Xbox Calls Out PlayStation | Xbox Handheld | GTA 6 Leaks | Xbox 2023 Roadmap - XB2 234

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what is going on everybody this is Rand l419 the man with the million back again with your weekly Xbox 2 podcast here on a Friday September 23rd only one more week to go in September finally getting that cold air here it was like two days in a row it was like 90 degrees in September and now it gets a size 60. it's absolutely beautiful but anyway in 19 September screw that noise baby I know right with me as always the man the myth the legend Jess Gordon of Windows Central what's going on buddy oh good man I just had a nap so five hour podcast today six hour podcast I mean let's do it we'll go as long as well as the people want us to go right we go as long as as we need to go [Laughter] yeah uh but I'm doing pretty good man um last week the week before this was a bit hectic with uh you know in the publishing industry a lot of layoffs um my workload has increased as a result of the said layoffs but thankfully you know carrying my blessings that I was not LED off so there's that you know and um try to rebuild get back on track onwards and upwards and all that stuff but yeah I'm doing pretty good how are you doing around how are you I am doing great I'm doing great man um diet's going really well good uh last like five pounds last week you know with my 1200 to 1300 calories doing oh my God like exercising we're getting there bro like you know a year from now I'll be a changed man you know what I'm saying I'll be looking different I posted a picture uh on Twitter because my beard was getting along and so is my hair and I'm like ah somebody shaved my beard uh people like oh you should trim it and it's just like I don't I don't know I mean I just want to get rid of it put it back in the goatee and people already were like man I can see the change in your face which you know almost 30 pounds I don't know yeah you will notice I I would have thought yeah man you you're inspiring man I need to get back on the wagon because like I lost like 100 pounds last year but then I gained a bunch by like I gained like 20 pounds since I lost that initial 100 pounds so I need to get back on the wagon and get get rolling again so you inspired me buddy and I you know I'm glad I'm glad you're doing well and you do you do sounds you you seem a lot more motivated oh well you know I gotta think the drama that's going on you know the drama has rekindled something within me you know I I just love seeing two corporations fight uh you know we've we've had this we've had we've had this Kumbaya stuff for so long you know just get together all Tides rate you know you know raising or what high tides raises all boats and stuff but when when the pedal hits the metal you know you know their true colors come out and you can definitely see them so like I just love seeing the back and forth you know it's just it's it's hilarious to me it's so fun to talk about and it was just like you know people have been people have been like man I really appreciate you right now you know doing all these videos because you know videos take time like podcasts or podcasts you just sit over here and you just talk it's basically just like me and Jazz are on the phone just talking about stuff I mean that's how this show really started in the first place was just me and jazz on Skype literally talking about gaming and Xbox so it's really just a conversation and then we just added everybody here uh to uh to the show so thank you all for being here the pong Souls The Violet Femmes the Jamie Sharps um the Josh Thompsons everybody in chat uh we really appreciate you make sure you do us a huge favor uh hit that like button uh subscribe to the channel if you're new and uh share this out YouTube YouTube's doing better though you know that that is something we need to probably talk about I didn't put in the topics because I completely forgot about it but man twitch has had a week not the best week pretty bad week um yeah well definitely definitely talk I mean there's a lot there's a lot of things a lot of things here to talk about uh but first uh this week the podcast is powered by manscaped so it's my turn to read this I'm not as good as jazz people seem to love Jazz's American accent but I will do my best I'm going to channel I'm gonna Channel my inner Satya Nadella when I talk about manscaped and their products so here we go all right okay trying to compete with those other guys give yourself a Competitive Edge with manscaped you want competition get some competition in your life and blow your waist with the ultra smooth package from manscaped grab your lawnmower 4.0 your Crop Shop shaver razor your crop exfoliator and your crop gel to blow away the competition and make your balls feel 69 billion dollars uh you forgot a word in there when he wrote this Jazz it's supposed to be feel like feel like yeah yeah you forgot a word here you professional writer ah I screwed it up professional writer checkout code x b two at for 20 off everything and free worldwide shipping thanks to manscape for sponsoring this week's Xbox 2 podcast so yeah guys you want some competition in your life get some competition make your balls feel like 69 billion dollars with code xp2 yeah man I I just like oh God Ran Mr word and I was like oh wait I missed it sorry about that Ron uh okay yeah oh hopefully uh would be a bit a bit prepared next week because uh I did just take a nap I took a nap before the show and I was here at the last minute but uh the trade-off is I've not fallen asleep during the show it's nobody we need high energy jazz people love it yeah you know yeah that's where we need the spicy takes today are you gonna bring the spicy takes today I'm gonna bring some spicy cakes there's a lot of spicy things to talk about and there's a lot of spice all over my desk actually because I had a curry earlier and spilled some of the sauce so there's a lot of spice all over my desk as well the spice everywhere today everyone's got a bit of spice yeah you know what else is spicy Rand what this week's patreon sponsor that's right so uh as part of one of our tiers for the patreon which by the way you can sign up for at uh xb2 uh we are putting on the exclusive show next week on Tuesday so look out for that all the uh patrons who've signed up for that but uh yeah who's the uh patreon producer for this week jazz this week's patreon producer is the what the fun podcast and uh they have two shows the what the fun show covering pop culture with focus on movies and TV shows and they also have test your might which focuses on gaming news and they have a debate section with lots of laughs and again Shenanigans the guests have included people like Ryan McCaffrey from IGN Paris Lily from gamertag radio Khalif Williams and many more and maybe even me and Randall guess on there in the future so thanks a ton to what the fun podcast would be in this week's patreon producer and um and also we've got a bunch of our patreons going across a Ticker on the overlay on the live feed but with that out of the way um we'll also have some Patron questions towards the end during the Q a section but um but yeah if you guys want to support us you know take help us get the podcast to the next level um you know we're looking at all sorts of things we can add to the patreon like I'm looking at making videos I'm actually doing up because I can't really film in here but we're looking at setting up a filming area in the next room so I might do exclusive videos on patreon and stuff so we're looking at all sort of ways to boost the patreon Discord all sorts of stuff like that so if you want to support us a little bit you can support us at like two dollars or all the way up to fifty dollars if you're if you're you know loaded yeah declined yeah if you're so inclined but we'll um I always want to stress we're not going to take anything away from the free show We're Not Gonna We're not gonna get any exclusives we're not going to get any leaks or rumors or anything like that free show will just always remember as is and speaking of the free show without further Ado uh let's get on with it well I just want to make mention uh patreon producer what the fun podcast Network all their links are in the description if you guys want to check it out and we have to give a shout out to the Xbox to MVPs jazz so they signed up at uh right yeah at a high tier they get a big shout out even though we love everybody here we got a lot of the patrons scrolling through the ticker uh above the death Loop gameplay which won the vote so you can vote on what gameplay I have to show hopefully Jazz never puts Peppa Pig in there or whatever but uh thank you people are so thank you to the Xbox 2 MVPs Matt Salinas and I'm sorry if I say any of these names wrong katriax Joseph Campbell discarded Caboose Xbox International Justin Miller Governor Grimm Andrew Courtney wigerman achievement the Scarecrow 121 and wealth Wiggum thank you guys for your support at patreon and uh yeah so let's uh let's have a good show Jazz I I I'm feeling it let's get a couple of these super chats and then we can just Dive Right into everything get into the spicy takes uh Repro break 79 says it's great to hear my fave podcast live happy Friday fellas thank you for being here with appropriate thank you for the support and achievement says scale bound oh yeah um that kind of came up again and I'll I'll touch on it briefly I'll just touch on it briefly uh Phil was asked about it didn't come up again yeah scalebound came up again because there was more things that came out there was more things that came out of Tokyo game show which we will be talking about some of them but I was hoping not to have to talk about scalebound because it's scale bound right and it's just like I tweeted out like please just let scalebound die just let it die and but there's this kind of like there's people that are like no we're not gonna let it die so uh according to Phil uh basically he was asked about this um he was asked by gamewatch if a revived scale bound was possible and according to this article Spencer replied with a smile and said there's currently nothing to say about scale bound uh smile yeah smile like would they please stop asking me about this freaking game and what what what what if what if it means something right no no because what what if it means something it better not previously when he asked about the possibility a couple years ago he said for the people out there thinking that maybe there's something in the works there's not so he said there's nothing in the works a couple years ago now he's saying there's nothing to talk about or nothing to say about scalebound and I just hope it just stays that way you know I'm not against acquiring Platinum Games I think they're a great developer even though babylon's Falls like one of the greatest uh flops flops of all time with like GameStop literally giving out copies of the game for free I still think it's hilarious give the give the right money the right you know people working on the game you could have something of a Metal Gear Rising Revengeance or the Bayonetta games you know those near automatas and stuff instead of the other type of games they they make So yeah thank you achievement for bringing up scale bound and making me talk about it for a couple seconds here uh ball Thanos says it's not free Everybody Must donate two dollars in the Super Chat uh RDX on effect says did I dream exomecca was it ever real yeah EXO mexa was supposed to come out last year it's like a free to play transformers-ish game like dinosaurs and stuff and I thought they delayed it from last year to this summer but clearly summer's gone it came and went right that is that different you don't mean EXO Primal right no exomecca I I guess this could easily be confused it's like a free-to-play game oh yeah I remember this game yeah yeah welcome to this game I mean it was supposed to come out last year and they delayed it to the summer and Summer's over because now it's the fall equinox leading on to the big part of the year and there's still no exomeca so probably delay it to next year who knows the website hasn't been updated since 2020 which ain't a good look yeah and the the Twitter account the Twitter account hasn't been updated since March so uh ooh what's going on with this game um they did offer a development update in March um oh they did say much that it's been indefinitely delayed um well well I mean they've they essentially said it's indefinitely delayed I mean they said since last year we've had a lot of new content we need more time to polish the game extra time helps realize a vision we announced the new release date as soon as we were able that was back in March and that was it that was that's the last time we've ever heard of Exxon Mecca so they are an epic Mega grants recipient so presumably epic games has given them a lot of money but it might also be just vaporware and never come out yeah I hope not because it actually looks pretty decent you know but we'll just have to wait and see I guess uh ladies says I have a lawyer friend who says the deal will pass but likely last publisher from Microsoft and FTC might argue that Microsoft dominates subscriptions with cloud gaming yeah we haven't really seen much of what the FTC thinks of this all we've really seen is the Brazilian and the UK commission you don't even really know what the EU thinks um but we will be talking about all that later because I love it I love it it's so great it's amazing so jazz what have you been playing I I think I think I did see you play Die fold Chronicle and then complain that you didn't even know the game existed because Square Enix didn't send over any PR about it what's going on with that yeah man it's so weird like I didn't get a shred I I checked my inbox I didn't get a single email about Deerfield Chronicles and it's not like I'm not signed up to Square Enix you know swearing it's pressed off because they said they always send me press releases about their dumb mobile games and stuff like that but and uh Final Fantasy 14 but I never get any I never get any I never got a single shred of PR about Deerfield Chronicles so like I I emailed them and I was like yeah uh guys you you got a game launching did you did you forget because uh it sure seems like you forgot right but um I reached out and I managed to get a code um and I've been playing it all afternoon and it's actually amazing it's actually amazing I don't I it's it's definitely not going to be for everyone you know I I don't think like you know unless you like strategy games you're not you're probably not going to get into it but it is really fun if you like strategy games it's uh it's sort of like it's sort of like it's like a real time tactics kind of thing it's like imagine imagine sort of like Gears of War uh gears tactics rather but instead of like taking turns you can sort of move around your units in real time and and set them you can like cue them up to move and then attack and stuff like that and there's like attack there's tank characters disruptions range characters and then support characters that use magic but then even with weird or still there's a lot of magic and spells from Final Fantasy in this game like you can summon bayama the dragon from from Final Fantasy and it has like a it has like a final fantasy-esque kind of art style it kind of reminds me of um Final Fantasy 12 and uh vagrant story there's a specific artist who worked on Final Fantasy 12 and very good story that someone in the chat uh probably knows the name of but I can't remember his name off Tom mad but it's like it's got It's really sort of classic art style and um it's got a lot of junk it runs it like it's I think it's running at like 900p on the Xbox series series X so it has been updated for next-gen consoles it's very low budget there's not not a lot of voice acting in it a lot of it's text-based but it's just really fun and there's some really really great systems and it feels nostalgic so if you liked uh if you ever like Final Fantasy Tactics or those kind of games and you sort of like yearning for them to come back do you feel Chronicle might be like the next best thing you know for for the time being and part of me honestly wonders was this meant to be a final fantasy spin-off at some point because it does have all the Final Fantasy stuff in it but I don't know either way it's a pretty cool game I believe it's a it's pretty pricey it's a full price game but it looks like a PS2 game so I think it's and they haven't marketed it so Square Enix is sent out to die again and this is square this is square enix's whole deal it's like it's like that Meme you know like where the guy shoots himself in the chair and then says oh my God why would someone else do this you know it's like screens does this those like they under Market their games and then wonder why they don't perform and then they go to their shareholders like oh making games is hard come on Square Enix what are you doing man I don't know yes Korean X you know now they're taking investors that you know to invest in their Studios so I don't know if that means that they're not looking for someone to buy them anymore if they're looking to take outside investments in studios but whatever you know they got rid of really the studios I cared about I cared about Idols Montreal and I cared about Crystal Dynamics you know I I do like Final Fantasy I mean if I had to like rank the top five games of all time to me like Final Fantasy VII is like one or two probably that's how much it meant to me back in the day but you know as I've gotten older you know RPGs have kind of you know I don't really enjoy them as much but there was a time where that's really what I like loved and the Final Fantasy franchise was up there with Halo so I don't know um it's kind of sad to see kind of what's what Square Enix has has become but um it is yeah I I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be on the lookout for what Crystal Dynamics and Idols Mantra all do so uh so you've been playing that have you been playing anything else any anything else getting your attention um I've been playing a little bit of death Loop um okay I haven't sort of I haven't dived too much into it because I feel like with the game like Deerfield Chronicle is kind of like because it's it does have a lot of story but like the combat scenarios are very pick up and play and then you can put it down so like if I if I'm in a mission in Deerfield it's really easy to just sort of pause it in in the middle of combat and then reply to a message on slack or something with a game like death Loop which is quite fast-paced and stealthy kind of want to give him my full attention and be immersed in it so because this week's me so busy I've been playing deal field instead but what I've played so far of death Loop because I did have it on PC but I just I just wanted to wait for the Xbox version because I kind of figured they'd update it as well for the Xbox version because that's what um yeah that's what Microsoft tends to do and that's what oftentimes when a game has been exclusive to PlayStation it launches on Xbox it often has some extra content right so I thought maybe they'll do that with death loop as well um so I held off on it and uh I was really enjoying it while I played with it um but it honestly it seems like a polarizing game like a lot of people on on Twitter are sort of like oh I finished it in a day I don't know what I don't know why people are saying it's arcane's best game and then other people are like it's arcane's best game so it's kind of I mean I'm interested to hear where you're I mean I guess you can finish it in the day well because I've already beat it on PlayStation 5 but I'm happy they brought to Xbox uh I started it up again I'm probably gonna play through it because I can probably get through it really fast I know exactly what to do because at the game's core even though this game's a roguelite where if you die you know you gotta start the the loop over the whole point of the game is to break the loop right and the how you break the loop is you have to kill the seven Visionaries in a single day but the problem is there's the four maps and there's like the times of day that changes and that changes the things on the maps so the whole point of the game is to try to figure out how to line up all seven Visionaries so you can kill them all in one Loop without dying right so there's a lot of like going around and exploring uh getting kind of Clues to figure out oh well this person because sometime at the beginning of the game there's a Visionary on one map and another map at the same time so you can't you you can't kill both because you can only be at one place at one time so the game's kind of also like I said a Puzzler you got to figure out how to be able to move the chess pieces uh to get into a line and then go for your final run so there is a lot of fun in discovering how to actually do that and it has all the basic Arcane you know gameplay elements the shooting is probably not as great as it should be hopefully it's improved for redfall which I think is probably more shooter focused where I usually tend to play the Arcane game stealthy like when I played Dishonored one and two I beat those games without ever getting uh spotted and prey I tried to play as stealthy as possible as well uh so that's kind of typically how I like those but you can there's a lot of different ways you can approach things um I can definitely understand why some people don't like death Loop like Mr Maddie plays doesn't like it and he loves Arcane and I also can understand why this might be a refresher for a lot of people and they're really high on it uh I'm high on it too it's just not as good to me as the other Arcane games but it's it's cool to see other people it's cool to see like everybody playing it now it's in Game Pass it's in PlayStation Plus uh it's cool to see more people talking about it because outside of the reviews there wasn't many people talking about it when it launched last year because I think I think the PlayStation guys were just like well why are you gonna play this like it's an Xbox game if the sequel ever comes out if a sequel ever comes out it's probably never coming to our platform so yeah I've been enjoying it though it's uh but it's kind of one of those things where I could probably speed run it you know I I kind of know what I need to do and uh there's just a lot of fun where you can screw around with the physics space and the powers that you get the slabs or you can teleport or you can throw people around and Link people so if you link four people you know kill one person in that link everybody dies there's a lot of cool things that you can screw around with in the game and then there's also the multiplayer which Joanna Joanna might invade your game and then you kind of have to battle it out with her you can either like sneak sneak sneak away or fight her and kill her and then get some rewards and stuff but I could see how people might be turned away from the roguelike nature but unlike other roguelites this one you can after a certain point when you do like the intro you can Infuse your weapons and your gadgets and your slabs so you can always have them when you start a new Loop so once you do like a loop a couple times you'll understand the mechanics of the game and then once you find a gun that you like or you know an ability that you like and you infuse it you never have to worry about you know starting a loop without anything and you just be like all right I'm here again I know what to do because everything's in the same place so I think I think it's a very enjoyable game I hope everybody checks it out but the most of my week has been playing another Xbox game that releases 1.0 next week on the 27th uh me and cold Eastwood have been playing through all of grounded I've not I haven't played it before all right so I've been playing pretty much all this week I think me and Colt have put in almost 30 hours so far undergrounded and uh we will talk about it uh next week so that is what I have been up to so death Loop and grounded uh snakes in the Super Chat says what's up brand we have to shout out NextGen 720 Channel more often he's about as entertaining as this show either way looking forward to your show later well thank you for dropping by achievement says Rand if Xbox made a native handheld would you buy one that's an interesting question that is definitely interesting it is something I've thought about and I don't honestly know the answer to that question because I'm really not a mobile gamer you know I have a switch even when I had the switch it was hooked up to my TV I never used it on the go and to be quite honest with everybody I really don't go out a lot I'm mostly a homebody right mostly at home here playing with Shakespeare watching TV you know do making videos on on the computer playing video games reading books you know I I don't really go out very much so I don't really see where I would need an Xbox handheld I'm not like jazz who wants