We need to talk about Fashion Nova

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be talking about a brand that has been in quite a few scandals now mind you most fast fashion brands these days have been in scandals don't have ethical business practices there's a lot of problems with them so fashion nova is by no means the only brand who has been in trouble because of some of their choices that being said the reason that i want to speak about fashion nova specifically is because i don't think i've ever seen another fast fashion brand have so many partners or influencers that they're paying to essentially post their clothes pretty much i feel like 90 percent of my timeline most of the time is an influencer who's being paid by fashion nova to post pictures wearing their clothing as as much as other brands do that as well i don't think i've seen many do it on the same scale as fashion nova and we're going to get into why that even matters before we get into that though i did want to thank today's sponsor which is nordvpn a vpn is a virtual private network and that means you create a secure connection online using nordvpn means that i get to browse the internet safely as nordvpn has military grade encryption as well as an automatic kill switch if you go to nordvpn.com ready to glare and use code ready to glare you can get 68 off a two-year plan which would total to three dollars and 71 cents a month for 24 months and when using my code you get an extra month for free while nordvpn is securing your online safety it's also useful to have for fun things like access to streaming sites that may not be available in your country or to check out the catalogs other countries offer again remember to go to nordvpn.com ready to glare to get 68 off a two-year plan and when using my code you get an extra month for free thank you nordvpn for sponsoring this video fashion nova now if you guys have been following me for a while you'll know that i used to buy from there prior to finding out about their business practices and one thing i want to make clear too is when we have a conversation about sustainability and you know buying clothes that are eco-friendly and so on and so forth it's important to note that sustainability is in its own way a privilege in the sense of not everyone can afford to buy for example a more expensive thing that is environmentally friendly because being realistic sustainable things typically are more expensive so i don't think it's good to shame people for buying from fast fashion because if that's what you can afford that's what you can afford and that's it but if you can avoid it and you can and you want to make the effort to i also think that's a healthy thing to do i just think the discussion around it is often very black and white when the reality is there's a lot of factors that go into why certain people can't buy sustainable things but anyway that aside that's not what this conversation is about fashion nova the first scandal i heard of from them was when they were criminally underpaying their workers so there's an article from the new york post this article i'll link it down below but it essentially underlines the fact that workers were underpaid and that the factories were in terrible condition so it says while fashion nova does not work with factories directly its clothes have been made in sweatshops that paid sewers as little as 2.77 cents an hour and owed workers 3.8 million dollars back in wages the paper reported citing federal documents and other sources 277 an hour so the reason that i was bringing up that they pay influencers to post and i see it like on a very big scale i feel like every day on instagram i see someone that's like hashtag fashion of a partner or whatever their hashtag is and the reason why i stopped buying there is because first of all you should never be underpaying your workers duh but i find it doubly if not triply insidious that you are paying influencers thousands upon thousands of dollars to pose in your clothes but you can't actually appropriately pay the people making those clothes and like i said they should have been paid appropriately anyway but it's mind-boggling to me that you're gonna pay someone to just take a picture in it but you're not gonna pay the person making it an appropriate wage so that was one of the main things that really did not sit well with me for fashion nova one thing i will say as someone who has bought from there in the past though i don't anymore their clothes are extremely extremely hit or miss and they've done a lot of collections but like celebrities like i know they've done one with cardi b i believe their clothes will be expensive for what they are realistically so even when people say that fashion nova is affordable it's not the most expensive brand of the universe of course but at the same time it's expensive for what you're getting it's extremely hit or miss a lot of their products just were terrible quality i remember there was this one time i bought a bodysuit and it was the right size the moment i put it on a button just like ripped off i was being careful like i wasn't just like trying to rip it but it just like ripped immediately so even the prices that you're paying i don't think are fair considering the quality but anyway so then in terms of even just like the biohazard aspect or the hygienic safety let's say there's a woman named mercedes cortes who told the times that she earned 270 dollars a week on average making fashion of a clothes in a factory near the brand's offices in california she was reportedly paid a few cents for each piece of a shirt she sewed at the factory which she left in 2016. then she said there were cockroaches there were rats the conditions weren't good so aside from the fact again the employees deserve to be in a clean and safe area when they're doing their jobs and aside from needing to be paid appropriately obviously it's also it seems incredibly again insidious that clothes are being made in these types of unhygienic places you're not even paying your workers appropriately but then you're going to turn around and pay influencers god knows how much to take pictures with your clothes you know what i mean so it continues returning to this kind of thing of like where are your priorities here recently they got into another controversy involving their children's clothing line their children's clothing line is uncanny to look at for the simple reason that it's like they they're dressing kids the same way they would dress adults it's just alarming to look at because it doesn't make sense because your brain is like computing yes this is a child but then you're looking at the outfit it's like why are they wearing something like an 18 year old would wear so let's look at some examples so if you look at these pictures they really just do look like shrunken adults you know they're not really dressed as kids and i think a big part that people also were underlining on the internet because there was a tweet that i'm pretty sure went viral with this is that a lot of these aren't realistic for kids aside from being inappropriate but they're unrealistic because kids move around a lot they get things dirty so it's like you need something that's comfortable but that's also you know not something that is a high maintenance thing to wear so here's an example this young girl seems to be wearing a sort of crop top coarsity looking type thing aside from the fact that i don't really think a child should be wearing that but whatever aside from that fact it's like this isn't child friend in the sense of when they're playing when they're doing things this isn't going to be comfortable for them this could come off this could slide down like there's so many things that just don't compute as to why you would make a child wear that on top of that a lot of the pictures are taken in again adult-like poses which i mean like this isn't the worst we've seen on the internet for sure but again it's like these are children they should be wearing things that yes are cute but at the same time that are child appropriate and another thing that also came up is that the children were like wearing heels and these kids i'm terrible at aging kids like i can't tell the difference between a three-year-old and a six-year-old most the time they're wearing heels and it's like what is the reason like why are we doing this like it doesn't make sense to me and some of the names as well were strange like i think there was one called on the down low and just names that you're like this doesn't really seem like it's for children and again i don't even think fashion nova is the right brand to be making children's clothing period because realistically if anyone knows fashion no but most the time they're gonna associate it with online influencers slash e-girls and there's nothing wrong with being those things but at the same time it's just i would never think oh fashion nova let me get a child clothing from there it makes no sense also because fashion nova is known to have pretty risque clothing for adults as well of course they have some dude things but they have clothing that's very revealing so i wouldn't necessarily associate a place that has very revealing clothing with a place that you'd buy clothing for children there was a bit of a debate on twitter about whether the children's clothing was that inappropriate some people are making the argument that the people who think this clothing on kids is weird are the people sexualizing them which i can understand why someone would think that but at the same time it's also like is there really a reason for really young children to be wearing heels is there really a reason that they need to be posed with their ass towards the screen as opposed to just like a normal child model who usually they look pretty playful or you know pure innocent they're just too many things that don't really sit all that well with me and again considering what we know about them apparently now they have been working with the department of labor to rectify their wrongdoings personally do i think they're still under pain do i still think they're probably using sweatshops obviously yes that goes for a lot of fast fashion brands though like i said but i feel like fashion nova is so much in the public eye and so visible all the time via my timeline on instagram mainly that i feel like they're the ones that kind of exemplify all the problems with fast fashion anyways guys let me know if you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the fan art [Music] you
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Rating: 4.9720788 out of 5
Id: jgUnyxTD42s
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Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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