Episode 25 | Fallout: ZERO | LIVE TTRPG

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] you know [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey everybody welcome back to Fallout Zero thanks for joining us um we got the whole crew again here this is super awesome really excited um so we are going to be making new characters today uh because um you're all dead just kidding we're not gonna be doing that um but uh we are we kind of had a lot to set up today so sorry we were a little late um but I have spent the last two weeks currently writing a V2 of version two basically of of the Fallout system it's not done yet I have a lot of it done but we are playing with effectively what is like a beta test of it today a lot of perks are different a lot of abilities are different there's new stuff um everybody's sort of rebuilt their characters it was sort of a perfect time to do that anyway since um Everybody exploded and um yeah so hopefully we'll have that out pretty soon to you guys um I'm really happy with it so far um I am Marshall's having a rough time uh but but we'll we're we're still in testing phases so if things um end up not working out I can always change them later but um yeah uh but you don't need to know any of this we're just gonna you sit back and listen to what's going to happen here we might say some numbers and we might explain some perk you're like what is that you'll just hear it and eventually in a week or two you'll get the the new system and uh it'll all make sense to you it won't be out on the anniversary of the Billy's death I know I could have it out on the end of the one year anniversary of Billy's death which is apparently like this Monday or something like that according to the Discord when did he how do they know when he died people care they care that he died February what February 14th 13th 13th 2022. it's right before Valentine's Day wow a day before it's around time you guys got do you guys have your karma caps your karma cap oh right there sorry I was like I ate it all right without further Ado are you guys ready to begin I guess yeah last we left off Fallout zero you guys um had fought a fog crawler and found a bunch of pieces to a vertibird that you found out from the red stars could be recommissioned to create a whole new vertebird um so after spending some time some down time shopping and getting some stuff um trading you guys set out to a fuel Depot that was in the Wasteland the red stars had told you however that this Fuel Depot was covered in pools and they planned on sending you guys with like a fat man but they said that's probably a bad idea because it's a fuel Depot to explode if you do that so you guys headed out um made your way to this this um this red rocket station where all this fuel was held and uh there were a lot of ghouls you guys planned it out there was a bit of fog you started sniping ghouls um punching them getting in their face and then towards the end of the battle as it started getting rough you guys were were getting the upper hand you know Huck however had hit zero hit points you guys were looking pretty low uh one of the protectrons that acted as like a defense Sentry turret on top of this red rocket station uh uh another ghoul had come up towards it and it turned towards it gave it a like a nuke mine and it said go into Glory and as it turned towards the party Paige lined up her shot fired away just as uh everybody else was like you know [ __ ] um uh theodin Lord of the Rings break him down bring him down Alabaster in the moment sort of turns it he's like no and his Paige fires it's a shot from it from the distance the distant Wasteland through the fog and you just see an explosion and then a secondary larger explosion as flame covers the desert it slowly sort of Fades everything in the nearby vicinity is burning and everything goes dark for all of you um I'm going to set a little scene for each of you it's a similar desert but instead of brown overcast there is bright blue skies um distant white clouds and uh you can see like a couple cacti in the distance large natural stone mesas coming out of the ground you see like a horse and it's being led Along by an individual he's wearing like black um he's like got like a black poncho um and a large wide brim like black hat and next to him leading along another horse is a um is a uh another human man he's got sort of short blonde hair um he's got like a white hat and he has like a vest jeans um he's much younger than the other one he's maybe met like mid-20s uh the one in black he's maybe like mid 50s and he turns and he looks towards the younger one he just says [ __ ] I know that this life is is tough but you know what I'm proud of you and I wouldn't trade this life or anything and he kind of turns and replies he just says you didn't have to kill those Travelers you know you didn't I did what I had to do and if you want to stay alive you'd learn the same thing I've learned a lot from you Ace you'll never teach me cruelty nobody can teach you cruelty boy this world will teach you that without even trying he sort of smiles and looks down he stops laying the horse he says maybe you're right and he turns around towards him says but we still have to try Ace sort of looks at the ground and spits fools there and Huck sort of just shrugs then I guess I'm a fool and he like rubs into the ground and he pulls out a lighter any uh lights like a cigar that you are those dreams slowly fades return back to the desolate nearly destroyed burning Wasteland there's smoke and Fire everywhere there is the metal husks of various uh protectorons destroyed it's their their feet the red rocket station has peeled and turned outwards like it was a toy there's now a depression like a crater moving in towards the uh the the dirt going towards the center of just pure Rubble it's impossible to tell where anything is or anything once was and a hand slowly pulls itself forward but it's made of like these small thin pieces of of metal just grab some of the sand a bit as you push and pull and turn yourself over you see the world once again burning you feel your body again as you look around you don't see anyone taking a closer look however to one of the carcasses of one of these protect drones one of them isn't completely gone stuck over halfway into the Earth sort of pieces falling off the interior dome cracked and nearly shattered towards the towards the tip and from the inside of the of the chassis it's just sparking you see cerebellum and occasionally just like it's like twitches and then occasionally another spark sort of sends out of it turn and pull yourself up you feel horrible but you're able to move so you look down and um from the rest of what you were wearing to sort of like tatters at this point you're almost like a full skeleton there's still bits and pieces of plastic still covering parts of your body but a lot of them are burned away your face is still there you look forward and as you uh sort of move yourself closer towards cerebella from behind her you see a ghoul just like just pulling itself forward completely on fire as a Falls to its knees then slowly stops moving as they like and he watches its head falls off and it turns into dust in Ash you stumble your way closer over towards cerebella and finally you lean forward and you reach her take out a repair kit you take it out as you jolt this repair kit into the side it sort of like kick-starts the entire system the Sparks it's real flying and as she pushes forward you fall backwards down into the dirt the sand once again as cerebellar you uh uh slowly were back to life your sensors slowly come back online you feel your autonomy returned back to you you're getting dozens and dozens of error messages that you have to like sort of like a phase out of the way as you try to assess your surroundings you see Huck lying in the ground uh before you uh his hat like I'm still strangely uh not destroyed as um he looks up towards you pushes up most of his clothes nearly completely burned um uh but is like uh like mechanical skeletal hand sort of pulling it up as he looks up at you the dome's definitely crack uh yeah I think so once like the Phoenix protocol inside it that's like the only light coming from her now um because of some parts I actually don't know who you are so I think she stands up kind of assesses the situation and says well well aren't you lucky all right Ace in the Hole funny and then she just goes catatonic saying the same like sequence of numbers like error codes like one five three five seven come on shoes does that for a while for a while do you see the other three what other three the ghoul the the blonde and the this one I'll point to the one Governor Nash I sure hope not I'm not so lucky you point down towards um it's just a random ghoul or you pointing down on that head that just fell off right now looks like mine no uh [ __ ] up again no it doesn't look like it insane Craigslist uh did you just turn yours off I just did okay because I saw the green disappear no you're good yeah just turn them up I'll kind of look around and say looks like everyone lost they must fold it and went home open what the [ __ ] happened to you thank you very good did you start turning everyone up I don't know what happened to you um boosted go ahead what I can tell some kind of core failure the Phoenix protocol brought me back I brought you back hi yeah can we find the other three looking for three more as you scan across uh the rubble you look around you see um two other ghouls one of them sort of squatting near sort of the rubble and another one just kind of on fire still but it seems like unbothered it's just really like standing there like Charlie all right you look around and he keeps getting then you turn back and look at that one again it's Swiss she's on fire she's currently on fire um she's standing still she has her arms sort of inwards and she's found one go put it out I'll bring up my like crushed hand I don't know if I could make it quick don't kill it fire out [Music] okay I'll walk over I'll grab Swiss and just kind of like slide her in the sand I roll her over a couple times I guess you definitely like try to grab her and she like jerks around to like I she she feels like she's being attacked and she's gonna like bite at your hand no you bite down into your metal yeah it doesn't really do much no you're also extremely weak oh that's for sure so like she's like she's fighting back but you your strength compared to the weakness that you have is like so much more you easily sort of maneuver her I have a tooth strength oh never mind oh my God yeah it's like you're like holding back and you you just watch as cerebella goes over and it's like there's like standing still and she's like she bites into the metal arm okay so we're having to put you down right now you your name is Swiss she's gonna like put she's in she's gonna drop cerebella but she's gonna like kind of like drop back into like a like a like a Crouch dance and like she she you can see that like she's looking at you she's trying to assess something is there anybody home look for the other two if you care at all food food no page an alabaster your friend people that you were traveling with pretty blonde bald guy with a big gun gun shoots things shoots kills and she does that like cool screen [Laughter] it's a not where I remember I was and she starts looking she goes do you do you have my pack do you have my my Nets do you have my my fangs I don't have much of anything you look around towards the ground and you're sort of like scanning the ground you you look over um you see like a ghoul like body to the to the left of you you uh you see another uh uh dead sort of burnt dual body left and then you see another one um sort of like halfway into the dirt um it's just like it's warm sticking out along with uh like its leg um covered in sand and then you do like a double take and you look back it's not a ghoul um it's Alabaster half his body is perfectly outside of uh of the ground and it's completely burnt that's not maybe and she like pulls over and she like grabs the leg grab onto his leg his skin almost like like crackles a bit like and you pull him out you nearly rip his skin off um as you pull him outwards um and at this point as you're pulled out uh Alabaster is some semblance of pain that shocks through your body as that happens um and uh you are now currently dying um as you turn your your conscious you have two AP um you can do something with that 2 AP or not but you guys look over and you see Alabaster as you pull them out the other half of his body is actually um not he's like split right down the middle um and uh his his right eye is it your right or is it your left uh I imagine it'd be his left eye right his left eye is like currently like squinted shut um as he's like uh on the ground you're sort of like crashed you can barely move um as you get assembled so you look around you see Huck um you see Swiss um who Still's got like a couple of flames that are slowly being put out um you see cerebella sort of standing there almost like Frozen uh unnaturally so um and you are in so much pain can I uh she's gonna she's gonna like shake his body down she's looking for like her necks and stuff in particular she's like you got you got my things Alabaster barely moving yeah you got things what do you got on you uh I have a camping backpack a leather armor oh a sleeping bag two stem packs a first aid kit and my guns right that's all I got yep she's gonna she's gonna pull out she I guess she said like rifle through and she's gonna hold up like uh these are not my things uh these are medical things do you need these you do you can can I oh oh okay I thought I was like dying so this is a new condition called dying um whenever you reach zero hit points you will gain the dying condition while you have the dying condition normally you can talk you can do things you can do whatever you're doing except every turn you have to make a death save and you only can you only get two AP at the start of your turn and you can only have a maximum of six so you can still speak and whatnot you're just in this condition what did you pull out I I probably pulled out all of the things and like dumped them on your chest I would be I would just be pointing at the stem pack as he like pokes it it's sort of like he like almost hits the needle and it like shoves and he's like he's like almost like trying to get it onto the top of it is it like pushes even more as he barely Has the strength to grab it now use it do oh that's it how do I how do I do that a debt save is modified by either your luck or your endurance and your party nerve but we'll get the party nerve later you just do your endurance it's open knowledge you can tell everybody yeah what am I what am I rolling for um you're just rolling uh a D20 and it's you either add your endurance or your or your luck okay uh 21 21 okay so you have a successful safe cool this or do you want us to put you down you heal your healing right um as immediately you feel uh better some of your wounds are heal over a bit your skin sort of like tightens over once again and uh you can now feel the left side of your body previously you couldn't even you could barely even feel it now it's like your autonomy has come back to it and you look down you definitely get much more aware of your senses as you sit up um and you're you're no longer dying uh Swiss takes him and starts pulling him towards whoever and yeah as you continue to pull him um you open your eye Alabaster does it look any different oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it'd be like blacked out yeah there's like you can see the bloody veins going through it uh and the center his his iris is now yellow instead of anything else pure yellow is like you open it but yeah then his left side it's his left side of his body it's all mutilated and messed up yep it's it's it's like Beyond burned as well it's like you have bits of skin that are like almost like have like melted and grafted over different parts of like his skin as well as like the radiation is almost like completely mutated the side of his body like again you begin to drag him across like the dirt and the sand and as you do so you get him a bit further away from like this rubble and then you like um uh you you hit up against uh the car um that car that uh had hit um cerebellar that had been thrown um now like almost in pieces sort of clattered off to the side um and uh uh yeah that's just where you are before uh before this place exploded uh did you see did you see Paige was no no I don't I don't even know where I am assuming this is what's left of that red rocket station you guys were going to think so Paige it doesn't take you long as you look around near the the rubble of this uh destroyed