to play stuff through the cloud because you know for whatever reasons I'll never understand jazz in that regard uh so wow I don't know maybe I I if it was Cloud streaming probably not if it was a steam deck-like device maybe but if I had to say right now I'd probably say no I wouldn't because I don't need one I'm not someone that buys stuff I don't necessarily need it's why I only ever had one Xbox One you know like I had an Xbox One and then I got the One X so I sold the Xbox one I have the series X right but I don't have another series X I don't even have a series s people tell me you need to get a series s but it's like why I would never use it like it'd just sit there and do nothing so I'm kind of the person that just buys what you need and I wouldn't need a handheld so but I know Jazz would buy it because Jazz is probably gonna buy the Logitech right you're right I am I'm gonna buy it um and I'll I'll get we're going to talk about that in a bit probably so yeah I'll say I'll save my takes for that because that device is pretty contentious yes it is yeah and I I have some takes on it too uh game play lick says where's Chrono Trigger no idea I have no idea what Chrono Trigger is I I actually never played Chrono trick I played Chrono cross but uh I I never played Chrono Trigger uh F boy 57 says Sony is out of gaming in less than 20 years I mean 20 years is a long time from now that's 2042. honestly F boy I'm probably out of gaming in 20 years I probably I mean I'd be I'd be 61 what I don't even know would I still be would anybody be gaming at 61 still I don't even know if I would we be even doing this podcast 20 years from now hey guys oh yeah hey guys it's 60 year old random Jazz hold on I gotta put on my Depends one second do you guys still want us to do the podcast these 60 years I'm down who knows who knows how the World's Gonna Change 20 years from now you know let alone who's gonna be what competition they'll be in the video game industry let alone if I'll even be playing video games at that point you know yeah I guess I guess but yeah uh we also got the Andrew 13 who says uh use my corporate good boy points for my job and lost judgment Soul hackers 2 and cyberpunk so no that's what I'll be playing for the immediate future well he got some cool games there seems like also like everybody's playing cyberpunk uh as well because I I you know since we brought up cyberpunk let's let's uh let's talk let's start with cyberpunk let's let's talk about it right uh the cyberpunk Resurgence do you feel good about this Jazz because you've been out there at the very beginning took you took some heat for this you took a lot of heat from people with your yellow chair yeah you didn't you didn't have a yellow chair so you you rated cyberpunk pretty highly right um it's my game of the year 2020. I will die on that Hill a thousand times thousand times on the hill it was also a game that was removed from the PlayStation Store made everybody you know kind of look at their refund policies because the the older versions didn't work very well and you know people I guess cyberpunk wasn't what people wanted you know uh when it came out but now with the new update the I believe it's called The Edge Runners update that also coincided with a Netflix anime which people are loving now people are loving cyberpunk because apparently it's seeing over a million people every single day go back to cyberpunk so yes I do feel validated Now jazz I mean it only took a year and a half or so yeah to some degree but like it's sort of like it's interesting because the game has been polished but honestly they haven't fundamentally changed what it is it's still a pseudo immersive Sim it's still a CD project red RPG everyone wanted it to be Grand Theft Auto and to be fair they kind of marketed it that way they kind of implied it was going to be like Grand Theft Auto they sort of pushed the environmental details a lot and they talked about uh you know uh sort of radiant sort of quests and all this all these kind of things which sort of didn't pan out the way people had expected them to I never watched any of the marketing for cyberpunk so I was just literally expecting a CD project Red game and I think that's why I loved it because I love The Witcher 3 and it was just the CD project Red game was it a little bit rough yeah it was but I also remember Witcher 3 was very rough when it launched and I just kind of feel like it got dunked On by people who didn't sort of get it like I saw a load of YouTube videos which are complaining about the vehicular AI I'm like oh Grand Theft Auto does it so much better but Grand Theft Auto it was a Sandbox game it's not RPG the cars are not there to be interacted with in cyberpunk they're just there for the background it's like complaining the geese in Witcher three don't have ai like the geese and the horses roaming around in in in in cities in in Witcher 3 they don't have ai they're there to be they're there for immersion they're not there to be interacted with but I think a lot of people saw cyberpunk and thought this is Grand Theft Auto it's going to be his first person Grand Theft Auto um but I never expected that so I loved it from day one I loved it from day one you know so um so seeing that a new audience discovery on the back of the anime people who haven't maybe interacted with any of the the drama around the game people who you know haven't interacted with the marketing and they're discovering it for what it is and they're loving it so I I'm happy about that and yeah they have improved the game fair bit they've added a few features here and there they've added a few quests here and there they've added a lot of um flavor as well um there's still some stuff that I wish they'd had like um I kind of wish that I'd executions for some of the different weapons like because it's kind of lame if you've got a few upgrade to the the the the nanowire thing and you can't like you can't like do Hitman style takedowns with it um which which is which to me is a no-brander right so there's some things I'd like to see in the game still but I'm kind of glad that the franchise isn't dead they haven't they haven't cracked down it you know but so uh you know uh use a user use a phrase I guess they haven't cracked down the game so at least it looks like um uh I mean that's they're pretty much said they're going to continue investing inside Punk IP the anime is massively blown it up the game seems to be in a polished sort of state where no one's hating on the game anymore so I'm pretty happy with the way things are going with and you know I love the IP I love Mike ponds at the world Mike's pondsmith made and um I'm really excited for the future of the franchise and I'm glad people are discovering it the way it's probably meant to be discovered with a sort of blank opinion on it but yeah you know that's so fun and city project red and I'm glad they're back it's really interesting to see a how uh symbiotic the game and a television or a film property can be right we already knew like when The Witcher show came out tons of people went back to The Witcher and now we're seeing it with cyberpunk right cyberpunk they tied the update alongside this anime anime is a hit really good that hired one of the better anime Studios uh out there and so it's got this thing where people are watching the show and they're like I'm gonna go check out cyberpunk the game um so it's reaching these Heights again which makes me think did the Halo show do anything for Halo the infinite I don't remember I don't remember the Halo TV show driving any interest to Halo infinite at all but I know there's a lot of talk across all the internet about how to save Halo infinite and I know how to do that it needs an anime with a bunch of waifus and then you can change the game and the title screen to have a bunch of the waifus and change it to Halo infinite waifus so when you start up halo infinite you can pick your own wife that follows you around and you can make an Xbox can go higher Japanese uh anime company to make a Halo infinite anime with waifus space waifus and then you'll see Halo infinite reach million players a day too because I think that's what's missing is atriox not waifu enough for you I don't know maybe you'd have to change a little bit Master cheeks needs his waifu you know no I'm I'm playing around but hang on what doesn't he have a waifu in the TV show wasn't that a whole thing too everyone was mad that he had a boyfriend a lot a lot of the fans were were upset that Master Chief got his uh sacks on because he's not supposed to uh but you know why not it's jokes but I just because when I look at like the cross media potential of franchises and you see it work well with cyberpunk and Witcher it's probably going to work well with last of us when the HBO show comes out uh it's kind of like well was there reasons why it didn't work so well with Halo is it because it was on a wrong Network right because both The Witcher and the cyberpunk show were on Netflix which is the largest service out there and Paramount plus is CBS and CBS really skews older so did they pick the wrong service to get a lot of I know non-gamers out there to actually want to check it out because I don't know I I'd be interested in seeing why it worked for for these shows to help out their games and why it seemingly didn't work for this one I guess it's because the shows are really good and the Halo show was kind of a mixed bag uh but I think that's what it means it needs it needs some waifus Halo Infinity what you know maybe you're right I uh I still haven't seen the Hilo show I'm not even sure what service I can watch it on in Germany and you know that that's part of it you know I don't even know what service I can watch it on if they've gone with the service like Netflix or Disney Plus or something that people actually use you know maybe things would be different but they picked really especially in Europe they picked some obscure ass Services I think is it on now tv nobody uses Now TV literally nobody so I think like I almost wonder is it the show that's bad or is it a combination of the show being bad or mediocre combined with the fact that it's not on Netflix combined with the fact that I don't know it just it seems like a catalog of errors which again you know you could argue maybe that contributed to the the reason they've decided to go with the change of leadership because you know I don't know but it's clear it's clear it is absolutely clear what TV can do to blow something up I mean I like the Arcane show for for League of Legends that was absolutely massive for for that game and um you know this Microsoft has so many properties that could translate fairly easily to TV um an anime or even anime I don't know yeah you could have a Gears of War anime that'd be right up your alley yeah maybe maybe Locust waifus for you oh man imagine a ticker waifu oh man or uh or uh one of those big worm things but man it's um it's it's really interesting because like I was thinking about um Castlevania the Castlevania anime was almost like among the first right but that had no game attached to it so it's like Canada was like oh yeah we'll make an anime and then they didn't even bother attaching a game to it to blow it up can you imagine if like they'd launched the Castlevania anime with like a high quality game that might have put Castle the castle Castlevania brand like back on the back on the map but I don't know it's uh it's all fun and games in this crazy old world but I do know AAA devs are going to be looking at that [ __ ] with with a microscope I will be checking out the cyberpunk anime soon and if I'm gonna watch that I bet you it's probably gonna make me want to play cyberpunk because I still haven't played it yet I was kind of waiting for next year when the DLC releases but if I watched an anime it might be like all right now you need to play it but it's a wrong time of year to play it because all the games are coming out so uh gameplay lick and the Super Chat says I play Grand Theft Auto 4 and Xbox 360. it was good yeah Grand Theft Auto 4 was a great game on the 360. I really enjoyed it as well uh Aquaman says new astro a30s and Xbox Elite core review thoughts uh well I don't have the ashrae 30s I Still Rock my e50s and I didn't get uh an elite but you did Jazz you got enough so has it broken on you yet I haven't even opened it wow okay okay because it's been so damn busy so I am aiming to have a review of the new Elite core up next week but there's not really there's no real like new features with it or anything so this will mainly be a review of like how does it feel in terms of construction but the problem with that is the Elite control the original Elite controller felt okay at launch it was just oh it was only after like six months or so that it started falling apart right so it's kind of hard to assess how wear and tear will impact this device at a reviews or a level you know with any sort of honesty so it's it's going to be a hard one to review but I'll do my best um maybe I can stress test it if I had my other series I actually do I have that here or is that in England if I have more there seriously here somewhere which is also I think it's in England um my other series Elites my my Elite series two my other one is broken it succumbed to the the the stock joystick and the the stuck shoulder button you know so I was thinking like maybe I could take them apart and see if there's any difference in the materials on the shoulder button and the mechanisms and stuff like that you know and it'll be it'll be a hell of a waste of two Elite controllers to take them apart but you know that's the sacrifices you have to make for the people for you guys well you said there's no no new features Jazz but Xbox released an update where you can change the color of the Nexus button on the controller yeah because normally it's nice white control white uh you know glow but now you can make it any color green blue purple whatever your heart desires they they added that in an update so these updates are very far reaching now it's like change the color of your Elite Series to Nexus button um which I mean that is that is a cool thing I know you've been able to do that on PC for a little bit so uh I guess it's like a little fun thing for owners of the Elite series two uh Alvin and the Super Chat says Edge runner's shell also is directly tied into the game lore and launched with the campaign Edward's DLC for the game not the same as the Halo show true although you know the The Witcher show didn't tie into The Witcher games it was just you know the same sort of thing which was supposed to be similar to Halo in that regard but I don't know if you recall but like when The Witcher show came out everybody was like I need to go back and play The Witcher so um Cedric says have you guys tried out the woolong found Fallen Dynasty demo here's the thing about me I don't really care for demos I don't like for especially for a game I'm already sold on like I'm sold on well long so like I don't really need to or want to try out a demo I want to experience that game you know I guess pure without having to like play a section I've already played so that's why like you know when Resident Evils drop or demos of anything I don't really check them out I mean how I'm not even playing the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beta this week I know everybody's has opinions on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beta uh some say it's amazing some say it's awful and like the worst Call of Duty ever I've seen a lot of varying opinions some of them from PlayStation guys who are like I'm canceled my pre-order and it's like yeah is it because you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Microsoft's about to own Activision uh that you're canceling your pre-order um are you are you accusing some amount of people buy us right I mean sure we all have biases so yeah here's the thing I don't I don't I don't play Call of Duty multiplayer which is I I played a single player I play the campaign I play the co-op I play Warzone I don't care at all for the multiplayer you won't see me playing it uh but you will see me playing Warzone I'm really excited for that and I am really excited to play the campaign so Rand doesn't do demos uh so I did not check it out uh Sith Lord says my favorite Friday podcast while I'm I'm on dialysis well man Sith uh hopefully everything is going well uh uh dialysis yeah that's that's uh that's rough man hopefully hopefully the podcast can bring some uh some joy to your uh to your life as well as uh anybody else that's listening um hopefully we can make you smile I know or or maybe we will make we'll trigger some of you later because I actually got a couple DMS saying that I triggered them I triggered people with with my videos jazz and my titles it's fine they get to work oh man that uh calls out that throws shade you know my crying Jim Ryan little little meme on my thumbnails that that hits people in a certain place they feel a certain way and they need to they reach out and they're like yeah you're you're upsetting me and it's like it's like man just let it go I don't understand why it would upset you like I don't get upset when people say anything about anything regarding Xbox like you could say Xbox has no games or all the stuff to the cows come home I wouldn't get upset I don't care but a lot of people do care a lot of people have their emotional well-being tied into this whole thing so um yeah yeah we got one from Lucius Augustus who says according to Sony fans Xbox can only compete by Sony's rules anything beyond what Sony typically does or can afford is unfair and should be blocked that is uh that that that is kind of true to a certain extent it's like well we we wanted you to compete but you have to compete the way that we want you to compete in the way that Sony did it uh and we will we will go into that more a little bit later Now jazz um did you see this Logitech ad that came out today that featured a white Xbox series X alongside a bunch of other white uh consoles and peripherals could we see a a white series X be made maybe for the holidays maybe for some other time is it just to fit the aesthetic of the ad or is that kind of implying a white console's comment because you know what kind of looks real good but I wouldn't I wouldn't replace my black one though what do you think well I've reached out to Xbox PR and it seems like they were surprised about it which says to me that it is just the skin and they they just they just did it for the aesthetic for the ad and it's not a thing that's on the way that being said it wouldn't be hard for them to make a white Series S right it wouldn't be hard for them to just you know they already make a white Series S bro uh series X you know again mixed up okay it won't be hard for him to make one um in my view and it's maybe something they should consider given the you know the fact that you got major out let's cover in this it's uh it sounds like I mean I was kind of like like does anyone really care about this but then I was like oh man there's like even The Verge is covering this you know like it's a big deal and stuff so um I wasn't going to cover it um because I just thought it's a skin and it's not going to be a thing but lots of people seem really really interested in having their white series that so maybe they'll look at the feedback from that and be like oh actually maybe there's something to this maybe we should do this thing I don't know but um but yeah I don't think it's a thing but I could be wrong yeah I mean like a white light it's One X and black I mean they made white variants of I think most of their consoles so I could see I could see them doing something like that in the future for sure uh let's see what else we got here oh okay this is a good one this is a good one the real Insider was exposed [Music] oh yeah this was nasty oh no it wasn't nasty it was just amazingly stupid like I was stupid oh my God I can't believe this so I guess I kind of I can't help but feel for the guy man I can't help it bro what do you mean feel for him he did it to himself what is there to feel for him yeah he did it to himself no do not feel any sort of sympathy or I mean maybe uh could you feel some pity form no the dude made these own decision to make a burner account and try to gain a following because he wanted that tasty clout and people hanging on every word but the only way the only reason he did it the only way he did is because he had all these press releases and he had all this NDA stuff under embargo that he agreed to that he was just telling everybody about everybody about uh you know like that's not an Insider that's just a dude getting nd8 information from from from like companies I get NDA information from companies from time to time usually from Xbox because I work with them and I don't go out there and make a burner account you know uh so I I look everybody makes mistakes I understand it right and like the only way he was really found out was uh because he he tweeted under his real account under the fake account so people were like oh my God it's down Dan Allen gaming a YouTuber with 200 000 subscribers who has a lot of context in Industry interviews a lot of people getting all the and he's just like breaking all the Assassin's Creed stuff and making up all these things he said he made up the Scion Hill and metal gear and all this other stuff because he was just addict I guess he was just addicted to people hanging on his every word or something and I don't know maybe it's because of Insider culture lately like you saw snitch come onto the scene accurately you know uh you know say some I guess I need to set this up so on Twitter this guy showed up an account when it like with the hood with the Twitter name the real Insider right and he started correctly saying some things uh about you know the names of the Assassin's Creed games he even had a little a little tiff with Jason schreier because Jason Schreiber said no it's not called hexy and then the real Insider is like yes it is you know I'll wait for your apology but the only reason he knew what it was is because he saw the Showcase right and you said some other things and I knew exactly who he was I didn't know he was Daniel in gaming but when he said hey scorn he said scorn September 21st and he literally said it 20 minutes after my buddy was invited to a scorn preview on the that was lifting on the 21st I'm like oh this dude's just a YouTuber that's getting this info in emails and like putting it out there so like how I don't like the stupidity I I don't know about you I'm asking you I may ask chat I've asked this to my buddies and apparently I'm the odd one out here I asked them do you have a burner account a Twitter burner account an Xbox Live burner account you know a reset error burner account right I asked him if they had burner accounts and they all do like all my friends have burner accounts and I'm like for real I don't have a single burner account so I don't either I want to ask you guys do you ever chat do you guys do you do you have a burner account do you guys have like a burner YouTube account so you control people in the YouTube chat do you or comments do you have a burner Twitter account where you can say whatever you want without any repercussions I just have Randall 419 I just was surprised that my friends were like yeah we all got burners I'm like excuse me what yeah that is weird yeah that is weird like what's the point in just not being yourself if you if if you've got something to say and you wouldn't want to say it as yourself you shouldn't be saying it you know I grow a pair of balls you know that's the I I would not hide behind a suck account and say things that I wouldn't have the balls to say in someone's face because I think that's that's a [ __ ] movement that's a [ __ ] ass move so oh whatever yeah that's that's my that's my take but yeah so um jeez that that guy just kind of ruined his career because I I would imagine no company is going to want to work with them or give them any sensitive information breaking ndas can be a pretty pretty awful thing there's also legal things that can happen I don't know if Ubisoft will pursue that and other companies it's like don't do it you know don't do it but some people just they just have to for whatever reason um that that that whole situation was amazing uh let's talk about Japan and let's talk about Xbox exclusives coming from Japan in the future Jazz I want to get your opinion on this because they asked uh Sarah bond this question in Phil while they were there during the IGN live stream uh they asked her if XBox owners should expect original Japanese published titles in the future similar to the 360s blue dragon and Lost Odyssey Sarah Bond said completely one of the things that I'm super excited about is that we have over 250 developers in Japan developing games for Xbox right now 150 have already shipped 100 of them are in Game Pass and we recently got to announce 15 titles made in Asia and 13 in Japan so much has come but there's even more that's going