Episode 16 | Self Destruction | Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to ice cream dale ramen the frost made on friday what's going on um some weird shits going on right now and things are getting a little goofed over here on our schedule and whatnot so we're playing ice one deal today but you know what we're also going to play aston deal tomorrow so we're going to double stack on ice from dale we're we're going to be like episode 20 of ice window and episode nine of fall out of ice window by the time we're scheduling conflicts going on and i really want everybody back for fall out and unfortunately that's not gonna be has been possible the past two times so hopefully two weeks we will have fallout back and apnea soon but um for now why don't you guys chill with us whoa in the far north with oral and like these guys i guess um negative 30 years appreciate it either of your channels jacob wow thank you so much uh give a big shout out to barton who also coming in with the 6969 australian i'm sorry today's donation will now be written in the official australian language of no hey hey hey gur hey roughly translated uh good luck with your roles everyone and i also enjoy speaking in grunge great thank you so much barton martin's donations are always red in australian but sometimes i slip into new zealand because sometimes it's hard to do two different types of accents because i'm a filthy american so um thanks so much barton really appreciate it um i don't think i have anything else to say other than when you're done drinking that baja blast from baja california baja mexico canada baja california mexico california mexico unmute your mic great job spencer thank you so much i think you should do you want me for something cause i'm eating chips that's why i was um no i just kind of focused on you because i feel like i'm like in the middle of the ocean floundering and i don't have anything to grab onto right the rafts are all very far away i don't know why you're pulling my chips into the depths yeah and then i'm gonna get soggy guys legend of the vox machina came out and um um i just want to say it's [ __ ] amazing and it really made me hyped to play d so i'm really excited and i'm ready to jump in i love that we saw scanlan's balls oh it's the first sorry i was so busy thinking about scanline's ball oh my god god damn it do you know what's funny is that everybody plug yours if you don't want to be spoiled i think that it's really funny that you're saying that and uh you could everybody could think that you're totally being joking but that actually happened and that's super funny okay you can unmute now we're back okay who's ready to play dandy all right cool you want to do the recap go for it oh but i don't know mia was really excited why don't you guys why don't you guys like no back and forth yeah why don't you guys work with each other i think i'm just gonna perish we're gonna we're gonna pair up actually and do the recap together so craig colton get ready because you're gonna be um you're working together popcorn we're grouping all right yeah i can zoom right through it oh perfect yeah someone prepared go for it let's not uh we uh we were like let's leave let's get the [ __ ] out of this boat so we did and then on the road we got attacked by giant birds who were trying to eat our hearts and uh lazarus fell off of his uh dog sled had a vision of a comet um we rested on the road we got attack we saw a group of eight knowles on the road and then killed some people in a caravan called the bitter fish and one of them called me a [ __ ] and flipped me off as it died um that is true he also may or may not have friends that are uh have my kids you know that is and they're from the cackling chasm or the caves of hunger we made it back to bryn chandra we were gonna sneak around and try to find these people who are connected to lazarus but you know what they found us first the second we got there um velen was just being kind of a [ __ ] and so that was cool hey you're kind of being a [ __ ] so i'm gonna keep your professor orb um like this because you're a little lady and you can't reach it after um why you chose goliath yeah i'm sure some back and forth on whether we trust each other or not velen took a little bit of time and came back and was like you know what i was being a little bit of a [ __ ] so i will go talk to my uh old friend who is definitely in prison and yeah well that's true uh i can't remember what his name is um but she was like i'll go there if you guys go try to find um the red wizard guy who got burned at the stake see if he's dead or not design is on um and then um you guys did some sleuthing found us some magic items we did we made it for ourselves yes a whip a shield we made friends with a uh zentrum friends business associates yes and then we decided we were gonna leave and go to the cackling chasm some skyrim memes uh thrown about yeah so a little thing because colton pointed out because i didn't show it off yet i'm going to turn off the lights real quick and just show you guys that we were able to get some new lights thanks to all of y'all the patrons and so now we have some back lighting coming in from uh from some new hue lights that i got on the floor on the yeah wall um and then here's like a here's like a sunset one yeah it's pretty cool um or like i have this one that's like a kind of like a dungeon so it's kind of like kind of lighting up just about where like at night time so um yeah a lot more a lot more lights coming out over here so or like here the brightness oh no this doesn't happen here because this is uh i don't like it get out of here so thank you guys so much uh for supporting us over on patreon this is literally all you so i love you all right we also got a new camera but amazon decided to send me a camera with a empty it was empty they had no camera in it and they sent me a refund today and we're gonna have a new camera in the middle that's gonna be direct down on the board and a new one in the corner so we'll have two camera views but also so we're playing magic on no lane hand you can see the cards anyways great recap spencer you did such a good job that is exactly what happened last time on ice windows just reminded me what of the most important thing what we are sponsored by we are sponsored by oh my god that's right it feels like graham um could you could you retrieve me could you could you actually hang on you know about somebody who works heavy things while you're pregnant so you can do me a favor any heavy things when you're could you go into my office and grab the giant red box it's pretty heavy so be careful don't hurt yourself but also look at the legs while she's doing that there's something to show you guys it's pretty sick that backpack that beetles and graham has this pretty cool shout out led playmate oh there's link in the description you guys want to check them out they make big packs for d and stuff and they are sponsoring us and they're magical gathering now yeah and magic buy it so we think we get more mm-hmm this is my new old guts and they give you a gun this one is these wild beyond the witch light box check this out [ __ ] out guys look at the responsibility oh there's so much cool [ __ ] in it oh yeah the the older ones take out the elder one uh there's like a unicorn horn that comes in it so this is how much [ __ ] you get along with like a [ __ ] ton of maps um and they came it also came with fairy wings it's worth it every time especially if you're gonna run uh these like in person but even if you're playing online you can be like hey guys check this out and it's really cool so how was that check out beta lingard yes yeah yeah the older one okay thank you emma everybody clap for beetle and grins um i'm sorry before we start good lord i do have one question for you yes um and if you do not have an answer that's fine um do you remember that that weapon i took from that lady yeah do you do i know anything about that weapon i don't know do you the weapon okay you want to do that yeah okay cool let's start the game so uh spencer you just uh uh told us everything that happened last time you guys uh where are you guys currently in your house yes all right these guys are currently in your house i'm gonna get the and it's in our house definitely not candlelight in the early days that's right where you guys are um waking up on the barely bit of light kind of coming through um uh the windows um and it is the next day don't really have much more of an intro besides that because we kind of left off there um you guys have been given a lot of tasks a lot of different directions you can go just as a quick reminder um you guys were given the possibility of finding uh the uh the entrance to ethereum to find a mytholor that will hopefully stop the everlasting rhyme that oral has been putting all over uh the ice window um is it episode 16 yes damn have you really been playing this game for that long yeah i have oh my god is it supposed to be the 14th but don't worry i don't think i [ __ ] it up yes we could i don't think this weekend we will totally get to that uh this is true you guys are um so sorry i completely forgot what i was saying oh okay um ethereum you guys are looking for the entrance to ether and you know there are multitude of places where you could possibly find them there are the goliaths uh in the very eastern portion of icelandale across the spine of the world that you could go to there is a um a prisoner in revel's end who may know some information which um velen decided to go off and do on her own there is also the possibility of design the arcane brotherhood member who is supposedly burned at the stake and dead may know something about it as well but velen gave you a lot of options because she thinks that all of them may fall flat because dishonest might be dead um the prisoner may he's a prisoner and the goliath may just not know anything and dazhan or zhan is also not a witch uh no definitely um she also took her professor orb with her and also you guys learned some new information about lazarus the fact that uh belazarus isn't a druid constantly being a bear but it is in fact a shared sort of consciousness with um with lazarus in which their minds were sort of split long ago which still is a mystery to even you you aren't certain how or why that happened but regardless the two of you are hearing this distress signal coming from something that crashed in the mountains and uh there are other people in the ten towns who seemingly are hearing this sort of distress signal as well and are offering not only money for you to figure out what's going on and to stop it but also um could find some answers there along that sildry became blind from their your fight with our veritas and uh there is a temple to look the two well not to the lathander to the morning lord should be lathander isn't lathander um and a gnome who works there that said hey i can probably figure that situation out if you guys go uh deliver the provisions to the graveyards i mean deliver the provisions to makreidis who's in this black cabin up north and he's trying to figure out how to stop the rhyme as well so that's only like a few things that you guys could possibly do you wake up on this in this morning um with all of these possible paths and branching directions that you could go in can we have the map yes you can the map i updated your map as well rise and shine we have to go find your missing kids that's task one today i don't have missing kids yet that's very ominous that you could have kids anytime at any point i don't come for them unless you know what a kid could look at you and go you're my mom now no that's i think that's true yeah do you have any uh like uh siblings yeah they could die another kids they're not gonna die they're yours now happen to me that uh that's a warning i've ever heard i'm just telling you you think you're safe and then you're not and then you're a parent wow and now you have to go track down nulls yeah natural progression of life and you know there's there's a chance that not all my kids are there so we could be on another goose chase for kids i think i think we just i think i think that something just got said there that i don't know that any of us they're not your blood no three of them are the youngest ones my niece but uh i i've had her for like all her life so she's mine oh yeah yeah that's how that works put the other through your mind where'd your brain know my face was i don't know how someone would refute that i don't know like i'll say about like yeah who's like no that's definitely not your kid yeah i i feel very certainly about this particular subject to take that right yeah paranoid from you no i don't i don't know who's who's not agreeing with you no one and i'm like a literal monster so i i don't know if there's people out there that are worse that guy that killed owen that was there yeah he'd be like yeah oh she's not she's mine now no there's she's nobody she's just for free then that's my kid i don't really understand what an odd feeling yeah i don't understand how i need that i'm because one of them's up one of them's down which one's alone cackling chasm's near the road from sun blight because we do not know exactly where it is we don't know where it is but we know that astrid and the kids were ambushed along the road up to this area i have i might have a plan for that i think lazarus could go smell better than all killed and maybe we could get a scent for him or maybe it would be for so long potentially i mean that they live nearby they have to make a set right or if they're we just walk the trail eventually they'll come and try and kill us kill us and then they'll die and then we'll be able to ask them some questions i feel like that's probably our least good plan that we've had just walk the trail and hope that they'll show up to kill us i hope no nulls see my thick pouch full of coin oh no are you trying to lure them in like kobolds yeah i'm very rich and fragile if only someone just forcefully pushed me over and took all my coins i see they see if only there were some knowledge here my summons up here is really the place to make that let's do this those three little uh kobolds that have been following us around are not following us but just happened to be an area yeah conveniently yeah they could they could be listening yeah to buy a cart yeah do you even need a cart you could just get something that smells like meat i think if you also we could just have a camp and we could just bring like a beacon yeah astrid was just walking on the road so that's what i'm saying we could just walk on the road a new hand touches the beacon and then and then take this one sorry and then you take you also just take like a a frozen slab of meat and then we just cook it when we get to the can yeah the smell doesn't mean how hard could it really be and then we hold lazarus back for a minute too yeah so he doesn't eat the absolutely before the nose not that we can't do that but do you think that we could ask around town maybe and see if anyone where's the knoll camp if they have a general idea there's probably monster hunters here i assume no no no no no i think the monster is here you're the last monster hunter we teamed up with turns against us and tried to kill us in front of some ghost giants okay [ __ ] with monsters she was a scout oh that reminds me though she's gonna pull up that hill you just pull out a hill and it's this innately carved hilt and then there's no blade right but just on the top of the blade it's like dripping it's like a little bit of like an ice sculpture that's slightly sharpened and like broken off and it's sort of slick like it's melted a bit interesting why did you keep that do you think this is magical um well when she used it it definitely seemed magical magical do you know who probably could have said that it doesn't tarnish it's magical i'll just chew on this real quick 400 pieces oh it's not magical it's not magic i mean i could i could look at it you want it can i you don't have your uh you don't have your groom psychometry huh oh what i don't know what that is just get that level you can go to items and you can um you can study them and find out what their history was and if they had like a double no but i do have a plus 10 and advantage okay roller the abilities i really really like and i made fun of it in a video but saying that you might find the entire history of what a [ __ ] spoon went through okay um so it's uh what did you get 28 28 28 second smartest member of the party second yeah second strongest second smartest yep second most charismatic second parent real kids the first character is it blasters you unlocked some memories i i won't find out right now that's the memory unlocked okay i'll go out which game is that i'll give you there's a game that does that yeah and it'll unlock everything all right put your feet up by the fire i'll be right back i mean all right i see it let's see what you did quarters who's against that oh jesus um so as you look over it and what'd you get on your roll 28. oh my god you know that um those uh those who commune with nature and dry and draw power and magic from from it are known as druids and some druids have the abilities to change shapes some of them can cast spells and some of them uh use the land around them to fuel their power yaselm was specifically a frosted druid meaning she took from the power of oral but also snow ice winter to fuel her magic um this is a ritualistic thing that a lot of frost druids do in which they create an ice sickle and uh they can carve this sickle out of ice it typically takes about 24 hours of work and bitter cold courses through this weapon while it's in the druids hands but if they die it melts oh so that's not gonna do anything um now that she's dead no no yeah you just gotta you're gonna have a puddle yeah once once we killed her it uh lost all things it was just very cool looking yeah if you wanna maybe talk to some frost