like vehicle you look over and you see uh sort of stuck into the dirt nearby just lying on the dirt sort of under a mound so like if the street was here you guys like near the street is like uh on the other side of the street down below sort of nearly in what is now a ditch um you see uh two legs foreign you make your way over and as you slide down you get a better perspective as you look over and see the hood of that car is embedded into the dirt and nearly by the side of like her arm all the way up to her ribs and um as you go over and you see Paige you notice that her entire left arm is severed she's just like currently open as she's just looking upwards awake like in shock type thing you don't know uh uh doc this is a little more than uh I can handle and crawl over there you crawl over there are we um eating her then as you can I imagine he's like all fours like on his hands and knees like dog walking over as you dog walk over you sort of crawl over you find Paige and you look over and you just see like that hood of that car is like nearly like splicing into like her ribs and has completely severed her arm from about here on the other side of the hood of the car is if it like had perfectly landed downwards her arm is on the other side of it yeah I don't think we're fixing that is she breathing can I chase not good uh roll Medicine Show I was just yeah um yeah yeah very very very uh shallowly and rapidly so it's like you can tell she's in a lot of shock stimpak and I'm back to assuming my AP is now back to normal uh yeah yes so when you're no longer um when you get yeah you have your lucky you have everything back okay in that case can I use my first aid patch up patch up thank you rename it uh get yes you go over towards Paige and um as you look down towards her it's less she definitely needs healing so you go over and you you grab on the side of like her arm and um you you pull out like a like a piece of cloth that you probably have um and you uh uh tighten over the wind to sort of stop that bleeding um as you turn towards her um you sort of like grab at the side of her heads um what do you do to like sort of like Get Her Back are things on fire yeah there's things that are on fire oh you caught a rise of moon yeah I was gonna grab it I was gonna grab some fire and just cauterize for your arms that's enough as you do that page you just hear her all just scream back as she sort of turns back her eyes sort of roll forward Pages you have one hit point um and actually you're healing rate sorry so you gain a bunch of fair points yeah everyone you turn over you feel immense pain striking through your entire body as you look down um you are fully aware of what's happened that's why you went into shock in the first place you know you don't have your arm but you look over and just see Alabaster sort of like cauterizing the wound as he looks over towards you and you see Huck standing over I would have grabbed like a piece of metal and just heated up with the fire the best I can and then just grab her arms yeah yeah steamed it and steamed it but Potter has it mustard okay all right puts it down yeah I think you lost an arm there looks like that [ __ ] that's not good you're not looking too good yourself man it's really hard to see you look about the same you see swish she's like got her hand right here and she's like it's just like going through the names of the people like cerebellum I'll grab some is it like cloth around something no of course I'm just gonna grab some cloth and like wrap it over my eye so it's not yeah it's covered up makes sense makes sense you know which Alabaster cover up is demonic looking eyes this one says luck and a lot of it let's see look I don't feel very lucky right now two to one odds our favor I think she may have reset no more personality okay at this point you guys will say that and as you do you begin to hear it from down the road so you turn you see what looked like a number of other ghouls who are stumbling down the road over towards you everybody go to put your Minis on the map um you guys are on the road on the other side um sort of uh there exactly where cerebell is that's like where Paige is lying down so cool um and I'm gonna get some glow minis over here I don't know where I put them correction next hand being dealt what are the odds odds are in favor of the how how house are we the house yes she's gonna reach over and she's gonna push cerebella do you do you move just like yes that's weird not that it's not pushover well looks like a lot's changed ciao I'd be dealer in this game dealer what does that mean where my ghouls at hand out their cards determine turn order assess I think we should leave oh they're there oh assessing our situation wouldn't have much of a blunt odds better if we everyone all right with that I'm sorry what are we doing we're leaving Alice you want to get eaten sounds like a great idea we should really get out of here I don't feel like all right I don't feel like fighting everybody roll combat sequence uh before we do that I'm gonna do my my precognition protocol I'm gonna determine some stuff the struts the dealer we love cerebellum that's a really cool name for a magic card that's what I'm saying cerebella the dealer yeah um Alabaster would you roll five did we have perception to this hang on yeah but no six hang on unless it's been changed that's right I'll wait for you uh Alabaster rules 11. Alabaster you get an 11 because of your because of because of why standoff it's a new purr because you gives you a bonus equal to um to cerebella's uh perception um uh how could you roll 15 . um cerebella would you roll should get Daiso let's play the game sorry tied the whole thing up can I still want your dice I suppose uh wow 24. oh sorry themed okay uh yeah Sarah Billy you were first what are you doing I'm gonna do this uh activating Reaper protocol I'm gonna switch my place with Alabaster all right hell yeah I have or you go first so I can switch anyone's place in an initiative yes sir you have 24 I have 11. very cool very cool one um right now 13 13. but I'm about to patch up myself okay so you're gonna kill 13 more I'm gonna kill 13 more ways yeah 26. um if we haven't received healing are we at one for both uh yes everybody's out if you have not received healing you're at one hit point just make each other damage is that right that wasn't 36 damage burning my arms immediately cave me half my hip points maybe gain half my hip oh what is that to activate that gosh dang I keep doing this wrong um three AP I forgot to write that it's perfect thank you all right I'm gonna patch myself up it cost me five um got four ghouls I know that's not good oh boy maybe they're hurt they have the explosion are we running or are we fighting these okay I'm gonna run then you guys down the road uh where are we going where's the measuring tape do we have that in here nope is that something we have I have no idea what that would have been oh no I'm a fool I was Ill prepared I will mention because people can you guys check your cubbies if it's not in there I will go get it um people are mentioning in the chat um all of the character information on the overlay is out of there it's very out of date now we because we kind of technically died um we're all level 20. so we got a bunch of stuff but there's a lot of stuff that's been chained to me we've worked our characters a lot of people have been factory reset in a way yeah yeah we got like five levels because Beach died is that probably yeah I think we were level 17. oh dude so we got our four lower levels so you don't count the one that you get so yeah I don't cut myself damn there you go I suppose one of us technically didn't die then that one it's still there yeah I mean you didn't do that either I didn't know that's true [Laughter] I just went to another place a happier place Arizona which direction are we running that way okay now I'm gonna go then and then I'm gonna run and you run a predetermined amount of space yes oh well it'd be nice to have two all right well uh cost me five to patch up and leaves me with eight so I'm gonna run eight okay or are you gonna Sprint I'm gonna freaking Sprint all right because it's a new rule dude now it's called Sprint you can spend five a b to move in a straight line um and you can uh 50 feet in a straight line so go ahead and move yourself 50 feet that is five 10 inches measure yourself stretching you're going no I had so many things to say about that I had so much you can 10 inches measure yourself measure yourself Marshall away from dude I don't need to I know that's why you're going 10 inches towards the pools yeah I'm running from the Google where are we going you're 10 inches it'll be intimidating oh they will yeah that was also not too much it was like six inches because I'm gonna do the same thing okay sounds good Whip It Up um no uh start booking it I also Run 10 perfect um but I'm a Ken doll so uh can you measure how far that closest pool is to cerebellum nine about nine nine and a half inches she'll run to cerebellum oh and then it will I don't know it does it'll get one time okay um it will do it'll get a 16. that answer oh it's gonna be six Legend damage I I don't know if that's really I don't know if that's anything um but DT no stamina each only applies to HP right yes but uh uh I'll be dealt none because I have and and Donald spirit I technically everyone has 10 temporary points everybody's 10 temporary so I don't none yet but I have four different points The Honorable Spirit um sick uh okay um then the other that's all I do it's just gonna run to you um Swiss and then it's gonna end its turn I mean like it started roster um I'm going to use three AP ologize me 105. SP 55 right so your stamina point should be zero um then there are ten so then I am at four okay um uh sorry 3p to Battle Cry I will um give you to AP thank you uh and just for the Battle Cry and then I will say uh where's my little thing it's my cheat sheet oh there it is I will say um we're currently folding uh hooks protocol go ahead hopefully I will command you to with six hit points to run [Laughter] does that mean I get to move now yep yeah okay I have a question for you yeah oh wait did you get it when my when my turn's done the two AP no they're the six the six notes because right now I gave six I I gave two just for Battle Cry then six more for Commander well it's two on return for Battlefield yes yes six right now okay but do I but do I take my turn still you can do it however okay I'm just gonna also okay get the [ __ ] out of here whenever I get my opportunity how much does uh cerebellum weigh I don't know oh my God heavy I have strength too but derns ten so a while wait just take that one part [Music] you know how much would it be to you know drag cerebellum with my strength chin uh like a strength 10. yeah I will you have 10 strength I'll just let you do it you just pick her up but you'll move it halfway goodbye uh so I'm gonna use five of it to dash the the five that he he gave uh so we'll we'll go hang on five just go let's go my commander said run I guess that's true technically well she was like hex protocol leave with you I guess we'll just go five okay you're out there you go um and it's terrible I'm gonna try and waddle away all right so how far are you going for and as you guys are humbling sure that's how we're going to continue into this initiative so I need everybody to sort of back on the battlefield and we're gonna Pretend We're consistently moving because the ghouls are changing in a line um and then put all the well okay yeah not like in the middle like you guys can a little bit more towards you more towards you okay more even more there you go go that way that's fine and then uh put the ghouls they are um yeah Sarah's a little bit behind pools are like that perfect that's how we're just gonna keep track of the things the ground is Pretend We're on a treadmill and the ground's moving underneath you guys that's how this is working okay um so Swiss is now your there's something with your mic now yeah because I turned it the [ __ ] off because I'm a fool and I turn my mic off Swiss it's your turn um how does no [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't play character how to play a game everyone seems to be like moving in the same speed except cerebellar right um cerebellum going the same speed yeah you just use actions I'm just um well she now has 15. I see this real fast see what the the measuring tape oh I'm sorry I need it first real fast because I need to readjust this so you guys all dashed you guys all sprinted yeah um catch so and it's currently your turn so let's consider the following 10 and they were like five away so it's more like the ghouls they were more like nine away actually I like the ghouls are here these ghouls are here and we're pretending this is a straight line cerebell is here the rest of you are like here how far were they from right now uh that is five six inches good enough okay go ahead Swiss um the thing is that she has 15 AP right now um because of the additional two so she can just Sprint three times and be ahead yep so I guess that's what she'll do for now but then she's like Gonna Keep she's gonna then like turn and and look back cool I'm gonna change this one more time then sorry sorry no no you're fine you're fine you're fine apologize to everybody else okay here we go perfect uh one two three four five ghouls are here um then at then these ones went nine so five plus nine is fourteen so these girls are here and cerebella went how far did you move four four one two three four the rest of you were here and sprinted let's just keep track of everybody's movement so Alabaster how far did you know we were here in sprinted I think yeah sorry yes here in sprinted Alabaster you went um 50. so 10 so 24. 24. you ain't 50. and then Huck same thing then you're going 100 150. so you are that that's not how that works I know you spent three times you have 15 AP so you can Sprint yeah you go 150 so uh 24 plus 15 um is 39. so you are off the board yeah but that's fine yeah you're here yep and it's just gonna be like oh okay cool I'm wondering if we should just turn around and kill them with what bullets um are the two other ghouls are just going to catch up um so they are going to move their full movement and they're also going to choose to Sprint so they'll go 100 from where they are now so they'll be at 14. perfect uh and then um uh uh then they'll use the rest of their movement to continue a few more feet which is three more so they'll go three more to 17. and then uh Alabaster Twitter do I see anything in the distance right now no you see pure uh uh dust um smoke Ash um it is getting dark you don't know how long you were out um just gonna keep running looks like we gotta kill these guys all righty would we have zero Health as well no I don't know we have zero you would have had zero and the robot repair kit would have given you your healing okay and then you Phoenix implanted so I'm pretty sure you're at full so you're at full HP and then you took six is there anyway okay is there any way for me to look at them and get an idea of what how healthy they look um they look like they're hurt they do not look like they're at full HP or stamina or anything they look like they got jettisoned from the blast it's a crappy day all right I'm gonna ask can I do this yeah pull out a stem pack yeah and just use the needle to like just kill stab him in the head yeah totally yeah yeah yeah but not eject it like I don't want to reject anything can I just want to stab him with the stupidest I want to use the needle and just like just like stab him in the head yeah yeah and then you're still coming I will let you do that my body is burning we're in the desert with nothing around us I'm like how long are we gonna run for um however on each attack rule that you do you will have to roll a luck check if you roll a one you will break the stem back not terrible but the stim pack will do 1d4 piercing damage plus your strength screw it then I'll uh I'll pull it I'll break that either shoot start hitting something with your gun that's what I was thinking about doing but I didn't want to break the gun for the audience to say why don't you want to break your gun because all of our guns are conditioned level nine if they get one more condition they're broken and no good indeed uh pick the one you care the least about yeah that's what I was thinking about uh I'll pull out the 44 Magnum okay and uh I'm gonna run over okay uh so let's see let's go on I got 13 so um I was thinking about that but why okay if I'm using a gun is that considered a melee weapon yeah it's an improvised weapon but it's considered mainly not unarmed it's if you're using a weapon yes okay it's a melee weapon because my unarmed is way worse than mine that's fair that's fairly understood yeah that's not good seven to get to uh seven to get to them yeah and what would it cost me to just do a regular melee uh four beat them with a thing okay uh cool that's great uh I'm gonna smack them hold on so that's seven to get there uh it cost me one to get it out yep so that's eight four that's twelve what and then before um sorry guys it wasn't that you were confused the way you you would what what I thought you added something else and I was like what is that and you trap and you fall um I have a question for you yes sunlight so I can can I just use it yeah cool I mean it's at nine levels of Decay but yeah I understand energy weapons it does yep all right um if someone makes an attack are they using an ability check or a skill check it's an attack roll but that but it's not a check no it's not check I see so but I still get minus two for all roles for what Reds yeah because you're at three levels of RADS which is minus six forget I would not do any of this and then your weapons at minus nine so right minus 15 to hit um sprinting the whole thing uh I'm going to Sprint whatever direction we came from if I can remember yeah that'd be that way you guys are running this way it's we turned it you know I meant like yeah in the story so ever I'm alabaster's running back to town okay so you'd be running this way sure yeah cool so you're gonna Sprint 100 feet that way if that's where town is okay right I mean yeah I'm running to town see you guys later if you say that I'll follow you yeah that's the way town is I mean it's not directly in a b line that way um you guys had to like navigate for a few hours out here so but yeah that's what I'm saying if I cardinal direction yeah North you're pretty sure North was you you can't you were moving south and then the gas station you're pretty sure the side you were seeing was this north side you think you look for the sun you can't see it oh well you think it's that way because that's the way the road was all right I do it twice because I have 13 so I'll use yeah you go 150 five five and 100. 