These Fake Animated Stories Have To Be Stopped (My Story Animated)

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I grew up in an average family me mom dad and two of my siblings were remarkable in any way but we were still happy and got along with each other that is until my father died it's just so inappropriate like you can't just say anything and hide behind the guys that you're telling a kid's story you have to have some responsibility I'm sorry let's turn it to a rant I didn't want to end on a sour note but I don't know how to enter this Dyke hi I'm Jarvis and welcome back to the bad times things are bad now but on the bright side they're not good today we'll be talking about awful animated story channels on YouTube which I've done before and it hasn't helped so maybe fifth time's a charm where we last left our heroes there were multiple monetized YouTube channels telling sensational inappropriate and honestly boring animated stories I'm sorry I can't get into details that are animated cheaply and voiced by a fluent English speaker who is reading a script written for them by someone for whom English is clearly not their first language you know that milestone that any man prefers to see far ahead but tell us I knew it must be done I met them nicely I should tell you all of this under the guise that these stories are true I want to tell you a detective story which happened to me for real and submitted by one of their very young viewers I presume I don't know because we're not supposed to know if they're under 13 usually the topics of these stories range from horrible things the leader picked me up and made me lie down in the coffin then they shut the lid rare things in this video I'm gonna tell you how I became one of the richest people on earth even though I was only a stupid teenager and last but not least horrible and rare things I call it a one-in-a-billion disease nearly all of these stories are you know stolen from popular media literally plagiarized off of Reddit what are the odds that this oddly specific story was also posted to the todayI subreddit three years ago or I don't know just like riddled with logistical errors that make them provably untrue he wanted to drop me off in his helicopter like he used to at my old school and if you watch any of my other videos about this topic you'll know that despite the fact that there are a lot of these channels they're all exactly the same I searched the term my dad as a deputy and it comes up on four of these channels actually happened which is the first of these channels I ever talked about was last seen telling the life stories of celebrities like Oprah my name is Oprah Winfrey and Jackie Chan Jackie Chan as if these people actually collaborated with their channel which definitely didn't happen the other day somebody sent me what have actually happens newest videos before the Oprah video is called like I wore a potato sack dress to school and now I'm famous and the Jackie Chan video is called and I quote my parents left me to die but I survived and became a star their newest video is just called I'm Billy Eilish and I'm a bad guy also I've noticed that these channels are are trying to engage with their audience and the community tab but it's always really strange like actually happened is just posting about how now pets are telling their crazy stories so I think we've left believability a long time ago my story for example which is probably the worst of the worst that I've ever talked about they had a video called I got pregnant at 12 and it was as bad as it sounds my mom was crying and I just sat there feeling completely empty well aside from my baby they've started posting emo community posts like hi unfortunately about three weeks ago YouTube is unexpectedly and baselessly all reports in our analytics are excellent cut the view count for our videos it's dropped below one fifth of what it used to be you know it's really disheartening to see that the bigwigs at YouTube don't want such inspirational stories as I married a 94 year old grandpa when I was just sixteen shown two more people and then in that same post they pulled our audience about their favorite art style hmm okay moving on also I think that these channels are starting to become aware that that there are people on YouTube like myself calling them out for their nonsense because my story animated whose [ __ ] we've definitely discussed before and we'll discuss again today posted we get many requests from youtubers that want to make reaction videos to our stories you don't need our approval to do them will allow any youtuber to make them freely we also love to watch them so when you make a video send us an email with the link and we may feature it on our channel but if your video ideas to spread negativity about us or in general then you don't have our permission are they talking about me am i beefing with my story animated on second thought you know they're right wouldn't want to spread any negativity to their followers thankfully after increased criticism and scrutiny these channels have finally realized that they need to turn over a new leaf and a bunch of them have started closing up shop just kidding they're multiplying at an alarming rate in my last video about this I complained about how these channels are like easy to make and seem very profitable and that's why we were starting to see a lot of them crop up since I made my last video there like six other ripoff channels at least so naive young Jarvis from the distant past of 90 days ago before I was like there like six of these channels and that's a lot now there's 27 according to my account first I made a list myself