[Music] [Music] if this is your first time or your usual time with us then welcome to Xbox era we provide a platform for the Xbox Community from our forums and Discord our main site with the latest news and reviews and our podcasts like the Xbox ear podcast and you have me at Halo We Exist at our focus on the Xbox platform front and center because so many media Publications out there don't we love this community and believe Xbox really can be the very best place to play if you love what we do help us you can join as a YouTube member or even better subscribe to us on patreon you help us grow and get plenty of perks to enjoy as a token of our appreciation just head to patreon.com Xbox era and as always thanks for sticking [Music] around the Xbox era podcast is brought to you by executive producers top torn Raptor and [Music] Lael [Music] Hello friends and welcome to episode 187 of the Xbox Ser podcast the Xbox centc publication funded by and for the Xbox Community if this is your first time with us and welcome it's your usual time with us welcome back and if you love what we do you can support us directly by heading to patreon.com Xbox era as always I'm joined by again after a Hiatus of one week wasn't enough time but he's back special Nick buddy what's going on and we have a very special guest today uh MAA of MAA 91 Productions Fame guy producer extraordinaire welcome to the show for the first time ever right yes and you guys have a very snazzy intro I didn't see that last week is it new no this is this is last week you guys skipped it I thought no it's it's normally there and arguably the whole production of this show was a lot snazzier but Florida being weird um they cut Jesse's internet and there's only one provider in his small area where he lives and now he's on a mobile connection so we have not even small area I live in Tampa I live in a very large area that has a lot of providers but yeah so HOAs here in America they sign a contract with one place and you're stuck with them if they're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] out of luck yeah so it's normally even yeah but we'll take the compliment and we'll run with it and as always Jesse's here as well um and obviously the community is here in the chat so hello everyone as always please hit that like button it does help us out with the old algorithms here we are again for another week of exciting video games it's always nice I'm I'm wrapped at maaz on I know I've been I've been wanting macaron for a while I've been like I've been stalking him and harassing him in DMS on Twitter like I do to people and he's like been dodging me he's like uh you know does that thing that people do when they don't want to come on they're like yeah B busy just pushing me away I will admit I've been difficult to uh schedule with that is completely on me you caught me at like that amazing time in October where there's like three games a week and then I just I think I like read one of your DMs in like a trance as I was waking up and I forgot to respond to it but I'm very excited that we we figured it out and I'm here cuz what one of the messages is like oh I might get Alan Wake and I was like okay okay if he's getting Alan Wake Alan wake's amazing I'll let it go yeah yeah and so Alan it was Alan Wake it was uh ghost Runner 2 and something else came out that same exact day there was a third game foret it was like City skylines I think which I also wanted to try out it was just it was a rough week oh man well thanks for coming on though yeah it is really really good to have you like we've been watching your guides probably for for years I know in particular years he'll play any old [ __ ] to get the achievement points for it because weird right so he's probably that's that's that's the business that's how that's how folks like mea like because people want those achievements man especially the easy gamer score like was it it was your guide you did the um what's that game where there's a glitch you can go into the debug mode the surviving Mars or subnotica no no no it was Arc the the 2D one where you were like inside signs and stuff and there was a glitch you could go into the debug mode yes The Pedestrian whatever it was yeah there's yeah yeah yeah The Pedestrian was a uh it was a puzzle game and then it right before it got taken out of Xbox game pass someone found like a debug menu that let you skip most of the game but that is a lot of games uh Ark survival the one of the dinosaurs did that stica did that like it is a Common Thread yeah yeah yeah wow well I mean love to get into it we're gonna with some questions on on how you how you started making guides and got into this industry in the first place because you know you're rocking a YouTube channel of got it's been it's been around for a while and you're you're nearly pushing 400,000 subscribers now right so yeah must feel pretty good is this is this fulltime career for you yeah it's been fulltime um I've been doing it since like 2009 I want to say full-time 2013 maybe 14 it's a long story if if you guys want me to get into it now I can do that now or if we have some why not the flow is here so let's roll with it yeah look uh video games were like I was super into video games and I was like lucky enough to have access to the internet in like 2005 and six well even before that which not a lot of people were necessarily uh privy to so I was like you know in the early 2000s I was there like downloading mp3s and trying to freeboot a copy of s off of lime wire like we were all trying to do uh that involved into like figuring out how forums work and I got a 360 and then I joined the website kind of built like a there was a community there and we kind of built like well I didn't build it but I was there as it was being built uh there was like an achievements website we were kind of growing and then believe it or not someone like invented video guides like it was a time on the internet before guides were in video form they were just game facts they were written down wall of text you would go to a website and just read like a million word of text someone yeah someone invented well at least that's what it felt like the video guide for achievements um so then I kind of combined like that uh I got a capture card and kind of combined like a passion for like video editing so I tried to get better at video editing uh on my own like teaching myself and then so I got a little bit better at video editing I started making some guys just to help out some friends and then at some point after like a couple probably hundred videos YouTube started intr producing like the a way to make money on YouTube which I started before that was an option so they were like hey I know you made 300 videos but we really like this one Halo 3 video you made about how to collect skulls would it be cool if we paid you for the views on it and I was like hell yeah and so it made like 80 cents a month for like a couple months um and then after a year I had like 25 bucks or whatever um yeah it was it was it was a long zero it was crazy yeah no actually I was there during like the formations of like the mcns which I would never uh wish upon my worst enemy to join an MCN unless network network yeah essentially just like a man that gets in between you and YouTube to take your money essentially oh well how helpful of you oh hey we we know one of them don't we know one of them yeah I don't want to pull any drama from that guy in no I'm just saying I'm just saying we know one of them they used to be they used to help Gamers cuz they used to be a way to get around like a cut scene in a game getting taken down for copyright so they they would let they would kind of like help you get past that like YouTube feature that would like flag videos and take them down and stuff so there was kind of a use for them but essentially they kind of evolved into just money thieves which whatever um so I was doing it primarily as a hobby because you know 25 bucks a year great to buy a coffee with but you know not anything you're going to do with um anything 25 bucks a really good one a macho one um I was going to University uh to become like study engineering essentially and I was going through that and uh I graduated but by the time I graduated I did like seven years in like four and a half years I was exhausted I was like a a Hu a shell of myself and I needed like six months off I didn't feel like getting hired into like the Ford factory to like inspect paints which was what most of my friends were getting hired to do so I decided to just take six months off and during that six months it was like right after I think GTA 5 five came out somewhere around there it would have been the beginning of 2013 was when I kind of graduated uh so I started just taking you like I had more spare time to like devote to YouTube started growing and growing and growing and that like 80 cents a month became like $50 a month and 100 and 200 and then it became enough that like I wasn't just a loser doing nothing in my room all day like I I could actually may pay a bill or two see see Mom and Dad it does pay off and it was enough to like it was enough to like invest from uh I had like a $10 IKEA lamp and I like put a piece of paper over it with an elastic band so getting some of that money allowed me to like buy an actual light for my webcam and like invest in something better than a laptop that was literally in two pieces Hanging On by The Wire wow so I started taking that money and putting it back into the channel and trying to like get slightly better quality and it grew and it grew and it grew and then you know 10 years after that we're here I guess yeah amazing wow yeah kind of jealous because you know it's a very similar journey to you know we had a collective idea and and we've gone off and run with it and we probably started well 10 years too late but um you know trying to get this up off in ground and into effectively you know it sounds crash to say at Revenue generating mode so that we