to come in the future and I can't wait to reveal it all to you as it starts coming out and then another uh interview published by gamewatch um Phil Spencer acknowledged the man for original Japanese games on Xbox and said we are working on creating such titles it's not too much to hope for we just met with kajimasan from Kojima Productions and many other game creators to talk about bringing unique titles to Xbox we understand that many game fans want that we're also aware of the common desire for games from Japan we are working on creating such tiles so please look forward to it so what do you think about this it's uh it's really encouraging you know because one of the you know it's funny I was I was literally thinking earlier because like you know you you you're asking me like what games you've been playing lately and I realized a lot of the games I've been playing lately have been Japanese you know I was Playing Nino Cooney last week on xcloud which is another game I wanna I wanna play through uh high on my list of games I want to play and playing fuga Melodies of Steel which is very addictive kind of tactics uh jrpg tactics game indie game very very cool and it just came to xcloud it's a great game for playing on your phone um as soon as that touch controls at least and then um now I'm playing deal field Chronicles even though like Square Enix has sent it out to die with no marketing um I'm absolutely loving it it's a really really fun game so I sort of realized like a lot of games I I've been enjoying on Xbox lately have been Japanese which is probably a good sign for people who are interested in Japanese games and it's like Sebastian Cooper and charger said yeah didn't they say they have over 250 games in Japan right now uh 250 Partners making games in Japan or something like that yeah yeah they have over 250 developers in Japan developing games for Xbox right now 150 have already shipped 100 of them are in Game Pass and uh yeah that's that's What Sarah Said So yeah and there's like there's just a lot of good stuff coming like all the Yakuza games you've got um you know Nina Cooney come in the platform now yeah anyway and you've got like uh you know the fighting games are coming back I never thought we'd see Guilty Gear or Persona like I knew we'd see Persona because Phil basically teased it but girl yeah I never thought we'd see guilty here on Xbox I really really I mean bro that would happen if you were to ask me at the beginning of like I don't know if you would ask me in like 2016 if XBox would ever get Persona or Yakuza or like Guilty Gear or any of these you know Nino Kunis or any of these Japanese franchise I've been like no like why would they right why would any of these people bring their games to the Xbox platform because by all accounts people don't buy Japanese games on Xbox I would have been I would have been safe if you would have been like you want to bet money I would have put 100 on all these games are not coming and I would have been wrong and I'm happy to be wrong even though I'm probably not going to play any of them maybe the kakuza games but yeah I'd all the Persona games Persona three four and five all the Yakuza games including the future ones hopefully all the you know future Persona games as well a Guilty Gear like all these hell if you would have told me Kojima would make an XBox exclusive I would have called you crazy you know um so it's it's that is something Xbox got away from in the 360 gen they tried to compete in Japan you know they they did stuff like blue dragon and Lost Odyssey and they also you know they had some timed exclusives like Eternal Sonata um The Last Remnant and there's some other jrpgs they did over there and you know the 360s sold well in comparison to the other Xbox you know systems but not as well as clearly a Nintendo or PlayStation and then we all know what happened with the Xbox one so like Japanese you know investment went basically down to zero and now you know with Game Pass and all the investment Xbox doing they're they're reinvesting you know Phil's talked about wanting to acquire Japanese Studios you know and it's one of these things here where they're saying like yeah you know but you know how long do you have to wait you're like sure you got the Kojima game and you know ghostwire or you know whatever game uh bethesda's um uh what's the studio um I'm blanking on Bethesda Studio that's located in Japan Tango game works Tango yeah they'll have games but I'm I'm curious to see what other sort of titles that Xbox can deliver like original Japanese games that Xbox can deliver to uh to their players in in the future like are they actually going to do that because I look at Sarah's response and she's like completely but then she immediately pivots to like we partnered with 250 developers and 150 of them already out and it's kind of like she said yes but then like her next response was basically talking about the game's already out or the games that are in development that may not be exclusive but I mean then Phil mentions that they're working on it too so I guess it's just one of those things we'll we'll see down the road I guess um yeah but anybody that's really into Japanese Games should be quite excited by the inroads that Xbox is making uh in the country to get you know more content because that's how that's how you're gonna make inroads in Japan like I know the series s is is getting popular the the Xbox series consoles are doing well there especially in comparison to other Xbox consoles but not as good as the PS5 or switch and Game Pass but to really make inroads into Japan you need content made for that region so they if it's they need to do something there and hopefully they will it's wild that like you know sweet codons come in as well I was just just looking up all the games that are all coming you know well long full of Dynasty um you know about team ninja and you've got like Capcom 2 bringing it you know some of their sort of western style Japanese games as well but like there's like we talk about sales and um this flew under the radar a little bit but uh the Xbox series s and X I was sold PlayStation in Japan this week by fairly significant margin Xbox series sold 13 000 units Xbox series X sold 866 units um PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 digital Edition uh sold 8700 and 2400 between them um so like yeah like um just about see the Xbox series snx edged PlayStation out on the home turf and of course you got the Nintendo switch which is obliterating both of them yeah Nintendo switch sold almost 100 000 units of the switch OLED and then 25 000 units of the regular switch and then the four thousand power uh 4 900 units of the switch light so it's like Nintendo switch is absolutely crushing the next gen consoles in in that market which is hilarious and also why Nintendo probably doesn't feel the need to make a 4K the Nintendo switch or an upgraded switch right now because it's absolutely dominating and splits the Splatoon hype as well is uh is real in Japan right now so um yeah it's it's interesting and I have said like um I have said I wrote a editorial a while ago that if Microsoft wants to strike in Japan the the iron is hot right now because Sony's made a lot of missteps in Japan while they try and focus on dominating Microsoft in the anglo-centric markets like England and Western Europe and uh and obviously America and Canada and places like that they kind of like took their eye off the ball a bit in Japan and sort of gotten a bit complacent with it I mean while Microsoft's coming in buying up uh hiring up producers and uh trying to cut deals and trying to get you know developers on board and stuff like that and um it sounds like they're going for it they're really really going for it so hopefully Phil Spencer the man with the the magic the magic one seems to be you know fixing every aspect of Xbox right now um we'll just have to wait and see if it actually can be sustained because like you said a lot of Japanese games don't seem to sell that well on Xbox because there's this there's just this General perception that Xbox doesn't have those games so it's like a chicken and egg scenario you know if you are a fan primarily of jlpgs chances are you're not even going to consider an Xbox so Microsoft has to work to change that perception they need the games to change that perception but if the games don't sell then they can't get the games to change that perception so it's gonna it's gonna be a few years of investment and hard work to sort of change that situation around and it really does look like they're going for it the fact that you know Phil Spencer was out there in force with Sarah bond in Tokyo um you know I think I think I said did I say on the show or did I just tell you in DM I think I think I said on the show right that I'd heard Phil Spencer was actually going to be in Tokyo and they won't go in there and yeah he's also said it on the show because he got slothed yes yeah yeah okay so um yeah okay I did say them um so uh but yeah it's I'm glad that prediction came true because I was a little bit worried that it wasn't accurate that's not that's not a foot that's not a fun thing to get wrong right if that's not a prediction you want to get wrong really um but um that was it was true thankfully and uh Phil was there enforce I feel like I didn't even expect him to be there like that visibly that he was but it shows the kind of investment and how much they're taking that section of the market seriously and you know historically for me that is you know what I used to play is a lot as a kid you know one of these jpgs and were these Japanese games and I I had this I had this honest to God perception that West Western developers couldn't make games back in the day I was like every game I'm enjoying right now comes out of Japan you know like Sega with Sonic and Gunstar Heroes and like all this and then you know of a Square Enix you find fancy jrpgs and all this kind of stuff so that was my perception as a kid and it seems to be swinging back in the other direction now because for a little while it felt like Japanese gamedevs were chasing Western devs and trying to like make you know military Shooters almost and stuff like that and sort of got away from what they did best for a little while but seems like they're going back to the roots now quite a fair bit and it's um it's really really cool to see um I think just just uh to cap off this sort of ramble um the uh the kickstarter which I've been advocating for which um is a sort of a successor to PlayStation jrpgs for um Wild Arms um which is sort of like a cowboy jlpg and then also Shadow Hearts which is a sort of lovecraftian jrpg classic jrpgs on Playstation back in the day they're coming back being revived on Kickstarter as a game called Penny blood and I can't remember what the Wild Arms um successor is called but they said in an interview that they they pitched their jlpgs a success to Shadow Hearts they pitched it to Sony and Sony wasn't interested which is which is wild to me you know because their Kickstarter blew up like crazy because there's a lot of people who remember those games and do want them to come back so um it does seem like Sony's taking its Eye Off the Ball a little bit but um I also saw this week that there was a news article that um Jim Ryan told the company to start winning back Indie devs um which is a shoe High yoshida's job right yeah um he's working on on fixing PlayStation's perception with Indies right now which is which is again is also dropped off a little bit so yeah competition baby let's have some let's have some competition right yeah let's have some and let's let's think uh Huggy Channing uh with the Super Chat and member uh basically giving away codes like Santa Claus you got a Game Pass ultimate three month code to give away and a call to the lamb code as well as return to Monkey Island on Steam so Santa is here uh dropping dropping the code so uh make sure you think hargit if you got the codes so yeah and look cyberpunk we were talking about that earlier he's just dropping cyberpunk so um let's talk about that's amazing what shall we talk about let's talk about uh hmm you know what um let's talk about let's talk about competition I'm there already oh I want to talk about this now I mean there's a whole bunch of topics we still need to get to like the Xbox 2023 roadmap uh rumor that grub talked about because I'm gonna give our thoughts on it like the Logitech Xbox handheld um you know the GTA 6 leaks stuff like that but you know I know what people came here for they they want they want the spicy takes so I think you're gonna get them I don't know what Jazz thinks about this because I haven't talked to him and last time we we had something like this I I remember I was a little bit uh I was I wasn't upset but I was a little bit disappointed in jazz because he had a basic he had a basic take on something it wasn't he wasn't even excited to talk about it you know when the Jim Ryan Phil Spencer spat he was just like oh whatever mate whatever mate who cares mate you know just it wasn't it wasn't interesting to listen to and it's like I want people to be entertained and we want to inform people when they listen to the show so like you better I want the best of just Corden here so or fake it I don't fake it man sure I mean I'm not saying fake it but um Let's uh yeah so God like this this drama stuff is just it's just great like l and a minute Po in the Super Chat says just take out satya's quote and replace with 1989's Batman you want to get nuts come on let's get nuts um yeah so there's an interview over at Bloomberg and this is what Satya had to say he said for us in gaming we have one goal to bring more games to more Gamers on all platforms and provide more choice for Publishers and developers everywhere everything we're doing with our content our subscription services our cloud and Community really is about driving that choice and opportunity we feel very very confident of course any acquisition of the size will go through scrutiny but we feel very very confident that we'll come out we're number four or five depending how you count in gaming in fact the number one player in this case Sony even in this period has acquired three companies so if this is about so if this is about competition let us have competition what a great quote there and if you actually watch the video or maybe you've seen the screenshot or watched my video yesterday I included it when he says that at the end he's got this Sly smile he knows what he's doing so happy knows what he's doing it's it's definitely a change from the last CEO uh Steve Ballmer like you never saw them talk about Xbox now you have like Satya who transformed Microsoft into a two trillion dollar company right and you know people were like oh you know are you really all in on gaming because he said we're all in on gaming it's like are you really though and then you know you dropped you dropped like 70 billion dollars on Activision and eight billion dollars on Bethesda and stuff and it's like yeah it definitely does look like you are uh all in so this has obviously led to a lot of different reactions online Jess um yes some people are like hey this is exactly what we've been talking about competition man it's great it's good that's how Game Pass forms in the first place that's how you know uh Playstation got better during the PS4 gen because of Xbox's competition during the PS3 gen or competition brings out the best in companies and when they compete we usually get the best deal we usually get the best games because of it hell even you know in the content creator space people create you know compete with one another and I use compete Loosely and you get better videos or better podcasts I mean competition is what Drive is everything because you never not want like one company that is just overbearing because we've seen that one company that was just you know too big to dominate you know and they talk about the Arrogant Sony you know PS2 120 130 million consoles sold Nintendo and Xbox didn't even come close and what did they ended up doing they try to sell a trojan horse d uh DVD player or Blu-ray player whatever the hell it was uh raising the price to 600 bucks and you had quotes from their CE you know their their their Executives like you get two jobs to get a PlayStation and we could sell this thing with just bricks and people would buy it it's like when there is just this overwhelming um favorite uh they they kind of you know do what they want and and they aren't you know they aren't very consumer friendly we've seen that side of Sony you can even argue we've seen that side of Microsoft in the past um but you know now you have it here the sack division blizzard deal and uh you know I'm seeing a lot of things on Twitter a lot of uh a lot of crying going on a lot of Tears being shed a lot of being like we wanted you to compete but not this way you have to do it exactly how Sony and Nintendo did it uh even though Microsoft's using their competitive advantages to their uh Advantage you know their their money their dump trucks and oodles and oodles of cash to uh better compete with the market leader Jazz how do you feel about this Broham because oh man I can't wait to talk about this so how do give me give me something good jazz I I don't want you to talk for a minute and be like whatever give me give me something great I've been waiting oh no why right you are so hyped on this because because it's amazing it's it's it's awesome because for me I think it's sort of like what else is he gonna say he's not gonna be down on it he's not going to say like it's not happening you know we're struggling and stuff like that true but you you can say all that without the needing to throw a shade at PlayStation though that's kind of such as personality like if you want if you watch like some other interviews that he's done in the in the over the course of time he's sort of it's kind of like the way he is right but I kind of like I kind of I think it's important and very very good that Satya is throwing his weight behind the messaging that Microsoft wants to put out there which is basically in direct opposition to the messaging and the narratives that Sony wants to seed because a bunch of this is PR you know you wanna you wanna hope that the FTC and you want to hope that Regulators will look at this with a impartial eye but there's also that very good chance with with 69 billion billion dollars on the line that um you know you need to make sure you've got every T cross and every I dotted right which means controlling the perception of what the deal is really all about and Sony wants to put across this idea that Sony that Microsoft's this big scary corporate giant that's coming to eat their lunch that's going to scrub a PlayStation Gamers and make Call of Duty exclusive they basically said that without saying it they've they've seeded that fear they've stoked that rage in their fan base and wielded them like a weapon on social media by paying Microsoft as this big evil dude you know even though Microsoft was very cleverly out there from day one saying no Call of Duty will always be on Playstation they've said that repeatedly now a lot of and then people say well Sony's shot back at that narrative by being like oh well you have to give us a deal in a contract in perpetuity which makes no sense from a business business perspective because why why in the hell would you do that I doubt Minecraft's on that sort of in perpetuity sort of contract obviously I don't have the contract here um in front of me to to let you know about that but of course they're not going to do it in perpetuity because that would give Sony a bludgeon to with which to hold over Microsoft it's like you have to give us this Forever by law you know it doesn't matter what currency fluctuations happen it doesn't matter what acts of God happen you know you have to give us this forever it's your it's your duty we own you now Microsoft so that kind of deal is just dumb you know and I think like the three-year kind of offer is probably a low ball on purpose so that when Sony gets a five-year deal they feel like they've won something maybe but um it's just it's just it's just dumb it's just so dumb so to fight against that dumb narrative and Sony basically exploiting Dom Regulators who don't know the gaming industry especially in the UK the UK civil service is legendarily incompetent uh like I write in my article you'll need a crayon and sort of like a coloring book to explain gaming and Technology to the UK government because they are absolutely in the Dark Ages with anything with regards to technology Sony's hoping to exploit that stupidity and I really hope Microsoft doesn't underestimate how stupid the UK government is how impossibly legendarily dumb these people are Microsoft cannot take for granted how stupid the UK government is on how frankly corrupt they are you know so I really hope Microsoft you know Microsoft has a very good understanding of how to navigate Corporate America and uh the political landscape in America you know in Washington DC and stuff like that they're very good at that but aren't they very good with the UK I'm not sure you know very famously the UK government Minister for technology asked Microsoft in a q a session when are you going to get rid of algorithms Microsoft those damn algorithms yeah as if Microsoft has control over the the cut the mathematical concept of an algorithm this is the kind of thick [ __ ] that Microsoft has to deal with in the UK and I really really badly don't want them to take that for granted you know but even if even if the UK CMA or whatever they're calling themselves these days does decide to block it for whatever reason and they are kind of looking at tech stocks uh tech companies a lot right now because um the UK government essentially blocks the arm deal because Nvidia was trying to buy arm and arm is they manufacture every single mobile chip in the world basically all their designs are in every single phone every single tablet their sort of patterns for energy efficient system on chip uh the best in the world and the UK government has said that arm is kind of subject to um uh National Security I think they said something like that I don't know why arms is object to National Security but what are the issues with arm is that they um they uh it doesn't make a huge amount of money you know it's not super profitable from what I understand so they're trying to they're trying to sell themselves to sort of to to make some money you know but the UK government won't let them so uh you know it's it's it's kind of it's kind of a weird situation there but um so they they are trying to look at it through that kind of lens and I think um with regards to Activision Activision is a massive employer in Europe I'm not so sure about the UK um but obviously all of active all of Activision Blizzard's um customer service or a vast majority of it or if or at least a huge chunk of it um are based in Ireland and France so the European Union is going to want to look at that a lot um I know that for sure but I'm just thinking like because of the the corruption we have in the UK government right now is this just the UK government trying to look for a backhander or something are they trying to look for like well how can we get some kind of how can we get some kind of Rob out of this you know I'm not saying they're looking to personally align their pockets although it wouldn't surprise me um you know I'm not I'm not saying that at all but what I'm saying is like do they want to somehow exploit the situation so they can get some kind of concession from Microsoft and be like okay well if we let you buy if we let you buy this company then you have to like Supply us with cheaper office licenses or some [ __ ] I don't know they're looking for some kind of concession I can see that happening because that's how that's how the UK government is they're dirty and scummy and horrible and evil and I hate them I hate them around we hate it we hate it so um yeah I don't think even if the UK government blocks it it'll just go to court and then they'll lose in court because there's no there's no grounds to block this in any sort of legal capacity and uh you know even if they did block it it's like well can they actually fully block it if the FTC if the FTC approves it and the European Union approves it why would just the UK be able to block it you know if that'd be really strange like maybe they'd just be like okay well we won't operate in the UK or something like that I don't know what happens in that scenario maybe someone with more knowledge knows you know what would happen if every other government approved it but the UK didn't I mean yeah over an American company and there's things that they could do like yeah like they said like pull out all their employees there or whatever not sell their products in that country or whatever but yeah there's there's things that they could do yeah um but Rand you're gonna have to sort of give me your take on it because I need to reset my headphones because they're