druids none of them up here seem particularly kind no um so you could ask but they'd probably try to kill you with their icicles oh i was i was wondering if maybe we could barter with them with this icicle you know druidic oh i think if you show them that they will definitely know that you killed one of them oh i see um probably not i see it yes should i just drop it on the ground outside um no it's cool keep it yeah i mean the hilt is the hilt also made of ice no the hilt's just a normal well you could put it on the mantel no yeah it's nice hey that's maybe a little maybe put like a towel underneath it so when it melts it's not going to ruin the wood yeah yeah i bet astrid would not like that i wouldn't like that that is mental okay she's gonna she said they're gonna like pull the rug up out of under a chair and then bunch it up and put it under yeah astrid has now come downstairs bundled up in a lot of clothing she looks like she's prepared for going outside and um she's kind of got a hood down um uh she even has like crampons on and uh she has goggles over all over her forehead and she says all right which who's going to the caves of hunger and who's going to the cackling chasm we're going to both where are you going i'll go to the one that you don't go to you're not going anywhere yes i am and then you can come with us why would we go to one at a time because splitting up's never a good idea i don't care as long as i'm with them well then come with us did you hear anything i just said yes but the uh chance that they are at the caves of hunger are very little how do you know that because you were you were attacked here right correct along this road oh there's a map on the table how convenient the map that i've had i think i don't know you said that you were attacked in your sun blight we know that the cackling chasm is near some light so you think they're there i do then why are you considering the caves of hunger because they're not there we'll go there can you let this cat in our house you can come with us i think it is a bad idea yes it's good i gotta send people with well split splitting up and going somewhere at two different times is what got you guys in that mess in the first place is what it sounds like you came up here first and then everyone else you know you split up and then things went bad right yep splitting up and so if we if we split up again and something happens either to zero to you nothing already is happening right but if something more happens then then we're looking for while you're looking for them yeah those were dragging some guys innards around yeah i've been here for like a month and it's not taking care of myself absolutely i'm not saying you can't it's why i want you to come with us or stay here not go to one by yourself there's a plethora of things on the road not just knowles you're an asset to us here still a dragon on the loose if we don't find them there i will let you know no i'm coming with you and if we don't find them there we'll go to the caves of hunger see i don't know i didn't want to be against you we can't send anyone ah i could send to be quite honest with you we don't know anyone else yeah they're contacted and div died and if anyone here could have gone they're now helping people walk back to easthaven or dubunto or targos because everyone's life just got ripped up underneath them about a week ago well i'm not doing anything here i think i'm gonna have to go with you i hope this cat's biting me don't touch it then get out of your cat what about what about that guy who went up to calvin's karen do you think where exactly is it the the no not the gnome huh not victor what was his name where are the kids of hunger how far away are they i mean do i know where the kids do we even know where they are roughly it's either two or three days travel for us to either complete the task find it and come back all right we should be able to do this do you wait we don't even know no sending no we have stones no no we have a way to contact yeah does astrid know something no she'd also have to know the person that's jacob saying that she's sort of like i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what that spell is i think didn't that guy swear off adventuring because he almost died and wanted to be with his husband no absolutely i'm just gonna see if he if he had heard of some questions so if we don't know where it is if we go to the other place first because there will probably be information on how to get there like like what what i don't know nols probably don't write but maybe one of them would like maybe that one of them leave or get one of them no man i i don't know there might be a there might be a like super like literate null there that writes letters yeah i'm not i'm not advocating for us to go to try to track down whether maybe a bug bearer or something what i'm trying to say is like maybe someone who's already been in contact might have more knowledge of those places i've not lived here in a very long time have we talked to that hasn't betrayed us or sworn off adventure i think okay so i'm all about that you know we have this conversation after we've gone to the caves uh that hasn't betrayed us or sworn off adventuring um you guys are in like the worst place ever so yeah i think we just go what about the uh oh never mind i wouldn't know who that character is i think we have a lot of i think we're underselling our own abilities i i was um i was just saying that we might be able to contact someone to get information about this other place send out someone to talk to them pay someone a gold piece i don't know i don't know if you want to come back send a message if you want to i can imagine soldier can go out and find some random [ __ ] that are hungry yeah it could totally fine we can give them 50 gold to go walk off in the direction maybe come back i would need one of you to you know be my eyes sure i think i think i think that's worth a try i'm trying to find a blood hunter wait we just got 50 goals we could ask if someone's willing to go with at least scout we are just kind of i i wasn't saying we should go scout i was trying to say we should send people to places we've been that we've already made contacts with and see if they know anything about it while we go do this other thing okay sure i think we could do that yeah is there anyone trustworthy no but we could probably say there's no time you can buy someone's trust until they walk to the next town and then they're gone no then they might be gone then maybe we just buy a lot of these people's truck like buy just a lot of people we're not into slavery we have a lot of no i'm not buying people like we have a lot of money a lot of money that we didn't use really to arm ourselves no but we could hire a bunch of random [ __ ] to go walk around and ask about knowles whoa the b team dude wait all right wait wait this is this is a perfect opportunity for jacob to not describe who we send off at all because if we tpk we already have our backup party wow how about i describe exactly who they are and then i think we can do it yeah very quick i exorbitant amount of money that i could give out and we'll just line [ __ ] everyone up and sign on the dotted line you want to help find these kids i'll give you two gold yeah and they walk out never come back then i give some poor tin tower they didn't know which one was up two goal yeah that's true i didn't know which one it was if anything is looking at me going hey a small skin bag maybe you're worth saving again it's okay [Music] maybe you're worth saving look i i i think i'm safe all right let's all go find some random [ __ ] too um yeah no sounds good i'm probably even poaching [Music] yeah we did kill that well there's the other dragon yeah there are chances of killing that dragon though i we're really deep into this and i would hate to stop it but i just gotta acknowledge the fact that colton literally just ordered 50 [ __ ] chicken nuggets i need to explain i need to explain doordash has a deal right now where you get a free 10-piece meal if you reach your dash pass dash pass is twelve dollars a forty piece chicken nugget is twelve dollars exactly and so i got my meal and then there's just gonna be 40 extra nuggets like i want you to know that the stimulus came through we did the mouth uh you guys are going to try to find the caves of hunger sorry no no no you're trying to find people random [ __ ] random [ __ ] easy because yours come out it's specifically going to look for another blood hunter sorry oh fourteen hundred chicken nuggets oh my god apparently apparently they freeze pretty well so oh [ __ ] you all right so we have an air fryer you guys head out um and as you make your way out into uh uh into bryn chandra today give me one second one second here maybe me finding blood hunter is a bad ideas because you're yeah okay do you want isn't that a thing that blood hunter is doing all right closing the door please decide not to let's just not go out today i have to find somebody astrid throws the door open again she says you're coming or you're staying yep to the end to the end you guys uh walk across uh uh bring chandra and you uh huddle behind uh you you take in the moments when you're behind buildings that are blocking the uh the frigid air that is blowing in because once you're out in the middle of the street it is freezing um the the except for you you know uh it's like it's fine there are some goliaths who do like to wear cold winter clothing because maybe they like to be warm but it never bothers them so you're you're it this you're fine you're not dying or anything everybody else is freezing however um there's literally like frost and ice forming around uh immolation's body literally like um up like her face and like parts of like her eyelashes and like her hair is literally stiff and you're just you're fine yeah um everybody else however is just like oh it's really bad as you're working your way over i can't feel my fingers on my toes that's not good uh you guys however make it i don't know why don't worry it took me a second to get icicle oh yeah yeah icicle was pretty good it was pretty good that was a good one yeah good job thanks chris yeah um so you guys make your way over to the north look and uh you kind of open the door um and you hear the bartender in the back say close that door and you guys just sort of close it behind you okay you don't have to just the enemy um no i don't think i will as you guys head in um it's very quiet uh there's very few people really in here at this time of day there are a couple of um there are a couple of patrons sitting around kind of just like their hands shaking eating like some soup a couple of other 10 towners who are just kind of milling about it's the early morning not a lot of people are super active nowadays except for maybe a couple of fishers who come in right behind you as the door blows open you guys feel that frigid air come in once more and you hear the bartenders like close that door door closes again a couple of fishers kind of pus push by excuse me and i go over um with a bunch of like uh fish down at their side um and kind of go over to the bartender and kind of they're trying to just sell off their fish what are you guys doing well i was gonna go talk to the bartender okay so you kind of get behind them bartender kind of rounds up uh some of the fish and goes thanks gives them a couple of silver and looks over towards you as he takes all of the fish and kind of lays them out and he pulls out like a knife and he just begins like cutting their heads off and sliding them to the side he says what do you have any information on uh knolls coming from the caves of hunger yeah do you know where the caves of hunger are or general area um i've heard some things some people going about yeah trying to find these uh damn noles put our stuff to them right yeah we're uh they've gone desperate though gone real hungry moved up here because uh that'd be easy pickings yeah nothing's up nothing's easy up here no uh north south east west south i've heard that there's a um i've heard things hang on yeah of course there's things i've heard you've heard a lot you're a bartender hey i hear a lot of the things i've heard it's kind of bartender things the things the bartender's heard things that will shock you yeah things that might solve your problems i'm a bartender and i heard things i don't know why that reminded me of that do you ever watch that old tv show i don't even know what it was on like [ __ ] spike network or something there's a thousand ways to die or a thousand dumb ways to die don't know why we talk dumb things and like the things the bartender knows and it made me think of that and i i don't remember anything about it except that it was pecker got stuck in [Laughter] as he cuts a couple of fish he says two things apart about it actually two things two is better no uh nibira moore skull no i do not didn't expect you to well all right takes up all all of the fish that he's cut he throws all the heads into like a bucket he says you want these yeah i know i hate to give them to you oh um he takes all the other fish and he just um as he's talking to you he's sort of like slicing up with the fish and you know doing fish stuff um and he says um she's an eastern fisher you should come here and sell off some of her fish own an enchanted fish hook that can even catch magical fish yeah don't laugh all right it was real i saw her with my own eyes no i don't doubt that yeah i forgot why that matters because she was attacked by knolls and she died and they just stole her fishing gun oh [ __ ] yeah okay so the nose a magic fishing hook that's yeah cool hunters from east haven tracked the knolls to an icy rift in the ground but we're too scared to go any further oh heard about it ever since nobody's ever gotten that fishing pole back wow that's interesting i know that that was south somewhere oh [ __ ] south stop here or or restatement uh i'd say probably south of east haven yeah interesting southeast um it's a lot less ground a lot of ground we've already traveled if you want any more information really you'd have to make quite the journey but uh trovis trovis kind of looks around notices that there's no recognition the uh speaker of karakonic dragonborn drunk on the job all the time i'm familiar with it yeah he uh considers knowles to be a clear and present dater to his town though i don't know how much he's taking that anymore after um his lack of the startling dragon isn't he the only one who lived in cairo yeah because he was did you exposed yeah oh he was the only one who lived that's yeah that's what i'm saying yes um i know he was before the charter and dragon was offering up ten gold pieces ahead of a null yeah we brought it back to him so um you know if he's still an east haven or are careco and i got me no idea yes i heard it was decimated it was maybe this no idea ask the person here maybe we might be able to figure it out with dragon ball yeah okay that's something that that's actually an immense amount of help uh i'll look towards astrid do you feel like that's sufficient enough for us to go on this journey south of you still i think that's good enough that's where people it's near sun blight anyways isn't it yes it seems to line up from wherever you take it so does the caves of cackling caves or whatever so how can you kevin do you want to hire the cackling chasm no no like do we want to hire anybody now i'd like to send him up to caracona do you know where the caves of hunger are and he kind of looks no why are you laughing nobody knows where that place is it's kind of an old wives tale really i don't even really think it exists that's not helpful was he just giving me information about tackling chasm or the cubes of hunger heckling castle okay i asked about the caves of hunger oh sorry i didn't know anything about the caves and hunger you must you said knowles but maybe i didn't use i got them confused sorry maybe we would both just confused cool um okay well we got a lot of info that is something to go off and if no one thinks that the caves of hunger exists then the only way to find anything on the case of hunger is to go to the cackling chasm yeah yeah yeah my so there was a dragonborn speaker yeah yeah yeah yeah is there any dragon born here the case of hunger anywhere it's going to be up by somewhere but i think everything's pointed from south yeah it'd probably be pretty easy to find him if he's here if there's not a whole lot of dragon ball i think we're kind of on a time sensitive thing but i think we should stop at the town hall and ask about him because he might be here i think that was well i think what he said is that it would be quite out of our way well if we want to go up to koenig but not but but why would it be if we're not going anywhere there's nothing he's only destroyed he may have came down here he may just be here and we might get lucky or at least get a direction if he's close by maybe it's newshaven maybe move on somewhere else can we try to go get an audience with the uh the the speaker brent hander speaker asked the guy to check all these stupid idiots i mean the speaker of bren chandra or whoever she makes go run errands for her yeah because i assume they would know okay okay so we'll end up going to easthaven i just i should pay you pay the gentlemen sorry what are you doing we're going to go to the uh town hall yeah yeah try to get an audience from the speaker how many fish heads did i get uh like five i'm gonna give him ten gold you get the the bartender yep he looks down he says what are you doing paying you gold fish heads are not worth that gold for me when they come with information that could particularly find kids he kind of like looks at you and okay and he takes them you have the good work we're going to open your door now shut it shut up you're letting the heat out um and you guys kind of make your way over towards a town hall and as you kind of go towards the steps guards