can actually focus on doing what we want to do it's really that that leap is is a difficult one to make so like it's it's crazy to hear that you've been there from from day one before YouTube videos were monetized and creators were paid like you were one of those experimental ones where they first were like hey I mean ideally ideally we'd all do this out of the goodness of our heart but you know uh without any income it would be quite difficult just to survive so that's kind of like that first boundary but yeah I was creating even written guides before the video guides just just to be like part of the community part of the internet like it was just fun something to do and and uh but I think that's kind of why everyone starts it's like it's it's not you're if you're going into it for the money which I've seen people do I've met these people uh it very very rarely works out for them yeah yeah there there has to be some some kind of like extra something under there you know yeah yeah your audience will know if you actually care like if if you're doing it because you care or you're doing it for just to be a business from the beginning well it's funny you say that in the interest of blending the community questions in with the show's I like this couple of relevant questions here for maca there's one from Brit we've got a a patron Brit who's also in the chat uh greetings gentlemen welcome Patrick meca to the podcast with how much work you put into producing exceptional gaming guides how do you keep your interest in gaming up avoid burnout and growing tired what do you do to d-stress from gaming uh I don't avoid burnout if I knew how please let me know uh I haven't figured it out in this many years unfortunately um yeah burnouts tough It's burnouts tough because you you're almost forced into it just by the like people competing in the space if you're not going to burn yourself out someone else will yeah and that that person's going to take your views from you or or or your subscribers or or whatever your attention you know we're all just trying to get attention on the internet like little goblins um so so if you don't burn yourself out like someone else will so someone else is willing to make that sacrifice that you won't make and that's kind the tough part about trying to sustain it so long and I think more than like avoiding burnout the thing that I've been able to do to like last 10 years is kind of like slowly adjust my content and what I'm covering my style and and that stuff I think has helped the longevity more than like managing the burnout I think sometimes people are scared to like step away from what they know and what they're used to um but it is it can be like people talk about I think it's called like open world game syndrome or whatever if you play too many open world games back to back there's like this certain feeling you get that same feeling happens when I do it and I'm also recording it and like if I play too many single player games with way too many Collectibles like if every game was Allen W 2 it becomes there is actually there's actually certain series like alien isolation where if you watch it's like a 20p part series but if you were to watch it you can slowly hear the soul leaving my body from from episode to episode because of how much it drains you and that's a game where if I remember correctly uh no skippable cuts scenes uh no checkpoints uh it doesn't keep track of the collectibles in the menu for you so if you miss one it was like I had like three game saves going on three consoles I was replaying every Mission twice and by the end of it I was like it's not worth it it's life is I hate I hate this game um and I love Alien Isolation I love that game it was so good it is good but it has a terrible Collectibles system built I often wonder though like you look at the number of games you play right like and to give it I guess some context if we're all doing reviews right there are certain games I'm I'm never going to touch because they're not my game but you seem to be quite eclectic in a similar way to perhaps Jesse is here he he reviews a little bit of everything and he's quite good at just playing video games in general but I would steer clear of open world games because I just get I just get burned out in like three hours I'm like oh too many icons and I just switch off do you find yourself oh I really like this genre so I'm going to make this guide or do you do guides for games you know you're going to hate but do it anyway because it's good for the views like do you get what I mean yeah uh the essentially the process of like what games I choose to make videos about kind of yeah yeah okay okay that makes sense yeah so like it's hard to say there's a lot of working parts to it like a game like Call of Duty comes out I know there's going to be a single player I know that single player is going to have 15 achievements trying to people are trying to get easy W like I know I'm going to get get in there get out of there quickly efficiently one yes four hours later uh additionally there's like uh you know there's that relationship between like me and the Publishers and the and the marketing companies so like if these people are sending me their game early and I get that Head Start it's pretty beneficial to try to cover that game just because I'm less rushed I'm avoiding the burnout we're talking about the quality of the videos is likely to be high uh obviously favorite games are like in Game Pass that I know a lot of people are going to want to try or play because generally in Game Pass you have the higher quality stuff um so do you you sure I keep hearing about all this F on game I don't oh yeah what do we have lately I I play it started it was okay it gets better though I love to ju I thought it was great f yeah I didn't I didn't bother with all the Collectibles though because I don't give two Hoots about achievements so I do paks and troughs like yeah I know you generally though I I just I I don't know why I've never really clicked with like RPGs like I just don't know if it's the time investment on them or like I'm with you bro I'm with you something about them I just don't end up playing them when when they do come around yeah there just to there's too much work there they start to feel too much like a job I already have jobs but yeah you said you had two questions Nick did you did you have the other one lined up yep uh the other one is from skidadle uh warm welcome MAA am I right in thinking this is his first time on the show yes you are right scle seems like the perfect opportunity to ask you all about your Xbox achievements now he's got he's got a few here what's your most satisfying ever what's your most satisfying ever game completion so satisfying achievement satisfying game completion is there an achievement or game completion you wish you had and when meca hit 1 million gamer score what was he playing wow wow we just got all of it we got the gauntlet the most the most satisfying achievement is always so hard to answer because there's always like a little bit of recency bias like you're more likely to pick something you kind of recently did but I still remember like very fondly um there's an achievement in Guitar Hero 3 if you which guitar Heroes coming back get excited I L those games guitar three out an achievement for like beating the campaign on Expert winning 500 ranked matches like playing career in Co-op and beating it in Lefty mode or something I forget exactly there was like six different things you needed to do and I remember like that achievement finally popped and I was like I can Happily Never play this game again I am very satisfied right now yeah uh didn't complete it most satisfying game completion ever would probably be we have uh uh someone in the chat here named shiz uh they were here earlier I'm not sure if they they're still here but um him and I played a game called descenders it's not a co-op game we just both played it at the same time right yeah it's the mountain bike one and there's a zero gamer score achievement in that game which I consider necessary for a game completion and it can take it it used to take because there's updates in the game that changed it dramatically but it was essentially a dice roll you would get a dice roll every 30 minutes and that dice roll you had a one in 490 chance of getting this some random item so on average it was taking people between like 1 and 200 hours to random dice roll this item for a zero point achievement um and I streamed it and I was like guys we're putting in our final five hours if I don't get it game's uninstalled I'm never thinking about it again and we got it in that five hours and um and then there's a bunch of like very high skill cealing achievements also so once that was just done they had a DLC achievements went for those um that was like crazy SA Ying the you have to do like runs without falling off your bike you got to do like secret worlds you got to do all this crazy stuff uh achievement game completion I wish I had uh yes good question I I I've been wanting to go back to a lot of old games I'm gon to show off a game here I have it I've had it like almost ready for a stream here for a while and I'm sure you guys have played it but um well actually there's a couple games in here I've wanted to go back to some games that I haven't completed like Titanfall 2 nice um you haven't completed Titanfall 2 I've completed the game I haven't completed it on the hardest difficulty so I don't have the completion with games like Barbie Puppy Rescue which I would love but it's not backwards compatible but an actual good game spec Ops the Line oh yeah yeah lot of I've been meaning to go back to that and uh there's an achievement for you have to play it like a second time on the hardest hardest difficulty and I haven't done that part yet so uh maybe I I wish I could go back and and finish I can't believe you don't have the full 1,000 on Titanfall 2 it's cuz uh when I was filming the Collectibles guide I