Xbox Activision Event | Starfield Showcase | Xbox & Nintendo Deal | Baldur's Gate 3 - XB2 256

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you okay [Music] [Music] foreign what is going on everybody hopefully the audio levels are great I had a little issue with OBM earlier but uh what is up people this is the Xbox 2 podcast and I am one of your hosts Randall Thor 19 the man with the million and uh with me as usual we have someone who just taken a trip to visit good old Brussels Belgium for some pancakes and waffles yeah and then and then took that train all the way back to the UK managing editor of Windows Central just making everybody upset all day every day just Gordon of Windows Central what's going on buddy hey Ryan hope you're doing well mate um it's been a very exhausting week oh man did Jazz already drop out like it's this podcast can never just go smoothly it's always something Jazz's internet is all screwed up in the UK really really Jazz you we've been behind the scenes talking about stuff for 30 minutes waiting to start at 2 15. finally we start you just fine okay well I couldn't hear you at all which means they couldn't hear you oh that's I don't know it should it should be okay I will see what happens I guess but yes I went on a trip it's been a very tiring week um I did get I did get an engineer out to uh look at our internet um they're repaired a cable that had fallen off the wall but I'm still having issues I guess but I'm going back to Germany on Tuesday so the next podcast I'll have the better mic the better internet and hopefully all these issues will I've worked themselves out by the time I come back well I will say I will say how it goes hopefully it'll be okay for the rest of the show but we'll we'll find out together but yes I'm I'm very eager to chill and talk some games and uh just have a bit of a relaxing Friday evening with everyone afterward has been quite an eventful week in the world of yeah a lot of a lot of things happen in this week a lot of stuff uh you know I always every every single week I wonder man what are we going to talk about this week and then never fails to amaze me that all the things that can happen in the world of video gaming uh but one thing I did learn this week is that memes are dangerous make grown men cry and craft themselves memes are just names memes uh memes are dangerous you have to be very careful with those memes we live in the main economy now bro that's why things are but we uh we have a huge show today we also have double patreon questions because YouTube crapped out on us last week so that'll be at the end of the show we got we got more questions to answer for you guys so if you guys can do a huge favor make sure to hit the like button please subscribe if you're new and uh I mean geez what we got here I mean Xbox and video Xbox Nintendo all the stuff revolving around the ABK European commission Lulu just driving people crazy on Twitter uh journalists masks are starting to crack come off a little bit because it seems like the deal might actually go through and now now their real selves are showing Game Pass expands to more places Forza Horizon new expansions coming Starfield direct soon question mark people hate Suicide Squad Baldur's Gate 3 not coming to Xbox but maybe not for the reasons you think and a whole bunch of other stuff so uh strap ourselves in because this might be a lengthy boy this is my this podcast might be a lengthy one you never know um but before we get into everything got some housekeeping to do and Jazz has a message from the wonderful people over at yes indeed guys because once again the Xbox 2 podcast is sponsored by manscaped crotch discomfort hurting your game fear no more the kings of crotch Comfort manscaped have spent two years designing the most comfortable box of briefs out there Sleek soft comfortable and flexible the brand new boxers 2.0 from manscaped take your balls to the royal ball Throne get your ball zooming with the leaders in below the waist grooming and the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer tight and trimmed for the Sleek boxes 2.0 win manscapes even trademarked the package protector the jewel pouch trademark so you know they're damn serious about your balls so I think it's time you invest in your balls too let your bulge breathe and get 20 off and free shipping with our code xb2 at manscape dot com and thanks to manscapes for sponsoring this video I I saw you your uh your accent you were slipping in and out there a little bit yeah but you did a good job you did a good job so thank you for manscape for sponsoring this episode use code xb2 for 20 off but we also have the amazing people over at uh we have the names flowing past on the text ticker of the gameplay that you guys voted for Tom McCart but we also have shout outs and that is my job this week so we're gonna shout out Chris pernice starsman habe Lincoln the bearded Tate sleets uh XZ Army dude 52c Mr butter jeans William Shoemaker Ryan kipple foreign object Mythic Marty Tyler Gunstar 75 moronic donkey 99 see money Mario Kart madman on YouTube Maka Zilla haters will be haters Randall Thor 19 me Silas Eric Gregory Elijah Vasquez James Moore Jack mikoff katreox Ricky Fallon bright Tundra one Joe Jasper shap Joseph Campbell subbed to Jazz's only beans Mr Joanna dark Justin duel Frank Marino Provo King Justin Miller ASA T and Madison untidy Tim Grizzy mofo OG Governor Grimm dizzy huffin Justin Sego Andrew Courtney wagerman achievement the Scarecrow 121 Darren trophy Prof JJJ Butterball 8 Ghostface Killah wolf came Wolfgang kpz and Ralph Wiggum and Ralph Wiggum is also the patreon producer this week so you can check out his channel link is in the description he makes a lot of uh Xbox shorts a lot of uh Quick videos right to the point so make sure you head over there to give him a uh subscribe and we do have an Xbox two plus one show coming next week on Monday uh we will be joined by spawn wave to talk about Halo and talk about Xbox and all the stuff that's going on so we asked uh you know the patreons and Xbox all to Ultimate show uh last week who they would like to see and a lot of people said spawn wave so spawn wave will be joining us on Monday and we do have a lot more guests lined up for the future so it's going to be very very interesting uh Xbox two is is um two plus one is definitely going to we're going to try to take it to the next level get some really really great guests and have some great discussions about Xbox so thank you to the patreon to thank you to manscaped and uh yeah with that jazz we can start to show proper getting some of these super chats and then we got the topics so um we got a super chat here from Angel Ramos who says hey fellas have you heard anything and how the devs at Xbox feel about the Activision deal maybe getting annoyed by all the time and resources going into it instead of their own Studios thanks oh that's a spicy question um there is frustration is there I have yeah I've spoken to people at Xbox and Microsoft in general and I think deals like this are super hard and I think they wouldn't be human if there wasn't some kind of frustration because um it is taken up a lot of time you know it's taken up a lot of times taken up a lot of resources it's damaging the brand you know you've got Brad Smith out here with charts that make you look like Xbox is really struggling that's frustrating if you if you're working for Xbox and like basically everything Microsoft's pointing out about the company youth you work for um is a negative then that is going to be frustrating but you know like like the rest of us I mean we're all frustrated by it right Ryan did you did you see that I saw either some reset error he posted and I think it was like this anyway he posted someone posted a updated list of like an updated timeline of deadlines and stuff like that and I saw that the ftc's deadline is like early 2024 and it just made me think like God is this really gonna keep going on and on and on and on I mean I hope it doesn't keep going on and on and on and on you know like I'm I'm over it already you know uh one of the reasons why I don't I think I mentioned like I people because people DM me all the time like when are you gonna make a video about this stuff and I'm like I'm over the APK stuff I'm not making it I'm not making videos about it anymore like I'm done making videos about it I will make a video when it's over when the European commission closes it or approves it or blocks it or you know the CMA approves it or whatever and the deal closes I'll make videos then but I'm not making individual videos about all this other stuff that's going on and when the star Starfield direct gets announced I'll make a video so I know people have been asking me about that but like all this minutia of the Xbox Activision stuff I'm just not I'll talk about it with you and we can have a discussion about it and we could talk about you know with it with the the fam of Xbox two but I'm not wasting my time I I just I actually tried so Tuesday when all this info came out I tried to make a video about about it I got five minutes into it and I was just like no I'm not doing this I'm not I can't I just I just couldn't I couldn't bring the excitement to it it was just like I I'm I'm just gonna wait until everything's situated but yeah I mean I could imagine the employees I don't know if I mean because the question is kind of loaded in the sense like do you think employees are like us where they're kind of sick of it or are they worried about like attention and money being diverted like money that would be earmarked for Xbox game studios and their games are now earmarked for Activision Blizzard which I mean maybe there's some fear for that because despite what people say XBox doesn't have infinite money correct right yeah so there are there are budgets you know each division each division has budgets and stuff like that so I'm I think that's a realistic concern maybe some people have maybe not like regular developers maybe like Studio heads or something about like needing the money to to pay their people and fund the projects where it was like well Activision is going to bring us all this money you would need to fund them at a higher rate than maybe somebody like compulsion so maybe there's concerns along those lines but the deal's not done yet so can't really speak to that but I can imagine there are people probably like oh man what's this going to look like one not only do you have Bethesda completely under you but now you also have Activision Blizzard in all their Studios and you know maybe the money doesn't get split up evenly and someone gets the short on this stick is that a possibility potentially um we'll just have to wait and see uh we have one here from Alucard Baldur's Gate is coming Xbox they just ran a technical difficulties and can't release it yet indeed that is what's going on with Baldur's Gate and we will definitely talk more about that because Jazz making people upset out here yeah I have questions how dare you ask questions have that or I ask questions you know like I really I'm confused about all this stuff I'm dealing with it again right now on Twitter um because they're upset that I said that that he was delayed by the technical issues which is what I taught to mean from their own post I know people are saying oh Jersey's manipulating facts and it's like but but bro isn't isn't that what you you wrote you didn't use the word delay you kind of implied that there were technical issues behind why the Xbox version hasn't been announced I mean am I am I am I crazy I don't know but um whatever we'll talk about that some more in a little bit yeah um space doverkin member for 22 months says let's go hope you're having a good day buddy uh what else we got here uh Phase 23 bkny he says this gen reminds me of the 360 PS3 gen Xbox series X more powerful more difficult to develop for PS5 less powerful more easy to develop for you know there's been a lot of um stuff going I mean I don't really pay attention too much to the power stuff and anybody who's been a long time listener of this Channel and this podcast knows that me and Jazz rarely ever talked about the power when when like the 2020 was going around and all the rumors about like the next gen consoles we we mentioned like oh well it's rumored to be this but we never went really in depth about the tech stuff and what to expect because honestly I don't know [ __ ] about tech so I would just be blowing people you know smoke up people's asses uh you know but there was a lot of people that expected the series X to outperform the PlayStation 5 and virtually everything based on the you know the the GPU difference between the two and whatnot and that does and that really hasn't been the case or when Xbox does have the better version it's not really like readily apparent and a lot of the times especially recently like Hogwarts Legacy runs way better on PS5 I guess of what people tell me and atomic heart is another game that runs I guess better on Playstation 5. um so it's like well face is right in the sense of like the PS3 like was technically more powerful than the 360 but it was really hard to develop for and people just like Devon for the 360. it was just the easier platform it was also at the time the bigger platform especially in the US and that kind of defaulted to like the games all getting made for it and then ported over to the PlayStation and ports weren't great in the beginning and you know maybe it's a similar situation here where the consensus was that the PlayStation 5 would be the one that sells the most so that's the one you're going to optimize and Xbox has two skus uh and a lot extra work and I think they didn't you mention they changed like the dev kits or the not like the dev kits but the GDK between the Xbox One or something and and like and the next gen so developers had to do all this other extra I don't know so yeah I can't remember so this is this is the thing with with game development it's like we try we try to get as much information as possible as customers and consumers and fans who are passionate about the industry um but there's so much there's so much nuance and and things about the technology that it's hard to summarize accurately in Tweets in articles in podcasts in general and furthermore if you're not a Dev and you don't really understand it so I'm like trying to you know I'm out here trying to make the best sense of things because people are asking me questions and you know I'll ask devs for their interpretation of events and you know it's funny around because we were talking we were talking about three four three and the whole Halo infinite situation I was trying to get like I talked to a lot of three four three sources and this is just illustrative of how of how difficult I find it to be as a journalist I I spoke to like I spoke to about a dozen 343 devs current and former during that whole drama in January with the layoffs uh Halo infinite and whatever right um and uh there were so many conflicting opinions about the issues with three four through his engine the issues with um the the studio and its business and stuff like that it's almost like even the devs themselves have different perceptions of what was going wrong you know so and then like when when I try and and this is why like you know people like Jason Shire and stuff they're doing an amazing job and because like even me just dipping my toes into this stuff if you get even the slightest detail wrong because of of anything conflict and opinion or whatever everyone comes at you you know and they say you're fake news and you're just another journalist you know and stuff like that you know and like I've got I've got that situation right now um with everyone being super mad at me um everyone everyone's like super mad at me now because I said that um uh Boulder's Gate is delayed on Xbox for the technical reasons because on Reddit they said you know we're not showing the Xbox version because we've got a technical issue with the split screen cop to me that said the development had been slowed down but they were upset with that right and now I'm getting quote tweeted by fanboys um I'm getting quoted by Fanboys and screenshotted because Larry and come back at me you know rightfully so um because they they the word delay um the word delay has connotations of they've announced the launch date and then delayed it even when I said delayed to mean slowed you know tonight man different definitions for the word delay it can mean different things right yeah yeah you you've been dealing with it a lot lately people people making up fake tweets about stuff you said you know yeah it's crazy that's what happens when you uh get a big large social media presence you know no no no you know what it is it's what happens when Elon musk's as as ads are for you page and surfaces my tweets algorithmically to people who shouldn't be seeing them you know I've never had so many randoms covered in my Twitter threads who don't follow me and don't follow anyone that I follow just because they're searching for you know things to be mad at you know or not even they're not even searching for things to be mad at Twitter has given them things to be mad at through their fruit algorithm before if you wanted to be mad at Xbox you had to manually search for it right you have to manually search for Xbox and then find things to be mad about but now Elon musk's version of Twitter is they will surface things for people to be mad at which is why Twitter is going to be very much like traditional social media now like Tick Tock and like Instagram and like Facebook where Peyton anger is Amplified because you're getting algorithmically served up content that triggers Fanboys you know and people are in that mindset you know so it's uh really irritating and I've just noticed it more and more and more you know very well yeah it is where it is rap it is what it is we have Chris R here with a topic that I totally forgot so we'll just discuss it Now jazz have you ever learned anything about the past gears 2 writer maybe going back to the series he also kind of teased Cliffy B so cool of true the gears 2 Rider basically tweeted out that he's back on writing gears you remember this you know yeah this was yeah this was weird like I I'm like confused about this because there's no there's been no official announcement and a lot of what he said has kind of been vague kind of tweets and polls and hints and stuff like that you know asking people what they think of you know between gear six or or calling it gear six or Gears of War 6 and it's kind of like you know where's where's the official announcement if he's really what's his name Joseph Ortega I think his name is I think so I hope I haven't got that wrong but yeah there's just like no official announcement you know it's um well it seems like he's trying to find out he seems like he's hinting he's back writing for Gears and we're assuming that the next gears game is gear six he wrote gears two he's kind of teasing that he's back he even put up a poll being like hey would you like to see Cliffy be consulted or whatever and people are like yeah you know Cliffy B you know when when the franchise was great at least that some people think that's when the franchise was was at its peak um so it's interesting because like you said gear six isn't announced it's not like the Coalition has announced the game at all and here's this former gears 2 Rider being like I'm back so I guess you'll do some more digging but it seems like I don't know you've taken that has tease is at face value he's currently writing gear six which means I don't know when to expect that maybe in two years possibly now that's trying to I'm gonna try and find find his account right now um because we we should have a look at some of these tweets you know because it is it is it was quite a thing this week um what amidst all the all the other drama and weirdness and Bs um that's gone on this week um this whole stuff I can't I can't find this exact Twitter now I mean idea I dm'd it to you oh yeah okay let's scroll up scroll through your DMs Eric masses member for one month says Halo Infinite season three trailer looks so sexy um yeah we haven't seen that yet I haven't I I didn't watch the trailer yet either I mean like I said uh I'll play Halo infinite again when when the Battle Royale comes out there's not much they can do to bring me back so but if if that brings people back then great love to see more people play Halo infinite because it's been a while it's been a while man it's been a while since season two dude and now it's finally going to be season three yeah next month yeah I haven't really looked at any of the leaks of the next high low season because a lot of stuff leaked yeah um but uh the the leaks seem to have people excited okay so his name's Joshua Ortega sorry not not what did I say drop did I say Joseph for Tiger it's Joshua Ortega so this these are some of the tweets um obviously uh Joshua worked on uh gears one and two and three I believe was it just one and two I'm not sure um but he's been tweeting a lot of stuff about gears um so he tweeted gears what you think Paul Gears of War 6 or gears six 78 correctly voted Gears of War 6 not gear six I always hated that they changed the name to gears five personally um I just want to shout out Sherman Jacobs in the chat hey buddy man how's it going um but uh but yeah he he but this all started when uh he quotes tweeted himself from 2019 saying a lot of folks asked in the last 24 hours what did you do at Gears of War and he posted a thread of things that he did I wrote co-director Gears of War 2 wrote all the in-game Collectibles initial teaser treasure Consulting tv ads blah blah and brought the manual and a bunch of other stuff and then he quote tweeted that on February 21st and said once again it's on with exploding Emoji which you know made everyone think okay Joshua Ortega is back on Gears but again no formal announcement no no message from the Coalition it's like wait what so what's uh what's going on here um and then he tweeted a poll about the name and then he um he uh you know tweeted about would you like to see the legend Cliff blazinski return to gears let me hear it hell yeah eight five percent of across 5 000 votes um are there any voice actors that will be fantastic on Gears as new cast members it's like it's like he's asking loads of people he's done another poll in the last day favorite Delta Marcus Dom Cole or Baird obviously that's Dom I'm voting there um but uh but yeah I think that's quite cool but still I I kind of want I kind of wanna kind of want a official clarification so you know maybe maybe official clarification do you want them announcing that he's back with Coalition writing gear six do you want do you want them to do what what Warner Brothers just did and announce Mortal Kombat 12 during their financial call hell yeah so do you want them do you want there's like by the way we got great games coming like gear six can you believe that happened to Warner Brothers or to happen to uh at Boone in them like I'm sure they're probably planning some big reveal uh you know rumored that there's a PlayStation showcase sometime before E3 I would imagine that's where the Mortal Kombat game would get revealed and they just casually reveal that on a earnings call by the way everybody knew they were who they were working on Mortal Kombat 12 but so that's what you want you want you want the coalition to officially be like hey so-and-so's back and he's working on a gears game shocker yeah yeah I mean looking at his um look at his LinkedIn doing some casual casual investigative journalism casual sleuthing some casual casual sleuthing like he works at Microsoft between April 20 2006 and 2010 which would writing as a writing lead so that would have been potentially on Gears I guess and then oh no no no no no so he worked on a bunch of stuff and then he went to epic games from 2010 to 2012. which I suppose would have been gears right was that no I don't know I don't know it went to epic games and then he went Square Enix and he went to Zynga and they went to boss key so boss key was Cliffy B's Studio that made the um uh law Breakers from unfortunate fortunate OverWatch clone which you know looked pretty cool but seems like there's only room in the industry for one OverWatch um and then now he works according to LinkedIn most recently updated he works as a story consultant for non-honor none other than Sony from August 2019 to the present now I wonder if Joshua Ortega is actually just working as a sort of a consult in a consultant capacity as a freelancer almost to help shape gear six um rather than being a full-blown employee of the coalition um because it says there he's working on a new IP for Sony as of 2019 but it could also be that he just hasn't updated his little his LinkedIn because who updates their LinkedIn who does yeah who does yeah so it again it could be one of two things has he actually full-blown rejoined because he also worked in ghost Shima um Spider-Man and Star Wars games according to his Twitter so yeah so either he's either he's full-blown employed by the Coalition again or he's just sort of working with them as a consultant capacity because um Microsoft does use a lot of Consultants um so that's interesting I will um the big gears fan you gotta find some stuff out about this yeah I will do yeah I mean I'm intrigued because I do like the idea of gears going back to its roots a little bit more I mean it kind of did that in gameplay a little bit and um you know but narratively kind of It kind of strayed a little bit I think from you know some of the darker notes that I suppose old gears hit in a way so yeah it'd be interesting to see where they take it if they are get getting some of the old team back together as a gears fan yeah we have a superchat here from Jonas the dad dang Suicide Squad is Avengers 2.0 and a lot of a lot of Suicide Squad hate uh on the internet the last uh 24 hours that is that that is for damn sure and I mean we we don't really talk that much about state of play uh you