Be careful who you give your number to

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're doing another r slash let's not meet video so it's the subreddit where people post creepy stories about things that happen to them we're gonna read some of them and be creeped out I'm not gonna include the titles of the stories cuz most the time they give away what's gonna happen but each of the stories is gonna be linked down below in order before we get into the video I wanted to thank our sponsor which is shutter shutter is a premium streaming service from AMC networks this service was specifically created for fans of thrillers suspense and horror shutter has the largest and fastest growing human curated selection of thrilling and dangerous entertainment you can stream great thrillers horror and suspense for $5.99 a month or 50 $6.99 a year to try shudder for free for 30 days go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare I've had shudder for a long time now and actually I recently watched a shutter exclusive movie which I really enjoyed which is called summer of 84 and you guys know I love 80s music and this movie had a sick soundtrack and I don't want to give away the plot but it has a very similar vibe to stranger things but it's more centered around murder so that is right up my alley I really enjoyed it and so did my husband Jacob so I strongly suggest washing that if you're interested thank you again to shutter for sponsoring this video and remember to try shudder for free for 30-days go to shudder calm and use code ready to glare anyway let's get into these creepy stories not me my friend got a new house he told me to post it here it's a little chilling my friend had gotten a good deal on his first house something like $100,000 really good for a small house as soon as he moved in something was off he lived there with his girlfriend the first encounter with noises was when they were inside the house moving in my friend was going up to the attic to store extra stuff that wouldn't fit to pawn off later as he was going up the ladder to the attic he heard a scrambling noise he went up and a terrible smell hit him it was a 20 year old house and he thought nothing of it after we went down here did something in the Attic he figured it was a rodent and after a few weeks called the exterminator the exterminator went up and found a bunch of cocaine heroin every drug you can think of sitting there he called the cops and they arrived to search the house my friend was cuffed the house was searched they found a pipe in the corner leading to the crawlspace they didn't have a crawlspace that they knew of the cops went back downstairs and searched the house they eventually found nothing my friend took it upon himself to break the base underneath the house he found a living space with his stuff from the Attic and a guy with long brown hair a torn hoodie and my friend's extra shoes he yelled for the cops that were still out front and got the [ __ ] out of there the cops wanted the man to put his gun down he did they then told him to get in cuffs he walked over the hole my friend had broke and accepted his fate he was charged with illegal drug trafficking and sentenced to a year in prison it still creeps my friend out even though he moved the heck away from there a few months ago to know some drug dealer was hiding his house for months with a gun so this story is very short and very to the point but I have to say the idea of someone hiding in the walls has always been something that has scared the [ __ ] out of me whether they're hiding in your walls in your attic any area of your house someone living there that I don't know of know that gives me nightmares thankfully in my apartment the walls are so thin I can hear my neighbors whenever they even move a [ __ ] finger so I don't think I'm gonna have that problem anytime soon but I even get paranoid when I hear noises in the house that are coming from the closet cuz I'm like oh my god a killer has come in he's hiding between my coats and he's gonna get out and stab me the number of times I walked around my house holding a knife thinking that someone was there is not only embarrassing but kind of no it's just embarrassing next first time posting on Reddit and I'm doing it from my phone so apologize ahead of time for any format issues I'm still new and learning the ropes but go ahead and settle in folks because it's a long one I don't know how to tell a short story apparently and didn't want to leave anything out this happened in January a year and a half ago on my way into work one cold wintry Friday morning I had a rough start to that day I remember waking up in a panic as I realized I was holding my phone in my hand and had been hitting snooze on my alarms for the last hour I wasn't even giving them a chance to sound apparently as soon as my phone start to vibrate which it does a second or so before the music begins to play I'd hit the side button to silence it I was exhausted I'd already worked Monday through Thursday ten-hour days that typically turned into 12:00 at that time of the year and I just found out that I was pregnant a week prior so I was even more tired than usual and this type of behavior was very unlike me I'm always on time to work I don't usually work on Fridays but once a year we have our annual mandatory training for all staff members it's definitely not a day that can be missed or one to be extremely late to so I quickly throw on some clothes tie my hair up into a ponytail and brush my teeth then out the door I went I had 25 minutes until I had to be there so I didn't even let my cart warm up as I pull out of my driveway I remember thinking to myself that my dad would kill me if he knew he's a mechanic and that was something he always preached the importance of I finally got out of the neighborhood hit the highway and noticed my gas light is on another annoyance that would cut into my time but I decided that I would stop once I got off on the exit had a few minutes to spare so I did I pulled my car up to the pump and turn it off hop into the freezing cold to get the gas started and quickly jump back in there's a guy about my father's age pumping gas into his white truck right in front of me but I don't really pay in much mind those trucks were everywhere near my work place at that time as it's near the river a world of bridge construction had been going on I can't see my friend from work and letting her know where and when I get the feeling someone is looking at me I look up and make eye contact with the work truck guy he quickly looks away just as I hear the gas