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last episode we tried to acquire basmu through the Wild Eggs from the volcano area but to no lu we haven't found one unfortunately and we also tried to battle the boss one the alpha I'll just call it Alpha blasim the boss one here the level 49 but but we also got obliterated by one attack that I missed time the dod dodging so yeah but after watching some videos on how to acquire one easily I found out that we could actually catch them from the wild but we need to go right above the desert probably Northeast of the desert which is a restricted area just like the one that we explored last time the place where we got where we got chased by the guards and some such apparently there are three three of those places that we could explore and and all of them contains some rare Pals that we can capture actually as you can see a while ago I was breathing this to yon tid because I was planning to make a suzaku aqua and based on the list that I've read you need the Y TI and suzaku bleeding and just as I was recording I just got this lucky and ferocious passive skill on my y side and I need that one so we could get a quite strong Suza Aqua I was also planning to add the passive skills Nimble or something is it Nimble if I remember correctly it this Nimble nimol and Runner Runner the runner passive skill so we could get it to be a fast flying Mount is it Nimble yes it is Nimble but I think there's a there's a higher tier one with the 30% is it the motivational something if I remember correctly I have a file that has that passive skill is it one of my I think it's one of my Blaze HS the motivational leader motivational leader it is called motivational leader but I don't quite remember if it is the passive skill that I'm looking for oh yeah and as you can see I also got a war SEC already I will release a video on how to get that one by breathing and also this one met menting looks cool but they're both there he is a dark type so I doubt I would use it but this war sec I might use one since I've already got the lucky passive skill on them I might use one of those I'm just planning to get the ferocious one so yeah and if at some point you find yourself enjoying this video please don't hesitate to press the like button subscribe if you guys are new and ring the notifications and leave some comments down below so we could interact sometimes you know and I also want to know what you think of my videos sometimes I just want some feedback so I could improve on some things yeah of course aside from my vocabulary I guess I didn't really get that specific on our goal for today our girl for today is still the Blas but we are going to be exploring the desert right now we need to get that from the wild and apparently those blms are quite rare even there I think it all only spawns once every 10 or so I'm not quite sure really oh here it is motivational leer oh it only increases the player work speed it's not the one that we we're looking for maybe it's only the runner and the Nimbo but yeah I'm just going to wait for this guys to breed up if I get the passive skill stack right away then it would be good but if it's not maybe we could use the first egg as a flyer because right now we are going to be saying our farewells to Beacon on our team he was a good pal or or rather she CU it's a girl she was a good pal but yeah I really need a water a good water type as a flying pal because I was planning to use this orer because I think orer is pretty strong compared to Beacon as a as an electric type pile and I was also planning to box skit soon even though I work quite a lot with its passive skills oh yes the Swift passive skill that's what I need so maybe we'll also stack that with the suzaku that I'm making I'm making the aqua suzaku right now so you would see and I also need to stack some passive skills on Lin because Lyin is a good healer actually when it comes to battles so she would be really useful against Tower bosses yeah I'm planning to take on the next Tower bosses on the next future episodes or so right now I'm just focused on getting some more new piles because I got really excited on completing my pile deck as you can see I only I'm only missing quite a bit in here maybe mostly of most of them are actually legendaries and some of them are the fusion ones I don't know what is in here the number 78 but I hope we could complete this before our series ends our series is ending quite faster than I expected because I've got addicted into breathing and I got all the strong piles right away so we now have our first egg this is aoku aqua I already know it because I seen the list and I haven't I still haven't touched the settings or anything that's why still doesn't have that timer incubation timer and yes we got the suzaku aqua the lucky and ferocious one passive skill right away and now I'm just going to let this do breeding right here so we could get another one maybe a girl a grill of it so we could start the rolling of the passive skills we could get the Nimble or rather the Swift so what I need right now is to unlock the saddle for it and I'm going to go to the production base and to to make it oh