completely broken right now so give me a sec okay so while uh well just fixes headphones I gotta give a shout out to uh no everybody watching we have uh almost 1200 people here which is fantastic for Friday uh thank you guys for being here make sure you hit the like button shout out to dark siaya and chat uh lethal Papa what's going on buddy hope you're hope you're doing well Sebastian Cooper David Rodriguez Nico Mr murder mittens Lucas Augustus uh uh we appreciate everybody watching and uh if you know listen to this later on iTunes or Spotify um we appreciate you as well make sure you uh leave us a review five star one star whatever uh you don't have to write anything just just click five stars if you're enjoying the show and um yeah thank you guys for being here so much and thank you guys for supporting the patreon I never thought we'd have like 110 people uh supporting what we're doing you know we got the exclusive show coming Tuesday uh I don't even know what we're talking about but it's it should be fun so hopefully we see everybody there um so you know what let's should I just go on my rant I kind of talked a little bit about this in my video uh you know jazz is like I don't understand why you like this so much it's because you don't normally ever see this in the gaming industry you don't see two companies especially two platform holders go at each other like this normally it's very much Kumbaya like I mentioned earlier it's very much like oh you know Xbox would be like PlayStation you're the best and Playstation you'd be like we like you two Xbox and like where's Nintendo bring it in guys let's hug and everybody hugs oh we're the gaming industry we're so great right oh man um but you know Microsoft changed that up by getting Activision Blizzard like Nintendo doesn't care because they don't have Call of Duty but that really just sat sat wrong with PlayStation understandably so it's uh you know probably the biggest franchise on Playstation it probably has funded so many of PlayStations bangers that everybody likes to talk about you know when you think about God of War and you think about uh Last of Us and stuff those were probably directly funded by the 30 cut PlayStation got from Call of Duty and the microtransactions and all the people that went to PlayStation because of their marketing deals so you can maybe draw a direct line uh from Call of Duty to some of their exclusives because that's how Sony makes money and then reinvest right so they freaked out I didn't think we'd see them out in public like this I thought I'll be done all behind closed doors and it seems like we're just building it's just ramping up you know first it was place you know PlayStation being like well we expect Xbox to honor their contracts which you know fair fair enough statement and Xbox always does and then as it went on it got a little bit more hostile each and every time right to the point where you know Phil's like hey we offered him a contract oh no but before that happened we saw the answers from the Brazilian company and then we saw the CMA with their thing and then Phil's like we offer him the contract and then jerem Ryan basically he's like you didn't think about PlayStation players did you when you made this deal right and it was just like whoa is this is this really happening or like Phil and Jim really about to do this and then it was like okay and then the CMA is like we're going to phase two and Sony's like yeah you get them you get them CMA this is the worst [ __ ] deal I've ever seen in my [ __ ] life worst deal ever in the history of gaming and it's so bad for gamers and uh you know it's it's the industry this is this is [ __ ] for the industry and it's like holy crap they're not mincing words they're they're really speaking with their whole chest out like they're really telling you how they feel they're basically telling you we want this thing blocked ASAP and it's like okay I'm sitting back there eating my popcorn I'm like God damn whatever what else is going to come out from this right like if this is what we're getting now uh there's gotta be more and then boom you know Satya with a sit-down interview with Bloomberg and he's just basically like smiling at the camera hey man it's about hey the number one platform holder the number one company in gaming they're buying up companies they bought three recently if it's about competition let us have competition as he like Winks at the camera right like it's it's just the whole way this has all happened is just I don't know it's something you never see before and uh capono and chat says Rand is enjoying what's going on but most people just want the deal to be over I want the deal to be going over I want the deal to be over as well because this is holding up other Xbox Acquisitions 100 the entire mergers and acquisition teams on this it's holding up other deals that they could make so I wanted to go I wanted to close as soon as possible because that means the Call of Duty games are out of the game pass they'll have a whole whole drop down before will most likely be out of day one and all those good things so I want it to be over for those reasons but if we keep on getting these sort of things uh you know maybe let it go on for a little bit longer because I'm enjoying myself because you know I just sit back and I'm just like what are we gonna hear from today and like find like so it wasn't just Jim and Ryan you know Jim and and Phil it's now you got the CEO of Microsoft coming out here directly mentioning Sony talking about competition what's next is Sony's CEO going to say something this week I I don't know what's gonna happen but uh I mean the whole you know if it's about competition let us compete I mean I think it's clear as day that Sony doesn't want Xbox to get more powerful or to be able to better compete Sony loved the Xbox of last generation you know the the Xbox that couldn't basically tie their shoes right that tripped over themselves all the time that shot themselves in the foot that couldn't stop releasing 60 Metacritic games right that had no Japanese content uh that had influencers and gaming media and fans alike making fun of the brand like that's this that's the Xbox PlayStation wants uh because PlayStation knows they'll dominate there's no question about it that you know their revenues will go up because Xbox was a joke you know they don't want Xbox suddenly with the full backing of a Microsoft who clearly wants to invest heavily in this who sees that there's a future down the road where they could potentially be number one because if PlayStation isn't number one well that really impacts Sony so Sony's probably a little bit like sweating at the collar too because you know that's that's Sony's bread and butter is PlayStation and if you know they're like we think revenue is going to be like this but what happens if Call of Duty is gone and more people buy it on Xbox and Xbox conditions more Gamers where Game Pass is the right way to engage with games and you know seventy dollars might seem problematic instead of you know so it's like this is all going towards exactly what PlayStation is trying to do and uh it's funny to see Satya come out and say that and I want to make mention and I said this in my video um so I'll just say it again basically you all asked for this Xbox fans you asked for this you wanted Xbox to compete because we were sick of Xbox putting out lowly rated games we were sick of the fact that xBox wasn't investing in first party Studios you know we we had five we had five during the majority of the Xbox one gen we had Mojang who only works on Minecraft and was hell I mean like they don't even really do anything on Xbox it's not like they support uh the Xbox version of Minecraft better than the other versions where's Ray tracing right you had three four three who's doing Halo you had the Coalition that does gears you have turned 10 and does Forza and you had rare who at the time was doing connect games but did see thieves and now see thieves a big like those were the five Studios you had it wasn't a great time to be an Xbox gamer because like in 2013 2014 you're coming around being like I like Xbox and people are like you're dumb you know like how you know right like there was that whole thing where like the press and everybody just made fun of Xboxes it was cool to hate on Xbox it was cool because the decisions they made the DRM strategy the always online trying to do things differently and you know Sony clowning them for it smartly like I 100 agree with what Sony did like they basically pulled a business decision and it worked beautifully oh here's how to share your games they basically killed Xbox in a five second ad and then to put you know icing on the cake they launched the PlayStation 4 at 100 cheaper than the Xbox fatality it was com I've never seen it a cleaner fatality in all my life and I played all the Mortal Kombat games it was done it was over with you know and for the entire last gen all we heard from Xbox fans was please invest please invest and there was that point it was like are they really Tara myerson's running the division they're you know the budgets are cut I don't know what's gonna happen I don't even know if Xbox is going to be around and then you know Terry Meyerson left Xbox got out moved out from the windows division to its own Phil gets to see that the big boy table and it's like okay things are going to change and things did change you immediately saw them buying more Studios but you were like well wait a minute like is really Ninja Theory in playground like those are great to have in addition to the five you already own but like you need more than that and then like Bethesda happened and people were like holy [ __ ] and then all of a sudden people were worried about industry consolidation right they were worried about what's happening all these companies like they're gonna get you know eaten up by the bigger company and then Activision Blizzard literally broke them it broke them because all these people crying on social media you know basically saying Xbox needs to compete the way PlayStation need you know competed or whatever like you all asked for this you all with your fake concern talking during the Xbox one gen how you wanted Xbox to be better how you wanted Xbox to compete with PlayStation right so finally Xbox is competing with the thing that they have a large abundance of and that's money they're throwing around their competitive advantages and you don't like it so that wish you had of Xbox competing turned into a monkey paw you got what you wanted but it wasn't exactly what you wish for because now Microsoft is loading up on IP and developers to put into their service that you think is killing the gaming industry I'm sorry you all asked for this you got exactly what you asked for everybody got exactly what they asked for Xbox fans got exactly what they wanted PlayStation fans got exactly what they wished except maybe not in the way they wanted it to be so yeah I just kind of see all this talk on social media and like people crying about it like you can't do this it's not fair so many buildings Sony can't do it like who cares what Sony Candor can't do like Sony's been number one forever you look at the revenue it's like even with Microsoft acquiring Activision they would maybe equal out so like maybe be on the same level as PlayStation so if they're on the same level that means Sony's gonna have to work harder to compete with Xbox which usually means we're gonna get better things out of it they're better Pro consumer things maybe prices are lowering like you know what I mean like you get to whereas like before they didn't have to they they did it when Xbox kicked their ass and you know PlayStation then put them in their place and now Xbox is like well round two [ __ ] here we go and PlayStation's crying behind the scenes to anybody that's gonna listen being like it's not supposed to be like this this isn't fair we can't do this and it's [ __ ] hysterical to me I'm sorry it's not console war because I think place I think PlayStation is a is a really good company I think they make incredible games uh I mean outside of like how the system looks I don't really like how it looks I think the PS5 is a great console they got great games it was just the leadership at PlayStation I just kind of just I don't know like I know a lot of PlayStation fans don't like them either but I mean hey Jim Ryan might be the best thing for PlayStation bringing bringing all those exclusives to PC you know going to maybe to mobile and it's giving me all this like this whole like scenario of them going back and forth is just filling me with life because it's something I didn't know I really wanted until I got it and this all just kind of is exactly what everybody wanted they wanted a Microsoft an Xbox that could compete and force Sony to compete back so you're finally getting it but instead of celebrating that or at least being like okay I get it you're all complain you know people are just complaining on Twitter that you need to do it exactly step by step that PlayStation data and do it this way otherwise you don't do it this way it's not fair right that's how and that's how like everything I imagine when I'm on Twitter and I people send me these things that's exactly how I think those people are speaking you know oh my God so is that was that good enough for you Jazz was that a good enough rant for you that's good enough rant you know it wasn't pretty good enough run and you know I think the reason like I feel maybe less passionately about this than you do is because part of me doesn't want to jinx it where is superstition like everything every time I talk about it and I say like yeah the dealer go through I have to touch the desk I have to touch some wood you know and and I'm not speaking about my wood which is pristine thanks to manscaped code xb2 um but uh I'm talking about you know the old Superstition of like if you say something and you know you don't want to jinx it you have to touch you have to touch some wood you know and I I I've said you know my bias about this deal has nothing to do with Xbox I don't care if XBox gets um Call of Duty into Game Pass and stuff like that I don't play Call of Duty I don't care about a lot of these games you know uh for me this is all about getting blizzard away from kotic and getting investment in blizzard you know everyone talks about Xbox getting investment you know and Xbox um growing and stuff like that what about Activision Activision has been under invested you know Starcraft is dead you know Heroes of the Storm is dead and it's because like in Activision's mind if a game isn't super massive constantly then it's not worth keeping around because they have this mentality of trend chasing this trend chasing mentality which kills so many of their great franchises you know we don't see we don't see Spyro of the Dragon anymore we don't see Guitar Hero anymore you know and Phil Spencer name checked a lot of these franchises he name checks Starcraft he name checked Guitar Hero you name check spot the Skylanders and stuff and yeah maybe these games aren't going to be Mega fortnite Blockbusters which Activision unsustainably thinks every single one of its Games should should be the next Call of Duty but Microsoft's business model is all about going broad it's all about catering to Niche communities it's all about having as many people in Game Pass as possible and to do that and I think this is some of their Netflix DNA coming up because a lot of the people running Xbox game pass are X Netflix staff who understand that going Broad and Catering to every genre and every demographic no matter how small the community it means you get more subscribers right you get more and more subscribers and maybe you you convert some people into new genres that they didn't know they liked before you know and you people explore others other aspects of your content because that's how you keep people in your subscription service which drives your Revenue right so for Microsoft I think as a fan of Blizzard this is the only way I get some of the that investment back into Activision that's my bias you know I don't care so much about Xbox getting the games it needs you know because a lot of Xbox's franchises I'm not I don't care that much for it you know I'm not someone who's nostalgic about banjo because I never played it I I didn't bat an eyelid when we got gold more because I I didn't really care about it that much I don't care you guys know I don't really care about Halo you know I don't really care about a lot of these games didn't care about Crackdown don't care about this and that you know but what I do care about is World of Warcraft I do care about getting a Warcraft 4 you know an RTS Warcraft again I care about getting the Starcraft shooter that I've been dreaming about for what feels like almost 20 years at this point you know and I feel like the only way that's going to happen is if we get rid of Bobby kotik and Activision shareholder culture so that's my bias towards this deal going through you know but because it would be better for me as a gamer as a consumer I don't care if XBox competes with PlayStation I don't give a crap I am a consumer and I want better games and we're only going to get better Activision games if they join Microsoft that's the reality of my buyers you know and um a lot of people are hung upon the console war aspect of this [ __ ] I don't care about the console aspects of the [ __ ] I'm thinking about what am I going to get on my PC you know and some and uh there's just so many aspects of this deal which is exciting for Gamers on all platforms because you have to assume a lot of those games from some of those franchises probably would be multi-platform you know and they will be better under Microsoft on Playstation as well you know so that's my that's my angle that's my bias around that's my angle laid there blade bear for you that's good I only care about blizzard you only care about this I get that I get that I just just I I'll be checking tomorrow next week who who who's gonna have something to say next week Jimbo you coming out for round two you're gonna say something you know Sony CEO you can come out and say something let's let's just have this back and forth I would love it because this it's just it's hilarious to me it's it's I don't know what else to say um J train and the Super Chat says happy Friday boys Edge Runners is amazing yeah everybody everybody's kind of saying that uh let me see we got one from Miguel saying one fact that's completely fine on under the radar is that this is the first time in history that a trillion dollar company is 100 investing in gaming this might take the industry to all new heights uh very well could be you know uh they're pushed on cloud gaming to expand in a lot of different areas that could eventually pay off in the future uh space dobikin has been a member for 18 months says man I love dark ran best podcasts in town I don't know is that really dark Rand I mean it's very similar to what I said in my video and I mean am I lying I think anybody who's been around you know last generation in this like you know exactly what I'm talking about you saw people being like I just want Xbox to compete man they're just you know I just want them to put out better games and you know push Sony and it's like all right well you got what you wanted dude here you go Xbox got all the games now and and everything and they're gonna push Sony uh you know but but the whole thing is like well you know Rand they might raise the price of Game Pass in the future that's why they shouldn't be allowed to have this it's like oh so we're worried about a future price increase on Game Pass that hasn't materialized yet but you're gonna Overlook the price increases the very very recent and real price increases that the current market leader has implemented this gen from 70 games to ten dollar upgrades to uh fifty dollar uh increase on uh the console itself so you're concerned about the uh five years from now when game place when when Game Pass might raise its price from ten dollars to Fifteen dollars because you say well look what Netflix is doing uh Netflix raising prices overboard so you're you're more concerned about a a future price increase then the current price increases that the market leader is implemented is is this is this the hill that you're going to die on right is this is this is this the hill that you want to die on here are you sure this is um this is why like if it does go to court it'll just be laughable because all of these arguments don't hold up under scrutiny you know it's it's like it's like you say you know every every argument Sony could make price increases every argument a regulator could make price increases reduce competition blah blah blah blah you actually look into it it's only that's reducing competition with its with its cross play tax it's only that's raising prices with its console [ __ ] oh my God who do inflation inflation macroeconomics bro you know macroeconomics yeah and all that sort of stuff you know it's it's Sony that's been aggressively doing that you know so a lot of these arguments just hold don't hold up under scrutiny which is why I think somebody should just so sorry should just sit down and just accept their fate you know maybe they just have to sit back and enjoy it is what you're saying yeah I guess yeah it's it's it's uh it's it's kind of like and maybe they have to show they have to show that they're they're opposed to it for for shareholder Optics or something like that but I think they've got to know privately that if this ever did go to court it would be bad for Sony it went to court it would be really bad for Sony because all of their business practices would be exposed out in the open Microsoft would go for broke and Microsoft knows intimately intimately what Sony's business practices are because they publish games on PlayStation they publish Minecraft dungeons they publish Minecraft they publish Minecraft uh Minecraft Legends which is coming out next year they're a big publisher um on Playstation so it's kind of like all this stuff will be laid bare when it comes down to it and Sony doesn't want that to happen and that's why I think like a lot of a lot of the things they're saying it's just like for Optics they're just signing for Optics and they know deep down though it's it's gonna happen there's nothing they can do to stop it bro all the arguments fall apart on the screen do you remember what I said like when we were talking about Xbox Japanese exclusives like if you would have told me in 2015 that Microsoft CEO would be all in on gaming at some point and that like when talking about an acquisition he just would be smiling at the camera but like no no chance there's no chance the CEO of Microsoft is going to care that much about Xbox well I'd be wrong again you would have taken a lot of money from me you know uh because he definitely does he must really like Phil uh statue's got a cheeky Street man he does he definitely does he's got a cheeky did you see my thumbnail for yesterday I did yeah little smile in there you know Satya in the little thumbnail probably probably pissing people off you know uh but what are you gonna do you Mr two opinion he says is it just me or do you guys have a gut feeling Xbox will go shopping in the East after the APK deal is done hashtag the Xbox jrpg 300 well I mean I think we talked a little bit about this in the last podcast because it was breaking none but he was literally asked that by um CNBC you know I once you guys finish with a you know uh you know uh ABK are you guys gonna press pause on Acquisitions and Phil's like well we can't we can't press pause because ten sits out here investing Sony's out here investing it's a very highly competitive market so it's like we got to do what we got to do so you know he was directly asked about Japan and he said yeah so there very is um there very well could be a scenario where Activision Blizzard closes next year and they immediately maybe within a two couple months by somebody else not saying it'll be a publisher but you know maybe like they need I think it's um they need to go after a certain certain Affinity I was gonna say because support studios are probably I would say in Microsoft's immediate future after after after Activision Blizzard active Collision let's just call them octoplasion um I think like uh the support studios are probably marks off the media future certain Affinity makes a lot of sense um you know to shore up halo they're also working on Project swerte which is supposedly similar in vance of the monsante according to I believe Jeff grober said that right I think I had no I had no hard details on what Swift I was but I think Jeff grobady attached the monsant to a possibility to it but we ultimately don't know what it is yet for sure um so there's that to think about and uh maybe other support Studios like Sonic Sonic Chief and chat just said a Sobo I think a Sobo would be a good one to get I was playing um I was playing flight simulator this morning uh I wanted to fly over