These trends need to die

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guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're doing something a little bit different something the light-hearted because God knows I feel like I need something light-hearted so we're gonna be talking about terrible fashion trends now before anyone gets annoyed or feels attacked I asked you guys on Twitter what trends you were annoyed with and i felt quite attacked but this is all in good fun if you like something i don't like it's okay there's no need to [ __ ] kill each other over Crocs or something god knows there are better things to die for last you guys on twitter so some of what i'm going to be mentioning is things that you brought up on twitter that I agree with and some of these are things that I came up with myself so let's get into the ugliness I didn't even know these existed I'm kind of sad that I now know that they exist because this is horrendous whoever came up with this needs to be locked up I'm not even kidding they need to be locked up because this is a disservice to society and pretty much anyone who wears pants enter asymmetrical jeans and before I show you know I don't mean jeans that don't look exactly the same or have like a zip on one side and not on the other side no no no we're talking about this kind of asymmetrical where one leg is skinny and the other is huge so it looks like someone ripped two pairs of jeans and then took one leg of one Jean the other leg of the other Jean and just put them together to make you look like a 100% [ __ ] idiot stop acting like an idiot I hate this I absolutely hate this I don't care if this is high end or low end fashion by the way like I do not care you do not get to get away with [ __ ] just because you are a high-end brand speaking of which this video is sponsored by Poshmark I've been sponsored by Poshmark before and I've used Poshmark for the past five years I think if not more now if you don't know what Poshmark is it's an app where you can buy and sell clothes the cool thing about Poshmark is that you can find a variety if they so you can find things from topshop hmm whatever or you can find things that are high-end that you know may be sold out or maybe that you didn't have the money for and that are not less expensive also I'm gonna briefly show you a couple of the things that I have in my Pasha Marc closet at the moment on sale if you follow me on instagram you might have already seen some of these things so one of the things I'm selling is this move bodysuit I like it but I don't wear it that much I only ended up wearing it once but I feel like this is such a cute thing to wear with high-waisted jeans which is what I would typically wear this with I'm also sawing another bodysuit that is very atypical for me it's pastel and it's mesh and it's honestly really pretty but again I kind of had the same problem I don't know why bother buying colors at this point anymore because I had a really hard time wearing this because I'm just not used to really wearing full-on colors but this is so pretty and I feel like this could dress up anything you put it with I have this t-shirt that's actually really interesting it's supposed to function almost as an under boob here so it's tighter here and it's looser on top which i think is extremely flattering last of all also still with a tag on because I bought two by mistake is this little bra let I love the lace in the middle the back is super minimal it fits great and everything but I just don't need two of these click the link in my description to download Poshmark and start your own closet if you want to find me I'll put my name here on the screen and also in the description down below so now that we've gone over the ugliness that are asymmetrical jeans we need to move on to another one that a lot of you guys did not like on Twitter and actually agree with this one biker shorts now if you follow me on Instagram I have one picture with biker shorts and I can't I can't the thing is this I feel like when I see them on certain people with certain things they look okay you know like if someone's wearing a sporty outfit like I'm like that okay maybe but on me they're horrible a and B I see people trying to dress them up like with heels and everything usually I like the combination of sporty and you know dressy but here I'm just not here for it here's an example I just I don't I can't do it I also don't like where they cut off on the legs most of time because I don't think that's a flattering cutoff point this model is gorgeous I follow her on Instagram but these biker shorts are not doing her or anyone who wears them really any favors I feel like I feel like they're very unflattering and I actually found a picture that encapsulates biker shorts and the length of pants that I feel just is not flattering whatsoever I don't like this color range I know that these aren't exactly biker shorts because they're jeans kind of they look like jeans but they're made out of some kind of spandex or something and just look at where the line cuts off on the legs I can't it just doesn't look good I feel like it makes your legs look like encapsulated sausages and it makes me very uncomfortable the trend of neon a lot have you brought that one up I like the trend of neon simply because I like neon green a lot and I've always liked neon green a lot so the trend of neon from you was nice because of there was more neon green stuff I think it just went overboard like it just became too much my Instagram became oversaturated with people doing looks with just neons and I feel like I enjoy neon here and there but when it's always in your face and I think that's the problem with trends generally when it's always in your face you end up just [ __ ] hating it and that's kind of what happened with people and neon I still don't entirely hate it I just think it's boring at this point I say well I have some neon eyeliner coming on the way in the mail and specifically the thing about neon is that there's the combination of neon and prints especially leopard print I can't that's so horrible like cheetah print zebra print no with neon no it's too much like why are you doing this it every time I see things like that I feel like my brain is shutting down or I just feel I feel like it makes this sound [Music] so I found an example so I've been seeing people wearing dresses like this on ironically and if that's you like don't get offended but I'm so sorry the these dresses I can the idea of neon multiple neon colors even with a print is horrendous I hate it I want it to go away and here is another example it's just too much I already feel like animal print is hard for me to wrap my head around generally because sometimes I kind of like it and sometimes I despise it and most the time I like it on other people but when it's me I'm just like [ __ ] no like it looks trashy on me because I feel like that's the thing with prints there's a very thin line between okay that's cool and that looks cheap trashy whatever you want to call it like it just doesn't look like a nice look and I feel like neons with prints are screaming notice me notice me but not for the right reasons what I like to call go to shoes shoes like this that separate your toes I hate it makes me physically uncomfortable to look at shoes like this I don't know why it kind of reminds me of a foot camel toe like I think that's why the separation just looks so awkward it looks like a camel toe it looks like it would be uncomfortable I don't understand why anyone came up with this idea but I absolutely hate it and on top of that you look like you have hooves rather than feet so I just I don't understand but it tell me like someone please in the comments validate that I'm not crazy with the camel toe thing like it does remind you of a camel toe right it's not just me who's like creepy I guess the last trend that I absolutely cannot deal with our assless chaps I don't know if it's because Coachella happened recently so like I've been only seeing assless chaps all over Instagram I don't know why it was this year the assless chaps had to be this big of a thing and the funny thing is that a lot of these trends you'll find them consistently on fashion OVA and I know that fashion Nova often like obviously makes clothes to cater to the trends but I feel fashion Nova is also quite complicit in starting some horrendous trends and here's a picture from fashion Nova again with the model that I think is gorgeous and I follow but no no and I just don't understand the point of assless chaps and I know that a lot of the times fashion doesn't really have to have a point you know like it doesn't have to be useful or whatever but I feel like Asus chaps of all things I just dislike because of how much I've seen them recently like if I hadn't seen one person on my timeline okay whatever but I feel like it's so oversaturated that it doesn't even feel like someone's making the individual decision of like oh I mean we're asked those traps to be different and whatever but it's more like everyone got a memo like it's like everyone who went to Coachella got a memo or on their like [ __ ] wristband it's like remember to wear a slit straps xoxo and now we're never gonna forget about it I don't know maybe it's just me but I did not like the looks of assless chaps I just feel like at that point just wear booty shorts or something it just seems uncomfortable and awkward and yeah I'm not really about it anyways guys let me know what fashion trends you hate in the comments down below let me know if you agree or disagree with the ones I've discussed in this video thank you so much to Poshmark for sponsoring this video so if you're interested in Poshmark click the link in the description to download it and open it your own Poshmark closet thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 287,688
Rating: 4.9301815 out of 5
Keywords: poshmark, fashion, fashion trends, ugly fashion trends
Id: 8GIuaRsPAq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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