Trisha Paytas dodges accountability

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hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so I did a poll on Twitter asking you whether he wanted me to talk about this and you guys said yes hence why I'm talking about it this is also my time to plug follow me on Twitter and on Instagram because yeah a lot of my content comes from there like you can contact me there and vote there whatever so Trisha Paytas and Mikado avocados so if you don't know what happened essentially what happened is this nikka cata avocado who is a mukbang channel pretty much exposed Trisha Paytas for shitty behavior Trisha kind of responded and I'll put in the clips but I'm giving you the TLDR so when I put in the clips you actually know what you're looking at he essentially showed DMS between the two of them that proved that they were supposed to collab at one point and they agreed upon a day and then she kind of went mi-8 and then nikka kado actually bought tickets to go to LA and she pretty much ghosted him and never responded to him they're here this is really her if you click on her face that's her alright so let me just read you and I'm gonna also flash on the screen okay so I said I'm so happy you liked my video I live in Colombia South America because she asked a club I said I live in Colombia South America but I could definitely fly to LA to see you because my visa runs out in a few weeks so if you don't know anything about me I used to live in Colombia of my husband's Colombian every couple months I had to leave go on American soil and come back so I was constantly - having to travel regardless of what was happening so I told her this was a perfect time you not to leave anyway and then she said oh my god oh my god what are you Colombian I didn't I don't understand lol you look American AF hahahahaha honestly let's do it your cover of warrior was so [ __ ] crazy amazing I was like so [ __ ] impressed and honored humbled I've been watching you for a few months I just adore you and I said my boyfriend is Colombian this is before we got married my boyfriend is Colombian and I'm American and I live here because of him oh thank you so much would you want to clap as soon as next week I don't know if you've seen my videos about not wanting to be making anymore but it would be so fun to eat something non vegan with you she respond hell yeah actually I'm pretty free next week what day are you thinking I said I'm free on next week - I just do YouTube that's a super flexible so you can pick the day I'm looking at flights now so I let her know I'm flying I said I'm looking at the flights I'll let her know are you available but she says I'm free all week I said I've never been to California before the best flight deal is Tuesday the 17th then she responds I can make that work should we do a two days shoot like maybe vegan food on mine with you and non vegan [ __ ] on yours or just stuff ourselves in one city hahaha I'm like that sounds great oh my god this is legit happening that's the last time I ever heard from her ever again until today and he kind of felt bad because she then started talking badly about him as if something had happened but he didn't know what happened because literally she just stopped answering his DMS there was no fight or anything so he wanted closure but she wouldn't answer his DM so he couldn't get closure and so that made him upset left a bad taste in his mouth I'm sure he felt pretty sad considering that his you know like someone he idolized on YouTube just kind of didn't give a [ __ ] he then shows clips that I'm gonna show you in a second where Trisha Paytas just talks about him in a really belittling way like she'll say that she doesn't know him she lies and says that they've never spoken before okay this is editing me an important thing I forgot to mention is that when she showed their DMS she erased her DM so he looked crazy because it was just like message upon message from him when in reality they had in exchange she mentions his weight gain and I don't know if I really like the tone in which she says it but people are always a little touchy about weight so I'm not gonna say that she was making fun of him necessarily but she brought it up of all times which i think is a weird thing to bring up if you're claiming you don't know someone but you want to talk about their weight gain I don't know I was never going to I wasn't gonna like collab you know to me I don't know where that came from I was like they were all like Trisha goes to him I was like Trish I didn't even know that he was coming no idea Nick Pato or I don't know I was like what like the only time I heard of him was when he did my warrior cover on the violin or something I didn't know I didn't see the mess and get hired to watch Nakata avocado but I can't when someone the only time I heard of him wasn't eating my warrior I'd watch Nakata avocado but I can't when someone yeah I don't care for his videos or for his personality the only time I heard of him wasn't eating my warrior the only time I heard of him wasn't eating my warrior the only thing I heard of him wasn't he did my warrior what happened between you and Nick Carter Carter everyone always asked this this is so gross do not you want to eat like what someone like burps I never once said this is the day I'm free like come out I never once that this is the day I'm free like come out I never asked someone to come out yeah I don't care for his videos or for his personality but you know whatever doesn't matter happened between you and Nick Carter Carter I don't always ask this I I never once that this is the day I'm free like come out