click off I get back out to finish don't think anything else and then hop back in ready to go to work at this point I probably had five minutes left which would have been plenty considering the proximity press the start button click click click [ __ ] I thought as I did again only to hear that same sound what do you know my car won't start battery's dead and for the second time that morning I thought of my dad and his advice if I would just have let it warm up I wouldn't be having this problem right now I tried for a third time hoping it's the charm but it's no use the guy in the work truck notices at this point he starts to make his way towards me so I step out of my car he asks me if I'm having car trouble and I tell him I think my battery's he tells me that he can help me but that he doesn't have jumper cables in this particular truck he does however only work right down the road he's on one of the bridge crews just as I assumed and has a set there he says it'll run and get them and come right back I tell him that he doesn't have to do that but he says he doesn't mind at all I think about it for a second my husband's at home already asleep at this point he works third shift and I don't want to wake him up if there's no need my dad's already at his job I remember thinking that he probably has a kid my age somewhere one who he would hope someone would help in this type of situation one day that he's probably just a father trying to help and so I say okay and thanked him for his help he said no problem that he'd be back in a couple minutes and left to get the jumper cables I usually have a set in my car but had loaned them to my brother the week before and he hadn't returned them yet as I'm waiting I call my boss to let her know what was going on and that I would be in as soon as possible she offers to send someone out there to help but I tell her about the work truck guy and that I'll call her back if this doesn't work by the time I hang up he's back with the cables and we get my car started back up again we let it run for a few minutes and make small talk that's a little importance like strangers do when they're trying to fill the silence it's during this time that he asked me if I'm a nurse immediately I'm alarmed because I'm not wearing any scrubs I think he can see the shock on my face because he quickly said he noticed my license plate when he was pulling back in I laugh in relief and slight embarrassment as I remember my license plate is in fact one of the state issued nursing ones and reply that yes I'm a nurse and I'm actually running late for work yes as if I work at the hospital of the road to which I replied that no I do not now he's the one that looks confused because where else would a nurse work right I don't want to give too much away I'm still a woman and I watch the news and I feel a little uncomfortable with the questions but I don't want to be rude so I say oh I work at a facility not far from here and leave it with that I mentioned again how I'm running late and he and hooks the jumper cables I think come again and we both get in our vehicles and drive away I like them pull out first and then proceeded to take a roundabout way to work just in case he was watching I felt kind of silly but you never know right I finally get to work and jump straight into training I honestly didn't think about what happened that morning again except here and there when my co-workers asked a few questions about it in the break room during lunch the long day finally comes to an end and we all head out as a mock towards my car I see a piece of paper shoved down the driver's side window I stand there and look at it for a second thinking of the guy from that morning and then glanced around the parking lot I don't see anything unusual and remind myself that he didn't know where I worked I laughed for being so paranoid because it's probably a note for my best friend who actually works at the hospital a few blocks over we laid each other notes occasionally if we see each other's cars as we drive by I started it back when she was going through a rough time of the year before and it just kind of became our thing I'm sure as you can guess the note wasn't from her it was from the work truck guy that morning I don't remember it all word-for-word but most of it I know I'll never forget it made my skin crawl and thoroughly freaked me the hell out it listed his phone number at the top with an arrow pointing to it that said call soon love it said that he felt we had a connection one of two souls and that he wanted to continue getting to know me that he knew the reason why he was at that gas pump in front of me that morning was so he could find me because the Lord knows he has been searching for me for so many years now that he couldn't just let me slip away we couldn't just ignore faith like that no not what had been made as clear as it was that morning I dropped the piece of paper like it was on fire felt my heart dropped with all the panic and paranoia that came after reading it I was so freaked out that I immediately called my mom my dad and my husband I didn't want to drive home what if he followed me did he not see my wedding ring how did they even find out where I worked he literally had to have driven around about 20 other medical facility parking lots just to find my car because I watched him drive off in the other direction and never saw him turn around in my rearview trust me I was watching my work building is kind of hard to find too with it being off the main road on a side street especially for a man that lived a couple hours north from here as he told me during our small talk he wouldn't have been familiar with the surrounding area enough to just come up on my car like that I didn't walk in or out of work by myself for months after that not until well after the bridge was finished it's always a nighttime when I arrived to work and for part of the year when I leave so there was no way in hell I was gonna walk across that dirt parking lot by myself I've never seen him again but that hasn't stopped me from feeling like someone is watching me at random times that type of paranoia just kind of sticks with you if only I'd listened to my dad's advice and let my damn car but that's a mistake I have not and will not ever make again I can guarantee it so to the creepy guy my father's age who thought it was appropriate to hunt down my car after helping me let's never meet again that's gonna be a note from me that is so creepy and I feel like that's what makes me paranoid when people are being nice and just being generally decent good Samaritans