100 feet um all right uh recycle one nice um Paige Alabaster we should fight him takes out his gun realizes it's just funny to me here so 50 uh 50 feet is 10 inches yeah 50 feet is wait yeah yes hang on he should have moved 10 more yeah he's ultimate though yeah he's ultimate he's on the table I'm gonna go in between them yeah I totally calculated things wrong earlier I don't have that's all I can really do all right um um I'm gonna shoot this one all right what are you shooting with the sun scorcher hell yeah scorcher um what kind of gun is this considered an energy weapon yeah but is it like one of my perks specifically says a hand it is a handgun okay oh no technically not it is it is an energy weapon handguns are pistols wow it's right next to all the other things they shoot they shoot different things food food um all right I'm going to shoot it still I guess you pull it out and you're like you feel the weight of the gun you're like you know how a ballistic shot will come out of this and how you'll you'll you'll hit one of these Ghouls and he goes and you're like the [ __ ] is this uh that's still an 18 to hit with a minus nine yeah whoa you still [ __ ] hit the ghoul that's when you hit has very good skills now um he's dead you shoot him she eviscerated get the AP for it I sure do nice um that whoever is only an eight Miss yes and then I go well I uh run this way I need the measuring measuring tape um I can move if I Sprint I can move how much you have to spend five AP to Sprint well what do you know if I spend five AP you move 50 feet which is 10 50 feet which is 10. I need to get better ones yeah you need one that's like less like an industrial tape knife yeah that one's yeah I had a small one I don't know where it went I don't know where it went either nice there's something you could okay no um can you measure that all the ghouls both one ghoul's dead that ghoul goes to cerebella okay it's gonna be a whack hi Logan this is a new space you haven't even seen the space Logan this is a new house and you haven't seen a baby since she was like that big she crawls now she does she followed me in the bathroom I was pooping yes I was pooping I turned I was like whoa he's like I'm coming in here all right um uh uh who attacks you and uh that's a crack a second attack is not a crit it's a nine right here I think nine misses right nine misses and then the second attack wow wow it's another crit okay you haven't flipped your caps have you because you hit double cap you'd get a double flip right there I don't do nothing what gay so that is gonna be Logan said that [ __ ] fancy me boy it sounds like love it does oh there's a little there's a little man in my head who talks like Logan that [ __ ] fancy me boy yeah oh Logan and I when we were younger used to tell each other to drink battery acid for fun we'd like that's how we give each other we'd be like it'd be like hey Logan be like hey hope you drink battery acid be like yeah me too you know what I will uh that is the first damage is 16. okay hang on for a second DT which is practically 13. uh no because of stamina then dth starts in the night because I have four this is 12. do you have stamina yes because of my thing because I have anything that gives everyone stamina points got it right McDonald's I don't know perfect I think I have I think everyone has 10 SP currently got it or temporary hit points that are SP so I have 4 means it's a 12 then DT takes on that which is nine nine and then another 13. okay which is ten so I've done by 19. cool that's it um it is now your turn um how many temporary cut points do we have in 10 10. um oh there it is well I don't even know why I looked at that okay uh I will get six six inches is much smaller than I thought it was oh no that's what they all say I will it's not about the size Craig it's how you use it looks like I'm doing it how do you use it looks like I'm doing one of these one of those a big a big sprint P yeah you said so five is ten so then I move 20 is 20. I'm off the borders okay at this point you guys all turn the ghouls attempting to catch up with you as you all run in separate directions um sort of running and sprinting As you move um we're gonna go into that the ghouls are no longer in the combat order instead we're just uh we're gonna look at combat sequence not necessarily as it's battle time but as a a time you know this is a timed event kind of thing we want to see how this sort of goes down we're going to start we're going to go next to Swiss the ghouls have given up right what are you doing uh 14 AP so I will uh Sprint that direction okay following uh our good friend Paige here uh she's in Sprint 100 so you like sort of turn and um at this point as you sort of turn see page you continue to Sprint down this direction as well yeah at that point everybody is moving the same direction you all begin to move um towards the north um and you run and you run until you can't run anymore you guys are exhausted um like maybe a few seconds until you turn notice the ghouls aren't after you I lied I'm right here because I can't move more than a second you guys stop sort of reconvene you look around just for a moment catch your breath as you spend that moment to catch your breath no matter how long it is everybody heals half their maximum stamina points it's not a number equal to your maximum stamina points you get stamina points all the way up to half round it down I assume yes okay does that does that include so like if we have the cerebellar okay so let's go on top right or the stamina points uh you will is temporary so those go on top of whatever you're standing that's my thought I just want to make sure perfect and as you all sort of uh uh take that moment catch your breath and sort of look around um you don't really hear anything it sounds like the burning fire are gone um just dark it feels like it's getting darker you may be as you look around you notice you can really only see out to about 50 feet is there so much dust debris and there's dust really [Music] smoke blowing over as well but the sky is getting darker anybody who hasn't gotten healed I would take this time to patch them up okay so um I've only patched up Paige so far everybody gets your healing right perfect plus two healing right healing right healing right plus two no joke left on it's gone what's gone no I'm just saying I was I was going like this as I can carry it with it no wait hold on I always imagine Paige does that she's like yeah and it's just your it's just your nub it goes up you're like oh [ __ ] you have to like um what are you guys doing choosing the direction I'm scanning the area I want to try to find like is there any civilization I can see from where you can see no you try to find something though if you'd like to with the survival check yes it'll survival both of you are all survival I was gonna join in as well but uh 19. okay who's better at that are you rolling oh no okay plus uh I don't amount some kind already once I forgot how the [ __ ] to do that I rolled a 24. okay plus five to that I guess 20 24 29th I don't oh I think he gave it to me no no no no no I'm sorry there we go 29. I wasn't really paying attention I was the plus five 29. would you roll oh wait no 19. it said it's not good try again later it's like an eight ball 19 19. Alabaster you're sort of like frustratingly scanning The Horizon barely what you can see of it so you look around you can't see it um yeah it's really hard it's the rest of you sort of meander along as um Huck and uh um Swiss you guys begin to uh sort of push off this uh uh you guys are on the on the road anymore you're just in the middle of like this this Barren sort of desert sand and dust everywhere so you push forward trying to find something as it grows darker and darker until in the distance you um uh the two of you sort of look upwards and there is a bit of a shadow coming off from the West sort of are able to sort of place yourselves as you look over and it's sort of like looming upwards sort of sideways Square rectangular shape as you get closer towards it it's the front like wall of like a building that is like turned off towards like its side sticking out of the dirt maybe about 80 feet in height um you learn you you you learn you can turn and you see a number of other sort of uh buildings sort of shifted off in the distance at the same time and uh in between some of these walls that are covered in dust and dirt they're sunk into the ground or has the the sand have sort of piled up around them you see what looks like an enormous like like jet turbine um it's maybe uh 20 feet in height uh enormous round of things sort of uh half not halfway but like slightly sunk into the dirt um and the the turbine on the inside all of the the like fans the ventilation have been like torn out um and it's like Hollow on the inside and at least provides what would be a little bit of a respite from this continuously Rising dust storm you guys make your way inside better than nothing now away from the fire and I'll send you guys kind of a picture of like what I'm imagining um I didn't have this prepared I was just like oh that'd be cool if it looked like this I've seen it before I can't show it to you guys sorry but um that's kind of like what you guys see there's like people on top of it but you know that's not that's right that's actually yeah you don't recognize this you did not see this on your way in um whoops there we go um these guys uh uh make your way inside you're finally out of like that dust net dirt you feel like you can see and a hearer a little better is your this turbine is actually pretty enormous almost like the size of this room um uh just round and it sort of goes down to the end at the end you can see what looks like it's been like blocked off in some like um uh makeshift sort of scrap wall has been uh uh put up in the back as if somebody maybe used this as a like a place of rest um that enormous sort of Center engine portion is still um uh clung onto the sides held by various pieces sticking out of out of the middle and uh kind of leaning off is what looks like like a rope um it looks like things were attached to it at some point but they're not here anymore there's a bit of a burn mark on the ground where maybe a campfire once was but now gone whoever will come back is it still light outside no it's if anything it's getting darker okay you mind if I said look at you sure so I'm just gonna kind of want armcap position you into like a spot that's like comfortable for me as I'm like like I I I'm like against the wall kind of split up against it um can I try and see if I can figure out what's going on just you know I do I do have the robotic expert perk oh advantage so it's 12 24. you start getting into sort of the the bits and the wires and whatnot there's been a substantial amount of damage that's happened to her um you look around you see different pieces connected into inside the the uh the interior of that Dome you're able to sort of like take that piece off bits of glass sort of fall on the inside of it's sort of broken as well as you begin to dig around you find sort of um which you found before uh what is effectively a number of uh running Hollow disks that act as like our hard drive as you look over in like only like half of them are sort of operating and there's sort of like a couple of them look like they've been damaged but they look like they've been repaired but there's this strange non like there's this archaic way about it where like some sort of piece of metal has conducted itself like soldered itself to a different portion of the inside of her chassis and then it is connected via a different wire that is connected into something else she wasn't built like this somehow it's as if upon repairing herself it's sort of formulated into the into something new she's not broken it's different you're not entirely sure what that means but you deduct that it could be some sort of like a factory reset okay um um what have you learned it seems like whatever Pro protocols you have inside of you in order to save you um reset you in a way it's very a strange way whatever the protocol is it's connecting wires that shouldn't be connected necessarily but maybe there's a way to see if there's any way to recover the data the song or apologist but I don't even know if I want to touch what's inside inside you right now because I don't know how it's being held together it could be but it also could be if you touch it and just delete everything that's it should be gone forever that's why I don't know if I want to touch I don't know it would take a long time to figure out what's going on here that's something I don't feel wrong the other thing is that you're now missing the relationship that we had it seems like oh I figured you all would just vagabonds no we've been traveling together for a while so we're all vagabonds yes yes damn my purpose is to deliver butter oh God you were paying off people's debts for them [Music] wondered why I had all this money I thought that was just the jackpot it could be well and you're supposed to take something to a man called Mr House I have no memory of that [ __ ] that's something it's in my hat um what is your directive right now currently nothing well do you want one if that's necessary I don't think it's necessary right now what is my directive oh help me find a body for Huck oh what are you accepted I've been here all day all day um kills me I don't want to kill you I want a body for hook I have mine back will anybody do oh and they're all out east the ones at work that is that work yeah you can't just put his memories into one that we you guys killed a few a week or two ago can't just upload into those they already have something on them sometimes you can delete stuff try so um um you know um blowing up caused you to come out right so we blow you up Huck will come back you could try I'm just laying out what the options are so I'm trying to understand your odds are poor always in favor of the house right he's in there why why is this house director laughs oh no as if we didn't already I feel like crap look like crap and I don't give a crap about you anymore I'll be honest man you want another body that you gotta find someone else I mean there ain't no way in hell we're going any further than where we're at right now like it seems like a crazy idea like I don't know if you really know what would I am nearly yes right now oh I think well I'm not expecting a body today it's gonna be a while before you get one that's for sure I have mine it's whether or not you want Huck to have a body again if you don't care about him I can find other people who will oh I don't know I feel like Huck was working on getting you a body