like look if someone comes to LA and I have time I love to hang out them but she did tell me she was free she said she was free basically all week she even told me Tuesday would work and if she has time she's like I'm more than happy to hang out I was there for like five or six days she ignored me never talked to me again and then started leaking out my messages edited to make me look like an idiot I never asked someone to come out I'm never like fly out what hang out this day and we'll push her clap like no I tell everybody in what I say hates everybody I'm like I'm busy but she didn't tell me she was busy just get this one people are like she flaked on me she blew me off of you look I've never even opened his messages and I saw I had like literally like 50 teams from him that I never saw she responded to them what do you mean she never opened them she's responding to them I mean I don't talk to her on youtubers but that like was so like it was just it was it was weird I was like if I didn't respond to someone or I didn't confirm a date I would not be booking I don't know where apparently Melissa morals anyways but she does know that I was flying there because I told her I was already booking regardless for my visa she does know that I don't live there because she asked about it and I responded yes I do live in Colombia Trish I made a video then talking about why she's like cancelled or whatever and obviously she refers to a few scandals that she's been in there's been one with h3h3 then there's the one with nikka kado which is the one that people really wanted her to address they were commenting under her pictures with avocado emojis and they were really just pressing on her to say something you know like respond so in her video she responds and honestly I really don't like how she responded I'll just show you and then tell you why the guy who has videos of him like literally waving a knife around like threatening his husband like probably don't meet up with people waving a knife threatening their significant other you know you know what I mean like kind of just be smart in situations there was also a lot of other videos that people had thrown my way after I like publicly to be the resident cloud wasn't like oh watch this this is guys you know he's looking he's looking at tickets now on January 10th and I haven't responded because I'm like you know this way you know kissing people if this is my problematic scandal then okay so be it people have come to LA all the time I have reached out to people I have freaking gone to collab with people and they just they just don't respond you know they don't respond and you know what it does kind of suck and I've always admitted to this I'm like I'm just not good at communicating like back to people but there are countless people and I said they're gonna be out here in LA that I'm like yeah let's meet up and then like the time comes they text a couple times if I don't respond and they just let it go right right but this is also the time said that I pay for his first-class tickets to come see me what um so can that be please let me know what shades are free free as we can better I'm not responding time for tea and then a thirties and what part of La Sarthe all the questions so I'm not responding and I'm like at this point you are sending me videos of it and I just don't feel comfortable we're gonna we're gonna does not pass that's what we're not gonna do is not gonna keep harassing which this person is doing again by making countless videos and I'm just like okay that's what we're not gonna do and him editing the you now clip price literally straight upset like he gave me so what I freaking gained weight to that's what happened to the month buggery y'all get back like you'd go but I mean like something so and cut the part I was like you know what I mean so we're all these people I watch this a little bit that I I never heard of mine ever but apparently he's poppin or popular and to be like oh well you know it's kind of crappy like tickets cost money yeah he said he literally said on the 10th good morning looking at tickets now please let me know what Jays are free if you don't respond and you're coming strictly for meets your collab and I'm not responding I'm not gonna book that ticket I'm here in LA I'm here in Hollywood I brought you gifts I hope you get back to me no response today's letter hey girl is everything okay a day later did I do something wrong if this is the kind of behavior that legitly it's good it starts freaking me out and really I might panicking at this point so like if there was any even thing like I was like okay I've been going through let's break up like I just know or I saw this video they've been a little uncomfortable about you or I just want to be used it feels you know I'm really like if you about flabs at this one like oh my god this is the behavior that I'm like no no this is yeah I've had I've had a few Internet harasser it's that I've actually it's like illegitimate harassing where it comes to point out like my life shows eventually get people like pictures and like I'm literally do not let these people in these are their names like a big book tickets like if they book it under a fake name do not let the fan like I'm I'm on it you know what I mean there's like maybe a handful of people actually I'm just I'm I'm scared I'm not scared and I don't talk I don't address these issues because you know for the most part probably people are saying but also I've seen footage of a girl that I once knew might go just someone who work and trying to be her do you know what I mean I get scared you have every right and in him in particular I reached