The XboxEra Podcast | LIVE | Episode 168 - "Bulwark & The FTC Loses Twice in Court"

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] this podcast is brought to you by executive producers torn Raptor and top [Music] thank you [Music] Hello friends and welcome to episode 168 of the Xbox hero podcast I'm sick of mechanico and as usual I'm joined by a special Nick welcome now here's an interesting fact with for you Nick 100 episodes ago today yeah we had Thomas Salo on this really cool guy game called the Falcon air which was a launch title for the Xbox series X and 100 episodes later he's back hi Thomas nice to see you hi thanks for having me 100 100 exactly you were on episode I think this is like this is either his third or fourth time on is it it's been on a few times yeah he's been on a few times maybe I don't know yeah maybe oh look new member hi chat hi everybody [Laughter] um but Thomas it's great to have you back again how have you been I'll be good yeah you've been busy yeah you've been busy yeah yeah I love it I love your new camera we were talking about it off here but I love that new camera that he's got looks good it's got all the bling uh I know it looks so nice it's got a bit rigged than all of us you guys look at professional dial you got your intros everything set up yeah well we normally look more professional but yeah we'll have some issues of light I've heard yeah and look you know Jesse's Jesse's uh still in the background doing all the producing and it's worth giving him a shout out to everybody the community like we're and to Thomas right you were meant to be here last week for episode 100 yes and at the very last minute we had to put it on Hiatus uh because uh Jesse's internet company sucks and they decided to cancel his connection but we are finding a path forward um and you know this is this is basically as good as everybody else's shows look like it's just lost its extra bling that Jesse normally adds to it yeah we're just using stream yards that little bit of extra salsa that we normally have it's just not it's not there oh you got something missing the salsa [Laughter] because I'm sure the community missed the show last week um so it's nice to be back on the air as always Xbox series the Xbox Centric publication that is funded by you guys so if this is your first time or your usual time with us or if you're just here to hear all the gloating and laughter about the FTC stuff don't worry we'll uh we'll get into that later on in the show but if you love what we do you can support us directly by heading to patreon or if you're feeling really fancy you can jump straight into the chat and become a YouTube member right now and as always keep your eyes peeled on Xbox for all the latest and greatest in Xbox news but hey before we get into any of the drama of the week and I know that most are salivating it's always nice because we love Indie Games Xbox zero it's personally my favorite type of genre stuff Thomas two years ago or is it two years three years when did the Xbox series X come out now 2020 2020 November 2020 almost three years ago two and a half years three years ago you had the balcony which launched on the Xbox series X we were lucky enough to have you on we showed it off we did some streams before it came out we thoroughly enjoyed it but you weren't done with the universe so explain to us what are you making now what is what are you showing off uh well I did the falconer and then I realized not everybody is into 90s style Erica air combat uh with giant breasts and what is what is everybody into apparently everybody's into city builders so hey uh and I have to do you know just business-wise just survive I have to do a game every three years or something yeah uh otherwise you know gotta feed the family so uh and I would just wanna so I'm making a city Builder basically in the same universe it's not really a city Builder genre it's more like uh it's like an organic open World building thing uh it's uh I've seen the videos yeah if you see the videos are kind of uh it's um you're basically it's not a grid-based builder so most if you think about building games it's either Grid or semi-grid or a flat plane and this is just a 3D landscape and you go up down make fortresses wherever you want crisscross it's really cool uh oh yeah here we go so uh it's the same world of Falconer uh which was Warren torn and now it's post-war and everybody's trying to and these are the cities you get to build and this is the build system so it's very you can imagine doing that with your left stick and it's just sort of uh building out from it's like a Spoke article that happened wheel sort of uh set up you pull out the line and makes a new Tower or connects something and you can go up and pull out stuff and it just grows so it's like a little bit like painting the landscape and you build doing it so fast uh and then yeah it's super fast it's like um it's I wanted a game that's instantly enjoyable and it's just all about building it's all about building yeah cool stuff but it's not just aesthetic so it's not like townscaper where you're making something beautiful just it's a lie so you hired you have a little bit of resources you can get into a scrap you hire commanders uh so it's it's the the ideas you build it super fast and it's a living world the world I I know and I remember reading uh and you'll have to clue me in on the specifics of this but the falconer was unique in that it had no textures I'm yeah I'm making sure I'm remembering my my Dev speech and it was visually distinctive because of that right so you obviously put a lot of you know you said yourself you know hey I'm not I'm not an artist that's going to draw loads of textures you did this on your own right so yeah you built and designed it yourself um and I guess and I'm just curious on the flow so you'd finish the Falcon here you I saw you put a lot of updates in on Steam and on Xbox to bring it up and add patches Etc following launch um but then you'd obviously looked back and you'd built this entire world the earthy and and all of the the law behind the falconer what you know outside of yeah I've got to release a game every three years because I've got to make a living in city builders are cool you must have been sitting there looking at the engine and thinking can I can I do like how did how did that happen how did that idea go and just oh stop building word so although the timeline of that I did I think about year year a half of updates after the falconer yeah uh those all went out to Xbox and all the other platforms on PC um uh got some paid DLCs some special editions so the whole shubham then I was kind of done for a bit and I think we're talking the summer of 21 in during kovitz lockdown's [ __ ] I don't know when there's this stuff yeah that was then yes uh the before times the before times uh and I think at some point it was done and it was even out on switch and Playstation it was getting good reviews and stuff had to do on those guys if you can I mean I'm pretty good the highest version of the falconer it has a 80 on metacrit really yeah it didn't get [Laughter] it was a highly polished version I you know uh when you launch something by yourself uh it was a launch title so it wasn't like a pressure cooker like it's insane uh so I had to do all that stuff and get it on time you make mistakes or something they have bugs would make it too difficult make it too easy whatever uh fixed all that then I took a little time off and uh I I think I stopped working somewhere around summer and then around Christmas I got bored like that really hard um and uh I said all right I knew I wanted to make multiple games because in this day and age you got to do what the big guys do and you gotta build your IP uh otherwise you're just yeah yeah letting off random farts you know uh seeing what sticks or what when you know what smells good wrong analogy but uh yeah yeah and you just uh so you have to build on something otherwise people forget you you know it said people just only remember so you got to build an IP I'd like to turn micro IP because you're a micro and it doesn't get more micro to me so I wanted to do the same world I liked the official style all the effort I put in it I want to evolve it uh and I thought well yeah I you know and my my partner she said uh well where did you get this that's some ancient footage oh no that's not ancient that's just me playing the game uh so she said what did you enjoy the most about making the falconer and enjoyed making the world in the little fortresses and the little uh cities and uh she said well make a game about that well that's that's a good idea um and this is how you build in the game uh more slowly um and I decided that I think in January I started working on it and uh and I just wake up I get the idea I don't think too much about it okay uh uh City Sprout limbs has started taking out the city um uh well I like giant crabs and that had a city on there I just haven't gone into making that but uh at the moment with the Dodge Sprout limbs yet that uh I like that idea uh there's some weird [ __ ] in the falconer that actually would allow for that so I love it it's like but get a pen and paper out here yeah that's what freaks me out how quick that's going it's going well it's just building itself it needs to be slower to be meaningful [ __ ] that oh sorry can I swear no yeah yeah yeah yeah we've had Phil on now don't worry about it I am fully of the add uh ADHD uh High Court persuasion uh yeah and I like my my kicks fast so the idea is I don't I want so there's so many ideas and I wanted to make a grindless game because I'm done making grinds uh playing grinds I want something that's instantly satisfying all the time so uh and you can see how it grows so the first thing I did was make a little Island from the Falcon he said okay this has got my testing Island and then I made a tower and I think okay a castle is walls yeah so okay and first I have to make another tire so okay we'll make a little line that draws out and there's a new tower and then I connect the wall between that so I made that and then I once I had that I was just zooming around the island lying down walls and it just grew from there uh and I think I had the core of the you can see it on Twitter if you go back my timeline January just like 20 [ __ ] videos and time lapses and going where I'm just discovering what this can do uh and so and that's happened yeah I mean it has massive uh townscaper Vibes for me which is a game I often like to just give to my kids and just be like go crazy build a world yeah build a little and the system is so intuitive in that you can you know depending upon how high or how many blocks Etc it might make a a castle or it might make a small town hall it might make a courtyard and all of this sort of stuff but the townscaper is a as a game is is is very uh I guess directionless so you mentioned no grind very chilled experience but very quick is there is there an actual objective you know is this is is this you know when we're building a city is there is there you know what's The Next Step Beyond that I'm just curious and again I don't this is an unfinished thing and you might still be figuring things out so I don't want to um well like I said I don't do a game that I have people say oh do you make a game design spend years making a on paper a document a Bible I don't do any of that I just figure I just fool around and see what's I love it um so how everybody is it's I did you know what's it um George R Martin said you have people you create or either Architects or gardeners I'm definitely a gardener you know I'll clip something off to pull that out that doesn't work nothing gets you know so um but it is uh is there a focus there is a very soft focus so in in the in in in the basis it's about just building stuff and enjoying that but then slowly it evolves so it changes so every time you build something you might find you go out in the world with your little flying Airship and meet people just like in the falconer and this is everybody's refugees trying to rebuild so you can take on people from the different factions so you had Imperial factions and Men sort of techy guys and you have civilian guys or uh people and you you invite them in and they build their little outposts as part of your settlements and they bring their own architecture so everything so they have their own architecture and they sort of spread out so if you connect more stuff to their Outpost they'll grow bigger and they're little houses because you just build the walls and the walkways and then people move in the tree so that's the part of it's all the houses sprouting up uh so they and they will influence Your settlement so if you at the easiest imagine you meet some Pirates and instead of attacking them which you can do you can say well oh yeah you want to join me that's excellent I'll have some reformed Pirates and you'll have a pirate Outpost and you suddenly see little pirate houses popping up and they start you know building houses throughout your settlement uh and it'll change every time but it also means that at some point everybody else in this world because there are other settlements and other does it your bloody Pirates we're gonna kill you because we don't like Pirates and you'll get attacked so there is oh so you there is threat there is a threat there it's it's not a hardcore gaming that'll be a heavy thread but you'll you'll see your people defending themselves and if you build lots of gun towers and stuff they will defend themselves or you have units as well and you can have epic battles and go out attack other people so if you do that and people will sail up all the time and say hey I'm a war leader I'm a pirate Hunter you know yeah so then you can uh attack parrots for instance and do it the other way around so all of that stuff starts to evolve and it's not a game where I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen or where you but if you figure it out at some point if I go full pirate uh not only am I gonna get in fights with people uh I'm gonna get new building options from these Pirates to get units that escort my little surveyor I have an entire battle Fleet of pirate ships up to the point you can get pirate wonders so it's not going to tell you hey you won the world it's not like Civilization but it is up there that there is a progression uh yeah like a progression in the cool stuff you get uh to explore every time you build there is you know you can have your car without your own entire Empire and it'll it'll hopefully have a distinct flavor based on your choices I want to ask something that I noticed in the footage so it was going quick as you were going up and it was building the tower you went across it built the bridge you were going out and it was doing whatever how is it determining what it's putting there that fast like is it random so it's a combinational system so for you as a player so literally the the when you're using your your Xbox controller the left is pulling out that cursor and then just build button and it builds a tower so the circles you see build a new tower then you pull it out in the little squares make foundations what you get is determined which square or which Circle you do and a triangle will give you a triangular piece and a square will give you a default speed test where if you go higher you always get the same little balconies that pop out of different floors but where they pop out how they are angled is based on the elevation what you can and cannot do is all based on the elevation and then it does a little bit of the uh how do you call it downscaper stuff that if you go up a floor and then you start to connect with another tower that has many floors you'll get like a Skyway so that's uh and if you for instance go build something a wall underneath the Skyway it'll be a straight instead of following the terrain if you do a certain distance you'll get a curved section of wall if you intersect something you might get a how do you call it a City Gate so there is all these hidden architectural discoveries where the building itself is very much also the game so even when you're getting in the content when you're you're getting attacked you can build yourself out of it by building the biggest towers and if you pull out a wall those are defensive pools with guns on them so you're literally growing yourself out of situations uh uh so it's it's it's uh it's it's something that the controls are so for people on controller most everybody gets it on mouse keyboard it is not people are so used that you take your cursor and you click on the button I want a barracks and then you drag or point where the barracks are built and it's all I call the it's like a command interface I want to do this and then that happens this is just actually it's only a two button game you have a button to skip to the next hour you know you can skip Through Your settlement select button and the other building is just build and it'll build like here it's a square and an outcome foundation so uh and then the flying controls mimic that so it's not the falconer third person patrols it's the same sort of top-down cursor based and it feels really good uh you know with it's an Xbox Channel this is where you start to make it on which is uh uh so that's that's that's where I did you know and then you rotate with camera there's nothing right and so you built this one and you can see after you've built something a little house and this is the recording is from the free build mode where you have no resources no limitation everybody moves in like in seconds but in the main mode you have to connect it up to the Outpost get some Stone and iron to get certain buildings uh and then that's your Outpost and that has its own little thing and that's an Imperial uh um faction uh Outpost and it produces the workers so you'll see their buildings the golden dome buildings spread out throughout your settlement uh instead of just the green vanilla ones see uh so that everything is sort of organic it's funny because you know I I've played plenty of sieve and and and uh Age of Empires come on and Conquer and all of the stuff that you've kind of avoid it is the stuff that I really hate about those games or the stuff that I spend the least time with right like I love even as far back as Sim City on the Amiga it was about building the perfect thing and like making it look really neat and tightly well that's that's just what appealed to me so like yes the inspiration for this game it's I am very old so I played Doom 2 on the PC yeah and I I and you would have these Maps it's the first RTS for everybody so younger than that never played and the thing you could do you could put down concrete on this Rocky uh yeah this sea of Dune with the worms and stuff and house tradies and then you could put walls and Rocket turrets there or gun turrets and you'd you'd spend ages this is the first time you've met a game like that just building your perfect base and it was a shame when you won the level because you you know that so I said I want to get back to that you know or the first bit the beginning of civilization where you just enjoy oh my first road and it's all excited and you put it next to the coastline and in your brain that is becomes a living place actually if you go to turn 100 in Civilization everything has roles everything has you know uh uh Real Worlds and it doesn't matter anymore so this is a game just about that sensation but it has all the trimmings you would expect uh and someone asked this to have a resource system it has a resource system and this is the free build mode but in the main mode you do have to hook up a wood iron and stone to get you know the fatter towers and uh so but uh the the the resources are infinite so you only need to bring them somewhere and you'll have enough so you don't need to grind away at a thousand gold or wait till you have 2500 gold get your carry all no uh as soon as you bring the stone or the iron to your place and for this you have to build trade routes with little ships that go back and forth and you saw me hiring commanders and you can hire captains and those are the people that are complain and [ __ ] or you know about you know I'm working with the pirate [ __ ] that uh so there's there's a little I want you to feel alive yeah yeah I have to ask that's so cool it's based in the RC yeah so two questions one is it the same map and you've kind of just like adjusted it it is it is the channel of you know yeah the more it has all that it is I've changed a little bit because uh I've had to due to pathfinding and that's different requirements than the falconer uh uh and also stuff I wanted to fix but it is the same map in the same places so I've at the moment if you tried demo on Steam everything's sort of mostly empty as I I've torn down everything that was in the falconer and I'm rebuilding it in this system so you can go to the places you've seen in the Falcon here for those people that played it yeah and and basically either conquer or become friends with them and they'll join you and you'll have that settlement uh but the the graphics for this is some of the lot of stuff is the same so the more and stuff but the stuff you're building is way more detailed than uh um uh their Falconer itself so it's it's uh the falconer was highly optimized it could do 120 FPS on the series X yeah and this is this is gonna hit I think when you start building because it's unlimited you can build as much as you want you can hit up to seven seven eight nine ten eleven million triangles in view because it's not got no textures it'll work it runs it runs it'll run on I don't know if it run on your Xbox one maybe on your One X but uh it is a proper surely just by the nature of the amount of stuff I'm putting a few uh it's a proper next gen title so and it's got lots of new uh New Tricks I've learned nice yeah I look forward to uh putting it through its Paces I'm installing the demo right now because I want to I want to experience it I won't play it while we're podcasting obviously because that would be silly um but I I you know I'm a 40 90 I'm curious to see how what it will look like does it support Ultra wide it does support uh are you are you do you still have that ridiculous thing no I got a more ridiculous you can't get more ridiculous it'll be a challenge ruler my dear Thomas you can get more ridiculous I picked up a zeny on Flex which is a 21x9 1440p monitor that I can bend myself so it can go flat or I can grab the edges of it and literally curve it into me so it's a bendable weight of money what the [ __ ] no no I wish all your money on your toys I have a regular Ultra wide here but uh I also have a regular 16x9 uh to test stuff I did see someone some of the people on the Discord do it on one of those ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous and it will run it yeah wow uh it all it it it's like I said it doesn't run on a potato anymore so you need a deep a beefy system to run it uh well I'm not that beefy but uh once you get into build once you get the hang of it yes it's a game that in its controls uh and its ideas it's a bit weird for some people they'll go just the shock of the new the uh this is no this is not unlike any okay I can't handle that once you get past that people it becomes very intuitive and you just build like crazy uh it's it's a weird game well it's a unique game and I think often in this world there's so many it's so many games that uh fail to do that and actually do something new and different and this looks to to be ticking that box for me so um definitely watching it with Keen interest the second part of my uh question you know you said you you've obviously using the same map with some tweaks I gotta ask does a falconer ever turn up at some point oh yeah yeah as well yeah you're gonna see the birds yeah yeah no they're in there okay so what so Hardware do you have this little fat little blimp which is actually quite as big as the capital ships in the falconer uh but everything's much smaller to skill and then you build these big you saw these multi-story towers those are command Towers so when you have a trade route or Harbor you assign a captain which you meet out in the world but these command Towers you assign capped commanders uh and once they'll do they'll turn it into their headquarters and some of them will spawn units like falconers or the dragons and they'll be escort your little surveyor that's flying around there uh which is in the in