if you just wish back no no it's my body okay but I feel like Huck has done a lot with that body right he took the body from me and like has made a name for himself in it right with my body with none of his memories inside it he was just parading around as a template of a cowboy you think he was he's someone else there's no memories of who he was I have all of them all of my memories and I'd like to live out the rest of this disgusting metal life [Laughter] in this body that was made for me oh that's just gonna walk away he's like you know you turn it like wind and sand outside I don't know I thought you said there's like another like door and stuff like yeah you're going from here to here oh it's like it's like as big as this room oh yeah okay never mind you're too far away he was gonna go search this area never mind Alabaster I mean it's kind of long you can like look around it if you'd like to go and roll yeah he's gonna search around and try to find it whatever he can find well what about you Swiss what how are you feeling um to be honest not not super great especially not now we can't go back to that town yes oh all right the town we were we were in for now why look at that stars yeah well you remember the the lovely friend companion that we have no um oh he he is in the process of uh ghoulification but like not just ghoulification but like feralness and uh that is going to push him right over the edge his only reason what if I just for holding on to Life we'll know how we know I just won't talk to it just one time that's that's gonna be the problem it'll push him right over clearly empty and then you go over and you like feel around and there's like a loose piece of metal on the bottom and uh your luck doesn't help you at all you just kick it you look around you turn back around your foot sinks into it as you look down and you're like [ __ ] I mean look down you see um like a small chassis next to your foot is a bag of ran away and your foot has landed on another one and is popped so you have one cool does the other one soak into his skin [Laughter] how about that in my bag all right are you hurt are you she seems a little uh shocked a little definitely am not as good as I was before um I hate to alarm interview but hooks is a ghoul what I'm sweating she's a ghoul she has a ghoul yeah yes what did you call her hooks hooks yes why uh why yeah why uh oh that's a good question one let me find out if I will um I will let me let me check I don't want to do that um I will use um the little like red light it was like a kind of like a 3D projector type thing oh and I will produce like a a pair of um like two like poker cards and they're both sevens perfect that's what a pair of sevens are called close yeah wait wait a minute all right yeah okay I don't understand poker uh or card games in general to be honest and why are you calling Swiss back the hand they were dealt two seconds bullets uh where are you you're uh your dimes he's the Reaper okay but that's much cooler dimes hooks spots bullets is not bad I say with my missing arm yeah it's your nose exactly I I I I have the what's that called phantom phantom arm your nerves are still being triggered in the brain anymore you're too Jackson I don't know why that makes more sense I I was already not not great before this um I don't have a lot of memories a lot of them are fading of like who I was and um being this little traveling Merchant thing has kept me like as grounded as I could be um anything care of losing it mean I haven't uh bitten anyone who has flesh yet that's good let's keep it though that's a very specific favorable yeah yeah I may have a bit cerebellum earlier but to be fair she was grabbing me oh I told her to put you out you were on fire inevitable yeah inevitable I see because sir put put swiss out I I don't I don't I think I think unfortunately the the truth is about all ghouls is that there's an inevitability of us we're all heading towards a Final Destination like like you are like like Alabaster is over there I'm knocking at the door everything dies yeah um my deck just looks a little different because I'm just gonna be here but not here if we head out east we could get a nice metal body I don't think I don't think there's much left to put it we'll see we'll see not necessarily a bad thing I don't want to eat any of you right now well I think it's gonna be okay let us know if you start getting the Temptation I will try to do my best I'm sure it'll be fine um Ace or Sobo first it it might taste very good exactly it might might be better if I try to like you know find bags and things to hoard and things that keep me like reminded that like I don't know Alabaster was teaching me about trading um and how to be a barter and not just you know give away my good water for dirty water then it's true uh but uh you know maybe getting back on that track will will help me give away your good water for two dirty Waters yeah yeah uh trade up in the world can we stop talking about water for a minute considering that we have none oh I have dirty water you have water I do there's one there was one in hot's pocket I'm just kidding seal unbroken yeah yours is a an old water bottle filled with mud and then you have like it's in what it really is they they canned the water so it's just such a good vintage yeah split it well we definitely need more than that well I don't need it at all for that I will take it I also have um I'm gonna have the piss casters half a bottle of whiskey there's only a time it's only somebody saved the fence Caster no money it's called foreign but yeah whiskey anyone no anyone Bella try it no I don't think survival is going to be able to pour it I don't think you're gonna be able to drink it okay he watches it goes down and he watches it spills out of his throat yeah are there buildings around this thing no guts yeah but um you can see you only see like the outsides of like brick walls but as you look and you see more Shadows we think there are more buildings nearby yeah okay you know how like you told me I couldn't just shoot Paige's dad when he showed up yeah yeah um that I should wait to other people I guess that's another one of those situations I gave I should just not do [ __ ] right especially because like cerebell is like the house I I don't really mind it this I don't really know wait wait if you should kill somebody no no no I mean no wait is that what you were asking no no I was asking about like do we care like hook howdy oh yeah like do we care what do we you know just just a moment just one moment okay I think killing number five is a good idea considering that we can't fight right now oh you know that's kind of the concern okay but like but tomorrow maybe I don't know you give the signal you let me know okay I'm gonna go find a bag and start putting stuff on I'm concerned about surviving right now and considering that these two I don't even worry about that who cares that's fair so they should be good you're saying they're good good allies yeah maybe if they need to die later that's certainly a possibility yeah yeah yeah not two okay yeah give me a signal like a code word or something be like sure sure okay okay at this point it sort of like begins to die down a little bit the um the the dust storm outside and um you guys look over and notice that it's it's getting a bit it's darker at this point and uh like very little light out outside but um the dust has sort of calmed down at this point you can look around you see a bit more buildings your visibility is increased um as you look with your your eye um throughout the day he's been like opening it like gosh dang it I'm gonna keep closing it now he's kind of opening it up and as you sort of pull it up and look over it's almost as if like everything changes you sort of close your other eye and as you look it's like completely your visual your vision is there it takes the patch and he moves it to the other eye you move to the other eye and you you can see now there are um buildings in the distance um you see what looks like um an old coffee shop I'm like the corner of like what looks like a street um and the street sort of goes down in two directions and there looks to be like other things um appeared next to it but there's like a layer of like dust and sand on everything but it's like slowly settling as you look off and and you can see that you notice that there is a uh there's a little sign on the outside it looks like a donut been a scavenger on here I think there might be some stuff over there okay oh Paige is still new oh well I mean you can come inside yeah he'd be like hey I think I saw some stuff okay just passed out oh you're asleep okay never mind all right not asleep but like the pain and exhaustion everything just just got to her and she's just herself away I'm not there oh I find you I'm asleep I said it earlier um I I would like to try to find a plastic bag okay just in general for you they're non they're non-biodegradable yeah there might be some just start digging in the dark super easy yeah below a 10 you don't find them no of course of course it does dust just blew over everywhere that's fair yeah a 19. you find a plastic bag hell yeah it says Walgreens on it it's just putting dirt in it hmm you better reread that perk Journey so Swiss has a trait which is a hoarder which is that you know you get a bonus to your carry load so long as it doesn't go below a certain number and you're like I'm just gonna fill my inventory with dirt no I should that's not how this is gonna work I could she's still gonna do it wait you're carrying that's the amount of things you look she's still gonna do it because she she's working on like you know what um and I'll let you count it perfect and when she finds better [ __ ] she'll put it in there what are you doing finding things 15 load for that thank you what I think I could sell it to someone a bag of dirt people bought weirder [ __ ] you gotta you want to come out and uh help us look for stuff there's stuff out there I I think so I I gotta go I gotta go check it out okay I'll follow you you guys make your way down this road a little bit um um um I'm Gonna Leave This little thing I saved I'm gonna do a Fusion core with her go to sleep you mean her hair those are bottom arms yeah so which one a leg or 60 feet you pick no I want you to pick I want you to do it I'm gonna tuck in your in your arm like a little dolls I still have the I have my uh it doesn't matter on my armor what's your sneak six and I rolled six you're like you're like I should try to be quiet oh and you lean down and like your back hurts yeah but you roll zero none Alabaster rolled a six none left B and then the minus six from RADS well hang on how about uh inspiring thing you can possibly do that five five 29 17. holy [ __ ] so you're just like ow and you just keep going and then you turn around and [ __ ] you're just walking in like vomiting at the same time there's that coffee shop oh uh that might be edible did you put it back in it's gonna make it worse you make your way over it says Corner sort of uh entryway into a Slocum Joe's um and uh you see the little uh little donut guy sticking out around the top he's like um and you look inside uh not all of the windows are smashed one of them is but the rest of them are not the door appears to be closed and there's a good amount of sediment of dirt and dust that is like built up against the edge of it almost like a couple of uh inches of of snow but the interior looks like it is uh uh the interior looks like it's it's fine still did we rest while this Sandstorm is going on actually you know what no that window isn't broken it the inside of this what no okay okay you didn't rest okay um you guys got a small rest to get your stamina points back up to half but that's it um oh also robots have stamina points now so anyways uh uh you mean yeah that's what you see cool looks untouched on the inside I think there's traps I have no idea I could look let's look let's check it out okay I think we all three peep yeah where do you peep you know just around just around just in general yeah like this yeah there's a door right yeah yeah you want to look at the door I'm gonna investigate the door sounds good roll a you are you can you check it out for me Whoa stop puking around my shoes no problem yeah yep get out of the way do you want to look for traps yeah let's roll a breach check new skill uh no more lock pick no more hacking from science instead it's not Consolidated down to one skill called breach 24. um yeah there is what looks like um uh uh stripped across the front of the door looks like to be some sort of tripwire and there looks to be some small like uh glowing red device you're not sure what it is you're gonna look explosive check though if you'd like can you crypto no nine nine it is you're not sure that you know that if you open that door though which um which pushes in um or it pulls or pushes whichever one you do uh it's going to detach that tripwire and it's going to set off some sort of explosive um probably enough to knock all of us on our asses again can I tell through this like through the window if there's like a back door we can go through um yeah there's like an Alleyway on the uh um there there looks like to be a Factoria to the back door let's do that all right okay let's go around the back through the alleyway and as you make your way through the alleyway um uh you push yourself forward and what's everybody's passive perception 12 11. what's the base again 12 plus your perception 17 17. what's yours 14 14. 11. what's yours 17 17. um yeah Alabaster and cerebellum both of you almost notice simultaneously um as Ace sort of turns down the hallway to uh to make his way over to walk there's just a frag mine on the ground like 10 feet away um he's walking stop he's oh yeah I'm gonna stop yeah yeah there you go well that's kind of I mean looks like there's only one though in the entire Alleyway and then you look over and you see it like turns here's what I'm thinking yeah this is my idea but I really need your guys's help right sure one of us stays back here throws a rocket the stupid mind and blows it up whoever's in there maybe gets attracted to it at the same time another group of us go to the front smash the window at the same time the bomb goes off and we just run inside take all the [ __ ] and run wouldn't it be better to sneak inside I feel like there's a lot of traps what I don't wanna have you stay back throw a rock at this have some guy come around shoot you to death I was thinking one of you guys would set the mom off continuing um one of us throws a rock whoever's inside comes around shoots us to death while the other two you know break the window run in there's probably several other traps inside there uh and blow up themselves and then poor page sits down there and starves to death what what if what if instead like you we throw the Rock at it and we hide Rock and hide and we wait for the people to come out better and we like unless it's like 10 people Well yeah if there's 10 people then we don't engage but like if it's one we go gank debt I'm not sure my hiding is going to be very effective today yeah up about every 45 seconds pretty much what it feels about eventually you run out of stuff though you'll just gag try heave I could like muffle you oh at this point I'm down for whatever you guys want to do uh you want to sneak in yeah cool let's do it all right is that a thing we can do the alleyway is like maybe eight feet wide so no so no is there any way to disarm the Trap you can make an explosives check if you fail it blows up tight tight tight tight brick ideas seeming like a good idea do you want this thing disarmed yes okay I'm all right at doing it let's throw page at the fragment you are all right what are you what are you what are you packing over there the six no you're all right you're all right Annie what about you uh mine is for sure mine is yeah you don't want me to touch it I could go for support sure let's tag team it okay Jacob can we um there are we tag team this uh that's not a bad idea to go over it you guys want to like try to disarm it at the same time together just together not like not like both do it actively but yeah if it helps like a like being coached to disarm a bomb like all the TV shows and stuff so you so you want to tell Ace how to do it if you want to tell cerebella how to do it whatever abdominal spirit flavor's best ads because that's that's what oh and you can stand nearby and you can get a little you know a little bonus yeah the whole explosives check and you get what is it plus five all right plus five eighteen you get closer towards it you get closer towards it and you're like move to the left great job move to the right and then you big grab it and you hear it like go no way and you just