know because the Sony related uh we'll talk about Baldur's Gate because that's obviously affects Xbox but Suicide Squad is a game that I was super interested in because I love Rocksteady I love their games and boy man The Suicide Squad I don't know we'll see everybody seems It's also always online so just like redfall right you can't play it offline can't play it by yourself if you don't have an internet connection so people are pissed about that people are also pissed that it basically looks like as they're calling it a battle pass game because it's a live games as a service um you know a lot of the menu UI is kind of some people would describe it as vomit inducing you know all the different like oh equip this and you'll get this stat bonuses and all these different things but I will say I don't Jonas I don't know if it's Avengers 2.0 unless you're implying that it's going to die like Avengers did which is probably what your Tweet you you're referencing like oh suicide squad's gonna die which would be a big Miss for Warner Brothers uh considering they've been working I mean Rocksteady hasn't released a game in eight years and this is what they're doing and it's like who really asked for the suicide squad I think Greg Miller had a great tweet where he's like this is like a monkey paw wish essentially uh let me let me bring that up because I sort of agree with them it's like you waiting all this time Rocksteady to follow up their their Batman Trilogy right it's like oh what could you do next a Superman game a Justice League game right and he tweeted out um yeah what was it it was uh look at all these Last of Us memes that everybody posts constantly all the time man oh here we go he's like like what a monkey's paw situation for your boy Greg Miller a rock steady video game Metropolis has taken over and has brainiacs Lex Luthor Superman Wonder Woman Green Lantern flash the Justice League it's in the Arkham verse but you play as a Suicide Squad and it's a shooter it's like oh man I I I feel exactly what he's talking about because when I was watching the gameplay of it I was like and I don't know if you've seen it jazz but my first thought was wow suicide squad has cracked down four yeah I saw that comparison a lot cracked them for um I actually haven't watched the full trailer myself yet I saw Clips I saw their uh you know their own marketing clips and the reason I haven't bothered checking it out is a it was middle of the night when all that [ __ ] went down but B because from from the arrow set I thought no this doesn't look like a game for me yeah yeah I didn't I liked I didn't like Arkham City and I didn't like Arkham Knight that much you know why aren't you friends yeah I just I they're very ubisofty you know they have great they have great stories like I play I I you know I actually did complete both of them brand thank you very much back when you used to complete games I guess back yeah back when I had time to complete games um I um I uh I just hated the open world I I liked the first one the most the first one is my favorite the sort of metroidvania I thought ish it was metrovania-ish I thought that was just way better pacing for that kind of game and then like you get to Arkham Knight and it's like every Firefly sequence is the same every penguin sequence is the same it's just repeated repeated repeated and I just kind of like expect that of Suicide Squad now where it's just like repeated repeated repeat stuff but also with the destiny style loot grind slapped on top of it it's just it's just not what I want from it's just not what I want from my games these days personally generally I've got time in my life for one of those and that is World of Warcraft right well I mean I don't even know I mean I'm gonna play it I'm gonna play it but like I mean just just so I'm just so everyone knows I'm not being a fanboy or whatever I feel that way about riffle too I'm thinking like is the is redfall gonna fall into that cat that category as well like I'm nervous about redfall on that basis as well yeah but at least I get red falling Game Pass I can try for myself you know yeah but I was just so I was like watching the gameplay I'm like man this is Crackdown four like the whole aerial stuff the guns killing enemies and like orbs dropping out like it just really the way the city looked I was like man this would be like what like uh like if you put superheroes essentially well I mean you are a superhero in Crackdown but like oh this would be Crackdown super AAA game but it definitely seems like it is getting its fair share of paint online because of how it looks and how it plays the battle pass stuff the user interface and you know it's like not really what people wanted so we'll see supposed to come out March or May 26th so uh we have a super chat here from space dovecan Jazz what's happening at the Coalition uh we a little we talked about Ted already are they assembling part of the OG team is Ortega pushing buttons to bring Cliffy B back so many questions yeah we we've really kind of went in depth on that uh jazz is going to investigate so no no I I you know him saying that makes me think that I think the reason he is just saying wherever he wants on Twitter is because he is a consultant I feel like if you if he if he was fully employed in Microsoft he'd be under that you know that strict you know don't talk about this stuff on social media you know because like that's the way Microsoft does things so I think that probably maybe he is I'm leaning towards that he is a consultant right now um but I don't know I might just I'll just ask him why not why not yeah just I'll just ask him yeah ask him I'm probably upset him on Twitter like what do you mean stop asking me questions uh yeah Emma says Jazz you are an outstanding journalist right clearly cleanly precisely you always manage to instill confidence and joy and fans thank you that's very kind I think I'm lagging a bit by the way so if someone responses are delayed it's because you're robot in the mind and I think it's my end not your end so am I Robot in for you no you're fine you're fine on my end oh stupid internet man I don't know no idea what's wrong with it I've tried everything but oh well but uh yeah I really appreciate that comment like all the client cut like it's so funny how humans like we tend to focus on the negative stuff but there is way more positivity out there than they give you know so I really appreciate the positive stuff you guys send our way I'm sure RAM does as well right of course yeah I mean I don't mind negative stuff as long as it's constructive uh I don't yeah definitely I don't give anybody the time of day that tries to attack me or whatever and just it's just like that's just black Farm or mute you know someone I I look I don't expect everybody like me I don't expect everybody to like this podcast that would be ridiculous right uh so it's like if if I've met people are like I don't like your podcast it's like okay well that's great you know you've tried it you didn't like it that's that's fine I've had people tell me like man I listened to your podcast if Jess wasn't the co-host because I can't stand listening to Jazz and I was like hey well he's the co-host and that's not gonna change you know I mean I'll read comments when I when I guest on different podcasts like it was on gaza's Show recently was on cult Show recently and there's always a couple that'll be like man I hate Rand it's like all right well not much I can do I don't know why you don't like me and that's perfectly fine um you know but I I do get a lot of a lot of message from people saying they appreciate the stuff we do in the podcast that we put on and entertainment value or information value or keeping people informed and stuff like that and you know we only started this as just as what we it was just me and you would just talk about games and Xbox privately so we're just like hey let's talk about it publicly that's what the show really is it's really just it really started as this discussion about Xbox and in the industry between me and jez that we just turned into a show we didn't actually think as many people would watch it or care about it as that they have but yes like sending a positive message to someone is you have no idea how that can make someone's day because you have no idea what people are going through uh you know uh like me and for me right now I I told Justice earlier I told a few of my friends a lot of you know that I was supposed to take Shakespeare to um the vet on uh yesterday to get uh surgery because he had like fatty growth they wanted to get rid of we did the test to see if it was cancer and it wasn't but they still wanted to get rid of it so we took him yesterday dropped them off and then about an hour later they call and they're like hey we can't do the surgery uh uh we did the blood test to make sure everything's fine and his kidney levels are bad or elevated or whatever so you got to come back and get them so like oh okay so go back to the you know to the to the vet and they're like hey he's got a kidney infection or something's wrong with his kidney and we're gonna start this treatment that lasts for seven seven days so you have to bring them back here you know for the next seven days um early in the morning waiting in line in the cold and there's a chance that it is an infection and the injections that they're giving them will clear it up and everything will be fine but if it doesn't clear it up well that just means Shakespeare's uh kidneys are dying or starting to go bad and they really don't have dialysis centers for dogs so you know that really just means you're just waiting time until quality of life deteriorates so far until you basically have to you know essentially put them under for good yeah and it's not something you think about and it's just like you know and I'm not someone who like will talk about all that stuff on on Twitter social media or you know whatever and it's like something that I think about you know because it's like my dog and I love him and it's like you know hearing I love him too yeah only only Cognito got to meet him but still it's like you know I've been thinking about it now because we're talking about it but like I said you never know what people are going through and what they're thinking about and the times tough times they may or may not be having uh you know a kind word goes a long way especially content creators I spend a lot of time making free content for everybody you know people think everything here is as glamorous when reality you know maybe it's not it's not all the time you know just being like hey appreciate what you do that goes a long way so I appreciate any messages people send me and the Super Chat that uh Emma gave jez it helps more than you can uh more than you understand so thank you thank you guys yeah so hopefully cross fingers Shakespeare Shakespeare is okay and it is just an infection but realistically I think it's more because he's lost 50 pounds he used to weigh 205 pounds he weighs like a hundred and he weighs like 155 now sometimes he eats both meals sometimes he eats just one sometimes he doesn't eat so I think that could explain his weight loss and his lack of appetite so we'll see um we'll see what happens but anyways uh Artemis he says with the release of Street Fighter Tekken and now Mortal Kombat 12 only missing is Soul Calibur and a vs this would be the greatest year for fighting game fans it would be pretty nuts if all three of these games did release this year a new Street Fighter a new Tekken new Mortal Kombat it definitely would be would be absolutely crazy I can't wait for Mortal Kombat 12. I love Mortal Kombat I've explained many times why I prefer Mortal Kombat so I won't go into that again but I will definitely be playing that day one I love the story I love the I love the characters love the fatalities Street Fighter I've always kind of it's always sort of been maybe my my second fighter my third fighter I'll probably get it because I do get a lot of stuff I do buy a lot of games uh Tekken I've never really been a fan of tech and really realistically and I'm not much of a competitive fighter anyways um I think my my game share partner is though I think he loves Tekken so I will have Tekken because he will buy Tekken uh but yeah I'm looking forward to Mortal Kombat 12. and and I do like the art style of Street Fighter 6. so I'll probably check that out as well um see what we got here we have a super chat here from boss red77 I am not understanding the problem if Activision can bring more customers to Xbox Community than doesn't it equal more money and expose your to Xbox games potentially yes Activision if acquired will obviously bring about 8 billion nine billion dollars which would go to Xbox's bottom line and usually with that you get more investment more money more games so the potential is there for that yes but you know we won't know it until it actually happens right I don't know uh let's see here let me catch up on some of this stuff we have uh Hey blinken layering Studios heard the wrench rattling in the bucket and properly pulled it out okay um the wrench the wrench in the bucket uh flame says I'm sorry to hear about the problems with Shakespeare Rand it's hard to overcome since you use your best friend Sarah Jazz I hope he'll be okay I'm hopefully he's okay too uh but you know if that's the case most of you have heard them because you'll hear him barking throughout the podcast sometimes and it would be very uh be it'd be a sad day but we'll see how it all plays out uh bright Tundra says Hey guys first time catching you live for a while because of work thank you for all making the middle of my work week a little better every Saturday morning fingers crossed for our Xbox doggo thank you and thank you for uh being here live by bright tranja I know not everybody can always show up live we do have a we do have a big listenership on on on the podcast apps right jazz on like Spotify and iTunes in those places a lot a lot of people listen there when I've never listened live to the show or on YouTube you know yep and uh you know on that note we've switched to podcast platform again this week um uh which means them I'm hoping that there won't be any disruption because I've checked everything it seems to be working okay but um but what it does mean Rand is that people can send in uh voicemail again yes um on because we've moved back to the old platform we used to have where we did voicemail so you guys want to send in voicemail or anything um we'll we'll put that in show somewhere in the future but yeah um Elite bear 32 tears willing up here man feel your pain hoping it's just an affection thank you and I I hope I hope it is too we'll see you know because I talked to my sisters and they're already starting to be a little wreck about it and you know I understand uh I'll I'll you know I'll be a wreck about it if and when it happens but you know I'm holding that hope it's just an infection you know and Shakespeare Shakespeare's a seven years old so he is up there in there in age he is he's an English Mastiff and there's their breed lasts about six to ten years and you know we didn't get him as a puppy right we We rescued him and I wish you guys I should take pictures but Shakespeare's body is just worn because of the abuse he suffered and a piece of [ __ ] human owners he had before um his teeth like are all he barely has any teeth and the teeth he does have are all worn down because he would nod his cage trying to get out because they left him outside in the cage on on like concrete the whole time and like it's it's really bad and it's just like he didn't really have any health problems until recently you know he was he was really skinny when we got him and then we obviously were feeding him so he gained all this proper weight and then you know boom you know now this now he's losing the weight and he's still as active as ever right but it's just he doesn't eat sometimes and you know it's kind of like what's going on so we'll we'll find out you know we'll find out for sure in a little bit when when he goes through all the treatments and if it goes away or not so um what else we got here we have uh Purple Haze for e564 Sanyo Jasmine rain why the hell Rocksteady just didn't make a damn Justice League game they have all the elements they need right there in Suicide Squad because probably you couldn't properly monetize a Justice League game like you could a Suicide Squad Crackdown shooter realistic why I don't know I feel like it's harder to monetize that uh I feel like what they've done with Suicide Squad is like more monetizable that type of gameplay like Superman couldn't you couldn't you do like Superman what is it a Superman is Superman gonna jump around the world with guns assuming I'm gonna use guns jazz is Wonder Woman gonna use guns is Batman gonna use guns oh Batman could get equipment upgrades couldn't suit man what's the Superman not use any equipment is he just got he doesn't really need to use equipment but the point the I mean sure the cosmetics and all that sort of stuff but like the way the game is situated I mean you have you have um oh God what's the name of of The Flash feeling who's in this uh Captain Boomerang yeah I I love it when Captain Boomerang used machine guns and had super speed right like because that's not really a thing it's just hey it's just a shooter right so it's a monetizable scooter with all these different things that really couldn't work if you were using the heroes it would have to be a different game and maybe that's harder to monetize in that way uh than like let's take these villains who are part of the squad and give them weapons and you can do whatever and make it you know wait no okay how about this right Superman has lost his powers okay and he has to use a gun no no he has to use the gun that'd be yeah weird but okay has he never lost his powers what if someone sprayed him with like Kryptonite mace or something not enough to kill him just to make him lose his powers and then and then he just gets him gets a machine gun and goes full Call of Duty no no no someone tells me that's not gonna happen oh damn night Springs wants to know if we'll talk about the ABK stuff this week of course we we will be talking about that at length and it won't just be for eight minutes because there's a lot of stuff surrounding it it's it's what happened and then this then the reactions are surrounding it is even potentially the more interesting thing you got people calling what Microsoft did trumpian as a way of bringing politics into it like performative that was weird had to have to like delete their articles and rewrite them and like it's just you know it's weird there's a lot to talk about it right so we will definitely talk about that in due course um trying to get to this last one we have a member chat here from Sith Lord he says random so sorry I'm so worried about Shakespeare having failed kidneys myself I don't want to go through it I praise okay you need your BFF I do and I thank you very much buddy for that uh member chat is means a lot China guy says Superman does have dangerous alien Tech in his Fortress Yeah that's where it usually keeps it I could have he could have like an alien laser gun then bro yeah maybe but um let's let's jump to Let's jump to atomic heart because I know you played it I'm playing it yes I'm also playing another game right now that I can't talk about and I think you are too as well oh does it rhyme with uh can't talk about it yeah let's not talk about it uh good old Collingwood says I guess Warner Brothers Studios aren't for sale now I mean people are always for sale system but probably not but yes atomic heart the big game this week two weeks in a row or maybe two games in a month where a lot of uh discussion about Hogwarts Legacy which by the way they just announced 850 million dollars made and 12 million copies sold in two weeks which is pretty damn incredible uh we talked at how it was gonna be one of the best selling games of the year and definitely looks like that it was really really good game I quite enjoyed it despite it being a Ubisoft map game it's still very enjoyable especially for Harry Potter fans this week we see atomic heart come out and drop Day One on Game Pass I saw Ryan McCaffrey wrote an article saying this is the best stretch ever for Xbox game pass do you agree with that jazz is this the best chat do you agree with it right now is this the best stretch for Xbox game pass and its history I I think it is and it's it's kind of it's kind of weird that it's not getting more funfair and I suppose like you know what it is it's the quality is there the games that the games that are hitting that are hitting right are really good all of them are like at least you know solid eight on average probably I would say but the problem is they're all new IP so they're probably not having the sort of visibility impact that uh that uh you know uh I don't know a Fallout or an Elder Scrolls or a Call of Duty would have you know so I think like I think Ryan McCaffrey's completely right that it is in terms of sheer quality the the run the Spree of high quality games hitting Game Pass is absurd starting with monster to rise through to a game we can't talk about um um and uh it's it's really good but yeah a lot of it is I suppose maybe it's like part of it's probably Harry Potter or Hogwarts whatever overshadowing it a little bit but they're going really hard man can you imagine if they because like I think what we're seeing right now around what we're seeing right now we're seeing a lot of games dropping that was sort of delayed by the pandemic you know and that they sort of hit this bottleneck in the pandemic the pandemic ended kind of and then um uh develop development resumed and it was like well now we have to ship all these games on top of each other and so like maybe for this like the next year or two we're gonna get this like almost a Renaissance of just a burst of decent quality games constantly hitting game pass so maybe that's what Microsoft wants probably not sustainable but man like I can't fit everything in like at the best of times but it's it's particularly bad right now but yeah I think that Brian McCaffrey article was banging on the money yeah and it's and it's you know Hi-Fi Rush does a lot a lot of heavy lift in there because I've just came out of nowhere and was fantastic right yeah and then you know you have atomic heart which is a pretty big game we got well long coming I think next week a return of Team ninja to the platform you know and and you know they have they have some like High profilingy games uh that are hitting as well like Benedict Fox and stuff like that and then Microsoft's own first party games you know really soon you have you have Minecraft Legends right you'll have um red fall in May uh uh star field potentially sooner right so it definitely and we talked about this before it's like yes this could be the year for Game Pass if everything lines up because everything sort of did get delayed from last year into this year so Tom McCart was supposed to be last year right stalker 2 was supposed to be last year those are all this year a lot of games got pushed so it makes 2023 a little bit bigger not to mention ghostwire Tokyo is going to be coming to Xbox sometime next month or maybe early April depending on if it's like a week Delay from what it was like that flute was so just mentioned I can't emphasize enough how much of a huge get silk song is for Game Pass that is huge because that can be incredible yeah and that's one of the that's what one of the things I was talking about really is that like um while a lot of these games were no IPS which sort of they they sort of fly when they're a new IP they fly under the radar a little bit but silk song is not a new IP that game has a absolutely massive following and anyone who's like you know a little bit strap for cash that'll be a game pass for get for them definitely will be but that's a huge one let's talk about atomic heart right I don't know how much time you put into it what did window Central give it by the way what was the score you guys gave it um I think my reviewer ended up giving it a seven I want to say seven I believe it's like a low 70s right now I'm Metacritic yeah I will say it is a weird game it is strange it's strange it is very weird uh it's very different how far how far have you gotten how long have you played for I'm how far did I get I just I just finished the plant section okay without without spoiling so I'm about four or five hours in something like that so you haven't hit the open world yet essentially I haven't hit the open world yet um although I have seen it played because um my brother's been playing it as well so yeah I've I've put a a decent amount into it um but again you know then I have to go to Belgium so yeah then you had to go to volume so I've played about 10 hours I had I I I have gotten it's it's weird because the game throws you and they give you this really cool opening segment where you're walking through the streets right you see the parade you're flying around the game looks incredible and then stuff happens the robots start attacking you and then it's then it's go and it sort of feels like a Wolfenstein mix with Bioshock prey sort of game yeah and then like I will admit for the first couple hours I hated this game I was like not having fun uh like the dialogue was grating on me like P3 which is the name the character I was like you know I was just like crispy Chris crispy Critters it's you know it's it's the his like crispy Critters and that is that is apparently explained okay well maybe it's but I'm just saying like the way the dialogue is the way the the game itself is structured like it's one this is one of those games where you do fetch quests constantly and like the the P3 will be like making fun of fesquest of how [ __ ] it is and I'm like you know what developers you don't get a pass here because you're degrading your own fetch quest in the game that you're making me go do these fast Quests for just because you have the