just wanted to beat it so I could get all the Collectibles so I played it on normal and then I probably just moved on to another game if I'm if I'm being honest from my memory because I think that one came out during a busy season so I just didn't play it on whatever Master difficulty Legend You're Titanfall 2 is so good it's such a good game I think I I remember the first time I think I remember being like super pumped and satisfied at an achievement was Mile High Cod like when I got I remember getting it and you're like I was jumping around I'm like yes I'm like I am the greatest like man I actually remember having a lan this is back in this would have been 2007 2008 and mile high was like one achievement I I had like 15 Halo nerds in my house and we've all been playing like Halo 3 link for years and then one of them was a big c fan and I was like has anyone else done this and he was like I have I was like I have tried so much I've tried to learn like three guy he did it in three guys like I'll take it I'll take it but my proudest one Geometry Wars one nice achievement unlocked nice that that was a that was a game man that was a game what were you playing when you hit a million uh C Mania there was a recent free uh I mostly picked it because it had a couple really hard achievements I was working towards and it kind of just lined up where I was like popping a lot of achievements that I had like kind of prepared and the achievement name was like completionist which is kind of like where my achievement like personality is kind of gone I started focusing more on that so I just thought it was kind of fitting but like yeah track man turbo it's new and it's free free to try what is your game School nowadays uh 1,50,000 something like that Jesus Christ that's insane I just 177 yeah 177 and I don't care about CH what's going on oh my god really depends nowadays on what you play there essentially there was a I'll call it the dark times of achievement hunting over the last couple years in my opinion not everyone's going to agree but um essentially uh essentially well no I actually like multiplayer Jans I'll defend those till the day I die get the top 10 of the leaderboards and you're like [ __ ] off come on no obviously that one's bad but like expecting someone to complete a ranked match in Rainbow Six Siege a game that you can only play online is a very reasonable achievement fair fair fair and the fact that people are worried that servers are going to shut down if you didn't play it in the first eight years the game existed what makes you think you're going to play it when the server's shut down anyways um were you were you there so were you an xboxachievements.com person or.org back then or are you true achievements neither it was Xbox 360 achievements. org uh that's right that's how it started yes yes yes yes that existed before true Chans I was on true trement the day it started um okay and then there was also 360 voice which was like a website that pretended it was your Xbox and it blogged for you I don't if anyone was around during yeah I remember that I think I was signed up it would Auto tweet for you when you unlock stuff and like I played kind of yeah yeah it be like I yeah it was kind of like the TA activity feed aspect of ta was just a 360 voice.com and there was like my gamer card.net there was so many websites back in the day but I spent most of my time on x360a and then true achievements and and now just kind of I don't know YouTube and I'm on I'm still on true achievements but you know uh a lot of companies started achievements always Xbox 360 Achievements which they've become xboxachievements.com now they've evolved yes yeah yeah so were you there for the NBA 2K6 I sure so was I they were was on the Forum and they're like everyone we got to get everyone online at like this specific time so we can all get that achievement I've still got it like oh my God that was was like 3:00 a.m. for me they gave you a badge on the website too if you were there right amazing did they did I remember I still yeah I I saw it not that long ago if you were yeah if you if you were a part of it and you went onto the Forum and said like I was there I got the achievement they would give you a little award so when you were on the forums people could see that you were a part of it too oh wow I remember back in the day switching switching matchmaking in Halo 3 to pretend we were in Sri Lanka and then all going on at like what would be 4:00 a.m. M for Lanken time like with with eight people like all searching FFA so you could get the Spartan two for one laser shots in Halo 3 because they were just outstanding and everyone was like [ __ ] this let's just clear them off and it worked um I hated Bungie's multiplayer achievements so much that trick still works trick does it yeah people OverWatch twitch to Korea or like Saudi Arabia they get 12 people and they get them in an OverWatch match to boost OverWatch achievements still yeah it works in the peer-to-peer Games on 360 me me and a friend once in the blue moon when we can be bothered in our busy lives we'll log on to the club and just kill each other online to build towards the 10,000 kills we just sit there and shoot each other oneon-one to build it up just oh man but bungees like being a warthog on a Tuesday at 700 p.m. and flip your warthog upside down and shoot a rocket and hit three Spartans and make sure one of the ninja do youan some of those were nonsense but their vid Master achievements that came out with the uh ODST Mythic map pack the Vib Master ones that got you to play the campaign again in slightly different ways with friends and do different things was very cool like do the end Halo 3 run in a in a mongoose with someone on the back and and silly things and they were I think they were called vid Masters I'm not sure where the name came from now like my memory is not what it used to be but um yeah so we we've been diving into a lot of the achievements talk so you play obviously play a lot of games normally one of the segments we do on the show when we first no wait wait wait before you do that before you do that sorry before you do that we have we have a super chat and one more Community question that we can get out of the way for meca so um super chat from labara X have to give props the meca for putting himself through three to four playthroughs of Peppa Pig so the rest of us have as short a possible playthrough did you really oh yeah oh yeah I I like have so my like standard procedures I'll go through like the game one time I'll record it but I play it really slowly because I'm typing up notes as I'm going so typing up you gotta T to talk to Daddy Pig and then Daddy Pig's gonna give you the glasses and then you could take the glasses to the farm and then you could talk to the pig they'll give you a hat and when you dress it up you get to the next scene and so I type that all out and then I do like a second playthrough of trying to like speed it up make sure everything I typed is like working and try to figure out ways to like skip ahead or skip little scenes and sometimes games will be like you know uh in Peppa Pig's case it's actually random so like your first scene like everyone starts the game the same way but once you get in the car and you go to the park you might end up at One Park or or a different Park so there's this whole aspect of like R RNG in Peppa Pig God I always I always like to optimize my guides because I feel like if I put in the five hours but then like a thousand people use the guide and I save them each 10 minutes like I feel like that's a good payoff for them right everyone's happier in the world playing less Peppa Pig I I just let my kids run around in my profile it's just like yeah go nuts and I'll just leave them and they just unlock achievements on their own randomly so I've left it there oh wow uh and one I think it's one last direct question from Good Old cwood Happy Thanksgiving to Jesse happy weekend to John and Nick and welcome MAA 91 Patrick what is a walkthrough or guide you would like to do that has nothing to do with video gaming kind of like this and he's got a couple of examples like folding his shirt in two seconds yes so yeah actually I've really gotten into like I got the I got I got to say it quietly I got the Alexa in the house so I like automated my whole house and like I took out light switches out of the out of the walls and like redid All my light switches and my my outlets and my lights so I've would as I was trying to figure all of that out like a lot of the guides aren't made by like video people they're made by like Plumbing people and electricians who are very good at their job but they're not good at like presenting the information necessarily so I feel like I could do a pretty good job being like all right turn off your fuse because we don't want to die then you're GNA like don't don't rub these two cables together I feel like I would be kind of okay at like figuring out how to film like a maybe like not like serious home Renault but like very basic level yeah how to save yourself a $200 electrician visit when you don't need it you know yeah yeah it's funny you mention that consoles die yeah it's funny you mention the light switch thing because I nearly killed myself replacing a light switch yeah I forgot to turn I forgot to turn the power off yeah and then you you you pushed two buttons you were at the same time you know I did the whole stick the screwdriver thing in and felt a little bit of a zap and was like oh hold on wait a minute when when me and my best mate were building this house and doing the renovations in the house I live in now he's a Sparky by trade right and we're sitting there and we're just we're just stripping and we we're doing kind of like final fitting and he's just with his wi Cutters doing what he normally does he's on autopilot he' forgot to turn the power off because we've been going for like six weeks and we were knackered and he goes to cut the wire and it just goes ping