but I don't have any technology points right right now yeah I kind of wasted a lot of them H so what should we do should we just take on some bosses right now I think that would be the easier way to get some technology points or should I do a mind wipe a reset you could reset the technology points right H what should we do I need four so yeah maybe I'm just going to and to speedrun some bosses yeah let's take on some of the bosses so here's our first boss the relux orus luux well I'm planning to catch this one but if I can't then it's fine and let's go this back I've got hypers Spears so maybe we could catch this one pretty easily oh there a gigas spere it's enough oh wait the bosses gives ancient technology points though I was wrong kind of forgot about that oh no what should be we be dealing with is the caves yes the caves because they give the technology books and so let's find some caves shall we yeah I think we can really use suzaku Aqua right now I'm going to yeah we can't really use him right now maybe I'll just use a normal suu yeah one of these level 41s so let's feed it first so yeah I'm just going to go to the other base and make it saddle and then we're going to go to the desert right away I know I've got a lot of fire types in my party right now but yeah I mean I got my kit soon you could carry the team for now now there you go the P gear desk I need a suzaku sadle yeah I could make the ason or the shadow big saddle but as far as I remember suzaku is better in terms of stamina and I'm so sorry about that noise uh motorcycle just got just passed by yeah so as I was saying I think suzaku is quite better in St in terms of stamina I'm not really sure let me take a look at it first so I just went ahead and take a look and it seems that shadow Beck is actually better in terms of Sprint speed and stamina I think the stamina is the same when it comes to suzaku and suzaku and Shadow beak but the Sprint speed is better with with Shadow beat so let's use this one oh we have a Swift and Runner one so it's quite better and I haven't have a saddle yet so let's make one oh I haven't claimed this oh yes let's make a saddle for it oh no I need AIS here as you can see I've got a Merchant just caught that one while he was getting bullied by The Syndicate thugs I just throw away ball randomly and it got caught maybe I should put that one on my team for a while you could run around or C yeah because Anubis is really good at hand handycraft handy works yeah it's handy work so it's better to use him rather than the other ones I've been keeping the pal Merchant outside because I I want to see what what he what he's selling as you can see thanks for saving me something something because I saved him from The Syndicate tugs and now he's my sleeve so I'm going to head straight to the desert I'll see you guys once I get there so I'm back and we're currently on the farthest way point in the desert let's just hope that we could find one we get lucky and find one of those blots running around the what what youall it I kind of forgot what it's called but there it is the island there the restricted area yeah so yeah I'm just going to fly around maybe we could get some eggs here because apparently you could still get blaso from eggs it's just that it's not that common especially if you that you could get them from huge eggs and huge eggs are pretty rare like this one this is a huge scorching egg oh wow oh wow that huge that's a huge scorching egg that that may be that may contain a blaso I was just talking about the eggs could be containing blaso and here we go we got one we got one huge egg or maybe it could also contain a suzaku I think suzaku is from huge eggs too but I might be wrong just like when I said repo is from huge eggs and it it's not I mean this the game is still new to me to be completely honest oh wait Shadow B is swiming oh what what what do you mean you can't can't fly above the water what the heck Shad be I brought you for one reason only and you still can't do that yeah can't seem to ride him what if I use Las out would he also lose some HP here maybe I should have just used a water t here like Aon tide I didn't know that Blaze that shadow be Can Fly Above Water when it's stamina is strained because the other flyers can do it yeah maybe bringing Shadow B it's not really a good idea oh yeah and by the way don't you can see there are chests right those chest contain schematics and those schematics could be legendary schematics that could really help us with the gear problems oh there's a highgrade tactical manual yeah that's one technology points that is really helpful for us oh I should have restored Shadow big stamina right there thank you for your service blaz Alo but I need a flyer right now yeah you're only level four but you're the only one I've got right now there it is there's a blaso right there oh we we got quite lucky huh criminal they they just notice me right away oh that that move is the one that one shoted me last time why is it not working this oh please please we got it we got a blaso let's go and we need to get out of here before the guards notices let's go Shadow weak run run little Shadow beak is there