Your neighbors aren't who you think

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna read some creepy stories from the subreddit bar slash let's not meet as always it's more fun to believe these stories actually happened rather than going into it as a cynic like me usually would so let's just take these at face value for the fun however before I get into that I wanted to thank our sponsor shudder shudder is a premium streaming service from AMC networks this service was specifically created for fans of thrillers suspense and horror just like myself shedder has the largest and fastest growing human curated selection of thrilling and dangerous entertainment another convenient thing about shudder is that you'll have unlimited access to stream ad free on all of your favorite devices such as iOS Android Xbox one and as on fire TV amongst others you can stream great thrillers horror and suspense for $5.99 a month or fifty $6.99 a year to try shudder for free for 30 days go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare as you guys might know I've had shudder for years and specifically enjoy it because it has so many of my favorite movies one movie that recently came to mind is honeymoon I specifically liked it because the plot contrary to many horror films did not feel familiar I won't spoil it for you but I'll just say that the young newlywed B starts acting strange and it only gets weirder from there thank you again to shudder for sponsoring this video and remember to try shudder for free for 30-days go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare let's get into some creepy stories all of the stories will also be linked down below I was around eight or nine years old when this all happened so most of the background was told to me later but I still remember all of the events that took place first of all a little backstory this guy referred to as new guy here but actually had a pretty badass and unique name recently moved into the apartment next to us on the second floor it was an outdoor apartment situation so we had railings that opened up fully to outside and we could see the trees the little bridge we had over a stream etc it was okay but sometimes you never knew who was in those apartments a little important due to seeing some things later he ended up asking us to help him move in and if he was okay hanging in our apartment due to the a/c being repaired in his place it was around 105 degrees that day we were all hitting it off and he seemed like a really nice guy in the upcoming days and weeks he would always be really nice to us if we ever passed his place when he was heading out or if he ever needed to borrow something something that kind of was weird to my eight-year-old self was how he really got into my mom for a little bit but this was after a recent split with my sperm donor so I just assumed she was trying to make the best of a bad situation and he was a great guy so why not it was kind of obvious here and there about how he was super flirty with her and it kind of got a little weird overall and he got friendly with me too which seemed a little off at times almost like he was just really trying too hard to get on our good side here's the more juicy part it was around 9:00 at night one night and my mom was just finishing up dinner I was on ps2 playing a game I just recently been gifted I think it was God of War two or something when we heard this really hard knock on our door my mom just yelled - wait a second while the knocking turned to pounding my mom got there and before she said anything she hushed up really fast I turned around and saw three local SWAT officers fully geared with rifles standing there I was terrified since this was the first time I've ever seen any gun that fake or any officers at our door like that they quickly asked us to fold them as there was a very dangerous threat happening not too far from us little did we know how far it really was they also asked to use her apartment as a vantage point and such for whatever was going on my mom tried to crack some jokes lighten the mood as she was just as scared as me told them to make sure the pot is off the stove or show forward them the bill but agreed they rushed just down the farthest hallway which to us then seemed weird since the stairs were just around the corner next to our apartment as we were we saw some other people on the ground level just kind of staking out the area where we were and I as an eight-year-old nearly [ __ ] myself at the sight of all these officers pointing guns in my general direction we were rushed into the manager's building on the opposite side of the complex only to find about four other apartment tenants were also there we recognized them as the four others right surrounding us except for the new guy to make this portion short we're stuck there until maybe 2:00 a.m. waiting for an all-clear to be escorted back to our houses happily nothing was damaged but we were all really shaken up my mom even asked me if I wanted to stay home and I said no since we were watching a movie for a field trip the next day at school I was a full-on oblivious dumbass not gonna lie never crossed my mind what happened that night and just assumed it was some random event my mom later told me what really happened when I was around 14 far away from that apartment basically what had happened was a few days prior the new guy had told his friend he was feeling majorly suicidal and how horrible he'd been handling his emotions I didn't know this but the guy was on leave for suffering PTSD and schizophrenia I think from his time in battle and apparently stopped his meds his friends ended up calling the police who called him where he talked about his plan to kill himself and maybe a few others I'm glad his friend called because in his words he was going to kill around 12 people that night and himself he wanted to kill the apartment next to us and the three under us he wanted to keep me and my mom hostage before killing us and himself because they were the nicest to me since I moved in he targeted us for being nice to him seriously he wanted to keep us hostage for as long as he could murder us then kill himself just because we wanted to be decent neighbors to a new guy the officers were able to apprehend him before