like turn it you're like what do you do you just twist a couple of things and it stops Stellar thank you chair caught you're gonna get me some of your caps okay how would you give him whatever I had on me it's like 1500. that's how many load is that many well let me do it again a lot let me see I wonder if now on me it's 30. no it's three load no wait no no it should be eight right I don't know because of 100 caps for one load then 1500 would be 15 loads 30. oh yeah you're right you're right so it would be 30. it would be 30. you're right it's 30 load wow yeah that's like here [Music] uh well friend I don't think I carry all this yeah okay I don't think you can either though no oh you may carry that sure she puts in her bag of dirt I guess caps yep great wow I don't think a a plastic bag can carry that much weight and then she picks up the fragment that's destroyed but the Frog it's not destroyed in the Caps you can just send it again and now you have one now perfect where's my bubble wrap when I need it gone yeah um you guys make your way through the alley sort of turn the corner you see that small back door you make your way over towards it it sort of has that like push you know you gotta push it in you're gonna do that to know if there's roll a breach check uh reach uh 17. um no but you know it's locked you gotta nothing's ever locked perk I just could try to unlock it can we try to unlock unlock is that breach still I think we need a lock pick oh I think that well you can make a breach textures try to break it open if you want sorry I do have a uh I do have a time I think hooks might have a lock pick you've got a lock pick switch can you lock pick a lock can I see that mine uh you sure you even have this mine no I don't like that I don't like the vibe I'm getting from you I'm really bad at that as well let me try first okay I'm gonna try to get the door open wait can I hold my lime lime man again thank you can I do you have anything I have a tire iron yeah roll breech check what is their name the landmine yes Crystal Crystal Lee um with a C or a kite are you you look in your heart you know you know the answer though crystals I never met a crystal with the cake good keep it that way 23. yeah as you're saying that you guys watch us um uh as Ace just nonchalantly goes to this pretty industrial grade old metal lock and takes a tire and just hits off the face of it pushes it in wedges it out and pushes the door open exceptional no Landing um good you guys look inside um from what you can tell it doesn't look trapped on the inside the only other trap you can see is on the on the front door you see a counter you see a number of coffee cups there's a layer of dust within this room it looks like it hasn't been touched in a while there is also a staircase on the left it's very thin that goes up to uh towards the Top If you guys like to you can roll the luck check to sort of investigate around this room somebody should go back and get Paige this might be a better place to sleep than inside that turbine [Music] because I it's fine search with crap right now but if you could if you could grab the uh coffee cups for me I'll go get Paige you'll need to grab the coffee cup yeah I want the coffee cups uh especially ones that are cheap I don't think I think they'll be here when you get back well just in case I don't think anybody's gonna make them you've come back alabaster's like these are all mine he's got them stacked yeah I'm insane that's fine yeah I got him yeah sure and he just takes him and he like slides him over a foot and then he's like there we go I got him now perfect Swiss leaves to go again before you make your luck Chuck you guys can tell me if there's something specific you want to look for brain has been damaged she was on fire this is probably something burned I want to look for materials to fix my weapons and uh ammunition what kind of materials do you need to fix every little nasty piece of cake well I need something specific I like anything specifically adhesive food water got it go ahead and make that lecture no not bad um 14 14. uh you make your way over um and you kind of go behind the counter um old coffee machine in here pretty uh rusted over um and uh it looks like it was maybe taken care of pretty well though it just was sat here for a long time um actually it probably has rusted over at all it's extremely dry um as you begin to look around you see like a small fridge in the back you go over towards it strangely still has power these nuclear reactors last a long time as you open it you feel a bit of cold this sort of come out as you uh look at this is like everything in here is so old it's like like almost melded and stuck to the bottom of it so it like rattles a bit and like unsticks from the bottom of it you find um uh give me one moment sorry I thought I had it up and I had the crafting light stop things that'll be weird to find in the fridge yeah you find all Yarns a box of something yeah why is there a spine in the fridge yeah who did that yes uh that's some Borderlands [ __ ] um please you find all the code on the refrigerator and inside find G fuel but for every code you send uh Alabaster would heal a level of rats you find a pitcher with a plastic cover over the top of it's a brown liquid like slightly clear towards the top gets darker towards the bottom until it's like dirt on the bottom it's coffee really old coffee separated I know that could happen nice how would you find uh I'd say a gallon gallon of coffee you can drink like one load but eight ounces eight ounces is how if you drink eight ounces a gallon right yeah is that eight cups of coffee eight cups of coffee yeah cool you should you just have to mix it save the coffee you find piss Caster three uh purified Waters that got left behind good I agnostic uh and you also find looks like a really old moldy sandwich mmm penicillin delicious as you pull that out something sticks to it in the back as you pull out towards the back as you pull a syringe forward there's liquid in it it's sort of yellow you don't know what it is you can roll a medicine I want to check figure out what it is you want to just stick yourself with it and see what happens after we might as well I think I'm going to well it's yellow so I think I know it is straight into the vein it straight to the bloodstream this is pre-work you're not really certain what this is but um it's a little taste it has there's a version of it that everybody knows in the Wasteland nowadays um and this is uh psycho jet board awesome all right psycho jet you can if you use it you gain an extra 10 action points to use on your turn and a plus five damage with all weapons no and it lasts for an hour hey drugs they're halved for me anyways it's not fine that's all you find in the fridge sounds good uh are you two looking around yeah what are you looking for I'm looking for ceramic no tons of it look at all those costumes gears oils Springs and steel or just a pistol got it yeah on this level you find can I need that list again can I see it yeah foreign thank you or a handgun you go over into the coffee maker and you are able to find Three Springs three screws three oil three gear and three just write three next tall I'm so I was gonna plan on do do plan on dude plan on do get on getting on getting three of everything so then we just do kind of pin so three he just had one yeah no it was flat [Laughter] yeah we bought it on a pack of pencils but no who writes like this who writes like this you know what you you know what don't don't you [ __ ] put people on blasters you write like that I do oh my absolutely no you don't no you don't I definitely might like you run like this yeah you're like a [ __ ] printer Prince see my handwriting it's terrible there's a reason for that Mia writes sideways like yeah like I do that sometimes too you gotta you have to have an angle too okay I put a little dot to denote but like it's different you find five aluminum three gears one oil three screw three spring four steel and uh while you're just going through the refrigerator you look over Huck is just taking apart that coffee maker that espresso machine is Pieces by the time it's over and got the mugs and just slide them out of the way um Swiss you make it back to the whole turbine that you guys are hanging out and then you go over to Pages slumped over on the ground maybe she's dead I um well you know okay I just wanted to say this there's a perk I almost took uh that you have in there that well let's guess in Mr Sandman will let you uh if there's an unconscious creature and you attack them they instantly die that's bad whoa I didn't take it though um don't worry oh [ __ ] my page senses are going on oh no so it's kind of like hunkers down next to Paige oh God and like looks at her I hate those ones and she's like are you breathing they're gonna they're gonna think if I killed her that it was me she like holds something up to see if there's any breath and she's like I don't know what that means okay yeah okay and she just like you just rub her face she just shakes you be violently shaking nervousness you're alive you're both holes on it hi and she's like leaning over you like this are you okay you sleep like the Dead are you dead I kind of wish I was that's fair that's fair that's fair I've heard that before she like doesn't even ask your permission she just Scoops you up and throws you over here she goes uh the alabaster said that there was a probably a better place for us to sleep the more secure okay we'll make sure it's that little uh cover that Alabaster kicked yeah [Music] she takes her little hat off and she puts it inside the Hat the feet before that's mine and she goes anything else no any any other items no okay um just so you know that there were trip mines and uh landmines uh over there so I'm not the one walking nope I'm just letting you know as you finish tearing apart that thing and you go over and you sort of what are you doing with all the stuff you just found oh I'm like piling it on the table cool you pile over on the table um you gather all those little things and uh through the back door um uh Paige walks in or are you carrying page I'm carrying page no perfect she goes I have secured Paige uh and the fusion core and the scrap metal page was not dead when I found her that's great yeah I'm still not dead and I like kind of like put you down it's in like a there's like booths and it's by a window and you just didn't like a booth he takes two water bottles handsome over to you I found some found some water here but we got a ton of coffee if you like not that I think that's really going to help it all right now I don't know okay coffee might not be bad for help at some point as long as it's not like good coffee again is that gonna be a good coffee I'll tell you that right now can you temp agree that's equal to your level if you have a level of exhaustion in numbers sorry I don't remember what it does okay well the water's very helpful yeah the water will be good that's that's not bad I'm not sure what else is in this place but I figure there's a trick there's a bomb on the door so probably you're better to sleep here yes a little protection from anything that may come at us I arrived one explosion already probably can survive just gotta survive the night okay I went for anything like crafting pieces to try and start repairing our stuff I did not yet if you maybe if you want me I can start working on something it just gets my mind on something uh we'll see about that I'm pretty crafty myself do you have a workbenching tools here uh wrong but you don't no just a craft around here uh you all looked yep there was none in this area and he points behind the stick in the first floor uh for now okay go ahead nine nope 15. non-adhesive but you know what you find them you find a Loose Gear I love it one gear you eat it no she bites it make sure it's real it's actually covered in oil too gross yeah 15 15. um you can look around the room there's I mean there's lots of basic materials here as you try to look for everything you kind of go over to the back over towards like near the door um uh you look over and on the ground right by where the trip mine was set up where um it's placed onto the wall right laying on the ground it's just a little tub of glue but it's got a barely enough one adhesive do I find any caps no can look around and see if there's a is there like a broom maybe or a mop cool I'm gonna grab it and break off the end just so that was sharp yep and just make a little like makeshift spear yeah there is a there is a spear stat blocker yes and that can be a spear Jacob so when you repair an item the famed uh board and board with a nail board nail does one more damage one more nail damage sorry you need four different materials listed in the crafting materials you don't need like eight adhesive you just need one right that's right no you just need one one of each one of each all right um try to start repairing one week how long does it take to repair what are you trying to repair there you go sharp and pull you find a piece of metal and you put it on the top then it's a spare and we got special well there's spear sorry I'm gonna lay out the little what were you attached your repair um it takes plasma right it's also cut around to make it a helper there we go that's what I did it's good that I have no ammo no I know okay yeah you go over to one of the tables and you look over and you what are you repairing the h yeah that that gun got pretty roughed up you go over and you start using a bunch of materials you used from that coffee maker and you start repairing the gun after about five minutes you repair a level of decay I need to roll but oh do you yeah what's the DC 15 . it's plus 15. I mean it's 10 plus the DC right 10 plus the repair oh yeah yeah yeah it's plus five it should be 15. so go ahead and roll a crafting check I don't get uh one I something wait wait what's your crafting bonus 15. then you can do it oh yeah if you meet the bonus then you don't have to roll okay can I do it as many times that I have materials for almost takes five minutes each time you do it all right so do we need this refrigerator I don't need a refrigerator if you want to yeah if you Scrappy you can get four steel before you do that I could really use your help I wanted to explore higher up in this place sure I don't want to try to sleep at night and have someone sneak up on me I had one circuitry but I feel like we need to check out this place someone put traps here let's go I should also mention at the front of the store there is a big glass display case if it looks like a number of donuts that are all molded very very molded they are green and they are just green black white circles of hardened nothing tasty yeah you make your way up that stairs it's pretty shallow as you make your way up it sort of creaks as you go up with your pole it turns to the side as you make your way up again and you come up into a second story almost like attic and is um got that like V roof on the top there is what looks like a window that's no more than like a few feet high and about a foot wide um and it's like Dusty uh there is a number of shelves up here there's a bed and um well it looks like uh like a a a table looks like you think you see some stuff on it and then sitting by the window slumped up against the wall is what looks like a skeleton skeleton has like a um uh it has a tattered clothing on um like maybe the owner died what's your diagnosis death tragic yes what the hell kind of day is this I'm gonna go poke the skeleton with a sticker did you make your way over the skeleton sort of poke it with a stick it sort of like falls apart but um just before you uh there's like a fracture in like the top of like the skull like a good portion of like the side of it had uh had had like fracture was missing it falls under the ground you look over um uh the skeleton just has what looks like like tattered old clothing you barely tell what it was but holding clutch to in its hand is what looks like a nine millimeter pistol this nine millimeter nine millimeter Crystal has two levels of decay that in my bag as well there you go you just put in your bag do you want to check if it's loaded I mean yeah sure it has a magazine with how many how many uh how many how many bolts can it hold s it's just however many times it takes until you reload as it takes nah thirteen thirteen holy crap do you pull it out and you check it's got 12. 