kind of look down towards you who are kind of standing outside sort of shivering they're like who goes there you guys are mostly bundled up except for you we we're here to see the speaker we did help save this town if it helps at all no yes i know who you are yeah head inside thank you you guys make your way in open the door um and as as you head in there's sort of like this anti-chamber that you're uh let into with the doors are just open and you can just hear what sounds like arguing like kind of down the hallway as a gossip i like to try listening uh actually the conversation kind of moves over sort of echoing inside the room as you guys hear um uh two individuals sort of arguing and you sort of hear the tail end of their conversation that really just says um this isn't something that i can deal with this isn't something i can't focus on i have too many people to manage right now he says but [Music] you have to understand this could mean so much for the people of bryn chander she says i know i don't have the ability to do this i'm sorry speak with markham south well maybe he can arrange something he says this endless food you understand that and then like uh they kind of walk over towards you and speakers vessel shane sort of turns and sees the four of you and she says um oh you all yes yeah hi you can leave and the sort of 10 towner sort of turns and looks towards all of you kind of walks out leaving the door behind him um she says what can i do for you oh we're looking about some information from one of the other speakers we were wondering if you happen to have any uh what is it well wondering where he might be he's the speaker of caracona dragonborn yes yeah have you heard of him i don't know he's probably still wallowing in care comic [ __ ] well if he happens i set a good amount of people to try and rebuild that place but he seemed pretty torn up about it well who wouldn't be really feels like he failed himself yeah there's nothing he could have done though try telling him that uh well if he uh stumbles his way down here can you let him know we're looking for him of course she's sort of like turn sleeve and then she stops she looks over and she says what was uh you wouldn't happen to know anything about um sorry i'm forgetting [ __ ] names [Music] you didn't happen to do any business with um sorry speaker uh danith whalen who is he belonging are you standing for me speaker danith from east haven yes can you inform me on what that was uh there's some business going on and i um as much detail as i can as i can get would be helpful is that what uh it's information from if you can tell me what you know i can fill you in i need to know what side you're on uh well that could get tricky well that that's why i'm trying to start out yeah i our side i figure that's on the side of the ten towns no but well we did get information from you i think it's fair for us to exchange that i i'm just trying to figure out what because i don't want to punish them i think it depends on what you mean on the side of the ten towns really i don't have time to argue no i think you can put your cards we dealt with that what are you trying she's sort of like she never like turns jesus like some business about a magical pot that can create endless food it was stolen and some people think that speaker danith has been murdered oh [ __ ] i mean dan kept spooky ghost obelisks in in his home so possibly what there was a ghost problem we dealt with it i had a problem we dealt with it a food problem we dealt with it he has a lot of problems if he is murdered problem did he used to even have a food problem that they did they did and then that pot fixed it yeah well we have a food problem now as you can't tell we're getting overpopulated here we were actually gonna go over there and try to tell him that the food should be shared but if he's been murdered and the pot has been stolen that changes things uh and you were more involved than i think well we were we did know of the party pot's existence yes right well then i feel it's only fair i should fill you in supposedly this pot has been found and it's currently being used in um no it's gonna be that giant place giant oh [ __ ] carrot dinner ball i forgot we were gonna go kill all those guys yeah no way after we get my kids figure out the key place that's right yeah to [ __ ] up targos is also like wait who are you [ __ ] up that's why i say well i don't have one side here you're uh no no no no i'm not getting baited you tell me you don't want it no i'm gonna but i doesn't mean i'm gonna tell her about the z word listen lady there's not very many words well how many words you know to start with z i'm pretty sure it what's the is thing something that makes infinite foods they would be all over that [ __ ] oh no sorry so lady i'm sorry speaker dennis you have to to excuse us we're you'll have to excuse me i'm speaker du vessel and this conversation is over and she leaves what do you know about the zentrum she stops she turns around and she says i fear i may have incited you and if anybody finds out that i sent you uh-huh i'll be ousted as it was you're not assassins no no no no no this is the best part we don't work for you no we don't work for the ten times right sorry the five times do not involve me right no of course not no i know i'm just trying to figure out what you were even trying to to be honest we don't even know your [ __ ] name i don't i called you danny adventurers are a supply running thing here in the 10 towns yes especially successful i was wondering if i could get some help from you right yeah retrieving the ball yes all right however there are terms and i'm afraid you will not agree to these terms and if you don't right then that means that i may have sent assassins after one of my comrades no i i understand he's producing we don't want us to kill him we just never steal a ball back do not kill speaker i am aware of his affiliations right how do you feel about those affiliations off the record of course she looks around and she's like off the record with us we hate god do you understand your subtlety is awful yes how do you know you're not going to speak everything i just told you to everybody outside the street i'm going well i don't know we don't like the people here yeah we talk amongst ourselves and that's about it in front of me we come to you because you can help us and we can help you and we can't help you of course yes we get that ball once we can get it again i'm just we killed a hag for that ball i'll kill you after that worry about my reputation but you know fine i am what if we do this we heal no we kill no one we get we we kill no one what do you what did you want to tell us we kill no one listen we killed yes and his affiliations yes and i do not support them good he has long inside checker yeah sure i also would like to this is very important all i'm saying is that we take the bowl and we donate it to the church the temple a generous donation to the church 30 20. 30 20. i too do um to be honest what you're gathering from your insight she seems like a very tired woman who is dealing with like 40 other things and this is just too complicated and she really just wants somebody else to deal with it and then it became more of a problem yeah and she's like i didn't i didn't want this but fine so she's just trying to clean up the mess that's all she's trying to do but she's being truthful she before she responds to that she's going to finish her sentence which was well you sort of cut it she says yes that sounds perfect i do not agree with speaker nat i have been trying to uh remove him from his post for a long time he has very powerful friends he has very powerful allies yes i feel he's bought off most of the uh the the loot in [Music] i lose faith and i lose trust in my fellow people and in my fellow speakers if i start murdering the ones i don't agree with [ __ ] how would you feel if we told you we had already planned i i to be honest not murder but at least he stays the same do not murder him okay i i don't to be honest i don't there's a saying with syndrome and angering them is not good for anyone there is a way we can root out this weed as doesn't involve murder what what are you doing to root out it that's not your concern no but you're also going to continue to burn your villagers alive in the meantime too all right thank you for information it is something useful to help find children we appreciate you we will attempt and have a different conversation about naresh and maybe make better decisions about his life but we will try if we are in town of targos and we can find what do you want us to do concerning the the bowl anyways if this interim habit they're not going to just let go of it so it can go to a different tin town if we try to take it he'll try to kill us good then we'll know that he's guilty and if he's aggressive to us and tries to put a knife in my gut can i can i gut him then are you are you asking him so recklessly are you asking us to find evidence that he set up that's a murder oh can we imprison him in that time did he try to murder someone yes he did well it's very like no regardless regardless of that has been murdered if dennis has been murdered and it happened to show up in the one zentrum led affiliated town of the ten towns it's very likely that they were the culprits you may be correct if you can find evidence of that i would appreciate do we think if we think that evidence would be sufficient enough to put him and rebels in what frankly what if we knew where he was operating from and the messenger there are there's more going on here than that come with me and she sort of turns and uh comes out of this sort of main room goes into a back room opens a door into like an office um she shuts the door behind her she then locks it then she shuts the windows and then she sits down on a desk jacob goes man you guys got so much to do right what if we added like five more things on top of it yeah uh i will find this speakers have been infiltrated they have been ever since the everlasting rhyme began there are a number of people who are loyal to these strange frost druids that worship oro yes since no one leads the ten towns besides many who look up to me and markham southwell who isn't even a member of the council in which we have the largest city that is the most the most well fortified and and contains the largest amount of people it's still an equal vote question i'm sorry i would like you to know specifically that many of us in the council were against appeasing oral right right there are those that i used to call friends who decided otherwise right and then our our towns were attacked by a dragon yes i'm in a bit of a mess i cannot solve everything at once but if there is a pot that can create food endlessly that is more important to help our people right now and then and then maybe we can look towards finding these druids and putting a stop to this oral appeasing there's always one more thing that will come through that's the problem with power you're going to continue to find one more thing who is this malcolm southwell oh he's the sheriff of here of britain yes boy and is he and if that's so much let's amount to militia and attack though i think the the amount of lives lost will not be worth the sacrifice you leave oral and her feathered behind us all right uh feather yes um i'm sorry is is the sheriff with us or against us malcolm no he's the sheriff he's good yeah markham southwest cares for the people of ten times wants to protect them at his utmost that's an agency that that's a win okay all right add to the docket yes get the bucket find the bucket give it to the church yes the church will pass up this is a bucket or a pot it's like it looks like a chocolate pot no uh you know in stores yes like a hags cauldron that you use it has to be working regardless so the pot doesn't kill people people kill and then she looks over in immolation she says there are people right my people who have been killed yeah because of orange yeah she's i've heard that of all things i don't know what to expect anymore these days keep getting stranger and stranger there is a god stamped moose in lonely wood who is terrorizing the people there and maybe the frost druids may be connected i've also heard that there is a lake monster yeah in in in i think the moose is working with the druids is the moose a druid could be or it could be the german is controlling i've heard the moose can talk talk to it all right there are a lot of animals that have been talking lately trees animals shrubs they keep popping up these druids are running around the ten towns causing havoc among things that didn't ask to be alive regardless yes there is a lake monster in bremen there is a moose in lonely wood it may be connected yeah if you want to find the root of that and put a stop to these burnings then look there okay okay so we do that okay you're your children yes your guys we end the kids roasting of ten times i wonder if it would be good enough for that guy at the church if we brought him a bucket that makes him feel we have to take the food yeah yes it is his name is actually cletus that's that's that's not joke it's actually real i think i i swindle the horror dnd game not just because it's south south of it is where the the wolves not the moles the knolls are but because we might be able to find information about the murder of danis there right then on our way back we could hit brinsham on operation or targos and not kill near let's see trace to step and then find the the damning evidence that's actually great because after that we can deal with the yellow wood and after the elk is the best thing we can do we can go to that because then he'll understand that i have control okay i don't know if i'm not happy about you being controlled either to be honest i mean it's better than there's um yeah absolutely question jacob jacob the dm not not the character oh what better uh so obviously there may or may not be a past affiliation with interim in my in my history does ring a bell at all as a particular history or we could have this [ __ ] he's really really high it seems like he's doing all right how's the dirty 20 do she's burning people it sounds familiar but it's not it's not like some like better renowned like it's not like it's not like okay that's fair okay ari does ira definitely does not i think i think that's our play for it i'm dealt with that if she doesn't want us to be affiliated with a murder yeah of someone then we need to find out we just don't know yeah well i would love him to go rebels instead that sounds like that may be impossible that's better because it'd be pretty fun to do this i think that the best fitting thing for him to do is suffer the same fate that he is doing so many others i mean i mean if you to be honest if you stab someone in the throat their suffering is done in five minutes if you lock them up for their life it's 30 years 40 years what he's done to his people is inhumane okay well why don't we get to decide the punishment not that this has any credence or any sort of worth but i am curious what have you witnessed him doing there's yes well other than being part of zentaram to be honest about it we we we think he may have killed we may have put someone at the top of the i don't know yeah the lottery and killed somebody that knew too much he did kill one of our friends but i mean that's technically illegal what by what ten-town rules are right unfortunately the moot's allowed him to do these things which the moots but if he's using it to also then manipulate it based off of oh absolutely absolutely right but that's something we can't determine without paperwork and that's something i need you guys to read so right well you know your eyes are on the list different languages i can speak them that's true maybe you could invent some kind of like i even got giant leaves cans like this okay okay we'll add it to our list for sure it's important we found a bowl before we can find it if you find anything in morse code that's basically thieves can't just tell me where they are and i'll tap them out there's some oh i don't know i i don't know goblin business i need to go take care of so uh okay one business good luck what does that even mean there's goblins on the road south yeah the spine of the world okay okay goblins are the goals goblins goblins we're at albanoids on the road south like like like like dead south of us take the road south from bridgehander down towards um what's that [ __ ] city dude well we're headed that way just just give us a thing we'll kill goblins you'll go kill them it's actually the opposite way because we have like eight billion south of east even oh i thought we're going that way so so she starts looking through like some papers um yeah uh outsource it there's a knock at the door uh come in the door opens you guys see this uh never mind large uh uh uh dark skinned man bald hair um bald hair but no hair because he's bald beard um uh sore down in his side long sort of coat and he looks over and he says um he says duvassa i hello you have guests she says these are the ones that defeated the chardon dragon i owe you my gratitude and my thanks heroes oh [ __ ] um are you busy she says i i was just about to tell them that i literally just mentioned goblins and they were ready to he and he says oh good good good good i um there's there's this goblin fortress sent on a few scouts to find out about it's name but that's the name of karkalak you kill him you bring him back here kill him or bring him back here kill bring him bring me his head oh i see why do we're not talking about it here i don't like this role reversal we've done all right you don't have to go do it i could not we'll let you know that no the guy may take care have been raided the people trying to leave the town honestly honestly we could use the uh release of frustration can you uh point it out on our map also if you know where the caves of hunger was like that [ __ ] we'll