the this video but you can control the trip and you'll have like a little better group with falconers other blames uh capture ships uh yeah I want one is never not going to use one of the cool thing about the falconer is that some of the battles were really epic if you play yes and Dragons flying around I was never gonna not do that so uh uh yeah those there aren't all the demo is very limited combat wise it does just have just a sampling of that but the idea is to have pretty epic stuff so it's obviously being uh published Again by our friends at wired interactive publishing Productions yeah World Productions I knew there was a p in there somewhere um a fun story uh way before Xbox hero was as big as it is now uh I won a competition with those guys right uh for a Razer laptop thingy which was cool and what's hilarious was the laptop that I won had no had no disk drive and they provided me with a CT copy of the Falcon here like a TV to coffee they provide you with a disk copy for PC yeah wow those are super rare those only words yeah I've got one they're super rare but like it was very cool I've already already had review copies for it anyway yeah it always cracked me up a little bit I was like was there a disc in there no there must have been just a code in there my EP I I thought it was like oh this is collector's edition so I never opened it so maybe I don't know I believe it's just a serial number in there or it felt like a disc in there but yeah no that's just a a it's a German Edition uh I think the the the the Xbox series X and S uh versions all had disks uh almost that what's the thing called where you release on one uh Universal release now yeah yeah yeah smart delivery yeah smart it does that so it's it's installed I know Nick was having some uh should we describe them as technical issues Nick oh that stupid it's been fine for so long and then that stupid thing that holds my camera started falling again here look literally oh the duct tape is the the best thing in the world I I appreciate I was I was obviously recognized that you were having some technical difficulties so I wanted to put a message stupid camera I gotta buy a new thing that holds my camera up properly you do Bloody you do is there anything because I I asked quite a few questions so I didn't want to I was still listening I was still listening in I kept my headphones on I was still listening in the garage and everything oh you're literally getting the duct tape from the garage wow yeah yeah I was literally ran to the garage and got the duct tape so the demo is available on Steam right now um there and I suppose it's it's pertinent to ask I presume there are console versions aspirations oh yeah like I said I I always I always I'm a proper boy how do you call it concert this is where I usually start development on because I like I don't like Mouse interfaces where you have this all this where you're looking on top of the screen at your cursor so all this interface and the controller never has that because you're always you don't need to look at your controller to control the game this is the superiority of a controller uh but the mouse keyword is great but I had to do uh innovate quite a bit to get that feel on on PC hence I did on everything on Steam first so one thing I didn't do right with Falconer was do a lot of validation and testing uh live and it turns out I really like that and I I knew for my morning days I liked that for a community comes in and complains and and I can handle a lot of that when you're still improving things and making it better esteem is just perfect you can do that on Xbox it's a lot more Hoops to go through uh and then you could you have the same problem where you have to update and to be certified to hide Microsoft's quality standards whereas on Steam I'll just I fix something and it'll be up 50 minutes later and sometimes I'll break something and every patch note says be careful I might have broken something but here's this new thing last night that Loop is super far so for me that's why it's on Steam that's called the evolving demo built an audience with as well right so like yesterday I mean the game and getting feedback live and and yeah getting complaints as well because people on Steam are brutal uh but I think that's that's something you're ingrained you don't know I don't want to do that I don't want to do whd panning camera I didn't do it for months and then one day you wake up oh [ __ ] it I'll do it that's pretty okay okay people be happy and then they go yeah oh you finally listed or yourself a dick you should have done that months ago but okay I'll wish list again now and so I just uh that actually that all doesn't really mind because it's not live yet yeah so you can you can you can fix stuff when you're alive you can't fix stuff because the first impressions count so I enjoyed that so that's why it's out on Steam first rather than doing the big console launch because what I do is always very controlling for some reason yeah even though I'm a PC Gamer myself uh the stuff I make is very concerned I think it's because I like controllers and I like it I wouldn't really say arcadey is already more accurate word then yeah because even if a PC player was to look at this game they'd want all of the hard to be filled with all of the different things to do and like oh yeah yeah and they want to be efficient so that the thing is with with PC and the mouse keyword is made for efficiency it's a very efficient control scheme and when you do that when you allow when you start playing like that it goes like controlling a machine when you're playing factorio or something like that you are the machine you're solving the problems you're winning uh and you're like a problem solving machine that is a mindset that sounds really weird and philosophical but it's a mindset that is not conducive to be creative you're problem solving but you're not free-flowing uh you know David Lynch transcendental creativity thing so the entire game is It's Made In in not being that so nothing when I mean it's not grinding it's trying to just have you enjoy creating and keeping you in that zone so I'm calling it Bob Ross uh style gameplay and that works great with the controller where you're not where you can remove and yeah not having to look at like you said this machine panel of 20 buttons yeah I want this these are my shortcuts and macros and come on uh so that's not so uh PC Gamers have it and they'll come in and they go this is not like other con uh this is not like every other game why are you changing something that's working perfectly well yeah sometimes you need to Stage something and it don't like making that yes but it was perfect why would you change it that's it yeah I said I hate interfaces I just won't don't want to make it so I have I have but the community is great we have a great disc for people it's an excellent game for screenshots uh and I think why I ran a competition where you can get your own face in uh like an NPC uh is based on the screenshots because you're creating your things so it's even more fun to make the screenshots of people waiting to Falconer because you're making your own [ __ ] Fortress or Solitude with falconers and Dragons uh so this the photo mode is crazy yeah yeah Falcon it was nice for screenshots people enjoyed it was very yeah it's the thing was because you don't have any textures uh especially if you're more if you're on a series X and I um because I have a um and you do the HDR thing so I had a Sony television sorry people hey I don't think any questions the Sony 9000 the one with 120. it's the gift I gave myself text deductible because I had to do a HDR uh but the the HDR that comes out of series X in a game that doesn't have no textual so every for the people that played Falconer go uh everything in there is marked so the color gradients in the sky isn't the texture it's not something in 4k it's the actual mouth of going from light blue to dark blue so when you run that through HDR output TV connect it is the Christmas [ __ ] gradient you'll ever see so it's it's it's literally like watching a like a graphical poster at some point yeah it's beautiful does that same screenshot system make its way into book yeah yeah I'm improving it a bit even so wow so it has that same system but now it's filled with six million triangles the [ __ ] high detail and it looks like yes on a good day it looks like you know building your own Assassin's Creed little uh Vibe uh City yeah yeah I mean it looks beautiful um what what's it like obviously you know uh you have you seemingly had a great experience with the team at wired um yeah they they seemingly a loving ball walk so you know you've you've partnered with them again um what's it like working with uh a publisher like that of Indie devs uh it's a lot of fun the white guys a lot of fun and the thing with when you work alone you're just you're mentally just a little bit old or yeah um so yeah so you're an old duck and and that that that suits the wired firmly for some reason and I like the odd Ducks well they like the odd dot but it's also you know uh uh you know each other and you know that's that's and in covet I had nobody else that I have my family my kids my kids were too back then they just wanted applesauce and uh uh so not much but sometimes a commute uh my my partner she'd uh she'd be done talking about Falcon here so I had but they were the ones I talked to Old you know nobody else to go on Skype if I was doing how's the marketing going yeah don't go just a little bit more often than I would would have done regularly just to have a chat with someone uh so that was a great experience and they work hard for the falconer way above and beyond uh and it was never going to be another publisher than them so it's uh and then all of the falconer Trilogy or whatever it's going to be is going to be another game already oh my god oh yeah yeah I think that well I think the last time we talked about maybe did I yeah the last time we had the last time I've got ideas yes you unofficially officially announced I said yeah yeah did I make it I'm gonna make yeah I think I did do that and I'd also talked about another game where you're just a captain or something that's also shaping my hand uh [Music] but what style of game would that be I know what I want words as well so I want to do within the the same universe have three different styles of games and then also improve my own skill sets so the falconer the storytelling was very Global there are characters there but they're not very uh they don't have their own character Arc basically you're just there for the conflict and sort of the history like an anonymous soldier in a war like age or something yeah so this one uh I'm doing a little bit more with the characters actually it's still not a lot it's uh just evolving that system uh but I want to have little stories for them just a little bit more uh uh where you'll meet a captain and it'll work for you and then a little later someone will come up he's [ __ ] criminal hand him over and you get to choose if you do that or not so a little little Arc so and the third game I want to make a full story where you have people where you have a crew and you get to know them and you have choices uh so the third game I'm imagining is uh your a pilot of a boat so when you have a heart exactly what I was hoping for yeah so imagine there's you're you're you have a little steam Tugboat or something and you're bringing these big Battleship or trading ships into your across the river into the City Harbor and you're piloting them around so it's a game about that but then it's actually an adventure game where you have a crew and it's it's a prequel and it's where where there's a war a war is brewing and you figure out how sort of little acts of resistance can have large impacts where you know you just did talk about and steer the conflict by making a few critical sources but the style of game and it will be like a third person they'll both control the game and then but then okay you you you zoom in on your little boat and then you'd go into the galley and have talk with the cook and okay so everything you were describing I I almost in my head the way you were describing and I'm like hold on is his third game gonna be like a Telltale choose your an adventure it could well I I I don't think I could pull it off but I do what that detail you don't you'd need a team but uh it's it's uh like how do you call it uh yeah it's like on the top of it you're you're guiding these boats but then you're listening to the rumors of the other Captain you're seeing what they're shipping in are they bringing on guns and stuff something's happening or they're bringing concrete are they building something and then uh you go to the harbor you might and it's like a fixed location thing you you know like Pirates you'd see the pub and then you talk to a few people and get a feel what's going on maybe you have some Choice dialogue choices uh and that'll be most again and then you go back and slowly relaxedly you know taking this ship down the river and you'll have a dialogue it'll be a very boring game but it'll be a pro first reviewed a game I called I just reviewed called dredge yeah I've seen someone dredge uh yeah dredge is a third it's a third person little boat and you go around you do minigames for fishing and then you dock and you talk to people and you make decisions like it would yeah yeah it's it's it's I think I should just I haven't played dredge but uh uh uh games of the year I think this would be more like a a Telltale if I can get it off more dialogue based which is let's say I initially I wanted to do where you could sail around the open world and I might still do that uh yeah their fishing was just mini games and then a lot of that was just inventory management of the fish you get oh yeah it was a it was a horror game more than anything yeah no no this this creepy Vibe which I liked a lot and it looks really cool so it'll be some of that but more being a pilot it's on now somebody's going to release that game before I do but never mind this is just it's this is a story about being a river pilot in this world and you figure out a war is brewing and you get choices where you can influence the war in minor ways and live with that uh so uh I don't know how that's going to work out but that's it it's I especially so actually I first need to finish blue work which will take me into next year for sure and then uh I want to do an anime has to be cross Media or whatever [ __ ] but uh there's a the animation is becoming a lot more affordable and not in the sense that you still need a lot of money to make a 10 minute pilot uh but uh they they nominated me for bafta which is a film award and that gives me some this is my business plan so friends over here in Europe to get some subsidies and to find an animation studio that likes the IP and uh okay Ghostbusters can go to the European media blah blah blah people and uh we'll make a pilot of 10 minutes in this world which is about people riding giant birds and steamships uh shooting lasers how is that not going to be you know great anime territory uh if you can find a team that can translate your your graphical style into you know an animated style so where it's still I'm trying to think of how to describe it where it still feels like you know like how you've said like you can look at a screenshot from the falconer it almost feels like a graphic poster in some regards to take that the essence of that that art style and that textureless yet very crisp very clear world and pull it into the anime world I think that would be I don't know if it needs to be exactly something like the uh what was the really expensive one from the uh League of Legends though okay okay that's super expensive you know that's yeah I mean actually half a million of just production budget for that you do indicate but uh there are stylized there's so much happening on that front uh there's such cool stuff and it doesn't need to look like my stuff it just needs to be the same world to be sort of in sync with the game so that the police it feels coherent uh and it's an experiment we'll see so it's an idea I have I go out I'll take all my Kudos and credits and and build this IP up uh to be interesting because I think that's you know how did it end with Google work is that I looked at the falconer and I I did a you do you do a really rough analysis like a hardcore analysis of what went right what went wrong just by yourself not with I said you know what went right yeah regardless whatever people love the world you know they got captivated by the graphics but also by the the the the the style or the sort of sadness and bleakiness of it yeah and then flying around on these soaring Birds it's it's it's it's it's a good world to be in uh and it has interesting stories to tell so that's that's uh yeah gonna make an anime hopefully yeah that is that is a bold plan like well that's the only way to get ahead of life is to bold pledge well [ __ ] you and your realistic plan you get a realistic outcome that's in anything in life you know if you if you if you go oh yeah no uh I'll do a website no man do a [ __ ] animation uh I love it that this sounds like a conversation I had four years ago like Nick was like yeah we'll do a podcast I was like yeah we should do more than a podcast John was more like you where I was more like your little whiny voice I was more like ah don't worry about it we're just like nothing for him and I'm like I don't think we should do for him that's how things come into the world if you start it's uh Americans do that the best but you know if you if you aim high you know you can end up in the middle and be fine yeah but if you aim for the middle you're never gonna end up high so uh I I love it it's life advice game design yes you answered the question but when you first said the anime I'm like I didn't know Thomas could draw I had no no no yeah I know you're going to get a team I know but at first I freaked out I'm like wow yeah it's the funny thing is when when I do stuff outside my actually I don't need to be fully in control I'm gonna when when I ask for people to make music or anybody comes in uh creatively again that's Benedict the composer I'll try to give people as much creative freedom as possible okay feel Benedict Beyond bull walk yeah that she's already working on it yeah okay nice yeah I reckon the music was very the music in the audio was that [ __ ] award-winning soundtrack yeah I don't know your throat singing oh yeah that's gonna be back and all the weird instruments and uh evolved a bit no no it's going to be great in that sense nice I mean it's it's I it's what a journey though right like you've been living and building this world like two three years before the season yeah released and here you are three years later and you're still loving the university you've made and that you brought to life are you getting you know you're already talking about third game in a cartoon I presume you you still are so enraptured with everything that's sort of come together in the law that's been built you're not tired of the fact yeah it's it's and it's the first time I've had that so this is you know uh so maybe it is like that sometimes you're stumble into something that is interesting to yourself and to others uh and you just roll with it I have other ideas stuff in space and stuff but this this one is seems to be X quite good uh and I'll stick with it for a little bit and it's it's it's not boring me yet and actually Strangely I think full work has more potential to be bigger than the falconer uh due to its genre and accessibility uh but it is also you know um there is less I remember you were telling us yeah so it was and I was [ __ ] up so beyond like scared shitless things more chilled out now yeah for sure this year has had a few uh curveballs but in general I am enjoying this game more it is you know there's it's uh thanks to all the people at Xbox uh bought the gameplay the game did uh I have less Financial stress you know the little shed in my garden where I can record this uh still need to make new games not rich by any means but uh uh definitely doing it and uh enjoying it more so I think in that sense makes for a better game the falconer was a bit of a work of art if you once you played it you figure out oh there's a lot of emotional [ __ ] stuff in there uh uh that doesn't make it super accessible to everybody um analytic blue work in a sense is a more accessible game it's uh you'll have people that will live ball walk up and just play in the creative mode and never do the campaign just because oh yeah people are already always do that yeah I could see my son I could see my son going in the unlimited resource mode and just going and just yeah just having well that's even my kids six and it just gets played wait I only allow him to do jurisk Park Evolution uh uh we should he can't read so it doesn't it's just they figure out how to make the diagnosis but uh yeah no they'll spend hours just clicking around just making stuff because it's you know it's it's it's never it never disappoints yeah that's amazing now I'm conscious we're coming up on an hour and I know it was already night for you when you joined ABK dick I want to bring something up with Thomas but so you said you've got your thing for your third game right I've got an idea for your fourth game oh yeah keep it in the falcony universe right but what you do is you've got two teams of like three people flying on the dragons or so one team of dragons one team of birds and there's like a floating ball in the middle and the gold quidditch with lasers you've got to score goals with that ball between the team of dragons and the team of birds like a rocket league but in the air like rocket league but in the air I hate rocket League I look at it well let me pick up the control and show you how going the air god left three seconds later my friend come in he'll punch it push it up punch it down go in the goal yeah that sounds bad again insane people Falconer League oh Nick I'll I'll put it on my list what about what about the multiplayer combat game in that world well so you think okay let's say 24 players you'll have some in ships some on dragons some on birds it's the thing is when you do a multiplayer game uh when you're by yourself a multiplayer game you need to be serious person to make it and you're not serious enough to I'm not serious but no I love the honesty no no no it's just uh so so imagine that so in when you have a multiplayer game also you have these teams and yeah we'll do like whatever map and then we have to do the heat uh record the heat design you know where people get stuck then we have to do all the on paper get all the guns balanced out then we have to have our 10 classes our buff classes so it's like a mathematical game and then you have to test it and someone has to sit there listen to a gazillion people crying about balancing analyzing the feelings you know what that's that's a [ __ ] job but it's not all anymore so why do they do multiplayer stuff because it's work and it's it's it's it's tedious work that requires teams of 30 40 people yes yes yes professionally a surfer architecture oh man uh a PC military maybe one day I do want to make a battle train game also in this universe but I'll talk about that well last last thing I wanted to cover off um before we let you go um one of our community who is also somewhat of an independent developer himself uh he made uh the Fantastic Omega Rally Championship um which was a it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't idea it was three agency collection yeah creators collection so it was a little mini game but it had a really incredible driving system the driving model was so good in it really good so good in it single stick yeah he had a specific question for you so he he said a question for Thomas we'll do the other part of your question uh anorexic later on in the show but this one's specific to you Thomas so he says I've been following Thomas's updates of Boardwalk on Twitter with updates shared about his evolving demo of the game available on Steam very cool my question for Thomas is I'm sure there are obvious pros and cons to sharing development Pro development progress like that but in practice have you experienced any benefits that you never initially thought would be factored in uh I think you touched on it a little bit but I wanted to why you do a live open development oh really yeah like