12 rounds she's gonna look at it Alabaster and look at it oh Huck or Ace no sign that's fine can I help you uh you got any gear wood steel or adhesive I've got steel you can have yeah yeah what do you want for it I've got some dirty to stop plotting to kill me tomorrow mommy I'm not planning to kill it I'm just keeping my options open mm-hmm because what if you wake up tomorrow you want to kill me I don't want to kill you tomorrow how do you work today it's not tomorrow the next day I don't see the future but I I will not kill you tomorrow there's three still three still at that that's three days worth of dot killing for sure good good good I will keep a plethora of Steel around so you don't kill me in my sleep no no but I don't sleep so no of course you don't you're you're like Huck ah yeah I am like hook I'm gonna say about it so yeah yeah yeah can we talk to Huck maybe like if we found a computer and you plugged into it which would it do that thing where if he can figure it out um yeah that was what I was about to say you'd be pretty aware that if it's the same situation that happened to you if he's still in there he can still see what's going on I mean I guess you could talk to him he can't talk back to you I could hear everything you guys did and said the entire time Huff was around you yeah let's see that's definitely a towel I always knew where you guys were expecting you were never not with us I guess sometimes you wouldn't hear something else and I could get into it did you like any of us did I like any of you I mean um not really we're helping Huck but I don't hate you I don't want you dead how does it work some scientists out east taking over I'm able to move my memories my being to something else just a lot in this sometimes I can take what's next and that's true how'd you wind up like this place together yeah so how would it hacked you you are on hard drive but we're both on it we shouldn't be on one we should be on two separate ones how what did he do to cause that I suppose nothing until someone else [ __ ] up then Huck took over the body after I'd specifically told him not to and now we're uh in [ __ ] California when we shouldn't be where should you be instead Somewhere Out East not too sure exactly where what you what you're looking for at least far very far Jacob do I know where exactly yeah he knows Boston what's in Boston that's very smart people who made these huh what you want from them one of these so like one for myself right and then one for hot technically yeah and then what after that like nothing whatever he wants probably out of your hair why didn't heck want to go to Boston we were already in Boston when he want to stay in Boston it's a long story kid shot dreams be cowboy we were Cowboys we are real people wants to be a real person again no he wants to be a robot this is from my head more than I already was very much either I can imagine but if we get back to Boston everything will be perfect um yeah yeah all right now East anyways yeah perfect not to Boston now you guys are going to what uh Colorado or something it's a vault it's along the way Las Vegas first and then right New Vegas been there before I think this doesn't want to experience than most of us I think I mean I saw a lot while Huck was walking myself it's a month for the ride why why do you remember all of your your memories but how does it remember anything I remember earlier when I was telling you that there's a lot in here yeah yeah there's a lot in here that uh some of it was the latest most of it was hook he's a template of a cowboy walking around pretending he knows that he's a cowboy really he just knows that he wants a horse and to go out west right right and that he's got a [ __ ] cowboy hat on right howdy howdy unless I should have done a little bit if we were to get Huck a real body how if he's just a template and he'd been deleted well how are you going to restore what was deleted we'll get there you know how I can um move things you could move things around could be some sort of compression and you just can't access it well listen to the smarter lady actually that actually works I just keep looking upstairs there's anything else up to um I don't know what type um there is uh uh there is a table and the table has uh what looks like a number of notes on them that have been written by whoever lived here sort of keeping track of of movement through like the town and whatnot um they're not dated so you don't know how long they are but it seems like a lot of it is just him saying everything's quiet uh then um there's also uh on the back so if it's like a table and then there's like a wall on this wall there's um etchings tally marks um I go to at least like two three hundred um then um uh there's like a cabinet in the cabinet you find like clothing you find like some shoes um and then you also find a um some of this stuff might be uh useful material if you need yeah a lot of cloth you know some cloth or something I don't know I don't know or leather or I don't know what kind of shoes it's a hunting rifle in there um it has two levels of decay we're having a hunting rifle we'll pull those out you got to bring all this stuff downstairs winner uh you it um and in this cabinet as well you also find uh uh four 308 rounds um how how much cloth from all the clothing I'd say you could get about 10. um a lot of like Hawaiian shirts right like that's like what you find um I'm gonna pull one of those off and put it on yeah it's like a it's like a blue lion shirt it's you're looking like like a dad now yeah that's a nice shirt I'm like trying to dust it off Max Payne and random information about things that's Pain Three uh there's a there's a what Max Payne three yeah all right then there's a cabinet as well you go through the cabinet you find what looks like um a lot of empty cans it looks like there were maybe a lot of cans of food but they all all gone well if you scrub them down what'd you get did you get I don't know aluminum oh yeah sure you can get like aluminum 20 aluminum if you want holy each one's a load he sniffs it just enjoying the smell of it could be food yeah it's dog food um there's some soup canes on the back though and those smell really nice yeah it could be uh you open another drawer and water in it you might be able to get the water to taste like it I said I was hoping for maybe he's trying like what looks like a bunch of junk in the bottom drawer it looks like a random pieces of assortments of like motherboards and whatnot so about four circuitry more stuff for you buddy my lady that is all you find stuff for hooks this is awfully heavy hooks that's right yeah and with that that's we're going to go and take a break uh we're gonna be back in a few minutes but before we do that let me get a big shout out to our patrons for supporting server onpater.com you guys support us there you support us directly you make this stuff cool you uh you you you pick with a set you I was just gonna say like you you pay Emma all those hard-earned dollars that she she she she needs you too Craig so a big shout out to Craig's foot cam cameraman I don't know how to pronounce this a barred named Scandal Steuben gear Steuben tigayer winter Stella that Sprite deha ml wolf brittle Dragon Andrew Lorenz lady Arby of the drive-through the bigots are late Wendy's calls for Aid and I shall answer alabaster's hair zero none okay I know that's why it was funny because I was like what is his hair oh ogl 1.32 hot anime boys edition plus waifu's expansion for me thank you yes the dog brain gun from New Vegas but it's possessed by idiots I've been a dog brain and a gun um sick Joy Kevin Krupa Jr Eldritch B the Platinum chip is carried by six couriers the player is six Ulysses is five now we know how one before died Rory Sinclair shista robbed The Kentuckian bourbon Sai the owl Sandman Hemlock tea coops Ethan inch stealthy recoil Austin stole why do they call it oven when they oven the cold food of out hot eat the Food King Fireball 2003 mango not watching live will be on the VOD squad tonight but hope that you guys have a good time so far Redbeard one second one load I had a funny name for this book for Gore so please just laugh so I feel good the Zoolander meme but it's velcary and Myers when Myers walk in insert funny name for Jacob to read here Small Town Eye Care the pinky life James Riggs pure osmium toddler Goblin gobbling tip number six the most sneakiest thieves get the most tastiest snacks Bob said how you made his name overly long just to make the cast read it for no reason other than his own Amusement reptilian Daedra did you know that insert fact here oh [ __ ] you want me to come up with a did you know that um no dogs can't look up they can't do it neither can pigs uh the diabetes deck cop mystical mystical combat beingness can you guys ask Craig if I can quote Baron in my novels what's the third time we've asked you um escape the goat Augusta ate a king Countess of Lovelace Heap and schmeet Thor and Schmidt everybody gets a cookie P.S you'll have to provide your own cookie dormammu is not cut up on Fallout he sure hopes nothing crazy has happened to the last episode uh Argus Fallen Alice Lily bottom sherik and Sean I've done nothing but watch Bionicle self-starter for three days uh Barton but winning a boss battle with Dollar Store counter spells and a giant monkey tossing Ms into other MFS um Duncan York Zach casts Mass shmeet every creature and my choice within a 60-foot race I want major Schmidt six inches I wish you could have lived to see it but you belong to Red Rocket now your body your gear all of it except your XP that you it cuts off Red Storm Mario Stahl notorious Thief Mimi H pivot the hood Model 11 Papa Joy Josh Travis and I vote for the pressure washer to be filled with spinal fluid that's we'll see you guys in a few minutes thanks for joining see you in a bit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign the second I started no I'm just trying to give it a frame it's the most delicious fries are they warm have another 200 Euros sandwiches come on okay put your fries [Applause] what level single fry they've never had fries no never love it it would be better with some mold on it there is uh [Music] even layer yeah um okay that's actually what's inside it's just mobitz deep fried this isn't deep fried mold could you eat mold in like benefit from it I mean I don't I don't know cheat lines up almost yeah but they figured that one out yeah all right you eat moldy food are you sick of the butt wines does the mold make you sick yes where did that come from yes why is it so big bacteria is small it's a lot of grooves yeah you're giving you the thing to grow on and it goes account so why can you eat cheese because it's good bacteria because it's like yogurt it's like probiotic it's been grown intentionally to be okay for us could I grow intentionally good mold from like a fry I don't know if you're you have the knowledge maybe I don't think it would taste very good but I don't know Jacob I can't get you these pants I will say the only molds that you should not I mean it says you can eat some in small quantities it's in like Poison Control you won't perish from them yeah but the other ones that you shouldn't two of which have to have the term toxic in their name right black mold right it's one of these probably black mold yet with a house that we lived at and uh oh no and I laughed because I said we had a house that we lived at and uh I slept on a couch against a wall that had never been moved because the couch was there ever since that we moved in and lived there for a long time it started to smell really weird in there like mildewy and then eventually I just pulled back the couch there's a black mold on the wall and I was like how many years of my life did this take off wow awesome something at all breathing black mold is really bad yeah cool well maybe it wasn't black mold maybe it was just stuff probably wasn't that black bulb comes from like water damage like water that's building up inside wood and things oh it was definitely water damage was the whole house off of Mooney that was the yeah the one on Martin that one that one stinky house the chimney would smell yeah when the house would like heat up it would smell like it smelled like things were dying and your dad painted the kitchen like bright yellow I was like why did you do that Tim if you're watching it was just not a good choice not that one anyways how many years of my life do you think that took off um the question I have is how many years did did breathing in all right now I definitely had a way worse time you didn't it was not years one week if any of the story sounds like is that he had worse than the Harry Potter didn't in that closet yeah that sounds it sounds like it was living like a bad time was a small child who couldn't do anything but Colton could have done something yeah that's why he needs to be dragged sometimes like Metro like 2038 or whatever he's living in like a house the thing was came to you could see the sky oh my God and then like I think he had to go to the hospital if you'd go outside I don't feel good I'm like I'm making YouTube videos excuse you dystopia it wasn't completely his fault he did go to the hospital and they were like you just have a cold and then he went back like two days later and they're like you have pneumonia in your your lungs are feeling Squad I felt so bad yeah it was just misdiagnosed yeah anyways um love Colton yes very happy Hamilton fun I'm just gonna throw it out there those conditions also are caused by your living it's not like it's not like those things just happen for no reason but he did try to help him yeah I think after it's happened to you yes I don't know if that's yeah I don't think you should continue sleeping in the room well he didn't when you're 21 years old 20 years old and you're living with people who are younger than you you just [ __ ] you just things happen and you're like oh is there's gonna be consequences for this look I don't I don't care what people say people are dumb in their 20s I just assume that like this is what life is I'm 20 I can sleep in a room with a hole I'm sure this is just normal yeah hear the music hey guys welcome to the Arkham Lounge podcast [Music] s and I'm the older myself is the older characters that gaming to be like get out of here you nasty pieces of crap I'm gonna kill you all don't get near me through these things man [Music] shut up I'm gonna burn you alive with the flame spell it's bigger playing funnel guys see you next week yeah we're gonna play Skyrim then it's 10 o'clock okay okay okay um you guys are in this room still when I come back downstairs okay I'm gonna put out all the stuff a couple of guns I found some guns and some ammo upstairs if anybody feel like you could use these I'll take that pistol about time go for it garbage here's some ammo for it too there's a nine millimeter pistol and 12 rounds of them it's already in the gun okay I know you already answered this question before break but I don't remember the answer so I'm gonna ask it again yeah when repairing an item if it says like three still do I have to have three still I just need one of it right perfect one of each type of how many how many touches perfect the three is for if you craft it if you want to make a new one that's what I assumed but I was like maybe I'm wrong you can also repair an item with a copy of the other item yeah so if you have two nine millimeter pistols you can you can break one and repair the other one okay a combat knife that's like fused my other knife remember we did this last time do I have to like repair both of them or are they now considered one weapon it's one weapon I'm just looking for I'm gonna go find Paige uh if assuming I didn't interrupt anyone yeah I mean you're on the same room no perfect she said a skirt over to you coffee shop and she's gonna dump like all of her steel that she has uh which is uh she has a gear um and she's gonna give you her spiked um Knuckles and her her knife that has been duct taped together she goes I I need this to be repaired I don't know how to do that okay well I a little hard for me right now but I um yeah I can like direct you okay um I'm going to be doing the crafting but perfect having she will hold things Swiss to it instead of me because I maybe I'll do some things because I have one I'll hold it steady yes I mean yeah it you start doing a part and you're like okay okay and then you're lost you're like I don't you don't even understand how this piece connects no piece and Paige is completely lost to any patience it's just like I just start killing it well I can only do it one hand oh yeah can you still craft I mean like you can I think it might be I would imagine it's still the time yes yeah get your feet in the mix hell yeah knock knock toes are like yeah seriously this is dexterity my agility is three there is no dexterity in this game agility that's it my crafting's minus three Spencer that I have on my phone that I whip out anytime whip it out something something really nerdy wow the one where you're wearing those glasses and your face is like she's like to a photo