give us some kids yeah we're looking for some kids some fish heads in it for you gold the what the cackling chasm i don't know where that is where is can you point it out on the map can do give me a second to open photoshop whoa are you proficient is this markham southwest yeah i think it is [ __ ] work himself he's hot well is he i don't know look him up he's pretty hot michael's hair he's bold [Music] mark himself i like his hair look him up does he have instagram i should probably put dvd first someone started on instagram uh photoshopping marcum software's face onto model's bodies but like i mean one of those like uh parody no like like i wanted to look legit like marcum south wall welcomes uh baby boy oh guys we have got to fit we have like actually 10 jobs to be honest i can't like one per town some of them aren't really uh what if we start you want more i can give you no no no no no i'm just letting you know that this is the tip of the iceberg whoa what about the tip of the icicle well it melted oh damn i kind of like this i mean we could start some kind of adventuring like company that just pays for people to go out and kill god we we also do the last on your list but on the list your thing with the comment oh no i think the more things i have between that is good the last time i was part of an adventuring guild i died so i think i came back alive i did but you know the chances of having twice yeah so i think as long as we just keep it like uh we're just hanging out we'll be fine keep it loose and casual no no no strings attached it's just for fun uh yeah no feelings yeah yeah not no falling in love no damn it then we'll also be safe from home kids totally yeah yeah yeah no more kids no more oops i have a parent if i go back to baldur's gate and my wife has a kid i'm going to blame you all that'd be rad what's your wife's name yeah what is your wife's name i don't know if you use it well you gave me those letters i've actually been admitting to ask your wife uh you give me those letters and i i would feel real bad if you gave them to me and then i had to open them to know what your wife's name is i think that's the sort of thing that you have to you have to open when when i die what's what what's your name what do you mean yeah or else what's the name of your friend who yeah what exactly the point i don't know it's not that hey i thought you you can't hold my amnesia hostage compared to you withholding information i just don't know you remember a friend to i told you my wife's name nah you know you know i heard his ass turned i heard that what is what is her name colton doesn't know damn it cell drink roll history does jacob know probably 10. don't remember it's fuzzy damn are she at least hot scrubber what one second i need to i need to i need to you take your time figure something out no no all right i got the map real quick nuggets are missing every time we say his name we say a different name what's his name mark himself well what did i say he said mark him and then he sounded like ass well but working [ __ ] he could be clapped up on lord's day yeah all right uh markham takes uh uh [ __ ] [ __ ] right next to the road guys it is next room no that's a river no wait look at that though yeah no that's a river they're coming out of it that's their that's their base they're floating down the river yeah they're just getting the river's frozen a black cabin what is this black the black that's where what i said oh yeah okay how about i give you guys a little bit of a little bit of a thing here okay so the black cabin yeah this is really big why can't we perpetuate the whole this is the the provisions for makrita's quest where uh uh mr what's his [ __ ] was like hey can you go give him mccree all the way up there copper knobber knocker okay yes cabernet gave it to you this is yarmouth this is you guys wait here already yeah dark duchess you guys may hear already could you expel you guys have not gone here yet but that's where it is that's the whale that can take you places um are you taking ten towns uh the lost fire of netherreal is where design might be yeah okay the cackling chasm right here that's right it's right here sun blight you guys remember that no parker lock is here no i don't actually remember something um there you go i don't remember if i had anything else in your previous life holy crap rebels wow he's wet jesus what what a hellish [ __ ] place to send somebody yeah that's why we need to sit that's red to be honest i didn't know there was a map i didn't know there was more map neither did i that's rad that's where we sent villain good yeah that's what she said herself and goliath encampments sky tower shelter worm doom and crack those i know yeah okay can we go find your kids yep and then drop them off at bryn chandler and kill some golfers yeah wait we're putting the goblins in front of going and getting the mark oh we are the buckets i mean yeah i think yeah never mind never mind okay rebecca seems pretty important it is important but i think i think if we don't kill goblins we kill yeah i think we need to leave malcolm's innocent subtlety is not our struggle um so uh while you guys are all kind of discussing markham and devessa we're talking a bit and he goes what oh she says yeah and then you guys kind of get quiet and she looks over and she says there was a goblin messenger who actually came here um he was captured yeah he was carrying a and appeared to be declaring uh carrying a declaration of peace oh chief yarb knock that's cool um it was addressed to me and said that yarb knock would like speaker shane to send delegates to karkalak to conduct treaty negotiations um and then markham southwell says i don't believe that at all y'all should go kill him 300 gold pieces for that chieftain's head she goes she does okay okay um you have someone who's trying to declare a piece and you're immediately put a hit on their head they killed a lot of 10 towners i don't stand for that yeah she's going to look at she goes where's your grandstanding about about not killing people now are you taking that to vessel yeah i have a lot of things to worry about yeah that's what i thought we're going to talk to the goblins yeah yeah we'll figure it out marcum's looking down he's malcolm talking on the goblins could mean we murs we would definitely murder them this treaty that you are unsure about is false no more goblins what if we take the guy with us too and then he can lead us back but we have to go do it we have we have other stuff we're going to come back here sorry it sucks we will eventually have to go precisely he says more revenge for my friend okay i don't take [ __ ] from goblins i always want to make goddamn peace treaties they always want our money uh-huh they think that they can assert some sort of peace by just living in the goddamn mountains yeah and killing all of our people right not this time i i feel like you're killing enough of your people by yourself what we because i can't reach your shoulder let's go please please i've had to talk to them already no no no no i want to hear what she has no please let's go this isn't going to get us anywhere we are getting it so long as she understands we will deal with the goblins let's go and we're walking walking we're back with that very lovely to meet all of you she's gonna turn around she's gonna go like this to him as she's walking out i can't i don't know sam jackson in [ __ ] um in django unchained where he's like is he doing this yeah he's just doing that um all right you guys make your way up um and uh you shut the door behind you and it's [ __ ] freezing outside oh i forgot it was cold yeah i'd rather be out here we need to talk about subtlety no absolutely not i'm getting whiplash moral whiplash from that lady but when you talk to someone and say hey by the way everything you do is wrong they just shut down they're not going to listen to you they're going to say that bird tried to kill us and i saw you break his little head sometimes they respond better to bluntness and violence and totally not a reference to the show we watched last night the two guards are currently cuddling with lazarus they turn over they look and they're like keep going no no no no you're good you're good if anything we won't tell anyone no i'll give them each two gold go get something warm um get out of here [ __ ] [ __ ] important question go get some fish soup do any of this dude no no but if you give me a level i could learn it i don't know what that means maybe enough questions some of them know common yeah yeah but i don't know might speak a little better we go up there and we know their language and we're willing to talk well then let's go do some side quests and i love them and well yeah is it i mean is it kind of getting your kids the most important thing right yeah we'll take we'll take duolingo with us he's uh he's uh he speaks everything so reference to strict saving that's why there's an yeah yeah one of the classes exactly oh my sending stone my sending stone it broke it's like ricky dick and i'm like what what if that's like it's it's gonna be that the way we learn goblin is we do that we do the goblin wordles so we use the sending zone every day to learn it yeah all right we headed out do we have food everyone buys it i don't eat you we probably should i don't eat we probably should buy something not people but like stuff oh if you should be someone that feels like they need to fix you oh no i'm just joking i'm just joking i'm just joking but it's kind of gotten destroyed and our kids are missing in also there's very little to work but we really do we have a nice house we um she just says there are a lot of uh rehabilitation for undead and i i it's worked he's she's she's not wrong thank you she's not right i appreciate your confidence where ability to reveal the tape confidence we're going to make you strong again what i know it's so weak no you're not what are you doing what are you doing so remember when we were doing this with me and it was a very long process yeah start of the process i i didn't really start bringing in like the hey this is real bad thing you're doing until like a year if there's something starting like maybe there's something like like food that you want to try and eat no we tried cookies yesterday i did i've been working on this i don't really eat people though please i just have a problem empathizing it's in the bear i know that doesn't make sense to you but it is in the bear yeah yeah yeah he has all the good memories i just have some uh whatever we got here yeah i'm learning to love again all right all right it's just slow we're starting with cookies someday maybe we'll get to uh who is your friend who your friends here she goes i i met a lovely dwarf jardra who was quite quite phenomenal are they friends uh ronaldo was also a friend of mine owen was a friend of mine how many of them are still alive unfortunately that's not my fault okay right it means that we need more not look we need more friends i'm gonna make and we don't make friends by pointing at someone and going you're killing your town okay but it's true i'm not gonna let them matter if it's true that slide you can't change someone by force no no you can't but at the same time i'm not gonna let them abuse people and stand on a higher platform yes but if you looked at me and said hey what you did was bad i probably wouldn't be here right now with the three of you i understand but there's a difference between people who are in power who are abusing that and then people who are you know just existing under it i mean and i were kind of the ones in power when i was still in all their money i mean it's different when you are still part of a system and not being oppressed in the same way yeah you were doing carnal actions i only left because we were found out yeah lazarus looks he goes and a bear he said go off queen [Music] the point that i'm making is that if we leave every conversation with them be with with the people we talked to going man i really hope we never speak again it's probably not a good thing what i can do is i can let you talk to these people but i am not going to sit by and idly let them burn people alive i'm not saying idly let them i'm saying shift the philosophy there's a time and place for that they are actively burning people alive but it's obvious they don't we were gonna have to sign up for the lottery but it's obvious that they don't want it she even admitted she may say that but she her i bet her name's not even in it she's desperate to hold on to power everything she said in there had to do with holding on to that power had nothing to do with what was actually right or wrong the reason she didn't want us to go after nerd wasn't because that what he did is wrong is because she didn't want it to look bad on her so that she would be out so she was no longer in power she benefits from the system and she's not in power then who becomes in power though no but that's my that's my issue is that she is still going to be in power and we have no guarantee that she's going to make any changes we have no idea if she even actually cares well then she can say well then who gives a [ __ ] we just don't do anything that involves her we'll just kill [ __ ] oral that'll be it but in listen i don't think you can stop these dumbass cross-eyed stupid fish smelling ten towners from burning themselves they'll do it to themselves you have to kill them first i mean christ oral doesn't do anything about that that elf fort up there leaving all the sick people outside i don't know if that's or it'll stop doing that we can kill her i don't i don't know if we have a problem for the human condition or a solution uh as i said if you guys want to talk to them that's fine no you feel very adamantly about this i do maybe because because these are the people who i dealt with on a regular basis valid and i hear you if you have a solution for us we will do what is that solution i think we have our path in front of us which is to take care of the kids we should get them back yes we work the solutions that are in front of us i'm not going to be beholden to another tale i'm not going to let someone oh absolutely yeah i do not like it and at the end of the day if all of them have to go all of them have to go right but everybody didn't tout her you want to kill them all no i told you that was the only solution but no not every tin tower she goes but from positions of power absolutely every if every we're just kidding it's wrong pull them down there's no pla there's no place in it for them if they're gonna benefit off of people dying and not be working to solve the problem then absolutely get rid of them so then we start with new earth yes okay then we'll start there i'll start right now i think that after helping uh find your kids and returning your eyesight we leave north's punishment to immolation sure it's a lot of trust he hurt me once before i do it again this intromar also kind of the entire reason i'm here so as in to stop them no okay but um they kind of [ __ ] me over yeah i think we should investigate these ice druids oh yeah yeah investigating the way that maybe they're following even out of fear removing something their problem what they're afraid of could solve the problem i do understand they could also not solve the problem that point you are justice yeah i doubt that too you make the call i'm not saying that you're wrong no you're saying that in the situation that we're at in now telling them what you're telling them isn't helping because they're more afraid of oral than they are that's true i i don't know if you i don't know if you can reach these people anymore she goes most of these people don't give a [ __ ] about oral most these people aren't actually true believers the guy in east haven daneth was one of the few people who was it started out of fear and then it became i want to keep the power that i have yeah oh i want to be i would not be in the lottery i want to stay alive absolutely you're right which is a mother she was my wife taught me she's the reason that my whole whole path is a paladin is what it is you can't win people over through force there's an element of peace that has to be involved in it and it's about longevity you do the work you pay attention to the town you build it you feed people you do all that that's different than people who empower who are abusing it there's a time for peace and then there's a time to tear it down and if they cannot work with us or see the errors of their own way and hide from it instead then absolutely okay right but we need to deal with the other problem first because right now there's nothing to replace it with what if we save them from the brink and let them have the chance to decide because i don't know if they have much of a choice now right some of them don't some of them just get outvoted and then they do it what if we deal with the world deal with mayors yeah and then maybe hang around you guys don't have to i'm on the commit to hang around for a little bit afterwards i still need to i still need to lie low for a little bit before i go back down we'll hang out for a little bit and if anyone doesn't like it doesn't we don't like steps up or whatever i told you these people are doomed they aren't that's the issue they don't have to be doomed but their leadership is blind they will be well i think we can't help them this will leave the speakers to you but let's not argue with the speakers in front of them because i would like just just to kill them then or be handled by them they're worthless but this one just to the thing seems this one and actually uh uh turmeric seemed to give a [ __ ] that they at least are more than more than the last couple i am willing to table the conversation okay clean caverns cackling caverns let's do it let's get some food first yeah i got like i've got like two gold no we vote we both kept 25 over why don't you both take at least a hundred no no take a hundred take what am i gonna do with