another one maybe we could snag another another BLM W here let's circle around maybe oh that's a new one Life bandant raes Health races defense life B that is better oh we got another highgrade technical manual it's just an uncommon schematic as far as I know know there's a certain chest here a specific chest that contains the legendary manuals legendary schematics hope we could find it yeah I'm going to circle around in this place hoping there's another blaso here so yeah oh there's a chest another chest it's right here maybe this one contains a pretty good schematic handun schematic another uncommon one yeah I'll get you guys back once I've found one another one oh I've found an in inceram knock that's the that's a fusion one kind of forgot it's Fusion it's parents the one that used to fuse them but but should we catch that can we fight that let's try let's try let's try and catch it but I mean I don't want to lose my stuff here cuz it might kill me yeah let's just not I guess I don't want to lose my stuff in this place because you're going to get chased out by the guards once you set foot on this place so yeah we we got what we came here for actually we got a Blas oh I just wasted my last hypers sphere that's a really dumb move huh I misclicked it no yeah let's just make another one of those I mean I've got I've already got the resources to make them so yeah I might as well just make them so yeah that's it I guess we got a blaso so let's go back and hatch this huge egg because it could be another blaso and if we're lucky enough we get opposite genders and we could read them so I am back and as you can see my suzaku is missing where's my suzaku oh no this is the problem when you left your base every time they're just missing once you get back yeah and to breed them you need to throw them on the breeding Ranch he I kind of wish there's a separate place here for the breeding pen so that they won't you you won't need to throw them inside of here of it and they won't just go away once you've teleported into another place and get back so yeah let's hatch this egg first to see if it's a Blas or suzaku it's a suzaku yeah kind of had my hopes up there neveress we got our own BLM right here as you can see it has that skill this is the one that I want I want to get to blaz Al KN one of this the flame Emperor because it increases the fire attack damage by 20% yeah our Blaze H knock would be so powerful with that even without the legend passive I also want the legend passive skill on blaz Al because it's pretty good for it because it has the attack and defense buff I think if I remember correctly it has the attack and defense buff by 30% or something rather than the flame Emperor but the flame Emperor is also good if I'm going to make it a pure fire type one so I was just waiting for the eggs of the suzuku and Y tide and I've hatched another one and this one got a this one got a Nimo passive skill which increases its movement speed by 10% it's not as good as the Swift but still better than nothing I guess I really want to use Shadow big but it can't fly above water so it's not a good choice for a flying Mount and yeah we we also got the technology points to unlock the saddle of suak Aqua what do we need for that leather and refined Ingot I think we could make that on the production base so let's go there first then we'll try it let's try how good isaku aquus oh I forgot the pile fluids yeah it's on the other base let's bring all the pile fluids we have because this one is going to be serving as our main base and are pretty much an organic base this where we do breedings and stuff but the production will be done here all in here so the materials is needed here rather than the other one so after trying suzaku maybe that will be all I guess or maybe let's try and deal with another boss just to level him up a little bit then let's call it a day there so maybe let's just deal with the bushie yeah let's deal with that one and it's a a sealed dungeon I think I think it's seal dungeon so it would be pretty easy to deal with so let's try this it's flight speed H yeah it's not bad and uh stamina is not really draining that fast even though I'm holding shift yeah it's not bad once I've got Swift here and Runner maybe it will be better or maybe let's put Legend there at sometime but I think if I got the legend something like the jet dragon that would be the one I'll be I'll be using as see that will be the one that I'll be using as same amount let use orer here you can see or is really cool we we don't need we don't really need to catch this one I've got a lot of bushies in my base yes first boss kill and it already leveled up up to level 26 so yeah I guess that's it [Music] huh should we just do our outro here inside yeah let's do it so thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed it and if you do please hit the like button subscribe subcribe if you guys are new ring the bell enable notifications and I'll see you on the next episode of pal world peace out look at those eyes the swirly eyes poor bushie
Channel: Stuxell
Views: 109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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