characters say how awful it is like you don't get a password actually tweeted that I literally tweeted that today I said because other games have done this too other games have done this too like even World of Warcraft you know sometimes when you play doing a quest the quest exercise I'm like yes I want you to go and kill like more sheep you know stuff like that and it's kind of like it's like it's not cute anymore you know maybe the first three times I saw a Dev break the fourth wall on mocking their own quests and mechanics but like like you say he does it constantly it's like this is lame this is boring yeah why do I have to do this why am I going here oh do I do I really have to go fetch another key and it's like wow you you I don't have to review this the the devs a review at the right there's a review in the game for me yeah so I was hate in the beginning I didn't really like the aesthetic I didn't like the the over the top like voice acting and the commentary I I thought the shooting was I think I still think the shooting Is Not Great like aiming down sights and stuff I don't feel is satisfactory melee combat does have a heft to it like there is weight when you have the ax and you swing it does feel good to hit the enemies even when you have a hatchet and stuff but just the way the game was designed and everything's I was like I was I wasn't enjoying myself at all but the more I got into it the more Powers I got more weapons I got um and like kind of like once I sort of get it out into like the open I start the open world I started to enjoy it more like I don't love the game I'm sort of right now sitting in a like a low seven like barely above a six and a half where it's like okay there is some okay things this game is doing right where before I was like I was sitting at like a five or four like I was actively not having fun but I usually start a game and then uh uh screwed up my my earbuds I gotta put them back in anyways uh I usually I usually start a game and then it's like okay I'll finish stuff unlike Jazz like I'm the opposite like if I start a game I finish it so now I look at the dialogue is like it's endearing because I'm viewing it as like over the top satire sort of thing so when P3 is making all these dumb comments I'm thinking it's like a joke so I'm laughing along with it instead of trying to view everything is so serious because you know what I mean so like now when he says something stupid or something just completely ridiculous now I'm like oh that's funny right like uh that's okay right um I will say you're in that like the beginning of the game where you're in it's kind of more linear and you gotta then oh collect the the things to get out I do think that part of the game sort of sucked and then once you sort of got out of that bill that underground uh place and then you get into the open world there's a lot more freedom the to explore and get things uh even though when you because it does the thing a lot of games do where you have this open world not that big and then you actually go to the story stuff and it's all it's all like uh it's all dungeon based so it's all unique and even still when you go do that like right now I'm supposed to put together this uh one of these robots and I need to put together I need to get her arms and her legs and stuff so even here you're still doing like fetch quests right so I gotta go to this one area to get this and go to this and get this and it's like all right um and then the upgrade system I will mention the upgrade system at first what seemed unwielding because I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be upgrading uh but once you understand everything behind it and it's and it's really you don't get any penalties for it because I I really don't like games that don't let you respect your character and this one basically lets you respect everything and like if you build a gun but you don't like the way it's built you can just disassemble it and all the materials that you get you get them all back and you can just use them on a different weapon or just respect the weapons like I appreciate games that do that because I really don't like it when you have an RPG of a sorts and you build it a certain way and they don't let you respect your tree because it's like come on I should be able to do that so they got that right um you sound like 10 hours in we'll see how I feel by the end I hate in the beginning I'm sort of enjoying myself more now uh I I had this boss fight which I think is in this video which I thought was pretty cool uh I was like oh that that is that is cool it's got some some really awesome heavy metal music that plays during it but I don't think the game's like amazing or great by any stretch of the imagination it's just kind of it's just just okay you know I mean it's it's it's a you know the classic coated it's kind of double a game you know and I don't think it like has the the writing chops that Bioshock did like bioshock's writing was like mind-blowing like some of the twists and turns in that story as you're going through it the creepy the creepy antagonists at this point I don't even know the antagonist antagonist is well you know I don't know you know I know there's angry robots and then yeah it's the leaders right it's the yeah yeah yeah yeah like comrade you know like the the yeah yeah but yeah like the guy I mean I don't want to spoil it but like at this at the point I am in the story I don't know who the the real antagonist or whatever so you know oh yeah yeah I there's there's a lot of tonal Whiplash in the game you know I think I think the game just doesn't take itself too seriously at the end of the day it's just kind of like it's it doesn't really have a message much there's like you know there's a lot of weird machines in it that look like you know dicks for example there's a lot there's a lot of you know tongue-in-cheek about the game and um and I don't know if you noticed those by the way is this random Pistons which are like yeah I see what you're doing I see what you're doing you pervy boys um and uh there's obviously that famous vending machine which you know one minute wants to sleep with you very aggressively very sexually aggressive vending machine and then in the next scene she's completely passive for reasons or known you know it's very strange but I I don't know it's uh it is a weird game but you know weird is pretty cool sometimes you know um so yeah I think um I think with refinement that can kind of like get to it some some of this yeah some of the set pieces would just have been really impressive that's the things things that have impressed me the most have been some of the set pieces the visuals and stuff like that you know um and you can you can kind of see where the Inspirations come from they're thinking about the opening to pray they're thinking about the opening to buy a shark you know some of these uh when you when you first get into the game it's like wow this looks you know spectacular and some of some of their implementations of like Reflections and stuff have been really impressive on the series X and all that kind of thing I actually think the Gunplay I actually quite enjoy the Gunplay um and I really like the melee play I think it's really fun I think the melee is good I still don't really care for like the shotgun feels Hefty when I use the pistols and the other stuff I just aiming down slice just doesn't feel right but that's just maybe a me problem I was thinking like there's you know the I thought that too but then I saw like you know these upgrades for the iron sights and stuff so I thought well when I get the Scopes maybe feel a little better because it's like that in Call of Duty before you unlock the red The Dot site it can be bloody pain aiming and stuff but I don't know yeah I'm I'm still I don't I don't think um it's not the next I'm not rushing to go back to it basically right now well let's be kind of like yours you're not gonna go back to this game wild heart but wild Hearts is a game that you like it's in the genre that you appreciate it's something that you play constantly I love shoes bro chat chat will Jazz go back and play more Tom McCart and I mean by play more I don't mean I don't mean you loaded it up and played it for another hour I mean like you get a significant amount more time into it I vote no because there's more there's well maybe because there's you know you got woe long next white shoes and then it's my it is my kind of game you know um it's definitely right now it's not sucked me into the point where it's like I'm eager to go back to playing it like wild Hearts yeah it's all the games also collect-a-thon like the uh the amount of like that's another thing I haven't I haven't got to the open world bit well no no I don't mean like you I don't mean in that regard I mean you're always getting stuff from the enemies searching houses with left bumper to like get all the materials because that's what you use to upgrade yourself right and they have at least a cool thing where when you're you can just hold left bumper and go up to stuff and it'll just pull all of the items uh to you into your uh you know because that is something I've always disliked in games it's like like last of us as you go around and pull out all the drawers and stuff to pick stuff up and it's like why wouldn't you automatically pick it up there's no scenario where I don't want to pick up the stuff because it's not like it gives you an advantage like of course I want it stop making me always press press Y and they do have those accessibility options introduced later on uh but it's I just appreciate it's like okay so I just doubled I double they have this weird control setup where it's like to even bring up the scanner you have to double tap and hold right bumper I don't really I can't even think of a but I can't even think of another game that actually does it that way where you have to double tap something and hold it on the second tap to to basically deploy a standard feature or right which is basically detective Vision right yeah I mean it would make sense if they were running out of buttons but I'm pretty sure like one of the sticks isn't used for anything like the stick that I would more often associate with sprinting or Miller because you don't Sprint on this yeah you don't Sprint oh and that's one thing that really pissed me off about it actually is the the ma the mouse deceleration when you turn in like and strafing like bro I don't know what Universe they thought that was a good idea to make it so you're slower when you when you're strafing it just doesn't feel good like no shooters do that you have a Dodge you can dodge and uh Press B yeah I know but it just it just doesn't feel good like I want to move left as fast as I move forward like it's just the way every other shooter in history is you know why do they have to be special I don't know but um but yeah it is and honestly it is my kind of game you know it's like if it is immersive Sim if it does open up you know praise one of my favorite games of all time this is one this is why it's interesting to me because you know if you do if it does open up and it does hit that sort of prey feeling um then it will be something I enjoy but that being said my reviewer liked it until it went open world okay he preferred the sort of a little more linear well I mean you can still do like you don't have to explore the open world you can just go just Mainline the story stuff because then the story segments are in dungeons that are essentially linear I will say one of the big one of my pet peeves in this game is the puzzles and I don't mean like the puzzles to get into an extra room of loot right to find stuff like I'm fine with you giving a hard puzzle to I'm talking about main path to get past something there's always these little stupid puzzles they put up in place right and the thing is if I'm on the main path unless it's like some Parkour puzzle that you gotta figure out or right because there's these little puzzles later on that we gotta raise in lower floors and it's fun because like you got to figure out where to jump to and stuff like I'm not talking about those type of puzzles I mean like anybody who's played it know what I'm talking about there'll be like these little things with three dots and you have to put the like red or or yellow or blue and you have to there'll be like 10 uh they'll be like you have to put them in in specific spots and there's you can like move them around at the bottom of the screen but like so you'll come to these doors sometimes that you need to open to progress the main story and it's gated by a puzzle and it's like I want to continue on with the story because it's all right cool like I just got through a tough fight maybe there's a boss coming I want to experience more of the of what's going on but then it's like you come to this a puzzle and it's like I'm sitting there I'm just like okay let me solved let me solve this really quickly and I think one of them took me 10 minutes to solve and at that point I was getting frustrated because I didn't enjoy the puzzle and the puzzle was keeping me away from continuing on with the game and it wasn't like it was gatekeeping some better loot somewhere that was optional it's like no this is the door you need to go through and if you don't figure out this this puzzle then you can't continue on I don't understand why they did this because I don't think the puzzles in this game are very interesting and they're constantly getting more complex and more complex so it's starting to take more time and more time to figure out and it's like you're just wasting my time and trying to prevent me from moving forward with the core story and the linearness of it making me solve these uh these just puzzles that I am not having fun solving so like that is like a huge pet peeve of mine right now with this game I don't know if anybody agrees with me but I just I don't care for it there's a lot of imperfections you know but there's definitely something there you know there's some there's some like they need to work on I think like one of the things I need to work on as a studio is like you know working as a cohesive whole because you can kind of feel like the the sort of narrative doesn't really matter this and you know some of the gameplay elements don't really work this way with all the stuff and you know I think maybe maybe it's a victim of not having the budget to do full a full testing process or or you know um test reviews and all that kind of stuff I don't know but um they've definitely got something there um so it'll be interested to see what what we get in the future from that studio I guess yeah um we have super chat here from enigmatic dreams been watching you since the Xbox Nation days you guys are the best podcast also you should get ever born Saga as a guest Mr conspiracy theory he always is is sprouting his conspiracy theories in the DMS about stuff uh maybe maybe we can we can have ever born on at some point uh Ryan kipple with a very generous superchat says hey gents Jazz loved your most recent windows Central article Rand my patreon question was about a Shakespeare update so please disregard later thinking about you and Shakespeare right now dogs are family members indeed they are and thank you uh for the support uh queasante what's going on brother he says afternoon gents I've been having fun with atomic heart I'm just depressed they've been able to carry some influences into one game love the show they definitely wear their influences on the sleeve it's definitely definitely apparent what games they're they're taking from and most games do that right everything's always inspired uh uh buy you know stuff they play uh Morgan says happy those on Xbox will get to enjoy valheim in a few weeks great game that's right that valheim is coming to Game Pass and is MLB the Show yeah MLB the Show 23 is coming to Game Pass the March is going to be a pretty big month for the service well long valheim MLB and then eventually like Minecraft Legends and stuff so yeah definitely best stretch for the service on the bright side says well long demo is a lot of fun wait did you just say SF possibly sooner than May what must have heard you wrong yeah you definitely did because I've been saying no earlier than June definitely not before May uh mandango mcfickens what a name he goes for it to be the best stretch we need a benchmark to compare it to such as the best two to six months a year context regardless I'm enjoying Game Pass well I didn't read Ryan's article so maybe he does have the context that we're lacking here about comparison stretches uh it's possible you included in that um so but yeah I mean I sort of feel it like from like if you're January to like end of March you're probably like yeah that's that was a pretty good stretch do you remember last year when people were like I'm getting on Twitter being like I'm unsubscribing to game pass because it doesn't have anything which yeah it's your prerogative if you don't want to pay for it then don't pay for it or ever but it's it's a man it's a man it's like when you have good games in a service and they're constantly being added it's uh I mean it's like yeah I'm gonna give you my money right because it's 10 bucks a month essentially and why why wouldn't I especially if I'm gonna play one of these games doesn't mean I gotta be subscribed forever um Arigato sir says sup guys Jazz can you investigate why devs are having problems with the series console I'm tired of listening to so card experts on Twitter yeah I don't know I mean we were talking earlier about the the nuances of tech and have you got the series S as a topic today around or is we just taking it now but um yeah the the series s is it's hard to get a definite answer on because some devs some devs will praise it and say it's a regrow system and then other devs I I think I think was it Tech land Dev quite famously criticize the series s and um I think some devs are frustrated not necessarily by the tech Itself by the fact they have to support it as part of a deal to be on Xbox and if you if you are a Dev and you're maybe maybe you're from a smaller team you've got constrained budgets and all that kind of stuff um the series s potentially becomes like this sort of frustration where it's kind of like well man I wish I wish we only had to Target 4K you know but now we've got a we've got to Target this specific subset of systems you know while also fitted within the Xbox Frameworks it's different to PC it's different to PC game development you know I think like in the past you know I think myself you know of downplayed the idea that the series s could be an albatross because that's what you know some devs have told me that don't played it as well and then like now you've got other devs saying different things so you know it comes to that point where it's like I don't know I don't know what's true because I'm not a Dev I'm not in that situation I don't have budgets to balance I don't have uh Dev bandwidth to think about and I suppose like as as we learn more and mature as a as an industry where transparency becomes ever greater and people start to gain an understanding about the nuances of the game business and the game and how games developed there is a question about the series s and whether it was a good idea to launch two skus um but it's Microsoft's between a rock and a hard place you know and you sort of you could get into this really wide philosophical debate about you know the fact that xcloud servers are cannibalizing Xbox series X sales that's without a doubt you know there's not an infinite amount of rare earth minerals and there's not an infinite amount of chip fabrication process to support an infinite amount of Xbox series X and uh you know xcloud server blades you know and then you sort of like well the trade-off there is that they've got the series s but then the series s comes with its own trade-offs you know trade-offs being that a lot of games are endure subpar optimization like just recently wild Hearts is practically unplayable on the series s like if you look like I've got a friend who's got a series X and A Series S pretty much side by side and you compare them and it's just like man I just literally could not play on the series s version of that game you know especially when you've got the comparison right there next year yeah maybe that's an extreme you know scenario where you are able to do direct comparisons but it's an interesting discussion and there's there's no there's no definitive answer on what the what the situation is with the series s but it's an interesting discussion and I'm trying to you know speak to more people about it before I put a definitive opinion on the situation indeed sin says you didn't think it was funny that your character also complains about the puzzles too yeah I wasn't laughing at those because I hated the puzzles but yeah um I'm gonna crumb says can't forget about Starfield and March boys and pixel bgc's cheers gents and my thoughts for your Pooch bro thank you um I figured let's talk about the uh the X the the whole Xbox Activision event press conference all the stuff surrounding it now because you know yeah I think we're like an hour and 15 into the show figured let's hit this topic because it's gonna be a doozy there's a lot here that goes goes along with it so if you guys are enjoying the show please hit the like button and uh subscribe if you're new let's dive into this because you were there you were there um so as part of the whole process with The Regulators specifically with the European commission there was a behind closed door meeting on Tuesday uh this week where Microsoft was going to present their case to why the deal should pass and maybe offer some remedies to to the European commission but it wasn't just Microsoft into building an Xbox led by Brad Smith and Phil Spencer all being there right uh Sony was there Jim Ryan was there with delegation of Sony lawyers valve was there EA was there uh who else was there Nvidia was there uh basically the who's who of the industry was at this thing talk about the APK deal and then afterwards uh Microsoft had a press conference that uh well I guess we should start but first because Brad Smith the night before or the morning of I guess announced that they had signed a concrete legally binding contract with Nintendo so Xbox and Nintendo now have a legally binding contract you know of course all just dependent on whether the deal passes but it's legally so I've seen people say how could you sign a contract if you don't own the company it's like if the contract goes into effect if it goes through so it's legally binding like what are you talking some people just don't understand but either way because people are like well this is no different than what they said before like no what they said before was they in agreement about it now it's like written signed you know it's it's but the people had an issue with the way Brad Smith um uh talked about the deal because he mentioned Xbox games coming to Nintendo so much so Jazz I don't know if you've seen it but he deleted his his original tweet about it I did yeah I deleted a little bit earlier there was a lot of confusion about that at the event yeah and there was a little bit confusion afterwards because Eurogamer had like a quote when it kind of made it sound like oh this is just the beginning of of it but let me let me get what he uh Brad Smith said on the lead up to this um Brad Smith says we want to re we want the record to be clear and address any misunderstandings I'm delighted to repost this statement below and uh affirm Microsoft strong commitment to Call of Duty to Nintendo customers or for Activision of Activision Blizzard is approved by regulators and they say Microsoft and Nintendo have now negotiated and signed a binding 10-year legal agreement to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo players the same day as Xbox with full feature and content parity so they can experience Call of Duty just as on just as Xbox and Playstation Gamers enjoy Call of Duty we are committed to providing long-term equal access to Call of Duty to other gaming platforms bringing more choice to more players and more competition to the gaming Market so that was kind of how the day started I you know you gotta as one of my buddies said like shout out to all the Activision devs who now are going to have to work hard to get an uh and then switch to version of of War Zone running in Call of Duty games running with content and Future parody um so shout out to them I'm gonna be working hard doing that uh but then this is where you would take over Jazz because then it was the meeting right then uh you're in the audience up front asking questions so uh what happened that was interesting so I like um uh uh it was about a week ago a week before the event I get an email saying uh we've got an event coming up in Brussels um do you want to come uh if so here's the details here's where you need to be and you know sign this embargo and I was like oh okay then um let's go to Brussels I'm very intrigued obviously being Brussels uh Microsoft as far as I know it doesn't have any game studios in Brussels so you pretty much know what it's going to be about right it's going to be all to do the regulatory stuff lined up with the hearing and all that kind of stuff so um it's very interesting because I've never actually been to a formal press conference in my life that was my first ever press conference like I've been to I've been to events but a lot of these were just open to the public or they were like on stage somewhere or whatever like a showcase but this was like the first ever dedicated press event I went to like there was Royals was there CNBC was there CNN BBC and you know everyone was wearing suits and you're looking all professional everyone's wearing a suit and you got this big red beard and you're just wearing whatever you were wearing yeah I just thought I just threw on a cardigan slapped on some jeans just strolled in there and I was like oh wow there's uh there's a lot of free food here