a hundred gold here buy [ __ ] food a hundred gold worth of food yeah there probably isn't a hundred gold worth of food in this town we have like an insane amount of russians on plazas yes oh yeah that's right we have like 20 days on him don't worry he's like oh wait at all oh well then we don't know we already know we got hungry we gotta restock okay go to the general goals since we haven't keep track of like lifestyle we'll just say that that shit's all gone and uh because we did time skip so um how much rations are you guys buying you can buy a pound of rations for i think how much is available um well that's a good question because they are on a shortage how long and another thing i would like to do is find out how long it is it is there and back and also add in the fact that we will have to feed my children on the way back uh and wow so deal with the fact that this is what this is we also got to deal with the idea that we might get lost so we don't want to take only enough i can also hunt for food oh [ __ ] i can do that okay i'm gonna say that uh currently in britain shader they're limiting rations to five pounds a person five days um hang on um no it's two days it's two pounds a day so we can buy two and a half days around one day is two pounds five silver for for a day can i can i plead with you that we could buy six pounds so we don't have to try to mark down that we bought two and a half days worth of rations huh you said we can buy five pounds two pounds a day so we can buy two and a half days of rash got it got it got it got it yeah sure six pounds okay all right so that's three reps so each of us can buy three rations cool sure i'll buy three just okay that's just a fifteen silver so one gold and five silver [ __ ] i'm encumbered yeah i mean i'm going to be two by like a pound what's you they won't want a drift globe i don't need it no i can see in the dark yeah oh i can't actually you maybe give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't see [ __ ] i i can't i can't use it anymore okay uh what i'd like you to do to zero is plan out what your journey is going to be and i can give you the distances um do we want to walk to i assume we'll walk to east haven and then from east haven to walk down to where the cackling cabin so from east haven to uh you're gonna walk from bring channel to east haven yes okay that is 13 miles okay so that is um you guys go two miles an hour so it's six hours to easthaven and then from east haven down to the cackling chasm is also maybe try to buy more food in east haven i'll have a sass guy yeah and we'll probably have to rest there is sorry i kind of want to see if i can get my arms 13 miles from east haven to the cackling castle another six uh about another six and a half that's not bad right we will travel to east haven okay so you guys from britain chandra travel to east haven it's blizzardy it's cold uh oh you guys are in a blizzard you're you're tired your travel is actually i think um it goes down a bit so it's actually um for the for the duration of the blizzard it's one mile an hour um i'm gonna find out how long this blizzard lasts two hours so uh you guys have to so for so if it's 13 miles that means uh for two hours you went two miles there's 11 hours left 11 miles left so that's five and a half hours so seven and a half hours to get to east haven by the time you guys get to east haven it is the end of the day maybe we can buy more food in east even too if youtube is the same race you pack it onto lazarus wait one second they did just have the food bowl so maybe they have more food oh yeah that's true so um you guys get to easthaven the um the blizzard has ceased it is very dark out there's just a little bit of the aurora sort of up in the air and um uh as you kind of watch the uh aurora sort of paint over the skies you guys get to um east haven you can all just once again see that distant sort of flying sort of being just off in the distances that aurora just passes over the entirety of the ten towns oh oh let's see no no you got dice you got dice today oh you're right you get dice roll those nuts for 20. come on natural one up there you go what did you say 10 gold bow snaps uh i believe it's called the wet trout um with the wet trout the wet trout um uh with you repairing your bow and fixing it up um as you guys uh see in the distance um give me one second here psylocke skethlock what is his name yeah you guys see the door open you see syphon step in and he's just like hey guys what's going on what are you guys doing here huh huh as he kind of watched her he knows one of his horns is missing oh what happened to your head kid oh a building fell on me oh yeah yeah i did actually i would have been dead if not for my horn yeah like you yeah it was really bad yeah everybody else dying around me it was crazy yeah that sounds like trauma yeah it does sound like trauma let's let's just not talk about it yeah knucklehead trout um stew do you want that nope i don't like fish well wet chocolate panera bread and that's all i got i'll have it i'll eat the bread on the side that they give you yeah they give you some bread you guys eat it it's it's pretty good the fish is is delectable and has a lot of flavor it's probably one of what soups you've had in a while not how the trout is freaking great um and scythethon is kind of sipping away what are you guys doing here heading to the cackling chasm to kill some knolls yep oh if you guys die all my friends will be dead we're not going to die we're going to know anything about it well i have to do you know anything about it because my kids are there that really sucks yeah okay do i know anything about it yeah there's no there's a bunch of novels that come out of there and they freaking destroy you if you're out in the road get torn to shreds they are ravenous and hungry and horrible we didn't kill a pack of them already yeah well that means the odds are in your favor yeah you killed about eight yeah really that many yeah i think there was eight when they when they stopped right i kind of stopped telling when things are around when it's still so it is well that's good have you met him you met soldier no oh that that's a different person that is a different person you are not the most perceptive person are you yeah i did get it did get bonked on the head ashley do you want to look over here make sure he's not concussed she goes over towards her and she just goes oh he's probably oh my god and he goes what he's like uh she's she's a doctor she'll picks you up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh she's like oh oh put your brain back on you feeling better buddy and she goes and sits down next to you and she was like she goes they let that happen he was infected i think he was gonna die is he okay he's good he's like i feel i feel really good that's good what'd you do she is a doctor what uh what what is that um she's also magic so oh you're magic yeah she's she nods wow what what kind of magic oh you know uh in the morning lord i don't know who that is that's good oh i know who that is he's a cool guy yeah well appraisal thander yeah she fixed your head can you uh notice that this is a different person now she's like i can restore his flesh not his memories yeah i don't know who you are and i'm really sorry that's okay i don't think i know you oh good yeah what you haven't met oh wait so were there just three of you the whole time no oh sorry kid you have three friends i think we lost one underneath the mountain oh that sucks yeah how's ronaldo doing we lost sorry we've got three friends yes yeah but you know um in times of stress it's it's really easy to make a friend everyone's looking for one damn that's true hell yeah that's true i'm gonna go i'm gonna go and you're in a tavern it's a great place to meet me make friends look at this there's a pretty girl over there you can go talk to that's a sister oh [ __ ] you can't you can't do that to her you can't do that no i don't recommend talk don't date your sister what's whole because um who said how hard did you get hit my head building you looked over at astrum she was like so um i mean you took my horn off so i mean i mean i can't tell you not to date your sister i can't tell you not to date your sister but um all right because here i'm gonna do it you're gonna not date your sister wait what yeah that's the answer that's the answer here just no i was gonna i was gonna go tell her how i felt okay go wait wait wait wait wait wait your sister do it hey bud sit down sit down sit you've had a lot to drink sit down you touched his hell he's like um buddy is is that lady over there your sister oh yeah okay what do you think the only other team in this town okay are you gonna go tell her that you love her as a sister and that you're happy that you guys are both still alive i think that love can flourish no it shouldn't whoa why not you should kill that inside yourself it won't feel like a triangle yeah i agree you should take that little feeling and you see that girl sitting right next to her you should let the feeling flourish to her my cousin how far removed second cousin third cousin i don't know the difference between that's fine there's no safe in this man do they have friends that aren't related to you do you know in any way you uh are you in the looking for [ __ ] oh yeah i'm still watching that boat i i can you're seeing better i didn't get fired that's good i knew you went better we we have a whole ass house that needs is there a boat that didn't get destroyed kept up if you want to try out bryn chander i heard bridgehander did not get blasted by a dragon it didn't lots of lots of pretty people there and then maybe even though i'd be honest why is it your house yes when we come back from the cackling chasm we you're my daughter you're going to stay away from me i should have said that i apologize we have a bachelorette we're going to do this hole that needs something regardless there are and some fish kids that need them now [ __ ] dugan's hole which is apparent the fact that he is attracted to the two teeth no this problem was not attracted to deeply right right but if tiefling is awesome to screw my sister no no no we're going to pay you to go to british under and scream and not screw i don't know whoever you like there just watch the house oh good lord how much you paying more than what you make what do you make now yeah i mean like 10 gold a week holy [ __ ] i told you i'm doing pretty good you know we cannot offer you 10 gold a week however what we can do is offer you we can't offer you 10 gold a week she said like all right you gave me 200 gold right i give you each 100. okay i i pull out it's it's worth it i pull out a small pack but yeah i pull out a pouch and i set it down there's 10 gold in it and it says think about it with that there will be more if you come back with us all right i'll be here yeah good lord i thought it's always a [ __ ] trip holy hell last time we found out this is the friend tiny dwarf in a cup he's wonderful yeah look at ah my my friend was gonna come hang out with me for not tingle a week east haven gets home yes yeah this i thought it was all those jacob you know there's like invisible guys yeah uh-huh what for dirt they built their dragon huh yeah yeah oh oh gosh is it my fault no no they were building it for a long time i know so i thought but i didn't know because i wasn't watching them there's no way yeah they've been i'm pretty sure the dragon didn't even come from your job a little better no so there were some guys in cairo denval who were doing the same thing but a million times worse because they were the uh leadership of the city and they didn't do anything you were just a kid who didn't do their job and some some durga were hanging out in your boat they weren't even doing anything in your boat they were just [ __ ] around okay and the ones in character were being [ __ ] all right that's been really weighing on me and if anything scythe found you helped us you did and guess who killed the charlie dragon us wait you guys killed it yes yeah totally just kind of like [ __ ] around oh my god that's really cool it's dead it's dead i don't know yeah no smells aren't going to be a problem and we wouldn't have if we wouldn't have known about your dwarf problem on the boat yep that's how we knew about sunflower yep so if anything you helped us syphon i want you to go stop [ __ ] not i want you to go talk to [Applause] he stands up i'm gonna go home you good good okay go go home yeah go home no think about my sister no no no no no we failed him he was so close so we're going to give him a season away from his sister you're like lord what if it's only flourishes they'll love more oh no no no no no no no all right they're all there's a lot of you guys uh get a room head to sleep uh oh uh two gold doubloons i'll pay for it okay uh and that's where we're gonna take a break we're gonna come back and figure out what the freak is going on with these things you're not in a silly goofy mood but before we do that i'm going to read off some of our beautiful amazing delectable generous patrons who are donating money to us and by donating i mean they are subscribing to our patreon 10 tier in which gives you me shouting at your name at the break of every episode so uh thank you guys so much you were the reason that we were able to get these lights and a new camera so you guys are [ __ ] awesome so big shout out to dub mill minnie bm1 digged in martin sitting with his dad watching legend of vox machina and when scanlan's balls showed up dad said they were small he is a note gorthar the gamer big buff pimpin the hood will pratt possibly related to chris pratt momma love papa joy duncan new york door mama will build a magic port kill is so hot can rescue shelby from the ncr prison camp and leave a mini nuke for to before the trouble jon hunter moses mania roaring verlaine jessica colton should start every campaign with at least five backup characters am reno dress storm let's take a second to remember power word cream yeah come forth and adjoining notorious thief's amazingly awesome project full of c men panda mochi you can say it backwards if you want all right oh it's thorn schmidt dallas please help i'm in the basement and they have stopped feeding me late uh fluffy barbarian clarity shark and sean changeling merchant with a magic bow chin big hoss alice lily bottom the stream is now sponsored by lowly god check out my newest track or album or ep on all streaming services cover hide wolf gaffius tom michael reed the green mmm jokes on them i went to catholic school and ankle socks were banned because the ankles were too sexy they have sneakers hot lucy and grace bird god once upon a time jacob could a rap god the patrons names but can't but not anymore hashtag suffering from success a cask of colton's cremated characters teutonic knight michael god of puns sasuke uchiha is kind honestly kind of trash especially when you look at his win loss uh because august of lovelace uh mimi h josh travis zav bought some spicy hot wings hot spicy hot hot wings to help with the prolonged ice wind this week yeah probably good idea penguin culture friendly neighborhood dave king fire hammer the spider under your pillow you don't know it but i protect your dreams from knife eggs ethan collins mystical combat and muriel style thank you guys so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] it [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody welcome back i'm here to let you know that oral the new thing that she's doing in the icelandale have you guys heard yeah she's actually going around to all of the speakers and uh giving them nfts you know my favorite thing about nfts it wouldn't even be speaker narrative it would be nfts that i think are fun but sure no funny oh i don't have that either just let me let me go all right go ahead so people people say that nfts are the image right but they're not the nft is the spot in the blockchain so basically what people are doing is they're playing a treasure map they're they're buying a spot in front of a photo they don't own the photo the photo is a representation of the spot that they can stand in it's like oh cool you bought yourself a link that's cool we have a link now that link that's fun okay um oral just flies by the hexagon profile picture alright sorry anyways anyways uh you guys left off with you going big sleepy time and sleepy time it's in a wet trout wait we're going to sleep wait yeah no asleep no no no no no i i thought that was only a tavern i didn't realize it was awesome i see what's going on here yeah yeah we got burned down i'm just kidding oh uh you can long rest and you guys are going to continue your journey yes let's find out if there's a blizzard do we need to buy more food while we're here we do jacob can you figure out if there's more food for us to buy here as well oh yes they will limit you to five pounds [ __ ] three more three oh okay is it fine the person is like oh i would have more for you but our child of endless food got stolen did we yeah yeah which one we did we needed to touch base about that first we wouldn't do that after can we put can we put those on lazarus so i'm not encumbered give me your six cool three oh i i am eating one okay and i bought three from the here need to touch base with people know about dennis or on the way back no no i'll know back any more hours we we potentially submit these children to nulls right and we were seconds behind them killing that one so we need every moment we can get okay so you guys uh gather a bunch of food um you now have each have six dates but you ate one so you have everybody oh smart did you eat that fish soup oh [ __ ] it's fish just to eat it yeah i do but i'm upset all right so everybody has six days angry all right you guys head out um making your way south towards the cafe no no blizzard no blizzard no blizzard one moment oh the air turned on that's how that's a dangerous statement here from the dm one moment