and if I ever feel like if I remember like yeah I'm like this this and you're like well actually technically it's this I go you can technically eat like silica gel packets and you're like you can't yeah you just says do not yeah it says do not eat them because my wife keeps them away from me yeah but they're not toxic you can eat them you shouldn't cerebella and um Alabaster don't eat as you guys are in this Diner you can see what it looks like um you know when like a car drives by like a window and it like reflects off the walls you see that very slowly sort of happened across the walls but it's red I'm colored one look outside you look outside as you get over close towards the window and you can see um uh moving down the street so like if this is a corner right and you're looking out this window it's like the light shut in through here and it's like it's just out of view and it's slowly coming into view as you turn and see down the street like something's patrolling it's a uh large robotic figure three uh Turn Style legs red uh face a chassis on its face to um uh uh like uh chain guns on its arms so you see an assaultron just like oh yeah Sentry bot yeah thank you okay let's go fight it I mean I'm gonna get down just drop to the ground yeah can I try and sneak over to it and use my robotics expert to turn it off um you know it's kind of got line of sight well I if it's not completely broken I am I can be invisible if it's dark yeah right it's so right now I can't see us right now and right now it's turning in front of the window if you were to do that you'd either need to go through the trapped door that's in front of you that will blow up if you open it or through the back door all the way around which I mean it's gonna shoot by the time you you you get over there so you I assume you can start moving and as soon as you do it's sort of very robotically not very like like you guys have seen other Sentry Bots that have like pretty vigilantly sort of like attacked over this one just sort of like turns very slowly doesn't say anything and he watches the chain guns begin to speed up um and at this point everybody roll combat sequence oh boy God damn Sentry bot well now I can't do the robotics export because snowfalls now I can't do that um Alabaster would you roll I'm assuming the minus six applies to this as well uh nope get rid of it yeah no this is let's go check toss it in the ground okay uh uh because there's no way that we're never gonna get into a non-common red minus two that's not to all D20 rules it's only just skill checks uh ability checks skill checks and um and attack rules yeah so this is technically not any of those okay uh then 13. 13. okay um sorry 15 15. got it Huck would you roll um sorry ace and I got a natural 20 . thank you pistol now um page what you wrote nine uh do you mind if I get rid of that perk because it's I don't you're gonna change it now yes please we're starting combat well I'll change it now I I don't have time that's nice you get a buff right now I'm not gonna use it for anything if I whatever I pick I won't be using those combat um okay what'd you roll um sorry give me a second um foreign [Music] Alabaster is 14 pages nine Swiss worthless um well I cannot do anything other than unless you want to go faster than what you already are Paige uh then I will give you a plus five and myself a plus five uh Swiss so you and I are this is 12 and you're at 12 as well yeah got it got it got it I will for you to do Oracle switch around nowhere that was kind of where I want them to be no worries okay um sheesh is Decay also to damage or just to attack Decay is to damage and attack okay yeah um minimum of one for damage uh Huck you sorry Ace you are first uh am I uh let me get that out of the map let me just draw something real quick for everybody um so we kind of get an idea of what we're doing here where's on the map uh it's up top of the things foreign not sponsored just just very cool ignore the ignore the what uh or the boulder also get uh 10 temporary points or 10 temporary uh stamina things do we still also have the 10 10 very hit points oh no no well I no I only give 10 temporary stamina points so if you had that from me SP yeah 10. stamina yes yeah it's always supposed to be stamina I think because DT doesn't decrease oh no it's just temporary hit points oh oh it's hit points that's what it says stamina points but then it's then stand but believe that sorry boy boy uh you should have ten start with that oh wait I forgot it doesn't um then it's like counter and then some boots yeah the boots are right here I heard boots there's some boots with the fur with the fur with the fur yeah you find some boots with the first would you say the cloth that [ __ ] guy yeah yeah but then she hit the floor she's better is she better at the floor with three AP uh and get low the table's like stacked up uh no they're like boots I don't know oh God you guys on the ground the lines equal a table that's like six songs yeah yeah table oh I think those are all the same size um and then like oh yeah it goes like this and it sort of goes like it goes like that and then that street sort of like goes down the stairs they go up the stairs that go down into the alleyway that you guys went through where's upstairs to go upstairs uh oh they are really thin and right there oh go like that it's like a quesadilla gorilla it is it is and then uh this was like another kind of building like right here I guess um and then this uh go ahead and put your guyses in there it's English we're just in case it is Spencer would you mind taking me and putting me behind the counter yeah put all my stuff on the counter there Ace you're gonna take Alabaster behind the counter I'm a Kendall I can't so basically what had happened is this dude went and then we just shot in and they start almost immediately you have a lead pipe I do have a lip pipe late pipe way better than that pipe anyone's yet he hasn't shot anything yet though I think yeah Guinea one's yum um all right uh Ace here first he's revving up he's about to shoot oh he's about to shoot he's about to I thought he broke the window already nope I'm gonna break the window and I'm gonna shoot him before he can shoot me so it's good um sorry all my guns are on a different page where did I put it oh my God where did I put my oh my God there is your Apple Bottom Jeans they uh yes ah see I'm gonna have to turn off the lights a little bit because I need uh I need some ceramic and some first I can make them okay but my my ceramic yeah I I need [ __ ] boots if you get leather if you get leather I'll trade you I know all the stuff's for you I don't want anything I can't carry anything okay yeah uh what is it what is this thing called a Sentry box Sentry bot it is affiliated with any factions it does have a little job does it have like any you know things on it oh man yeah a cap it says uh it has the yeah it has the NCR um sigil on the side so I have actually my DT goes up by one I had to think about that and uh you were right and then my cred chances uh increase it has to go up up is good yeah but it's really confusing when I wrote that in I was like oh put increase and everybody's like so it goes up and I'm like wait yeah how that works here we go I'm going to shoot it okay okay um one is a uh I'm gonna use the pistol one's a uh so I add my guns to it right yeah okay once a 26 and one's a 33. uh one's a 26 and one's a 33. yes uh both of those are gonna hit go ahead and roll damage also for our table don't be afraid to use your coins because I have a thing that I can put in those coins on oh so burn them away because for instance if everyone's burned and Mia gets crit she'll flip hers I can then flip mine and then flip someone else's so we can so if you have abilities burn them because it's almost better if we have them use than not all right the the cat bag passed me the first time so I just decided to take all the Caps I saw that yeah no you you said make it a double yeah and then several times yeah yeah I was like how many doubles can I make well it's only uh level five requirements so no um I'm actually gonna shoot one more time we love it yeah we're doing it um and and a um what is it to do uh attack to the Head that's a minus something hey minus six so um I'll wait one second I'm not gonna flip my camera um shoe no it's okay it's because I have a perk um what are you good or something I am um that's a 31. oh my God no I haven't yeah oh God I got it minus six though because it's a headshot nice are you shooting in the dome yes there we go with what with my pistol oh the nine millimeter one nice yeah um and I'm gonna flip my cap because I can make um headshots um a crit yeah uh let me see this with us so we're gonna quit do you double all damage uh it depends on the weapon whatever the weapons times two times two yeah so yeah is it all damage so when you roll the damage whatever the total is times but just for the yeah just for all three yes just for that one hit so for empowering personality I can flip my cap and add uh damage to that with a crit and add to that uh yeah yeah so if you if you if can you choose the attack yeah then yeah it would it would double it for the crit it says whenever deals damage from an attack roll even flip your camera capture increases of damage uh by a bonus equal to W or Crystal modifier so what's your charisma modifier I would I would give 10 which would then double A 20. yeah 220. okay I'll flip my cap nice and uh the flexible your protocol again I'll say like a bullets protocol that's yours that is cool you'll add plus 10 to your damage and then Ace over here holding out the nine millimeters like do I double my modifier or no uh yeah it's everything times two it's whatever the total damage you deal no times two some damages are not that some are dice which just means you add extra dice oh that's 64 damage oh that's a lot damn that's all into its stamina points but it is uh looking really bad um holy crap and then um with my one remaining I'm gonna take cover nice yep you are in cover um sorry so you just immediately before this thing even fires the rest of you are sort of getting ready and um Ace is sorry fired a bullet straight through the glass into the Dome of this thing that light just goes out um as it hits it um it needs a condition as well um do you get to choose it or do you roll it I don't know I don't know you get to also add a damage dice it was so I did that was 22 the damage just double that and it's just gonna do the same thing so 10 more so ten more sick do I have to roll on the table to know what it condition it gets uh yeah and you can re-roll it a number of times equal to your look yeah very cool uh AP doesn't recycle next turn you can get that or you can re-roll if you want it's a head condition right did you say that you crit though yeah oh you create you get you get to pick or and you can do the severe injury if you want what does rattle do uh scroll down should tell you the whole thing rattles he's like does it have an endurance score higher than eight I'm sorry this does not even matter um because you have to deal damage to a tip points to do a limb condition sorry okay um that's the end of your turn Ace um it then it's its turn it is going to self-destruct all of you explode again version three next week just I just lost my other arm you can do it a number of times equal to your limbs learn to be with your feet you're like yeah it does uh it is going to use a double chain guns can survive another one it's going to fire and Miss commits six of those attack into into cerebella six of them into uh into Swiss and we'll see where we get from there yeah um what is your AC cerebellar ten ten so I need a three to hit you so natural one miss so one two three four hits okay so that is um four instances of seven damage okay so give me a quick second here um seven to three four twenty three to sixteen Swiss no no what's your AC my AC is ten AC is 10. as well one two three um five hit you um so that is uh five instances of seven damage okay and DT doesn't subtract in terms of temporary points yes um you know it are either of you down from that no uh that was all stable it continues um it spends the rest of its turns shooting into both of you again so six more into you cerebellar which is going to be um six hits so six instances of seven damage and then three more instances of seven to you Swiss three more after that yeah okay um and that's it it just uh fires into this thing's mostly just targeting the two of you are right in the front right there as it continues to fire just doesn't move it just keeps shooting um it is now Alabaster um the glass and everything is breaking you hear [ __ ] bouncing off the sides um uh you see freaking uh cerebells just riddled with bullets but just resisting most of them who has a landmine all right it's me I I got it it's more bullets just flying past you [Music] um can I how do we do this I was gonna say like toss it here oh you're gonna toss it I'm asking her to pass it over uh I have an idea you can toss it or you can take it from her if you walk over to where she is otherwise she's gonna have to spend days to give it to you I'm just gonna cuss three then you'll have to wait till it's you all have the same initiative this is fine you have to spend three AP to give it to Alabaster done you have a problem with that no cool he grabs it okay and he's gonna run upstairs okay so that's uh one two three four five to grab it uh six seven eight nine you're upstairs how much AP do you got left how much should I spend uh nine I have four left four left is there a window on this side of the building yes that's where that window is going over that building you are at the window that's the end of your turn um cerebella um can you put Alabaster just off the map I can there you go um just when I make [ __ ] attack Avatar I had the AP I okay uh I will uh look up that fragment damage uh do you want to follow the idea yeah okay I'm going to use my fragment more like explosive frisbee I mean I mean it's 3 AP to do uh everyone's gonna get plus two to their AP nice everybody you guys get um an extra 2 AP on your turn uh and then I'm also going to I can't last night oh do you have 15. yeah unfortunately Max of 15. uh and then I will uh use three to initiate Phoenix protocol perfect and then I will use another three to do Commander to command uh Ace to fire again sounds good which is my bullets protocol what did you get damage to your hit points oh yes I did oh shoot so you have 6 AP for that uh I have one left uh also each uh creature um gains advantage of the first attack roll so make sure there you go crazy oh fantastic freaking it is such a stark difference from Hawk being like I'm gonna shoot this shotgun that's a 40 to hit wow yeah you have a plus 20 to guns he does wow um from Huck being like don't worry Paige oops I was gonna take a spray and pray next whatever you deal damage you can choose just to not uh my recipe I'm I'm just gonna Wonder yeah I I don't attack anymore I just wander and take the [ __ ] protectrons in the NPC mode just getting here they're just like it's just bullets just flying behind you yeah I'm just doing my thing I'm just saying error codes and uh given directions patrons would you like some more water yeah it's 14 more damage 14 more damage almost into its hit points everything is expired one to hop back down all right nice just fire off it out again um Swiss it's me dangerous you use three but you gain two uh yes that that is a thing that I would do you also Advantage your first time I'm sorry I was I was trying to read because I know I have this that that double handed thing that we made it into last time uh-huh um I'm trying to remember what it does but I will look at that in a moment um it just does the weapons damage no I think it also gives me like plus to either my AC or my gives you plus one I can't remember which one it was perfect so technically a little bit [Music] um so I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to move unfortunately that's what I'm gonna have to do to get I mean perfect we love that uh like here you can go out the front door it's also probably glass there too no there's definitely not a bomb there oh yeah I see I see uh two AP to get over there right so you barefoot two four oh you know I know she's got it oh my God I simply said converse to get there uh which will take me down to a number um shooting and getting down and moving away from this thing and I'm Swiss about to run over and be like yeah punch the middle robot um yeah I'm thinking about it um key Point Fury of blows yes minus four to become rooted I blow them uh four to become rooted is a key point to rip those pants off then I'm gonna attack um and so I'm gonna I'm gonna try to attack I guess all right roll Tech this is my hidden uh and because you're rooted you'll deal an extra five damage when you hit right yeah um I will what huh to what to what God I [ __ ] hate a 40 words what did you say what did you say I just gotta do you know what she I kept talking to her about this V2 the V2 of this system being telling her all these things oh yeah and her criticism every time was she had a sex skill yeah and only Cowboys can take it I'm like shut the [ __ ] up it's called sex where Cowboys get a plus five requisite Cowboy yeah let's watch one of the sex skills I can't use it Kendall [Music] 40 plus 12. 