I fly over I wanted to show my girlfriend that we could just fly over fly over our house in Germany yeah and uh I was surprised I was surprised to discover that all the houses are rendered in 3D I was expecting like flat you know I was expecting it to all be flat but they use the AI to generate the houses unfortunately they'll ran um my house is uh stuck in the ground no it looks it looks like it looks like my yeah it looks like my house has been subject to a landslide or something and buried in the dirt so I'm gonna I'm gonna complain to York not Newman about that York if you're if you're listening which you probably aren't but uh please fix Rothenberg up there Tauber please because it looks it looks a bit it doesn't look as nice as it should thank you yeah yeah so um uh William Shoemaker in the Super Chat says hey Jazz just want to say hi usually I usually listen only I usually I only listen to you guys on Saturdays for my boring aspect part of my job which is wonderful what's going on William and uh a friend of the show special Nick with the Super Chat he's here to take his uh Victory lap jazz he says give me my dues for once again getting a non-xbox rumor right and he spelled rumor wrong which is that with a with a you know he spelled it with an OU he spelled rumor wrong but he's Australian so it's not dead it's to be expected that's the correct way of spelling it you don't say rumor do you rumor anyways yeah uh rumor special Nick said that you know Iron Man is being made at EA and Iron Man is being made at EA so Nick like Nick we I've said that you know you're you're not an Xbox sources are pretty good that's it's those Xbox sources bruh it's that gears collection bruh you know it's I I think I think Nick's just um I think special Nick is actually his burner account oh really especially yeah I think especially Nick will actually be a famous YouTuber violite in India is maybe ah oh maybe maybe maybe maybe special Nick is actually like I don't know uh like uh man I don't know any YouTubers man PewDiePie maybe special Nick is secretly PewDiePie and Nick is just the mask and the Australian accent is just fake you know and that's his burner account maybe no yes what Nick says about that uh William also says Rand I didn't forget about you you do like to be a little Saucy spicy sometimes too which I like makes me laugh when I'm doing my boring job well that's what it's all about entertainment you know information all the things uh that people I don't know come here for I guess to be entertained or hear my silly impressions of of people uh so uh Astro cyborg says you guys you sure you guys don't hate Sony ah no hate here man no hate here I like my PlayStation 5. I I don't know how many times I love goes to sushima I thought was the best game of 2020 God of War is a masterpiece uh Last of Us one was incredible I don't I don't know if too right yeah I hate this nerve that if you criticize a company that means you hate them I know like there's there's no hate here for Sony like I reserve hate for people like Vladimir Putin you know I reserve hate for people like that like criticizing Sony like they're stupid business decisions that's analysis you know it's analysis you can't hate something that's sort of just you know isn't doing anything specifically evil you know they're just a business and they're doing business things and Sony run a very good business that has a lot there's a lot of reasons to admire Sony and be a fan of Sony like I've said on this podcast before I I was a Sega kid and then I was a PlayStation kid until Sony priced me out of the market with the PlayStation 3. you know so it's only released the console that my family couldn't afford you know so then I went to Xbox 360 arcade which was cheap as hell in comparison and also came out significantly earlier than the PlayStation 3 in the UK if I remember correctly so um you know so Sony pretty much lost me then because I went digital as soon as I was able to on the Xbox 360 to save space and then from then on I was locked in because all my games were digital so that's how Sony lost me you know as a regular gamer and also you know PC gaming um with my bowel Nets and my Warcraft and stuff like that I don't have enough time in my life for that many extra consoles but there's just no hay you know when people say oh my God you criticize PlayStation you criticize Nintendo you must hide them it's it's nothing like that although that being said I think Rand actually does hate Nintendo I know hey Nintendo Nintendo Nintendo's here's the thing about Nintendo they're just irrelevant what how can I help how can I hate something that's irrelevant oh man so they're just like a non-entity they just yeah they just it's like they don't even exist to me they're not they're not even they're not anything to even get upset about so it's just they're just they don't exist I just don't care and like I don't I mean I I told you guys before and shout out to fried melon and Super Chat for giving out a a one month code for PC game pass appreciate it uh hopefully somebody picks it up and can use it but I was I was a big time PlayStation fan during the PS1 and PS2 gen I mean outside of the 360 my favorite console of all time is probably the PS2 um you know and I know like when he's like oh well you criticize so you must say it like you know how many times I've criticized Xbox how many times I've criticized Xbox to literally Phil Spencer's face like I mean if that was the case it's like Phil should have responded and said you hate Xbox it's like no there's things that you need to improve upon and it's I I like PlayStation I I quite a bit I really enjoy their games but there's other things that you can you can be a fan of something and like something while also being able to criticize them about certain things they do uh so I mean um Frank uh Frank Shaw who leads Microsoft's Communications marketing and stuff he he tweeted out my article about Sony and criticizing their strategy and um a lot of uh a lot of people were like oh my god of course you'd share that article to buy us and then Frank show was like man I I wish I wish I could control what Jess said and then I linked like a bunch of Articles where I was like where it's really scathing criticisms of of Microsoft like Xbox Live Gold is the worst deal in gaming why I stopped buying surface forever yeah like this I wrote an absolutely devastatingly critical article about surface you know because the like similarly to like Xbox in the Xbox one generation though I felt like there was a period on this podcast round where every week we were being negative about it because I remember really negative things to talk about I hate it I deleted hook I hated back then looking at chat because I knew chat would be like I'm like man we're being quite negative on Xbox and like chat would be like screw these guys they're always talking smack about Xbox right like yeah people forget about those times you know they don't remember uh the times where we were just like what is going on you know I mean like I literally said being honest this is the worst year an Xbox first party history and it's kind of amazing it's even gotten to this like how do you have a year where your game releases are two two-year-old Early Access grounded game uh a global publishing uh you know picture book uh game and and asda's Falls which was actually quite good and another small Indie title from uh you know from obsidian and Pen like how how do you like when you were coming up with this stuff back in 2020 or 20 like how did you end up here with only this it's not that's this isn't good enough like this year for Xbox's first party release wasn't good enough right I'm criticizing Xbox but I'm sure somebody thinks like I'm a typo or something I don't know are you hateful brother yeah I guess so yeah um let's see we uh we got one here from Alex who says hi guys when do you think we'll know the release date for Starfield and redfall maybe an EXO at the end of this year I think we'll know the release date of redfall and Starfield when they know the release date of redfall in Starfield uh I don't know I could easily see there being a Starfield trailer at the game awards considering how big that event is and if they're actually close to releasing I could easily see Microsoft sort of maybe starting up the marketing there with the trailer with the new release date and if not Starfield then redfall you know Microsoft always likes to bring something to the game awards I guess it's possible if they have an XO uh in November sometime you we we could get the information there but you know the problem is and I'm gonna criticize Xbox here again when you delay all these things uh nobody believes you when you say you're going to release stuff like how like when we talked about E3 in their 12-month focus and they were like these are all the games coming in the next 12 years didn't we say like I don't some of these games are gonna slip right uh it's like when when these things happen it's like you trust less and less the company saying like oh this game's coming now and then it gets delayed and it's like this game's coming no it's delayed this one's no it's delayed to it's like you just lose you know faith in the company to put out a product at the specified point so it's just like they need to to get better at that you know um hopefully hopefully we find out soon I mean I guess the longer we go without finding out when starfield's coming out I guess the possibility exists that because if you ask anybody nobody would be shocked if Starfield comes out in November of next year nobody like if you were to if if I I wonder if you took a poll in chat would you guys be shocked if Starfield was delayed a full year I I would imagine most of the responses would be no you know because there's just like put a poll up you know you can put a poll up because aren't you Channel man I can't I can't you only you can put a polo oh I think what you have to do is you have to make me like a brand manager of your account I'm only like I'm only like a a dog's body manager at the moment what so you have to you you have to put a problem yeah I um I uh I honestly would not be I would not be shocked if Starfield got delayed till quarter three or quart four all the way to November give it like a year delay and um I uh and I say this because Starfield has to be a perfect launch it has to be a perfect launch they can't launch it in like a sort of cyberpunk State they can't launch it in a in a sort of uh you know a beta State like Halo inform where it's like okay we've got these many planets now with these many features now and there's some more coming later um I think it's absolutely critical for the perception of the quality of Xbox game studios that Starfield launches as close to perfect as possible obviously a Bethesda game on that scale you're gonna see some janky and bugs and stuff here and there but I think like they absolutely need to nail the gameplay the feel of the game the Polish you know it needs to be as close to perfect as possible because it needs to be the starting point of a new era for Xbox it can't be another half-assed launch you know it has to be okay this is this is what Xbox is going to be from now on we're launching polished games we're launching them when they're ready because they have a ton of games in development they can afford to sort of take it slow I think and sort of make sure the quality's there personally I think I would prefer them to do that I would prefer them to make sure the quality is there before just rushing out headlong and doing because they rushed Taylor Infinity out hallow infant was rushed out and look how he's suffering for it now if they had season two in development and they had their sort of workflow in place for the live service we wouldn't have the situation we have with Halo right now which is again another talking point another question mark over Xbox game studios ability to deliver quality you know and that's um the ultimate thing that you know Sony still has over Xbox is this quality Delta between Xbox game studios and the sort of expectation you can have that Sony game generally speaking you know I think days gone had some issues at launch but generally speaking Sony games released in a very polished day I don't remember seeing anyone complain about ghosts as Shima I remember seeing anyone complaining I got a war with regards to bugs or lack of Polish or anything like that you know and Microsoft can only get to that level if it has the balls to delay games that needs to be delayed they obviously didn't have the guts or the the knowledge to delay Halo infinite you know there's this sort of I'm trying to investigate what went wrong with Halo infinite and everyone I speak to has a completely different take on what went wrong with Halo infinite which says to me the communication isn't particularly great within three four three Industries because if everyone has a different idea about what went wrong some people have a wildly different idea about who's to blame and what went wrong it feels like there's almost like factions in 343 or like just complete breakdown only communication in some areas you know so it's it's sort of like we can't have that anymore we need to move away from these times where we have this expectation of disappointment you know this is almost like PTSD of where anything was attached to the Xbox brand so um yeah stuff it has to be perfect and let's have a look at the votes right now would you be surprised 199 votes you can still vote I think 199 votes 192 votes would you be surprised if it was delayed four year to November yes 30 no 70 so um yeah I don't know most people wouldn't I guess we'll have to wait and see yeah uh Kong cookie in the Super Chat says Hey guys best big fan of the show does just know that Germany will legalize weed next year and what's his opinion about it lull greetings from Germany Jess are you gonna get high next year you're gonna be smoking the ganja and uh yeah I did hear that Germany's looking to legalize that stuff I don't really know the details about it I haven't been really been following it um I uh yeah maybe I mean what are YouTube's rules about that [ __ ] are you allowed to get high on podcasts I I mean I don't know I mean you've been you've been drinking on podcast so I I haven't gotten in trouble are you gonna start doing the Xbox Xbox two a 420 Edition like that well do you even know if you've got you got leaked stuff if you were you were high high as a kite I don't know I've never done weed I need one of the few drugs I haven't done actually so I haven't I haven't done it I don't I don't know how I'd be you know so I guess we'll have to wait and see next year I will be we'll be out here smoking smoking it up man um but yeah so it is Eric 83 says tell me when Sony bought a publisher uh psychnosis to get into the industry they bought them biggest publisher in Europe at the time uh just because they didn't buy buy one recently doesn't mean they haven't in the past I mean 19 of Stoney's 30 Studios or 20 of them have been acquired they purchased I mean I don't know this whole like narrative like you gotta do things just like Sony did man create them from the ground up like oh well that's not how Sony did everything but okay a lot of people kind of have a revisionist history on on things but just because just because one company does it one way doesn't mean the other company has to exactly follow in the footsteps that that they put down companies can do lots of different things so Microsoft is going to use its money to compete and I think if you if you I honestly think you'll get a better PlayStation out of this competition with Xbox because if thing gets if things get neck and neck like if the consoles sell start close to one other Xbox starts really kind of engaging uh more people in other countries and Game Pass starts to grow Sony's going to be forced to have to adapt and do things better for the consumers to sway people uh you know that's what they had to do with the PS4 and you know people would say that was perhaps the best PlayStation generation uh it's just that you know Sony's crying that they don't they don't want competition because they don't want to have to go through that all they thought it would be like easy they thought they did you know they thought Xbox would never recover they just would be dealing with a clown company that was putting out crappy games and you know while they're over there putting out game of the year contenders and whatnot they didn't think they were a threat and maybe maybe you know that's that's Sony's fault maybe they should have maybe they should have taken their foot and snap Xbox's neck back in 2015 when Xbox was at their lowest or whatever maybe they should have just ended Xbox then and then they wouldn't have this problem but they didn't uh and uh you know now you know essentially when this if when the steal goes through and potentially other things in the future they might have to pay for it they might have to be forced to buy a publisher when maybe they didn't want to you know either way I think it's just good for everybody because they're gonna have to work harder for your money you know yeah I mean if um everyone always says Sony should buy Square Enix and frankly I would honestly like to see them buy Square Enix I would rather Sony bought Square Enix than 10 cent you know 10 cents muscle in and 10 cents smelling blood in the water tencent is the company that you don't want to be buying Publishers and stuff like that so I'd love to see Sony buy Square Enix I know I like a lot of expert fans hang on a sec what are you doing but that's like um that's the competition aspect you know you can't be like you can't be out here celebrating Activision going on their Xbox and then expect not expect Sony to not respond you know if I if I'm just speaking analytically I think obviously speaking Square Enix aligns very closely with what Sony's doing right now and I think having Square Enix would also help them in Japan ironically um where they're sort of they're sort of flagging in terms of in terms of perception so it'd be like it'd be like yes we're still investing in the Japanese Market blah blah he's but you know guarantee that square enix's games are going to be exclusive or whatever and also put them into PlayStation plus you know and put some of their back catalog in there as well if they're not in there already maybe they are I don't know but there's that sort of like again it's sort of like a platform can do things I think with the publisher that a publisher can't do we've got we've got Square Enix out here saying it's too expensive to make games right now meanwhile we have Sony making like some of the most detailed games in history because they're subsidized by the platform you know they're subsidized by the subscriptions they subsidized by fortnite micro transactions they're subsidized by the hardware sales and accessory sales and blah blah blah blah so Sony can make those really big investments in those really crazy games and so Can Microsoft they can make those kind of Investments they can make uh sort of Fan Favorite Things that maybe don't necessarily blow up like fortnite do you know so I um you know I would I'd rather see Square Enix um be able to see its full potential as part of a platform than languish in this sort of weird risk-averse state that they're in right now trying to you know Finance their way out of every sort of possible risk taking thing you know um I completely you know lost my uh workflow there but you know it's it's sort of that's my thinking on it you know I don't think Market consolidation's bad until we start seeing platforms get Consolidated if Apple ends up buying every single gaming platform then yeah they could start selling games for 450 but as long as platforms remain competitive I think that's fine you know I think that's what drives down prices because it's not it's ultimately platforms that decide how much games cost right so um yeah that's my rumble on that Love of the Game says with the recent news sources reporting Warner Brothers Discovery selling the NBC Comcast in 2024 does Microsoft end up with WB netherrealm Games predictions yeah I've seen that stuff basically saying that um NBC Comcast might acquire Warner Brothers Discovery but they'd have to wait for two years um for it to happen I also do wonder what happens with their gaming division does NBC Comcast want it does WB need to get rid of it to kind of smooth over the acquisition and get rid of some of that debt it'd be interesting to see what goes with all that stuff I mean you know where I'm at like WB I think is a great get especially if you're able to license some of those you know uh IP for extended periods of time you know uh but who knows I mean a lot of things are changing in in the uh the film industry and stuff and you know we we saw what eight eighteen T used to own uh Warner Brothers right and then they kind of that he had the Warner Brothers Discovery merger but then that kind of turned to [ __ ] and now like NBC Comcast like everything's gonna be on in the film industry everybody's gonna be owned uh by a couple like you know it's kind of I guess you could say it's kind of sad to see um like Fox and like Warner Brothers maybe not exist in the future uh because Disney is just like this Uber conglomerate but we'll see what happens there uh let's see what else we got here um it's so it's so weird watching this Warner Brothers stuff it feels like every every week they're being bought traded passed around like like I don't know like a pizza box and everyone's taking a slice or something uh Atticus said uh logistat confirmed it was a white skin I need it I did see that on Twitter uh Tom Warren did say that uh Logitech came out and said it was just a skin that wasn't an actual white Xbox so yeah rip to the dreams there you go it's ripped to the dreams that's what I thought so um Let's uh let's move on to uh the Logitech Xbox handheld Jazz uh do you have the information regarding this I think you wrote an article about the handheld right yes so the Logitech gcloud has been the subject of some controversy I even saw Linus Tech tips put out a meme which was like Mom can we have a steam deck and then she's like no we have steam deck at home and then it's the Logitech gcloud but I was on uh I was on a MAV uh Mavs and uh pong Souls podcast yesterday actually talking about this and I was trying to explain why I actually quite liked the idea of the Logitech DG Cloud as someone who canceled their steam deck pre-order and um I'll explain why it's basically long story short it's an Android tablet and I like Android you know when it comes to steam deck yeah you can you can sort of run Windows on it but Netflix for Windows is designed not for a seven inch screen you know and you can use things in the browser but they're designed for desktops a lot of the time so I kind of feel like the Logitech gcloud apps will provide a better experience a better touch experience because it is 10 point multi-touch as well it'll provide a better experience for me as a tablet and a gaming companion device an entertainment device then I think the steam deck would given the steam deck size and its weight and sort of like um it's battery life while running games natively and also my use cases for it like when I'm at home chances are I'm gonna just use my Xbox or my PC to play games so then I think like well I'd use the steam deck while I was traveling but why would I want to carry something around that's so heavy the Logitech gcloud is only 425 grams I think Avatar my head it's it's very light it's very very light so that's kind of like uh Nintendo switch light territory right so I'm kind of thinking like you know that might be better for me than carrying around a power bank because like I when I travel I carry around a huge power bank which is really heavy um so like when I use my phone for watching Netflix and stuff like that I can still I can still charge it and have Jews but maybe if I'm on the train instead of using my phone for that stuff I use the Logitech gcloud you know and then when I get to the hotel Wi-Fi then I can play some turn-based games maybe or if the Wi-Fi is good enough maybe even a comply more action-oriented games when I'm at home sitting on the couch I can play a full-blown deck of Xbox games um if I ever do decide to play on handheld at home and then if I'm traveling and I don't have a good enough connection I can watch Netflix movies offline or use it for Spotify unless it's a music through it offline because it has Bluetooth uh apx codex and stuff like that so I think of it in the I think of it as an Android tablet and if you look at the specs on the Logitech G cloud and then look at other Android tablets out there it's pretty price competitive with Android tablets out there because of the overheads Google charges a fee on top of Google Play and then like you know the the other licensing things that Logitech has to do and they're probably selling it at the lowest price they can to still turn a profit because remember they're not going to make any