no blizzard yes but it is clear day yeah four rocks uh there's so not the much just actual stones come flying at it yeah you're ugly oh no wait no that's actually a thing that might happen he's over there i'm so confident killing him now really not in his mammoth mount i think we killed one i think the mammoth would focus you guys do you think she would start traveling south from east haven with the distant spine of the world uh uh in front of you as you walk towards it there all right all right just get it out what are you laughing about no i don't know what have we left i found my internet spencer this is literally crying the giant in the mammoth and we went oh we could probably beat one of them i said yeah the mammoths would probably [ __ ] us and spencer goes do you think she would [Music] there are the spine of the world enormous amounts um and they have these jagged sort of peaks that go upwards and um in a sort of pattern to make it literally looks like a spine as you guys get closer towards it as you're walking through sort of the clear day there's not a lot of wind um it's not super snowy it's really [ __ ] cold um you uh have to cross over a frozen river at one point and as you get towards the frozen river you step onto it with the crampons and you're able to walk across without slipping and sliding and it's frozen solid so you're not going to fall through it or anything just a little slippery but as you guys are uh walking you see what looks like a small little uh berry like a bundle of berries in the middle of the entirety of the frozen river it is completely bare except for a bushel of berries oh what the [ __ ] do you think that's a trick do you think what's the trick that there's a bushel of berries over there you can't see but it sounds like a trick yeah are there berries anywhere else nope just honestly no he has the good memories he does i'll send myself i'll walk yourself i'll go out there with blizzards no weird ones check my blade you've got it what turn you look over the berries and as you kind of as lazarus walks over towards you like walking back towards you holding out the berries you hear oh something's coming no something isn't coming something is running away oh you look on the ground and from behind lazarus you see a little chewing gum running away hey dude with about five gold pieces oh he just got robbed he's robbing you look at him oh he's returning he looks over you you have to run after him but you catch up pretty easily you turn around you pick him up he's like i go good job he's good for it yeah yeah he give me berries that's right thank you can i uh go can i rule nature on these berries yeah are they good they're gonna kill you if you eat the yucky berries 23. there are four magical good berries good berries that's pretty pretty nice what spell there's like a spell called good bearing yeah it'll feed you for a day [ __ ] and then it'll also heal you like a little tiny that might be really useful to have right now yeah juice yeah who can do that to spell dreads maybe the maybe chewing as i don't know if they uh if they can cast spells it's unfortunate that that that they didn't couldn't feed us with the times with us maybe only specifically maybe he's like a warrior yeah he's like this little sage man yeah yeah all right i will put the maybe you should carry it down i'll keep the flavors let's just eat them all i will not let him as you guys it's like a hobbit continue on get for the landless bread you start growing closer and closer towards the location it gets pretty dark there's a new feature where it actually shifts the lights so it'll slowly change which is pretty cool yeah oh yeah um the aurora is overhead and you guys uh started walking you're you're around the back side of like that mountain there near where this location should be it's icy it's frozen there's not a lot out here cupcake thank you coffee cake for your uh for your for your edition so you begin to hear something in the distance reason why it's called the cackling chasm i kinda like that just this incessant cackling horrible distant sounding like it's the bottom of a ravine as you follow the sound closer a yawning chasm ahead of you threatens to devour you as if it were a giant icy maw the wind sweeping through the mountains can't drown out the inhuman cackling that echoes from the chasm's depths i have a map for you making music these are your minis i believe they're in the box you're right we moved them we moved them they were breaking you look quite cool illuminated by that green light over there whoa perfect i'll take her actually we have one for you oh that's right the one that's like oh yeah using the weep you guys are over here okay oh um and this is what you see before you you just hear that consistent um echoing of cackling there's is there snow on the ice uh yeah there's a little bit of snow okay i'm gonna kneel real fast okay i'm gonna grab as much snow as i can yep and make like a small ball and make another small ball okay and i'll take two small like metal shavings and make a beak out of it i'm gonna cast summon beast and conjure like a light like a snow pigeon of some kind or a snow owl okay and then that'll be my bestial familiar on top of plaza's okay you do so and uh it's a bird right yeah yeah yeah you sort of create this creature and it is now with you um you guys look down and into the uh incessant depths of this chasm and in the back of this place you can see what looks like a cage sort of just looming in the distance though it's completely dark you can barely see what's inside let me see hang on wait now you've got a cool bird uh everybody is 60 feet of dark vision yeah i think no zero zero sixty sixty zero zero none sixty yeah with your sixty you're still unable to see it that's what i was wondering if i could move it over there what about your bird as in can the bird go see yeah uh i think it can but i have no way to communicate with it ah oh wait a minute so we would check [Music] um it says it understands the language i speak i don't think it can't speak sadly could could you tell go over there if there's four kids in there the call twice uh yeah i guess i could do that okay i will grab my little bird friend okay and i'll say essentially that can you so you can issue commands to the bird yes okay yeah and what are you going to tell it i will here i will draw an x on the ground and then a circle okay i'll go go to that cage return and land on the circle if there are four children that'll send the bird off the bird turns flies off and then out of the darkness you see it flying back and it goes over and it kind of like floats and it lands outside the circle well there's something i think so okay grab them again place them say land in the cage if there's anything in it at all yeah land in the circle if there's anything in the cage at all it does a little point and it hops over to the circle well okay okay let's start yeah how do we get over there um jacob how far are these drops um 30 feet for each one oh but you also see a little stairway uh like a hole that goes into the ground kind of off to the side there oh okay okay i could try and jump over there and run and stealth over if you want i don't think you found it you'd have to jump because if we go down to that layer you could walk around okay don't mess it up okay jacob these aren't like these they're jagged and they like point outwards and downwards yeah but if you if you were to walk this way it's not going to block your path right uh no no no no okay we can't see anything are you okay with the drift glove yeah okay then i woke up you're better at stealth than i am or she is and she can't go by herself okay should i no longer have disadvantage on that okay let's head down to the first level first level done okay who's going down first uh i will okay how are you getting down there's is it is it not a little thing right there uh oh you're gonna go down this the little little hole yeah okay uh so you're going in first and as you guys uh kind of look inwards and make your way in i'm gonna reveal it and then i'm gonna describe what's inside so crude steps lead down to a frigid 10-foot high k filled with a putrid stench the mostly broken bones of humanoids and animals lie scattered on the icy floor i'm in bits of metal and torn strips of leather there are um there there appears to be nobody in here at the current moment however in the back um you can see what looks like a crude stone altar with a mountain with a mountain goat's bloody head resting on top atop it which dominates the eight foot high cave the floor around the altar is littered with nod animal bones and you can see what look like four knolls crouched around uh that altar okay before i go any further can i get a read of these skeletons these bones on the ground bones on the ground yeah go ahead and roll a medicine check oh [ __ ] oh oh i want to use my thing on top of that okay my only thing you're thinking so 16 total okay get the cave lighting here um uh what'd you get 16 total 16. okay as you look um as you look around some of the bones um you can tell um you recognize some of them um many of them are animalistic some of them are elk you think one belongs you see like an antler it's a reindeer moose foxes wolves do you see a few humanoid violence you also see a good amount of knoll bones okay i will uh and the and the other four have not noticed me yet um well that's the thing are you selfing yeah then we'll stealth and we'll find out if they haven't seen me yet or not i can do so that way oh using real dice 23. okay uh no they do not notice it yeah come on i i will return back okay and then head back uh there's four knolls around we can take four notes are we ready to take four novels could potentially alert everyone i don't think we can still lie i'm just letting you know is there a path that leads further in is there a path that i could see because that like goes down to that second level there's four of us if we do it there's four of us if we do it right we kill them before they get a chance to do anything okay why don't you and i go in first sure i have faith in you you combated a parrot four cackling knolls i think you'll have we could probably potentially leave them out here if you want and i was thinking if we're unable to stealth then okay split their nets i can try let's try do we have a mini for astrid okay let's try let's all try and stuff okay um sorry i'm trying to figure out like what the hell if this map is trying to tell me here yeah um i'm pretty sure it just means that it connects but i am just trying to make sure yeah i think that that just connects right that's what it looks like that's the read i would get okay that's what it is okay oh real dice oh i gotta roll i don't know my real nice we'll say that you guys were able to notice a couple of more entrances then oh cool not terrible not good but oh i see there we go okay all right uh what did everybody roll uh 21 21 okay 10 10 as well oh and astrid needs to roll uh yeah i can have a roll right now she got a 11. so you guys slowly make your way in some of you being quiet some of you are having a rougher time with it um and as you head in um you look over and you see that for the most part these four uh knolls who are kind of back behind this altar they uh a few of them sort of like turn and look towards the entrance and see as you all enter but they don't do anything what the [ __ ] they look at you they just kind of watch master it's like what are they doing she sort of steps forward she says hey they kind of they look at one another and they look back like really beady sort of hyena eyes she says where are my kids and they just sort of stare at her do you speak i imagine like any other knoll would already be trying to rip our throat out monster orange what do you want i don't know why they're being funky a little insect inside inside two [ __ ] no clue and she kind of looks back she says well if they're not gonna fight us then maybe we should just continue on you're gonna let us in they just kind of look at you they don't do anything we go i will they don't look like they're about to fight they don't have weapons on them they're just around the altar and they're just kind of watching you enter and the altar is just the it's the goat head on top and there's four of them surrounding it and they're like kneeling before and then they noticed you and they kind of just started waiting move past them then down okay you move past them and you head down the path they don't do anything okay that's what we got yes seems weird okay um which way seems more like which which path either this side or right side is more likely to get me here um i either side really will get you there just depends on which way you want to get there are two entrances on this side so i want to go this way okay so you're going to go all the way around towards the kitchen i think so okay you go all the way around towards the cage um and as you guys um uh head over go ahead and move your minions over because it will be important to know do i still have one of those okay here uh yeah go ahead and put everybody's minis over there get over here a big boy butt assuming your guys are next yeah we are tracking our children here i'll put you in front even there we go i probably shouldn't be in the back or the front i think emolution's in the back watch his goddamn holes yeah that's exactly as you guys walk across a little bit into those rooms okay yeah i'm just gonna find the sense sticking with you i can do that but i don't know if that was i can't see too far to that one but you do get that no i'm not a paladin all right i'm a barbarian you're a monk you're a monk remember i know i want to rage oh okay i guess you can't you would like to kind of before we go ask emulation for a vibe check on those norms unless you should be like only do one type of vibe check that she's going to do fine all right uh before that um you guys can see in the both of those rooms there are um what look like quite a few knolls um [ __ ] is what these in that big one so the one on on on that big one right there uh there is uh quite quite a few knolls like they're and they're sleeping and they and as you guys walk across yeah they all turn and a few of them wake up and a couple of them go out to the edge and they just kind of watch you what and then they just kind of step back and they just kind of yeah and they just sort of watch you and then the other one over there you can tell that maybe like one null was in there right and he's the one who's like laughing and like echoing throughout the cavern oh what the heck and there's there's a few at the entrance that are just kind of watching you go around they're just kind of seeing what you're doing is there any like iconography in this cave there is now occasionally you see what looks like a couple of skulls that are painted with blood go ahead and roll a religion check oh [ __ ] religious they yep oh yeah that is the iconography of yunogu the um demon lord of knowles was there a lot of that like in this area oh god damn it um she's gonna be like okay so not to cause a big thing um my education is just kind of like coming back to me uh they they're religious probably zealots of some kind i have to assume they're worshipping yanago uh what does that mean i mean it probably counts for at least half of why they're so strange um do i know and you like you're saying this as you're walking across like this ridge you look over you just see like two nulls their eyes reflecting in the light as they just kind of watch you guys as you kind of walk across like you very clearly are aware of your presence do i do i know like what like his yanaga's relationship with the knowles is and like yeah he's like their god like they they follow him no matter what he brings like the endless hunt they crave chaos and blood and wherever he goes to birth more knolls the rest of them follow in a giant pack yeah so um do i there's not like a some like systematic religion of the nulls right like there's not like priest of knolls well it depends from pack to pack i mean right i'll say you know of uh because you rolled so well that there are certain ones who are more um uh religious and thus lead packs they're typically known as fangs of inogu and they are the leaders of their packs could be that it's weird because we're in their territory while they're asleep they probably don't have a lot of people just come into their ones that are awake they probably actually i don't know much about knowles to know what i know about knowles as a monster yeah roll um role history or i gotta look another thing up okay this is true can i roll the potentially like dating sam these mills how jacob feels about zarya elsewhere i feel about yanagu yeah oh my god i love [ __ ] dolls history history uh 16. okay um what do you want to know that's a good question i'm going to read you the normal text sure all right no i wouldn't love you dolls or feral hyena-headed humanoids that attack without warning slaughtering their victims into barring their flesh nulls are feral humanoids that attack settlements along the frontiers and borderland civilization without warning slaughtering their victims devouring their flesh uh the origin of goals traces back to a time when the demon lord yanogu fought his way to the material planet ran amuck packs of ordinary hyenas followed in his wake scavenging the demon lord's kills those hyenas were transformed into the first knolls um parading after inogu after he was banished into the abyss the knolls then scattered across the face of the world dire reminder of demonic power knolls are dangerous because they strike at random they emerge from the wilderness plunder and slaughter and move elsewhere they attack like a plague of locusts pillaging settlements and leaving little behind but raised buildings nod corpses and fouled land knolls choose easy targets for their raids armored warriors holed up in a fortified castle will serve will survivor rampaging