so yeah digging into the the macaroons or whatever they call them but I don't know I don't know how to pronounce it but there's delicious little French things like a little little sort of pastry ish kind of thing with some fruity filling I don't know but they were delicious um so I was like I'm just gonna I'm just gonna enjoy this and see what's going see what goes down Tom worms there me and Tom hanging out uh got a little drink um you know then we go in and um and Brad Smith comes out Brad Smith In the Flesh first time I've ever share the room with Brad Smith and um we're sitting sitting down the front and uh he starts uh Batman and Xbox basically just kind of like oh dear um you know and uh he talks he talked through some figures he said that the Xbox is uh 20 to Sony's 80 when you compare the two's market share in Europe and then it's like 96 so four percent when you compare the two's market share in Japan and then you know he went for a bunch of a bunch of interesting stats just to paint Xbox in a struggling Underdog coming from the back foot kind of light you know um he uh emphasized the fact that uh it's only through Microsoft that the investment will be there to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo switch obviously that's good for Nintendo because uh they don't have Call of Duty right now because Activision doesn't Target that platform for whatever reason whether it's technical reasons or whatever um but Microsoft is committed to bring Call of Duty to the switch however that however they're going to achieve that is you know interesting um one of the press people said I think it was Tom Warren actually I think he has something along the lines of how do you intend to get the the do when you say parity with the Nintendo switch are you talking about visual technical parity and it was and Brad Smith was very very States and like and you know and sort of gave a vague kind of Nintendo Call of Duty on Nintendo switch will run as people expected to run so that was kind of like a yeah there will be they'll probably be he left that open to interpretation but he's like yeah they'll they'll probably be a Gap a delta in the visuals potentially um so yeah I mean you guys can go and read the the whole transcript um you know on our right up on Windows Central but the the big main takeaways they knows was Call of Duty 10-year license with Nintendo and um all Xbox PC games will be available through Nvidia GeForce now yeah that was a surprise to me that was the other big news yeah that was a big surprise for me because if you remember there was a little bit of drama with GeForce now on Xbox when GeForce now actually launched do you are you aware of this yes so like for those who don't know when GeForce now first launched um they basically put everyone's games in the cloud without getting any permission because the way GeForce now works it's not like xcloud where you connect to your content or your subscription pool there is a subscription pool in GeForce now but what you're subscribing to with GeForce now is actually a cloud PC it's a full PC it's not it's not like you're not subscribing to a library of content or other is a tier for that you are subscribing to access to a cloud PC so you can log into your Steam account and any games that have been approved for GeForce now you can play and but when Nvidia started doing this they offered all that content without getting any approvals from theme or the Publishers or whatever and and all these Publishers are like hang on a second video you can't just make a whole business using our content and then sell a subscription to it because Nvidia nvidia's mentality was hot we're just selling a subscription to a PC we're not sending a subscription to any games but yeah still they were built they were building a service based on all the people's content you know so they had to they had to rethink it a little bit Xbox was one of the companies that who you know their content was being offered without you know permission ultimately but now Xbox has come on board and agreed to be a vendor for for GeForce now which means that if you you know if you buy a game on the Microsoft store you will be able to subscribe to Nvidia GeForce now to play it in the cloud you know to play your content you purchased from the Microsoft store on PC or you will be able to play it on Nvidia geforces GeForce knows Cloud so they've worked out that that issue good Nvidia is on site now you've got Nintendo on side because of Call of Duty and you know now the only holdout so Google and really who cares what Google thinks because they're kind of in Monopoly and the European Union's already mad at them over a bunch of other stuff and uh you know Google famously kicked fortnite off the Google Play Store uh for the for the crime of offering their own payment method you know so the Google's been investigated for that kind of stuff right now so it doesn't really matter what Google thinks at the end of the day in fact Google being against the deal could work again so in some ways so really they've kind of isolated Sony um they've kind of isolated Sony to be in the only major player who is against the deal there's a supposedly a third party from China who's against the deal and I would bet money that that is Netties because Nettie is obviously just lost the deal with Activision Blizzard and there is a hell of a lot of bad blood there so I bet money that Netties is the is the Chinese company that's against the deal but another big thing that sort of flew under the radar a little bit tencent supports the deal which is very odd but maybe they're just thinking okay if this goes goes through then we can buy bigger stuff too right that's my line my thinking was like all right well yeah tencent's not really in a position to to cry about the deal because they're they're the biggest by Revenue but at the same time the fact that they're not even trying to obfuscate the deal is surprising but it also shows that 10 Center Microsoft potentially have an okay-ish relationship that they cut a deal for Roya on Game Pass um you know and I think because ultimately Microsoft's trying to mimic 10 cents business model here where it's like the only thing that matters is engagement 10 cents business model is engagement engagement engagement doesn't matter where people play doesn't matter if it's console mobile PC we don't care we don't want to own the platform we just want engagement no matter where people are we want content there that people can subscribe to the content can buy content to sell whatever tencent just wants to be everywhere that's what Microsoft wants to do so for tencent to sort of decry what Microsoft's doing here kind of it's it'll be kind of like criticizing themselves so while it's while it's a surprise that tencent will be honest about it because what businesses are it's kind of like well they're not in a position to fight against this deal they could yeah so yeah um you know the geeky now says tencent don't have a platform doing that and yeah they don't you know they don't have a platform but that that's the point it's their business model they're everywhere and that's where Microsoft wants to be Microsoft wants to be everywhere so they they made they made a they made a huge song of dance about the fact that they publish however many games on I can't remember the exact figures but they were like we published 20 games on switch we published something like 50 52 games on PlayStation you know accounting for things like Fallout 3 box of compatibility Fallout 76 Skyrim like 20 of those 50 games are probably versions of Skyrim you know but um they talked about all this you know and Microsoft is you know it'll upset a lot of journalists a lot of journalists were upset by this round they're upset by the meme and they're upset by the theatricality of Brad Smith because there was some theatricality oh and he's like hey I got the contract right here Sony I've been carrying around with me since December yeah a lot of people had problems with that yeah he was very theatrical very very political you know but the thing is this people remember that you know if it was a very boring and a very dry press conference um we probably wouldn't even be talking about it now you know but the fact that he did these theatrical things and sticks in people's minds and Regulators will see that and be like well you know how can we how can we say that Microsoft hasn't tried how can we say that Microsoft hasn't tried to engage Sony with a deal that will ultimately lead to benefits for both of them you know um they won't be able to say that because Brad Smith literally waved the contract in their faces so while you can criticize the methodology this is them pulling out all the stops you know this is body language this is them saying like look you cannot deny that we didn't try we literally waived the contract in their face you know so you can criticize it what you want you know and people were upset about it um you know I noticed a lot of British journalists were upset about it because it's it's it was a very American thing to do you know the kind of theatrics that is typical of you know American politics kind of frankly and this is why Boris Johnson was so unpopular because he was very very like that too you know theatrics but anyway I don't want to get into it so I thought so I thought Microsoft did a really good job with it because this whole thing to me starting with the Nintendo deal and and everybody there basically because it come out like the whole industry is behind Xbox wants to go through all the unions the only ones against it are Google like you said some third party in China which is most likely nutty's and obviously PlayStation this whole like press conference was designed to address Regulators fears and to put Sony on an island being like they're by themselves we are here going to offer Call of Duty to 150 million more people right that was kind of the theme it's like are you really going to stop us from bringing the game to more people and like they address one of the big regulator concerns that the European commission had about cloud gaming you know this nascent Market which is the starting it was like uh well you know if you had Call of Duty you might have a Stranglehold on that market and maybe you would have Monopoly power over it so in a move that surprised some people but I don't really think it's too surprising they they basically signed a 10-year deal with Nvidia which starts immediately so like not only is NVIDIA getting Call of Duty they're getting all of Activision's games when the deal goes through so presumably World of Warcraft and OverWatch and all the blizzard stuff all the activities and stuff they're also getting all Bethesda games it's like Starfield and all those you know red fault and all the future stuff and all of Xbox honestly right so yeah go ahead go ahead I was gonna say honestly GeForce now will have way more content even than a game pass because there's a lot of games there's a lot of games from Battlenet that just aren't on Xbox you know here is a store on Warcraft 3 StarCraft one and two Warcraft classic you know nvd GeForce now will be right with a bigger service but it's also a different service you know it's it's very much a PC gaming experience whereas you know it's it's kind of it's kind of clunky you know you've got a desktop you have to open Steam you know it's it's for people who are PC Gamers already you know in a way in a kind of sure um but the X cloud is like nice and user-friendly I think they can coexist but it's a but it's basically a shot at The Regulators one of their core arguments of theories of harm regarding um you know cloud gaming it's like then videos like we might lose access and that's not cool and Xbox is like not only are we give you access to Call of Duty you can access to all of our stuff so and it's a 10-year deal right so and I think the reason Xbox is okay doing that is because well to use G-Force or in Nvidia stuff you have to buy the game so anybody streaming the games on nvidia's service is gonna have to actually purchase full versions of the Xbox Bethesda Activision games so Xbox is getting money and they want cloud gaming to be a thing and they feel more people using cloud gaming will actually make cloud gaming a bigger Market in the future where if they stopped Nvidia from doing it there's the potential that cloud gaming doesn't take off and their investment in all this stuff is just wasted but by letting another competitor quote unquote have more games there's a better chance that cloud gaming becomes a thing and Xbox is hoping that they're the leaders of it right so that takes away one of the regulator arguments about cloud gaming brilliantly done like hey no we're going to give our competitor all of our [ __ ] you can have all of our [ __ ] here you go right and I know a lot of people with Brad Smith they had they had a problem with the whole that whole Pac-Man chart the 80 to 20 where's Nintendo you're you're you're uh you know you're you're spreading misinformation or what what was it like they were upset because where's Nintendo on the chart it's like you're down playing Xbox but the thing is Xbox is just The Regulators have told them Nintendo don't matter Nintendo's not part of this they're not part of this market right they're you Microsoft basically using like Sony's figures to the 80 20 so like they're presenting it to the world being like Sony is 80 of the market we have a lowly 20 and I guess Microsoft loves to basically talk about how shitty they are when it comes to this like God look how bad we are guys we don't sell consoles our competitors just got more exclusive games than us better games than us is bigger than us in every way like constantly complimenting Sony in that in the manner of how they run their business and how successful they are and like constantly downplaying themselves being like we don't got [ __ ] like we're loot we're getting our asses kicked guys please let us buy Activision but it's part of the game right it's part of the game you gotta play um it's kind of it's kind of funny to imagine like a scene from a sitcom where my Brad Smith's in a room with shareholders and and he's like oh yeah we're doing great we've got the highest monthly active users Xbox has ever had and then literally to walk to another room to regulate and be like oh no Sony's got eight percent market share oh my God right it's it's like um oh man it's it's it's it's very he's a lawyer dude's a lawyer for God's sake what do you expect I mean it's just uh it's just funny it's but it's it's also exhausting because I I really do think all this sort of this downplaying of the Xbox brand is not I mean the marketing guys must be tearing their hairs out they must be tearing their hair out like because you know now I'm Microsoft likes to control their brand image yes they do like every every corporation does right but you know Microsoft like the the they like to have you know like like any Corporation they like to control their brand image so you gotta you gotta imagine that Microsoft's marketing department is like sitting there tearing their hair out at these these charts which show Xbox as an underdog because you know the console industry is it sends tame an industry so like while there is there is a lot of value um it's like the intersection of entertainment value and art and all that kind of stuff we talk about that all the time but um it's also a very emotional industry you know it's it's not like sometimes like you will you will pay a premium if there's an emotional attachment there right if you're someone who has the means to do so and you know and you're emotionally attached to gaming you're not going to get a series s you're going to get a PS5 or an Xbox series X but most likely A PS5 um so like all this sort of all this all these narratives that Microsoft themselves are weaving they are damaging the the cultural relevance of Xbox which creates a negative emotional perception around the brand you know so like Microsoft can have all this sort of like um all these all this great value they can have the Xbox game pass Great Value and uh you know Xbox series s Great Value Great Value Great Value but that only matters to a subset of the audience if if the emotional relevancy isn't there that's that's a bruise on the brand and the longer this goes on where they keep having to say we suck we suck we suck we suck constantly um it's gonna kind of you know it's gonna take a toll on the brand you know I wonder how long they can keep playing it up for you know but I think I think they've gonna so far done a good job of uh basically like answering or replying to The Regulators about like the theories of harm quote unquote and and what they need to do right and that they made also because we've been speculating on the podcast like how badly does Microsoft want to steal to go through would they divest Cod would they divest Activision right and weird you know fun speculation about that shout out to math uh about hey what would who would buy it and would they do it and they came out in pretty pretty much knowing certain terms jez right right to the heart right to the heart of the matter uh they ain't doing that they right well I I'm trying to like the exact quote uh uh but they basically like nope we're not going to be divesting anything we don't think that's uh you know a good thing or whatever I I don't know the exact quote because I don't have it but anybody worried that Microsoft might divest Call of Duty or blizzard uh don't be worried I mean the deal may still get blocked but it doesn't sound like Microsoft is is going to consider divestment right Jazz that's that's a non-negotiable thing I I spoke to a few people uh um you know after the press conference and and during it and it was pretty much a strong a strong like no there won't be any divestitute there's no appetite for that the Activision Blizzard King has to be a whole entity you know that because you know it's like we talked about before like the the whole the whole premise of divestiture means that they're going to be they're going to be going back to the shareholders again they're going to be going through the whole process again restructuring the deal again all that comes with you know costs attached you know that all comes with cost attached because you have to pay all the lawyers again you know that's that's work hours and lawyers are expensive and Consultants are expensive and all that kind of stuff backers and forwards I think like um there's just there's just no appetite for there we're not at that point now where it's like you know do we do we do divestiture or do we just you know walk away I think that I think they would rather walk away than get into that that world you know so it's in a lot of ways it's a Race Against Time at this point because um the F uh there's there's Democrats trying to run bills through Congress to uh split up quote unquote monopolies you know um and they're not just they're not just looking at you know Google or telecoms companies or Disney or whatever they look in any company that they perceive to have some kind of a monopoly and they they don't seem to draw a distinction between how you know a company with a lot of interests could potentially you know they could take the money from azure using Microsoft as an example take the profits from Azure and use it to invest in accessibility stuff or climate change technology and all that kind of stuff because Microsoft's vast wealth is an Amazon's vast wealth and Apple's vast Wells is the only reason why some of this Innovation can actually happen you know as much as I dislike Apple they have innovated a lot like the the Apple watch has some health features that know the watch really has to that degree and I think like one of the things one of the things they're working on for the Apple watch right now is like um the ability to uh check your blood glucose level without drawing blood which would be like a really big deal for diabetics and Apple's working on that technology and the only reason they can work on that technology is because they make so much money doing what they do so yeah I mean you know this is this is a whole philosophical debate about when when does a company have too much money blah blah blah you know but for in terms of innovation you can't say that these big tech companies aren't innovating with the money they do have they're not just sitting on the money they're not just sitting on it and and you know uh you know like like Scrooge Scrooge McDuck Saturday is not diving into a giant uh swimming pool of of gold coins is it they're investing in technology which will hopefully bring Innovation new games new technologies and you know lower prices for consumers you know and that's what game pass on X Club represent um indeed but politicians don't see that they don't see that all they see is their ID their selfish ideology and um what they can do to potentially make money on it you know if you're a politician right and you knew that you could run through uh I'm not saying this happens by the way uh you know it's just speculation for any lawyers listening but if you're a politician who knew that there was a bunch of legislation coming up that would potentially harm the share price of certain companies you might tell your friends to short the share price of that company you know for example it's very strange how like you know a lot of politicians uh when they get into Power uh Congressman on both sides of the aisle they seem to suddenly make a lot of money on stocks and shares it's very strange that happens it's almost like magic it's almost like they know something the risks don't know kind of weird uh but it's interesting to see people's reactions to this APK stuff because before once the CMA gave their findings there is a lot in the media and especially a lot in a certain gaming Forum out there were convinced themselves that deal was finished right the CMA which would accept nothing but structural remedies even though they literally say in the thing that they would accept behavioral remedies it seemed like some of the media were taking Victory laps but I tell you man the the feeling after this especially on certain forums like I mentioned and and even it's almost like people have accepted once again that this deal might actually close and that Xbox might not have to actually divest anything and that you know Call of Duty is going to be everywhere and all this stuff and holy crap are people upset uh and you can start seeing the mass come off specifically surrounding Lulu who is um I I should I should get what she is correctly because she's been going after people's articles with yes you have wrong information but I'm not a journalist so I'm sorry you know Lulu what is she just she is the Lulu Chang okay what's her roles mess survey is the EVP of corporate Affairs and CCO Activision Blizzard there you go so don't don't request to take down this podcast but because she wouldn't have to drink she went after this other thing you got direct because Christopher just like had a meltdown over the stuff and it's interesting because I always kind of view Christopher drink is like hey you got the physical numbers for the UK chart but physical is basically a dying medium so what does that eat who even cares but it's very interesting because every time I read one of Christopher drinks opinion pieces about this deal I always get the sense I'm reading Jim Ryan's thoughts about the deal yeah that makes any sense interesting I feel some of the some of the talking points are very very straight but either way whatever right that's just my opinion of how it comes across but Lulu got she went on Twitter and just oh my God people started the Meltdown because she put a meme of you know someone riding a bicycle and then sticking a stick through the spokes so then they fall off and basically the meme was sticking the the stick in the spokes being like uh what was it let's get the meme I gotta find the meme Jazz because I wanna I need to do it justice right Lulu you've gotta you've got to also get it right well okay you gotta get it right uh do you have her Twitter account because I don't know yeah I got it I got it what's the meaning the the meme that's got 11 000 likes as of writing 1.4 million views according to Twitter that upset a lot of journalists and and Fanboys on both sides of the aisle um uh right so to do is to do it's that the main where the dude's riding his bike and he falls off his bike and grabs his knee first frame it's Sony riding the bike just to accept guaranteed long-term access to Call of Duty and then he trips himself over on the bike on purpose hurts his knee and then oh God what if we lose access to card so yeah it's sort of like the implication that that sort of they're self-inflicting their wounds a little bit and uh I mean this is you certainly I see it that way and uh you know it's hard it's hard to see it any other way like I always say I always see people criticizing I always say people criticizing um commentators uh particularly like people like us who like um support the deal I always see people saying oh they support the deal because they're Fanboys but I never see any arguments against the deal they never they never present an argument again I've seen it the arguments against the deal are ridiculous because it's like I've seen people try to argue like imagine trying to cheer for the underdog Microsoft and Xbox but again that's not an argument well no but they're like but their whole thing is that is that uh Microsoft shouldn't be able to get it because Microsoft is the second biggest company in the world trillion dollars doesn't matter Xbox's brand position or power within its own Market uh and that getting the deal will further consolidate uh the gaming space and Game Pass is gonna kill the industry therefore it needs to be it needs like you're right none of I've I've tried reading arguments about like why it shouldn't happen and it comes down always comes down to nobody I presents arguments to me nobody ever presents arguments to me because you can