like like an Alpine uh I know I thought I heard a noise I thought I heard a noise in the background but uh uh no so you always you always get uh new stuff because so the stuff people come up with is never the stuff you imagine people uh uh you know they have Hangouts about they're talking about this you know free panning camera all the wasd and I had orbit there so he wrote It's game about rotating around like a 3D modeler yeah and people when people test they hated it because they were used to when their fingers go to that pic combo for it to have a specific response so when I recently added that and it was a very limited it wasn't a complete what they expect it was just enough that if you're used to that you place it and you get something comfortable and the complaint stops so it's you never when we have live people it's everything it's a surprise so uh and I think that's the good thing about it is that you're that you will have regardless if you do anything you bring anything to it you have tunnel vision you know you're going to be stuck with I like this and I can still get when I read reviews of the falconer people go oh well here's where usually the combat's unbalanced a progression is way too slow money after certain points worth shitless I got that is all so [ __ ] true I couldn't give a [ __ ] but you do so that's and that's a failing on my part for not never not having spots at that so that is whenever you do the other stuff the open stuff is a really it's great you know you need you you definitely toughen up your skin um yeah you can get the input and you validate what you make you need to validate and test and yeah that's true and uh uh I like doing it as a demo because it's free so everybody can try it out and when yeah we haven't exchanged money there's a little bit of freedom to uh not be angry and or not be as serious until yeah it's not an excuse mate I'll still get angry doesn't matter oh it doesn't matter that it was free I'll be ashamed about it well I I did someone said some time apparently someone said came and said yeah you're just innovating for the sixth Innovation um you're like that guy from the submarine and I thought well let's when we talk in this forum perhaps don't compare me to someone who just got five people killed because Christ I'm just a little bit sniffy when you do that where where are they even coming from with that quote Jesus says Christ wow someone's making a game and you don't like the controls come on get like Gamers with a capital G what what yeah I guess but no I always think because I'm nice when I I'll get Jesus but they took an effort to post so they liked enough of the game that they wanted to be different to what they could like otherwise it's someone disappointed and people get disappointment because initially they wanted what you had to offer yeah yeah is there more explosions they're more explosions there is more explosions okay well just in case I have to check on the kids uh yeah um I'm hearing those noises it's like on our end it's like a little I don't know how it sounds on your end it sounds like those Alpine over here they've uh when there's fireworks which they have the illegal fireworks and they use this um what's how do you call Avalanche excitation bombs which is like high power fireworks uh and you apparently they can buy them legally as you know in in Switzerland or something and then bring it here and I heard this big low foot just like that or it sounds like someone's breaking into the money report story building in the industrial State uh uh so uh yeah well we'll we'll let you go but we really appreciate you jumping on um yeah and have good fun talking about the merger acquisition oh yeah yeah real good um please do let us know that the explosions weren't in any way life-threatening yes I can look out and see that everything's fine uh so if I'm looking like that I'm looking into the kitchen going screaming running out on fire so I think it's a few blocks away hey man the Netherlands where shits explode so barely all right well ladies and gentlemen Thomas thank you very much get some sleep and you ever will we'll speak to you soon bye no and now there's another guy here with a big beard hi how you doing Oh Thomas is so much fun I'm so glad we could get him on I hope that they aren't life-threatening explosions um what and while I've remembered quick quick Super Chat because we were talking about Jesse earlier the issues quick Super Chat which I'll bring into look at that mate even I'm producing now look at that banana peel Jack free Jesse I did see we just did boom he's out of the he's out of the frying thing he needs a Jessie did you see me produce the [ __ ] out of that stupid oh damn what happened I produced the [ __ ] out of that super chat right yeah so that's why I love I love being able to do this podcast right is is getting developers on like that who who don't uh Thomas we've had him on many times he's a good man he's good man he's Thomas and Bill work genuinely looks like it's still freaking me out how well again because I'm not playing it all I'm seeing is the footage you just see a line go out and then just and this building appears like what do you mean I don't understand how it's doing this I don't understand it it's just pretty much just automated based on the icon you've got to uh what you want what you're saying it's very cool it's very very good now oh chat because there's some things we need to get out of the way like it's been a week it's been two weeks really since we all got together yes uh to hang out with each other uh so much [ __ ] to talk about so much stuff to talk about uh now where do we want to put the big thing that everyone wants to talk about where do we want to put that in well let's start where we normally start I would start there but before that I need to check up on you Nick I need to make sure you're okay and that you're getting breakfast well you noticed while we were talking to Thomas because I get up very early I thought that's why you turned your camera off and gone off to make some breakfast quickly I didn't know oh bloody my stupid I'm gonna go to the Apple Store today and get one of the mounts that they've got there and to stop this stupid thing falling but yes throughout the episode throughout the talk with Thomas you saw I was eating my breakfast so make sure like Jesse just put on now drink forward slash XBox era if you would also like to be like me drinking this beautiful stuff so nice it's the one time I can't go against Nick control is very good I have one banana split tell them I want Banana Split I want to try that yep I will they're always out of stock uh use that credit Xbox zero 10 off so popular uh hit the like button please chat we love you um and I think Jesse just this is a code you gave me I haven't redeemed it yet because it was pre-new Zealand time does it still is it still mine yeah it's yours yeah cool okay chat if you guys get up to 200 likes I will give someone randomly in the chat a deluxe edition code for EXO primal much more easy to do if no you can't much more easy to do if you have a form account and you can DMS yeah yeah that was at now okay at some point talk about the game I've been playing I can't kind of like because we did the preview of it you can talk about the first 90 minutes of that game as much as you want you haven't gone any further yet so yes so I have been playing Double Dragon Gaiden rise of dragons because I am the designated scrolling beat em up slash fighter guy you are um what you are what'd you say well you are the Ford yes yes sorry yes yeah yeah so I've been playing Double Dragon Gaiden um which is you know everyone's joining in now and we've got Turtles back we've got Streets of Rage back we've got there's um even Scott Pilgrim came back so Double Dragons come back again I know a lot of people it's funny like everyone thinks oh yeah the last Double Dragon game was Double Dragon Neon it was actually Double Dragon four there was a double dragon four that came out that tried to replicate the original Double Dragons just like Mega Man 8 did and it was like terrible um but this is a much better Double Dragon that I've been playing with um it's pretty good it's it's going I assume I have to be careful what I say here but it's going obviously for the pixel art style but it's not like it's weird it's like they're trying to get closer to the 8-Bit style then the more modern more detailed pixel art style like they're intentionally gone back further which I'm not sure I'm sold on like I liked how TMNT did it um but yes it's a it's interesting like the the combat system it's got It's very slow and deliberate versus all the others which are much faster combo heavy um so yeah that you can tell the developer is trying to strike this balance but it's pretty good so far um it's going to be interesting to see how it's how the reception goes for this the Double Dragon um but yes that's what I've been playing I just can't say a ton about it because I'm reviewing it as well um Double Dragon what else and the usuals my my usuals I I keep trying to go back to stuff as well like now that I've got proper storage on my Xbox and I've got everything on a proper SSD um I'm trying to go back to stuff so I'm trying to finish off dead space gotta finish off Alan Wake remastered and a whole bunch but I did finish golden eye because it's really fun I've got to try and get the thousand in Goldeneye um but yes so that's that is all I have been playing wow uh I have been playing funny you mentioned the pixel style I played a little bit of look pixel 3 from devolver digital and in the brief time I spent with the game it's on Game Pass I uh ate a bomb like a cartoony style bomb with a fuse in four sections and then very urgently needed to go to the toilet because the fuse was lit and then while I was on the toilet it zoomed into a pixelated stomach and I had to put the bomb back together in order to poop it out and I got an achievement uh for pooping out a bomb uh that was within the first five minutes yeah I'm not entirely sold on on the game it it I played through the first section and it was like it was called save the day right so it seems to be you go to these random places and you have things you can do every time he goes up to anyone he seems to kick them or they'll kick him um and yeah uh it is it is a bit of a weird one so you you were on a plane and you have to trial and error to find out how to survive through that and you get a certain percentage of stuff if you uh successfully do something it was it was just very weird but like like the design of the character it reminded me more of that far less detailed pixel art style um I'm looking at it now I started this is me producing again um yeah look at that that's mega pixel 3 I'm just I'm seeing this for the first time there you go but pixel 3 go check it out on gay pass it's a bit weird outside of that I have become uh I've taken a massive massive break from designing Halo stuff it's just I I love I love the game still but I am just a bit jaded I guess about playing yeah yeah or building stuff for it anymore but uh my obsession for vampire survivors has returned with vengeance and uh I just did this this afternoon and for people that have already 100 vampire survivors I salute you um but I just did my first Sigma gold run uh which blew my mind and I was just I literally man I was just watching the screen you build the character a certain way and it was just nothing could touch me and I was just two million gold I clocked so I just upgraded everything and I was like okay so now now I've got the last few achievements I'm going to pick up the last DLC and I'm gonna have this stuff out because it's it's just a weirdly addictive brilliant game did you ever play it in the end I did I've been playing I was playing it on my phone yeah it's one of those ones that you can just pick up and enjoy um you guys see the um the new news for it at the 88 Xbox later yeah yeah there's another update yes four people okay yeah and apparently you can kind of troll each other a little bit which I love the idea of so it's already Carnage so I'm intrigued to see how much more College we can get um but yeah uh there's a Super Chat there do you want to do some more producing I think yeah I didn't do that that's Jesse doing that because he's feeling threatened wrong button sorry Jesse sorted out of the woods Jesse a lot of questions to the chat about your triumphant return we're waiting we're waiting for something to arrive so I ordered if you look up the calyx Institute c-a-l-y-x which senior Bean let me know about it is pretty much the rural communities like Lifeline they had a deal with Sprint in the past and they could get a completely unlimited at the time 4G LTE hotspot can't be throttled can't cancel you no matter how much you use none of that when Sprint got bought by T-Mobile they had to honor that contract it was part of being bought and so I'm going through that I plonked it down 750 bucks onto a credit card as a donation and they send you a hotspot which is completely unlimited for um I got it for 13 months because I had a referral code so 13 months to pay all that off um and that should be in on Wednesday and it's a completely unlimited 5G LTE T-Mobile HotSpot and my phone I heard your story I was like maybe internet in Australia is not so bad anymore man it is it's this state is all their perfect Florida is perfectly okay with allowing companies to just buy up things it's not like because it's like we have 50 countries so Florida is one of the worst where Spectrum can be the only people who provide internet to this address and no one else does with a wire I go down the road and there's like 10. but in this address there's one yeah and it's it's worth mentioning like I experienced some of Jesse's pain like in an effort to help I thought I'd lend some British Suave so you know one of the things we tried was I was making a series of international calls from here in the UK Jesse actually added me to the his account with Spectrum so I could talk to them so I had like the passwords and stuff and I was like yeah you guys are overstepping your corrective action here uh you know I I ended up escalating and speak to people and in the end you probably made it worse no they were they referred it you know I from my point of view because that as Jesse will explain they they have a back-end team that makes the final decision and they're not customer facing and the guy I was speaking to was like okay this makes perfect sense you know I try this do this and get Jesse to ring me back with this this and this and and we did and it went off and Jesse had to wait like two days or something and then they came back and still said no but we felt like we'd almost made it maybe maybe I just need to use a bit of my Aussie aggression they seem mad enough nowhere [Music] they're never going to give him okay it's ridiculous if this hot spot works then it might actually be faster than my old internet for uploading because I walk outside a few feet with my phone I got a new phone um because I would they they took 500 bucks for my three-year-old phone as a promotional credit I was like sure why not that pays for this entire new pixel 7. um so I walk outside with my phone and I get like 400 down in 80 up and like if I can find a place in the house that does that I will literally have better internet than what spectrum will offer and then we'll look into eventually moving to our by making enough money with Xbox error to buy a house where I can have like two gigabytes up and down this Frontier it's 100 so 80 70 bucks a month you get fiber up in one gig up and down which means we could start doing everything at 4K and just make this look even even better for no good reason it's like yeah yeah I wouldn't that would be nice but but this is working for now for this I was able to review the game I've been playing recently which is EXO primal I played uh God I played a lot of that between Steam and windows I think I put like 10 hours on Windows and like 20 hours on steam or something just because I could group with people I know for that um man is it crossword stuff across across display platforms no no I mean yes yes oh sorry it's you log into your Capcom account and the Capcom account can do cross play and all that but um God I don't even notice it was cross progression but if I think it was I wasn't paying attention much because I don't I think the story in that game is really dumb and I didn't care about it um thankfully they did give us the deluxe edition which gives you the season pass which is good because um everything about that game needs it needs more um so there's a hidden system it's it's a extra problems a 5v5 pvpve though it's mostly PVE the PVP only happens at the very end of a match you and five people are a mix of Tanks DPS and healers killing a bunch of dinosaurs every 10 matches you complete unlocks a new story cut scene thing that also unlocks more modes and more dinosaurs and the game doesn't tell you that and I should have made it more clear in the review but if you're like man I've played like 10 matches and I've said and seen the same stuff over and over again and it's actually because it unlocks every 10 matches you complete so you get a complete like 60 matches and then you get access to it actually very large number of possible modes and enemies and stuff so it's a bit of a weird way of doing it huh it is and it is because it doesn't tell you and there's like there's I showed her for a bit in the review but there's this giant circle of lore to unlock like that it's it's a much bigger game than it looks like yeah um it's got player progression season pass progression story progression lore progression character progression like every character has this whole thing and you get way stronger as you level up certain characters and stuff so like it doesn't seem like there's that much or enough at first and I've noticed a lot of complaints about that on the review I played it for 20 minutes or I played it for two hours and it's just the same thing over and over like yes it is early on I still think it always feels really good especially once you dial in the controller I was mostly playing on mouse and keyboard it looks great it runs great it's really fun you just need to grind a bit to unlock yeah and they've got a big plan they've got a big plan for their post launch support new modes new dinosaurs ridiculous crossovers with like freaking Mecha Ryu and guile and then Monster Hunter monsters coming in as enemies like I think that game has a real chance you just you need to know what you're going in for yeah I can see uh Jarrett Bishop in the chat I think I saw your comment on the Forum as well you know oh I've got to create Capcom account it's another account I'm going to get spammy emails I have I have three email addresses and one of them is dedicated for stuff like this I've got the same thing email addresses all for designated stuff if you're if you're into Capcom games the Capcom account is good for the fact that it ties in with a bunch of things and it's how their cross play is always going to work so if you get a game with them and then it has any type of multiplayer and cross play then you know just throw stick that on the throw away account and you're good so nice but yeah like the actual the actual gameplay of EXO Primal is really freaking fun it's just grindy on getting more variety to it which is very important and we also have a Super Chat and a new member if you want you can click them now yeah yeah so we have down under Brothers have yourself a weekend thanks fine it's always a good weekend when calling good wins always you can collect the new members too it actually shows up unlike my thing yes so the new members Barry Donald look at that it's nothing right there I'm over 100 YouTube members now yeah it's good there was a comment from a YouTube member earlier and that didn't show up in this chat which I find interesting which was from um Magnum Westwood who said time to revive pitfall yeah I don't know why that comment didn't come up earlier it's weird interesting um so yeah it's been it's been a couple of weeks so that's what we've been playing uh now I'm tempted to to to do the news in the order that it is on I did it on that I did it on that uh in that reason I did it that way for a reason to maximize retention I admitted lovely that's good so just chat just while Jesse was on the subject of EXO Primo I have a deluxe edition code so you get all of the I think Jesse give me honestly you get all the season pass stuff with it yeah you get this you get the first season pass and you get some really cool Cosmetics as well as owning the game on Xbox and the Windows store as soon as you guys have used your thumbs or moved your mouse and click like on the podcast right now as soon as we hit over 200 likes at some point I will put that code in the chat so pay attention you know chatbots are a thing we should probably be careful of maybe you make an injure of a screenshot of that and then you link the Imager oh okay that's small just in case yeah we've run into so many times where I put something up and there's only a few people in like the twitch chat and then everyone's like no I didn't get it there's like 10 people and not one of them got it it's because of freaking chatbots that's gross that is gross boo to those people well there we go see I see how you fair chat you've got some time you know this podcast will be on for a while so first up newswise uh uh limited run games has revived some classic titles uh yeah they have what see me produce the [ __ ] out of that again yeah this is great this this is great I had to show this part because they're showing the Sega Saturn being revealed at E3 which I thought was absolutely hilarious but yes that is their show let me go forward there you go they start with Castlevania see yeah so gex Clock Tower yeah's not coming to Xbox for some reason but Tomba was also announced wow the carbon engine this is kind of cool Jurassic Park Classics Games Collection yes Jurassic Park now tell me something with the direct with the Jurassic Park I gotta go forward to the Jurassic Park collection hey look at that Turtles name hey I didn't watch this show by the way no look how cool that is I was asleep for it all where the hell yeah I know where's Jurassic Park I'm trying to find Jurassic Park where is it um I want to know is the Mega Drive like the proper Mega Drive Jurassic Park part of it I didn't see it where is it is it even here Hey look mvg um yes he was yes from one dinosaur to another yeah yeah because this now tell me has this got the proper that really good Jurassic Park from Mega Drive on it because I didn't see it it's 8-bit in 16 bit so that sounds like it I know but look I'm seeing the footage and I'm not seeing the Jurassic Park that I want the one that I remember and like of Mega Drive I'm waiting see I'm waiting for this footage someone in the chat tell me I didn't say it look it's not there wow but yeah it's a pretty cool pretty cool collection of games for those that uh love the old school stuff so yeah yeah it's cool that they've been able to do that um in other news and feel free to stop me if you if you have more to say on these subjects um well we're not going to talk about the limited run show anymore that's it what else do you want to say I don't know I thought we would talk about like the games that they showed yeah if you've got something else you want to talk about if you've got more shots maybe I'm just enjoying the idea of like look arcade and console look at that now make me click remove Nick and turtles getting drunk so good can't stop him okay okay I'll stop I mean it's funny yeah um yeah so like I know we're going to talk a lot about the the ftc's uh Activision drama but one of the pieces of news that actually came out of it um that the FTC I think submitted for for their case was that uh Tim Stewart who is the CFO for Microsoft should we talk about this later it's just it's still I'm just looking at that while we're live makes that makes no sense that order makes me note why would that be there we're just talking about limited runs show wouldn't it make more sense to talk about idea Xbox IGN show now Jesus Christ just let things flow no one cares like this your OCD on things having to match some stuff boom yeah good to see you see an Xbox zero back and even better to see that Nick was not one of the nine guests during the Epic Xbox two yesterday you know so