anything actually happened after a few hours standoff and then just allowed us to go back after bit searching and stuff making sure the place was safe we did see more officers coming to the apartment within the next few days just to look at some things that were may be of interest but everything ended pretty quickly overall I just pretty much made us tenants who were stuck together for hours a lot closer to each other even though we all left soon after neighbor with a badass name who planned to kill us for our hospitality as much as I wish for your mental state to have gotten better in your life to be great let's not meet again why things that I find interesting about reading stories like this is that on the one hand I'm happy to know about them because then I can keep an eye out and then on the other hand I'm not happy to know them because of course people were in danger but also it makes me unnecessarily paranoid which I already tend to be because I've seen too much [ __ ] online at this point but this makes me be so much more suspicious of any neighbor that's ever nice to me which is potentially me ruining my own luck but hey if it doesn't get me murdered I'm fine but genuinely I'm so happy that these people made it out safe I'm glad that the friends contacted the police to let them know what was going on that's so scary I've never been in a situation like this the closest that's happened to me is the neighbors on the other side of the street got stabbed they all survived and that was on the other side of the street and I was still shook his [ __ ] so I can't even imagine someone that you've interacted with that you know was somewhat part of your life last year I started my first semester at a university far away from home first I was very intimidated because I'm not exactly the best at making new friends but as time went by it turns out that there aren't as many history students which is why everyone got to know each other pretty quickly we end up building an amazing group morale where we would get lunch together help each other out and all that stuff there was a guy in our group that really stuck out to me particularly because of his a weird sense of humor let's name him Serge he was making Hitler jokes on every occasion possible which is even more concerning because he wants to be a history teacher or just make very cringy sexual comments towards girls in our group we all kind of had the common understanding of ignoring whatever he said something and quickly move on to another subject however it didn't take long for him to find my phone number in our group chat and DM me that's where it all began it started out harmless with questions aha do we really have to know this or have you learned this for our test yet most of the times questions didn't make sense but I figured he doesn't have the right antennas to sense the cringe and I happen to have a soft spot for outcasts so he kept talking for a while one day I accidentally baptized my macbook with an energy drink and of course it stopped working unfortunately there was an assignment due that week and I wasn't sure how to manage that without a typing device sure enough sir found out about my situation and had the glorious idea to meet up at the library where they happen to have computers of course I agreed and we set up this homework date on the coming Friday when separated came around we surely enough met up to get this thing done I have to admit it was almost an instant regret for me as he wouldn't talk or do anything the entire time while I was finishing the task once I was done I realized that he has written one full sentence that entire time we were there which was about three hours as I got really late at that point I told him I was going to look up a bus but he kept insisting to take me home and I finally agreed on the way to his card he suggested we should get drinks it's a Friday night I told him I wasn't feeling too well but he could have that one beer that was left in my fridge he shrugged his shoulders and asked why we couldn't get vodka once again I reminded him that I was sick and asked him where the heck he thinks he would be sleeping his answer was next to you hell no I was thinking and already making a plan to get rid of him as quick as possible in my apartment I gave him that one beer hoping he'd finish it and leave for some reason I left my shoes and my jacket on he asked me why I didn't take it off and I told him I was really cold he would come closer unzip my jacket and say I know something to get you HOT in no time I jumped up and asked him if he finished his beer not sure how to handle a situation he proceeded to take out his notebook and turn on this weird show on Netflix which was a cartoon about world war two he said one episode come on I agree despite wanting him to go and told him to leave once it's done of course he took this opportunity trying to come closer to me all of a sudden he grabbed me threw me onto my bed and bit my ear it honestly happened so quick that I barely recall how he managed it in that time I felt like a goddamn cook noodle unable to move I yelled at him telling him it's time to leave and thankfully he did but I could tell he didn't like that I quote-unquote kicked him out fast forward he would send me messages while sitting in the same classroom asking if he could pet my kitty even though I don't have a cat it kept getting weirder and weirder and I never replied but since he knew where I lived I was scared to block him because I wasn't sure if he would simply show up if he couldn't talk to me online this time my god I found out that he texted multiple other girls from uni I found out because they would come up to me and say that he talked about me telling other people I hit on him and jumped on his lap while he was at my place seeing how strange he was they surely believed me without explaining so at least I didn't have to defend myself one day as girls met up to talk about certain how to deal with him we all decided was best to block him so he got our phones out together and got it done that same day I walked past him looking away since I could feel him trying to make eye contact right after class he followed me blocked my way and confronted me about blocking him I think I've never been so scared I simply couldn't