easily just punch holes in them when they when they make these arguments it's always within a safe space where no one's going to be able to be like well that's stupid because X Y and Z you know no one ever presents all those arguments to me they just they just get all mad and start the tears start rolling you know about the deal um because nobody can present an argument that isn't easily you know picked apart in in seconds the the arguments that are being presented rely on a huge amount of ignorance um you know and that's like the arguments that Sony presented two Regulators banks on the fact that that Community the regulatory Community doesn't understand the industry that they're regulating you know they don't care about gaming they see gaming as toys they don't see the serious you know and and they're probably alarmed that 69 billion dollars is going to be spent on a video game company they're probably alarmed about that ideal and they're probably like well why couldn't that money be spent on I don't know something like I want to put shares in for my insiders oh Microsoft just tries to buy their way to there's a lot they're legit like I do not think this give I don't think if Microsoft gets Activision Blizzard I don't think it might draw them even Revenue wise with PlayStation but I don't think Microsoft's suddenly going to outside PlayStation I don't even think in the future Microsoft is going to beat PlayStation but there are contingent to people that really do feel that this is the first stepping like getting this is basically catapulting Microsoft into a monopolistic position within the gaming industry which is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard of monopolistic right for that to happen like micros like they're they're like uh you know Microsoft's percentage of the console Market would have to be like I don't know 80 to the other ones and basically the other ones would would not would would cease to exist almost at that point but even with Call of Duty you know they'll they'll make more Revenue Game Pass will get more subs and stuff and maybe more people choose Xbox but people aren't going to stop choosing PlayStation and people aren't going to stop choosing Nintendo in fact people might choose to play Call of Duty on Nintendo and not bother to choose it on Xbox or Playstation so like the idea that Xbox would become a monopoly is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard um but the whole thing with Lulu is is now it's like now memes are bad right but when Xbox was having troubles back in early 2013 everybody loved the meme of this is how you share games between you know Yoshida and Adam boys which basically yeah vaulted you know Sony to to victory in that generation even though it was really the price point but that was essentially a meme that everybody in the gaming media you know was like this is incredible but maybe it's because I sort of view it as like people don't want this deal to go through especially some people it's it's weird because the people that are pro-unians in the industry and have talked about unionization are very quiet when it comes to this you have all these unions backing the deal and these and the these ones who are very pro-union these game reporters game journalists are prairie like they don't they don't talk about the deal they don't talk about unions anymore and then they get mad at Lulu because she's a union breaker right like that's one of the positions you know she she had to do or she break so they're upset with her about it and and and so then then you get people out there being because of this because people like the meme and they they retweet it or whatever then you get people getting on Twitter and being like the Xbox fan base is the absolute worst because they like the deal and then having the backtrack I'm just I'm telling you bro like they're these these journalists masks are starting to come apart and it's just gonna get worse worse for them right like I don't know could you imagine quantifying an entire fan base of something and being like these are the worst because of this right it's really just people on on I don't know like I couldn't believe it when I saw it and really I I don't know you don't understand why Xbox fans and a lot of people want the deal to go through like Game Pass baby more Studios more games more money I mean this this isn't like I don't understand why like why would be wrong for them not to want it to go through but apparently you're a bad person if you do which is [ __ ] ridiculous I'm sorry I'm sorry but there's a thing so these journalists like look down their noses at People Like Us especially YouTubers or whatever and they're like these Fanboys and extreme fan one like they're nothing more than Fanboys that write for a website anyways they they have this holier than now or about them that like they're smarter than everybody and they don't have any biases whatsoever right even though these same people were like it's it's I don't know I I personally can't stand can't stand that within the industry but it's definitely something that goes around and you'll see more of it you'll see more of it the more this goes through the more it's talked about if the European commission passes it and then if the CMA passes it people are going they're gonna lose their minds and then whenever it does close if it closes right because then it's going to close and then Diablo 4 is going to be Xboxes and it's like so is Call of Duty yeah and all this sort of stuff so it's like this is just the beginning people like this like the deal still could get blocked the CMA could really still no matter what Xbox does even though they have dressed to cloud gaming even though they're gonna address the Call of Duty situation the CMA just may be looking at like nah screw you we're blocking this thing and then maybe it goes on longer because they try to appeal or what have you but if it does go through you're going to see a lot of wild takes from a lot of journalists and you're going to see a lot of them talk about how like Xbox fans are the absolute worst because they they're just corporate bootlickers and all this sort of nonsense uh based around this because one they will say that they don't like the consolation of the industry when in reality it's more that they're just PlayStation fans at heart at heart and they don't want to see Microsoft become a a bigger player within the space to have more power within that space right they like the Microsoft that they can write articles about and make fun of consistently and constantly that's what they love like none of these people like covering like when you listen to some of these podcasts out there or these articles written by any of these websites that they don't really know anything about Xbox or its history or whatever which is fine you don't have to but then they get upset about it when something good might happen or Microsoft finally decides to wake up and it's like hey you know what maybe we should build a first party Studio system that is essentially going to be you know uh make everybody else jealous so we can pump out content for our fans and they don't like that you know it's the same thing when rise of the Tomb Raider is exclusive to and and all the journalists are up in arms being like why can't I play this on my PlayStation and they Badger Square Enix to tell them why that's the case but when Sony does it nobody bats an eye nobody bats an eyelash it's just accept it it's just okay it's whatever right man people people came at me so hard for just asking the question why isn't build this guy 3 on Xbox um I don't have any issue with PlayStation I own PlayStations and I have dozens of PlayStation one and two games like it to me it's absurd to have a console Affinity or allegiance to me it's completely absurd for me this has always been about games it's always been about the possibility of Kraken IOS and Android open to more traditional games this is about the possibility of getting Starcraft 3 which would never happen would never happen Rand if um if this deal wasn't going through can you hear me okay yeah yeah I mean you were a robot in there for for a little bit in the beginning but yeah yeah but it's always been about the games for me and the thing is like if it is about games and not platforms I don't know why other people wouldn't be in favor of this as well you know the only PC game is rallying against it because you know they it means there's probably going to be benefits on the PC side you're not saying Nintendo fans railing against it because they know there's going to be benefits on the other side for them you know the only people who are against this deal are people who are specifically feel this weird allegiance to the platform PlayStation which is weird to me because I think even PlayStation is going to get more games out of this only Microsoft can afford to buy this company you know all 10 cent probably so but even 10 cent I don't know if tencent has the cash on hand like Microsoft does to buy Activision Blizzard only Microsoft can free Activision from its Trend chasing ideology you know and maybe change its priorities a little bit you know Orient them a little bit more around Game Pass you know which to be honest right now feels like a very healthy model for devs for art and for consumers you know we're getting we're getting unique games we're getting more games we're getting games like Hi-Fi rush and you know which might not have blown up the way it did without that game pass immediate audience install base you know um all this all these it's these things are exciting to me like the possibilities I don't want I don't want to for I wouldn't want to foreclose Sony and everything I'm on the record like give Sony everything give them every give them every game that Activision makes you know I want Xbox to be competitive in the console industry because I think competition makes things healthy right now they're not competitive you know there will be even without the activation Blues deal I think they will become more competitive but this just accelerates that competition Sony will have to respond to that too and they will you know compete harder they'll raise cash they'll buy more Studios like they have been already you know I just I don't know why this I don't know why this has to be such a big console war thing it's just really sad and it's always grown-ass men with five followers yeah grown ass men with 10 followers with anime avatars or PlayStations a lot of them don't even have avatars you know that's true it's probably never yeah people on their soccer counts because they're too afraid to come at me on their mind you know yeah this is why I don't tweet you know so but that's all the stuff's going around with all this stuff all the Activision stuff will still be more of it so if you're not sick of it now I'm sure probably sick of it later because just like I am but at least I have fun talking about it with you I I don't have fun making videos about it but I've got some super chats and we sort of have breaking news kind of in a way maybe a little bit anyways Brenda de C says thanks for the content Saturday but who calls during the podcast and who has a telephone these days Randall's call center dnf Jazz um it's usually just telemarketers a call really um we have space dovikin Starfield announcement imminent per Andy Robinson that's sort of the breaking news I was referencing yeah there's a reason not in a minute there's a reason I put it in the title uh so we'll talk about that in just a second leaky hum bro what marketing compartment Xbox has no department they do have a marketing department you know I do what whether whether like you know like you think they're doing a great job is Up For Debate right but they do have one you know but I just want I just want to quickly touch on that right I think one of the issues with the perception that Xbox isn't marketing anything I think part of that is they don't have any stock don't have any series X stock I think if if Microsoft had cracked their stock problem like Sony had I think we'd see the marketing ramp up and they'd be going harder but the fact that they don't have any stock it's kind of like what are you marketing you know what are you you know your marketing game pass the people already have an Xbox you know um you know what can you do I think I think we'll see we'll see a big Market marketing push when Starfield comes around when there is Xbox series X stock um but like right now they're constrained because clearly there's not enough stock and I can't remember the last time I saw the series X in stock on Amazon it's pretty bad actually well also I forgot to mention you actually talked to some Xbox people at the at the press conference right you have you got to have some conversation with them or no uh about what I'm just I was doing stuff about like Hey how do they feel about the deal sort of thing they still confident that sort of stuff oh well honestly they all seem super confident like Jen like if it was me I'd be a nervous wreck I wear my heart on my sleeve and if it was if it was my job to get that deal through I'd be an absolute nervous wreck now I don't know if they just seem confident because you know at the end of the day they just accept that they're doing the best and if it doesn't go through then they're not going to get fired or anything I don't know but everyone there I spoke to was in really good spirits you know having fun and talking to people but maybe they've also just been trained really well to talk to press I don't know it's hard to get read sometimes but there wasn't there was no there was no there was no sense of negativity about the deal I think that like one of one of the things someone said to me from Microsoft legal is a lot of us are learning the the nuances of regulatory processes for the first time because the deal a deal like this has never been achieved or or attempted in this current legislative climate that they said something like that so a lot of the laws have changed over recent years you know new governments come in new policies new ideologies you know so they said like that kind of implied to me that like learn learning like the the current lands the the landscape has changed a lot um very recently so a lot of it's like learning building new relationships and understanding concerns and understanding where the knowledge gaps need to be addressed and that kind of stuff you know so but yeah they will they're all super positive um so you know it made me feel more positive you know because like I said last week I was 50 50 on it numb maybe 65 65 35 yeah yeah 35 I can't do math uh gaming Forte what's up brother he's uh getting ready to play Destiny lightfall all day no life in it he says I'm convinced Xbox will be a first party publisher acting as a third party publisher their games will be on all Platforms in 10 to 15 years hashtag no exclusivity 10 to 15 years I mean 2020 2033 2038 I mean who knows how the industry will change potentially although a lot of uh someone just said red dragon just hated on jazz in a tweet red dragon hates on everything Xbox not surprise yeah yeah to me a lot he's been very sensitive lately very very sensitive he wrote a book about the whole thing crying about it pleading to Democrats that they should they should block the deal when he made fun of Democrats consistently during uh the previous administration like you should you should look at Tim's tweets regarding red dragon about how he wanted to get review codes and stuff and they basically said who the hell is him no and suddenly but surely red dragon started to turn on the platform there's always a story there's always a story so I I didn't know who he was really until nobody knows who he is yeah well Tim put out that thread was like you know every now and then you see you see this guy crop up and he's like you know hating on Xbox no matter what tweeting weird stuff 24 7. like it really is a crusade for this guy and then Tim Tim explained that the reason it's Crusade is because he used to be an Xbox YouTuber and Xbox PR didn't reply to his you know code begging or something so now he's on this like lifelong Vendetta against the platform I don't think I don't think he even plays games it's very very strange yeah I mean he's one of those guys that when the deal was going through like at President Biden after the FTC at the CMA trying to block it and stuff like what just just a complete joke but either way whatever um I'm trying to see some more here what we got uh we have uh silver joystick says the acquisition is more important than people realize if it goes through Microsoft becomes the industry Power Player and they can dictate direction of gaming landscape it will cause drama I mean maybe I don't know if they become the industry Power Player I still think that's PlayStation and I don't know if they can really you know dictate the direction of the gaming landscape when I know what the the part that they'll dictate is the mobile landscape that was basically my my editorial was about to die my editorial is basically saying like I really think um you know Microsoft and Sony should team up really on this and Sony should like see you know see the way things are going because it's getting harder and harder for traditional games to really Break Even we just saw Saints Row you know them saying like costs 100 million dollars lost us a load of money blah blah blah blah and yeah you know it wasn't a it's because it wasn't a great game but it's getting harder and harder to meet people's expectations meanwhile on mobile you're getting total trash and casino wear making 500 million dollars a month you know Apple and Google do very little to curtail that kind of development environment in fact they advocate for it you know they advocate for time gating you know click this ad to keep playing they are they advocate for you know buy this microtransaction to keep playing you know making people spend like hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month just to get you know a good role on a gacha thing rather than just buying the game once and having a you know a work of art and a memorable experience you know preying on people's synaptic vulnerabilities you know an Apple and Google they they like they love that they don't give a crap about traditional gamey you know and they are they are in combination with Netties and tencent they are dictating the way console gaming is going right now and this is why like this is why games like suicide squad are you know the service games and it's the influence from Mobile in a way you know at least partially but I think like if Sony Nintendo Microsoft actually work together to make inroads on mobile with traditional games as a result of cloud gaming I think like we could see we could see a change there and you know games like Harry Potter or Hogwarts Legacy I keep calling it Harry Potter but Hogwarts Legacy the games like Hogwarts Legacy blow up because they're attached to Major Brands right I think Hogwarts Legacy would have been a very popular game anyway but if it wasn't Harry Potter you know it probably wouldn't have been as popular but the fact that like I my girlfriend wants to play it and my my girlfriend's sister wants to play it who is anti-gaming she's anti-gaming and she wants to play it that game is cracked through into the the mainstream in a way that almost nothing else imaginable could you know and it's sort of it's showing people who how who have grown up on mobile that there is another way of playing games that is better you know it's better you know but Apple and Google they don't want people to see that and that's why they block xcloud that's why they block GeForce now and that's why they block you know Sony from having a cloud platform or make it prohibitively expensive for cloud providers to offer their those kind of experiences on their platform Apple and Google you know so that's what that's the kind of influence that hopefully they will have if the deal goes through and that's what my editorial was about open Windows Central if you want to really like it yeah our Second Coming says there's a star field and showcase an announcement rumor true uh hold on we'll talk about that in just a second let me catch up on everything here um Dead Planet says behind every ponies is scored former Xbox lover uh Miguel ever says even if Microsoft said every Xbox uh game studios game is not exclusive PC and Xbox including Cod that still wouldn't be enough to monopolize such a dynamic industry it's true Fred fried Mellon says why I support this acquisition Microsoft has not been fairly represented due to mistakes of the 8th gen contact needs to go this is unfortunately the only way to remove him uh waxer says hi love the podcast and keep it up and got a recommendation for jazz a h rise ROM it's amazing okay uh what's that I don't know that's I mean you have to look at it says a period h rise ROM h a period H and then looks like space r i i s e space r-o-m I don't know do you know what that is a rum yeah it's not a type of rum is it okay interesting I will look into this realm thanks for the recommendation yeah uh th I asked the I asked Bing chat GPT 1138 says why the octopath traveler now an Xbox squaring is taking Sony's money again so anti-consumer why aren't the same journalist not reporting it well that's I mean after pack traveler 2 is also on Nintendo so I don't think Sony has anything to really do with it but it is odd considering the first game came to Xbox was on Game Pass and the first game never came to PlayStation so I don't know the reason they're Xbox and Square Enix don't have the best relationship so your guess is as good as mine uh radamus Cisco member for 19 months says Sony Nintendo are dictating leading the gaming landscape will it be that bad if another company has a voice on industry too yeah um but anyways if you guys are enjoying the show sorry let's say if you're drawing the show make sure you hit the like button and please subscribe if you are new Elite elitist edits says thoughts on Halo Infinite season season 3 trailer neither of us have watched it yet so can give my thoughts couldn't give you my thoughts on it but I guarantee you it won't make me want to play it again it might be a really you know well put together trailer so we were going to transition the Starfield thing but you have something to say Jess about whatever I interrupted you about I can't remember anyway it's already gone Starfield Rex in the title of the podcast and uh you know I think what last week even from before that I always said I thought March was the time for the Showcase right um and I've always said like hey June I think is the earliest it can come out and we've we've talked about the potential release date for Starfield constantly um you know Jazz was very much of the opinion that it was going to be second half of the year and we even have a bet where I said it'd be before the end of June and just said definitely not definitely after 10 BET you know am I gonna win is jazz going to win who knows but then Jess suddenly thought hey it might actually be first half of the year right uh Forte says did you miss my member chat no I read your member chat you just weren't paying attention Forte so go back and Rewind it we definitely talked about it because I said how you're about to spend all your time playing Destiny lightfall we talked about it you're just not paying attention like usual so um Andy Robinson of uh VGC he put out a Robinson music Robinson see if I here he goes oh nope that's the wrong that's the Run there's a lot of Andy Robinsons on Twitter um he put out a tweet just recently uh that said uh what was it here let me bring it up come on Twitter why are you taking forever to load do you want me to just do it uh it's loading now jeez what is with Elon musk's Twitter he goes uh this was essentially uh like a little less than an hour ago I hear the announcement for the Starfield showcases imminent googly eyes and then he responded with as in soon right so um I don't know what did I tell you last night jazz what did I tell you about Starfield last night ah well this is where Rand takes his victory no I didn't know Victory Tour because like I said you know I I because I don't want people to say that I'm just bullshitting or whatever you know you're an insta no I'm not I'm not inside of it no I'm not I'm not either right I'm not uh let's scroll up um I've heard uh they might be announcing the Starfield direct next week um which lines up with what I've heard previously too and I and then I said let's tease it tomorrow and then bran said no I don't know for sure I'm always hesitant to tease anything and then I said yellow and then ran said in caps no LOL unless you've heard from your sources and Rand guess what buddy what I've heard from my sources too oh you've heard from your sources huh yeah which is why when uh uh nice YouTuber chap called Scully um he was tweeting yesterday about um why wondering why there hadn't been any Starfield info I replied to him with patience because I was working on figuring out if indeed there was possibly possibly going to be the announcement next week and you know you know what they say around there's no smoke without fire and I don't have the same sources Andy Robinson and I would presume you don't have the same sources Andy Robertson either probably not so potentially a bunch of people are hearing the same things right now from different places seems like you know seems like it it would uh would suggest potentially that we could be getting an announcement of a star field developer direct sooner rather than later how do you feel about this round and uh you know do you believe this rumor and take it as a rumor right now it's nice it's never it's not it's not yeah it's one of those things where it's like you know with the game awards it's like oh why is an Xbox there and then you like hear from people that you trust like might be a show in January it's like okay and then you get into like beginning of January like yeah there's definitely a show at the end of the month and you're like