here's Ram being so I didn't get invited right to this thing you know how many people were tagging on Twitter going where's Nick where's Nick my the demand is there if you want if you want to show with gusto if you want to show with impact you have me as part of your show he was oh mate I woke up at like 6 a.m and I'm getting all these tags on Twitter where was Nick where was Nick where was Nick in the show hey if you want to give the people what they want clearly clearly get me on your show get me on your show I've lost my flight do it in order go to the goddam Indiana Jones one who cares I've already written it bam it's there it's up do it yeah anyway Tim Stewart CFO Microsoft uh they did some analysis and they reckoned that they could offset 10 million sales for Starfield and Indiana Jones one PlayStation five I should have put that yeah on PlayStation 5 with with the Game Pass um it can make up for it which is a bold play um it's it's that math that Grubb always talked about before that they're going to run on things or like okay so these are not games as a service games these are just straight up sales games so the math ends up being a lot lower for them because it's not this thing that's just gonna keep making money for us so yeah I mean the only thing like the question I have is you know watching movies listening to music are very unleash things you know every human on the planet probably indulges in some form of that kind of Entertainment Games the the very nature of having one of these most of the time as the barrier you know like I'm sure you know any blokes with with partners that that don't play games you hand you hand your girlfriend the controller and they're like and they just don't they can't you've got to ease them in with something a bit more simple right and it's we've grown up on this stuff and I think that that barrier exists in a very rural way that that prevents Game Pass you know I think Phil said it at some point that the Game Pass has a a ceiling it has a a saturation point and then that's it that's all you're gonna get like PC is growing faster than console and I understand the the Gamble and it makes sense I'm not saying it doesn't but I wonder how much it's gonna work out in that regard I don't know tell me if I'm wrong what do you think it'll work out just fine it'll work out just fine okay that's why whenever I heard people saying oh why wouldn't they keep it multiplayer and cost themselves money no they gain money in console sales and Game Pass Subs big picture long term lock it all down yeah it came out there I think they weren't supposed to say it but it was like roughly guesstimating it was about 2 million was one thing they talked about during the case like how much how many copies would they or how many new game pass Subs do they need to get to make up the difference in not having this game be [Music] um and having this game be exclusive versus multi-platinum was about two million new Subs yeah easy easy they lock that if they lock down all of ABK easy and it's not just the subs it's the console sales and it's not just the console sales it's the controller sales and it's not just the controller cells it's the sales of physical games it's the sales of maybe people who rent movies off them I it's all those things all it's the platform that's right maybe those maybe those people become such fans that they go on by merch maybe they made you gotta think bigger picture yeah I think bigger picture speaking of merch uh our Xbox Illuminati t-shirt is available in the Xbox zero merch store um a bit of a genius thing from pre-track I don't know if I'm if I don't know if I'm revealing a little bit too much behind the scenes here but the irony of the fact that we've had a channel in the Discord called the Xbox for the better part of two years there was an inside joke in our Discord that we were the Xbox Illuminati because we used to get accused of fudding the PlayStation 5 back in 2020 yeah so we created a channel a secret channel in the Discord called the Xbox Illuminati so it's kind of funny to see that name now come along many years later that's a channel where Aaron and Phil give us all our marching orders on on fud yeah that's my Corey that's where I've got Corey balog showing us God of War in there flackner Rock but yeah if you want to pick up an Xbox uh Illuminati t-shirt uh due to popular demand we did add a bunch of variations for colors but the design is genuinely super awesome uh pre-drag outdid himself um and I have to admit it has been our fastest selling most popular piece of merch today like it actually sold a fair bit which is missing the giant Super Chat Nick oh wow yeah I I read that as a seven dollar Super Chat and then I'm like oh yeah 6.99 because I'm seeing anorexic going wow and I'm like it's only seven bucks but no it's actually more like 70 bucks oh [ __ ] Faisal just thank you Faisal Mighty generous I'm like man it's only seven bucks your face was sitting there like 99. I'm like 6.99 all right relax I'm gonna read this one won't be able to catch the show live today but wanted to stop by and say that Jesse is awesome thank you for lying I keep hitting the wrong button just the trolling of the podcast [Music] next up in the news uh idea Xbox did a massive show and a demo Fest they showed off 40 games in partnership with IGN um didn't they release all those demos there are a bunch of demos there's a new Marvel game do you remember marble Ultra I remember Marble Madness I can't move this one no it was my ultra on the 360 it was one of the first Xbox Live arcade games like back in 2005. um but yeah there's a new marble blast maybe that's what it was it was marble blast yeah they've now got marble it up ultra um there's a bunch of stuff coming um Frank and Drake yep pixel Cafe rain world I think we just wasn't me just now produce oh look at these guns oh that looks better Call of these guns they're very cool it was a very even the real show yeah so they had a long opening and then a long end it's kind of weird um Hellboy looks really really good this game looks so good Hellboy looks so good look at that looks great it's awesome yeah it's so like what kind of game is it there you go thrilling announced for um consoles August 15th it's already on PC yeah I really need to all right okay that will be the time you're doing the review John you got a month you have a month okay all right all right I'll I'll download it um I'll be playing mostly on PC so to get a review out for it's a sea of stars which is coming out in a month and a half yes those developers they're another developer that got somewhat harassed on Twitter when an Xbox version wasn't announced and they were pressured bag yeah they got a Game Pass deal out of it so and now they're funded up the Wazoo I would wager for quite some time it looks really I know I I know people like to take a dump on uh Game Pass and have this idea that devs are forced into Game Pass deals in like a financially ruined but don't worry indeed devs The Game Pass deals they do okay that's that's all I'll say yeah any other big call outs from the idea Xbox show that you you like the look of I I didn't watch it I didn't watch it I'm like I'm skimming through now because I didn't all this stuff happens while I sleep man it all happens while I sleep they did they put a um yeah they put a uh an article up but yeah no they're just there's how cool this looks this looks like this looks like that Fire and Ice cartoon from 1983. it really does I'm laughing more and more developers leaning into having fun with the art styles of games and not just this ultra realistic it's so much more fun no I shared the wrong yeah that looks so cool see John they put up an actual list of all the games I put the wrong Link in there I double let me fix this for you that's okay dude there you go now it's the it does look like Dragon's Lair Gary Barry it does like FPS Dragonslayer kind of did now it's the actual right correct link that has a list of everything that was there Axiom Verge 2 was Shadow dropped out of nowhere just bam here you go was it I thought why did I think Axiom Verge 2 was already out it has been out everywhere except Xbox oh I was about to say because I've got it on PS5 I'm sure um the one that looked the coolest to me was dreamers I doubt you can find it they also share this is Jack box party back ten um they're bringing back TKO which was the the T-shirt one which was like one of the best mini games I ever made that have version two now but there was a game called dreamers which was really weird looking a boating game funnily enough after um Thomas talked about it that looked fantastic it was it was a good little show mixed in the middle of a lot of IGN stuff like the first hour was weird IGN stuff then the second hour was them playing Vampire survivors Co-op but if you just watch the actual show it was just a really good like playlist of um interesting looking games this one looks like that was it rain cat one this is um Ring World downpour so this is a downpole yeah the X the console or Xbox version of a game that's been out on PC for a while with a big expansion and stuff but the other one they showed I don't know if you remember it Nick there's a game that looks a lot like pentiment but it's um it's the cross stitch it's like they stitched everything and then yeah everything is avoided yeah that's kind of like Yoshi's woolly World yep Scarlet deer in where they had like they're going for the Studio Ghibli style and like you know Medieval Europe um that one looks really good it was in this show sea of stars yeah it was a it was very good there was a there were some oh God this might be it I was literally gonna say Stray Souls really janky looking horror game oh um you need to watch this we need to watch this is that a naked dog with a shotgun pretty much this thing looks so weird it's it's got the music from the guy who did Silent Hill but other than that it just looks like a really bad Indie third-person shooter horror game um right it kind of looks like it might be incredible to review I mean like they're trying really hard that looks yeah they're they're really pushing it like they have ideas and they want to do stuff and I appreciate those ones if they're bad fine but when they really try it's it's a lot more fun to review you give it a five with a smile instead of a four with a grimace that does look a bit uh ambitious for hey I'm all for it but it was a really good show this is called birth if I remember correctly it's really weird really weird puzzle game with disturbing faces on everyone great yeah I like disturbing weird puzzle games I'm all for it I love I love all this stuff this is what gaming is for me so oh God the full guys clone some stumble guys so the name is similar but this is really big on mobile and it's got some differences I don't know but yeah that's just four guys it's just you know wow but it adds in different genres in a way Fall Guys Hot Wheels yeah yeah it's more robloxie than yeah yeah Fall Guys is very we do one thing and it controls one way and this really changes it up a lot I actually think it looks it looks neat they take The Fall Guys influence and then yeah I could see I could see my son playing this isn't that amazing a game it's just a really good social marketing team like they they've somehow did all of these Partnerships and stuff with with full guys to to get loads of really good beings yeah this was the weird this was the weirdest one oh by the way the documentary about karate car it's a documentary game like you buy it you get every version of karateka that's ever been put out and you can play um why'd you call it karateka karadika karate it's about karate karate what would you call a karateka because it's if you're pronouncing it the same way the Japanese people do they don't go karate they don't do emphasis on they say karate but yeah it's karateka it doesn't matter no one cares this is why you don't get to go on Rancho because you'll try and correct them and then he'll just kick you off oh man I could definitely have been up too long it's already 1am my god um anyway that was the idea Xbox show hooray uh lots of games for everybody in the world and we and we we talked about the demo stuff which is next so we can just go to the next thing yeah yeah there's a lot of demos um Co-op yeah I really want to play this I'm looking forward to it it's a shame it's not online but they did say they were kind of working on it oh wow what's this it's another one they've talked about before the the word list game this is like a showing yeah showing off the gameplay of something that has been announced before it looks very nice yeah it looks sick I like that it's cool okay fine yeah uh Microsoft Xbox have partnered with harworth who did a chair that I think Jesse is sitting on right Hayworth they make sure Hayward sorry yeah Hayworth Xbox chair um Xboxes light gray and with lots of lime green on it not sure if it's entirely my jam but yes another partnership another chair coming it's the most comfortable thing I've ever sat in yeah how many Xbox chairs do they have thus far just the Halo one I think oh that's it yeah so this is their first general branded Xbox gaming chair okay through all the eggs in your life maybe it's your turn they don't do Australia I literally asked they're only in America they're in mystery yeah we asked last time when you guys got your Halo chairs I asked last time I'm like well how the hell do I get a chair you need to find someone yeah you need to find someone with a distributor in Australia yeah I know you gotta do you gotta do a tiny little bit of work I know anyway I love anorexic calling you out in the chat Mr Seger yeah I admit I say that wrong and I give the foundation for why and even Sega Australia pronounces it that way the company themselves so at least I have a reason Jesse has no reason for karateka company's room based on the English language they don't do emphasis on the syllables this is a silly argument anyway um that's not the only thing though I know we talked about uh limited run Reviving loads of Classics but amstram arcade and and I should say uh are bringing 1300 plus retro cloud service games I mean that's how much is it though good question detailed that too much because that's fine that's that's a cool service but it'd be interesting lifetime access is eighty dollars U.S you can uh 30 bucks a year yeah 30 bucks a year or 80 bucks lifetime for one thousand three hundred plus includes Pac-Man bubble bubble Metal Slug oh so they got rights the proper games yeah yep interesting here I I will put the link in chat and people can see just how much [ __ ] they got it's a lot interesting yeah okay they show all these I thought it was just gonna be a bunch of games that like you know I thought it was just going to be a bunch of games that no one gives a rats about so yeah there's some Classics in there yeah okay if you click if you click the consoles down below it will show you what's on each one yeah there's a lot well and stream and stream had their own thing like literally yesterday did you see it yeah allow me to once again produce look at that and stream had a July connect presentation yesterday look at that wow showcasing the games and stuff on their server so this is what you're gonna get on and stream oh my god did I just see soccer kid do you remember that I swear yeah it's 201 Amiga games uh man I grew up on him this is so tempting I love it wow this is it and they've got oh wow indie games too that's really interesting oh this game looks cool wow they've got um almost 300 arcade games as well which is neat like Rampage and joust and just hold on a bunch of stuff did they get a hold of capcoms did they get a hold of capcom's games like which one let me look your Knights of the Round Captain command though I mean I assume not it's a really big one is that MDK I was about to say is that mtk I haven't seen the same decision one I think wow wow man yeah there's two Playstation One games never mind 40 wings and loaded Mega Drive and Genesis wow okay this is what I need in my life screw them throw the link John you can see all the Nika stuff you wanna this is an indie game this one that's showing right now Zola was classic man's or I might have to I might have to indulge in this in some form yeah I think it's really hard to read their look oh loaded was a good game and people have been flipping out over this because it has so much cool [ __ ] yeah this seems very interesting you have to wonder how it's like it's cloud-based so you have to wonder about latency and stuff like that it'll depend on where you are your internet yeah your network it's always I Hope they've got a trial like a demo of it no there's no trial at the moment and then it turns out it's not great where you are and you can't use it yeah yeah that's uh that's fair because like again I'd be open to something like this if I knew like like I've tried I've tried xcloud with like Xbox Live arcade games and stuff on my series X and they're basically Flawless like you pretty much can't tell them apart from native if that's how this is if this works like xcloud on my series X where it's pretty much can't tell from native might be worth it man for anybody oh my God they've got Simon the Sorcerer they've got all of the Dizzy games Crystal Kingdom dizzy Prince of the yolk folk holy [ __ ] wow yeah this is just an Xbox thing you buy it's in the Xbox store and you play through an Xbox but I don't think it'll be through xcloud because it's not Game Pass no I know but but the way you're playing these games this app or whatever you're buying is streaming them no yeah I don't know what their streaming background is though that's what I'm saying yeah I'm just wondering oh is that oh super Sidekicks or at least it looks like super Side Kicks oh man oh wow that's a pretty cool but yeah I got a Discord go and ask him yeah I'd really want to test it before uh and check what that latency feels like hey what's that Indiana Jones fight of Atlantis there Oh I thought it was Captain Commander it wasn't oh I was about to be all like what Captain Commando it's like one of my favorite scrolling beat em ups God damn alien breed then yeah man okay this is like very tempting very very tempting very cool and me yeah there you go and stream ant stream arcade and her stream wow stream s on here in the in the thing he actually spells it ant stream Spy Hunter sway Hunter was legit man I loved that game holy [ __ ] this looks all right yeah I think it's all right man China's not achievements but oh that's even better honest because then I could just play them and enjoy them we are almost two hours in without talking about ABK and having two weeks of community questions whoa whoa what happened to APK what's what's this APK nonsense now I want to talk about what's really important right can we can we raise a glass can we take a Larry and remember Larry herb Xbox Live's Major Nelson Nick so if you want to get him on as a guest now's your time you're making it sound like he died he's leaving the Xbox after 20 years so Xbox Live's Major Nelson he won't be that anymore he'll just be Larry herb um but yeah after 20 years and I think he's hosted the Xbox podcast for a significant chunk of that time his DMS are not open okay he's closed them then after a problem no no I clicked and it's like get verified to message this user oh yeah so yeah so this morning they changed that for people yeah are this morning yeah I can't I can I can do it the Xbox era can message him okay yes but this morning they changed us that your default is oh you only accept DMS from verified people I gotta go in and change that like everyone now wants to go in and change that because they're so scumbags that's ridiculous muscle uh but yeah it'd be great to have magic Nelson on so Nick if you want to try and work some magic that would be super cool uh to get him in here I feel he'll ignore me you never know try your best see what happens because he's no longer under the under the under the pr end of the leash on anymore yeah um so yeah that's right I have to try but you know it's it's a it's a big moment right you know like he's been a face on my dashboard don't you find the timing odd no I find it I find it because they just did a bunch of firings again and hit most of the people in his area were fired yeah so he probably because I think he put on electronics are just something sinister I'm just saying that I wonder if there was an element of we're going in a neat Direction oh yes definitely the the Teen Titans they are a change in yeah and her team led really good stuff around the whole showcase timing Like Larry didn't seem involved in that they're it's just it's really just felt like it's mostly the the podcast and that's about it so yeah yeah Ace yeah probably let him go out on his own terms yeah I maybe I don't know we maybe we can ask him you know it'd be good it'd be an interesting conversation to have and uh I'd love to have it so yeah let's see if we can get him on and and have a good chat uh but yeah he's uh he was a cool guy like I I you know I know a lot of people give him a lot of crap for the I could see it in the chat the very uh the channel smile no The Angry Joe interview after the Xbox One debacle and yeah I know there's a gif of him smiling with a fan and as soon as the he's taking the pictures like it's the Chandler smile he goes you know how Chandler as soon as the camera goes on Chandler does that awkward face yep classic but yeah um additionally that's not the only thing that's leaving Xbox and this worries me chaps this This concerns me greatly because I've been waiting for this I know right suddenly now apparently this is Microsoft putting a bit of a dick move um this was just a this was just a pipe this was just a trial we were just testing it was never cool that it was being piloted in a certain number of countries and now suddenly it's been reframed as a we were just trying to do some learning and now we are ending it they didn't always call it the friends and family preview it was always called that but yeah but there's no no plans like for interest but I would have thought like much thing like like PC game pass rolled out these countries first then these then these then these I was waiting for Australia to get this I've got a family right my own kids I've got my brother and his kids and it would make so much more sense to have all of this in that where you know right now my son has to go between my home and his his mum's home and if he wants an Xbox there I'm now in a predicament where okay well I'm not going to make his Xbox at his mom's house my home Xbox so that he has access to my game pass but equally if I do that when he's here I have to log in on his Xbox just so he can find some stuff it's not it's not ideal uh I have a household of three Xboxes so I only need two of those Xboxes can have my game pass stuff and I'm not going to sub my daughter to Game Pass for a handful of games that she may or may not play I do have a thought about this which is this was based on the old pricing so you take it away and when it comes back it's based on the new pricing and it costs more everywhere because when they brought it out a year they brought it out exactly 11 months ago yeah and so it was based on the you know 15 and all those equivalents so if they're ending this beta now it comes back eventually as some part of Big Marketing thing where it's not as much of a bath for them to take compared to the new prices yeah but yeah disappointing uh hopefully it does come back but right now it's ending no more game past friends and family um and there you go that's all the news that's it it's the end of the show it's been really great it's hanging out with you chat uh just a friendly reminder you are 27 likes away uh for me giving someone an XO Prime will deluxe code so you know hit that like button if you're enjoying the show yeah anyway let's talk about it all right my God like I did a couple of videos like even the video I did so I did a video on this whole FTC stuff and all of the back and forth and all the stuff going on yesterday and while I was editing the video another piece of information dropped where you know um this CMA cat hearing was scheduled and I had to quickly go in and you know edit and record that and then edit it and put it together and then I released it and then as soon as I clicked release within 15 minutes another crazy piece of information to Josh where the the FCC had appealed and then it was denied