speak I knew this guy was unpredictable luckily one of my friends saw me and came over asking if there was a problem Serge immediately brushed it off by saying he asked something and booked it into the building so with that being said let's not meet again Serge see now the thing about having small classes is that you think it's gonna be great because you know you can all get to know each other you can form somewhat of a friend group hoping that no one's an [ __ ] and its overall easier especially for me as well because I also have a difficulty making friends I'm just awkward as [ __ ] there's nothing I can do about it except practice with like the two friends I have but these are the moments that make me feel like I almost would rather a class of like 200 people so the likelihood of me actually meeting this wacko is less I find that so creepy and the thing about stories like this is that you always ask yourself where to draw the line because I put myself in the shoes of I'm awkward and weird when I meet people really just I'm very uncomfortable and you know I hope that people don't judge me too harshly for that thinking I'm the [ __ ] you know lunatic so I feel like there is a little bit of wiggle room to be like ah maybe they're awkward maybe they have anxiety maybe they're just weird whatever it's so hard to draw the line where you're like okay this is not just awkward and weird this is full-on appropriate even if they don't understand what they're doing it's not okay and I've recently had to deal with something like that myself and I just find it very difficult especially if you can see that someone might be struggling I'm just glad this particular girl had this support system with the other girls so they all did it together and I think the most important thing when things like this happen is just to tell enough people so they know if they see this person around you to kind of interject and get the person to go away from you so allow me to tell you a story that happened without me even knowing was going on and now that I learned what happened I'm freaking terrified for how close all this was my Uncle Carl lived an apartment above my aunt's house he minded his own business and rarely talked to the rest of the family from time to time he would come down to my aunt's house to take a lunch or something like that I was 6 or 7 years old at the time of this happening and I later realized he only came to my aunt's place when I was there one time I was invited by him to go to his apartment to show me a ps/2 he'd bought I accepted without much problem and went with him to his apartment which was basically a large patio in the rooftop with two rooms he had a lot of dogs in there I entered to his room where he had the piss to and started playing in there for a while he was mostly out of the room but from time to time he'd come back to the room I was playing in and just sit by my side and look at me play nighttime came in my parents were ready to pick me up and go home however Carl asked me if I want to spend the night there I would have said yes because I love that ps2 but I had school next day fortunately a couple of weeks went by and I never saw my uncle again one time I asked my dad if I could go to Carl's apartment to play in the ps2 but my dad told me he was busy and to never go back there for some reason I didn't think this was suspicious at the time time passed by and I kind of forgot about him I never saw him for many years my aunt's and parents would always tell me that he was walking his dogs or doing services to other people's dogs I thought it was all a coincidence until a couple months ago when I heard that another uncle I had was getting married to someone a couple years younger than him my mom jokingly said to him to not be like our uncle going for the little ones it didn't seem suspicious at first but that night it was all like pieces in the puzzle had clicked all of a sudden I immediately went to my mom's room and asked her about Carl she didn't want to talk about it at first but eventually she told me the whole story and as I feared it might have been I was right apparently my uncle a couple of days after what happened with me and the ps/2 had learned a boy into his apartment using many dogs as bait and had sexual relations with him and told him not to tell his parents the boy without knowing much of what happened told his parents what happened and they immediately went to the police to report Carl he was arrested and sent to jail for obvious reasons my family hid all this from me because I was too young to understand what happened all the times my aunt's told me he wasn't at home it was because he was in jail and my dad telling me not to go there was because the time he was still in trial school saved me from potentially being abused by Carl and I'm so glad of my love for videogames wasn't enough to make me stay at that house that day so Uncle Carl let's never meet again here we have a story of the stereotypical creepy uncle honestly it's so crazy when you review situations that you were in and you look back and think oh my god had I just made a meaningless other choice I would have been in so much trouble and I think all of us have been in a situation like that not necessarily identical to this one but I think there plenty of times we all have had a close call where we're thankful we decided in one way rather than another I can think of so many moments off the top of my head where things could have gotten dangerous had I not decided to do X Y or Z so I'm glad this kid got out of it safely I am however sorry that there was another kid who was a victim of Carl the predator however I'm really glad that he immediately said something to his parents and that they could intervene so at least Carl hopefully did not get to any other children and hopefully there weren't children before anyway I think that's a good story to end this off on and thank you guys so much for watching thank you to shudder once again for sponsoring this video thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 386,731
Rating: 4.955162 out of 5
Keywords: shudder, r/letsnotmeet, reddit, subreddit, lets not meet
Id: SVkLmTpC_D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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