ping ping and it just flash and I'm just like in shock just staring at him and he and he's on autopilot just like I've got to finish the cut and he just and when he eventually stopped my neighbor came running across is everything okay and he was just like he was like Shake he wasn't electrocuted because it was through the thing but his hand was shaking and the wire cutters every time it had made contact with the wire it burned away the metal so they were just like these Jagged things F he's still to this day like that's the most terrifying thing I've ever done as an electrician I was like nice far ass yeah not fun not fun yes not at all blimy well yeah we look forward to your home renovation guides Smacker by the way chat if you're not if you're not so or you haven't for some reason ever you probably have if you're a video gamer and you you probably come across a guide of macers the YouTube channel is MAA 91 Productions we'll get Jesse to plunk it in the chats I'm actually sure give it and the iconic little giggle who is that who's the giggler at the start of your has it's remained a mystery for 15 years and oh dude come on as if you don't as if you don't give us the exclusive on who that giggle is no that that is too big of an exclusive I'll give you some exclusives but hour I'm I'm more I'm more intrigued like he shows how long you've been doing it there is a very fresh-faced Maca in the uh in thean your channel not much of like a yeah not much of a graphics guy yeah well it's all good it's all good we we're glad to have you not much of a graphics otherwise um chat friendly reminder hit that like button now we're normally on the show when we first start we talk about the games we're playing at the moment so you mentioned you usually got like this has been a crazy period in terms of games anyway 2023 has been nuts um but yeah what what are you playing right now maybe not for it a guide but maybe something you're actually just playing for you or enjoying anything on you'd like to I uh I just beat EA Sports WRC I'm a big racing guy um it's a very serious game I don't necessarily recommend it but like it is uh it's not Rally racing is not very popular in like North America but it is popular in like it's very popular in Europe like Scandinavia uh some of the northern like Germany Poland they they love that [ __ ] um but I started playing it and it was just such a good game and then I went back to dirt rally one from seven years ago and just to see kind of the difference in those games um so I've been playing that a bunch did um and then just like Call of Duty Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 zombies mostly in the last couple weeks and then I'm looking forward to Avatar that's pretty much keep it keep it simple yep nice nice Nick what about you what you been playing well funny we have backer on because because last night I finally finished Alan Wake 2 so I'd mentioned a while back that I got to the end game and realized I hadn't done a lot of stuff so I was like oh God do I do I I I clocked in at 26 and2 hours on Allan Wake 2 which is the game's not that long that's just how long I took to play it um and I'm like oh God do I really want to go back and troll through every level to look for the the small handful of missing Collectibles that I've got so I pulled up maa's guide and just started going through and went bang bang bang did all the mop up and then finished it all off and um yeah still my game of the year I will say the ending h like from a game playay perspective the ending wasn't much of alen wake 2 um you skip all the cut scenes so Nar skip all the cut scenes narrative payoff is probably there and no spoilers in the chat please guys I still haven't completed it I'm nowhere near um but yeah just saying if you maybe if you hadn't skipped them all you'd have a better feeling at the end of the game I have a rough idea what was going on I just from a gameplay perspective I was a bit let down um but still loved it are you a cut scene Skipper Mecca uh notorious yeah baby 99 99% of cuts scenes get skipped and you can you can try your best to be part of the 1% that doesn't but unless you're Halo it's not happening yeah a man of taste there we go that's fine that's fine I I created that Twitter account that cuts scen skip a Twitter account and every now and again when I remember I'll just post the screenshot saying yep you can skip the cut scenes in this game I just did a Call of Duty one you can skip the cut scenes in those yeah I I don't know if you know this or not but did you play Benedict Fox I actually didn't get a chance to play it it had some glitched achievements and it was apparently it was pretty glitchy when it came out so I kind of just gave it a skip yeah it was a little bit rough out the regies I reviewed that one and it did have a few like we had the the creative director on I don't want to mischaracterize um God Bart BK bark yeah I don't want to mischaracterize his role but like it was their first like movement from kind of mobile development into into console game and it was it was a really like lots of seeds of really good ideas there but just I think now after a few patches it's probably wor definitely worth a visit it was a great fully mappable controls in that as well um because it wasn't there at the start um it's funny I ended up having a chat with him about achievements and like we got into this fullon in-depth discussion about achievements and I'm in their credits as like an achievement consultant and cutscene Skipper like they put an achievement in that game for you and I nice where you have to watch all the cut scenes oh I remember that that's that's why I didn't play it sorry B they put that in for me that achievements in there just for me I have to watch all the cut scenes it's pretty funny what else have I been playing what else have I been playing I started Star Wars Jedi Survivor as well yeah um cuz I like the first game a lot but I will say so how far into it are you John uh I I I'll be honest right I did the same thing with the first game I played it and I was like and then I kind of just wed off I'm on the first level still and I'm not like I keep like get to this ship and then it keeps just shoving stupid obstacles in the way to not let me get to the first ship that I've disabled I'm like okay after the fourth time of like oh you're not there yet I'm like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go now I'll come back later on when I'm more in the mood I'm sure I'm sure I'll get into it but I'm on the first planet but my like visually it's really nice I'm enjoying it I just I'm a little bit disappointed that some of that Jank carried over from the first game cuz that's what I felt was holding back the first game that that Jank and it's still kind of there in the second game which just disappoints me a little bit but I'm still enjoying it enough when you say Jank what what do you mean like the the movement kind of Animation J yeah the movement and how it feels just I I think I feel like it's a c that like they've tried to make it responsive and but also animate really well and so it kind of ends up doing weird things sometimes where you responding quickly to an a request from the control and it it just it just kind of goes weird like I don't know how to describe it it's just I don't know it's weird like you you got to do it you got to either commit one way or the other like either don't worry about animation and have it feel tight or go all the way and have it look beautiful and animate and it's a little bit heavy and slow sluggish like you got to do one or the other man it's in this weird in between land and I just I don't know have you got a guide for the Collectibles Becca for Star Wars uh no it from what I remember it's so hard to I try to keep up with like every launch from what I remember in that game if you play it long enough you get like a map essentially at the end of the game and they just show you all of them oh good so when they when the game like puts them on your map for you correct they took they're taking food off my table J yeah what about you what have you been playing um too much um mostly uh later in the year stuff I did try out Super Mario Brothers Wonder it's fine what I it's it's too easy um it's amazing the there's incredible imbalance in the quality of the levels like some will be awesome then some will be mediocre and then some will be like 3 seconds long um it's fine though I have no problem with it it's it's very pretty um it's very fuzzy on the switch but I mean that's you're not going to avoid that beautifully animated I um I quit balers Gate 3 I just I didn't I couldn't get around the combat and the the time commitment it was going to be because I have too many things coming up um to be doing like 150 hours of balers Gate 3 when there's asgard's wrath to Avatar frontiers of Pandora working on Dave the diver working on the Lenovo go review like there's just that game is all-encompassing you have to be Allin or there's no point it's not something you can just like you can Tinker around and it has to like develop you um but the mo the thing I've been playing the most is uh Dave the diver um and it's not on Xbox yet so I'm going to do a review of the PC version because I have talked about wanting to get it on PlayStation and Xbox because it just hit switch like a month ago um okay it's kind of a it it's a rogu like where where you are hunting fish for your sushi restaurant so during the day you're going and get fish 2D you know Metroid Vania style swimming game um and then at night you're running the the sushi bar but then there's like 14 other game types mixed in um it's it's a it's an everything approach on just constantly adding in new um gameplay mechanics and whatnot it's really fun it there are some points where it's a little I'm finding it a little too grindy or artificially limiting when I can advance the story but that is very good I enjoyed it quite a bit and the the main thing I've been streaming is