it's been insane but the nutshell is the FTC appealed the decision to the judge the judge very swiftly said yeah no denied it it's now gone to the appeals court the appeal is still pending right that could be we hadn't even talked about them losing the court case like we didn't talk about any of it oh my God yeah yeah we haven't talked about any of you got to start at the beginning yeah the FTC lost and then they lost some more FTC lasting for Nathaniel Corley coming through in the clutch no problem yes he chose this court chose this judge chose the venue and I had no but she revealed like they revealed from the very start that like the judge was like yeah my son works for Microsoft but like it's he doesn't work in Xbox it's got nothing to do with anything and the FDC is like you're sweet and it you know once they start clutching it straws like that it's like we talked to our last episode we spoke about this topic and we said you know what there is room for some dodgy stuff going on that her son works for Microsoft and maybe she'd subconsciously be more inclined to favor her son's employer I'll I'll fully admit to that of course human human nature is human nature at the same time the ftc's case was such shite that there was no room for her to be dodgy because the FTC was doing her job for her it was by being worthless there's her decision was brutal at times it's his own deal on one sallian key fact is that the FTC seemed to forget throughout the entire case who they were meant to be arguing protecting yeah it's not a good look for your case man if the judge is like I don't I don't give a [ __ ] about Sony we know why I ended up going that way means because the FTC didn't know the industry and so they went with the biggest person the biggest group against this deal which was Jim Ryan and Sony they took their talking points they took their issues and their concerns and that became their case because they didn't know the industry very well they didn't do what Brazil did and they didn't look into every part of it and figure it out and understand oh Sony's just full of [ __ ] they took Sony's case and they were like okay we ideologically are opposed to this merger this is the only way we really think we can stop it because we just don't really know much of this and ever since the icon's taken over there's a reason that I buy this because I know you're all you guys are always trying to tell me no Nick it's about big Tech bad it's about big Tech bad no it's not Sony is also big Tech this is why I've never understood and if Sony was trying it I would stop them they're using Sony's arguments they're not but Sony's also a big tech company Sony's also a big tech company is not trying to get a large technology company but they're not trying to buy Activision but they're the market leader so why are they trying to find it so it's not about they shouldn't be protected that's right so what I'm saying so what I'm saying is Jesse and other people that don't want to say what everyone's thinking a rule saying oh no they're just using the [ __ ] arguments because they don't know the industry I'm willing to say what the people are thinking and don't want to say which is just the more likely scenario is that there's probably more PlayStation Fanboys that are like high up at the hip they see in the city not even a little bit no one wants to say it but like because it doesn't make any sense because it's an entire all they know all they've done is try to stop every merger they can if Sony had a really big merger like this if Sony was trying to buy a lens manufacturer Sony's one of the biggest lens makers out there the FTC would fight it too thin nail and try and stop it like they don't want Selena Khan's entire ideal ideology is companies should be capped on growth they shouldn't be and and we've already gotten past that the point where it's healthy she wants to stop companies from growing so if Sony was trying to grow she would try and stop them even if someone else was giving her the arguments to try and help that because she only cares about stopping them she doesn't care about the actual legalities of all this because she knows they can't win and and I think it's very frustrating listening to the argument because you've got to give you it is it's really bad because it's setting terrible precedence I'm sorry junk you guys are [ __ ] that's actually makes them look worse than the Fanboy I guess it does it does the fan the fact clearly just not Gamers dude like there's no Fanboys in the FTC pulling the strings to to you know oh yeah yeah we've got to present something because PlayStation rules none of them none of the solicitors speaking none of them that would make more sense they could have had something that would make more sense though at least but you're using sense in an area where it's ideal it's ideologically driven so they want to stop these deals so bad that they will use whatever tools they have necessary and that's mostly just delay tactics so they either try and Bully small companies or they try and delay big ones and they lose in court they're like oh for four in court because they don't actually have many good lawyers anymore most of the most of their lawyers have quit since she took over and pretty much changed things from being you know driven by the law and instead being driven by ideology where they work backwards from their conclusion which we've talked about a million times they had we need to block this how do we do that it's the exact same with the CMA CMA actually threw out Sony's arguments because like they're just not good enough the CMA is better looking in all of this than the FTC because the CMA said no Call of Duty doesn't matter please just shut up we're going to drop that because we'll lose on that and now they're actually going to win by getting some concessions on cloud but the um the FTC will be said we had spoken about that back then yeah yeah like the CMA is actually John and his country are doing better than my country in this because the friggin FDC is just so dead set on using it back white countries just went back to see what's going to happen they go uh we saw it with them yeah it's pretty pretty see-through I think the worst thing about all of this is the the US you know and Jesse you touched on it you know rather than actually fight on the merits because you're right if we fight on the merits you're going to lose which they have so what they do try and do the FTC is delay and and basically Force these these companies to just [ __ ] it's going to cost us too much money we can't do this anymore and we've seen that play out the FTC got spooked into thinking Microsoft was going to close so they rush rush rush you know they didn't you know that they got alerted like what was it first of February 2022 that Microsoft were going to do this they didn't file anything in court in their administrative Court until August of 2022 and then only six weeks before the deal closed did they think oh [ __ ] Microsoft might actually close quick put a tro on it let's let's take them to court and now it's so dodgy how long they've taken it's CMA nfpc so the CMA I think the CMA has been I think Microsoft and CMA have been working on this ever since the cat yelled at the CMA no you have to actually work with them on this you can't just go silent to try and run the clock out and once that happened then the ftc's like oh [ __ ] they're gonna now have to just work this out what can we do to desperately try and stop it and that's what judge Corley saw through that's what the appeals immediate like they a lot of people are like it's gonna probably take a while for them to deny this um attempt to extend their uh the temporary restraining order and then no it was like within an app an afternoon they were like no we're not doing this it was really short and they're like nope nope yeah and you know when when they tried to uh appeal um Microsoft Microsoft was so scathing so skating my favorite line from it was was talking about the whole delay tactic and they said second the ftc's claimed emergency is entirely of its own creation Microsoft and Activision first notified the FTC of the merger on February 1 2022 the commission filed administrative complaint challenging the merger on December 8th not August I was wrong December that's nearly a full year later is when they were like yeah we don't want to we don't want this to happen breaking from its standard practice emerge cases the FTC did not file a federal court complaint seeking a preliminary injunction at that time on the contrary it says its own administrative hearing through August 2nd that's where I got August from 2023 after the merger was meant to have closed thus the FTC acted for the better part of the year and a half as though this case was not an emergency necessitating federal court intervention the parties of the court now face a time crunch because and only because the FTC did not file this action to preliminary and join the merger until June 12 2023 less than six weeks before the dissemination brilliant like that is just like the Microsoft flights like I give zero [ __ ] like just tear them apart uh it's it was great to read I have to and judge Corley was the same way and so much of her stuff like when she was talking directly to the FTC people she was very nice and polite and cordial but in that document like the stuff we get to see was very just you guys never showed you never tried to show how this would harm harm consumers you only ever tried to show how this harms the marketer yeah yeah because that those were the only talking points they had that was awesome they didn't understand the industry and even their Economist which they made this big hoo-ha about that he was you know respected professor of economics the Microsoft team poked a hole and was like where did you get this 20 from even the judge was like where does this come from in the closing arguments they did not try and defend it they didn't even push back on it they just let that gaping wound bleed and it was very like well okay he's just pulled this out of his ass does he it's like this is a a government-funded agency that had a year and a half to prep for it and they clearly did their preliminary thing read all the Sony staff took that as the Viewpoint didn't bother to actually do any investigation genuine investigation and just copied the talking points I still don't understand how there isn't more uproar over the fact that two major Global Regulators in the FTC and the CMA are publicly flaunting the fact that they're willing to go against their remit and just openly protect the market leader and everyone's just like oh yes wait look are you guys for real right like I understand like I get that it's difficult to for people to put aside their love for their favorite console I I understand that that's difficult for a lot of people to do but I think people should be concerned that Regulators are doing this like just take away the video game market for a second and look at another Market if it was another Market you cared about and your favorite widget was it the market leader and then you had The Regulators protecting a market leader you'd be outraged about it yet because your favorite console is the one being protected yeah we're all cool with the regulator doing this openly and brazenly that's nah man you should be worried like it's not good it's not a good thing did you guys see on on Twitter so there's a couple of things amused me I saw one of them called out in the chat someone hacked the ftc's Wikipedia page and trying to say yeah that was that was absolutely incredible and they're fighting as a certain developer in our Discord revealed they're fighting back and forth on that Wikipedia page so Wikipedia is trying to change someone's trying to change it back and then these guys keep going back to and I think they're fighting back and forth on this Wikipedia page you know outside of that did anyone else know this and chat I'd be very curious to see if anyone else noted Jesus crook facels down to surrounded things up to an even hundreds did he make a comment he didn't make a comment whatever you say Faisal we're gonna read it out okay but I was talking to him in a DM on Discord and just saying thank you and he he was saying how how wonderful I am in every way and how much he doesn't like Nick it was kind of weird I understand I understand um but did you notice how many like suddenly as as it really came down to it as it really finally was like oh okay yeah Microsoft did one Microsoft's of one not just a little bit they've won resoundingly you know there's no way this is gonna get stopped by America now or the FTC rather so many like journalists and developers oh masks are slipping everywhere no like that was always someone explained to me why this is a good thing and all of the people I mean you have to pay for video games like oh this is good look at the timing look at the timing of plunk Plunkett's suddenly stepping away from Kotaku wow I wonder why that is that's interesting timing isn't it but it's not just those mask slips but like even the further of of the the way the articles are spoken about instead of just delivering the news these are the facts there's always always this oh let me just put this personal slant on the news that I don't think this is a very good thing at all and I'm very disappointed and concerned and it's constant I saw a great one today completely unrelated to the acquisition but it just cracked me up uh from a PC Centric publication that was effectively like oh style feels spit in space and space is well boring so it's probably going to be yeah I did I'm like what what why are you writing this what are you writing this for you haven't played have you played it and somebody somebody tagged me and said hey hadn't you guys mentioned there are places that are probably already looking to have a reason to give Starfield the low score I can't wait yep I'll be having a very close look at that Metacritic score on Starfield don't worry Baldur's Gate 3 will end up like 95 and start with the field to be like 85. yeah and I think three will be awesome I think it will be incredible but there's a reason it'll score even better yeah I I don't know I mean look I didn't you know you all discovered now thanks to this case you all have now discovered why I didn't want this deal to go through um but again like my issue is not the deal being blocked or not blocked this is what people need to understand although people on Twitter don't seem to I've been trolling on Twitter lately which has been quite fun yeah I saw your uh the guy who dropped his PS5 down the stairs and you came back with other stairs okay and the stairs okay no no there was so I've got a I've actually got a friend who I've got to develop a friend at Bungie believe it or not who sent me a DM going I've been enjoying some of your troll tweets I'm like which one of you like the best because the one about the judge's son but I've had people reply to that tweet thinking I'm salty about it oh God they're like have a cry I'm like do you think I'm upset about this or something like I don't think you quite understand what I'm saying here um it's been it's been very very fun like that Street Fighter 4 tweet just by PlayStation 4. uh Street Fighter 5 tweet if you want if you want Street Fighter five just buy a PlayStation 4. that's what we all had to cop in 2016. yeah me in particular who wanted Street Fighter 5 on Xbox let's just get a PlayStation that should that should have been the answer for everything to everyone I I like that the judge said that I think on day four or day five of that trial she was like but can't can't they just buy an Xbox why can't someone just go and buy an Xbox from the store yeah it's weird everyone treats it like Sony's customer base is its own Market yes and if this hurts that this that this deal hurts that market and she's like well no it's the gaming Market which includes all of it yeah so and it's going to be in more places now they're not taking it away from PlayStation no matter what you guys keep saying but they can just buy another console and they're like yeah but what if they can or use the PC well Sony's told you to get a second job before get a second job now PlayStation owners have incredible PC rigs anyway amazing PCS especially on resettering they've all got monster PCS on Etc so they shouldn't be absolutely anything to stress about cool um if you want to know what Lena Khan her philosophy is Nick it's for cetera she's on the wrong side of the right issue every time pretty much so she's big companies are bad and they need to be rained in and kept from being strong but she has no idea how to actually go about and do that which is pretty much how we're set or just always gets there social justice initiatives wrong and ends up being on just sounding like a bunch of [ __ ] no again I get the job of a regulator and they have an important job it's a really important job they just went after the wrong yeah she keeps there's so many things in this country to go after and this merger was not one to go after because it's not illegal go after ISP Monopoly it's not illegal it's not that it's just not illegal it's not like it's good for consumers now the argument about whether it's good for the industry I think is a deeper argument because there's two there's too much there's too much left to hypotheticals that we will never know like so that there'd be two sides you know we had um oh my God who one of the fathers of Xbox not Sheamus um Ed freeze Ed freeze oh my God I don't know why I blinked on his name yeah he didn't like that so he wanted to have a conversation he had concern he had genuine concerns about Game Pass uh even Sheamus I think has some concerns about all that stuff so there's a deeper discussion to be had there so there's a there's a bad side to Microsoft owning APK long term but you can also frame the good side like when people were like oh well what is good for the industry because there was that dude from EA yeah exactly that tweeted out about well hold on I don't understand happy about this I don't get why gamers are happy about this what's in it for the games I felt like saying really dude what's in it for the game is like your company has a sub that has day one access on PC and another part that's built into Game Pass and you can't see what's good for the gamers like for real anyway but for the industry I get it so the good part is at the very least you could say well Bobby kotik's gone that's good for the industry surely that has to be a good thing for the industry that Bobby's out of the industry so there's a whole thousands of staff that are under the tyranny of Bobby who can now go oh yeah we're not under Bobby anymore I I would argue that's a good thing for potentially thousands of employees that they might like being under fill better like say what you want about Xbox and how much you hate Xbox and first party sucks Microsoft has consistently been rated one of the best Employers in the world as far as I'm aware correct me if I'm wrong yes but but a lot of the studios that they have Acquired and it will be the same for Activision as it is for xenomax is they are a limited integration company so although you are owned by Microsoft you ain't working for Microsoft no you're not working for Microsoft directly but just look yeah I get you but like for example Bobby Bobby's basically all but gone who runs the show so there's someone that that Microsoft is most likely installing there to run the show whether that's someone from Microsoft or within APK they're putting someone new in there when Bobby goes and takes his golden parachute that's true that's true so either way all those employees are now breathing a sigh of relief like oh my God we're not under that [ __ ] anymore recognize Union which then inspires other unions like there is some good things to come out of it um if APK is under Microsoft all of a sudden maybe EA is like okay well now we're not fighting with Call of Duty and ABK in the same way we were before because now they're part of one of our favorite Partners in Microsoft so now like there are positive knock-on effects to it there are in there there are some like for some of the negatives like you know if I was EA I'd be like huh well okay PlayStation gonna play a pretty penny for Battlefield you know uh marketing now or whatever yeah um but is it because really who else they're going to sell Battlefield marketing to so now PlayStation will be like yeah we ain't paying that I was like okay so I I'm curious to see you know if you've only got one person to sell with hold on I don't know I I don't assume that just because Microsoft alone card they'd never Market Battlefield again I don't assume yeah that's just assumption from me but I think it's a fair one I don't assume that at all I think Microsoft could very well Market Battlefield in the future maybe I'm not saying they couldn't I'm just saying the likelihood is I think Microsoft could even go and Market cod with PlayStation just not do the 30-day exclusivity stuff and all the skin crap and all the our Maps first for a year that that's never going to happen again but I could see them doing marketing deals no chance like they'll get their record money from the their staunched PlayStation people that refuse to go oh I'd have to spend 70 dollars anymore I can just get an Xbox they'll make their money out of them for retail sales but they are going to take a great like I expect it a couple of years from now is we'd like to welcome as part of our first place show back home on Xbox Call of Duty black they'll do something like that you know like I know with Ed freeze just wanted to briefly mention I understood the math to be that generally across the entire population of video gamers the majority by one to two games a year so yeah the math is okay well if they're only buying two games a year if we could persuade them it's actually you get all of these games for the same amount of money 120 a year 9.99 a month um but we get that as recurring guaranteed Revenue that's that's how we make our money because then we get them to spend extra in all these other places that's I understand the the math of it is that you are at a minimum getting your two games a year guaranteed and that that pays for everything else but I I'd love to hear Ed and that Phil debate that at length like I think that would be a really interesting conversation because Ed knows his stuff you know yeah but I mean Emil in the chat is pointing out that they had marketing for Call of Duty and Battlefield in 2013 who Microsoft did they really they did both that's what that's what Emil say and if you think about it these days Call of Duty and Battlefield usually release about a month apart there's no reason Microsoft couldn't still mark up both and go okay well in the lead up to cod we're gonna Market the hell out of it it's a first party title as soon as Cod releases you know what we're all in on Battlefield marketing no worries all in because remember EA play is part of Game Pass ultimate so Microsoft still has an incentive to Market EA stuff it's part of this hub yeah so I don't see why they like everyone like I don't yeah I don't see an issue uh we've got a super chat from in the force of coffee his first ever Super Chat I'm not sure what point he was trying to make but FTC Congress probably yeah yeah I did watch a few bits of it I it is it look I'll be I'll be very I'm not American so it was a partisan circus it was entirely it was I watched some bits where some guy was talking about that you know Lena should you know should be proud and and people have acted abhorrently towards her but basically all of the Democrats were really nice to her and all the Republicans were like you're doing a terrible job the Republicans were realistic about what she's been doing in ways but they were doing it for political theater but at the end they did Slash the ftc's budget by 25 25 yeah but it really it was painful to watch Gamers I guess why they did those I get why they did like and again I'm trying to put on my business hat here which is a very horrible poorly worn hat but I understand the thinking of reducing the budget by 25 because I I guess the thinking might be hey we're giving them too much money and they're just going after everything and doing a [ __ ] job at it if we reduce their budget by 25 it might just cause them to focus on the stuff they know they can win and that they should be going after and put all their resources there