This CEO had 13,000 "files"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel I apologize if there's noise in the background but everyone's home the dogs are howling the children are screaming so I apologize if it bothers you the case we're gonna talk about today I'm telling you right now add a ruiner type case and frankly for me there's nothing really to lose because I ruin my own day the moment I wake up Utah CEO gets 210 days in jail for having 13,000 files of infant and child rape and bestiality look deep into my eyes and you'll see the seething rage a judge sentenced an admitted pedophile informed Utah CEO Douglas Saltzman to 210 days in jail in 48 months probation on Thursday for possessing more than 13 thousand files of graphic child pornography some which involved rape and bestiality Saltzman was facing 1 to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each of the three second-degree felonies of which he pleaded guilty Saltzman 40 was originally facing 11 charges related to the seizure of more than 13 thousand files of graphic child pornography in August 2000 19 newly revealed in court Thursday was the fact that some of the child pornography files Saltzman admitted to viewing and sexually gratifying himself to featured bestiality though I'm sure we all realized that 13,000 files is a massive number a lot of the times it's easier for me to truly process large quantities when I see a picture so here's a picture from a Bernie rally back in the day and you can't see all the 13 thousand people because that was the number of people in attendance but imagine if every single little face you see here or a file that blows my [ __ ] mind I genuinely cannot grasp how you can be this [ __ ] up in this many ways and get that little of a sentence we have bestiality you guys know I'm I have my ongoing war with the xuo files then you have child pornography which in and of itself you should get years upon years for and you have 13,000 files thirteen thousand files and then some of them include rape my god my god it's like he picked the worst of everything and they're just kind of like yeah well 210 days in prison that that sets us pretty even this is an open-and-shut case and anybody who can't see that is a savage how about since he had 13,000 files how about that many years in prison or electric chair up to you I don't care which either one you prefer one of those two I'm good with considered by many to be a computer genius Saltzman was the founder of a now-defunct blockchain and cryptocurrency company which was based in Sandy Judge Douglas Hogan suspended those recommendation giving Saltzman 210 days in jail saying I'm gonna put what he says on the screen and you can pause to read it because frankly it's a bunch of legal jargon and aside from that it's just saying what we already know he's getting two hundred and ten days and then he'll be considered a sex offender and he has to complete successfully sex offender treatment and therapy things that don't [ __ ] change anything really because again the point of contention is the 210 days and like another case that I discussed this judge also has a petition against him that's collecting signatures because of course going easy on a pedophile everyone hates that except for pedophiles during the sentencing a prosecutor Cynthia Polson pointed out that in pre-sentencing evaluation Saltzman only talked about himself and how the charges affected him there was never any mention of the victims the prosecution told a judge Hogan judge Hogan allowed Saltzman to address the court which is within his rights you can watch saltzman's apology below okay there's a video I'll play it but I have to censor what he's saying or else it'll probably get copyrighted but I'll read you what he says I just want to say that every day I wake up to shame guilt regret and disgust when I did the psychosexual evaluation all I could talk about was confusion and compulsive behaviors talk about downloading viewing and masturbating to child pornography I did not understand why I would think these things I started seeing a psychiatrist right after that I was prescribed medication and began therapy that's when I started to understand some of the deeper mental issues I learn that my self-destructive behaviors match my self-hatred that's what I was trying to share with a P and P mrs. Polson was right I didn't see victims then I saw it was only affecting myself now I see the victims I just want to continue to get help I want to repair the damage that I have done that I see that I have done I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror I'm sorry I'll make sure this never happens again you'll never see me contrary to popular belief do like giving the benefit of the doubt but here there's none it's great that you apologize glad that you see that you did some fucked-up [ __ ] if you even believe what you're saying which I don't know it's convenient that you're now seeing all these things now that you're going to prison for a very short time it's more like a vacation more than a prison sentence I do want to say this was me [ __ ] of like I don't know why I was like this bla bla bla like again focus on the victims focus on the victims this whole thing was a woe is me party for you and you say how sorry you are a new being sorry doesn't mean jack [ __ ] first of all and second of all it's just hard for me to believe that