Starfield because I missed playing it and I wanted to play it more and that game is still great Dave the divver is one of the uh independent Game of the Year votes right from the it's what they have said they have said we're not independent because we are owned but we are a subsidiary of a company owned by Nexon right who is a billion doll you know Korean publisher so they have said we're not indie it's just it's a lower budget game with that 2D look that people associate with Indie ignoring the fact that balers Gate 3 is actually independent Indie because they are their own company yeah it's just it's a dumb term that doesn't work in the way that back in the 360 days back in the 360 days we didn't have this problem because they were just XA games yeah that were just X Games it was nice label that could apply to all those smaller games regardless of whether they were indie or not yeah it's an XA game we don't have that anymore they need to work redefining it but yeah yeah Xbox back in the day did a great job at curation for that program know yeah that's something I really they don't they don't curate like at all anymore it's kind of rough yeah like ESS Game Pass is where it's curated now yeah but yeah you normally get a pretty good Indie every every you were talking before about the dark days of achievement hunting and it's it's the ridiculous like how many Airy there like 30 Airy games where you just flying around as a bird for an hour you get a thousand achievements like there areon of those that can now so yeah I don't know how much I want to bore you guys with this specific it's no boring guy G guy let's just say devs have tried to optimize their games to make the transition of your money into gamer score as easy as possible essentially they are trying to sell you gamer score and uh since that time it's been really rough because it's essentially who wants to spend $5 do to click a button for literally 15 seconds touchdown pinball Jurassic pinball there's like 900 pinball games that are all a thousand achievement points yeah are you volunteering Nick do you be that no I I already do it so I bought do do you get do you get do you get trophies as well or you just Xbox only uh I have a couple trophies but I don't like necessarily hunt them but I've heard of the jumping Pizza the jumping Burger the jumping fries the jumping no I got my name is Mayo I got the my name is Mayo Trilogy oh my on Playstation so my name Mayo is like a fullblown game compared to what we have nowadays yeah yeah and the production value is surprisingly high on my name is mayo and you just sit there and mash games what they the production values don't exist in these ones that they just pump out non okay yeah they are mostly a lot of them are very quick steam ports and the achievements are just beat the game but the game's like 35 minutes long like for a while we get them all the time and the ID at Xbox drop every week and so I was reviewing a lot of them by text and be like Yep this one's about 35 minutes you can get an achievement out of it and they freaking would get a bunch of views because people just want cheap achievements scoring the achievements man that's I'm the same I'm the same um painful yeah it's just how funny was it I'd be interested to hear meca's opinion on how one of the last games that went backwards compatible was Avatar that's oh the last air bender yeah the original easy game which was just by complete accident I didn't know that was backwards comp for the longest time it wasn't I remember it wasn't it was one of the last games to go backwards P I wonder if they did that very intentionally maybe and just to sell a couple more copies but yeah that game comparative to what we're getting now or what we got because there have been some rule changes and some some wrist slapping yeah yeah yeah um that used to be one of like the easiest of all time but uh yeah but but now five minutes is way too [ __ ] long for a thousand gamer score no one wants to five minutes unbelievable disgusting I can't if it doesn't unlock in taneously at the main menu people AR playing I always wondered if that would ever happen if someone would release a game like I I just I'm like I wonder if some AAA Dev will troll everyone and just build a game but just don't care about achievements and as soon as you Pro start bang a thousand just unlocks in one hit I wonder if anyone would ever do that the Indies do it but I don't know if a triaa would ever dare I think they probably get frowned upon they have some morals and standards and there's some documentation that probably suggests they shouldn't although there's a special circle of hell for developers that give me odd numbered yes oh God [ __ ] that gives me seven you know what I mean three and one oh my God wers anyway uh to top top off the what we've been playing uh the only other new game I've been playing this week would be uh Bluey with my children um I gave it like a six and a half which probably you know the more I've played it with the kids like it does start to great it is a kids game right they are in love with it and they said so in their review if you haven't watched the review it's super adorable my two kids pop up at the end and give their thoughts 10 out of 10 across the board for blue the video game from the children a more reasonable uh 6.5 for me I've seen it get slated in the media a lot for what it is and arguably what it is is it's it's like any other shitty free-to-play collectathon tablet game that you would get on any tablet device like an Android device or whatever and that will try and get you to pay money for the gems and stuff all of the Collectibles and things that you can get in the game of free it doesn't there's no DLC or cost to it but the initial cost is the outline cost right but the one thing that tipped in over the edge for me from like a five was that it actually had some wonderful callbacks to Bluey itself so the developers clearly love the show to you had sticky gecko in there you had like chat Max you had ground his lava all of the like really cute little Co junicorn in there junicorn was a thing you could find in the house well it's not junicorn it's unicor isn't it unicor oh I'm thinking of Eva pin you are the Unicorn that's right think you're in an achievement brain mode but yes yes I'm thinking of even the heart the heart of a Bluey episode made it through at the very end you know where where it taught a lesson about about what's valuable um which which immediately I was like okay yeah you've done it you've just pulled it back from the brink but honestly it's probably going to be a quite a popular set if Microsoft really wants to win the console Wars Jesus Christ release the blue sell that blue console man sell it I can't eting it oh my God I can't believe that's not an Xbox you can go out and buy the bluey one pisses me off and why they give Andrea Renee one because she's got those of the subscribers and knows the right people so what she's barely associated with Xbox I know I don't agree with their marketing techniques but what can I say give us one I bro I'm right there with you I'm Australian I know I'm Australian on an Xbox podcast and we talk about Bluey episodes all the time where is give us one of those bloody consoles even just a a pad would be nice a Bluey controller would be God but hey ho um anyway so at this point we normally dive into news of the week we do normally do but Patrick Maca had mentioned that he gets a bit of burnout now we happened here on the Xbox Z podcast to have a bit of a burnout qer Patrick now if you go if you go if you go to www. drink control.com for/ Xbox era and use our code Xbox era you'll get 10% off on can you repeat that so I can type it into my browser right now as I watch beauti delicious control drink control.com Ctrl drink control.com Xbox era and you will have yourself the best meal replacement shake you've ever had in your life W so easy and delicious it's actually 100% true too it's like really really nice it's amazing it's like drinking the really nice sweet bit of milk at the end of the cereal you know how you have fro Loops I mean that's this flavor I'm this is fruity flakes that I've been drinking all morning and it literally tastes like fro Loops that have been sitting in the milk at the bottom of the bowl like it's just amazing I don't the others are pretty nice too but America gets so many more flavors did you see Jesse apple pie wow I don't know oh yes the Emil yeah we got a lot I was like man why don't we get that here like seriously Australia just gets dudded on all the flavors compared to you guys Jesse I assume is grabbing his Shaker now and he's um oh he's got his flavor banana banana split see we don't get that either I don't think Canada gets a lot of them either so uh yeah that's so crunch look at that Jess living the living the M replacement life they're so nice empty there so there it is there's fruity flakes that's my one that's the best yeah that's so good anyway so yeah even Rand even Rand got some he does like it yeah yeah he likes it but I think he doesn't want to admit to me just how much he likes it cuz he doesn't want to give me the satisfaction of being right yeah true story Rand Rand doesn't like giving me any kind of satisfaction Australia does get Marite so they got that flavor get ve ve I'm kidding anything worse I was about to say the UK is Marite we're Vite they're marmite um but yeah okay so news of the week now normally we dive into all the news of the week I've got a lot in my list here but unconscious we've been going for now I don't necessarily want to go through everything so I'm going to pick some fun hot topics and just some nuggets to dive over out of this list um and the first really important uh thing that we should probably talk about and this I think this is new information is Phil Spencer is now a man with a dog yeah I know that's that too this is a new new info for me you know is he a Catman is he a dog he's a dog guy he's got ukie a rescue dog and he