all right and then you start hearing from more people and it's like this thing's this thing's on right and even back then I had heard that the Starfield show was going to be around March right so but that was more like eh whatever maybe well maybe it won't right who really really knows um just the information regarding Starfield was just always so fluid especially regarding its release window some were like it's been pushed it's not been pushed I don't know what's going on whatever um so then yeah like really this week conversation started really ramping up that the announcement of Starfield direct was going to be soon like right um which I I do feel that if the if starfield's releasing in June which is I I feel like it is that's where my money's on I feel like the direct has to be like March or April at the latest because I I'm sorry they're not going to Shadow drop Starfield they're not going to be like hey guys guess what here's the Starfield direct and at the end of it Todd's gonna look at the camera and be like for all you Marchers out there who believed this one's for you baby you can play Starfield today and he looks Winks but like what's up punk Soul like no no no no no dude what are you doing something Machiavellian right now no I I'm gone what what are you saying when you say they're not gonna Shadow drop Starfield it's not you is that you trying to Gaslight us because you know that it will Shadow drop but you don't want anyone to think you're an Insider so you'll be like oh yeah see look I was wrong [Music] but you forget if if Starfield launches in March I owe pong Soul 100 as well as four patrons I I have to pay out 500 bucks will you forget about that so yeah but here so my line what if it Shadow drops later on though I don't think I don't think it's gonna Shadow drop I I don't know why everybody suddenly thinks it's gonna Shadow drop round round round what 500 is nothing to you what are you talking about 500 I think I think yeah I think you get I think you just get more pleasure from gaslighting everyone with your 4D chess moves even if it means you have to lose 500 I see what you're doing Rand I see through your game so everyone in chat go and tell idle sloth Rand just confirms no confirmed no no no no no no no no no no look so what I think what my prediction and this isn't a prediction in quotes right this is just this is my prediction Andy Robinson says it might be imminent hearing same things right I think they'll announce it next week for I'm not going to say for sure but I mean we've talked about it enough I I I've said it I've said it like last week and the week before I think the Starfield direct gets announced like early March well I mean there are still two days left in February so it could be Monday or Tuesday but it's also the first week of March so it could be Monday Tuesday Wednesday um I was kind of just looking at the calendar and it's like I was just picking a week you know that's free of a game release like resident before is the 23rd and I sort of feel they'll do the same Cadence as with the developer direct which was an announcement and then the event two weeks later so if the announcement is this next week I feel like the direct will be mid-march the week of the 13th and probably on a Wednesday or Thursday maybe it's like March 15th those are just my guess is but it does seem like we will be about to see more star field because people are getting concerned about why there hasn't been a lot more info they've gone x amount of time without any sort of things and it's like well because they're building this thing and I think as I mentioned before I think one of the reasons they waited this long to do this is because they want to lock down the release date they want to know if they'll be able to deliver the game because you can't come out at the direct and be like it's launching this date and then delay the game that would be an incredibly bad look so and I also do feel if you're doing the direct and it's specifically about this game it's Gotta Have a release date you gotta have a release date on there right like you do you do this without having a release date jazz is that a realistic thing where they just end the show by saying coming 2023 and there's still no but right solid date rant we've just established that your 4D chess bro I'm not 4G testing anything no no no no no okay well yeah I would I would hope that yeah they'll have a launch date but maybe they don't maybe they're cliffhangerous and say stay tuned for the next Starfield developer director for the launch attack or something I I honestly I I'm kind of at a point though where I wouldn't put anything like that past Microsoft you know um it's everything's weird now in game development nothing nothing goes as planned anymore you know so honestly I don't know honestly don't know I don't know buddy I don't know I don't know bro but it sounds like for all you a star field people out there you're about to get a lot more information if Andy Robinson's to be believed you know I'm putting this all in Andy Robinson yeah let's put it all on you put it all in Andy Robinson yeah Robinson guys yeah Andy Robinson said Starfield developer direct will definitely be announced next week Andy Robinson for BGC it's all him it's all I mean he's credible he runs a website I'm just some dude I'm just some music or some dude I'm not even on camera I'm just Randolph Randall 419 let him have all the whatever I don't know whatever people people listen to podcasts right it wasn't us if we if we if we if we were right then it was us if we were wrong oh he's admit when I'm wrong about stuff yeah okay okay okay let's change them if if it were right it was me if we're wrong then it was Rand and Andy you know you always said if you knew what the release date was for the show you'd leak it are you gonna leak this bro you're gonna write an article you've select it I didn't leave it [ __ ] you said it shower dropping in March no you're saying that I'm saying anybody out I'm saying Hell sloth Rand said it's dropping in March Brandon Andy Robertson said starfield's dropping him off I'm saying I'm saying you got like fun you got MAV out there you got pong Saul out there you got the Marchers out there who you know they're gonna be watching this and they're just gonna be hoping that Todd looks at the camera and he's like when can you play Starfield I know people want to know and I'm gonna tell you your marches are correct you can play it today and then pong solid map will have this huge party they'll be like yeah the Marchers won baby the March ball um I I think it's gonna be June I think the I think starfield's gonna come in June probably probably the end of June I wouldn't be surprised I wouldn't be surprised if that Gog listing was right and it's like literally the last week of June like June 29th or something right um and it's just like boom it's out so boom yeah June's gonna be a big month you've got Final Fantasy 16. Star field too bro this really this really sucks for me because Diablo Starfield my two most anticipated games probably of the last maybe the last decade so it's kind of like wow you dropped the two most anticipated games on top of each other you know at least at least in that in your scenario Diablo will be the start of the month and start would be the end of the month so at least I get I get like a solid month grind it well actually June's E3 so I'm gonna have to work a lot in June as well um I'm not going but I still have to do a lot of work I'll probably have to do more work because some podcasting to do and stuff right yeah we'll have to do podcasts we'll we'll be doing I have to do loads of write-ups I ain't gonna what am I talking about I ain't gonna be able to play any games yeah I mean it's not like you're talking about it's not like you're playing the games right now anyways yeah sucks man so yeah Starfield might hear the announcement next week at least according to Andy Robinson we might yeah Andrew Robson yeah Andy Robinson VGC Andrew Robinson yeah so yeah Starfield direct um we also you know I think we had uh some other some other sort of things happening this week as well um let me see if I missed anything in chat uh Alucard said Xbox Baldur's Gate version Evan development issue we'll talk about that in a minute um what else happened oh so uh Xbox game pass family plan is expanding to six new countries jazz yes I did see this so let me see if I can get the article up about this oh wait where is this article I'm trying because I'm trying to I'm trying to find the six new countries um oh here we go so Xbox game pass ultimate friends and family is coming to Chile hungry uh Israel New Zealand South Africa and Sweden uh where you know up to five friends and family members can share Xbox game pass ultimate uh benefits and it's already in Colombia in Ireland so I think it's like available in those countries right now um I'm sort of thinking when do you think it heads to the UK and the US right do you think are we thinking because part of me is like man there's got to be it's got to be ready by redfall or at least Starfield you'd maybe want that ready for how big a game that is but maybe that's more of a holiday thing like if you're only rolling it out slowly by country by country then it's ah man it's really strange right because releasing it in releasing it in the US and the UK is potentially they're your most disruptive markets right and because it's Camp it's full-blown Game Pass ultimate right it's Game Pass ultimate so you know you're you're also getting xcode in there and xcloud's pretty much a capacity from what I understand like every if I try and use it at peak hours I get like a little cue I got like oh you're number five in the queue whatever it's not a big queue but the fact that it's a very little cue says to me they are very very closely managing how much they're trying to how much flux they're trying to gonna throw at the system now if you open up Xbox game pass family plan in the US and UK simultaneously I have to presume a lot more xcloud users is going to be there means big ass cues you know and that's kind of maybe what you don't want so maybe the slow rollout is intentional based on how much xcloud footprint they're gonna have over the next year because they did say last year that they're going to double xcloud's footprint throughout this year so you know maybe by the end of the year if they finish the rollout of doubling X cloud then we'll get it maybe but even that's like man do we know for sure you know I do think xcloud is part of this issue here and um you know Shino Mori in chat made a good point that maybe the Nvidia deal will help xcloud capacity out some what for people who do want to play on the cloud maybe that's a good point but um I've never really tried using can you even use any video on your phone do you have to have a motion keyboard attached there's a lot I don't know about Nvidia gearbox now and how it fits into all this I need to do some research probably but yeah so speculate I don't bloody nose next yeah um they just need to get it to everywhere right they just need to get the family the family plan to everything is anyone I want to ask in chat yeah does anybody have a question does anybody have the service yeah do any of you guys have are you any of you guys in a territory with Xbox game pass on be fun right now um I'll be interested to hear from you but yes I do love our little community um uh what else we got Forza Horizon they announced their new expansion finally uh it's coming March 29th so next month another fully packed month it's called the forzan Forza Horizon 5 Rally or no Forza Horizon 5 rally Adventure and the interesting about this is it's not available on the Xbox One is next gen only series X and S and PC release um mainly because I think they talked about the um they built like a like fully destructible forest for this one um so there's a trailer out there they they revealed this in uh their live stream so are you excited for rally Adventure you don't give a [ __ ] about racing so I don't even know why I'm asking you I don't know man I kind of like rally was I actually watched rally as a kid so there's like there's like this weird Nostalgia that's poking me like shut up I might try it I might try it out I probably won't play religiously but I'll probably give it a blast see how it goes yeah um personally I I sort of like it when they do the more Off the Wall stuff like the Hot Wheels or the Lego stuff but you know I I'm gonna load back up Forza Horizon 5 when it launches do the rally adventure play through all the races and that'll be it uh but yeah I mean I know a lot of people have wanted the rally stuff to come back and and here it is so very interesting that that's coming next month it seems like March is going to be a big month between you know Starfield direct or you know we're assuming of course and um you know you have uh well long coming to Game Pass as well as like valheim and this DLC and stuff so yeah um a little bit on sad news maybe bad news for Xbox you have uh simjay makami leaving tenko Gameworks jazz yeah shinjis Shinji makami as um legendary developer legendary pioneered popularized the survival horror genre worked on lots of classic Capcom games famously worked with um uh what's his name now your boy blocks everyone Hideki come here yeah go back up back during the those Capcom days and all that kind of stuff um um so you know it's kind of um it sucks but he's kind of been hinting at this for a while like the heart the whole point of Tango game works I mean if you read interviews and stuff like the Tango Game books are supposed to be an incubator for the next the next generation of gaming Game Dev Talent like he'd always said that and he always talked about retiring what games he wanted to do before he retired and that kind of thing um and you know maybe he just wants to do something more low-key maybe he still wants to make games but maybe it's going to be smaller games and you know outside of Microsoft's corporate framework I could I could completely understand not wanting to work within a corporate framework having you know work working in a corporation so um we don't know if sure if he's retiring or if he's going to join the company or do something else but it is a blow you know because I was very I was very much hoping that we'd see Shinji work on yeah even within three in the past he's kind of mentioned he wanted to direct one more game yeah but then he has talked about retirement um I did see Imran Khan talk about this and he said that Shinji kind of wanted to leave Tango around 2019 but stayed because he felt if he left that Bethesda would shut Tango down because he wasn't there anymore so he stayed on so like so his tweet was basically like saying that uh maybe him leaving is like makami feels that you know because Bethesda is part of and Tango are part of Microsoft and Tango's part of Microsoft's portfolio now that him leaving won't affect the studio and you know the studio wouldn't get shut down so I did see that from Imran Khan um who's a journalist as well so that may you know be a reality I I don't know he could be retiring he is like 57-58 it's possible he just might want to make one more game and he's like going to uh like I think M2 startup that was mentioned in 2019 I saw a few people talk about that um so I don't know well it's just whatever the dude is like Legendary game developer like one of the best out there and it's and I was sort of hoping we get to see all right he can make direct one last game for tango and release it and then retire you know and we're not going to get that well at least we're not going to get it from you know Tango Game Works uh maybe he goes somewhere else but um that was that was sort of a sad news um and then there's the whole Baldur's Gate thing Jazz the whole Baldur's Gate thing which all right so I guess the the setup for this is that state of play happened on Thursday happened yesterday and Baldur's Gate was announced for the PlayStation 5 and not for Xbox so PS5 and PC so people are wondering what the heck's going on a lot of people asking questions online uh Jazz trying to needle the guys to get them to be like hey why isn't this coming to Xbox uh there are some assumptions that maybe it was a timed exclusive in some manner that PlayStation has spent some of those dollars to get it times exclusive marketing deal and then you know people started to pull up older quotes that hey we are the studio wasn't going to play the exclusivity games it's like wait a minute what's going on and then essentially they came out and they said that they're having technical issues um with the Split Screen Co-op and that it wouldn't be in like the right state essentially by the time it launches so it's not going to launch with the other two but just like reading what they've said uh let me get one of their quotes here um let me try to find it because I saw one of the quotes and I was like um that is very they said uh we've been unable to get Split Screen Co-op to work to the same standard on both the series X and S which is a requirement for us to ship to me that's a roundabout way of saying Series S is the problem am I am I reading too much into this I mean they kind of um that kind of said this in a follow-up comment from what I understand um they said um they said that I can't find the exact comment over here I got I got I got their full statement following yesterday's PS5 really following yesterday's PS5 and release date announcement we clarified that right now we're planning to release Baldur's Gate 3 for PC Mac geoforce now PS5 that said we have no exclusivity for which platforms we bring bg3 to or when and we'll announce support for any additional platforms if and when we're ready we're seeing a lot of varied interpretations of what that means so we wanted to clarify further we've had an Xbox version of Baldur's Gate 3 in development for some time now we've running some technical issues in developing the Xbox Port that have stopped us feeling 100 confident in announcing it until we're certain we find the right solution specifically we've been unable to get split screen cop to work to the same standard on both Xbox series X and S which is a requirement for us to ship there's no platform exclusivity preventing us from releasing bg3 on Xbox day and date should that be a technical possibility if and when we do announce further platforms we want to make sure each version lives up to our standards and expectations so yeah to me like the whole thing there where they said unable to get switching Co-op to work to the same standard on both the series X and S which is a requirement for us to ship to me that sounds like they're having problems getting Co-op to work on the series s and they have to ship a series s version which is a requirement and that's why it's not coming that's what it sounds like to me um just just reading their statement that's what it that's what it sounds like it's a problem and it's uh you know this is the first sort of I mean we've had hints about this from developers in the past where it's like you know the the series s is a bottleneck in some ways in some games in some scenarios with regards to some features um didn't Halo have this as well Halo did not ship the split screen cop they canceled it yes I mean they never they said and people have been able to glitch into it and they say it runs fine but 343 said like they couldn't get it up in a standard that they needed and they canceled it now they never gave what reasons to why but this data was no longer in development so yeah so that that is a pretty to me you've got to assume that the reason they couldn't do it was a series s right and the fact the fact that um the fact that like people tested it and was working did anyone test out on a series s or did they test on a series X when they glitched into it oh both I think well in any case um I don't know my opinion of the series X S is souring a little bit over time do you have a take well I have a take about the series s your appetite about this whole situation uh I mean it's disappointing that but I mean if if it's true the series that's the reason why it's not launching that is quite disappointing um that the the console would be the reason it's being not releasing day and date because you would assume if it was just a series X then there wouldn't be any problems so um because I think I think Baldur's Gate yeah Baldur's Gate next gen only and and people are mentioning in Halo infinite like you also had to get split screen working on Xbox one which could have been a problem as well right because that was cross gen Jazz right um could this be a long-term problem for Xbox I mean I guess that's the question if like you're because there have been developers that say the series s is an albatross and stuff like that and I think it was important for Microsoft to have the system they needed that lower price entry point and the higher price one and all because that's just kind of the way they roll with their ecosystem and be like hey we have a bunch of different ways um but not everybody's gonna take the time to really learn the series as the ins and announced and to make it work some people just you know they're they're crunched for time and they're trenched for resources and Playstation is just one SKU and it's probably one most likely that is going to have them you know the the majority of sales on it next to PC so maybe some people are just kind of like eh you know not spending and debbing as much time on the series s or it's not it's not working as good I mean I even remedies sort of talked about this to a certain degree could that be a problem in the future I don't know I'm not a developer I I mean that's why like this topic is sort of like I don't know really know what to say because I don't have a I don't have a good thorough put regarding you know develop the game development and that's what the consoles can or can't do I'm just looking at what they're saying layering Studios and it does sound to me like they're blaming the series s Without Really blaming the series s right I think they're they're just saying it is what it is at the end yeah but like we we kind of like we're not we're not throwing Larry onto the bus by them pulling into the series s what this is more about is because it's not just larion you know who've come out and and mentioned the fact that you know there's a there's a different developmental environment with regards to the Xbox platform and that is this two skew system the end of the day now the two the two skew system essentially refers to the fact that you have a series s version you have a series X version now the the series s version like it serves more having a series s version serves multiple purposes a obviously you get Series S version of the game cheaper console potentially a different audience you know companion console audience if you want to play some Xbox games you can get a series S without having to buy full-blown series X so on so forth you know um uh but also it's the the whole xcloud thing because you know xcloud can run multiple instances of a lower spec version of the game on one server blade than the the full-blown the full fat 4K version of a game you know so it serves multiple purposes and I suppose we as consumers and you know the core consumers who are interested in the business and the philosophies surrounding having this system is is it worth it is it gonna be worth it are we going to see more of this kind of stuff where games are delayed or developers have issues because nobody wants to developers type issues um is about is the trade-off worth it you know at the end of the day especially considering the fact that to be on xcloud you have to be in Game Pass you know um right now at least so there's an interesting debate there about the value of the series s but I think it's also kind of inevitable because I don't think you have I don't think you have a cloud platform unless you have the 1080p versions of your games because nobody's streaming at 4K nobody's streaming at 4K you know so this is this is part of the the trade-off of Microsoft exploring bringing Xbox to a broader audience beyond having to own a console this is a trade-off you know and that's ultimately what it's about do you think Rand Microsoft should allow devs to not make a series s version no no what do you mean not so developers aren't going to make a version of Economics a game a game for for the for the console the majority of the console that exists when the Xbox player base I just mean philosophically like imagine imagine philosophically that the series X wasn't difficult to purchase because that's an issue too um no so imagine absolutely not you made the decision you put the two consoles out and yeah you need it to be a requirement to release games on the platform they have to release on both you cannot back down from that whatsoever yeah and in a situation like so this is the thing there's all there's instances where games I remember when Destiny wasn't there was there was talk that Destiny was going to be lower resolution on the Xbox One than the PlayStation 4. I don't know if you remember this right Jazz it's like 1080p on the PlayStation 4 it's gonna be 900p on the Xbox an Xbox sent their crack team I forget the name of forum over to Bungie to help them get Destiny 2 or destiny 1 to run at the same resolution all that stuff as the PlayStation version in this sort of scenarios where this were like a developer like this is like is having a problem potentially for whatever reason with split screen maybe it's not the series s um that's just my reading from the their you know their press release or their statement is is you know but then it becomes like a de facto PlayStation exclusive and Baldur's Gates a bigger game like if I if I'm Microsoft I'm sending over those crack team developers to help out with that yeah to get to get that fixed because you don't want stuff to snowball like we're literally entering year three right we're about to just start really getting next-gen games and you don't want a situation where like maybe more