knoll horde unscathed even as the towns villages and farms that surround the castles are ablaze their people are slaughtered and devoured nulls rarely build permanent structures or craft anything lasting of value they don't make weapons or armor but scavenge such items from corpses of their fallen victims stringing ears teeth scalps and other trophies of their foes under patchwork armor and no goodness or compassion resides in the heart of a null like a demon it relax anything resembling a conscience it can't be taught to be or be coerced to put aside its destructive tendencies the nulls frenzied bloodlust makes them an enemy to all and when they lack a common foe they fight amongst themselves even the most savage orcs avoid allying with nulls so even to kizera this is strange this is extremely strange all right and then i will make you uh uh roll one more inside check okay or you did you roll one i realized something do we use coins in this game because i don't have oh yes we do totally do sorry i forgot to pass them out i have mine that's that's my bad um you could use that one it's not for you that's a broke that's me and then paladin it's right here i always reserve mine just in case i need it uh that was a that was a 19 plus zero 19. keep the secret key okay so with that knowledge you ascertain that this is extremely strange that this doesn't make sense for nulls to be acting this way and you know that they can't be she's kicking you yeah um they can't be it's impossible for them there's no way that they are just like cool with you here there's something more to this in fact the last bit you sort of think about the fact that they um the they only they only they only either kill or squabble amongst themselves that has to be what this is you ascertain that these knolls have lost faith in their leader and they're letting you in so that he can die that's it that's kind of crazy they don't give a [ __ ] about you but if you're here and they just let you slide and they don't want and they look like they're freezing and they're tired and they're starving and they don't want to be here anymore but their bang won't let them leave and if you kill him maybe you'll be buds regardless of that as you figure that out astrid runs towards the cage and she goes up to it she looks over and she just says girls i'm going to go over the tooth you run over and as you look inside the cage you see your daughter jane in adelaide lying at the bottom of the cage one of them looking up towards astrid who just holds up her hand and she just says mom and adelaide your youngest only 13 years old lying at the bottom of the cage motionless she says what's wrong with your sister she says we're so hungry we've been here for days and she says it's a cage right can you get me up front is there a is there a lock on said cage astrid goes over towards the cage puts her arm on it and pulls she's already trying to break it open she's just is there a walk on the ground there is a lock in the cage give me two seconds and it'll she says help me open it yeah i'm working on it you need to let go of it just for a second and i'm gonna take these tools for the case pull yourself back come on dice uh where the [ __ ] is my oh right it's a thief's tools is its own check jesus uh so for me to be a plus seven so dirty 20. yeah that's an old ratty block you just kind of click and it opens and she throws it open she runs inside um she goes down to her and she kind of like strokes her hair a bit um and she starts like casting spells on her immediately um as uh jane sort of like steps over towards you and she says hi dad she's just like leans forward and you like you grab her yeah yeah you pick her up i mean she's an adult but berries berries oh yeah all right this happens you hear growling coming from the north up ahead that entrance right no that big entrance right there you see those two knolls are watching you and there's we'll kill him if you let us leave and they both nod to the right let them leave we'll do it they nod to the right of them right here and austin sort of looks and she says he's there with me go take care of them i'll get them out okay i'm going to leave the two good barriers she goes over and she picks up adelaide and she goes over jane leads on her as the two of them begin to walk did you catch that jacob please be safe what because you're gave the two good berries to oh good yeah okay they immediately start feeling better and she she jane can actually walking around now she says okay i'm fine let's go and they they start to leave the one thing you do notice about them is that they they um the two of them seemingly are unharmed they're the two nulls were nodding towards this correct where the laughings coming from they are here and they were watching as you did that they were nodding this uh sorry they were nodding this way yeah okay so we're killing an old in they want us to kill their leader do you think we have a few other kids i worry about the deal we just made yeah they don't like it for two of them she's gonna i guess look at the knoll who nodded i mean like do you have other kids the other and then they point at the camera does it look like us sorry can you say it again she's gonna she's gonna be like do you have other kids and she's gonna like dish to the cage to the ones that look like us um the knoll they kind of look towards one another and then just kind of look back all right we'll just go roll inside they don't understand you oh oh they are simply inferring i will repeat that in abyssal abyss they are the creation of a demon i'm learned you are learned more than more than me the smartest member of the party fortunately they do not understand i've got giant and sylvan they probably know no no they would not they're too scrubby and dumb that makes sense that's right they sort of like understand the language but they don't seem to know what you're saying that makes sense they respect you but they're like um okay we kill effect yeah um i mean if you want yeah as you guys walk past that area you can see about maybe 12 to 14 knows can i i'm assuming you do not see us or blair that's right though i'm gonna go kill that guy i'm in a uh let's move to kill kell kelsey guy i'm gonna put a little bit of a a little bit of a crimson right on my sword all right as you're walking forward no question as we walk into this i'm looking right i'm speaking out loud i can't really look to kazira you know a lot about knowles how dangerous is the leader of a pack jacob that's a great question as a player i don't know how dangerous right because but because europe had like 30 years of blood i don't know how you want me to measure that um on this side of what we've already worsened yes yeah comparison what we've already fought like give me a comparison giant yeah worse than the giant giants or worse all right okay okay what's in the peritones what about uh what about the period what about the [ __ ] we fought in uh the [ __ ] fortress the durger yeah a single duragarh no no i want to know more can this thing cast spells can it oh doesn't know how to [Music] stronger than the ones we fought the other day not as strong as a giant and as long as they don't turn on us when we kill it um we'll be fine we'll be fine okay and even if they do we fight through we'll go uh we'll go this way yeah yeah do we think your other kids aren't here [Music] uh that's the question we're gonna have to ask we'll ask them and we'll go ahead and slam ball no watch the kids yeah oh that's true as you guys can try talking to this thing though no kill them if you switch my sleeping as you head over towards this area you guys because i haven't seen the truth i don't know if the doll's good no should we kill them no painting are pictographs of a towering monster with sharp teeth that wields what looks like a three-headed flail packs of hyenas feed on the corpses in its wake that's the it's a drawing a small fire crackles near the south wall filling the cave with smoke hooking above the fire as a small green fish while behind that fire leading against the south wall is a blood-encrusted spear and fishing pole and and resting in the back you see there's a new thing i'm doing with pictures here so you both can see it this dude oh that's cool what though he is in the back and he's sort of like picking his teeth and he watches he watches as you enter and he turns and he just growls and he says to me but he says in a missile and nothing answers his car they don't understand the language he uh takes his claws and he looks over um in an abyssal he says you come to die and he prepares to fight everybody no initiative no you yeah wait i get advantage now because i have the [ __ ] shield and as as he kind of looks over towards all of you it's just the four of you standing there bare in hand and kaziro with his sores of light with fire i have a question though before combat i did do the divine sense before he came in that's right sorry no it's fine what does divine sense give you faith and dead this guy's a fiend no he's not a humanoid he's a fiend right that's him that's his size um just just for um for uh your you i know that there are there's a fire in here but there is an additional uh 20 foot 20 feet of light thank you oh that's actually really helpful yes i'm also resistant to necrotic damage because of right of the dawn extra d8 for smites guys yeah the [ __ ] are you oh i take a d60 i'm using my uh silver arrows as well oh i took five damage ouchie that's a lot of damage it is six it is it's an unfair amount i think you should just get your b-roll all right i agree i'm in there the stroke right here oh wait i think i have a fang actually you should we have like 80 knolls i don't know i haven't i have 80 knolls i think i have a fang though i know that's what i'm saying like we have so many knolls oh i wish he was i wish he was undead i'd get to do more damage to him that was fine oh my god immolation one oh no okay uh that picture of you is so funny it's it's colton with the [ __ ] with the red eyes victoria made it you're welcome i want you to know how well i'm doing thank you but i really appreciate that that reminds me um i don't know this is the right thing to do but i haven't done it yet so let's bonus action wrathful smite okay and then i would like to try to charge up that quarter staff yeah like run in i'm gonna go right to him yep you run straight over towards him as he just begins bearing his claws sharpest talons as you get over towards him and he's ready to bite he's slobbering at the mouth he looks like he's starving because it's not a good time for you buddy uh that's not gonna help that's a that's a 12. you've got a couple you you go forward with the smite and as you like swing towards his face he just backs out of the way no no next time it was technically a 13 actually but that's still business i figured no that's gonna hit though that's like a 24. yeah and as he dodges out of the way you like quickly like just like jab him and he's like he likes putting a smile into it second level smite balls yep okay uh i guess it has to make a wisdom-saving throw that's the thing it does um cool seven uh it is frightened of me [ __ ] how the turns table yeah yeah i know i'm now causing fear that it's gonna be 12 plus three is 21 plus five is 26. 26 points of damage so confident and then you just hit him with a stomach and he like empower it with a smite and he sort of like steps i i don't mess with this stuff lay down last oh it's my turn roll damn would i roll yeah i rolled the 19. oh nice same thing i was like well 19 would be good enough to go second um i will i have a lot of things yeah do all of them okay i will first with myself use my silver arrow okay that'll be a 16 hit that's six damage is silver if that matters uh it does not then my second attack will be my fly-by companion oh you hit him in the stomach emulation of [ __ ] arrows smears his throat it's beautiful that's beautiful um the fly by companion uh misses unfortunately yeah and then lazarus was going to come in and milaj was very rarely as well terrible wow well i don't know where the [ __ ] he can fit so much right there yeah that's fine okay all right he misses as well oh damn he rolls uh bites right into his height 13. uh still dread is your turn yeah uh yep because i can attack with the whip from 10 feet away and i'm going to uh i'll go ahead and do a fighting spirit so i can make the attack an advantage uh does a 20 all right it's a plus one whip now does it 23 hit the 23 hits cool no actually he catch shield yeah would it still hit oh oh i'm still with you what if i do magic missiles [Music] if you just make it make nonsense like wait cash shield so missile does not you're like what if it just does i'll be like yeah fair 17 damage yeah oh my goodness so after getting hit in the gut and attacked by a bear and then shot in the and then shot with an arrow a [ __ ] whip from the back cracks him on the side of his face his eyeball flies out of his skull and lands on the ground he's like is he mortal uh oh my god is he bloodied yeah he's blind okay good no he's eyeballing his eyeball that was cool he's not bloody yeah yeah uh and then i'll i'll i'll be cool and uh bring up the shield because oh the shield i have a shield i'm like soju do you mean to whip his eye out oh is that what i heard whipped his eye out cool oh my god desperation it just sinks all of everything it has into into immolation um a bite which is going to be a 21 it does oh it's afraid it's so scared of you yeah i big scary race that's right i totally forgot okay so that is the only thing that's ever been told which is still a 21. sorry this isn't he's no longer afraid of me oh damn it's concentration yeah the fear effect isn't it it's just is it it's until until the end of the spell and the spell ends up i assume and then i'm gonna miss all my uh heck clown save two okay hang on do you have a coin [Music] poisoned yeah i've diseased perhaps balance and this it's it's oh he's not scared anymore he always like you're portraying like the scary visage onto him and he looks up and he's like ah you're mortal i bit you yeah right you take you took the six piercings seven poison damage and then uh he's gonna do two claws yeah that's right uh oh not 70 damage guys i crit no oh that's good and uh and 11. so one clock misses one happens to like hit you got 11 i'm in a stone's endurance just because i can't the crit yeah that's would you wrong well i'm gonna do it right now okay you might negate all of it on the dice that's zero [ __ ] damage you completely just stop out of crit yeah we can do yeah so really it's just a lay down young whipper snapper yeah yeah just put down this little baby all right uh because here right here oh this is appropriate you get to finish them off well maybe hopefully first that'd be appropriate you would i'm gonna attack him twice go for it yes i can [Music] okay once uh one is a 18 hit the other one is above 18. both hit roll damage cool why are you spongebob your spongebob failed to flip the and burned his hand he's like to be honest running out of ideas for my my memes so am i i i 21 damage 21 damage c so as per rules here well noah's reduced to zero hit points yeah melee attack on its turn the knoll can take a bonus action to move up to half at speed and make a bite attack so he as you bring down your swords and kill him huh sorry i'm sorry i always think two swords single sword you stab into him like into the ground and he's like burning he looks up towards you just just bites into you oh [ __ ] how are you my reaction that'll do piercing damage oh constitution saving throw yes i can do that indeed [Music] con 15. okay uh you succeed you only take the six damage and uh as uh you just ah you take that as your sword is still in them and just he's almost got like a like a lock on your arm but he's not moving get him off [Music] all right grab that fishing pole and let's get the [ __ ] out here there's nothing else in here besides the pole right and that nasty spear i'm taking that fish oh yeah you take that fish maybe you'll like it yeah i'll take the fish take the pole throw his body on the fire all right as you guys turn and begin to make your way out the knolls sort of like look over and they kind of look at one another and you just hear them like cackling a couple of them howl as they run into that room they ignore you all right get out of we get out of here you guys head out making your way out of the chasm once more and you find astrid with your two children she looks over and they just all embrace you and uh adelaide is awake okay not dead and you said it's jane in adelaide right yes i want you to get blaster with that fish he's like he goes oh that's the greatest fish i've ever heard oh i thought it was like drugged yeah yeah we cannot eat no food no food i assume you guys at this point head back to east david yes oh yeah you guys with the fish can i ask them if the other two were in here oh yeah the kids we're gonna get to that okay they're a little too weak to talk at the curve okay they want to talk to you but they want to finish their journey first what if i did a little and hands-on little help um it'll help them walk like that and you're like questioning them on the way back after you're like leave them alone um no no you guys um as you are starting to make your way towards east haven you can see it in the distance astrid sort of relents a bit and looks down she says okay we're safe we're safe she sort of relaxes sort of the end of this very long day and she looks down at them she says do you know where your brother and your sister are she says i don't know jane does they we we're in the woods got separated um i don't know she says all right we can try to remember once we're inside we find that place again that tavern all right you guys make your way towards east haven head inside the walls and make your way in towards the wet trout so you guys headed you guys are sat around the table there's quite a few people in here