that's what I'm like okay what is this person gonna do to me like what do they get out of helping me and it's partially because I read stories like this but it's also because I'm incredibly cynical and I think people always want to get something out of me whether it's murdering me or something else it's just crazy how easily someone can gather where you work or you know something about your routine that's telling enough for them to be able to find you like I think that's what scares me the most that he eventually found her and found her car even though she could have been working anywhere even though like they were close to a hospital so maybe it was suspicious that she was lying it's still very scary and oh if anything like that happened to me I think I would just like vomit continuously for months out of fear I can't believe I have forgotten about this but here's another I was 15 years old and back in those days you'd usually catch my friends and I at the big AMC movie theater it's a huge theater kind of reminds me of an airport almost and it was a popular hangout for kids that age on weekends I remember going to the movies one night with my friends and a group of guys approached us we started chatting and flirting as you do at that age they said they went to one of the local high schools one of the guys I was talking to eventually asked for my phone number and I gave it to him I was not even thought this was harmless these were days before cellphones were ubiquitous so I gave him my home phone number he called me maybe a day or two after that and we talked for a bit we had a few more phone conversations here and there before he asked me out on a date as we made plans to meet he told me he needed to tell me something he admitted that he actually wasn't 16 or whatever age he said he was and told me he wasn't in high school he was 22 I feel silent trying to think of my response but there was more not only was he 22 he had been in prison and was recently released why accessory to murder for being in the car when his friend shot someone while driving by I still remember the feeling of being frozen in fear I called me said that I didn't want to talk to him anymore and please never call me again and after I hung up the phone immediately started ringing I picked it up but before I could even say hello this man had called back and was already screaming at the top of his lungs into the phone I can't remember exactly what he was saying but it was along the lines of don't you ever [ __ ] hang up on me calling me every name in the book signing up again this time leaving the phone off the receiver I remember being so scared to tell my parents because I didn't want them to be disappointed in me they were always so proud of me for making good decisions it was my fault after all giving some guy I just met my phone number so I didn't say anything at first the calls kept coming but to keep my parents in the dark I usually made sure I was the one answering the phone when it rang he told me he put my home phone number into a reverse phone directory and found my address he would call and say things like I like your sister's new green car to make sure I knew he was watching the house around this time I don't have to fear of being home alone I couldn't be alone even for a minute so if my parents and sister were ever gone I did call a neighbor friend to spend time with me one night my parents were in bed but my sister and I were up late watching TV we saw a car pull into our driveway and sit there with a lights on I couldn't see who was in it but I knew after that everything stopped I remember thinking how crazy it was that he had done all of that then just disappeared a year maybe two years later I was sitting at home watching the finale of American Idol it's funny the little random details you remember when something significant happens and the phone rang the caller ID said it was coming from a Correctional Facility confused I answered it it was a collect call from you know who I couldn't believe it I obviously didn't accept the call and hung up never heard from him again I told my parents about this years later and they said no wonder you were so scared of being alone I should have told them at the time because it could have escalated even further this story mirrors a similar experience I had a year ago one that I had posted here I really do wonder if there is something about me that attracts these people one lapse in judgment can lead to situations like these twelve the creepy men I've encountered in my life let's not meet again edit I forgot to mention this part it's still so upsetting to think about one of his harassing phone calls he described how he saw a dog get hit by a car on the highway and the whole time he was laughing not in a way that was just intended to scare me although that was the point he was laughing like he genuinely found it funny this person was an absolute psychopath see now this is why I'm so glad I'm not on tinder and not dating anymore because the possibility of things like this happening scares the [ __ ] out of me especially because this was such a kind of innocent beginning just like teenagers meeting at the movie theater you know it kind of makes you feel like well teenagers it kind of makes you feel like what could go wrong and then here you have this psycho who's actually 22 the whole concept of him lying about being 16 or whatever you said he was when he was 22 that by itself is creepy as [ __ ] grown-ass adults saying that they're still in high school to get a 16 year old girl's phone number that and of itself I would have cut immediately but the thing of being an accessory to murder that's not a petty little thing I would be concerned even about like the people he's hanging out with because I would not want to be associated with that whatsoever the thing about him looking up the address and also the thing I've being like ooh I like your sister's new green car that is so creepy and movie like I just know that is traumatizing I genuinely would be scared to ever like give my phone number to anyone again if I were in this person's positions oh no I'm sorry if this is poorly written or makes little sense but this just happened an hour ago and I'm still a bit shaken by this incident so first off I went out earlier to celebrate a close friend's birthday with a couple other friends everything went fine despite it being in a park in a bad part of the city I don't drive I'm a female in 16 so I tend to take the bus everywhere I need to go as it's not only quicker and safer than walking but it's a convenient way to get from