like maybe this is only a problem because it's local co-op maybe if they're like split screen call maybe if there was no Split Screen Co-op everything would be perfectly fine but not a lot of games have split screen Co-op these days anyways but Baldur's Gate does maybe that's a specific issue because they couldn't even really get in working on Halo infinite I don't know if I can't even get it working on Halo infant at their own game right I'm just saying like this there must be something maybe it's something to do with just the split screen cop because that's what they mentioned like hey we couldn't get the splitch king Co-op to work correctly to where we wanted so we're not gonna release diversions because the versions need to be released uh you know at the same time you can't right then that's different how about this how about this how about this why why not I don't know if this is by policy or whether larion just really wants to make it work why not would you agree to a policy where the series s just doesn't have local co-op split screen color where they cut they cut the they cut the feature that can't work on that system I mean that's a fair compromise maybe maybe it's a fair compromise um potentially because you know the series s doesn't get as many like Harry Potter didn't it didn't have as many performance options as the series X version did but you know the fact that we're even talking about it in the game of this magnitude is not launching and it's not because PlayStation is paying for it to get delayed or whatever it's literally yeah we're having problems with this to get this specific feature running so we don't know if we'll be able to maybe they figure it out by then because August 31st is still you know six months away maybe they would have had it maybe maybe I know Xbox fans are like why'd you skip why'd you Skip and basically force their hand to tell you the reasons why maybe if nobody said anything they get it working and then just closer to the August release date they're like oh by the way Baldur's Gates come in Xbox and it never becomes an issue and you never we never have heard about it you know what I'm saying uh yeah but we hear about it now because everybody was like what's what's the story and they're like okay well this is the story it's Tech problems you know yeah I had like I had like dozens of DMS about this and part of it is because you know we expect this to happen now this is this is part this is part of the Xbox brand game skip the console you know for whatever reason and it's not Sony's fault it's if games skip the console the platform it's completely on Microsoft you know for whatever reason whether it's Japanese games whether it's Microsoft didn't outbid Sony on you know content acquisition whether it's technical issues whatever it is it's Microsoft's responsibility to make sure Xbox fans aren't left behind and if people were asking the question not because of console reasons but because people are tired of you know being at the short end of the stick because that's part become part of the Xbox brand where the Microsoft likes it or not it's like one of the trade-offs of being an Xbox owner you know things have improved you know we've got Persona after many many years of wrangling but things of thing you know it's like you know one step forward one step backwards a lot of the time because now we're in a situation where Square Enix and Microsoft have a bad relationship you know it's octopus traveler 2 who's not on Xbox I think I believe purely on the basis of having a bad relationship with Microsoft I don't think there's anything else to it the fact that like it's on Nintendo PC it's on everything I don't think that's Sony I think that's entirely on Microsoft that's that has to be a Microsoft problem so you know when people are using this in a console or context it's um it's ridiculous because it is about this reality that it's a trade-off for the Xbox system but at the same time there are benefits to be on Xbox platform and they all evolve their own Game Pass which you know as we mentioned earlier Xbox game pass is on absolute it's on fire right now so it's like it's about those trade-offs we want to have everything we want to have everything the way it is and I suppose one of those trade-offs will be would you rather have would you rather have octopath traveler too or would you rather have well long in Xbox game pass for example you know would you rather Microsoft dropped a bag on the Square Enix to make sure that octopus traveler did come to Xbox or would you rather have full price well long to um well-long um Fallen Dynasty launched in next week for free you know free in Xbox game pass um trade-offs you know so again it's it's going to be a philosophical debate obviously we as consumers we want to have everything we want to have the best of everything and we I think we're within our right to demand that because we're giving Microsoft a lot of money over time um but the business reality is sometimes there are trade-offs you know indeed so yeah sometimes there are um you know what uh uh let me uh let's uh I think you know we're probably gonna take questions we got we gotta we got a lot of patrons questions right because we're two weeks let me let me load up xb2 uh you could you also can submit questions to us uh joining the patreon chat and uh or in the chat Yeah Yeah well yeah I mean we'll answer these first and then we'll see how much time's left uh let me see where's the question thread here we go here is the question thread um then load up to more comments so we got uh Nate Miller with two questions here would you rather Xbox win the next five Game of the Year awards that the Achilles or have the ABK deal go through I'll just answer that one because game of the year because that means those games are incredible yeah 100 but I don't know how I don't know how much how many times no I don't know how many times I've told you the APK deal really doesn't like the APK deal to me is more about like potentiality rather than about like no no yes yes get out I don't get out that doesn't matter you you I'd rather have like he's basically saying would you rather Xbox have the next five years were one game wins game of the year and is the you know potentially the best game that year or what if it's a game you don't like well okay they might it might it might be it might be game of the year because it appeals to the the judge kind of like kind of like how the Oscars five of them though Oscars pick a certain either way I answered my I'd rather have Xbox one five game of the year and they can block the APK deal for all I care what if what if the game of the year what if they get game of the year for like I don't know five survival games where you where they're just really good Survivor games or you have to because because there's five because there's five Xbox survival games in development that probably is they're probably have a wild a blizzard one um State of Decay uh Starfield are probably out of survival mode because it's because Fallout and Skyrim did and then uh Forza survival you know what I've let there you go later Game Force of survival where you have to you have to get out your car and you have to you have to you have to pick pick plants and you have to synthesize the plants into biofuel to refill your cars Forza survival it's going to be it's going to be a big difference I almost just want the deal to get blocked just to see you oh how you would react to it just like Microsoft walks away just to see how you would react to it just to see your reaction anybody else in the chat want that to happen just to see jazz dude I'm telling you I have or if you go back and look for my tweets I've already gone through the five stages of grief with the APK deal I've accepted that it might get blocked I've gone through the five stages of grief we can accept that now you know dude ah man you don't know trauma with Microsoft like I do man they took my phone from me they sure did they took my phone from me so you think maybe you think ABK deal give me blocks gonna gonna impact me you know no pain ran you don't know pain not like I know pain not like Windows Phone fans no pain you know no nothing you don't know nothing Randall 419 the man with the million uh his second his second question is if you were in charge and Sony came to you and said they'd approve the deal but only if you offer concessions which concessions would you make to get the deal done call Jay um give it give it to Sony all I'm giving to Sony's Call of Duty if they want we want all of Activision blizz Blizzard games or we want Bethesda games it's not about that boy you ain't getting that you get Call of Duty and that's about it you're not getting anything else yeah they can they can have I don't know I can have Candy Crush no they don't they wouldn't want a Candy Crush but no you're not getting you're not getting any of the other games and you're knocking but that's the games you're knocking Xbox games sorry the Candy Crush with Candy Crush Sony could Sony could make Kratos Crush it's kind of crispy yes they could I guess they could um Chris perny says Rand what's your strategy for completing games quickly I struggle a lot with sticking to one game even if I'm enjoying it and Jazz how dare you get me back into World of Warcraft um I usually just stick to one game and just you know I don't know if I have a strategy for completing games quickly I just spend a lot of it's It's I just spend a lot of time you know maybe it's because I I see a lot like people like I I finished Hogwarts Legacy left 44 hours and people are still like it took me 60 or it took me six or when I beat Alden ring in like 70 hours and people were like how would you do that I'm like I don't really know I just play games like I normally play games I do what's necessary level up the characters move on to the main story I don't try to get overwhelmed in an open world where I'm like literally going everywhere because some of it's useless um I don't know I really don't have a strategy for that I'm sorry for that answer but I don't it's not something I actively think about and I'm not saying like I'm God's gift to gamer too like I like like I'm just amazing at games and that's the reason why because that's not the case yeah we all know you cheated that other than ring at least I finished Sheldon ring yeah be treated I did not cheat you did you literally cheated uh you saved scummed bro that's cheap oh my God sleet says what is one thing that Xbox can learn from PlayStation and vice versa outside of game development examples marketing OS digital storefronts I mean marketing is a big one PlayStation they they do it they do it big and they do it loud right they make their games seem like events you know you've you've got a war on on train stations and murals and stuff and making advertisements just to tell people it's it's in stock now finally like they make it seem like PlayStation and their games are the biggest things in the world and I sort of feel like Xbox is marketing hasn't done that really um so that's something they could take away um I don't know what do you think what was the question what could they learn they can learn from each other I think Mike I think Microsoft really needs to learn and this is something Microsoft you know staff have told me at events and stuff is that Sony Sony has a very good sales rep presence so like Sony works very well with retailers to explain the benefits of their ecosystem so that the retailers can explain the benefits of their products whereas Microsoft just kind of like drops off the stock and is just like yeah go and sell it you know kind of thing so like it sounds like you know Sony has a better retail a retail presence uh the business to business level than Microsoft does um and that's because Sony's you know partially because Sony's history is an electronics company whereas Microsoft's only really gone into Electronics more recently you know and even with regards to that it was like limited to just like Xbox and mice for however however long you know they've grown they've moved in towards laptops now um to a degree but still it's it's nowhere near the the kind of Salesforce presence that Dell or HP has so I think like the business of business aspects is something Sony probably does better from what I've heard um but yeah I agree around as well on the marketing side like Sony Sony's marketing presences are very impressive especially in the UK PlayStation is so visible in the UK so visible I was I was in London this week traveling back from Belgium and those PlayStation ads you know every other bus you know it's it's wild man so yeah um that kind of stuff Sony Sony could learn from Microsoft on the server side and Rand a long time ago there was that whole Sony battle announcement that we were Sony's working in partnership with Microsoft for Azure and services what happened to that what happened to that I don't know what happened to that I have no idea but probably not not happened anymore but yeah uh let's see um Mikey River says what's good boys I was thinking about all the Monopoly claims that people are throwing around for Activision Zales so I started thinking about Sony and how they recently purchased Evo I don't know how into Esports you guys are I'm not at all but this is the biggest fighting game tournament every year attracting thousands of entrants because it's evil owned you know every game will be only allowed to be played on Playstation in terms this means people who want to play in practice with the best have to own and practice on their PlayStations completely eliminating Xbox from the fighting game genre as a whole is this kind of unethical what do y'all think I mean it's uh it's there's no ethics in business at the end of the day as long as you're working within the the law that's the only that's the only ethics a business has to uh adhere to in my view um I mean maybe maybe you could see it as an ethical personally but I don't know but um I mean this is kind of again it's kind of Microsoft taking that off the ball here Microsoft do you think they should have do you think Microsoft should have bought evil no I don't but it's it's also kind of like well this is the kind of stuff that Sony's doing to proliferate Pat platform you know um they're going they're going hard and deep on specific influential pockets and genres and stuff like that and Microsoft has sort of um come back to some degree you know and you know Microsoft You could argue that when if Microsoft purchased that it'd be okay and that goes through Mark's gonna have the whole real-time strategy genre you know cornered pretty much you know there's there's some really great RTS game makers out there like Relic but they're making they're making games for Microsoft too um you know and some great franchises in RTS you know but Microsoft's going to have Age of Empires Warcraft and Starcraft which are basically the big three you know generally speaking especially Starcraft Starcraft was a national sport for God's sake South Korea Starcraft literally is the reason Esports exists you know uh so Microsoft is going to have that so then you could go you could say like well Microsoft's cornering cornering the the market with RTS Sony's cornered it with fighting games you know it's bit back and forth It's competition so you could say it's pretty healthy in a way but yeah I would like to see Killer Instinct come back but that's why Rand I said on a previous podcast I think that upset a lot of people maybe if Killer Instinct comes back you have to put it on Playstation because of this like you couldn't have a not you couldn't have an RTS that wasn't on PC I don't think you could have a fighting game that wasn't on Playstation no hmm so well I mean I would I would rather see Killer Instinct come back and be multi-platform than not see it come back at all personally I don't think it's unethical I mean there's an opportunity maybe Evo would have gone away Playstation buys buys it and it's like they can advertise but see the fighting game is community is already on Playstation so I don't really think peop people who are playing it or already playing on PlayStations regardless of PlayStation buying it the only thing that happened is I think maybe like Nintendo pulled out because smash used to be a thing right because now Nintendo's gonna do their own thing so I don't think it's an unethical it's just PlayStation did it because it's just furthering their strangle hold on the fighting genre that they already have so just ah it's kind of smart for them you know yeah um but I mean what I I don't expect I didn't wouldn't expect Nintendo or Xbox to to buy Evo so uh Derek rainbow says Jazz what is your favorite weapon in wild heart and why is it the bow um in World hot I I'm using the hammer right now I'm using the hammer a lot right now because it's kind of overpowered like the Hammer's just incredible and it's really easy to use and it does a crap load of damage like by comparison the great sword is like slow slow it's just a slow but doesn't seem to have as much throughput so it's generally what I'm using but I haven't really branched out you know I put a lot I do a couple of you know three dozen hours into the game at this point um but I'm just kind of I'm just kind of get trying to get through the game now and finish it I I've got like I think I've got like three or four monsters to go um and then you know if does that count as finishing the game round I don't know I don't know um I don't know we he also last year I started The Wheel of Time book series as well and built my first gaming PC ended up going with the white case upon installing Windows and being prompted with giving it the PC name I can think of none other than tarvalon how much of a nerd does that make me uh makes you a big nerd bro your name you name your your your your PC after the tarval on and the eyes to die seed of power bro I mean hey Revel in your nerdiness dude but that is that is pretty amazing uh Silas says hey I would like to take advantage of my two questions if you please I was curious about how being a guest in other podcasts work do people get appearance fees for going on other shows I know in the Expo World folks get paid based on popularity so for example would Rand demand a higher appearance fee than Jazz to appear on Xbox Saturdays due to his YouTube fame or do you guys do it free based for free based on the goodness of your heart uh I'll answer that question first nobody paying pain but like super super big podcasts where people do pay to be on them not in like the gaming space like like Joe Rogan kind of level but I have never gotten paid to be on somebody's podcast so I literally do it uh based on the kindness the goodness within me you know when people ask me and their buddies like when miles asked me to be on chatterdays of course you know and to be honest like a lot of podcasts don't make enough money to pay somebody and what would you actually like how conceited do we have to be where somebody's like could you my podcast be like yeah sure pay me 100 bucks you know what I mean um but no no I've never been asked nobody's ever asked me you know like hey come on my show and I'll I'll give you money or whatever I've never demanded money I'll joke about it be like let me invoice you or whatever um so yeah I'm the same way right Jazz like you're have you charged podcast my rights are about a thousand dollars uh thousand dollars now nah of course not um there's just not that much not that much money in podcasting unless you're like absolutely huge I think yeah um there's there's some some peeps out there making really good money on it and that's it's awesome and it's through through the shared determination of well you know and honestly like um I'm shocked that you know the we've been very lucky getting getting sponsors and stuff I never expected to get sponsors via YouTube and stuff and it's it's really helped me out in this economy frankly and my family so I'm endlessly to you know happy with anyone that supports but um you should tweet out being like I'm gonna start charging for podcast appearances what should be my going rate let's see how these people get no having to piss people off that would piss people off uh second question is for you Jess whenever I share a link on Twitter for whenever you share a link on Twitter for Windows Central article I always click it because I know it's good for business is there anything else we can do to support the site is there a metric for how much time we spend on an article we're clicking ads help I just want to know how to support your work more especially if it increases your budget so you can grow in your new reporter role sorry I got a bit distracted there what did you say he wants to know is there how other ways to support Windows Central and stuff oh right is there a metrics for how long you spend an article or clicking ads and all that sorts honestly it's weird like because I get this question a lot and I really really appreciate it so much that people would think about that the best thing you can do is if you like an article to share it honestly don't click on ads that you're not interested in um I I honestly don't even mind if you use an ad blocker and stuff because our system especially on mobile there's some kind of bug with our mobile layout where sometimes Google will send an ad on our website which covers the content trying to trying to get that fixed but it's really hard to lock down so honestly I don't mind like but honestly if you do want to help if you like the article sharing it on social media or to a friend or something like that that helps more than you know then then I could possibly Express in appreciation so yeah thank you so much yeah anyone who shares likes [ __ ] and subscribes any of that kind of stuff it's really a really big help achievement he says if ABK falls through what do you think about Microsoft pursuing nantic they have a market cap of 9 billion with seven subsidiaries I think they could adapt a bunch of Xbox Bethesda IPS into Mobile air games sea of Thieves and grounded come to mind Niantic what did Niantic do just do you know Niantic um Niantic Mike Pokemon go okay um so I don't know man like Niantic is an interesting one because Niantic has tried to make Pokemon go Alternatives like the Hogwarts they did a Harry Potter Pokemon go based on Fantastic Beasts but they shut it down um you know so so like they pretty much only make Pokemon go and it's almost like the the market is has stood up and said look the only Pokemon go that it can exist is Pokemon go like all the other ones are kind of middling or not that big I think they've got another Pokemon go like game which they released before Pokemon go that's kind of like it's like Pokemon go but hacking or something um I can't remember but it is an interesting question though I I often think about like who who could they grab for for getting a mobile presence if not Niantic because they can't purchase Netties or 10 cent or any Chinese company for that matter that's just not going to happen I don't think I don't think that's possible legally um so yeah I need to think about it there's a lot of big mobile companies in Finland that could possibly get into um you know Rovio comes to mind there's a big drama with Rovio this week Rand if you if you saw that I don't know if you saw this The Angry Birds thing we I think we talked about that yeah I was that last week yeah yeah yeah so um but yeah there's a there's probably options and they probably are thinking about well what's our plan B I imagine there is a plan B but yeah it's interesting to think about uh he also says could Microsoft just announce that all Activision titles going forward would be multi-platform and if they want an exclusive like the hex and remake even if a studio like Raven or Sledgehammer make it they publish it through Xbox game studios to get around that I think it could work for new or dormant IP wanna I I think that I don't think they want to announce that all Activision games going forward be multi-platform because what is Sony what is Sony really concerned about they're concerned about Just Call of Duty they're not concerned about you know the next crash game or whatever right and the business the the the the business requires exclusives drives console sales drives subscriptions to Game Pass or that sort of stuff so if you keep Call of Duty multi-platform then I don't see any reason why you know if it was for games you know that they were making the future why they couldn't be exclusive unless it was into plans and it was uh you know they wanted it to be a multi-platform game I don't really think you need because they even said like I don't even think that really because then they'll be like well why not Bethesda done you know because if you're gonna be like well all of Activision games are multi-platform and it's like well why then but not Bethesda and what and if then why them empathize the banana Xbox game studios right because that point is like where's the where's the delineation it's more like case-by-case basis is probably the better way to go rather than like the entire suite for because then you make a promise that you have to essentially you know it's like you have to live up to Forever you know and I don't think you want to make those it's so it's like hey Call of Duty multi-platform sure but like every game we'll ever make from the end till the end of time no and we'll get around it by having Xbox publish it interesting idea but you know I mean hell Xbox they've even said that there'll be exclusives from Activision because of course there will be it's just that Call of Duty won't be um CJ says hey gents I've got some manscape boxers for Christmas my goodness they're the most comfortable underwear I've ever had indeed they are don't listen to us listen to CJ he's a a customer that loves his manscape box there's used code xb2 at he said he just ordered another three pairs don't forget guys use code XP to a checkout for 20 off have a great weekend those box boxers are incredible uh so yeah uh laser wolf suggests you're