money on the games that are sold through it they're not going to make any money on the subscription Services sold through it's purely a hardware proposition so I kind of think of it in the terms of an Android tablet and I also think like for as a general purpose entertainment tablet I think it will be the the steam deck so that's why I was interested in the Logitech G cloud and and that's my argument for it um you know existing as a device because I got like loads of people in my mentions analysts analysts of people saying like oh why does this why does this type why does this device exist because they were only looking at it through the lens of competing with the switch or competing with the um oh competing with um the uh uh the steam deck and it's like yeah but I can't I can't use any apps on the switch you know I literally can't use any apps and also the battery life isn't that great and you know and stuff like that and you know I don't even know what apps Nintendo switch even has these days did they even ever get YouTube did they even ever get Netflix you know and sure maybe like you wouldn't want to um maybe you prefer to just play games on your switch but what if what if I wanted the versatility you know and Amit Kumar says you can get Samsung Galaxy eye tablets for less than 200. yeah but they're all usba none of them are USBC and none of them fit in the high quality Gamepad adapters I've tried this I have looked aggressively for a seven inch Android tablet that fits into the Razer Kishi or fits into the the game sir X2 Pro none of them fit and if they do fit their usba they're not USBC which means they're not compatible you know your best option really is to get an iPad mini and then use the iPad version but I don't want to be in Apple's ecosystem so my point is this is a niche device and um Derek McCulloch says they don't seem to be selling it as an entertainment device yeah but I don't care about the marketing I'm talking about the reality of it the reality is that it runs through full Google Play services maybe their marketing's bad but it does have all those apps and it does have all those features that an Android tablet has I would have marketed it as a tablet um but you know um they didn't for whatever reason and that's fine you know so I think for me it's a very interesting Niche but I get that it's not going to be for most people and I also get that it's not going to sell that great but I think I'm very intrigued by it and I'm gonna try it out and see how it fits into my hectic lifestyle you know because at the end of the day when I'm really serious about gaming I'm not playing on cloud I'm playing natively so yeah uh I'm not sure anyone's gonna buy this I think it's way too expensive uh well Rand yes but I can track how many people pre-ordered it through our website and it actually did no it was a few hundred so I actually did pretty well they didn't they need more than a few hundred people to buy it just yeah but Ryan it's like people you know that's high across all of our products right so it's kind of like um you know people people generally don't go to Windows Central to pre-order products right it's more like an um it's more like an impulse purchase right so people that's like a high pre-order number for us and yeah obviously they're going to need to sell more than a few hundred but this is why they're sort of soft launching it they're only launching in America they're only launching in Canada it's retail price is 349 and they're selling it for 2.99 I don't know why they didn't just sell it for three for 2.99 why not just sell it for that much because I put 349 in my headline because that's the RRP but literally everyone's selling it for 50 off that's because if you pre-order and it's 50. yeah if you pre-order it it's 2.99 but like once the pre-order is over and it's out then it goes up to 350. it's just a way to get people to jump on it now because it'd be more expensive later so the reason we're even talking about this is because this could be we could be looking at a future XBox device right uh because I think Xbox is going to be paying very close attention how well this does and to see if there really is a market for a cloud streaming handheld device right because you can make the argument that streaming your games on Android and iOS aren't really great but if you had like a Nintendo switch like device that's made for gaming then maybe cloud gaming is a-okay so I think Xbox is probably going to look at this you know they they're basically partnered with them you know they're using Xbox and all their promotional things and it's like hey you can you know get Game Pass you get all these things uh and maybe we see one of these uh you know in two years from now you know when Xbox what was that Xbox Keystone that Xbox told you about you know yeah the Keystone is a streaming console which again I've heard is targeting about 200 um I think off the top of my head was it 200 or was it 99 actually let me check that I don't want to get it I think it was targeting 99. yeah 99 yeah two so yeah that's targeting 99 but obviously that doesn't have that's missing a lot of overheads like Bluetooth presumably and stuff oh yeah so like that the problem with this device is the price because for a similar price you can get a switch and for same price or a little bit more you can get a steam deck which can run all your PC games and you can actually put the Xbox game Pass App on there to do it so it's a little bit too expensive and in the market that it's competing with but that's where Xbox could come in in the future and make a similar device but then price it at a reasonable price point like around 200 bucks so maybe we're getting up to the future of something Xbox could make down the road yeah and this is this is the thing that like Xbox can subsidize it with software sales and subscription sales because they are eventually going to sell Xbox games directly in the cloud like you won't have to subscribe um and Freddie Foxx just said it's already sold out so you know people obviously have sold through they made like you know 500 of them you know yeah but even still it's saying like nobody wanted it it was just pretty much inaccurate like let's see what is is if it's sold out on um let's see if it's sold out on Ye Old Amazon it is still available to pre-order on Amazon right now so it's not completely sold out but there seems to sold through all their Microsoft stuff maybe people are just buying it because it is 50 off in the you know it's impulse buyer um but yeah I see it more like a tablet you know I see it more like man I could like I could take this thing to Gamecock Gamescom and hook up a keyboard to it write an article on it you know um if I want to get crazy with it in a in a sort of you know without the sort of bulk of a steam deck so I um and also it's a bit it's a fair bit cheaper than the steam deck when you when you take into account that 50 off so I uh I'm not I'm not totally opposed to it and I don't care if I'm like the only person who's not opposed to it like everyone seems to want to dunk on it but everyone seems to want it on con cyberpunk as well and look where we are now maybe maybe Logitech due to gcloud is a future man what if it's a future baby well we'll see uh Mr too opinionated in the Super Chat says should Xbox have padded their lineup with bigger and longer deals like PlayStation has with Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy 16's first spoken and Etc until their first party are ready I don't think Microsoft hasn't been interested in doing that since rise of the Tomb Raider they're more interested in getting Game Pass exclusives or having games debut on Game Pass uh you know for three or four months before you know they they come anywhere else or just getting the game on Game Pass but still being able to release everywhere that's where Xbox is spending their money um I understand your argument though like maybe they should have money had a bigger third-party games uh especially you know this year with how this year turned it out it'd be like well if XBox had done this and that and maybe it'd be better but it's clearly like not what Microsoft is interested in and maybe they're just like these timed exclusives might be a thing of the past uh Microsoft wants to grow Game Pass and that's where they're really focused at um but I mean it works well for Sony because like already next year even though we don't know what games are coming out from PlayStation besides Spider-Man 2 you do know that for spoken in Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 rebirth are scheduled for 2023 so uh that that definitely will help them um DJ bird said I pre-ordered mine yesterday uh and saved fifty dollars from Amazon so there you go um yeah make sure you guys hit the like button if you're enjoying the show Let's uh we would greatly appreciate it Jazz let's talk about the Xbox 2023 roadmap you ready what what exclusives are coming because uh because a friend of the show the grub grub himself uh said this during a podcast with Luke Lord the insipid ghost uh he runs the Xbox expansion podcast and this kind of news made the rounds uh Jeff was talking about what Xbox had planned to come out in 2023 you know basically this was their internal road map going back to like 2021 I believe and these were the games that Jeff Grubb said were originally planned for Xbox to come out in 2023 and it's a pretty extensive list you look at this and you're like God damn if all these games come out in 2023 2023 is gonna be the best year ever right uh so apparently the first party lineup and consisted of Hal Blade 2 Perfect Dark fable contraband a vowed ever Wild in Exiles game compulsions game and coalition's new game so what is that one two three four five six seven eight nine so that'd be nine games uh uh but then Jeff went on to say that he only really expects hellblade 2 and contraband uh to come out within the second half of the year um although I thought I thought he said uh I thought it was like compulsions game and not contraband um he also made mention I think on his other show that uh he was thinking that maybe uh what was it um project belfry and one of the other Global publishing games um not not the not the Clan game not that one but another one I forget I name's escaping me at the moment I'm not I don't remember which one but um yeah uh so that's what Jeff Grubb says or at least he thought what the road map is now I'm gonna give my opinion on this first Jazz you ready and then you can you can say what you think and then always caveat it by saying but it could be wrong I don't know right so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna rule out the games that aren't gonna be there so that's perfect Arc I'm perfect darks 2024. Fable is not going to come out next year I'm thinking that's end of 2024 title with the possibility being a 2025 I don't think Contraband comes out next year I'm 50 50 on a vowed at this point um ever while it's definitely not next year that's uh that's been rebooted in Exiles game project Cobalt's not going to be next year so out of these I think that might be possible or Hellboy too in fact I think Cowboy 2 is the big game for next fall I think I think Cowboy two is the big game for next fall I think that like I said there's a chance a vowed comes out as well although I'm starting to think that that's more early 2024 like like February March um I actually think coalition's game could come out especially if it's a smaller title it's not gear six like if it's a smaller game I think that has a chance as well as I think compulsions game has a chance too uh to come out and they've been working on that game for for a while um and as far as like Global publishing uh oh the other game that Jeff mentioned was Project suerte he thought suerte would also come out next year alongside like project Belfry so that's what I'm thinking so I think still that's a pretty good year with Starfield and redfall Minecraft Legends and Ari history Untold with you know ghostwire Tokyo coming uh over from PlayStation with potentially a first party Diablo 4 all the Game Pass deals we know about like stalker two atomic heart like Flintlock and all the stuff from E3 and then if you can end the year with like Hellboy II a project Battle free uh that monster hunter project swerte game and uh like compulsions game I think you're looking at potentially the best Xbox year ever and then you go into 2024 with Perfect Dark with uh a vowed with like Indiana Jones and all the other like um you know maybe like stated K3 like I'd have to look at all the list of studios and their games to get a sense of what's would become in them but you can kind of see where it's all kind of like all right now everything is sort of lining up to release oh yeah and Forza Motorsport by the way I totally forgot that see so many games I forgot about Forza Motorsport as well so what do you think I wouldn't be surprised if none of those games come out whoa whoa all right all right I mean fair enough that that's definitely a possibility maybe I'm a little bit too optimistic with hellblade too and and compulsions come okay I think and then we get star failed uh I think we get we get red fall we get Forza okay we get the game steals Flintlock and stuff like that you mentioned Minecraft and our history yeah yeah and ghosts we get back to Diablo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we get the Activision deal go through and then we get we get that blow straight into Game Pass I wouldn't honestly be surprised if compulsions game held by 2 Contraband all that stuff comes out in 2024. whoa I am not basing that on any Insider knowledge so for those people freaking out this is just my sort of cynical prediction but for my money it's kind of like if you've got Forza if you've got ARA ARA game you got red four you got Starfield you got Diablo four you've got Minecraft Legends you've got Flintlock you've got all these other game pass titles isn't there an argument to be made that we give those teams as much time as possible to make the games as good as they can be if the if the focus is quality you know I have no idea how far along some of these games are I have no idea but I think even without hellblade even without a Contraband and stuff like that it's still a pretty damn strong year in my view you know I think it's still a strong gear so maybe Microsoft like is there an argument to be made that we could get a vowed to the next level if we give it till till mid 2024 is there an argument who made that hellblade can get like new gameplay features if we give it like another year you know and then like 2024 as well would be like a crazy year because all this disregards third party as well you know what what other games are releasing next year we're getting the new Assassin's Creed next year I don't even know yeah every every game is next year right now you know every game literally yeah so is there an argument to be made that some of these games could sort of like instead of launching in a sort of like I don't know yeah just publishing it for the sake of it or could they be taken to the next level with with a longer development cycle would the developers feel less pressured with a longer development cycle I think there's um I think there's an argument to be made there but like the rambling gamma guy says scope creep and that that's an argument we made as well like are we are you getting into feature creep territory where uh feature creep is where like you know uh developers keep piling on more and more features to the point where the game starts feeling diffuse fair enough you know that that's an argument that you can make um if those games are well and truly ready and well and truly as good as they can be then yeah sure launch them but I I'm sort of like I take a more pessimistic view in terms of how much could launch next year and I also think like there's so much that's launching without some of these upcoming titles but God you could stagger them you could stagger these Target stores out you know you could stagger them a bit more give them more breathing space and keep those um keep give those some of those other games more of the spotlight because I always thought it was weird how they rushed out Hilo infinite on top of Forza Horizon you know what I I think that was weird you know and I so I think it almost kind of betrayed Forza Horizon a little bit especially given the fact that Halo infinite wasn't even ready to go you know um well you can make your argument different different demographics you know yeah yeah but I would hate to see like a vowed launching the same sort of window a star field because I think the reason the decent amount of overlap there where it's kind of like man that's kind of that's kind of like you kind of taking the Shine off a valve by doing that potentially because a vowed is the the new I the new IP which hasn't had the hype of it hype around in it by you know slapping the by the creators of Skyrim Todd Howard or whatever underneath it Starfield has all this massive hype around it where I think most average Gamers probably don't even know if I would even exists right so I think like if you launch the valid and Starfield on top of each other it's it's doing a disservice to a vowed potentially because we all know like at the high because of Todd Howard and Bethesda that a lot of the hype's going to fall on Starfield as um obsidian continues to build up its footprint um so I think there is a possibility that some of these games could be staggered um Sebastian Cooper says yeah I think it's a terrible day if they launch of Starfield and vowed in the same year which is why I think like I would be surprised you know no I mean I think I think you could launch Starfield in in March and launch a vowed in October and be perfectly fine yeah maybe maybe you're right but um I think I think the thing is you launch the games when they're ready you can't have a Halo infinite situation but then not a lot of none of these games are live service like Halo infinite but first and foremost they need to be ready and I would imagine with you know Xbox doing the E3 with hey this is what's coming in the next 12 months putting out there here's redfall and Minecraft and Starfield and Forza and arrow history and told like if they like they had to have known also like okay these are the games scheduled for the fall because if any of those if they didn't have anything scheduled for the fall then we just traded Microsoft releasing all their stuff in the fall into releasing all their stuff in the first half of the year and then when we get to the fall people will be like well where are the games I would imagine if that was the case that they didn't have anything planned for the fall then some of those games would get pushed to the fall you know maybe like Starfield and stuff but at some point Xbox gonna have to [ __ ] or get off the pot because compulsion's been working on their new game for a while right a valve's been worked on for for some time I mean uh how we saw that footage what like last year or the year before or whatever it was uh you know I mean they've been working on it for a while he'll play two you know they've revealed that in 2019 start stated K3 they revealed it in 2020 Perfect Dark 2020. I'm just saying like you when you look at when they revealed these games fable it's like all right well you know how long are these games granted that's not encounting covid which definitely impacted a lot of stuff but it's like it's it's time like you know it's it's like the games need to start releasing and they need to start releasing and and uh with with great quality so I I I'm not saying like they're gonna have as big as a second half as it looks like their their first half is um be I do think if you release the hellblade 2 with the project belfry um you know maybe with compulsions or coalitions uh other game I think I think that'd be pretty good I think I think people you know especially with all the stuff from the first half of the year I think people be like damn that is a great year and then if you go into the following year with you know the fables and the perfect arcs and Indiana Joneses and stuff people like God damn it's just continuing and then it's going to keep continuing so we'll see and we'll see what ends up happening because like you know Matt booty said it at um the the viewing party at E3 that you know they got so many games coming they don't know where to where to put them and I know that's kind of like well that's not helping out right now because right now it's like you could put any game anywhere because you really don't have any but um you know I we'll see we'll see what comes out next year and usually Jeff is pretty on point with this stuff so um I mean I don't think they can release everything but they're definitely you know can have a few a couple games come out at least uh keltrick Pickens and super chess says read an article recently about how AAA devs and Publishers can no longer afford not to put their games on IOS and Android due to how big mobile is do we do you think we'll see more AAA games on mobile what do you think Jess I think I think like Amazon mobile yeah I think they need to be made specifically for mobile like Call of Duty mobile or like uh isn't gentian impact on mobile uh like those type of fortnite and well not actually fortnite's not a mobile and well actually it is with Xbox well it is it is via the Samsung Galaxy store so like you can you can get fortnite through Android if you've got a Samsung Galaxy and you download it through the Galaxy store it's it's even got it's like a big banner like you open the Galaxy store and it's just like the only app we have is fortnite please please use the store it's quite funny actually but um is this question about will Microsoft make AAA Mobile games or or he just says in general like that's so expensive for AAA games not to have you know not to be on on mobile more it's kind of a difficult question because Microsoft has a very different philosophy that flies in the face of what makes a mobile game truly successful games like genshin impact and Diablo Immortal they rely heavily on gambling I mean you can't call it anything else it is gambling you know you're gambling on what characters you're getting against an impact or the quality of the characters you get and in Diablo more you're gambling on the quality of the gems you get and stuff like that which you socket into your gear which give you modifiers and [ __ ] like that so that sort of goes against Phil Spencer's almost moral philosophy but the problem is it feels like to compete in that space thanks to Google and Apple's um lack of sort of Regulation and sort of um making it so the only way that devs can make money on mobile is to be to exploit that psychological itch that people have um uh it's sort of it sort of begs the question because Microsoft has kind of dipped their toe in to try and make mobile games but they haven't gone hard enough into exploiting the psychology you know they don't have like gears pop didn't have any like waifus in it and it had like the lightest touch microtransactions ever which sort of didn't sort of create that sort of high-stakes gambling experience that makes these games so profitable and so competitive like I've spoken to mobile Developers who say people in certain markets they want that stuff they want the gambling mechanics and if your game doesn't have the gambling mechanics they die they just die you know so Microsoft kind of they go they'll be going against the grains to some degree and it's sort of like does Microsoft want to be in this in a situation where they've taken one of their Flagship Western IPS and sort of run it through the gauntlet of negative media perception in the west like Diablo Mall did you know I still see people on um on Diablo's Twitter um asking if the games pay to win you know because Diablo Immortal cast this sort of huge Shadow over the Diablo brand and now everyone's assuming that Diablo 4 is going to be paid to win in some format and the people aren't trusting what blizzards say you know because blizzard said you wouldn't be able to gamble for gear but that was a lie because you can gamble for gear you can gamble for the gems which have a dramatic impact on your character's power which allow you to destroy free-to-play players in PvP so you know it's all that kind of stuff and um it's kind of a it's sort of a rambling kind of roundabout way of saying there's a lot of money to be made but I think Microsoft would have to sort of assess very carefully whether or not they want to put their franchises through that Gauntlet you know um obviously Candy Crush for making some money hand over fist it's it's Candy Crush is insane I don't know why people play this game you play the game for two minutes and the game's like okay you can't play again until tomorrow unless you swipe your credit card in here you know I have no idea why people go for that because it's not even that fun and there's three versions of it like there's loads of free versions of it what what is it about Candy Crush