My problem with the Shane x Jeffree series

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so whoo I'm nervous for today's video I'm really nervous and I typically don't get nervous because it's not that deep the fans of Shane and Geoffrey like certain fans not all of them obviously can be a little bit intense so I might get cancelled I'm just kidding you guys know I don't really believe in canceling but anyway I'm going to talk about the Shane Dawson and jeffree star docu-series and I'm gonna get into the term docu-series because anyway the one disclaimer I want to put out is that this video is about the series and not the actual people so if I say something I'm not judging the worth of a human being like that's not what this video is about I'm talking specifically about the series so in this video I will be listing things that I didn't like and then I will also be listing things that I did like so we're gonna do pros and cons but I'm going to be critical nonetheless because no one's above critique sorry if I look down but I made some notes so I don't forget anything so let's start with the things I had a problem with because I'm pretty sure that's what anyone gives a [ __ ] about anyway these are the chapters of things I didn't like not a documentary series disorganization slash lack of Direction repetition over dramatization and quality concerns a documentary is defined at a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report in the series as much as at certain points there were facts given like how much they could make off the palette or how much they've made in the past that's pretty much the only fact that was given I did not get the documentary series vibe here because first of all as much as documentaries can be biased most people don't do documentary series on their friends and their business because it's obviously biased I just don't feel like there were enough facts given to make it a documentary series so I wouldn't use that title if anything I just called them vlogs that show some of the procedures someone goes through to make a palette or to make lipsticks or whatever the hell the other thing that also makes this not a documentary for me is that a documentary usually is very organized and we're gonna get into the lack of organization but I didn't find that here I didn't find it meticulously organized like a documentary typically will have a very particular route and a very particular way of explaining everything in detail and here there were a lot of things that were not explained and that's fine but like I said this to me read more is vlog this is kind of about Shane because you know he's the one making them really with Andrew but what I've noticed with other series that Shane has done he is too empathetic and compassionate to make documentaries and I'm saying that not as a slight but it's just like if you are a person who desperately believes that anyone is redeemable and anyone can make a comeback and that everyone is a good person every documentary series you're gonna have is going to kind of have the same trajectory which is kind of what we saw with Jake Paul and kind of what we saw with Tana I still think they're both crap people but I did see that he was trying to show oh there's this other side of them that's better and while everyone probably has a positive side saved some people it also feels like he already decides the outcome before we see the outcome so I don't think documentaries are Shane's strength because he is empathy can compassionate to that degree at least that's what we see on camera a lot of people were pissed because the trailer didn't really represent what the series ended up being to be honest I didn't really care I wasn't you know like up in arms or really excited I think I was pretty neutral going into it because I'm not really a stand of either Shane or Jeffrey like I'll watch it but it's not this do-or-die massive life-changing thing I'll be excited for certain episodes but that really is the extent of my emotional involvement the trailer wasn't entirely representative and Shane himself said the series took a different direction now there is no problem for me with changing the trajectory of these vlogs because you know some new information has come up or you become more interested in one thing rather than the other the thing is it looks extremely disorganized because you're essentially gone for a year and you have a plan of what you're gonna do and then you kind of throw the plan out the window and then it seems like he was winging it because a lot of the times he'd added the episode like the day before or just a couple hours before that doesn't mean that everything is disorganized but that also doesn't inspire me to think everything was extremely thought-out like I said changing your mind is one thing but if I were to do a series that I would title a docu-series you'd think that I would try to map things out as much as possible so even when he changed his plan to make it less about drama and more about business he could have still mapped out how he would go about that but it didn't seem like there was a real decision made there that's just my opinion also changing the mini controversy palette seemingly last minute now obviously they might have put crazy amounts of thought into it at the same time though if you're gonna make the mini controversy palette the original one and sell it as such and then later you decide you're gonna change it it makes me a little bit suspicious because I'm like okay so either you weren't really feeling the mini controversy but you still felt okay to sell the original one as it was or you're realizing that maybe more money can be made by selling the single they're also gonna sell the shade as a single but at the same time some people might just buy the whole palette again so I don't know I just felt a little bit weird about that because it seemed kind of random and the whole emphasis of the series was how much work goes into this so it seemed a little bit counterintuitive to include the last-minute change for a product that took forever to develop apparently then the skipping in time was anticlimactic I personally prefer chronological order just for my own keeping tabs just it's easier for me to track a story when it's chronological I typically get I typically get frustrated when stories aren't chronological simply because like I said it's harder for me to keep track so this is a personal preference so maybe this didn't bother anyone else that felt like in the middle of a story they'd switch and start telling you another story and you're like okay wait but what happened to Story number one and it's like I you'll find out maybe in two episodes when they come back to this point and I don't know I didn't really like that and it didn't feel like to me anyway there was a particular purpose like sometimes there were switches and I didn't understand what the correlation was like why would you switch from this month to that month does that make sense and maybe I just missed you know the indicators maybe there was some reason I didn't get so typically this is gonna sound shady but I really don't mean it to typically the videos only contained about 20 minutes maybe of worthwhile content and then the rest was fluff or you know not particularly relevant or I don't think the reason why people were watching was for that content I think most people watch for the 20 minute content and a big part of these videos only having you know 20 minutes of worthwhile content when some of them were an hour to an hour and 20 minutes it just felt like sometimes I was watching the same episode over and over again like of course they're gonna be themes in a series that's obvious but it's different to have a theme and to have near