and all the channels I knew about but then I knew I was missing some so I asked people on Instagram I should not I'm not I'm not making these up actually happened animate my story my story animated my crazy story my story shared my story world just my story Dory story dear story clip story share my story short stories story time animated teens stories true story true stories anime put a beat to that Dory story dear story clip story I am just one man and I couldn't look at all of these but I did pick a few at random and oh my god they're all so horrible real amazing stories I didn't even mention that one in the song the stories are real and amazing sign me up let's see what this channel is all about real amazing stories is a digital platform that provides people with the opportunity to share their most interesting where have I heard this before my story animated describes themselves as a digital platform that provides people with the opportunity to show the most impossible work and I think with my story animated started they had copied all the metadata from from actually happened so really it's just plagiarism all the way down I call it a one-in-a-billion disease and now I'm a genius that is indeed the title how old is this guy supposed to be because he sounds 55 after hearing that title you might assume this is some Fiasco where I got bitten by a spider or similar creature and I turned into the next Albert Einstein no I think that you turned into spider-man if you were bitten by a spider to turn a nine Stein I would assume you'd have to be bitten by a tiny German physicist I was born just like any other child well now I doubt it there's like the least human way to describe birth I was born just like any other child I was hatched out of my mother's egg whimpering at my existence and wishing to escape even though I barely spent moments in this godforsaken universe what are you talking about that is not what most babies think about clearly this guy was already a science genius at birth you know most babies are like googoo gaga and this guy was like what is her place in the universe anyway our protagonist is a 19 year old waiter at a bar and working at a bar he saw some crazy stuff when I was there I'd see drunk people every day well you saw drunk people at a bar and they'd often leave with a lady or two the clashing of art styles is really upsetting you've got like stop cartoon drunks I don't know teenagers and also infographic girls I couldn't even score a single girl for myself I want to call out the toxic masculinity in this but it just hits different with this like movie trailer voice this summer there's drunk people at the bar and I can score a single girl New Line Cinema presents drei it's just called dry cuz it's a pun about his sex life and also alcohol so he goes on and on talking about how boring his life is until one fateful day when he while he's cleaning up discovers a magical bottle of liquid on the ground I saw a small plastic bag I thought it might be just some trash it was curiosity Tana got my better half and so i checked the bottle in the bag and with it there was a label attached drink to attract women instantly drink to attract women this guy's a PewDiePie fan well I licked my lips this bottle was the answer to all my problems but what could it be obviously a joke right obviously poison I found a bottle of trash on the ground and I had no choice but to drink it after all if if a bottle of garbage offers to help you with women you don't question it and I was about to throw the whole thing out until I started thinking you know what what do you got to lose everything you have literally everything to lose what do you got to lose you already live what's right to do once whatever it was in that bottle i gulp it down in a second time pee you drink pee I admit the flavor was actually kind of nice too high got him and I wanted more this actually sounds like the sad story now this guy becomes an alcoholic I don't know so I kept the bottle with me so he drinks the bottle of poison and it changes nothing except just feeling a little bit more confident about himself you also for example his neighbor's dog pooped on the sidewalk or I saw my neighbor's dog doing his business in the art and he told his neighbor to pick it up so he's genius I was amazed and then another amazing story of his new powers are when he's at college where he attends despite the fact that he sounds like a 59 year old man he managed to convince the professor to not fail him for not turning his assignments and get this I convinced my professor that I had had an emergency and that's why I couldn't get my assignments done and he believed it Jesus so he's drunk with power and also drunk with alcohol because that's clearly what happening here and after asking his boss for a raise which he receives he goes into the bathroom to look into the mirror and see what he's become on a search for answers to questions like why do people do things when I ask them to here II reads the label of the bottle of poison which he still has for some reason and it provides him with a valuable insight the message beneath the bottle was drinking this liquid will make you have a rare disease that one in a billion has well that explains it no further questions here now everything was crystal clear to me why was it clear exactly all you know is that you maybe have a disease had a rare disease that allowed me to convince anyone just by using my words the disease is that he's kind of persuasive so then he has a realization that he can use his newfound disease to score some chicks the next morning as soon as I got to the college my eyes looked for Sophie that's