specifically that has people so obsessed with giving money I don't get it but clearly King gets it and um Microsoft wants a piece of that pie so I guess it'd be interesting to see how all that stuff plays out you know I'll have to wait and see yeah uh humdrum says booty needs to be fired if XBox has zero second half 23 game zero second half 2023 Game Stop settling for mediocrity jazz well this is this is the the weird the weird take here is like settling for mediocrity is settling for mediocrity accepting Halo infinite launching when it wasn't finished you know he's settling for mediocrity rushing games out when they're not ready just to you know meet some kind of quota about how many games you should have out Games should launch when they're ready they shouldn't be rushed out accepting mediocrity is accepting Halo infinite's live service and being like Oh well at least it launched like when it launched great no the game should have been [ __ ] delayed so you are settling for mediocrity by letting games launch unfinished and just very very interesting uh Connor uh he also said uh grub said XBox doesn't care if games get zero spotlight and he says one verse at the end there I don't know that's sort of like I get that as well because you know if they're in Game Pass you can just sort of play it whenever you want right I don't sort of know the user Behavior there when it comes to the library because we all know from Rand only plays trending games that's not true Rand only plays games if they launched in the last week that's something to fly if they're more than a week old Rand won't play them that's a ball if they're not if they're not trending on Tick Tock Rand won't play them you know so um I'd I'd have to I might actually ask around about that like what is what is the what is the attachment rate like for Xbox game passes back catalog because also Netflix I'm interested like do people watch older Netflix shows or do they only care about what's trending you know obviously that's a big part of it but to use a stay subscribed when there's like no when there's no trending content and maybe do they look further into the the back catalog of what's on Netflix and stuff [Laughter] randomly plays games that are endorsed by Pokemon [Music] um yeah so Rand only plays Red Shadow Legends rip it's a lie it's a lie sorry yeah around what what are we talking about what um I actually made an Xbox two podcast Tick Tock oh my God you said you would never do tick tock well I did I made an Xbox 2 podcast Tick Tock and I put I put a tick tock on there and uh it actually got let me let me have a look so we're gonna have a look around we're on Tick Tock now so anybody you're gonna have to make a bunch of content for it you know you're gonna have to we go 168 plays oh wow we're we're killing killing it on tick tock watch out take talk influences run the Jazz are coming for your lunch money all right well you need to you need to make you need to make a bunch of tick tocks every day now pushing pushing uh oh I don't want to do that well I mean so um what else we got here um oh yeah the GTA 6 leaks this oh yeah this whole thing like broke up yeah lit a little uh earlier in the week uh probably the biggest leak in gaming history I I can't imagine uh foreign has a response he says how can games be done when management sucks there you go Jess how can games I agree when management suck you're right man he's right you know it's he's right there there has to be eventually some kind of like um consequence and as we saw Bonnie Ross he's gone she's gone yeah so if we can't if we repeatedly get into a situation where games aren't launching at a level of quality that can even approach other Publishers um uh something he probably needs to change but you know right now I'm still willing to give them benefit the doubt because of kovid I know a lot of people aren't but the fact of the matter is the the crease in game development is still affecting games for this year but next year I think like that well and truly expires as an excuse with all offices open open pretty much now and um uh that being said this week we had two editors off with kovid which means I had to do all that Bloody work thanks Matt for getting covered shout out to Matt by the way bless him so covered's technically not gone away but um it's reduced in uh sort of risk factor I guess but I don't know yeah I agree I'm with humdrum ultimately but I just I want quality because maybe maybe my my bias there is I don't have as much time to play the games so I don't mind if they get delayed a bit as long as they're high quality because I barely have time to play what's coming out now but I know I'm sort of like that's probably not true for a lot of people um man I wish I had more time to play games maybe I should just quit my job should we just like if the patreon really blows up I can just quit my job and just you know focus on the patreon and the podcast and and and just live on cucumbers or something well if you guys want to join the patreon links in the description you can go to xp2 and we have a bunch of tiers ranging from 250 all the way up to to 50. so uh we we appreciate anybody that signed up anybody that will sign up and if you don't want to that's all right by me as well as long as you're watching the podcast whether you're commentating or super chatting uh Channel memberships or just lurking we still love each and every one of you even even humdrug when he says that jazz accepts mediocrity because you know he's only been playing World of Warcraft for 20 years so he does accept mediocrity I'm with you 100 on that uh 100 players walking simulators oh my god well they're actually good though so uh the GTA's leaks are probably the biggest leak in gaming history I thought it was I I checked out a couple of them before I was like ah you know my takeaway was like Hey this actually looks pretty good for an in-development game the game that's probably not coming out for a bit I was like damn this looks good and but dude the responses were like this game looks like [ __ ] uh the first thing that game development you know the graphics are done first and it's just like what I love I love the developers like dunking on that guy that said that he's like if you know one thing about game development it's the graphics are done first and then literally everybody's like here's what sea of Thieves look like in in 2014 here's what control look like here's what this game looked like and it's all just a bunch of blocks with no textures right um Skull King wants to know if our our Bots allowed on patreon I don't know what you mean by Bots like fake people like Bots as in like Twitter Bots that Elon Musk are mad at uh I don't think nah you have to you have to buy money to to be on patreon yeah I think you gotta have it so yeah so unless unless Bots start getting bank accounts I don't think we can you can get Buzz yeah so I mean I saw the leaks and I'm like all right so we're setting like Vice City you know we got the female and male protagonists like I'm down for this game just I want a trailer coming from rockstar I want I mean I I really do like Grand Theft Auto I thought Grand Theft Auto 5 was incredible um oh they mean Xbox I mean of course of course the the whole patreon is filled with nothing but expots I mean me and Jess Gordon you're we're Xbox Central right we hate PlayStation apparently we got nothing good to say about it ever we're just straight up Xbox this is this is a patreon what's six spots what's the term for a Warcraft fanboy the sad individual oh why'd you go do me why'd you ask that question what'd you think I was gonna say I don't know something witty and creative not mean-spirited and there was Woody and creative that was very witty and creative oh yeah yeah of course man uh so some 16 year old or 17 year old who hacked Uber was able to hack Rockstar send out all this information and stuff and apparently he got arrested today in the UK um you know there was some worry that he got the source code but it looks like he didn't uh Rockstar had to come out and and take two to come out and say like you know it sucks or whatever but they don't expect any material delays from the game and I mean they haven't announced the release date so you can't really delay a game that hasn't been announced without a date yet so I mean the leaks made me from the couple I saw I was like yeah I'm ready for a new Grand Theft Auto I I haven't played one since 2013. uh I love Red Dead Redemption 2 love Grand Theft Auto 5. I'm I'm kind of excited for a Bonnie and Clyde male for female protagonist you know set in the Florida essentially and vice city like that I guess maybe it might lose some of the humor with you know the you know the the focus on I don't know the humor stuff is going to be in touch and go because the world has essentially changed uh and into what sort of jokes are acceptable these days uh but I'm greatly looking forward to it so what'd you think of the of the GTA 6 leaks well I think GTA's humor would necessarily be impacted by some of this stuff because GTA has always been kind of satire right yeah and well I mean have you seen the world we live in anymore like things are happening in the world now that are basically Onion articles come to life can you satirize American culture anymore or I don't think I don't know if it's possible uh yeah it might be right but maybe they go more serious and told maybe they've got more serious and realistic in tone instead you know maybe maybe they're instead of because satire is so dead now maybe they're just they're just like oh yeah well the world's so ridiculous let's make something that's more realistic I don't know but I like the look of uh what what was seen like some of the features like the um the whole Pulp Fiction robbing the restaurant you know seeing I know that looked really really cool like I can imagine that being really really fun and interesting and intense maybe even like you're gonna get Dynamic situations where you know you you end you end up you know one of the one of the restaurant customers is packing you know and starts whips out whips out and Uzi or something out of the handbag or something and starts blasting you in the back of the head I think that's really interesting like some of those sort of simulatory elements they're sort of baking in there um there's rumors that like you know there's going to be hunger and thirst and stuff as well I don't know if you saw this round hmm hunger yeah supposedly like um I don't I don't think like you you'll do you'll die at first but I think there's like like you'd be able to get fat or something like there was another GTA where you could get yeah you worked out you could yeah you get fat yeah yeah stuff like that you know I think some of those elements are going to come back maybe like you drink energy drinks you get some kind of buff I don't think I don't think it's going to be like a survival game or anything like that but that's the that's the problem with some of these leaks is like we get a lot of these sort of code strings out of context I saw one I saw one uh one channel that was sort of going through it all and like oh my God GTA 6 confirmed to have horses and it's like but hang on maybe that's just leftover code from Red Dead Redemption 2 because obviously they're not going to use all this they're not going to write the whole engine from scratch are they they're going to use a lot of they're going to reuse a lot of the same code from from like their recent games so maybe like the the code for horses maybe that's just left over from Red Dead Redemption 2 and they've actually got no intention of letting you ride horses in Grand Theft Auto 6. I don't know why they wouldn't because like you know you often people do ride horses in modern day times I mean you you ever ridden a horse friend uh I actually have one uh we used to go we used to go up to Wisconsin um every single summer so my my fam so my dad's family uh my my dad my grandpa built a cottage in Wisconsin and my dad and his seven brothers and sisters would go up there every summer right so as kids my dad and my mom would take us four you know I have two sisters and a younger brother oh I'm the oldest I have two younger sisters and a younger brother and we would go up to Wisconsin uh to the cottage every single summer uh up until a certain point where like I didn't want to go anymore when I got older but they would still go uh some of my parents like best friends lived out there so we would go there I think I've told talked about this before but like it's kind of like a log cabin-ish sort of thing and it was it like the house was like built on this hill that the hill ran into this Creek and I always always had like nightmares that like we'd be in the cottage as the cottage tumbled down the hill and landed into the creek and I would get leeches all over me you know those those kid dreams nightmares that you have so no like but up there uh yeah we we we did we did ride some horses go on the trails and stuff and so I've done that a couple times yes well rondyle Cowboy confirmed oh yeah Randall cowboy do you have any pictures of you riding a horse no I don't I don't I mean I'm sure there's pictures of me as a kid over there somewhere I'm sure somebody has them but I mean this this is this is before you know like you know like I'm trying to think like how big were cameras back in the you know late 80s you know I remember my dad having like having like uh like uh like a camcorder but it was like so huge you to put it on your shoulder to like now it's like you just everybody's got a recorder in their phone with you know their pocket with their phone but yeah I mean man I also what was it like in the 60s I mean living in that cabin was like in the 60s didn't have a TV the bath the bathtub was like this old ass bathtub that had like rust rings I hate like I always hate it like I don't want to take a bath in this bathtub it's disgusting I always hated going there because you always see the biggest spiders you can possibly imagine I mean living here in Illinois close to Chicago I mean you see spiders but like you don't see huge spiders you go to Wisconsin in the wilderness and it's like you go to the front door and there's like webs everywhere with orb spiders in there it's like you're constantly looking above you to see if one of these things are gonna it's probably where I got my Arachnophobia for I'm you know I'm not really uh I'm not like definitely afraid of spiders but like I don't like spiders you know what I'm saying so it might be from that like because I go to Wisconsin and they're just all around everywhere like sometimes like a dreams where I'm like in the cabin or in my friend's house over there and like there's just spiders literally everywhere and they try to attack you like the movie uh uh phobia like yeah it's a classic it is a classic man uh Manny Manny and track came up with Randall Redemption Randall Redemption okay I love that but uh man we got off topic a little bit are we talking about Grand Theft Auto yeah so we like this is this is like one one of the problems with leaking stuff is like you know it's not always it's not always cut and dry you know just some code pointing to horses doesn't necessarily mean the game is planned to have horses right so you know we see a lot of features as they're unfinished and there was a lot of discourse about how the game looked um from a raw visuals perspective and people like oh my God the game looks really bad the graphics are really bad data arrival and stuff like that and it's just like dude there's no there's no shine implemented yet you know there's no there's no lighting's missing physics are missing things have glitches the texture's missing and all this kind of stuff and and actually there was like a wave of game developers sharing their sort of in progress games and I saw like you know red every day um not Redemption sorry um Sniper Elite Deb's Rebellion they were sharing like I was there in Sniper Elite without any textures and like uh sea of Thieves shared their the hilarious prototype where he's basically giant potatoes with eyes on this like Lego ship you know and they're sharing their prototypes and stuff and it's kind of like it's kind of created a wave of transparency about how games look while they're in development because historically speaking Publishers and their marketing teams they want very aggressive control over how their games are perceived so when these kind of this sort of content leaks out it hurts her but their marketing team's abilities to do their job really and we get we get scenarios where um ideas about a game can be really off base with the finished product and um you know we were talking about earlier how it seemed like a lot of people had gleaned from cyberpunk's marketing that the game was meant to be a GTA clone and like going back and watching some of those early early cyberpunk trailers I completely understand why people thought that you know even though like I think there was some idea that CD project read that that it was going down that route it kind of ran away with them right um they were always saying like this is a true RPG it's a true RPG it's a true RPG but nobody nobody took it that way because visually um they put a lot of emphasis on the on the living breathing World aspect of it NPCs walking around in cars and that kind of thing because Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption they have this sort of amazing sort of simulation in that with it within their sandbox that see project Reds cyberpunk just doesn't really approach because it is it's a different kind of game so um I think it looks really good and I'm not someone who I don't like GTA is not one of my favorite franchises of all time but I generally do play them like I completed GTA 4 and complete GTA 5. um Red Dead Redemption I love I prefer Red Dead Redemption personally um but I also I do love like I love GTA like it's a great franchise but it's not like it's not like you know all consuming like if they announced World of Warcraft 2 that would take off my life oh monster monster hunter World 2 is going to take over my life you know Diablo's taking over my life but I thought it looked really good as someone who's sort of a passive fan about it and I think like the Bonnie and Clyde Dynamic I think is really cool and I think there was some knee-jerk reactions that female protagonists automatically meant that the games woke but I think like this could be like pretty pretty dark you know Bonnie and Clyde is pretty much very much the opposite of what I would say is quote unquote woke that people complain about so much um so I think it could be a pretty pretty cool game and um I don't think that I don't think the leaks are gonna hurt the game's perception as much as no some people might have you believe I mean because I don't have thought it was going to be a massive game yeah it was going to be you probably won we won't see it again for another year so people forget about the leaks and when they do see it for the first time they're like damn that looks good so yeah uh fire Shadow and the Super Chat says hi random Jazz love the show off topic does anyone know why the new Forza won't have VR support on PC would have much more reach in Sim community you have any idea yes it's an interesting topic um as we know Microsoft doesn't invest in VR man I could have asked them that game's common I didn't ask because I don't care about VR sadly but it just didn't cross my mind I wish I'd ask now um but I think they know there's a lot of interest about VR and Microsoft has doubled as they are there's Minecraft VR and frankly like have you ever you do you ever played in VR around at all at all much you ever tried it and I've only played VR a couple times I like I actually really enjoyed Minecraft VR like it was actually like really efficient to mine with a with a joy with a joystick like I am in the the pickaxe exactly where you want it to go and stuff like that um so uh I actually really enjoyed it but man it was vomit in juicing oh man it was like it's when you're in when you're like in a cave you can't see the Horizon it's so disorienting to play Minecraft in VR I I I've never felt that sick from playing a game in my life you know but you think flight simulator where you you've got you've got a view of the Horizon at all times and you sort of orients your brain and anchors your brain in in sort of like what it perceives as the center of gravity right I think flight simulator be an ideal candidate for for a Microsoft VR game so I'll try and find out I'll ask around a single Microsoft Store process on it maybe try and get a statement my God my gut instinct is they won't want to comment on it because they won't want to don't want to build hope if there is none so they'd rather probably just stay silent but we'll have to wait and see if VR takes off maybe I presume flight simulator be at the top of the list yeah uh chocolate said just confirmed the GTA 6 will have thirst traps um um yeah uh so Iron Man was also announced from ea uh motives making that single player adventure with Iron Man it definitely seems like Marvel's willing to license out their eyepiece anybody that wants to come calling you know you got the Black Panther Captain America team up at Skybox you have you have Iron Man with EA and motive you have Wolverine and Spider-Man with Sony um I know Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was with Nintendo trying to think of some other Marvel properties oh like uh Marvel was it the Marvel Sons the the x-com developers are making yeah yeah uh they got that so it seems like anybody that really wants it can have some sort of Marvel IP we they seem to be doing that more and more so I mean maybe one day Xbox if one of their teams wants to do a Marvel game and maybe maybe maybe they do that's I I kind of like the Iron Man game for me it would have to use the anthem flight stuff right they would have to use the anthem core for flying around um Sean Laden also joined 10 cent I thought this was interesting um you know I I know he complained about industry consolidation and he goes to one of the companies that is consolidating like crazy um this is just jokes uh by the way I I actually kind of like Sean uh but I guess I but this you know I guess he can basically advise tencent on uh how to lose a power struggle yeah that's a joke by the way that's a joke don't get your panties in a in a bunch uh Randall height uh strikes again don't get your panties it's just jokes it's good times we're all having fun you know uh shout out to sin Vendetta it's good to see you man he says Hey Randon Jazz when do you when do you guys think the GoldenEye remaster will actually drop I'm really looking forward to playing on the series X also do you think online multiplayer ever be a thing on the Xbox version I'm gonna say probably not for the Xbox version and when do I think it actually drops hmm I'm just gonna say November how's that I'll say November what do you think jazz I have no idea I would say I just go with Rand because let's face it when Rand predicts things no stop it that's not true does everybody forget when I said Final Fantasy 7 remake was gonna come to Xbox and everybody thought I was doing one of my predictions and it was just a legit prediction and ended up being wrong so oh well yeah we caught maybe maybe maybe it's just the delay yeah maybe maybe it's the delayed prediction so Jazz um one of the tiers that people can sign up for at patreon uh is listener write-ins so uh uh questions from the listeners do we have any uh questions so we've got some listener questions and comments which are available through our patreon and um I'm gonna I'm gonna read some of them out as we head into our q a section so where did I put these they are not on Discord bear with me professional podcasting yeah thank you so thank you guys so while jazz is getting it thank you guys for being here uh we're over well over three hours uh Jazz was probably joking when he said five but uh we appreciate you all make sure you uh hit the like button on your way out if you're uh leaving uh subscribe if it was your first time here uh and we will see you next week on September 30th for another show and who knows what's gonna happen next week but uh it's question and answer time we got some questions from patreons yes that we're gonna answer and then we'll get into the ones in the chat thank you guys for all the support yeah thank you all so much for your support and if you do want to if you do want to get your questions in for consideration being read out uh you know there's a patreon link I'll drop it in the chat but yeah so um Patron q a um and any questions that we don't get to this week we will get to them on the exclusive show that goes live on Tuesday because there are quite a lot of questions here but uh achievement asks why would EA come out and make a public statement about Call of Duty and it's possible exclusivity it seems calculated now I thought that was an interesting question around because um uh I'm gonna try and pull up the full quote here but EA interestingly