two identical repetition of reactions or just behavior overall I don't know I don't feel like if I think back now I don't think I can differentiate what happened in which episode I genuinely don't think I can and I tend to have an okay memory about things like that so maybe that's telling maybe that's just me being a dumbass many reactions fell intensified it's so like there would be something that would happen it'd be like a small occurrence but yet the reaction you know Shane or Jeffrey had was this massive like oh my god oh my god oh my god like what's happening what's happening like that's crazy that's wild and it's like most of the time nothing was happening and I think this is the thing that frustrated me the most and I'm not saying that those aren't their real reactions I'm just saying that to me they seemed a little too much you know like being emotional when the palet came out that makes sense because that's what they've been working toward this whole [ __ ] time so that I can you know understand that you'd be emotional to see something come to life like that it seemed like all these small events are made into a big deal like when they found the tea bag on the ground and picked it up and then they turned it into this thing that had a deep existential meaning and fate and destiny all this other crap and if you believe in that that's fine you know like I to a certain extent believin like fate but I don't really think a tea bag on the ground is really it think this over dramatization made it less relatable to me because being excited when your palate comes out yes I could relate to that because if I imagine myself in that position I'd also be excited I'd be emotional whatever but I'm not emotional like that oh about small things like I will only say oh my god if something I deemed significant is happening if I put on the wrong sock I'm not gonna be like that's crazy no there's no deed like I'm tired just after seeing that I don't relate to that and that's my own personal thing as well so that's you know not necessarily their fault like I said I really wanted to focus on the series itself I didn't really want to go into the products specifically but this has to do with this series so I'm gonna mention the fact that certain of the palettes they found fibers in them Geoffrey Star has responded it seems like it's getting taken care of who knows you know like what the real truth is anyway but I think this quality concerned the reason I'm bringing it up is because it already kind of felt a little bit like the quality might be lacking when they switched the mini controversy palette from the og to the one we have now like that felt a little bit like mech because like I said did they not like it before or are they switching it now for other reasons like it just it just makes you ask questions that pertain to quality and fascitis earns people also saw this as a cash grab like this entire series as a cash grab and to be honest that's understandable I'm not sure where I stand on that one because in a way I relate to diving into something headfirst obviously I've never made a pallet but when I started doing makeup it came kind of out of nowhere until I was I think 21 I didn't even own foundation yikes I literally only had eyes shadow I was very bad at makeup but then all of a sudden I just started trying it and it came kind of out of nowhere so in a way I can understand that happens some people dive in headfirst at the same time I can also see why some people would be like you know like where did this come from this seems like convenient or you know manipulative so I see both sides I don't really have a stance on that particular one I however will say I personally did not get the color story of any of anything essentially I mean the lippies kind of but the palettes I they weren't my jam I do like the packaging so let's get to the stuff I enjoyed there are two things in particular and that is the business aspect and opening up like I said we didn't get that that much but I did enjoy the sections when they talked about production timing as well as money I thought that was the most interesting thing to me because you know what that's kind of a secretive thing that people aren't extremely open about and I also found it super interesting and rewarding to hear about like Kylie cosmetics and how much a palette was worth versus how much they charge and even in comparison to how much a Geoffrey start palette is worth and how much they charge I just found the business aspects a lot more interesting because I kind of knew they weren't really gonna discuss the drama I just never believed that they would so I guess I wasn't disappointed because I didn't expect it anyway though we can't say what's true and what's not right you know like Geoffrey and Shane can say whatever and really there are some things we can't confirm because we don't have that information but to me it seemed like Geoffrey and Shane were at least somewhat open to showing more than other brands have and I appreciate showing more than other brands have because as much as I've watched a lot of beauty related videos they're just some questions that I feel like are always unanswered and Geoffrey and Shane did answer some of those though I wish they'd answered more because I really do think that that was the content a lot of people want to see of course they wanted to see the drama but I'm pretty sure no one would be disinterested at how much money you make or details in production or things that can go wrong you know one main thing I wanted to say because I was thinking about this and I was telling some of my friends about it and you know I'm struggling from in sweatpants but I feel like a lot of the time creators are given this crazy kind of power or this crazy pedestal where it feels like if you critique them you're done like that's why I made a joke about being cancelled because I really feel like Shane Dawson and Geoffrey star kind of inspire that almost inconceivable that they'd be critiqued and of course nobody likes their favorite to be critiqued but at the same time we shouldn't amp these people up to the point where they don't even feel like they're people anymore and like they're this massive ledge icon myth that still can't be touched you know and I'm not saying drag them necessarily I'm just saying it shouldn't be kind of low-key scary to talk about them but I find it low-key scary and maybe that's my own hang-up so originally I use the term of it real but thinking over it that's not really the term I want to use what I meant to say is that because they're put on such a pedestal whenever someone critiques them it's taken as like hate or bashing when the reality is some critiques are valid and some are just malevolent but we can't lump them all together because they're different but I know a lot of people probably wouldn't want to talk about it because almost every opinion isn't popular in some ways and the reason I thought I had an unpopular opinion and I might be wrong was that I don't feel extreme in any direction like I know some people die hard love them some people die hard hate them and I'm just neither I kind of am just there watching enjoying certain parts not enjoying other parts so that's my opinion let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Views: 407,274
Rating: 4.889955 out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, shane dawson, jeffree star cosmetics, conspiracy palette, shane dawson palette, jeffree star shane dawson, the beautiful world of jeffree star, shane dawson makeup, the beautiful world of shane dawson, investigative journalism, shane dawson and jeffree star
Id: RDwBdqJMT74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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