was being thankful for having the bad situation after a lot of vetare and Rehab they reconnected us and he's become a special part of the family what camera is that that's a really highres photo and like really nice depth of field on it and everything that's what my um pixel looked like when I took the pictures of the chair outside really that looks better than the iPhone camera wow photo dogs are the best I'm a cat man personally but I can understand the love for dogs yeah man dogs I've got kids I don't need another one do you know what I mean like yeah I get that they are work they are work cats come in feed me okay I may show you some see I've got a high maintenance I've got a high maintenance cat Ah that's your mistake you see you need like a got a super high maintenance cat and I can't stand her like man my cat my cat bubble is 20 years old and she's I think she's got like cat Dementia or the equivalent of it so she has this she's gone death and she can't hear herself so middle of the night you just cuz she's just this weird alien meow of mournfulness you're like she is creepy but yeah she just won't stop she just wanders around the house staring at things and you're like oh God 20 years old she just a bag of bones bless her still going strong um buty Happy Thanksgiving Phil yeah Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American Pals and don't forget to hit please come on our show again Phil episode 200 bro we make it Happ man please he came on for sorry for I'm sorry about last time I'm sorry it won't happen again it won't happen again you you fan girl pretty hard it has to be said but it was Ador oh no I was talking about how I got the rest of I know I know I know I know um what else what else uh it's been in the news a lot this week uh Borderlands 4 and Tiny Tina Wonderland 2 kind of leaked um they yeah yeah there's some LinkedIn profiles mentioning both titles hastily scrubbed but it was too late um so that's interesting that they're in development at gearbox which is owned by embracer right yes how long are those projects going to be alive for at this point in time who knows um but one one I wanted to talk about right that was uh was interesting and this is brand new this is brand new I think this broke recently and this could just be nonsense but I saw this breaking on Twitter and this is kind of crazy so there's apparently and it's it's a discussion happening only on Twitter so I don't think this is reputable right but his conspiracy theory Tim for hat time oh you're not gonna go with this are you it's so come on it's hilarious this can't be true Can it have you heard this people don't lie on the internet so yeah referring to the PlayStation thing come on it can't be true don't don't go with that come on it can't be true believe this have you seen this it's not true it's such a lad of nonsense where do this come from where the fact that this can spread right and this the only reason I'm bring it up the fact that just some Rando Twitter account can just be like this is news and it actually catches and spreads I mean how long until we see an article on a website about it rumor I don't know you probably won't I mean we didn't even see articles about how Jim Ryan said their business is done if Call of Duty goes away yeah and I guess we didn't even see articles about that that's really where I was going to go and it's been a hot topic for like three or four weeks now and I wanted to see if macka agrees with it do you believe there is an Xbox tax do you believe that that is a real thing what hill are you GNA die on uh yeah I'm on I'm going to I'm stay on the fence I don't go really go on either side I've always been that way uh I don't I try not to lean but like dumb I think we all agree on that so don't worry I don't care yeah I don't I don't participate in any of that [ __ ] but um is there attacks it's hard to say like I think there are there's some I think it exists within a system where that system promotes for the existence of this tax and and therefore like has to exist like it has to Exist by the structure of the system itself and for it not to exist we would need to be in a completely different system overall interesting and diplomatic answer I like it it's not even diplomatic it's what I truly believe it is what I truly believe um I think it's kind of like um like an Outlet's more like just to go with what's popular and right now that's PlayStation in terms of just like straight volume uh since like kind of Xbox One whereas in 360 days like there was a lot more 360 coverage so there was like more games were 360 uh exclusive not because there was some weird thing where people hated PlayStation it was just that's where the people were and we kind of see like the same thing like Final Fantasy isn't coming to Xbox not because there's some weird conspiracy theory that where everyone hates Xbox it's just because the numbers make it so that you can't launch your game on Xbox in in a way where they can be working on it at the same time a launch get money no that's a different thing to the Xbox tax people are going on about on Twitter though okay sure you that makes sense so what you're talking about makes total sense PlayStation I think that extends extends Beyond game development into things like the med like media and coverage and outlets and review scores and the game awards and and everything I think it extends into everything okay cuz I wasn't here last week for this discussion and I was kind of I wasn't I'm I'm I'm hesitant to do this cuz I'm going to get probably clipped to hell in back like what's the best way to explain it Xbox tax is a catch all term and it's easy it's it's a branding right Xbox tax and it's easy for the big media out lets and the influencers to handwave it away as Fanboy conspiracy theories that it's easy right so I've I've seen Destin cop it on Twitter and I feel for Destin cuz we've had Des on the show and we'd like to have him again so I need to be careful what I say but Destin works for IGN what are you guys expecting Destin to say do you think Des even let's just live in a hypothetical world where Des legary believes in this Xbox tax do you think he's going to say so be like sucks yeah even if he admitted it he was like yep there is an Xbox tax nearly everyone here that I work with hates Xbox nearly everyone here hates it what would then happen to des's job so even if he believed it there's no point attacking Destin now I don't know whether he believes it or not and I'm not going to speak for him he he's saying he doesn't even if he did he's not going to say it so there's no point attacking dtin I think the Xbox tax is real in so much as think about it logically yeah who would argue there isn't more PlayStation fans in the world than Xbox fans there's more of them yeah there are more play there are more PlayStation fans on Earth than there are Xbox fans naturally that would extend to games media wouldn't it wouldn't there be more PlayStation fans in games and media than there is Xbox fans cuz there's more PlayStation fans overall so that natural inherent bias is there it's there whether they admit it or not or whether they like it or not now I I don't know if the Xbox Tax Works the way people think I don't think it's a matter of this is an Xbox game we're going to mark it down I actually think it's the opposite I think it's more well this is a PlayStation game it's going to get a boost this is a Nintendo game it's going to get a boost I think the Xbox games probably sit with where they should give or take here and there depending on the example okay I think they sit where they should I think it's actually the others that are too high they're not as good as the many are claiming to be um I mean yeah you have your your out and out Fanboys like the people that Metro let right for them and a few others here and there but the the where I think the Xbox tax comes in the problem is there's individual that ruin it for the majority so there's your Luke plunket that ruin it for Destin do you know what I mean so you've got a Luke plunket who just very very clearly hates Xbox he's an individual with a very loud voice who's known in the industry and he very very clearly hates Xbox whether he'll admit that publicly or not so he'll write an article that says MKV support coming to Playstation but then on Xbox it's the dirty Xbox pirate box that plays pirated movies and TV shows what a dirty filthy pirate box that's that Xbox tax that's coming from one individual you know when when Major Nelson came to Australia and he went to EB there was a line of people to see Major Nelson which you'd expect oh look at these losers lining up for a gaming exec the dude just hates Xbox Luke plunet and the problem is people take one individual like that and sort of apply the blanket everywhere which is a little bit unfair but yeah people were giving other examples like IGN yeah IGN would have a lot of PlayStation fans and maybe their social media person is one of those people and he made the meme about the blank God of War screen on Xbox and he made maybe he was the one that posted on YouTube that Xbox has no games and maybe like I get it I get it like and it's hard especially for Destin it's going to be be hard for him to discredit those examples like what what's he supposed to say what what can he say what's he supposed to say I I think I think mate like Destiny is focusing on review scores and I think a lot of people devolve it into review scores and that's not really in my opinion what the Xbox T is it's far more widespread than that I think Jesse and I have had a similar discussion on this and we we talked about this a little bit last week and you know he could probably back me up here but you know anyone can point out objective review from review look we gave highi Russia 9 out of 10 look we gave this uh you know X out of 10 the review scores are one thing entirely right where it's weird where it gets weird is you'll see these pervasive kind of like you know I'll I'll frame