actually getting different sorts of soups breads it's panera bread so i mean it's pretty good coffee you know they only have one soup yeah kind of off in the corner not talking to his sister as you guys kind of sit around good and um i'm still in the combat mode sorry guys um whoa would you be looking good though these new fancy lights thanks to the page you guys sitting around with some soup adeline and jane are kind of like slurping away at it jane kind of looks down at it um can you go ahead and describe what they look like for me um i think jane probably looks a lot like ashford like reddish hair green eyes she's pretty pale um adelaide uh is she has darker like brown hair brown eyes she's smaller because she's younger she's entertained still um adelaide is or no jane is about uh 20. so she's she's grown she kind of looks over um and she looks down at her sister who's eating and she looks up towards the rest of you um and she says we were uh we were in that forest we were stopping to rest for the night you were all together yeah and um those things they just came out of nowhere grabbed us mom was knocked out i saw her lying there thought she was dead and um well they took they took adelaide and i kyus and blair were with us for a little while and then um didn't they were talking it's hard to remember they took us really far out away from the forest towards the mountains they made us walk and then there were a lot of them like a lot i could tell they wanted to eat us they were starving or cold i always felt bad for them and then this one sort of walked forward it was different than the rest of them he was um tall white fur black eyes like glow red but as he got closer to us his fur was matted with blood he had fangs and he recognized us and then they said something in some language i didn't understand but they didn't do anything to us they took us around the mountains we got separated from caius and blair they took them one direction we went to the other and they were in that chasm for the past couple of days took a long time to walk there what direction did they take the other two he'll remember away from us further in the map i would i would have to think if we went left they went right kyle seemed confident he knew what was going on i think he was angry i think he tried to talk to them but he didn't they didn't he just laughed at him they were always laughing constantly laughing white one did it go where caius and blair was yeah [Music] he kind of looks over at astrid who's just kind of like intentionally listening she says and she goes over and she kind of covers adelaide's ears and she's like what she's kind of confused she says it's kind of like you dad no kind of like a vampire they were also eating each other the nose yeah like they got desperate and instead of eating us they ate them kind of like takes her hand off her ears and she says mom this soup's good she and she kind of smiles she says it tastes like fish i fish dad try the fish i'm okay try the fish dad it's for you and she kind of takes the spoon back and she like peels it back like she's gonna fling it at you and it like a little piece of fish hits your face thanks and astrid sort of like smiles and she already looks back up at you i can take them home i think that yes bridgeshander think maybe caius and blair were taken to this other place you heard about yeah someone in garagonia might know where it's at let me find out let you find out i can find out where it is you clearly have other business to take care of these goblins that thing that you keep talking about that came out of the sky a cabin frost druids people being burned at the stage yeah there's a lot the zentrum a pot full of endless food yeah we found them i have a question if it's just kyus and blair i know that they can take care of themselves especially if they're being kept look at them they're not hurt they're keeping them for some reason i don't know what form did your but at least we know they're alive did your daughter say that they were recognized i don't know how to say it whatever killed me wasn't a no guy man even when that happened though were they no part of your life no who's pissed off at the world enough they'd be trying to bait you in i don't know why they would i never went looking i wasn't gonna die again it makes sense he'd be up here though he vampire at least has his creations up here it might he might just know me i don't know a piece of fish it's your face again eat it i don't want to eat it try it it's good it's disgusting that's very good you eat yours how old is 13. okay she kind of looks up towards you so like why are you so tall why are you so short i'm growing yeah i stopped whoa yeah one day yeah you don't know your brain are frozen your braids they're frozen oh you you want to help me with that yeah she gets up and she's kind of looking and she's like it's so cold oh i'm sorry are you not so cold it's cold up here it is we used to live in moscow in malaysia pirate ships there and she's like i'm taking your hair she's like you might want to pour a little that's fine she yeah she she goes over she pours her soup in it she goes that's the best conditioner the fish gets you want mine to put in there have you been on a boat no oh they're really gross they're fun but like you you can get really sick yeah you're really sick sometimes yeah do you uh do you miss the boat yeah i like um when everybody was together we were like we would we would we would sometimes we'd play games and then sometimes we would make really good food yeah what type of games do you used to play oh there was this one where we would like run around the house we would try to hide and i don't like playing that one with dad because dad always finds us really easily for some reason i think he like can smell us for some reason i don't really know how she does how he does that yeah can i kind of divide says the kids too you find since the kids are both zombies they're both they're just kiddos they're just kiddos good not half funded yeah she goes if you want though i could play that game with you right now she's terrible at finding she jumps off the table and she's like i'm hiding no okay she's like running around there's people like where's the [ __ ] kid going she's like running around playing this astrid is like watching her and she like gets up she's like she runs around the tower and she's like keeping an eye on her you're ruining that game what oh no i gotta find the lost kid where is she do you actually know where she is she's right there she's like under a table and there's like uh there's like a couple of 10 towners who are like kind of in on it there's over the top like oh no she goes i she said i wonder if she's over here and she's going to go over a closet and open it and you hear her like laughing at the table you're like laughing yeah and then she didn't go around and eventually she's like no oh no you're wrong i'm right here because where i am she runs over towards her i wonder how you ever find them okay she's a very good hider she was the best hider yeah i bet yeah yeah yeah yeah but you always find us though yeah i was you less i always found you last he's gonna find your brothers too [Music] okay and you can play with them too yeah yeah okay yeah i bet you there's also gonna be a lot of cool stuff for you to do in britain yeah it's a big town we have a really big house really yeah my own room yeah yes is it you know you can find some other kids there who might want to play like i don't know jacks or something yeah not my little shots pick up someone plays that game oh that's an old game yeah i am an old person mm-hmm what what do what does it look like oh salty uh and she says i think the two of us should probably get to sleep yeah we're gonna wake up a little early tomorrow try to get some more clothes we lost all our stuff she said we're gonna get close tomorrow she's like yeah whatever you want um easy so um and she uh she uh she gives her the key to like your guys's room and um adelaide starts going upstairs and jane start to turn she says so like what happened in this town like why is everything destroyed there was a dragon wow is it dead yeah we killed it you killed it no uh yeah i did actually exception she goes would have destroyed everything if you didn't astray girl looks over puts her hand on you and she smiles and she follows them up it's good for them and she waits up the stairs yeah yeah yeah we have questions we have we have a lot of [ __ ] to do starting tomorrow so right get rest i think you too you're gonna go uh give an old man some food so you can have your eyes back that's right although i still sit there forever wait totally waiting for me he'll never starve so this is oh man why can't i get rid of this item my favorite part is there's no context for anyone else his food instead if we would have got hungry enough no i understand now so what are we doing first i'm going to go to bed before my okay wife comes down here and can you feel it um the three of us know okay i think we need to look into dana's murder before we leave but that should only take like [ __ ] right an hour at most unless it becomes more complicated in which case it'll take a day but i don't have a lot of faith in their guards and the last time they did an investigation here fantastic well we're at the best place to do an investigation and she'll stand up and uh slowly make her way to the bar i guess you go over the bar yeah see uh no i think there's a bartender detailed in here she doesn't she does not see yeah yeah i'm getting back into eugene mode where you go you see and i go no i don't oh yeah i also ran a patreon game with a uh one of my players was deaf and i would constantly be like you guys hear this she's like no i don't and i'm like thank you [Music] where the [ __ ] are you guys east haven there's um uh yeah you go up to the to the bar and you see the tavern's current owner and proprietor um who uh she's a uh white dragonborn um and head up she kind of looks over towards you and she says yeah where can i get you uh something strong please sure and a couple of questions well answers two questions i got this uh concoctions one of my favorites fire brandy mead sure she slides you over a mug it is sweet and spicy oh hell yeah [ __ ] fireball let's go oh yeah yeah it's more like wine than it is like a like a fireball wine let's go even more you drink more she looks over and she says all right what do you want to know venturin type yeah wait sorry let me get the uh not uh serious music up in here okay what's up uh it should be like um i hear a rumor that some pretty nasty crap has gone down in this in this town the last couple of days oh yeah it's been uh there's a lot going on here in east even slowly getting things rebuilt around here but um is uh i hate to ask but is there any truth to the rumor of your speaker oh rumors of him being killed yeah i don't think they're true to be honest really i've seen him recently he's made his way out uh stealthily throughout the town he made his way into the trout the other day actually uh he was flanked by about four or five guards seems to be on protection but nobody's seen him in a while so of course dumbass 10 towners think that he's dead he's not he's just in hiding don't know what he's hyped from though heard that uh everlasting bowl of soup or whatever got um i got got went missing good for me i uh could use the business yeah well cold's been good for my business when did when did he when did he come by a few days ago hmm a few days ago something like that you see him leave town or do you see him see him leave town yeah i said he's [ __ ] watching around oh you said you've seen him sneaking around i work here i have to own the tower and i can follow him i just know that he's not dead gotcha anyone else come here and be like guys i saw the speaker yeah the first person about him everybody else just think that he's dead or he ran off or something like that fantastic everybody around here is a little too busy kind of deal with the destruction left behind by that charlton dragon you know fair enough fair enough luckier than some towns but not the luckiest i guess it's all right i think we'll be fine and then she'll dig into a bag how much is the point to the oh four silver uh she'll set two gold down well thank you very much you provided very useful information she'll take the mug and make her way back all right and i'll relay that info to the party just so the bartender says that she's seen the speaker she's not dead sneaking around with guards from where to quote to quote her she runs the tavern but she's seen him outside and he even came in one a couple days ago okay so i don't know if he's here i don't know if he's hiding out somewhere here or if he's leaving town but the rumors of his death may be uh just a bit exaggerated you watch her she is the dragonborn sort of comes over towards your table she puts her hand down and she looks down she says a little bit more of a tip here to be honest i think something's got to do with the underground black network working him i think he may have made his way towards uh one of the western cities when you say working in him what do you mean uh maybe they got some dirt on him i said you coursing him or something like that i think i know what you're saying right western city huh so he's not one of them good to know so he's not here don't think so i think right now exactly where he is yeah if y'all are gonna deal with that i'd be very grateful i'd like our speaker back of course yeah good who's who's running it with your speaker gone um i don't [ __ ] we're all just sitting around thumbs up our asses hopefully we'll hopefully deal with this before they try to appoint a new one yeah we should probably check to see if there's from what i heard the speaker of easthaven was quite competent he had a change of heart after a conversation well hope you find him she slams her hand on the table and as she walks away she says frost maidens blessings be with you so he's definitely in targos right probably like i mean theoretically could be in good meaning that doesn't make sense though the cauldron disappeared and popped up in targos he's not dead he's alive and he went to a western city well goodman is western and they were trying to get a hold of a position of power and good need yeah i think i think good money's on tarkos but it's an option we still go to targets first though of course we can go with their we can go with uh because they're in the family make sure that they get there safe and they don't get absolutely sidetracked or ambushed again that and then you'll deposit them where you left them and they will stay there yeah everybody's separated like a bank yeah they're staying here you may want to withdraw three children you may want two children and a wife that next time at the end of the lottery they're at least aware of it the name isn't the house isn't velen's name they don't live there they're just staying vacation eventually that's going to change by then we'll be done with this i hope i hope there will be any need for watery anymore eventually head upstairs and um getting well needed sleep except for you lazarus you stay awake because uh you don't know what sleep is i'm gonna stay down here actually and just kind of watch as the tavern slowly grows quiet fires burn out and people begin to leave you stay downstairs in the quiet and wait and watch you're gonna stay and you're just trying to watch people is that way let's keep an eye okay pull the shield off here no i haven't gone no no hold on to it just stress me see you see a lot better with it on i don't know if i'll be actively looking yeah you should take it put it back on my back all right i appreciate that the sentinel shield is the weirdest thing ever it doesn't require attunement so i could just give it to you you just have an advantage on perception that's kind of me right yeah i don't know if he's actually like looking like it okay i think he's intentionally staying away from certain things okay okay girl's quiet cold and thus ends the day and that's where we're gonna end tonight's game wow we're ending at the end of the day and coming back the next day whoa whoa well you know we are gonna play tomorrow we are that's what i mean that's what i mean uh yeah you guys want to find out what happens next time uh just be here tomorrow at the same time six or seven let's do six because i gotta go earlier on uh can you do six oh yeah yeah my overtime got cancelled no let's go six clubs all right so well we will see you guys tomorrow at 6 p.m pacific standard time before the next episode of ice cream around the front in the meantime you can spend all of the time that that we're stuck in the the proverbial uh space between sessions uh checking out beetle and grimms oh my god beetle and grams guys there was a handout i thought i was going to give out today but they're well we didn't get to it but probably next time there was a lot of rp today yeah so there's always a lot of stuff you can watch i bet you could you could just look over that website for hours and hours and hours that's what i mean you'll be ready to watch the next episode of ice cream. whoa yep that's a long time they have a lot of stuff for you no no no no no no and it's more like 19 hours and if you buy a box you could read through everything that we're doing in the next adventure and that's just between you and your bank account yes thanks everybody for joining for tonight's game appreciate you guys we love you we'll see you guys next time that well that that right there yeah what is this that's the end of the stream yeah i'll catch you guys later when are we gonna bust it down sexual style you
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 38,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w9C8UN3KzQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 15sec (13695 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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