such a weird phrase because it sounds like he took out his eyes and he's like okay now you go find Sophie can you guess who my wife is now Sophie now maybe all this time the real one in billion disease was true love right lady after successfully attaining Sophie obtaining her the object after finally acquiring his prized possession of a human woman he meets her father who's a big rich businessman who gives a hard little patient zero the business if you know what I'm saying he literally gives him his business what were you thinking he made me the owner thanks to my disease why do they keep calling it a disease you could have gone with anything else like I don't know magic potion it would be just as fake but at least it would make some sense I mean we know what diseases are then he marries the woman of his dreams and they live happily ever after and I'm the wealthiest man in my state that two men a lot of these stories obsess over bad things happening to pretty people for some reason and this story is one of them it's called I got suspended for being too pretty this is Elizabeth hey I'm Elizabeth I was a myth and I grew up in a very dangerous neighborhood just like so many animated Story characters before her Elizabeth is a rare breed of person who has never had a good thing happened to her ever to make things worse my dad left my mom when I was just a baby so we had no one to protect us your mom can also protect you you know she don't need no man Elizabeth's life is bad but she's also very pretty so to protect her her mom never lets her leave the house and forces her to dress up like a rapper from 2003 you might think that being pretty made me one of the popular girls in school but that wasn't the case to make matters worse she's being bullied by the other kids for being too pretty you know classic bullying tale but on the bright side she does have exactly one friend I did have one good friend though her name was Marie her name was Velma and she hung out with a ragtag group of misfits and a dog who who solved mysteries together on the weekends she never seemed to care what other people thought of her though she's a bit of a nerd but she owned it can't relate she was really into comic books and stuff even though the other kids said it was done wait sasuke doesn't like comic books one day and the girls bathroom elizabeth catches some other equally pretty girls making fun of velma one day i went to the bathroom and caught taya rachel and some other popular girls the popular girls do-do-do-do-do they also all wear the same color like there's no variety there's no Buttercup or bubbles taya she is the blonde and the leader Rachel she is also blonde and the leader other girls they're there too the popular girls ruined the day writing some really nasty things about Marie and lipstick on the walls Elisabeth tries to defend her friend but the popular girls who need I remind you were also pretty make fun of Elisabeth for being pretty Oh miss pretty thing she's better than us better watch her back you won't be pretty forever and then they frame her for murder well minor vandalism then they went to the principal mr. Clayton and told him they'd seen me writing the graffiti onto the bathroom walls anyway she ends up in the principal's office I tried to tell him I didn't do it in the principal suspense Elizabeth in Comic Sans that's how you know it's serious most of the time being pretty makes your life easier that's the moral I guess because then the story just ends with no resolution but it's not the end of the video no because then they just start playing a completely unrelated story recently though I had another problem you know to waste your time I'm working in sales and I have a female boss wait a second how old are you you were just in school and now you work in sales a weirdly included the fact that she has a female boss so you know the shits about to get sexist and it does I was the only one who didn't get a bonus Elizabeth was passed over for a bonus because her woman boss got woman jealous of Elizabeth's good looks I had no idea what she was talking about you know how women get she was actually just jealous of my looks they turned into fry from Futurama I don't make the rules they're really this is sexist is all hell and if you thought it couldn't get any worse you're not thinking very hard the story ends with her interviewing for a new job where she's excited because the boss seems into her so she thinks she has a chance yesterday I had my first interview and I was lucky because the interviewer was a guy so maybe my looks will actually help me get a new job rose anyways thank you for listening to my story what exactly is the lesson that they're trying to teach us here if you're two pretty girls are gonna be bad because they're gonna be jealous and and and boys are nice because they're gonna be into you so that's life that video has eight million views and not that I have to point this out because it's obvious but it's classified as education for these last two videos I wanted to revisit one of my personal favorite fake animated story channels my story animated because somehow after all these year they're still tugging at my heartstrings I got pregnant I'm swimming with my friends my life was over bury me forget about me over call Will Smith from Whitman and black and Donald the white man memory clean I had gotten pregnant from swimming in a pool I mean dumb question you can't get pregnant from a pool right no I had to skip town could I fake my death it turns out that this video is a lie it's not about a girl who got pregnant from swimming in a pool it's actually about nothing there's a girl who kisses