rather than spreading these resources so thin across [ __ ] everything that they're losing all of it if we pull in their budget a bit it might Inspire them to go okay let's ignore video games because Microsoft's third Sony's first let's let Microsoft compete hey but hold on a second Facebook is the leader in this and now they're trying to buy their next nearest competitor let's go after this I'm just going in hypothetical you're thinking logically um yeah but the GOP is never logical they're only doing it to harm people and to because they're getting lobbied so companies pay them non-stop you can just pretty much pay a congressman whatever you want and Congressman get to inside trade in America so um like the entire system is the GOP doing everything they can to make as much money as they can uh and the Democrats are also mostly doing that but not all doing that so in the end it just ends up being a bunch of donkey [ __ ] that doesn't help anyone so Jared Bishop in the chat no that's not what I'm saying he's like Nick you are essentially saying a NASCAR team need to race with the stock on the Civic and maybe they'll win more races no no no no I'm not saying that well you're talking about the Focus right now Jared the FTC has 10 Honda Civics that they're trying to win races in against a bunch of Ferraris rather than having 10 Civics against all these Ferraris buy one or two Ferraris to race against Ferraris and try and win those two races that if I'm going to use your analogy buy one or two Ferraris to race Ferraris rather than buying 10 civics or 20 Civics to race against Ferraris the issue with the setup now is the FTC needs more money and more power to but they need to have better direction for it um this constantly losing in court and setting bad precedence like I get it they they feel like they don't have she's trying to say like we don't have any other options because the laws have gotten so bad in America and so pro-corporate that it's really hard for them to actually do anything but the way in the end the way they're going about it under her just isn't working that's right but that's what I'm saying they're wielding their budget in an irresponsible way yeah I don't think it's Gonna Change by lowering it no I know no I'm just you're thinking logically yes don't miss the budget yeah my thinking is reduce the budget to force them to focus the budget more appropriately is my thinking that would be the next it would be nice if no yeah the GOP doesn't give a [ __ ] the GOP just wants to harm any regulatory bodies that's what they've been going after non-stop since Trump essentially is just trying to break down Regulators in their power as much as possible because companies are giving them boatloads of cash to you know buy their influence so you're thinking of it in a good way of a government body that's actually trying to help when the reality is whenever the GOP is involved it's pretty much just well what can we do to make more money off of this thank you very much giant tech companies please keep dump trucking money on again and we'll do whatever you want I understand what Lena wants to do and like I said when Regulators are doing what they're supposed to do it's a good thing for everyone involved I just think that in this case they saw yeah they saw it's Microsoft and they're like well it's Microsoft we have to stop them without looking and they chose to block it before ever looking assessing it yeah anybody made their decision they've already gone yeah we're going to block this and that's why the case is so bad because they don't understand the industry at all and they just had to take whatever talking points people could give if if Microsoft was trying to buy Slack 100 go all in blocking it that's where you go well hold on a second huh there's like slack is you're literally buying your biggest competitor in that online communication space when you've already got the Monopoly with Windows and office and now you want to buy out slack they're already in teams has no competition yeah they're already being fined in in EU for bundling teams with office so that's what I'm saying so that's where when you see Microsoft that's where you go but you can't just see the name Microsoft and go well we're going to go for it when it turns out that Microsoft in that industry is like nothing I say nothing over exaggerating but like they are not even remotely close to being a market leader and even their Market is actually really tiny compared to the rest of the market which is mobile yeah so you're focused so heavily on Console in PC or you they were focused solely on console that then Microsoft could come in and just say well this shit's not nearly as big as PC and it's not nearly as big as mobile at which point all the arguments just die hey before we continue because there's plenty to talk about apologies for the interruption but chat are you ready chat are you paying attention chat this is important I'm talking to you directly pay attention are you ready Yankee Romeo Victor 3 Romeo Mike Mike Yankee Charlie three whiskey Juliet Mike Quebec Delta Romeo kilo Yankee foxtrot 2 Yankee Yankee Hotel Charlie Zulu sorry just wanted to give that out I was going to be such an [ __ ] and then start going seven five I'm just trying to screwed up with that code you were giving out yeah play fair play um but it's a good point to pause and and I don't know uh we've got a super chat for him Gary Barwick yes there's a super chef from Gary Barwick with Apk done what companies are now guzzying themselves up and saying hey Microsoft how you doing well yeah you all know my feelings I do but here's here's the rub right okay they have successfully close but successfully we understand you know UK is the thing we'll get to this in a second but it's nearly done the biggest publisher right they brought the biggest publisher out there so do you really see them going for you know I think you can say quite happily take two they're not gonna go for take two one's of those size are out right they're out yes it's small stuff now I still think they could go for one of the smaller ones without too much of a an eyebrow and they could go for a Japanese one now with no like again given the wider context given the wider context of everything that came out with ft with the APK and everything that was uh everything that was revealed with ABK everything that's been thrown at them with ABK and what the resistance they received with ABK should now make a smallish Japanese publisher acquisition uh fader complete like because if they're going for a Japanese publisher what are you gonna come at them about to fight against it um like like I'm trying to think of the argument like Siegen now Sega would be like a 5 billion give or take acquisition so it's already barely big enough to register on any Regulators radar like even Bethesda it's seven billion or 8 billion didn't really register on a Regulators radar Sega would be even less than Bethesda and none of them have a card so that also it's huge and none of them have a unicorn and and see go and is a Japanese company it's already been established that Microsoft has no presence in Japan and it's they Regulators were coming after Sony in this about their Japanese dominance and what they do to Microsoft in Japan yeah so you'd think a Japanese publisher would be like sweet tick not a problem bring me Sega please now that this bullshit's basically over can you please bring me what I actually give a rat's ass about which is Sega bring back Fighters Mega I don't know I just I don't know if capcom's on the table anymore I don't reckon they are I reckon there's more chance of square than Capcom and the good thing so well the good thing after um the good thing after this for you Nick is you might not care about ABK but ABK will pay if they were to have a Sega or someone else to be able to be more experimental and get more smaller stuff out because they've got Call of Duty and all them paying and making money constantly so yeah that is the benefit for you but I just look the only reason I think they're looking they'd look more at Square than Capcom is look at the pattern so Sony started going after Bethesda stuff it inspired Microsoft to buy Bethesda Sony sits there constantly trying to money hit Cod stuff they buy APK and what else does Sony go for square stuff and Capcom does not have much mobile unlike Square who do square has a very full-on mobile Division and a relatively successful one so I I would say Square would be more on their radar than Capcom would Capcom has basically nothing in Mobile are huge parts of it but what I'm saying is they seem to have a decent relationship with Capcom EXO prime or Game Pass Day One path of the Goddess Game Pass day one you want the full name yes sorry Street Fighter 6 uh on Xbox so the the relationship's not damaged with Capcom and I don't think capcom's that interested in yeah it's just the marketing [ __ ] that Sony pulls with Capcom that's annoying yeah and and Capcom doesn't have a mobile presence Sega has mobile square has mobile Sega has a ton of PC uh so to me of the Japanese Publishers my guess would be 100 Sega would be number one but I reckon Square would be on their radar now and some of the Korean Wars too yeah if you thought Sony was resisting that BK can you imagine how much they're going to resist square that would be Nintendo would resist that one too because Nintendo works with them a lot yes but I I understand that Nintendo would resist square but I think or they'd work with Microsoft to keep it up top hello whoa what the [ __ ] uh I'm the producer nope I got it me got it what I mean yeah wow like Topsy become an executive producer of this podcast so he is the highest tier patreon and if you two want to emulate topping even a small fashion head to forward slash XBox era and show your support because uh we only get to do the stuff that we do because of crazy people like Tom Anton Raptor and everybody else like Faisal uh wow okay uh thank you thank you like jeez Jesus wow it's going a very long way towards me being able to keep working on the site so yeah it all helps I want the chat to get involved with these questions with some answers Nvidia signed a deal ubiquitous signed a deal boostroyed signed a deal ee signed a deal everyone signed it signed a 10-year tenure deal Call of Duty Cloud streaming and stuff Microsoft offered Sony a deal Tony said no I don't like that deal it's not good enough they offered it was the same years of stuff right um Sony still haven't signed the deal no now am I right in thinking that if Sony still don't sign the deal it's a licensing agreement yeah if it's a commitment to what Call of Duty will be on the platform they've already got the they've already got the publishing yeah but this is my question if Sony still refuse after it's clearly going through Jimmy boy you know I can imagine Phil like Jim I didn't think if you don't have a licensing agreement how can you legally release a game they have a Global Pump they do they have the global publishing agreement they as a so Activision Blizzard as a publisher let Sony know when they're putting games out like they've got that they don't have to get it an okay they're okay to just release their games on there as a licensed publisher yeah what that deal would be that what that deal would be is full parity on perform parody across the board wherever we can get it you get the same content we'll make it run as best we can like all those things that that's what the agreement is and we will not pull the game off for 10 years Microsoft and yeah you're right Phil Sacha everyone was like yeah it's our intent to still release Call of Duty they've also said as long as Sony lets us exactly now if Sony refused to sign the deal and if Sony gets so bitter about this they turn around and be like nah we don't we don't want your smelly Cod yeah it smells like fish that's what I'm trying to say if Sony don't sign that licensing agreement I don't see how legally they can really not on Playstation they don't have to sign the licensing deal but if they say so the way it is now there's nothing that would keep Activision Blizzard from being able to make the game constantly for PlayStation 5 because they have those Dev kits but what Xbox is talking about is if they won't give them to us we can't have a version for that platform so the Call of Duty on the next gen well they didn't give us Dev kits we literally can't put it out that would be Sony's choice that wouldn't be Microsoft saying we're not going to put it out but for now as long as Sony doesn't rip up the publishing deal with Activision then whenever Activision makes a game that they want to put on Playstation they can like xenomax can do that right now they still have their deal they still have their kits from you know they do Elder Scrolls online and all that stuff like they still are a publisher on the platform they can put games out so if PlayStation are making a pro console they would naturally want to update their developers the pro console exists if it's coming imminently one would imagine that Activision as an independent company right now may have already owned Dev kits but that would have been 18 months ago maybe not but I'm very curious because they never outright said we're releasing a PlayStation 5 Pro or whatever but they made this big hoo-ha about oh we wouldn't send them Dev kits and I'm just thinking for the next card if the PS5 Pro exists are they effectively saying that when when that Cod version comes out around that time it's not going to be updated for psf PS5 Pro if that is real because Sony refused to give them the updated SDK Dev kits whatever to allow them to build a version to that parity is that accurate I don't know like if they don't yeah so they would only be able to make a PS5 version I would also assume that once this deal goes through there'll be a lot of APK Studios that are probably sending Dev kits back so that happens the ones did yeah I know a lot of Bethesda Studio sent their kids back wow said everything everything Xbox but I don't need them anymore super chats if you want to get to them quickly you can go to start in our little privates right here they're right there oh look at that on the RDX podcast the suggestion was that the acquisition that was canceled in favor of ABK Square it's the suggestion that the sale of the western division to embrace her was a direct result yeah maybe Maybe say Square we're in negotiations with Microsoft IDK became an opportunity no I don't think so yeah take the RDX yeah I think the RDX podcasts are correct about that no no I'm just saying not from what I've heard okay I mean another one not from from well Ellers uh uh will ours thanks for the show fellas no worries welcome I understand we're not quite as professional as we normally look I am currently in the process of trying to sort a couple of things out to make even this version of the podcast look as close to our normal one as possible should we need to go stream yard again um this one's fine I think on the whole yeah but I want to get an animated version of this background yeah it's tough you only get three megabytes it's ridiculous I know it just it makes such a difference I reckon just having that animated background makes sense you can have 20 megabytes for a still image but only three for a gift I'm like why why not give us at least five at least five if you could do the 20 I literally could make one that looks really good and moves like yeah yeah yeah man you could even next yeah oh but yeah anyway [Music] um yeah I mean I don't know if there was so much I just wonder I don't know if there was so much an acquisition canceled or any position put on hold yeah like you gotta you have to imagine given given the resistance given all the crap that's been going on with everything my assumption would be that because remember Microsoft would have merger and acquisition staff and they'd probably be teams of stuff it wouldn't just be like one small group of four people organizing all this it's Microsoft we're talking about so they probably have teams that okay this team is going for Sega this team is going for Paradox this team is talking to uh who else was in that list that we saw Square uh ioi yeah yeah you know this team is looking after these Studios so they'd have teams yeah so I don't know if an acquisition would be canceled per se but what would be happening is Microsoft would be taking all the teams and going guys we've got to get ABK through so everyone all hands on deck we're all on ABK once ABK is closed those teams then go back to where they were like they'd be I'm guessing there'd be understandings there'd be maybe handshake agreements where it's like okay we've got to deal with Apk guys we'll be right back again this is just me speculating here yeah um I fully expect those like certain Affinity or or you know partner Sobo to be looked at again almost almost immediately you'd think you would think you know remember it's already been so dreaming yeah yeah Microsoft has that agreement with Sega for for super game or whatever it is super gay there's a partnership there that I'm sure there'd be workings on going there um so I don't know if anything would have been canceled the only thing that I reckon had were 100 was lost because of ABK was Crystal and idos yeah I reckon Crystal and idos were 100 lost due to this [ __ ] um yeah like they could have been perhaps not negotiating with square for an overall acquisition but negotiating with square and would have made a bid for that Western asset but couldn't because of ABK yeah that that's a little thing that I think was lost with this do I still hope that embracer is happy to flip Crystal Tomb Raider Microsoft they need to I still hope they're willing to flip and go well okay we paid 300 mil and took on all their debt Microsoft if you want Crystal idos and Tomb Raider for a bill I mean tomb Raider's a great get as an IP that's that's yeah it is seemingly like Amazon they're publishing the next yeah of course there they are they are yeah but that'll be multiplied that's fine but if they then buy the IP they can look at that contract and say okay well how long is it licensing for one game Cool let's get that game out and then it's back with us all cool yeah get that game out but we'll change the contracts we'll pay a little bit money we'll have it on Game Pass as well thanks you know some some they'll they'll they'll work yeah the other worlds thing where they they just get it on Game Pass yeah yeah so I would still hope that again that's just me hoping and coping in the hopes that they can still find a way to get Crystal and idos um got another Super Chat from Jordan and doe um acquisition wise I think ioi is a pretty good bet I would think remedy has to be under serious consideration as well yeah I don't I don't know remedy wanting to be under Microsoft no they they are not fans it seems they love him the loving the PlayStation attention assuredly so yeah I I don't see remedy again I could be wrong but I just I don't see remedy wanting to be under Microsoft yeah oh my God this camera just leave it alone um stop stop touching it it'll fall off I noticed it was slowly slowly leaning back again yeah um but anyway right so look hey uh the the situation now FTC lost FTC appealed FCC uh apparel is still there stay judge denied it they asked the appeals court for a temporary State the appeals court denied it the appeal will still be heard but it's it won't matter so the appeal for the pi won't matter because they'll have already closed and there's nothing to get a pi on yes exactly so it's effectively done and dusted um they last three days in a row in court they lost one day to Microsoft one day to someone else and then the net the third data to Microsoft again yeah so yeah now now this is where all eyes turn to the UK so there was a lot of uh skull butt and discussion that Microsoft would close over the UK that is unlikely here's my take and I'm very curious if my colleagues agree with me it's very clear that the discussions have been picked back up again following this decision perhaps um from Judge Cawley I think we had the CMA mid-trial mid-trial say to the cat which is the competitions build tribunal uh hey uh we're not going to have enough staff and time and stuff to to do the uh do the case like this soon like in in in Late July can we can we delay till October and the cat were like unanimous get the [ __ ] out of here you've had a year and a half you're going to be in court what are you what are you even doing and they turned that decision around in a night right unanimously slapped back then wasn't that even angrier with like how come you haven't been talking to them yes why haven't you why have you taken so long why and why are you not trying to find remedies for this why are you just trying to block it outright and now now following the decision the Microsoft team and the CMA announced a joint proposal to the cat to pause litigation hang on yeah we're we're talking now we're talking there's no point appearing we're going to figure something out then the CMA poured cold water on it oh they're going to restructure the deal we're gonna have to reinvestigate it all from scratch that that is a formal that is just how it works proceeds really I know I know so that was the drama and then we now have a a cat lead a joint uh Committee hearing meeting between Microsoft CMA and the cat and it's scheduled for Monday so they can close in the US and 40 other countries across the world apart from the UK as of now but they're going to be meeting on Monday now frustratingly for me I'm actually in London on Monday um like I'm going to be in a meeting with a a large company in London until like half past three four o'clock in the afternoon so I'm not gonna be able to look at my phone keep up to date with this I'm going to walk out and see what the college is but do we think and this is the rumor Financial Times and a few other places have reported that Microsoft have offered to make a small divestitut and that divestiture apparently is the UK only cloud gaming rights so instead of Microsoft giving a license to stream the game they are selling the rights to sell a license to another provider now my take would be ee because they're the largest UK network provider incredible fast speeds and they already have an existing relationship with Microsoft do I really think that that's going to make a blind [ __ ] bit of difference to the overall state of play it's probably going to cost the UK consumers more money good job CMA um and it might mean that we don't have everything in xcloud that we normally would but otherwise sounds pretty reasonable what do you reckon what do you reckons happening do you think that's a reasonable divestiture to make do you think it makes a bloody bit of difference I don't from from whose perspective the CMAs so right now without the investiture the the Microsoft could decide who to allow licenses to to stream the games but what blows my mind here is the European commission has already negotiated it in one global rights automatic 10-year deals for any cloud provider to be able to stream games owned by players so if I buy Call of Duty on PC I own it I consume it from Nvidia if I choose to purchase an Nvidia subscription now what they're saying is Microsoft are going to sell the rights to sell the licenses to stream the games so they don't have any say right so does this mean Microsoft would have to pay the provider to be able to stream their own games on xcloud and that's somehow better for competition how I I don't get it it doesn't make any sense to me and this is why would Microsoft want to do that well to get the whole deal done yeah but my point is what what what's the pro-competitive effect that the CMA would sign off on that as a as a bonus chat if you have any idea let me know I have no [ __ ] idea what difference this makes in the competitive landscape that would allow this deal to go through if that's and that's a rumor we don't know if that's true but that's what the scuttlebutt is it just it's just a bizarre like what [ __ ] difference perspective what does that achieve it means Microsoft can't pick the winners someone else does [Laughter] lets them say they got they gotta win imagine if Sony bought the rights to stream class streaming Activision games that'd be a turnaround for the books wouldn't it weird I don't get it and also like those licenses are going to be free that was the whole point you can't charge exactly they're just free