one part of the city to the next hopped up on the bus I would need to take to get home and it was starting to get dark outside as it was approximately 9:20 p.m. this didn't bother me as I was sure that once I was back in my area I wouldn't need to worry about any real danger little did I know how wrong I would be the bus arrived at a mall parking lot where it stays for a few minutes to give the driver a break before continuing the route just when they'll get off for a few minutes and have a smoke or something like that as I was waiting for the driver to get back on and continue the route I spotted a man through the window parallel to me he was staring at me which quite understandably unsettled me a bit maybe five minutes later the driver opens the door to get back on letting the guy was stare at me outside the bus on it was much later at that point nearing 10 p.m. so the bus wasn't very crowded there was about five people on there so there was no shortage of seats but that didn't stop him from walking to the back of the bus where I was sitting I was in the second-to-last row of seats and he proceeded to sit behind me considering the fact that he was staring right at me through the window a few minutes ago I was coming a bit paranoid I brush it off as my anxiety getting the better of me but still things didn't feel right it didn't take long to get to my stop from there and I proceeded to pull the cord and get off the bus however I looked behind me out of habit and saw he got off too this was when some red flags began to raise in my mind all this was becoming a bit too much to be a coincidence he ended up calling out to me for some reason I stopped to hear him out for just a moment despite my better judgment after all I was on my own Street now even so I didn't let my guard down for a minute I may be soft-hearted but I'm not stupid this was my first mistake I should have kept on walking I took off my headphones and asked him to repeat himself as I hadn't heard what he said the first time the first thing he said is please be my girlfriend some assumed having a random guys asking them such a question would be a huge compliment but considering that I had no clue who the hell he was it was late at night and that I'm still technically a minor in my country I was more than freaked out attempting to keep a straight and serious face I quickly replied please don't I don't know you looking back on it I could have responded much better and perhaps this wouldn't have gotten so out of hand if I had but fight-or-flight was kicking in and all logic had left me at that point without waiting for a response I turned away and began walking faster that was my second mistake usually I know not to turn your back on someone who could potentially be dangerous and to try to have your back facing a wall or the side of the house so they can't get behind you but for the same reason above it hadn't occurred to me he was just shouting insisting and I give him my phone number to which I loudly yelled please leave me alone he asked me again for it becoming more forceful with his words as I sped up trying to lose him his insistence was making me nervous as he was becoming persistent wait wait phone number I want your phone number give me your phone number was a sentence I kept hearing as he followed me every time telling him no and to leave me alone I had enough sense left in my head to turn around and take in as many identifying details as I could in the case that things went badly I didn't know what you could have planned and there are frequent issues with stabbings and human trafficking in my city so needless to say I was terrified I was almost to him but he was still following me at this point continuing to yell at me to give him my phone number and every time I kept giving him the same answer hoping he back off it followed me into my parking lot and at that point I was running I'm not athletic but needless to say I valued my life and I didn't want to take a chance with losing it as he easily could have had a weapon on him I got into my house safe but worried he saw me go in told my mom about the guy and she was right pissed the description on the story of what happened on her Facebook just to be safe right now it's a bit past midnight but I know I won't be sleeping a wink the whole situation stressed me out so bad that I don't even want to close my eyes just so I can be prepared if something like a break-in happens you can never be too sure I've been talking with a close friend of mine who has helped me calm down immensely after the whole stalking incident and I couldn't be more grateful I still can't help but wonder what his intentions were was he just a normal guy who didn't know when enough was enough I'm a fairly average looking person and I just wasn't getting good vibes from him so I'm not convinced that was it leading me to believe it was something more sinister I'll try to sleep eventually but my mind is a bit too busy for that right now hopefully I don't run into him again and this is why you have pepper spray Tasers knives depending on what's legal wherever you're at bring something with you whether you're male or female doesn't even matter bring something with you in case you meet [ __ ] weirdos like this because that [ __ ] is really scary I am a magnet for weirdos everyone who knows me knows I am a magnet for extremely strange often deranged people who just Yanks I'm glad that this person made it safe but that is genuinely so creepy and I feel like when things like this happen even if you think that you're making a bigger deal out of something because that's usually at least what happens to me in most cases where I'm like no you're just being crazy like it's fine it's not that big of a deal it's never a bad idea to make someone aware that you're uncomfortable like making somewhere else on the bus aware that you're uncomfortable just so like they can keep an eye on you and you feel like you kind of have someone you can talk to but obviously like this person was saying it's not always that obvious in the moment because you're just freaking out on you can't really think straight so I'm just glad they made it out safe any of these guys let me know we thought of these stories let me know if you have any incidents similar to any of these happening to you thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 534,364
Rating: 4.947206 out of 5
Keywords: shudder, r/letsnotmeet, reddit, lets not meet, let's not meet, creepy, creepy stories
Id: kmQT80JFodc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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