her crush in the fifth grade and she thinks that she's pregnant then she talks to her crush who explains to her that that's not how pregnancy works and that's the whole story and they stretch that story which was one sentence into 14 minutes and they do this by introducing one idea and then re explaining that idea in 100 different ways using different pop-culture references so how did I a cute little snack so how did I a cute little snack so how did I a cute little snack end up getting knocked up in a pool in a pool my name's Felicia and yeah yeah I know what you're thinking I must be so stupid oh I was expecting bye Felicia - bye Felicia that's what I was thinking not that you were stupid my actual thought is confusion because how did you get pregnant from swimming with your friends are your friends sperm she was raised really religious I was raised with a little statue of crucified Jesus I'm sorry what a bitter little statue of crucified Jesus do you know what else that meant no Harry Potter no pokemons no TV shows what you couldn't watch The Late Late Show with James Corden from the get-go I was that weird girl at school the one who gets gum in her hair and tacks on her tear they just said because it rhymes didn't make any sense the girl who gets gum in her hair tacks on her chair her tires always flat so she needs to spare due to her parents reliance on prayer had never put a penis in there and now she's pregnant and that's not fair I was dumb and like 11 don't talk about yourself like that that's bad that's negative self-talk but you know that builds that builds some toxic behaviors that can be hard to undo in so you know forgive yourself come on the talk happened at our school you know that god-awful day where they separate the kids and shove the girls in a dark room to watch a video about periods so I guess because she was raised religious her mom didn't want her to take sex ed she barges into the fifth grade classroom and Felicia's embarrassed but that doesn't stop the pop-culture references the door at the classroom watched open like the Hulk himself had business to take care of I wanted to be uted into a whole you wanted to be what into a whole who is writing these scripts they're eating now the animated story channels are you eating I'm gonna skip over the rest of the story but at some point she meets her crush specifically miles and goes to a pool party with him where she notably never swims and they have their first kiss it wasn't a pact either no no no I may be a nerd but that doesn't mean I was gonna stop it a little pact I kissed him kissed him I kissed him drew now for the final story which I saved for last my stepmom chest ripped my family apart my name is Anna and my stepmom threw me out of the house so that's why I'm now a homeless person that eats food scraps out of dumpsters oh seven second side of the video my parents got divorced after my mom discovered that my dad cheated on her with a waitress my mom gave up custody of me it was her way of teaching my dad about responsibility but what her mom gave away that's not how that works hold on my mom gave up custody of me it was her way of teaching my dad about responsibility that's a weird way to teach a lesson just letting your daughter's life hang in the balance while you use her as a pawn of revenge on your cheating husband go to therapy three weeks later my dad married that waitress he was cleared that he only did it because of her enormous breasts what my stepmom was so mean to me I once broke a dish and she screamed hysterically in my face and called me a savage I gotta be honest I was pretty Savage so her evil stepmom makes Anna compete with the dog for food and when she complains to her father who famously has a history of negligence he's like this is fine he thought that she was raising me well so now she's starving I walked out and headed to the yard where I kept a few little rats did some excuse me sorry I fed them some bits of bread oh thank gosh I thought she was gonna eat the rats my favorite rat looked sick so I took him back into the house with me like many other famous animated characters before her she has a wicked stepmother so she's friends with rats and can talk to them I guess cuz she then convinces brownie the rats to terrorize her a stepmother and that prompts her to kick Anna out of the house which her dad is fine with because adults can't be trusted in Disney movies I mean animated story so she goes back to her mom's place who need I remind you inexplicably disowned her to teach her father a lesson and who answers the door but her new boy toy who is also evil I heard my mom in the background asking who is it just the pizza boy he got the wrong address and slammed the door shut in my face how does this boyfriend even know anything about How long could they have been dating oh by the way new boyfriend fun fact about me I have a daughter that I've given away so if she ever comes to the door shut it in her face and here's what she looks like so that you can recognize her face for shutting so now she's homeless and she discovers a homeless encampment where she is immediately captured by their leader for a nefarious purposes I presume luckily thanks to her control over rats she is able to escape while wearing the Steven universe outfit I stood next to a dumpster to catch my breath shortly after her escape she discovers a cat eating a Big Mac it was like a dream come true for me why why is that a dream come true I leaned forward to share the meal with the cat I tried to act like a cat so that it would think that I was a cat too because cat you're dumb I got down on all fours but the cat wasn't as stupid as I was