this article negatively it will be for the SEO clickbait it will be to Trump the rage and predominantly you'll see those focused on the Xbox as the SEO Target over anything else and that in my opinion is what has earned the Xbox tax reputation right and I guess if Jesse I don't know if you want to add anything to that and we'll see what macka thinks about this whole discussion because it's been a Hot Topic in in the community over the last couple of weeks I thought it was over and then it came back no it comes back because Destin's like a investigating detective right now what Jesse what do you think um it's pretty much been sort of weaponized by people who are turning it in from something where it's just like well there's an inherent bias you grew up focused on this platform you know this platform you don't like that platform you don't know that platform eventually you're just going to care more and focus more and know more about the one you grew up with so much of it then just turned into console Waring with people who are looking for easy engagement and just want to make it a versus B because so much discourse online ends up just becoming different versions of list Wars it's just you dress it up and you do it differently and it's always just this different list War where people and that's where it got yanked to by people who want that easy engagement I'll find it because let's give let's give Mack a chance you know he's quietly listening to this nonsense and thinking oh God I wish these guys hadn't brought this up no I just think um like it's so hard a topic because I think people jump into the conversation and make it something that it's not yeah and when the fan boys get their hooks in it and they're arguing about 87 versus 86 in in Forza and Gran Turismo when I will be the first one to say both of those games don't deserve those scores I said it Gran Turismo was [ __ ] up how they just released micr transactions the day after the review scores came out guess what for Motorsport still doesn't work so I I don't think either of those games really again it's not only about the review scores but it seems like a lot of people make it about things that it's not necessarily about so when I log in and I see people you know I post a Forza video and everyone goes fora L Grand Turismo better check Metacritic and it's like yeah it's one point like who cares yeah so weird it's so hard to get the noise out yeah and to actually kind of see like what's there and then people are writing these articles but a lot of the time it's like they'll get you with this like title and then you read it and it's not quite the it like doesn't necessarily match the title and then some people it's like hard to say like is someone's job dependent on them getting clicks if it is that's kind of more on their boss it's more on their boss than it is on their on their personal writing style um so I just think it's like it's so hard to separate the noise from reality and like a lot of the times the conversations kind of end up being about literally nothing like people aren't even talking about if Forza is a fun game that they enjoyed they're talking about one one point review score because some guy in England who writes for a newspaper gave it a four who cares was that the four a horizon 4 review he gave it a four it was Metro it or something or no that was IB times IB times yeah I hate these guys clearly don't like making this game anymore four out of 10 yeah I mean that was the year was it for Horizon 4 that was the one year it was the highest rated game across everything for the entire year and yet no wasn't in a game of the year nominations despite being the highest rated game didn't didn't make the cut off apparently but it's yeah it's it's like we John said it before ask yourself the question so more often than not you get to pick the platform you review a game on now there's really there's no reason to pick anything other than the console you prefer correct uh everyone unfortunately so I've actually ran into this problem recently and I'm gonna this gonna be a slight punch to Xbox but for whatever reason I I get review copies for almost every game I play and every single time I request the Xbox copy very very often I get a response saying PlayStation copies available right now Xbox copies are we're waiting on them they're coming on launch day do you want to wait till launch day no of course I don't want to wait till launch day give me the game right this instant and it's because yeah that has happened to talk about the semantics of why it's happening but I believe it happens because Xbox just doesn't get back to them with the codes I think Xbox has a worse certification process yes from start to finish than PlayStation I think it result more stringent sure that's fine that's fine I think they have uh they have a rush fee that a lot of people don't want to pay they have a lot of bureaucracy that they need to get through and I think they have an understaff certification team and I think that results unfortunately in review copies not being made available for Xbox when they should be and I think that ends up resulting in more reviews being available on metac for play games when didn't think of that one because we do encounter that a lot like Jesse that happened to me with thunder Ray yeah that happened to me with thunder Ray same Jess criticized for doing PC first Sometimes right Jess we get codes Lords of the Fallen was ready so Lords of the Fallen was ready a week ahead on PC it was like a day or two ahead on PlayStation and then at launch on Xbox and it was a mess on console for both of them so that's why it was so late um but yeah like um like most of the big ones will be ready the same time for both cuz they are enormous Publishers and can get whatever they want pretty much and make however many codes I feel like but on a lot of the smaller ones um it just is a crapshoot sometimes it's ready 3 weeks ahead on Xbox and a week ahead on Playstation most of the time it's just ready whenever on Steam because steam doesn't give a [ __ ] and they will just let anything on there because it's a developer only build but but the consoles don't do developer only beta builds if something's up on their system for you to play that means that is what goes live for everyone if the launch date hits and so they won't let it on there until it passes their certification and Xbox has become very stringent um from everyone I've talked to at Publishers it's like they're very specific after it's actually getting to like a critical mass Point here I don't know if you guys kept up with uh what's that X defiant they literally came out this is like the first time I've ever seen this happen they came out with a public statement saying our game is not is getting delayed because Xbox won't certify it blame them and that was like the first time I think people realized that there is a whole certification process and for all we know the game barely runs it crashes your Xbox all the time it's going to light your house on fire there could be a million problems with it but for a company to come out and point the finger at Xbox was kind of like a big eye opener because I've been seeing some of these issues behind the scenes with like why codes never available for Xbox and I've had these conversations and it's like we're we're we're literally waiting to hear from Xbox on certification and we're waiting for them to send us the codes as soon as we get them you get them until then do you want the PlayStation ones which we got last week and it's like well so frustrating we you know yeah we had scenario there isn't necessarily a right answer even but like that's just kind of what I've seen yeah and we we've had scenarios where and I'll be careful in what I say or rather diplomatic in what I say where it's like a maybe a preview session For an upcoming game you know and we we know we're not the biggest publication in the world but you know we're on we're on your meta critics and your open critics we we feel like I thought it was just I thought it was just us for that reason no well we you know we're we're not the biggest publication world but we feel we do a pretty damn good job right and and it's like oh yeah sorry it was limited and I'm like limited dude press the button to generate another code man it's really easy click here you go XO like what do you mean limited like how is this limited I don't understand that it's it's your system you press the button but yeah I I definitely think that there is there is something wrong we don't know at the end of the day this is all conjecture but there's something a little bit up with that the way we get codes out and I would love to see them tighten that up in 2024 and and arrive at the same time or you know resta that te or whatever they need to do to Ling Xbox versus smaller Nimble well it's more I often wonder is it the case that one build is been prioritized because it's prioritized for the primary system and then is the aftera it's also possible that optimization happens for PC and then it's optimized for PlayStation and then it's optimized for Xbox it's essentially the last place to get the patch the day one patch that they want the reviewers to have that is for sure an option yeah interesting stuff it hasn't it hasn't been that often and it's mostly been with a a lately um for the most part it's been fine getting review codes about a week ahead of time um most of them were the same like Star Wars Jedi Survivor was in [ __ ] tastic shape everywhere so that was the same time it was actually delayed on PC because they really didn't care about that version at lunch um but like most of the big games it's been fine it's it's mostly the smaller ones where they probably have less people to work on each version and so yeah it just ends up going down the line of what what is going to be most important for us yeah it's an interesting discussion though and I don't think you know the Xbox tax discussion is going to go away I I wish people