you know I have reached out to you my lawyers and he you know if you listen for another it's so hard like like is there something to like just kind of protect me from this person like he's made three videos now and it's like okay I agree with some of what Trisha says and to be noted I don't really watch either of these channels like I don't really watch move and also I don't watch Nick Accardo Tricia I maybe sometimes watch her like in the background if I have nothing to watch to have kind of like noise but I'm not you know like invested in either of these channels really but the way she discussed Nick ekkada was kind of disgusting to me because first of all she claimed you don't owe anyone a collaboration and you don't owe anyone an answer like if people goes to you it's fine which you know like I agree with to an extent in the sense that if someone goes to it's shitty but people don't always owe you an answer which is true however I do think that a big part of being a decent human being is answering someone and communicating so if she was no longer down to collab it would have been just as simple as to say hey I don't think it's gonna work out maybe some other time but whatever you know like it you don't even have to have a confrontation with someone and explained why you can just say hey like I don't think it's gonna work sorry maybe we'll do it some other time done you could just say that and you would have been done Nick econo had already buy his ticket which I do think he jumped the gun and buying the ticket because she did not respond after the day they chose to meet up so like if someone didn't respond to me I wouldn't jump the gun and buy the ticket which that you know like I'll say was a lack of judgment but he addresses it himself saying yeah he jumped the gun with that and he has a second video which is pretty much reminiscent of the first one and to me it just addresses what she said in her video she starts to say that the reason why she didn't want to collab with him was because there was a video of where he's holding like a knife in the in the thumbnail or something and that she thought that he was dangerous and she kind of painted him as this like crazy person who is super dangerous and you know aggressive and violent because of the thumbnail with the knife which you know like I completely understand the idea of meeting up with someone and you not knowing what you are getting into and taking safety precautions like not meeting at your house and meeting at a public place first to gauge who it is you're dealing with you know so I understand being a little bit paranoid that's that's okay but she went too far in that she really painted him as this like crazy ass fan who was blowing up her phone for no apparent reason well the reality is he just wanted an answer as to why you ghosted him when you said that you adored him loved his content and whatever so he's not crazy but she painted him that way which i think is so ironic because I feel like Trisha could easily be painted as crazy in the same way you're plenty of thumbnails of Trisha as where we could say she's mentally unstable because she's crying on the kitchen floor but that's not really fair because that's just just a blanket statement that's that's oversimplifying things right so she really didn't take any responsibility which I didn't like whatsoever and I know that she's done this in the past I'm only talking about this specific event because like I said I don't follow Trisha that closely I did for this particular case but not in the past but overall feel like Trisha gets way too many passes like people say she's a troll and that's okay fine she's a troll you know like there are videos where she's clearly trolling you know and it's obvious she's she's defaming someone by like making them sound like there's some crazy killer or something which she kind of does in her video does that mean she gets a pass because she's trolling not in my book I don't know Nick akkad oh I don't know anything about him but to portray someone like that online with no proof or evidence just because you saw a thumbnail and because they asked you for a reason why I feel like that's really disgusting behavior if you're claiming you don't know someone and you don't want them in your house then how would you even know that they're crazy how can you talk about them like that without knowing anything I don't know it just seems ridiculous to me I don't understand why that's acceptable like whether you're a troll or not I feel like it would be so easy to just take accountability here to to just be like hey I [ __ ] up tell Nick akkad oh you shouldn't have ghosted him and I've spoken about him in the way you did and move on like it is that easy there's no need to find a reason why you're right and that's another thing that bothers me because she knows people will give her a pass because she's a troll so she never has to take responsibility and I'm not here for that I think that's really shitty it's a [ __ ] show and I just don't understand why nobody ever seems to call her out siren Cove made a video about it that I'll link in the description below on this same topic and you should definitely check it out anyway let me know your opinion if you're a Trisha fan if you're not a Trisha fan let me know what you think do you think she should be called out do you think she gets too many passes let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 317,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, nikocado avocado, mukbang, mukbang community, drama
Id: 09-L6Qnz6I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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