right Rams refuses to play Final Fantasy 16 proves the only plays trending games excuse me what for my question though do either of you have any recommendations for tactics games uh no not me uh Jazz might though you got any recommendations for tactics games Jazz classic games on Xbox gays toxics here's tactics there you go so there's a game I finished XCOM XCOM 2 very good and holds up very well XCOM 2 is a mac daddy I mean did we talk about the fact that the x-com lead developer left firaxis um that was a shame after 17 years um God that makes me feel like we might not get an XCOM 3 but yeah I don't know but so yeah gears tactics I would start there um but there's also x-com on Xbox brilliant game but also Civ I mean it's Forex strategy so I don't know what kind of tactics games you're looking for but if you get into Civ it will take over your life so just be aware of that it's a very addictive um but my most favorite sort of sim kind of tactics game that I've been playing a lot recently is rimworld on Xbox the controller controls are brilliant um God that game is also very addictive but if you want a more narrative driven tactics game Wasteland 3 in Exile Microsoft owns it and it's on Game Pass there you go um let me see here we got one from Mythic Marty which we have talked a little bit about it but I'll read it anyways Randy Jazz I'm sure you saw the Baldur's Gate 3 announcement in the murky PlayStation exclusivity which uh has now been denied and full-heartedly by them uh I know Xbox fans are disappointed but I have to ask what could Xbox have done there's only so many times exclusives you can budget for and if Sony decided to drop the bag on bg3 there's not much Xbox can do about it it can't buy exclusivity in every game we got stalker too high in life Warhammer 40K dark tide at some point better time exclusive platform this generation seems to be increasingly about the volume of exclusives and having just one platform guarantees you're missing out it sucks but that's the reality of modern economy at least Xbox was smart and took Bethesda off the table from Sony have a great weekend well you know I know when you when you tweeted that 11 hours ago you know PlayStation exclusivity was what people were thinking about but as we've already talked about nothing to do with PlayStation exclusivity more just Tech issues on the Xbox side so yeah yeah uh Provo King says jez some news about your Tech format uh question mark and then parentheses chat with the developer and he says service s-e-r-v-u-s I don't know I don't know what he means I know he's talking about your potential podcasts about like Tech stuff or whatever but yeah oh yeah um I was actually talking we were talking about that today a little bit um I've actually spoken to some developers uh recently to ask if they'd be interested in and and there is some interest I just need to come up with a name for it really and then uh need to find some free time already quite strapped for time at the minute um but yeah uh drop drop in chat or drop a comment because basically for people don't know me and Rand were talking about maybe adding another show well I was you were I was talking about adding like a timed podcast that was timed exclusive to patreon like a couple of days or something and then I put it on my own YouTube channel I was kind of like you know like an hour formal chat with a Dev learn more about the game industry learn more about their journey through gaming you know Indie devs and other stuff like that um I don't know what to call it though I was thinking like XB XB Tech pod XP Tech or something like that you know because xb2 XB Tech I don't know but yeah that's uh no news yet but that there has been some interest from some pretty cool people too so stay tuned man indeed uh let's see what we got here one uh from not Skywalker who says okay only tangenting related to larion any official word and why we aren't getting the new Mega Man Battle nerc Battle Network Collection releases in April from Capcom I don't understand why it's coming to switch PlayStation but on Xbox when we get all the other Mega Man collection what gives I thought Capcom and Xbox were friendly enough cheers y'all and have a great weekend I have no idea about the Mega Man stuff just one of those weird things man just kind of like with uh octopath Traveler did my Xbox and Capcom have a good relationship even though they refer to Xbox as others in their little poll just could be like you know what it's not worth our time what else really could it be I mean it's it's not like there's exclusivity surrounding it so it's they just don't want to put it on Xbox I mean that's really the only the only thing I give is like they don't want to put it on there because they don't think it's going to make money that'd be the only reason really why unless they couldn't get the games running on the system which is probably not realistic I don't know I mean what else what else can you really think maybe they feel that porting the game to the Xbox wouldn't I don't know maybe they look at all the ones they've put out and they're like yeah this isn't worth our time so we're not going to do it I don't know um uh question number two new Halo Infinite season three launch trailer was awesome I'm stoked it will run from March 7th to June 27th so I'm glad we're finally on the three-month seasonal Cadence more forged Mac making matchmaking integration two is a huge W I am happy 343's new management has them on a more promising Road set them up nicely to have season four launch trailer at the June show and season four is rumored to be even a bigger update with possible edition of a new vehicle like the Falcon and or the career system they've been cooking Jazz I know you're out but Rand any plans to hop in for season three could always do an Xbox two Discord big Team Battle or custom or or party custom party custom games night yeah maybe you know maybe we could do I joined for that maybe we could do some patreon you know make that a thing where we play together or whatever that that could be a reason to do it yeah we'll have to talk about that for sure otherwise no because I think I mentioned before how playing with my friends just isn't good for me because they're just so much better at it than me but maybe we could do some patreon thing now that you can have Discord on the Xbox just have like a huge you know have an Xbox two Discord party night where we play Big Team Battle or something and have a good time yeah me and Jess will have to talk about that that'd be that'd be very interesting that'd be cool um Omen so hi Jess I'm starting to believe that AI might be the biggest differentiator for the future of Xbox while the FTC and the CMA are worried about Call of Duty nobody seems to be paying attention to Microsoft's biggest exclusivity deal in Azure with open Ai and chat GPT anyway my question is while you did write an article about the future of AI and gaming a while back are you seeing any indications that game developers at Xbox and Bethesda are actually beginning to use open AI chat GPT I know high on life used AI generated art but I cannot wait for Elder Scrolls where you can literally just have conversations with AI using your own voice perhaps I'm a bit too optimistic but it sounds exactly where Bethesda might want to go with procedurally generated quests and worlds well one of the things that is coming up soon is GDC and also then we have x-fest now I don't know if a lot of people know what x-fest is The Lex Fest is Microsoft's annual sort of they do like an annual sort of Sprint of lectures with game developers um often behind closed doors Sometimes some of the sessions are NDA Sometimes some of them are not um great source of leaks and years past um not so much recently but you know when uh when you know back in the day when we first came on the scene yeah um x-fest was fun time but um but this is often where they talk about things like how they're going to integrate new technology into Xbox and other platforms um so I think last year x-fest most of the sessions were public because they just think like well why make this private and I think like there is a push to be more transparent about the development side of things and also Microsoft that exclusivity deal so I don't know why they'd be necessarily private about how open AI could be integrated into games um I did see the interesting Tech demo around where someone had used and it wasn't chat EBT but they use machine learning to teach an AI to say your character's name in the mpc's voice so you know like you know like you know sometimes when you in RPGs where you put your character's name in you'll always get referred to as like something like Champion or you know hero or doverkey and in Skyrim right there you never be referred to as your character's name because the NPCs don't know what your name is right um I used to I remember all the way back playing SmackDown on the PlayStation one where you made a custom character and you put your character's name in but then you'd have to give them a nickname from like a preset list of of uh random random cool sounding names like the warrior or something like that right well that is one obvious implementation they could do with machine learning is um you know have NPCs actually say your character's name and I think I think what we'll see initially is little things like that but it'll probably grow up to something more Grand like one of one of the things that I speculated was maybe hideo kojima's game could be one of the first games that does use chat GPT in gaming I think that could be really interesting could also be a total disaster but either way you know we'll wait and see um what else we got here we have his second question he goes what the recent loss of Shinji mukamia Bethesda can we take a moment to talk about the Legacy he left behind in The Evil Within series I recently played the first and loved it and so far the second game feels different but still good anyways I was curious what you all thought about evil within one and two did you enjoy those games don't you love those games jazz I never finished it within two well two I don't did makami direct to I thought that was John Johannes yeah it was I kind of like I was enjoying it um but then it was like I got to a point where it was like I've got to explore this sort of wide linear area and and collect materials and I just I just kind of like I felt like the crafting elements really hurt the pacing like even within one had like very soft sort of a material system kind of currency for buying weapons and stuff like that but it was very soft and it didn't interfere with the game I thought but I think even within one is a masterpiece and it's one of my favorite games it's just just insane like if you if you can get past that annoying part with the the Invincible ghost who you know the the character that phases through walls a lot of people dropped off at that because it was irritating if you get towards the second half of the game like some of the the bosses towards the end are just absolutely crazy like stuff I just haven't seen before since um but yeah I love the evil then and it looks like we're going to get an evil within three based on the teasing from um Hi-Fi rush so that's something at least yeah I haven't played Evil Within one yet so or two I recommend never played one or two so I um they they've sort of they did a soft remaster of everything one like before when when the game came out I don't remember they had these like black film bars yeah that made their game it was it was interesting but it was also very like almost unnecessarily claustrophobic um they they removed the option to remove they added an option to remove those they improved the frame rate it had a lot of performance issues when it launched but honestly like it holds up man it holds up really well it's it can be a bit slow paced especially if you try and play it like super stealthy you could just plan on it uneasy to get the story but it's it's at its best when you like you lower an ammo you're very very tensely because a lot of the enemies often move really really slow because it one it kind of wants you to stealth kill things so like it can be a little bit you know plodding if you do play it that way but if you don't want to play it that way just slap on these and get the story because some of the set pieces are so good so damn good yeah I'm gonna play it at some point because I do want to play through one and two um and if they're gonna do a three I'd obviously play through them before the third one uh Kraken 56 says hello just joined the patreon been listening since episode one I have two questions because this is my first post one do you think we see Starfield and fours again at E3 in some form uh yes I mean why not like I don't think we have a deep dive of Starfield at E3 because we're gonna have one maybe this month but I would definitely they would probably definitely be a trailer for it maybe like a story trailer with reminding everybody that the games if the game's coming out in June and they're doing this let's just say hypothetically it's releasing on June 29th and Xbox's event is on June 11th of course they're gonna have a trailer to remind everybody who's watching it hey starfield's releasing on June 29th the same thing with Forza Motorsport that's probably when we get the release date for Forza Motorsport at E3 so I would imagine we would see both of those again right Jess yeah I think so and then uh Jeff Grubb said PlayStation delayed their showcase because some of their developers were not ready to show if Fable or Perfect Dark are the most ambitious games for Xbox right now and they could show them off a couple months after E3 should they delay the showcase for those games I see people say they might have too much with other games needing to be shown but I think it could be a good move for mindshare and they have developer directs for more focused in the future I love the show I'll listen every week thank you thank you so much for listening every week and for being patreon member um XBox has a lot so like just if Fable and Perfect Dark aren't ready to show then you don't show them I'm sure there's other games that are probably closer to release that you would show instead yes there are so what what wait what would you just say nothing did anybody just hear what Jess said no what what you said something I said um if Fable and Perfect Dark aren't ready to be shown then don't show them because I'm sure you have other games that are ready to be shown and come out and you said there are did anybody just hear that oh no I didn't I just coughed that's a mistake interesting something stuck in my throat man hmm okay twiglet or something yeah uh but I mean we when we had Jeff grab on he talked about how long it is now and how involved it is to get like marketing materials for like an E3 show from these Developers for in-progress games and then it's usually it usually takes a bunch of people in like four or five months remember the conversation we had Jazz it was like this is one of the reasons why you know you don't see stuff for a while and it's just like because it's it takes up a lot of time and they'd rather have those people working on the game you know so yeah I mean if you're not ready to show a game don't show it and it's not like XBox doesn't have enough other things that they could show so if playground I would say if playground wants to throw Fable they'll show Fable and if they don't want to then it won't will we see Fable this year I don't know it depends on when you know maybe we maybe we do maybe we don't we'll have to wait and see for E3 and uh as far as that I think that's all the patreon questions I don't see anymore um [Music] going over to the YouTube chat we have super chat here from Mike says PC minimum development requirement for bgs3 is lower than the series aspects many developers just don't prioritize Xbox development very true an enigmatic dream says I I want Harvest Stella and octopath 2 on Xbox Harvest that was my game of the year last year and it's not on Xbox I've never even heard of that um avastellas um to jail PG I think isn't it I don't know I have no idea I've never I don't even didn't even hear about that game I have no idea what it is oh this Stella is a life simulation game from Square Enix um it's kind of like Square enix's take on animal crossing looks very good um it's got good reviews turbo Sony's plan is to get the deal shut down I know enough about businesses say that hedgeville Microsoft and Xbox will die that's Sony's play okay what happens what happens if it doesn't get that what happens if they don't get the deal shut down do heads roll its PlayStation and we'll will PlayStation die hmm I mean I don't know uh Dave Ramos says does it matter if we share an article using the share button in the article itself versus like copying pasting the url url ourselves into a post yeah answer that one Jazz I'm curious oh no sure anyway you like you're the way you like and the URL is great um yeah I really appreciate that people are asking that kind of stuff yeah um all right so we still got some more time so if anybody has any more questions they want us to answer uh put them in the chat uh at me and uh we will definitely talk about it but um yeah want to thank everybody for being here so much sounds like we're gonna have another interesting filled Xbox two next week with potentially a Starfield direct announcement and maybe other things um but I want to know what Jazz was talking about what game what other games could be coming out this year Jazz you seem like you seem like you're right you seemed like you were hinting other things might be um I think I think I think you're mistaken oh and gone German said we missed these messages late patreon quotes yeah sorry sorry around I can't I can't reply to that right now I've got to find jiren's uh patreon question find it find his patreon question yeah let's just do that sorry no waffle says hey boys I missed the show but have a good weekend shout out to the best podcast around also the year just starting to feel like I'm drowning in games I know what you mean bro like it's it's been a lot of games a lot of really good games too and it's only going to continue uh rambling gamer guy says you missed my question question on patreon or Super Chat I mean just look through look through the patreon to see if I I missed super I mean I went to the thread and I looked through did you click load more comments indeed there was like 17. ah there's 18 though oh okay well there you go read it out [Music] um drop drop your uh comments in chat if we missed anything sorry about that um the one I got one from blythoven who says I don't know if it's too late to comment to me it's pretty obvious that the most difficult part to design for the shoes s is not the GPU but the fact it only has 10 gigabytes of RAM even the steam deck has 16 gigabytes this could explain why it's hard time doing split screen multiple input do you think it's maybe causing difficulty putting games on Xbox I mean we did talk about it a little while ago but I think it's it's hard to make definitive comments without being a Dev and knowing knowing what kind of because you know steam deck steam deck will have different overheads than an Xbox might have different toolkits different tricks they can use like can't they use the can't they use the SSD as temporary RAM on Xbox or something I can't remember um but it's hard to comment on that kind of stuff without knowing for sure what the technical details are um but I think it's definitely possible that the series s could be a frustration point for some developers of some disciplines or some budget levels but it's hard to get you know any real definitive knowledge on that without having access to Microsoft feedback because obviously Microsoft would collect feedback from devs and they'll be like you know they'll be saying stuff like guys you know Sirius sucks we can't develop for it I don't have access to that sort of unfiltered feedback so it's hard to say it's really hard to say but it's a it's a really interesting discussion that you know I am going to try and investigate more um okay bearded teaches how much longer is the show my meeting just ended uh probably not that much longer maybe 10 more minutes at most uh yeah um let's Sandra suck says uh guys thoughts on Forza Horizon Adam being the developer direct format um probably just wasn't ready yeah I mean it's a DLC those were like full games um so I guess if you look at it like that maybe there's no reason for it to be in the developer Direct that's kind of the way I look at it like you're talking about like five full games versus one one expansion which is probably better for it to be in a stream and announced and here's the trailer and it's coming out soon you know uh I didn't miss a super chat from Jay Rembert who says Jazz spill the beans on Starfield uh got no beans yet you might have to you have to wait until next week according to Andy Robertson from VGC VGC uh let's see what else we have um rambling gamer guy says why don't journalists call it bias from their peers when it's apparent in their articles Christine's article is the most blatant example of this from G Biz he denies a PS lean though I mean because you don't want to eat your own you know journalists look out for themselves look out for each other because they're part of that click so they kind of want to protect because it's like if you call out a journalist for something like like that some bias or whatever then you never know might come back around to you so better to keep quiet they but I do usually it seems to me that they kind of stick together and protect each other uh Blaine 158 says can we continue to press Xbox and more options for expansion storage options yes absolutely yes I have an article coming about this I'm just trying to make sure that I don't misrepresent facts with regards to any deals or something like that obviously some of the facts won't be able to get because it'll be under NDA and all that kind of stuff but um we'll just have to figure it out we'll have to figure it out yeah um but I am going to start you know hammering that point on but I am going to take some time off next week because I really need a break yeah so there may or may not be an Xbox two podcast next week and if Jessica I'm saying if there if there isn't one maybe maybe maybe I get someone as a guest to replace you because you know because people want to show but we'll see we'll see what happens next week it'll probably be a show Xbox Nation says do you reckon they want Call of Duty for the live service experience especially after the Halo infinite debacle they want Call of Duty because it makes tons of money it makes premium money from sixty dollars seventy dollar games and free to play experiences that sell microtransactions and battle passes it makes a ton of money and that's why they want it that's why it costs 70 billion dollars too because it is one of the one of the biggest IPS and all of Gaming you know uh let's see what else see we have here Ulfric wants to know what is it that's right I'm not going crazy we did I did them at the beginning sorry sorry go on what is Project gravity Ulfric says oh I don't know um don't know this project though okay we don't want to Jeff Probst code names or something I don't remember there's so many cool names I don't remember uh Elba says thank you for your caffeine quitting story a while ago I'm one month caffeine free and my back pain problems are much improved y'all guys rock awesome because yeah I haven't I haven't had any caffeine in a long time that's great um Sauron Grant says get a Dev on Xbox two can answer Tech questions yeah but then it wouldn't be Xbox two if it was a Dev here so yeah well that's what the tech show is going to be for if I actually ever get around to doing it I'd probably be like a completely Irregular Show um based on when I can get people on but yeah we'll see we'll see what happens logic bomb says project tomorrow has been in the shadows too long please shed some light I mean I think Cowboy 2 is going to come out first yeah hopefully this year hopefully at E3 they say it's coming this year hellblade 2 for the fall 2023 and then you could start talking about this again I'm not gaslighting anybody I don't do that are you doing 4D chess again no I'm not doing any 4D chess but anyways inside the 4D chest before before before you close this off run I just wanna I just wanna say thank you to the new patrons we got today which is Jeremy G Lee Nicholas and uh an annual pledge from Kraken 56 thank you so much for the support and everyone else who supported us recently like um uh uh well and um Yeah well yeah well you you thank you will and thank you everybody who supports us on patreon uh and uh you know who is here for the show whether or not you chat or super chat or whatever we just love that you guys are here uh checking out this show uh keep in mind we do have Xbox two plus one on Monday with spawn wave should be an interesting show and maybe maybe they announced the Starfield direct then we could talk about that stuff uh obviously we're gonna have an Xbox two plus one in March um trying to work on lining up some of the guests for the future so it should be should be fun uh you know hopefully you guys um uh you know tune in for that on Monday and with that I want to thank everybody for being here we had almost 1500 people on this Friday what is it February 24th thank you for all the support and uh if you're listening to this later Spotify iTunes or Google Play make sure you give us a five star review or whatever and um yeah we love we love you all we hope you have a good rest of the weekend and we'll see you next week for another Xbox too later guys later guys
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 684,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uF9fjPV9V-Q
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Length: 233min 40sec (14020 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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