it's just it's just to get a PR win it's to say surely yeah surely at least initially they close everywhere else except the UK and continue to work it out with the UK well that's interesting there's a poll up in the chat will Microsoft close APK this week lots and lots of conversation has been had on can they close over the UK I have no like they probably don't want to because of the effect it would have on their reputational uh side of things from a regulatory point of view like to just say [ __ ] you CMA if they have agreed a path forward with the CMA but procedure has to play out and paperwork has to be done and they have agreed with the CMA and the cat that they are going to close whilst this paperwork is done and then the UK will follow then they're playing ball but to just because they close arbitrarily over them is is not going to happen I don't think yeah because the the way it would happen is okay we will close fully agreeing to what you want but they still have the right to try and fight that later so they can close they accept debate the structural remedy but then they can still do their appeal to the cat to try and get rid of that and if they lose then the so you may gets exactly what they want anyways so yeah and I know a lot of people were saying oh but Microsoft has got to pay three billion if uh if they don't close by Tuesday the 18th look they're not gonna have done all this work and Activision are like well if if you can't do it we're going to walk away and just take our three billion their shareholders stand to make a lot of more individually just on the sale if they've beaten the biggest dragon and the other dragon that was holding up the deal is coming back to the table they're probably willing to sign up they can say yeah if they can say we need one month and we can get this done it's very different than what we just need more time to keep trying to fight it if you can just say yeah it's done we just need this time for the regulatory hurdles but why not just close everywhere else I don't know I don't know the legal answer to that but I just close everywhere else and then sorted out with the UK is unique because it's kind of what we're talking about with the Sorting it out where if they close accepting the remedies but then still fight the remedies that is essentially just figuring it out later yeah I know but what I'm saying is in terms of the deal the deal did because we don't know what Activision how Activision feels about the deadline right we don't know yet how activities no I know but that's what I'm saying so what if so what if closing everywhere else saves them the renegotiating the three billion payout whatever whatever what if closing in the other 40 countries saves them all that [ __ ] they can operate as normal everywhere else and sort it out with the UK don't know I don't know how so for now I don't know how that would work I think the UK's and the world's regulatory authorities and governments would see that as Microsoft unless they've got permission from the CMA to close everywhere else that's the key thing you're missing there they have permission to close everywhere else whilst the UK why does the CMA talk for the rest of the world mate I agree I don't think they should but I still don't believe they do I still don't understand where this idea that they talk for the rest of the world they put it in their own agreement that they would assure regulatory agreements from and they called out the UK as a as a key component of the deal so they've already given the power for the UK to veto the deal I think the UK's order to no you can't invest in each other for 10 years worldwide is a bit like uh you can't tell an American company what to do with another American company buddy I think that's an overstep but they still agreed to put the UK on that list right so there's two different elements there but they can't just close over them the impact to their reputation would be catastrophic and this is a company that does not want regulatory oversight to come in and go you're too big now we're gonna we're all gonna group together and break you up like that's a bad move for Microsoft that's what you've got to think big picture about this stuff yeah it's all really nice to go [ __ ] you CMA what do you know but that's not how it's gonna actually play out in reality um but yeah I would love to see it happen though don't get me wrong the entertainment Factor would be through the roof yeah we've closed over the CMA we're they're wrong and just we're pulling out of the UK we're going to set everything up in Ireland screw everybody I mean glorious glorious to watch but I would doubt very much that that would happen um but yeah that's the state of play of things now for audio listeners next camera is uh threatening to fall down and I was doing something else I was adjusting my 360 Live vision camera which is also up here it's kind of in the frame now just a corner of it oh it is too yeah look at that it is too I just noticed that look hey memories okay and chat this is the thing the three million is Breakup fees uh three billion it's not it's not like Microsoft have to pay it if they've made an agreement with Activision that hey actually it's going to be two more weeks no worries Activision stand to make more money if the deal goes through then just getting three billion in breakup fees the breakup fees is there as an insurance policy that after 18 months of hell if nothing happens they still get a little Summit you know so it's not like it's immediately paid out on the 18th as soon as it ticks into the 19th that's not quite how this works to my understanding um but yeah it's been a hell of a couple of weeks right but nutshell this is very likely looking to close at least right now we'll certainly no more on Monday but yeah when do you think the uh Xbox Activision Round Table is going to be with all of the CEOs and oh yeah these 50 games are now on Game Pass for you to enjoy for free you know go have fun with your subscription did you see how the the servers got updated on all the old Cod games yes and they're all working others got updated and fixed and stuff on all the old Cod games apparently there's still a bunch of hackers in there oh yeah no they just actually work to get you in the game but then you you it's still a wild west yeah but is it is it so bad that your Xbox can still get destroyed by it hopefully you can still probably get banned from it yeah okay hopefully that is looked at um but yeah there you go I I think I mean I own all the old cods digitally anyway I own a lot of them but not loads the old ones like I've got Modern Warfare Modern Warfare 2 Modern Warfare 3 Black Ops Black Ops 2. like I've got a bunch of those 360 ones I felt already called train from like World of War uh I I think I had Modern Warfare the Cod 4 and cod four two Modern Warfare 3 is ridiculously and that was the last one I bought yeah I that was the last one I had bought for a long long time Modern Warfare 3 very underrated Call of Duty game and then I got a free code for Advanced Warfare which was an unbelievable campaign such a good campaign Advanced Warfare if you have not played Advanced Warfare I know Kevin Spacey's in it and eventually get to kill him so it's worth it you do get to kill him um if you have not played Advanced Warfare it is in my top three Cod campaigns to this day incredible campaign um but it's funny Advanced Warfare is like amazing campaign worst multiplayer in the city and it was really fun to play multiplayer but it was the worst spawning ever it was not just the worst spawning the maps weren't built for that traversal they weren't designed for that traversal they were just designed for normal Cod gameplay forgetting that they put Titanfall like traversal in there and it's just they weren't designed for it so you spawn and someone just jumps over you and goes bang you're dead yeah what do you mean look what's happening right now it is just the worst uh three hours by the way three hour no yes yes yes um but yes Advanced Warfare if you haven't played a planet then I bought what was that other War One World War II I bought World War II um that was okay and then generic then the modern warfares 2019 man Modern Warfare 2019. it's a good game but yeah yeah Modern Warfare 2 was good but Modern Warfare 2019 man that like that house level that clear Clearing House level where you just up the stairs just yes oh I could just play a whole CoD game in levels like that just there is a I can't remember what it's called on PC uh a friend of mine was playing it when we were Landing um it's on Steam but it is a super super realistic changes every time go in secure the building you know there's night versions of it there's daytime hostage clearing and it is like you've got to know how many bullets are in your clip if you kill a civilian you [ __ ] if you break the glass they'll hear you all that kind of thing they'll be traps randomly set um it's a lot but it's much more serious I cannot remember what it's called for the life of me might be ready or not yeah I think it is travesty thank you ready or not is the one um yeah looks cool looks very very here's a good poll question here's a good poll question so it's it's looking like it's gonna close now home stretch um how long before Diablo Comes The Game Pass I think it'll be in the first batch that hit let's try Diablo 4. if if it closes if it closes before the end of July it will be in Diablo 4 will be in game pass by the end of August that's what I reckon I reckon I'll get it on the game pass quick smart yeah quick smart all right again that'd be because I didn't buy Diablo I was waiting for it to come to the game pass so I'll just that's that's what I'm waiting for yeah but yeah yeah Fair good question um yeah that's that's about where we are so whilst we once that hole comes through I like it Jesse's put it in q3s and q4s in August um I think that's about it for the news I don't think there's too much else to cover off um yeah which I'm glad for because I'm tired so this would be a really fun uh fun name again yeah there should be a fun name again this is gonna be an interesting one to try again this one it's just gonna be a ticker not a whole scoreboard no okay all right I'm going to everyone turn your volume down this is very loud and I cannot make it not louder so five this is going to be three yeah sorry two turn your volume down [Music] why it's the name of game as if anyone's not deaf you can still hear me Mike hamroth full on just when as soon as that video played I just went down straight away wow oh God that's fine ah it's time again so uh chat you know what labor game is um we're we're playing for patrons and patrons can win a game code which is always lovely Nick you're playing four I'm playing for Slurpee Beckerman I love that name I'm playing for VAP Adventure um and Jesse as the uh quiz Master what's the uh theme of this week's name again so this was based on last week's show when we were going to talk about banjo it is 3D Platformers better than Banjo-Kazooie one and two okay so we're basically not playing name again I had so many games so they're better than Super Mario Galaxy which is a 3D platformer and you've just publicly declared that banjo one and two are better banjo banjo is much better than Mario 64. like infinitely better than Mario 64. Mario 64. so much sorry the rs64 holds up [ __ ] atrociously like Mario 64. you try and play that now that game's horrific it's bad it's been all right like I get why it was beloved back then but man we'll see okay get into this quick so John doesn't fall asleep that's true number one okay it is the music oh yeah you're right hold on do you know someone's missing all right number one and you guys can just see it it just pops up for you now I have to type it out oh does it crazy nothing's too crazy hyphing nothings too is this a compound word so it's one word yes that's why there's a hyphen crazy it's one word two but you've done it as a yeah it's a one word and then the number two one compound word the number two crazy nothing and it's a 3D platformer yep pretty platformer used Loosely this week crazy nothing too I don't want to transgender that's my chat broke wow crazy nothings crazy there we go Kevin got it crazy nothings sequel that took god well over a decade oh there we go it's like a mechanical uh uh yes psycho knots too correct oh that's really good naught zero psycho North we get this another 50 pounds from Top Community there's steroids at the moment why is he doing that because you can pledge because well I sent him a thank you because you know these the um the patreon stuff the YouTube stuff like that is the reason why I was able to put so much money down to try and still have internet so it's been like 70 bucks for this like this was 70 bucks to update to um unlimited to be able to do this on my phone and then 750 bucks for the hotspot so yeah I'll update the score Banner yeah no you have to I'm I know I have to hide you have to create another one no you gotta hide it hide it and edit it don't worry I know it sucks I hate it but it's the only thing yeah but thank you very much top Legend I not get Psychonauts oh man I I only got it because of the clue because obviously they did the documentary right and the fig campaign for it and all that stuff damn that was such a really good clue as well like sorry crazy nothing psycho no crazy nothing so I don't know next one is four words all distinct they are spurt Place transmit hereafter What Spirit what oh yes but yeah for a second there I'm like spurt I'm like yes but okay as soon as I said the word out loud birthplace transmit hereafter this is a very literal translation of these words I like that I can look at the feed now like there and just look at the stream yard feet that's good yeah spurt Place Spirits in place transmit Hereafter in the whole 3D platformer thing don't think A Game's ever just like banjo and Mario it's it's third person perspective a lot of jumping that type of stuff like but games that aren't super combat focused you know oh no I did not put the name of the game on one of these and now I don't remember what it is oh it's not this one it's another one so I guess we're all getting it oh no you so I said this one you know this one I know it's in one later on I'm looking at it's like oh [ __ ] I copied the name from the one above it split place transmit hereafter man I I do not know no no hold on is it is it really popular it's a cold classic yeah I was about to say in my head I the the game I had immediately in my head was a cult classic spurt spurt hey Britt's on the right track but I can't remember this one God I'm gonna have to leave it for last and see if someone can guess it and I'll be like yeah at the very end I don't know spurt two people in China it's very late I might have to start up the timer oh no wait no one lives forever that's not a no that would be a first person shooter yeah that's a shooter isn't it because in my head I'm like here after forever no one lives forever can we have a if you can figure out hereafter is this this game has been on a couple of consoles say limits been on a console that then had essentially a spiritual successor from a different company [Music] Nick Jet Set Radio Future correct that's a pretty good the clue yeah yeah that's a solid clue yep nice yeah yeah squirt Place jet set yeah nice nice all right tied at one let me get that Banner back up the next one is all that's a spiritual successor to the Dream Castle I'm like okay so that's Jet Set I didn't say drink that's doing now wait to say Jet Set Radio I'm like wait Hereafter yeah future all right next one is wreck two rind hits behind oh oh uh Ryan's gonna be really hard to get Ryan is not gonna make money oh I know what this is yep uh [ __ ] what was the villain's name [ __ ] Ryan is not a good hint at his name it's a very specific thing reason for it though I've got every other word I've got the third game so I can't I can't grab my PlayStation this can check the name I've got the third game she's lab coat man oh she's driving me nuts I know it I know it I just need that name I know it as well I know it as well you want me to give you a first name because it's not the part that's in the title yeah I know star of The Matrix character not the actor Neo Jesus Christ is not that hard I'm just trying not say out loud Nick's looking really dumb I know what the game is I've got the third game right here but if this isn't the third game it's the second game John crash two yeah cortex Stripes yeah so cortex is like rind is it's I know there's no easy way to say cortex but it's like the Rind of the brain there there's I looked it up I promise you it's true isn't cortex an eye thing no cortex is a brain thing yeah brain thing oh like what am I thinking of with the eye correct cornea cornea uh maybe oh I doubled it up okay I do know what this one is I just wrote the same one twice for some reason because I've got crash three and I was like oh wait if I got crash two as well and I was gonna go grab it and look at the name I knew it was crash all right next one with John up two to one going for the win is defeats substandard coat morning foreign defeats feet calling this one a platformer probably doesn't work right but I've never actually played it so it's a more shooter from what I remember but it's a genre bending game this is a game where as soon as I hear the name I'm gonna be like holy [ __ ] how did I not get that isn't it it's a Instinct I get that this is going to be one of those games where I should know it and when I find out what it is I'm going to be annoyed with myself I'm doing a thing with the first I'm trying to get defeats as soon as I get defeat I reckon the first word is not a direct synonym but it's more the the feeling of what that word sounds like but uh Bledsoe got it yeah he got it Brit morning I thought it was a pretty clever one substandard below average coat I get five more I'm trying to focus on Coach I'm trying to think of a game that's got a thing for coat in it coach jacket coaches jacket don't go direct translation on coat yep or like coat like an animal's coat I hate this game [Laughter] all right I'm gonna start up the 10 second timer what's up substandard substandard substandard Paul 10 second timer started seven six [Music] three two I'm out I don't know conquer is bad for a day oh my God to be defeated is to be conquered uh yes yeah okay [ __ ] I was so close with coat as well yeah one jacket if I just said fur I would if I'd have realized all right the next one's one of the dumbest I've ever done okay for another tie for Nick or the win for John it is fantastic mother hyphen Brazilian hyphen cities Safari hold on hold on how many words to the game three mother Brazilian cities Safari oh oh [ __ ] it's really basic mother Brazilian City I know um oh my God the third word the third word the third word Nick I can't believe I almost didn't [ __ ] get this it's Super Mario Odyssey let's not get this I'm like Safari Safari obviously they're going Super Mario Adventure I'm like there's no Super Mario Adventure what am I mother more Brazilian Rio Rio Brazilian Syria yeah I knew it was Super Mario and I'm like Safari I'm like wait wait I'm like super Mario Adventure Super Mario like I'm like yes wow man I would have been so annoyed with myself if I did get that one that's why I was like John please get it it would be so funny I would have been so annoyed with myself if I didn't get that one I'm thinking Safari Safari that was the word that was getting me all right the next one for the win for either of you as you are the boss effect I know I gotta fix the ticker as well it's a whole bunch boop boop boop Boop that is excellent fortunate's Quest Super Lucky Style correct cool that was so fast that was so fast that might be the fastest one we've ever done that was borderline instant just bang super like his tail I thought John had a chance oh 3D player primate SQ [ __ ] primate primate askew what's that game sick ape Escape he beat me to an ape Escape damn it homicida John I know all right got one more that's a bit obscure I was in another screen otherwise I'll look at that one faster ultimate hyphen top two words ultimate or uniform ultimate or uniform yeah uniform hyphen top demon okay so is uniform top one word one word yeah uniform top demon clear the buzzer I did oh I'd say both Buzz I did press it it didn't do anything oh this is not a big game it's uniform uniform top demon do you know if anyone in chat would get this uniform top shirt devil [Laughter] Polo devil I'm getting Discord messages who's messaging me ah so this is a place in it so the first word is also used as the name of a place in America that was named after a place in the UK a very famous place in the America if you like The Sopranos I don't even watch the surprise is it Jersey Devil correct what game is that Jersey Devil it is a video game never even heard of it no idea games can't all get it wow all right and I got one more and it is guitar and mouth hyphen instrument crazy and fasteners far better than Banjo-Kazooie one and two infinitely better clear deposit clear the buzzer he has he has Banjo Kazooie nuts and vaults correct because when you said better better than Banjo-Kazooie I'm like isn't that Banjo-Kazooie guitar and mouth instrument you were basically telling me it wasn't Banjo-Kazooie when it was Banjo-Kazooie yeah it's a much better game than one and two yeah but still I would have said Banjo-Kazooie but then you're like it's not Banjo-Kazooie I'm like oh wait no better than one and two I didn't say three it's not even a technicality it's just you being dumb all right well that's uh name again on that note uh that was the name of game uh congratulations Slurpee Beckerman Slurpee Beckerman please reach out to Jesse on the Xbox hero forums uh all the D exports here are Discord yeah if you're on the discord.g forward slash XBox uh the Discord over 500 members now 600 I think nearly isn't it over it's going pretty crazy no there's no there's no Xbox Illuminati in there but still put me back in that Channel right now Nick I'm gonna keep bringing it up immunity questions yep the first first first we need to thank our patrons John that's what all right all right sorry I was reading Kevin Baldwin in the chat saying me me me and I was like are you Slurpee Beckerman in my head I was I was getting confused but hey there you go um if you are Slurpee reach out to Jesse yes you're right Nick uh Community questions is a long-standing and uh a traditional perk offered to all of our patreon members who get access to the super secret uh patreon Lounge in the Discord along with our YouTube members as well as the patreon lounge on the Xbox here forums where every week a community questions thread goes up and they get to Annoy Us with over long paragraphs of ridiculous word count uh if you want to be a patreon and do that uh you can join forward slash XBox era for the privilege um go for it it's cool merch t-shirts call this this month as well tiny squishy tiny squishy is the t-shirt for this quarter tiny I want one of those yeah and I wish I could subscribe to me I still need to get a what's going on one oh yeah yeah that's been this donkey that's still on the store um it's also worth mentioning uh Xbox zero has a store now for digital codes and running all the way through to the end of July you can get five percent off so head to and use code all caps Xbox zero for five percent off lucky you anyway Community questions quite a few Okay computer questions that's not dilly dally it's uh it's a half time hi them G not much of a question but a statement and a sigh of relief an excitement yes my third favorite game OverWatch is saved and finally it's over thanks to judge Corley for having a son working for MS which is a non-gaming division and now those studios in the ebk can help MS with new phenomenal exclusives and such and Nick if Sega is next then I hope they do buy it since that's what you wanted but whoa yeah bring it on sucker this is my kind of [ __ ] PS let's say if a republican defeats Biden in 2024 whether it's DeSantis or Trump do you gents think they will pick a person who will lead FCC that isn't Lena Khan who's okay is the acquisition and meters your chance to take I don't know what that last sentence means uh it's American politics of which I will not comment on or get yeah I don't understand yeah no he'd get an incredibly if it was a Republican president it would be an unbelievably Pro business