These fashion trends...yikes dude

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna do something a little bit more lighthearted God knows I need it with what's been going on online for the past few weeks we're gonna do something light-hearted where we look at what we have collectively considered ugly fashion trends because these are things you guys sent to me on Twitter as usual the disclaimer if I don't like something that you like it doesn't mean I think you're a piece of [ __ ] we just disagree on a fashion and it's not that deep also fun announcement my new merch is launching we have designs such as this one we have phone cases such as this one there are stickers there are months there is something truly for everyone so if you want to check that out I will leave the link in the description down below anyway let's look at these fashion trends every single video there's always something transparent that looks like essentially plastic and I mean the thing is and I think I say this every single time I get the concept like I get the idea of you know the aesthetic I suppose but as much as I believe in being uncomfortable for the sake of fashion and looking good hence heels this is just one of those things that isn't worth it in my opinion and like I said in other videos I think this is probably the type of thing you wear for a picture and then you take off immediately and that's all there really is to it so I mean if it floats your boat that's great personally not my cup of tea Lord I really try to not make these videos fashion of eccentric but nonetheless I feel like there's just so much [ __ ] and they constantly have new things it's almost inevitable that they don't make some kind of fashion tragedy and frankly I don't like this and I'll tell you why first of all avoiding a camel toe in this seems interesting possible but I don't know not very likely second of all it's just like it makes me feel in the back it's also gonna look really awkward because in the back I'm assuming it's a thong we're also wouldn't make sense so it's just kind of like the discomfort element of this is really what I don't like cuz I can't look at this without thinking oh my god she must be getting the weirdest most uncomfortable wedgie because nothing against thongs but it's just like you have a layer of fabric and then you have a thong just logistically I'm not here for it and then you guys know how I feel about patterns not a big fan you'll rarely see me wear patterns this one is truly an atrocity when I saw it I was like okay I understand why everything of bad in the world has happened and it's because of this shoe truly it looks like a laminated stretched out piece of [ __ ] with the sole of a sneaker like who who wears this this looks like the type of shoe that the villain in like a medieval cottage core story would wear fashion can be like art in a way where it's just supposed to make you feel something and it doesn't necessarily have to be visually appealing that being said I feel disgusted Plus this is not visually appealing what truly the colour - like if this would look terrible in any colour but the color and the contrast with the sock just what what was happening what was this person going through whoever came up with this idea they must have been going through something really bad because yes I think the issue with this one is styling because her dress if if she were just wearing that dress and then she wore black heels or nude heels like a Loki shoe and - the Hat and loves I think it would be fine I feel like this is the type of situation where if you take the elements and separate them it's not terrible now granted I feel like dresses that have an all-over print of scenery are really hard to pull off frankly when I wear them I feel like a billboard but not in a good way the booths I'm not a fan of I like thigh-highs but white cowboy style boots it's too much for me black thigh-high cowboy style boots I own so that's very much a thing I enjoy the gloves and the hat could be a total look with something else but I just feel like this is overkill that's one of the things have an issue with in fast fashion aside from the ethical side which is obviously the biggest problem of fast fashion the less is more thing has just thrown out the window actually no that's not true either they do the bare minimum so they'll just print a shirt that says woman on it like literally woman and then they'll just say like fashion but then they'll also go in the extreme opposite direction and just be like let us give someone a sensory overload of just all this [ __ ] just like throw all this [ __ ] on the model it's almost like they didn't want to take multiple photoshoots so they're like how many products can we squeeze in to this one picture again if these things were separate I don't think they would be this bad maybe so first of all this is screenshotted from Naima tangs Instagram story and I love her content so this makes it doubly awesome why why look I love some weird [ __ ] but this really is not it at all the concept of having your big toe out just makes me feel uncomfortable just because like you're bringing so much attention to the big toe and it's like for what like who who who are we carrying me I don't know III feel like Quentin Tarantino would love these shoes but these are not up my alley but this is just straight-up ugly like especially the foot that's on the ground it just like it looks like your toe is gonna be touching the actual floor because it's like pointed I feel like your toe is gonna be dirty as hell after walking around all day so that's gonna be a no for me I'm gonna be completely honest here this particular shoe reminds me of a very specific individual that I no longer associate with but that gives me a very visceral reaction essentially this shoe in my head is related to this person and they're a piece of [ __ ] so anytime I see this shoe I get like war flashbacks but no I actually like chunky shoes some like they have to be made properly obviously but this to me seems like the type of shoe that the annoying hipster would wear I don't even know if in 2020 hipsters still exist I don't know this shoe just gives me the feeling of someone who went one semester abroad and then they come back thinking they're better than everyone else and this is the shoe they wore they'll say something like oh yeah everyone in Berlin was wearing them and you're just like oh god just know shut up and I don't like the laces the laces remind me of you know how I don't know what they're called those like things that you put around your glasses so you can hang your glasses around your neck those strings remind me of that and also ugly curtains so this this shoe in and of itself is canceled just from the get-go absolutely cancelled we don't want to see her we don't know her socks with high heels is a bold look that can be fashionable I have to laugh because they say can be so it's not like it even is it can be socks and heels might pair together better than you'd think no no no this is a hill I'm willing to die on I have never once seen socks with heels and liked it not ever once and like I said there's always an exception to the rule there's always someone who can pull off crazy-ass [ __ ] it's like when people wear socks with sandals I just like why did you need to do that because now you're putting us all in a really awkward uncomfortable position because we have to see that and experience it with our own eyes my god no okay this is the last one and I'm gonna be honest I actually kind of like this one like I don't think I could pull it off personally like I think with a lot of these things you just have to have a very particular style to be able to pull off certain creative fashion perhaps but I think she's killing it in it like it does look kind of like a prison jumpsuit but fashionable but then again like prison but make it fashion like I think she looks good and I can think of so many people who could pull this off it's like double denim is already hard let alone if it's a jumpsuit but I personally quite like this one anyways guys let me know which one you thought was the ugliest in the comments down below remember my merch is launched so if you're interested in that that's linked down below anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 148,518
Rating: 4.9700079 out of 5
Keywords: fashion, fashion trends, fashion nova, pretty little thing, trend, trendy
Id: 8i8uTqlLbGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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