because cats are smart my plan didn't work she's been discovered by a man who offers to feed her McDonald's but because this is an animated story and all adults are bad he kidnaps her and I do not tries to steal her kidneys oh my gosh I had been kidnapped and now they were planning to steal my kidney mmm that cat with a Big Mac turned out to be a trap after all just because he'd bought me a McDonald's meal didn't mean that I now owed him my kidney in return no [ __ ] how is this story giving a kidney man hid the benefit of the doubt anyway she makes a break for it however he was faster than me and he grabbed me he was he grew to the size of a building I kicked the other operating table so hard that the other patient fell off of it he screamed in my face you stupid girl what have you done you know he's pretty called for a time of such an intense stress he doesn't like curse her out or anything Oh fiddlesticks you silly girl you foiled by kidney stealing plot at that moment I managed to escape from the room little brownie was scratching at the door with his claws the mouse is there too anyway Anna slowly and I do mean slowly figures out what's going on here that guy wasn't even a doctor it was I supposed to be their human Mouse lab was I supposed to be their human Mouse lab what on earth does that mean Anna waits for the perfect time to strike and Ben commands her little mouse friend who apparently knows English to bite the evil organ thief I could swear that brownie was the bravest rat I ever met and the smartest rat he caused the man's ear to bleed and I heard him crying like a little child as he started running away from us yeah I'm pretty sure that the guy who was literally about to steal your kidney is not gonna be deterred by a mouse that bit his ear he's running on adrenaline he's stealing kidneys she eventually escapes that is discovered this time by a young adult animal rescue boy I say young adult because in this story all adults are bad and this guy is young he was an animal rescuer who rescued stray dogs treated them then put them up for adoption he gives her a job at the Animal Rescue probably because she can talk to animals and she trends in army of rats to terrorize her evil stepmother and parents because she doesn't have a family but she does have her rats I would simply have to show them a picture of my stepmothers ugly face and work on tricks that should get them to chase her I'll confess that it was a lot of effort oh it's impossible it wasn't loan before the screams of my dad and his wife filled the air they ran out of the house the basis of this entire story is that everyone is terrified of rats and doesn't just call an exterminator and Anna is a pokemon trainer who's somehow got command over an army of rats this title of the story is about her stepmoms boobs by the way it might have been the hardest year of my life but it was okay it might have been the hardest year of my life what a great conclusion it might have been the hardest year of my life I was kicked out of my home I was a homeless child living next to a dumpster I was then taken in by my abusive stepmother where I was treated like a dog after I escaped I was drugged and nearly had my kidney stolen by an evil rich kidney bandit but it was okay everybody can make their life better if they really try they are like speeding to a resolution right now hey at least I still have my kidney if ever things are going bad in your life think to yourself hey at least I have my kidney and a rat who I can control so guys what did you think of my story I thought it was pretty weird to be honest a little unbelievable in the literal sense just refresher this video is called my stepmom chest ripped my family apart but what it should be called is I am the rat queen I don't like these videos and they don't seem to be stopping the opposite honestly are the stories real are the kids real are we real the answer to all these questions is a resounding maybe one thing that's changed since the last time I talked about these channels is is Coppa and you can you know I'm not the right person to describe that but it has to do with kids channels on YouTube and and needing to classify your channel as you kids channel if you make content for kids so I'm really curious to see if these channels are classifying themselves as being for kids channels because right now they're putting stuff in education I think I'm gonna make a video in a few weeks documenting the process of me making my own fake animated story channel so subscribe if you'd like to see that but if this nonsense is gonna go on forever then I'd like to be eated into a whole thanks to Colin Rowe and lead kefla Han for sending the message on Instagram I have no idea if I'm saying that right if you want me to butcher your name and follow me on the intagram thanks to everyone who supported my most recent merch drop I'm really excited about it I filmed this video in the merch because I was originally gonna promote it but then I didn't finish the video in time so it's gone but in the spirit of the holidays I'm gonna do two things one you can use promo code consolation for 20% off in to a lot of people have asked about the crying my best design which is a joke from a long time ago but it's also a fun shirt so I'm bringing that back for the holidays in case you want to case you want to nab that up nab that up this video is over I don't know what that means
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 2,927,724
Rating: 4.9532914 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: SUDEB4Ui_g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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