person capitalism Pro yeah yeah like yeah if if the Republicans would probably put someone in charge of the FTC that just lets Microsoft buy everything I wonder if I could probably it's Microsoft buy everyone I'm showing the questions so people can read them genius oh I could have done that because I'm the one scrolling through them that's fine I'll scroll okay next Jesse brother uh hello gentlemen not that I normally do this but based on the issues I've dealt with this year with my health I'm actually quite happy to let everyone know that tomorrow is my birthday this was a week ago though July 9th 46 years old and just happy to still be here okay that's all I got carry on my wayward son oh no DMC is Jessie brother that's a good song Give me 45. I have to I have to put it out there 46. wow he's even older than me uh okay God there's a lot of questions here okay yeah it's good old Collingwood yes good old Collingwood uh see the new Bluey episodes came out uh all right the last one I saw was cricket no there's new episodes uh okay good old Collingwood and very good old Collingwood as good old Collingwood would know because we are now outright top of the ladder one game and percentage clear of our next rival who we play next Saturday night to lock ourselves into top spot good weekend John Nick and Jesse and welcome back Thomas who is now no longer here given the events of the last couple of days I decided to shake up my question this week now that it's all but concluded if you made a game of the Microsoft ABK acquisition what kind of game would it be would it be a point-and-click adventure like Monkey Island a Diablo esque Dungeon Crawler a first person shooter like to do more Halo or a Sony specialty third person over the shoulder said Dead Walking simulator good all calling it's Telltale Telltale Game yeah that would work I'd go for a nice attorney Klein objection like so some form of visual novel like the um yeah a Telltale yeah you can still have a court case in a in a Telltale Game yeah I'd get one of those and then you pick options saying option one you're full of [ __ ] option two well I'm not sure I can agree option three why the [ __ ] you protecting the market leader and then all the options go from there that's what I would do uh uh did you guys say what you do yeah I was I was visual novel and he was a saturnia yeah yeah base attorney yeah yeah okay uh Omen hi all so we all know how games like breath of the wild was so revolutionary to the games industry that many games took some of the mechanics from breath of the wild and put it in other games like climbing I'd like to think climbing was in games before the the weird the unbelievably annoying low stamina climbing which was uh on the Showcase uh there's a demo on Steam so good that's how you do a climbing mechanic with stamina that's how you do it really really good like not everything in decent shape but you don't constantly fall down yeah yeah you can you can to relax your hand and get your stamina back you kind of secure yourself for color okay and then you carry on climbing it's it's like really so you've got all your stuff keeping you up so you can just take a little breather while you're climbing most of the time it's really nice oh okay that's good it's really good it's great it was really good but the question is uh the same could be said about games mimicking Dark Souls Elden ring the question is this do you think that there will be any mechanics in Star field that will be so cool that other developers will try to imitate no they're more just their scope and their systems like being so dense and that's a really hard thing to match like you can't just say okay well we'll throw 800 people at this thing to make it as unbelievably simulation heavy as Bethesda game studios do like they are in a very very specific spot of how they make things where they they don't have a hook they just have 10 000 small hooks that all work so well in concert that it ends up becoming this big ass one hook you can't avoid you can't copy yeah I agree I don't think there's going to be anything you know I think their scanning is pretty unique I'm joking it was in novan's Sky first I've seen articles on that as well oh it looks the same okay similarities John if what if what Gary is saying in chat right now is real we should be very mad but I also think it might just be a Discord thing oh yeah is he is he indeed I would be very mad I mean really interesting wow there you go so you can you can fake your Discord and what you're playing but um you can't pick your Xbox and what you're playing don't fight your Xbox no you can check that well no if you're playing a game that isn't allowed to be seen to be played it won't show up oh yeah uh all right uh anorexic now we already got the first part of anorexic question with when Thomas Was Here Yeah second part and now the proposal Twitter is a great place for creatives to Showcase their work like Thomas has but there's been a lack of evolution in that platform with Twitter showing its cracks I've checked out every other platform but they all seem to be cookie cutter copycats so I propose the next venture for the Xbox zero media Empire excite era the social media platform that combines the best of only fans oh now I'm interested uh Discord twitch chat with full native integration of all major platforms from YouTube to Spotify so the creatives can easily share their workers embedded elements a place where profile pages are an information Rich showcase features for creatives that extend World Entertainment Sports and news media excite era represents the future of social media are you excited you know you know anorexic you know what it sounds like you're describing that that sounds very windows phone-esque to me very Windows phone-esque best operating system for a phone number and the way Windows Phone handled contacts were integrated Skype and integrated on Twitter and integrated Facebook and oh man that's exactly how Windows phone was as long as you link them all to the contact it Blended all of it in and that's very Windows Phone wow he's faces on top of putting over 200. plus that's a lot that's a lot of cash thanks guys incredible work I mean I won't I won't see a scent of it but thanks anyway um yeah that's that's very Windows Phone what anorexic is describing there and I reckon it could work as a social media platform I reckon that could work so you create an account on excite error link your Spotify link your Twitter link your YouTube link your Discord link all of it and this just creates one big feed of it it's a bad idea I'll get to work and you release it on Windows phone to give it some Weaponry against IOS and Android right people keep uh donating and then hopefully it takes off like a day one and four giraffe I sent some shade send some sort of Shame no sadness because they're both so good I'm still I updated my EXO primal thing right into day one right away I'm sorry ah to celebrate that Nick isn't getting any of it here's another [Laughter] oh man thank you basil good question thanks can I at least get him can I at least get a boom for this yes just just just let me know you I know you when we said get a green screen oh I need 300 for a [ __ ] green screen I wanted a good green screen I ended up with the sheet I grabbed the sheet one that would have worked perfect I want to get good stuff I know I agree need more cowbell bam need more cowboy yeah I had to chewing gum in my mouth but you know it's fine you just pick holes it's fine very cool lead boy cowboy Oh Hey look it's me uh uh okay [Music] Abe hello I hope you're doing well this week my question is about the Xbox zero podcast is it it's very relevant how do you guys find the time to organize and put together a show how do you find the topics for each week I imagine your schedules are quite full with day-to-day tasks yet you managed to squeeze in the podcast every week all in all I appreciate everything you guys do to put together the show and I enjoy listening every week keep up the great work thanks mate thanks yeah it's hard it's it's it's hard for different reasons for each of us I think I think for Nick he's going to get up very early on on a weekend you know the the Lord's day so to speak and and yeah you know ignore his kids and family for three four hours when everyone's up and doing everything so he's gotta annoy his wife by dumping the kids on her completely uh yeah I'm just gonna go talk videos for four hours right it also means you're not going to be crazy on a Saturday night that's right like my Saturday nights are quite limited I can't just go out and stay out late on a Saturday night because I've got to be up early for this and Jesse is probably the easiest in the it's it's in the early evening-ish people it's literally 6 p.m and it goes until about 10 p.m at around 4pm so yeah yeah for me it's not it's not the worst but I can't go out and watch a movie or anything like that because they'll go past 11 p.m and I've got to be back here and obviously well you could still go to a movie at like seven mate hi modern movie two and a half hours long you get there at seven it starts at half seven because of all the ads it's half eight half nine ten okay yeah I know I'm just saying like have your dinner at five catch your movie at six and you're back I had every sympathy for your situation I'm just saying for all of us there are different perks Mother's Day is always on a Sunday morning Father's Day is always on a Sunday morning like I'm not there for anyone I think I think I win like my kids they don't care that I go to bed at 3am on a Saturday I don't give a [ __ ] they're up at six and they want me to be up too and that's that's a hard life for me when I try and organize guests all the guests are American or British which means I'm trying to organize communication with these people at weird times difficult the um the actual finding of topics and stuff is literally just because we pay attention to video games so much and like this is interesting we have a Google doc now we go through and just you know have a rundown basically of the show not nothing too fancy it's it's you know because we because we're so entrenched into this community finding stuff to talk about isn't a isn't a problem how many times have you heard this will be a short week this week because there's no news and we'll still find stuff to to Rabbit about we had shorter shows when we were bi-weekly yeah when we were fortnightly shorter shows we had like an hour an hour and a half shows back then and it was every two weeks now we're weekly and we go for four hours and it's it's shooting this [ __ ] with friends so just it's fun it makes the cool part about it is it's kind of like just sitting down like almost like you're at a pub you just happened to be put on a show but we've got the community in the chat everyone hanging out it's it's always fun it's always a good time yeah I don't know about you guys there are times particularly if I've had a really long Work Week where I'm like by 11 I'm like I I have to really fire myself up to get in the mood so to speak and some days I'm like but yeah I'm the same on a Saturday night or a Saturday nights where I'm just looking forward to hitting bed and think oh yes I'm not working tomorrow I could just sleep in on a Sunday morning nope that's not an option like when we had to have last week off I'm not gonna lie man this is pretty nice absolutely absolutely brilliant oh like this is the sleeping is sleeping in on a Sunday morning thing is all right this next one's real life yeah I know this really is okay next okay yeah sure next time I'll do the next one hello John dick and Jesse hope you're all well having a swell time wherever you dwell since you guys seem to have seem to be having a lot of clout with the devs I wouldn't go that far I thought I'd try my luck and Pitch this amazing idea for a game and yes there is a market for this trust me bro now that I have your attention hopefully here we go you are a dashing new entrant and have just taken over an ailing company what does your company sell s not people's legs legs are a pain in the ass to preserve correctly instead we sell Souls like the ones used for making flip-flops you mean thongs since the game is set in the pre-industrial era we will be shipping them in Cairns so yes you sell canned Souls cancels for short now it is your job to grow this company crush your competition and eventually take over the world this is a strategy simulation game as you might have guessed you need to make decisions on how to Source your souls composition of the souls who to sell them to exclusivity deals fight an errant government and also your competition you will need to differentiate yourself to be successful example maybe you can make eco-friendly Earth Souls called Terror and maybe you can make flip-flops thongs made of this new material called teraflops to make the game more exciting the outcome of your decisions will be decided by complete random chance dice rolls there will be a bunch of amazing smart rational intellectual people sitting in the trees who will throw birds at you with notes attached to it to let you know what you should have done after each outcome always in hindsight of course it would be too easy for the players otherwise I have no I'm just saying words now I have no idea what's going on we can have different competitors like a radio entertainment company called haystation or an Old Slow prehistoric company called rexbox that sells Windows or maybe even a toy company called 910 dough there is so much we can more we can do the post is already long so I'll just make one final pledge for this game Maybe the Boy fans and girl fans are misunderstood maybe all they truly want is to have a game they can enjoy where they can crush the company they want doing the activity they claim to be doing gaming and show off how to manage billion dollar businesses if this can keep them busy enough Twitter we are really doing a service to humanity here oh boy he wants to make a simulator console warning John's muted yeah he wants a console warring simulator to keep people off of social media I mean it's a good idea yeah you have our approval but we don't have any funding yeah sorry and I don't know who would develop it ask anorexic yes Thomas or Thomas spot yeah I was about to say Thomas Salah yeah you how do you all fingers crossed by the time this goes live the FTC appeal will have been rejected and Microsoft will be set for closure on Monday PS that Lena Khan grilling at Congress was embarrassing at what point she was told she couldn't use the title of council as her bar status was delinquent that's right I forgot about that that was funny yeah that's that was pretty funny uh what do you think does she need to actually technically have that license to do that specific role though who knows to be FTC Channel I don't think so but it's just it was just a thing to you know go at her over so yeah what do you think this deal will look like for UK Gamers post Monday while the CMA investigation is still ongoing also if it does close on Monday will you be doing any extra shows no it's my work day I can't yeah Jesse last week just keep an eye on and I'll always toss up something on stream yard if we have to uh lastly what type of first party Studios do you think Xbox still need to effectively complete the Sony and Nintendo post the APK closure I still see most people say Japanese Studios but how many do Sony actually have personally I still think those big cinematic types and pop culture games although crash Spyro would help Minecraft with this family side I still think they need to be more become a more realistic choice for younger families cough Sega I think those types of games will move the needle significantly more than any Japanese studio will in my opinion XBox doesn't necessarily need to copy either PS or Nintendo but I do feel they need to start offering more of these types of games going forward especially in order to appeal to more people and compete with the market their lineup is very FPS RPG heavy all the best you it's not that Sony doesn't have a Japanese Studio outside of uh what are they called the one that makes they've renamed the studio yeah the studio that makes it cool basically Japanese studio now they're called temasobi or something yeah it's not that they have Japanese Studios but they have a lot of Japanese exclusives and the only way for Microsoft to really combat that in an effective way is to buy a Japanese publisher Sega would be perfect because then they'd have all of atlas's stuff that have whatever else Sega does and then by having Sega and Atlas it then makes it harder for the others to skip that's why they need a Japanese publisher yeah I agree we've got four more on to the next one yeah oh there's only entire discussion to be had there even for the ABK stuff and making all of that exclusive yeah next time anyway uh hello gentlemen I hope everyone is having some champagne to celebrate let's give some props to Xbox and Microsoft for actually getting in the trenches and fighting this one out they easily could have walked away when [ __ ] got hard but it starts to finally see the entirety of Microsoft actually give a [ __ ] about games oh and the money they can make in the market do you think yikes imbara will become the head of Activision Blizzard and Rod Ferguson becomes the head of blizzard uh these are my day one moves if I'm Microsoft a round of drinks on me after I get that 95 per share baby cheers boys I suspect I suspect that once it's all official yikes will leave I don't know he seems to be happy about it on Twitter right now if he's made the boss of it if he's if he takes Bobby's spot and becomes the man under Phil running ABK then he will probably stay yeah it's it's his dream job he's always been such a huge Blizzard Man like I don't think he wants to leave it I'm just saying if he becomes the head of ABK if he becomes the new Bobby that happens to be under fill he will probably stay if he's not given that role he'll be like ciao for now see you later yeah agreed I don't know I I don't again they're running ax visible is a king as an integrated limited integrated company so I don't think there'll be calling shots like that that is up to however Activision want to run once Bobby presumably takes his golden parachute and gets the hell out of Dodge 400 plus million from this transaction good for him yeah okay what do you think abk's Presence at E3 will look like and what will they call the Xbox showcase next year provided you know [ __ ] UK let's get this done boys like seriously at this point like so if my dream comes true and they get Sega as well you wouldn't even call it anything you just do a deal and say where E3 yeah it's Xbox but there's the APK seagull where E3 well I mean an Activision I don't like Blizzard's already putting their stuff on either on Xbox shows the last couple years they've got BlizzCon coming back in November Activision does their Call of Duty stuff in like July I think it just means that whenever Activision or blizzard have anything that's not Call of Duty it's just on the E3 show and then Blizzard's got their their own big thing that's coming back now so it just means like as someone who's in this platform you might get developer directs and ID at Xboxes early in the year then you get the huge stuff at E3 you get quakecon you get Gamescom you get Tokyo game show you get BlizzCon you get the game awards like there's all these things already in place to just have non-stop hits from June on like it just never ends yeah they I just they are E3 they become big enough to just literally be E3 and be their own theme and have a dedicated week like so Sunday Xbox Monday Bethesda Tuesday Activision Wednesday blizzard Thursday Sega like they could just take a Friday idea at Xbox like they can just I think if they're smart they'll once they have the Cadence of release schedules and everything sorted out they will probably do one to two events a year and they will just make it all about constantly all about what you're playing in the next six months boom boom and they will just you know every from theoretically every year now you can have one or two of those kinds of shows from Microsoft in theory if they hit their Cadence correctly as they want it to be like God damn I will be interested like when they've got their own things do they say PlayStation if they're showing Cod at their own E3 show will they just say PlayStation like why not like you can play game one and Game Pass on Xbox on on Xbox and PC yeah let's build one PlayStation and switch like I think they're in there they're gonna be in a weird position we're not used to where it won't really matter to them like for that yeah it's our game it's our marketing but yeah you can play it here too like you can give us 70 bucks over on Playstation if you want go right ahead awesome that's gonna be interesting yeah it is going to be interesting I'm all for it I'm still somewhat hoping for an EXO at some point this year but I don't think we're going to get one somehow uh but I could be wrong but hey who really wants in-person stuff yeah um Gamescom is end of August right um that will the deal have closed by then will we be hearing from Microsoft they know that we know they're there they're having a presence on the show floor they I think Greenberg tweeted out we're working on a show for Gamescom so I'm very keen to see what that's going to be I will be there which is really really cool um if I can get some exclusive conversations and interviews and stuff I will we can have more um what if we get more and more podcasts like this where people keep donating money and then I can go too I'll be your cameraman that would be like getting Nick to Germany holy [ __ ] would that be expensive yeah and everyone needs to leave this country why would I move hello we need to we need to get like three Central Hub offices these guys are better off if anything you two are better off moving here I don't disagree but then we'd all be if anything when all the news kicks off and then we would be in real Dire Straits yeah but we could do the podcast in a room together and have a stage and everything and then all this money goes towards like a kind of funny style yeah have you seen you know the da Vinci um like the whole desks you can get with all the freaking oh my God yeah and then when Jesse pisses me off I'm in Arms Reach and I just go right out I'm six foot one I'm like [ __ ] buff um I don't go to the gym for nothing no way oh man arm wrestlers whenever you two meet in IRL um but they could they could literally even without Sega they could just space it out half hour shows and do an E3 week so an Xbox dedicated Xbox first party show for your obsidians in your uh compulsions and all that then the next day's Activision not blizzard just Activision so Call of Duty toys you know crash Spyros Tony Hawks whatever else they own I took a while for him to scale up to actually be doing stuff like that though and then blizzard has a dedicated show Diablo Starcraft OverWatch next day idea at Xbox show next day uh Global publishing and whatever they're up to with those Partners shoot like you could they could have a oh a Bethesda they could have a literal week to themselves of half hour just small half hour shows every day something something for everyone to look forward to bang bang bang bang they could they could just become an E3 on their own in the meantime they do also have a lot of very spread out stuff too this is good be cool it's gonna be a good time that's everything we didn't we almost got the four hours now we have to figure out how do I how do we end this I think I have the right idea how to do it make sure we don't pop back up after this video yeah but we say chat thanks for sticking around thanks for watching thanks for all the support thanks for the crazy super chats top Faisal yeah um insanity this evening as always we love it we love you guys we'll be back next week as per usual till then stay safe play games have fun check out for all of the latest in gaming news and that's it ciao for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: XboxEra
Views: 192,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, xbox, xbox era, bulwark, ftc, rumor mill, ABK, xbox series x, xbox game pass, xbox series s, game pass
Id: wS6AArH66xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 57sec (14157 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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