peace out
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 18
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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