it takes over thirteen thousand files that you've downloaded to be like huh maybe there's a problem maybe I need to see someone no no you need to get caught first then suddenly Oh The Awakening The Awakening has arrived okay [ __ ] yeah sure Jam the details of the sordid case began when Saltzman was first busted by police on May 7th 2019 after searching his home and seizing his electronic devices police submitted the child pornographic files to law enforcement portal of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children where 279 of the submitted files depicted known identified a child victims police first investigated child pornography when they were alerted to an internet provider address that was sharing child pornography using a peer-to-peer file-sharing program the first file according to documents was a compilation video of prepubescent girls under 8 some as young as toddlers being raped if we go back to think about the apology apology quote-unquote it starts to mean less and less when we get the description of the first file which is little children being raped there are 13,000 files over 13,000 files so do you see why that apology means nothing because just this minut description of one video is enough to make me want to lock him up forever let alone let alone having 13 thousand other versions oh oh god I feel like I need to like bathe in holy water after this investigators obtained a search warrant and the Internet crimes against children Task Force known as icac helped execute the search according to documents child sex abuse imagery involving toddlers and prepubescent children was found on a laptop a black computer an SSD storage device and an SD card the children were bound and raped police also found disturbing videos of Douglas Saltzman engaged in sexual intercourse with several unconscious women on the seized devices I thought we had already heard the whole story like I didn't think it got worse because he also raped adult women wow that apology means a lot there was no mention of raping the adult women is he sorry for that or has he not yet realized do we need to have 13,000 of them before suddenly we have the magical awakening anytime work can they also found a clandestine drug lab of some sort in the downstairs bedroom closet and called the sandy fire department and hazmat team to make sure the chemical lab was not a public safety hazard Saltzman made his first court appearance in December 2019 so this guy okay okay okay okay let's just briefly recap this rap sheet because it's getting quite long like the scroll so there's a thirteen thousand files that contain child rape bestiality overall just child pornography okay there's him raping unconscious women I don't know why it said having sex with unconscious women but okay and then we have a drug type situation this just infuriates me more because there's more reason to think that he's a dangerous individual like already having the child pornography for me was like walk him up throw away the key but here he's actively actually acting on some of his weird psychosexual [ __ ] by raping unconscious women and then he's probably selling drugs like what do you need what else does this judge [ __ ] need to be like yeah this person's a danger to society my god 210 days in jail so basically then they just kind of give you more legal jargon of like the order of probation and what's going on so I'm just gonna read the part about probation because that's the only thing he's getting apart from the prison vacation the defendant is placed on probation for 48 months probation is to be supervised by adult probation parole or early termination of probation requires notification to prosecutor no other violations report to AP and P within 2 business days of today's hearing or upon release from jail abide by all group a sex offender conditions as set by the adult probation and parole and complete a substance abuse evaluation and comply with all recommended treatment I'm sorry but even 48 months of probation that's not a long time at all considering the magnitude of what he's been up to like ideally he'd be just in jail for a really long time so we wouldn't even have to talk about probation I'm disgusted I'm disappointed I have a whole range of emotions that I really don't like right now I just can't not believe I cannot believe I'm sorry I know I'm repeating myself but actually let me just call them down and I'll say this in my ASMR voice which I hope won't make you want to die I cannot [ __ ] believe it's anyway these guys like I said there's a petition being signed and some people will say that petitions don't do anything and maybe they don't but they let me unleash my inner wrath and that in itself is something I hope that something comes of it because any judge who would see the amount of [ __ ] this person has done specifically targeting children and they get less than a year people who said who sell weed have gotten 10 years or some [ __ ] but this guy I'm gonna close off here before I just keep going on a crazy rant you can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to our patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 177,555
Rating: 4.979527 out of 5
Keywords: utah ceo, douglas saltsman, judge hogan, news, current events, technology
Id: S-nOzmgkBag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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