40 minus 12. 30 28 28 28 and then it's DT is a wind movement oh three so uh so it took is it had 14 stamina points that's reduced now to 28 um and then three DT so it takes 25 to its hit points hell yeah ouch uh you put a [ __ ] dent in it you hit so hard I think I might I'm sorry I I looked at so many perks today um I did take Unstoppable Force do you know that I have to move 15 oh no no that's something else then never mind that's maybe it's pain trained no maybe something else I don't know um there's Pain Train Paige when I do damage their hit points um they don't subtract their DT because you have piercing strikes no Unstoppable Force oh whenever you roll damage with an unarmed or melee attack roll against the hit points of a creature their DT is not subtracted from your damage okay then I'm imagining that what you did is you scrambled over to this thing ripped off a piece of its metal and just like a circuitry and then bunched it yeah very cool uh the round Ace yeah you do come on I'm gonna shoot him you're just like pew like a book hey Ace is like a crit watches uh 22 26. this is just a gangster yeah yeah and uh the ball hook above 20 30. Ace where's the cowboy hat backwards yeah whoa foreign how do you know you hit I got a 22 a 26 and a third okay okay 34 damage wait is that three instances of damage yeah that's DT at it three times so nine minus 34 is 25. you almost did the same amount of damage just making this really easy to calculate the way I did that math was I just did it as 25 to both because I know that's 50 and then added three from the from the damage you didn't deal to its DT well now subtracted three 47. um okay uh it's Sentry boss turn do it then it's going to look down if you like you just punched it Google screamed it looks down it just uh uh 25. 25 will definitely hit 25 damage 25 damage okay uh what if I subtract that by four you can't start it by four because actually more than that like nine by nine nine nine because you're rude and because of value you're perfectly F4 yeah so it's 20. you're gonna take it less damage than the robot you have one hit point left I forgot I looked down I was like I shouldn't be here oh my God it's gonna block you again no no I don't know if it should that's 24. to hit yeah yeah that'll hit crunch yeah I'm down I do subtract nine I would like that that is true it would have been way more damage you also while you are dying you can only have a maximum of 6 AP and you gain 2p at the start of your two eight years what happens to my recycled eight uh Gone damn uh okay so that was eight of its AP just to take you down it only has four left oh good so it's gonna go it'll recycle it it doesn't care do you follow Chrome when you're done you're prone yeah yeah you can only imagine and a moving five feet is 2 AP um okay uh Alabaster it's your turn I'm gonna open the window thank you was it praise pray yeah I know and I'm gonna ready action as soon as I see spray Swiss somehow move or out of the way or whatever as soon as the Swiss is gone then I'm gonna just tap it and just drop it sounds good uh that it's red to ready and all of that is six plus whatever you're doing I mean yeah I have 13 18 I haven't used it you're exciting cerebellum yeah yeah uh uh why don't you scooch on and scooch okay all right half my movement is three spaces I can move three spaces falls on the ground she's like bleeding out from suffering concussion dying you're like move she's like can I just like throw my body back in here I'm gonna get you the stem pack before you immediately go back the stim pack enters like like Uma Thurman into your chest at the same time explodes yeah I mean is it possible [Music] do you want it to land on his head I'm just worried that that will be worse I will let you cannot do a target attack with an explosive but I will let you make a look that's good well those aren't going great right now dc-15 no use the cap pump it down all right why not I got two caps anyways if you beat a 15 it will just like us if it was changed so now I get an additional cap oh crap wait can you get gifted and [ __ ] make it a double yeah you get three you have three of them what am I wrong can you imagine though look with this thing dc15 . I'm not gonna this is pointless no no it's not I have minus six to roll I'm facing you it's fine it's fine I have minus six and plus one it's a luck roll does that mean it's an ability roll um yeah plus plus five five that's five plus five that's a minus one this minus one no I get zero fast one zero six that's a plus five and plus one for my luck yeah [Applause] the one we flip all of our caps over that's an 18. oh [Applause] this is falling and it's like who can say um it's in slow-mo it's like you're getting like slammed onto the ground and then like uh and then uh cerebellum's like get up you like slap yourself over the other room then like the stim pack comes down and as soon as it hits you and you're like uh it beat lands on top of the Sentry bot like a little hat explodes out of the blast radius by the way it's a 10 minute 10 foot radius so everybody's beautiful everybody's good everybody's good um does it do the head damage where it does an extra roll of damage okay no we're good what's up does it do an extra thing of damage because it's a head shot or whatever no okay it's just not gonna really hit anybody else uh that's 11. you know what it doesn't do because you landed on the head it doesn't trigger the explosives but this just goes off yeah uh nine so that'd be hundreds of explosives laid inside this place so yeah we're gonna all explode again uh uh don't shoot him it's 20 points of damage are you serious I'm serious he's how do you do literally it lands on the top of his head and just like like a like a sideways sort of explosive going upwards goes off and it just crumples inwards um until the smoke eventually settles you get your healing rate from that stem pack he's like and you all look around and wait Paige like peek in and uh the Sentry bot is is just a smoking pile of uh of metal you can look back at Ace and go I'm still in the head of the window I'm like scrap that oh on it hey are we just at base yeah twenty thousand yeah yeah twenty thousand so now you're at 20 500. foreign XP for those goals earlier too we killed one we got four levels for that I heard that we we ran away from them though oh my God it's another 500. um did we discover a new place um and then technically you guys don't get XP until you rest so I'm already doing this wrong I'm just saying that I I read something about how like it's not about killing monsters it's about you know surviving encounters it is you're right okay okay I'm gonna go out there and start going through this guy all right get a bunch of scrap metal um obviously get a circuitry and you also get uh two Fusion cores four steel and two gears that's everything you get whatever I just said two times four Seal two gears two years you said circuitry too you have one circuitry he was real passionate about computers it's it's circuitry that's in swiss's hand there's still here for you thank you yeah the way you pull it out it's like you pulled out his heart he had a little scholar all right circuitry here's your stuff we found one adhesive wait wait wait wait for your favorite stash of shite yeah oh yeah um five circuitry here comes the bigger ones 10 cloth 20 aluminum do you find any leather no I'm sorry how much aluminum boots just gonna ask that question how much aluminum oh yeah all the booths have leather every booth one leather one booth one level one two three I just ripped leather off and then I bring it to you with my left my my armor ten ten Leathers 10 Leathers how do I 10 others how do I do this I want to make it better they're heavy and I can't Garden my my armor is decayed I want it to be less decayed wow same here yeah whatever you want out of this how much do you have a certain things I have uh I have one adhesive I actually adhesive I'm looking for aluminum circuitry but we don't have that screws Silver Springs or steel uh I have five steel and a five circuitry that I've been carrying the charity that leather I could really use some too yeah there's I've just tore it off this booth here oh so I took all of them no I took one okay I know they did but oh yeah everything upstairs that has been found as well there was cloth there was that hunting rifle two pieces a window why not yeah right just to repair to prepare it's one so one second how long does it take oh wow an hour that's uh this is crafting uh mine has plus one tastes we repair it only takes one level with them out leather as you get here we could repair your armor to fall but no we we gotta get um Alabaster stuff up mine's leather as well yeah leather as well yeah how much how much time did you get also upstairs Dooney leather too why don't we just do both five you can do that or I can do four and you can do six if it's because I don't remember if it's rounded it's rounded down right yeah so uh let's do six three no because you you held my my coffee cups okay it's very important to me I mean I get it that's that's nice we'll do yeah six and then I'll we'll repair mine four hug Ace [ __ ] you make your way upstairs you go over towards the windows you've been looking around sort of quiet up here as you get like towards the edge of that window the alabaster to open you kind of look out of it you see the destroyed smoking pile of uh Century Boboli and has a smoke like sort of clears ahead of you there's another building on the opposite side so like on this side there's another building and you look over towards it and uh there is what looks like like a telescope of some kind sticking out of what looks like a window there's like drapes that are old and um uh like rotted and tattered there's like a telescope sticking out of like the other side peering into the other um over towards where you are and then underneath it you can see like some glowing green like like screen old uh uh like uh CCTV screen underneath it 'll just be like lines going up it you're not really sure what it is do I see like movement at all sides go back downstairs I think there's um something in the building across the street someone inspired us maybe it's a telescope no they're repairing armor will you go check it out if you want so we'll see okay it's gonna take me a little bit of time to do this yeah especially I'm not going anywhere especially because what kind of trouble we get into oh [ __ ] I forgot about Phoenix protocol um I'm fine okay I mean you just probably have all your health back I'm pretty sure yeah armor again sorry condition is that amount minus everything that the armor does so like it's condition three it's minus three two armor class DT half of it so three would be minus one minus one wow so now we're back to something yep that's nice actually have some art working armor now yeah that's good yeah that's a good idea that's really good armor is pretty easy to repair I like that that's not bad all right we don't have any plastic right that's why I need I don't like that oh what what I don't want to do it nevermind no don't do it man do it it's part of the game it's not for you it's for it's for it's for Mia you should do it you should do it you hit zero that means your arm would Decay One More Level break oh oh that's fair that's fair though that means that your your arm will be all the way up though I I don't have to take all of it there's some leather no because your arm is broken yeah it's gone I know in that case should we craft something for you I mean it'd be better for you to have some armor and I will have somewhere it gets to a point really where like crafting armor is going to be better than fixing with you guys yeah I mean actually if you guys are both wearing leather it actually would be better to just make new ones but could you take the models that is so realistic I love that you look at their arms like why the [ __ ] we gotta fix this and just make new ones did you take the mods off of my armor and put it under the new armor [Music] if I may argue I think it's better gameplay that you can't yeah then there is more motivation to fix I appreciate it saying that because I was going to say the same thing and the only reason I was writing is like that sucks but yeah well no it makes more like that's practical because it's like you've modified an armor like you can't just like guns you can take the mods off but like an armor like you agree with that your modifications I I think it's fine because I'm not getting like I'm not getting any benefit out of this right now anyway um I I would rather spend the nine to get your modified armor up but even even with getting to meet at condition three I'm still getting some of my bonuses back right but um we then can't then build armor out of that so we may as well just first how much leather does it take for you to build 10 right I actually get uh oh I thought I only took two no reduction ten it takes two to repair oh I do get a reduction because I am it takes a lot of repairs so it's eight yep and the rest that's 12 so that's six things we can go up with yours that puts that [Music] that level 10 perk affects your crafting not repair yes okay so it wouldn't be able to get me all the way up to no either way well no because I could well how many how many leather pieces do you guys have we have two we have ten ten so we'll be able to prepare five levels with two each which means it still doesn't get four yeah it's either you don't repair alabasters or you and you make a new set of armor that's fresh or you um I mean yeah either way it's just the one person's benefiting or not I think I think we can find more leather around I'm not worried about it at this point I've got a lot of DT that's just natural the only thing I'll argue is just that we found 10 leather right off the bat so we can build do something new whereas like to repair this we only need to find like one little piece at a time what's your DT [Music] I'm still gonna be at zero but that's better and closer to getting there yeah we can get you up to five right if it's two per you have ten it's five five so we can get you more so that'd still be at zero zero yeah yeah but it's closer yeah yeah yeah so that's good all right um no you guys are fine uh and is there anything you guys want to do we're going to go across the street right um here's your head across the street that is where we're gonna end tonight's game though um because we just started a little late but it is a little uh it is a little late now at the same time so yeah this was fun I started a really confusing trying to adjust to all the new [ __ ] [ __ ] but uh I just want to say that it's fun that you guys are scrambling for leather again there's the fact that Alabaster now has this like red leather like like Diner seat like orange armor yeah on your armor and stuff it's great turned it around it's not so ugly it's right inside out you're about to make armor out of like Booth leather perfect perfect yeah a hard little red Poncho yeah uh thanks everybody for joining for tonight's game Fallout zero um we will see you guys next week with another episode of avnia and um uh witch light man I'm excited it's gonna be a good time and then strict saving soon is at some point don't know the UTA on that yet prop sometime soon we'll start strict saving so soon we've already done session zero we're just waiting on Art that's all we're waiting on and I think the next year um all right Mia why don't you send us out I just want you all to remember today that uh Swiss went out there uh punched a person died and crawled back in just in time for Alabaster if I can finish the back that's why they're called because of cerebella get your ass up and work that's why they call you Swiss because if you put it you put the holes in other people I do I'm like damn you make them into yeah yeah so you know think about that tonight cerebellas wants you to get up and work bye
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 32,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Id: dGIYsh-_Btk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 28sec (13828 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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