came out to sort of uh uh uh sort of discuss the the Call of Duty stuff and um this is exactly uh uh finding what we say Okay so this comes from eaco Andrew Wilson during investors Court in a world where there may be crashes over the future of Call of Duty and what platforms that might be on or might not be on being platform agnostic and completely cross-platform with Battlefield I think is a tremendous opportunity so it's like that's like EA basically hoping like Call of Duty goes exclusive so that PlayStation fans will have no choice but to put up with the mediocrity of modern Battlefield and I say this as a battlefield fan Battlefield 1 it's probably my favorite multiplayer shooter this side of OverWatch of all time I put hundreds of hours into Battlefield one absolutely loved it amazing gritty and Polished eventually with some like those epic sort of blimps crashing down and and a very unique kind of game like we don't often see a World War One theater of war you know but then since then it just went downhill and downhill and downhill Battlefield five wasn't awful but it was also like not the best and I really hated that sort of um the the sort of weird mechanic they had where they said they're gonna eventually let you drag bodies and they never did you know there's a lot of features they promised for Battlefield 5 which never happened and then then we come to Battlefield 2042 I think which has just been a nightmare it's been an absolute nightmare it's it's like franchise killing level of nightmare like is anyone still playing to Battlefield 2042 what's it like these days I've just completely put it out of my periphery because it was just so horrible what do you think of this quote run what do you think of this uh this comment I mean we kind of talked a little bit about it before that you know if if Microsoft did ever make Call of Duty exclusive or or even like if Call of Duty's presence on Playstation was severely diminished even if it still was on the on the on the platform but everybody played it on Xbox because of Game Pass then there is opportunities for other games there is opportunities for a battlefield and other games to kind of pick up the slack so I could see aaea being like listen like we don't care that Xbox is acquiring Activision in fact this might be a good thing because if they ever do pull stuff from PlayStation well we just happen to have a multi-platform shooter so that could present opportunities also if PlayStation is going to lose marketing deal with uh Call of Duty clearly because Xbox is going to own it Sony might be looking to make a Park apartment a marketing deal with another Prestige shooter and then Sony could potentially throw their muscle behind Battlefield it and you know that that could be uh a win for EA in that regard right so yeah so much as if um yeah it's almost as if these kind of deals could help competition in some ways oh my God or reduce or give other games more opportunities I don't know but all that speculation fun speculation you know shout out the fun speculation there it's it's all fun speculation on the the idea that they would take Call of Duty exclusive and then I don't think Andrew Wilson's wildest dreams are going to come true because it's not going to happen Call of Duty will always be my platform it'll be on everything they'll put they'll put they'll put Call of Duty on your Samsung Smart fridge before they take off PlayStation well that you know a special next says the opposite he's like once that deals up it's gone that's what that's what special Nick says so yeah it's okay to be wrong sometimes so we have any other patreon questions yeah so let's get to the next patreon question there's a couple more to go Ralph Wiggum says um hello Runner Jess if and when they have King under their band of developers what kind of games would you like to see come out of their end in the mobile space I hope they come with Xbox game achievements for their mobile games so this is this is interesting because the the whole Xbox achievements on mobile is why I originally got into Windows phone back in the day which led me to blogging about Windows phone which led me to blogging about Xbox and then led me to here where I am now so it's it's it's kind of interesting um I often spoke to Mike Ibarra back in the day when Mikey Barro's uh Xbox before he went to Blizzard and I said like why do none of Microsoft games have Xbox achievements on Android and iOS and I think they have since put them in some of the games I think Minecraft for example I think Minecraft on Android does have Xbox achievements and I do think uh some games like Solitaire Microsoft Solitaire have achievements for Xbox on phone but there's a lot of Legacy games there which don't like um fallout shelter for example fallout shelter uses Google's systems um but like before that shows kind of sort of dead now anyway I guess there's actually a did you know there's a fallout shelter too which is China only do you know this around I did not know that no yeah there's a fallout shelter too or in in in Asian markets which is um it's only a nation Market because it is a pay to win hellscape so if they ever did bring that to the West um that sort of goes back to our other conversation about damaging the brands and I bet very few people here knew that fallout shelter two existed and they don't want you to know it exists because it is a Pay to Win gambling hellscape so um does that sort of contention um I would I'd like to hope that they I want them to one mobile game I want to see come out of the Activision Blizzard deal is a mobile um a casual friendly version of Heroes of the Storm I think like the problem with Heroes of the Storm on PC which is a MOBA um it's not as hardcore as League of Legends so it doesn't attract the hardcore crowd because it doesn't have items and it's a little bit more simple but I think that kind of format would work really well on consoles and mobile like League of Legends wild Rift so I would personally like to see a sort of a simplified uh here is the storm game which had Master Chief Marcus Phoenix another Xbox IP in there alongside the Activision Blizzard IP more casual friendly with good touch controls that also worked well on console and we know this can work because Pokemon unite exists and Pokemon United is basically a casual MOBA for phones and Nintendo switch so that's the game I'd like to see it come out of this and I already know what rand's answer is to this question what's my answer you don't want to play mobile exactly I don't care uh I don't I'm not gonna play any mobile games so it doesn't matter to me um yeah yeah yeah unfortunately that's my answer thanks uh Ralph welcome for writing in uh and achievement uh we got another one from the patreons yeah we got one more from patrons and any of the ones that we these guys sent in that didn't make it into this week we'll read them out on the on your exclusive Xbox 2 ultimate show which goes live this Tuesday where we're going to be streaming the game and hanging out you guys not going to be an exclusively because it's totally a community oriented show um so if you do want to join in on that there's the patreon link last question comes from Wolfgang kpz who says in these days of battle for IP where Microsoft is buying Activision get uh to get uh get a lot of them although most aren't super great right now do you think Microsoft would consider buying IP like embracer with Lord of the Rings so while he's asking ultimately is like is there a situation and I'm interested to know what Chad thinks about this what do you guys think about this is there a situation where Microsoft could buy franchises that aren't necessarily attached to games like how embraceable the rise to Lord of the Rings and um you know I mean I guess Microsoft had there and there's precedent for this Microsoft's done it in the past they bought the rights to Shadowrun and uh the battle Tech Universe which is Mech Warrior Mecha soul and BattleTech angers they bought the right yeah and they bought Gears of War Universe of course but they also bought a studio with that they never bought stew they didn't buy a studio with that no with Gears of War they did not no they didn't but they didn't they made they made one they turned Microsoft uh Canada or uh what was um which was Microsoft Canada into the Coalition and then bought the bought the gears a lot of them Epic so yeah and then a lot of the gears developers did come across from epic but my yeah you're right so so what's your what's your take I think he's talking specifically about movie franchises or franchises IP in general like I could see micro if Microsoft were to purchase ion or active I could see Microsoft also purchasing Hitman for them right I think them buying IP only really works if you have a studio that you're immediately going to give it to like they did with the Coalition or like they would with IO interactive uh because if you go out and buy Lord of the Rings and spend that type of money on it do you have plans to use it what studio is gonna what studio is gonna work on those games so you would have to have Studios you know especially if you're spending that type of money like plans to make multiple games out of the stuff so yeah um I don't really see Microsoft doing that of like film IP unless they were to like buy Warner Brothers Discovery and then like own the DC stuff but I could see them buying IP for games for Studios that they purchase uh like like the i o Hitman the ioner active Hitman example yeah yeah maybe you're right I mean I think like there's a lot of interesting scenarios that you could imagine where you know I really want because one of the one of the issues with the battle Tech stuff and the Macquarie stuff is and I did a little mini documentary about this on on the Windows Central YouTube channel like I just I just wanted to mess around I made a little documentary about Microsoft um they um they don't the legalese around their ownership of BattleTech and Shadowrun isn't super duper concrete to the point where they uh they could bring those franchises back to the four like they've been licensing at the IP for for like um for Mech Warrior five I think it's called off top of my head but they haven't they didn't bring Mecha salt to Xbox backwards compatibility despite sort of owning the franchise because the legalese doesn't necessarily cover Cloud streaming games and I think like the company that owns the tabletop version of those games they have shown hostility and a willingness to sue Microsoft I think which is why some of those disputes come about so I would like to see Microsoft actually just fully own the mecca salt universe because I love Mega Soul BattleTech um I really like the biotech turn based game but I just think like with a bit more budget behind it it could have got to that next level but there's a lot of loads of interesting things they're going to be swimming in IP when the Activision stuff goes down and Joseph said didn't grow up in sinewa the Arcane might be working on Shadowrun yeah it's possible you know it's possible um I'd heard that one of the code names we had I can't I can't even remembered or something Vonnegut yeah code name Vonnegut uh Vonnegut I think Jeff grob said was tied to Shadowrun in some way um could that be the remasters that just released possibly or could it be something new it's also possible you know um I love this eyepiece stuff's really murky and complicated just thinking of a of an Arcane game setting a [ __ ] Shadowrun world is kind of bam insane right kind of want that you know I would love I would love like when I when I was playing gears four and I don't want to spoil it but there's a part in Gears four which has mechs in it and it's amazing and it's an old game so maybe it doesn't even count as a spoiler at this point there's a part in Gears four with Max in it and when I was playing as the mech I was like my God the Coalition could make a Maxwell game so my dream is for the coalition to make a mecha Soul game or a Mech Warrior game and also a Starcraft game that's my dream but that don't want to force it on them or anything because obviously I want them to make what they want to make but that'll be my dream because they they would they would do those franchises so much justice but those are the patreon questions for this week and um I guess now we'll get into the Q a section of the chat and then get the hell out of here because it's uh almost one in the morning I know uh so East Coast says I'm pretty sure the new CEO of Warner Bros Discovery wants to sell off their IPs and Studios just waiting how their current games go thoughts on anyone on Xbox getting them I mean it's certainly possible I mean they tried selling them before I think nobody was biting at 4 billion but uh they just would have to make it a little bit more I mean I want Xbox to buy them I'm up front I think they need netherrealm I think monolith would be a great addition so it's you know uh Rocksteady I think it would be great so I'm I'm all for it so I guess it really depends on what Comcast wants out of the acquisition if they don't want gaming like they like you know it's possible that they try to get rid of them beforehand but it won't happen the deal supposedly not gonna happen for another two years so there's still a lot of time um uh thanaro says predictions on one we will get an Xbox series X and S uh redesign hmm um redesign oh we didn't even talk about this but uh maybe we'll save it from the next show but like the PlayStation 5 having a detachable disk drive supposedly according to Tom Henderson we didn't even get to that um yeah I think like um I think I can't remember what what company it was there was some like mainstream company that interviewed some Microsoft person recently and they were saying like and the person speculated that it's going to be like 2024 2025 when we start seeing revisions my guess would be 2025 maybe we see revisions but again I think the chip shortage the component shortage the state of the global economy supply chain issues China's zero covered policy and practices I think we could see that pushed out even further I think like like I don't want to bet against Tom Henderson so I would believe that yeah maybe Sony is going to come out with some kind of disk drive attachment for the PlayStation maybe that's their revision I think that's a smart revision to make because you reduce the used game Market potentially by doing that without killing it completely it's just another it's another brick out of wall right so on the on the on the March towards an all-digital future which I'm pretty much increasingly just thinking is inevitable at this point but I think Microsoft could easily come out with their own disk drive for the Xbox series s uh why not maybe maybe Microsoft could even do an Xbox series X slim with an optional disk drive maybe they they copy it that way um but uh but yeah I I think like it could be a surprisingly long time before we see like a significant revision like an Xbox series X slim or something like that I don't know I was gonna say 2025 as well so that was going to be my guess uh skulking wants to know what Bonnie gone what's the possibility of Halo Wars 3 Jess I wanna believe that it's heightened and interestingly enough I had heard that they were working on something that wasn't hello infinite that is right you did say that they were working on something yeah it's not a Halo infinite related so I hope it's not Halo Wars 3 I hope it's something else so um a lot of people were saying it might be a Halo tactics game it should be stop it yeah stop it and what we don't need a Halo tactics game I don't care I need a Halo horror game you know we need like that probably I'd probably do better I think look they won they won a Halo to have a presence within some some some of the the PC communities which is why they keep trying to do the the RTS stuff I could see like if not maybe an RTS I would I would like to see a Halo grand strategy game but maybe like in the early days of the war with the Covenant or something where you sort of plan out and execute attacks on a galactic scale I think that would be pretty cool like Stellaris or something space combat because uh one of the rumors was um one of the rumors was that they were working on a space combat update for Halo Wars 2 and it got scrapped that was a rumor I have no I have no substantial I have I have nothing to substantiate that claim but that was a rumor so I want to believe how that was a comeback there's definitely there's definitely spin-offs in how those future put it that way uh Lydia in the Super Chat says allegedly the GTA leaks perps age is 16. what were you doing when you were 16. uh probably getting my [ __ ] websites for getting high after after school after actually um um I actually pulled up that article um on the BBC Oxfordshire teen arrested in police hacking investigation teenagers have been arrested on suspicion packings part of Investigation from the National Crime agency of London Police at the 17 year old from Oxfordshire was detained on Thursday evenings part of an inquiry support by the UK's National cyber crime unit um the the National Crime agencies like our FBI supposedly know the details a bit about the nature of the investigation would disclose but it does seem like that the rumor is that it is the the so-called uh hacker of uber and um other companies so what I do when I was 16. I actually did use the hack websites when I was 16. oh man um is about British teens it's always a British team it's a when these hack these hacking things come out it's always a British team I I don't know what the deal is what what is that what is the deal with that I don't know what a British teens light Rand what I like my town was in the news uh this week did you see my tweet about it uh I think I missed that tweet yeah my uh my uh my town was in the news um for being the roughest Estate in England and um where people are afraid to go outside for for roaming gangs and uh knife crime that sounds fun Roman gangs Roman gangs yeah yeah uh let's see here Gary wants to know what Xbox IP would you like to see get the cyberpunk edge Runners treatment I mean geez hellblade Halo um trying to think what else would be really cool I want to see a hellblade anime hellblade anime could be really cool Halo I mean I don't know man anime hmm Perfect Dark perfect dark anime like the Ghost in the Shell yeah oh what's it called now I can't remember the ghost and shell anime now uh the the series there was a movie and then they did an anime an Ori in the Ori anime yeah that's true yeah there's some good ones uh Arafat wants to know why doesn't Xbox make Cloud native hybrid handheld consoles like Cloud for AAA games and Native for double A Indie Games priced around 250 would make a grand a great handheld you know that's an interesting question because earlier in the year was it Qualcomm a Qualcomm announced a chipset in partnership with Razer that was specifically designed for mobile gaming and Cloud streaming if you remember this was like at the start of the year and Razer showed off their prototype which is designed for Native Android gaming and Cloud streaming um it hasn't gone on sale yet or anything like that but you have to you have to think that some of the higher end Snapdragon processes could easily run some some of the sort of less intensive games but the thing is they'd have to be ported because all the games right now are running on x86 architecture which is vastly different from uh Snapdragon but Unity Unity does have some cross-platform capabilities when it comes to compiling games so like the I could see a scenario where maybe they could offer some kind of skew but then again at that point you're also asking devs to Target another platform and they're already targeting the Xbox series s and the Xbox series X and Cloud controls um so you know it's um it's a tall order but they've got to be thinking about it because look at the goddamn Nintendo switch Nintendo switch is a runaway success story and it's not just because of the games it's because of the form factor that's like that's like a huge part of it so they have to be thinking about it I just have to wait and see yeah uh Justin wants to know um what would I take for you to be interested in the in the Crackdown in a Crackdown reboot oh man oh that's uh that's a very complicated question are you are you a big Crackdown guy around no I'm never I really like Crackdown one but Crackdown two and three were bad they're boring and bad I guess maybe it would depend on who's making it like if you said Crackdown Three is coming and it's being made by the Coalition I'd be like hmm hmm you know uh or Crackdown 3 is coming and it's being made by Arcane I'd be like okay okay you know so to me it would be depend on developer pedigree uh but on the face value of it I really have no interest I think you've done everything you can do in Crackdown and honestly Saints Row 4 did crack down better than Crackdown ever could do Crackdown so but then you see the news that science Road didn't mean I know I know but I'm talking about Saints Row 4 not the new Saints Row I'm not surprised I mean the game's boring and not funny I'm not surprised that you know it didn't it didn't meet expectations so yeah uh G wants to know if my game sharing partner buys Modern Warfare 2 vault Edition do I get access to the extra content as well normally I would say yes you do you would but if it's a DLC package that's on Xbox's side then yes but Activision often does these little tricksy things which block some of those features because they're very they're very tricksy you know they're Trixie Hobbits is overactive even so it's not it's not definite but it's highly likely if it's like if it's an Xbox featured DLC that's sort of like part of the Xbox system then yeah but if it's some kind of weird thing where you have to connect up your Activision account maybe that maybe they block it that way you'll have to test it and find out well maybe ask someone else you know uh Josh Wallace says jesuran do you think Sony will start buying major Acquisitions like Microsoft and do you think Phil will go after another major company after after the Activision deal is done uh I'm gonna say yes to both questions yes I think Sony we'll be making Acquisitions I guess it depends the what you would Define as major but yes I don't think they're going to stop and I do think Microsoft will buy something after the APK deal goes through I mean Phil basically said as much no press and pause so it's just a matter of what company it is essentially so yes I think that will happen um Brad Meyer says do we think do you think we will get another Ori game one day no unfortunately not uh Moon Studios is gone multi-plat I don't think Xbox is ever going to work with them again there was all those allegations against the founders and stuff and they've sort of ended the franchise anyways uh with the second game even though there's like you could do a sequel um I think I think the origames are done now that's not to say Ori won't show up in anything in the future like if XBox does a cart racer or Xbox does a platform fighter like like a like a Smash Brothers you could easily have Ori as one of the characters but I I don't I don't think we'll see an aura game again um so you got any more questions um okay let's see here uh uh I think I got I think I see all of them because we might as well answer them off since we're we're on this how long has this show been going for three and a half three hours and 45 minutes Jesus my Lord uh we didn't even talk about it I can't do this every week yeah well there's a lot of kind of uncomfortable right now because um the house is empty so like I can get away with it but I I know right if my girlfriend was there she'd be staring daggers I know she would be I know her eyes would be burning the back of my score right now just gotta get that patreon a little bit bigger so your girlfriend understands you know so thank you guys uh for being here for all the you know questions you guys asked um make sure to check out the patreon it's uh xb2 you can put in questions you can have your name in the ticker you can have your shout out or if you have something to promote we'll definitely promote it like we did uh this week's patreon sponsor what the fun podcast all their informations in the description and we got the exclusive show coming on Tuesday which should be a lot of fun hope to see a lot of people there uh but in the meantime I hope everybody has a great weekend I'm going to continue to play Death Loop and grounded and we'll be back next Friday with another episode of the Xbox 2. and hopefully Microsoft and Sony come to blows once more because that's the kind of content I love to see all right have a good one guys and keep it gaming take care everybody
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 186,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JS40pQ7QeKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 30sec (13590 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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