would not worry so much about numbers on on a that's the entire industry right now is bothans that's the problem it is creators Publishers it's all paid on bonuses and like bonuses get paid on Metacritic that's why Metacritic has become so important like they they've given Metacritic the power so unfortunately it's it's just how it is um I will say also I do believe that PlayStation marketing is more selective with who they pick I believe that this is again this is just like a difference of their strategy we'll call it that let's be continue to be diplomatic their marketing strategy I believe PlayStation's marketing strategy is they'll find a thousand people and they'll pick the 500 that are most likely to love that game and I think Xbox will find a thousand people and then just add 500 more random people to that list and give it to everyone so I think there's some like I think Xbox is kind of more of like a let it go open the floodgates style of like marketing and code distribution and review copies whereas PlayStation is like this guy hated Spider-Man one he's not getting Spider-Man 2 until reviews all out I think there is some of that going on and I don't know if there's a right answer but I do think they do have different strategies when it comes to that and I think sometimes we see some of the results can be attributed to their strategies yeah I think that's a good that's we've seen it like was it survivor they get completely barred is it survivor get completely barred we've seen stories about how PlayStation maybe made a phone call with a reviewer to inquire about why they had the thoughts they had on a game and they they like to exert a little bit of influence where they can I've actually felt personally with everyone I've dealt with PlayStation Canada is great Xbox Canada is even better but Nintendo oh man you do not want to you do not want to say the wrong you do not want to do the wrong thing with Nintendo they will instantaneously vilify you and do everything they in their power to like Nintendo weird like everything Nintendo's they're their own weird Island nintend they're just bizarre like they'll they'll just randomly bar YouTubers that are promoting their game or they'll like they'll just Nintendo just continues to just march to their own beat and just do weird stuff that's like almost goes against their own best interest at sometimes yeah it's just and Nintendo fans will enjoy it forever but there you go yeah Nintendo's odd like that um but yeah I didn't even think of that review code thing again probably cuz I don't do a lot of reviews for Xbox Z but I didn't even think CU it happened with thunder Ray I was like they they offered me a switch code and I was like ah is it a us they're like it's a US switch code so I couldn't use it they're like do you want a PC code I'm like I don't have a PC I assume you're not on Mac I'm like what about an Xbox code they're not we're not going to have Xbox codes till like later does the exact same thing it's a once in a while thing it's not all the time but yeah especially small games for for me it happens on big games too almost every month I mean it happened with Allen wake 2 was Xbox was launch day PlayStation was four days ahead PC was PC was six days ahead uh it happened on payday 3 which was in September like once a month there is a larger game where I'm told Xbox's launch Day deal with it yeah yeah I got I got payday three well before Allan Wake for so it's always weird it's creators and press get different hoppers so press on Allen wake was Sunday for PC Monday for PlayStation and Tuesday for Xbox like it was back to back to back is how it went for us okay yeah so it's just it's always it's always weird especially like certain PR companies in certain regions handle things certain ways with they'll treat everyone the same it's it's such a the the biggest crapshoot is how many different PR companies you have to like that is that ends up being so much of what I do is finding who the hell do I even talk to about this now because it's just games from the same publisher can be different places um do you talk with UK because UK is way better do you talk with us because we're in both essentially it's um be that can be a mess as well but would IGN go through that sort of stuff with the big Outlets have these sorts of issues the amount of times I've had to get tell people who I there have been multiple times I've had to tell people at IGN who to contact to get a game code yes wow not always no don't have the relation ship I'm saying like with the Xbox codes coming later would an outlet like IGN have that issue yeah yes I have I had to tell a lot of people who I had to tell a lot of people how to contact who to contact for Allan Wake and other games yeah well then that is a really B problem yeah it is it is definitely a good one to call out maer I can't deny it and I I also like I think the disparity between regions as well in terms of how the different Publishers work to Jesse's point you know I have to go here for this one but here for this one like I wish like and I love the Xbox everyone I've dealt with on the X UK team is lovely but they're often completely effectively controlled by Xbox America or whatever you know the head office the the people up on top and it's like you know hey we just want to get the same things the guys in North America get and and almost I feel like they're yes so do we but there you go um I don't want to Del too much into loads of random stuff so I'm going to pick a couple of fun things um a little fun one now Killer Instincts that's exactly what I was going to go to but before I do that chat it's lovely to see so many of you watching mostly well behaved there's a few back and forth here about well the Xbox tax but we'll let you guys continue but don't forget to hit that like button Let them fight fight um but hey it is really cool Killer Instincts 10 year anniversary oh uh they they walk through their balance changes the 10th anniversary update they reveal logo are you delighted I mean M are you a fan of Killer Instinct did you play it back I haven't kept up with this 10year update I was literally about to go check it out I played hundreds of hours of the of the game when it launched 10 years ago because that's the anniversary um I got really into it uh is of all fighting games it's one of the only ones I ever cared about was ever good at it lucky for you because it's arguably one of the greatest ones ever made yeah I don't get into Mortal Kombat very much like Street Fighter or Tekken or any of those but uh I played a lot of it but I haven't really kept up with this 10 year anniversary so so please educate me um well it's not out yet which was curious cuz it's funny our discussion about certification probably leads into this like okay they announced that this 10th anniversary update was coming a couple of months ago or maybe even more um so I'm thinking ah yeah so when they do this stream at the end of this stream they're going to go and the update is out now and I was watching Max ailan stream and Max is like no date that's weird why is there no date and I like let you know when it's coming sorry wasn't Max involved with it though for them he stopped working with for them a few years ago he decided to like yeah yeah he did I swear he was involved in the announcement like he was he was like on a video there in the original in I think in the original but in this new 10th anniversary update I I found it odd that Max wasn't consulted at all like they said that they got a bunch of people in the community and all this other stuff to get advice on the balance changes and I was surprised that Max was not one of those people um May ND to the girls and are not able to be like I'm one of these people no I don't know they gave they gave names on the stream oh okay um I it just yeah fighting games it's funny like I love my fighting games but I'm not I don't have a degree in them like I truly personally believe that you could actually do a uni course on fighting games to understand them properly and know the ins and outs like someone like a Max or a s Jam or a Keats or they could probably do a three-year uni degree and deliver a uni degree on fighting games and Killer Instinct would be the Masters like it's just the the layers to it the depth that goes into counters counter counters Shadow counters just it's it's way above my pay grade but I still adore Killer Instinct it's it's if it's not the my favorite fighter of all time it's definitely top three cuz it's just it's unbelievable just how it feels and everything I I will say with this update it's it's purely balanced changes there's slight UI tweak like the slightest of slight I was under the impression it was going to be more of a series XS update so I was hoping they were going to go yep we're leaning into the SSD and the loading 's way faster and blah blah blah blah blah I I thought it was going to be a little bit more like that as well I think it's just balanced pretty much which was a little bit disappointed in um you're excited it's back yeah you excited it's being given a bit of an eye I'm excited that clearly they haven't forgotten about the game like okay I've already got all the achievements in Killer Instinct how does that matter all the all of them mate are you impr even the DLC ones are you impressed even the shadow mural ones are you impressed I have I have every single Killer Instinct achievement 400 hours every single one did I boost some of them yes that's fine that's fine some of them are still difficult you got to have played by played by yourself for a me and a buddy me and a buddy I can't remember the trick we figured out we figured out how to play against each other online yeah in ranked we fig I can't remember there was a trick to it and we figured out how to play each other ranked and we got some of those achievements like some of those ranked achievements like beat this person beat someone three times in a row or blah BL so he boosted a few of those ones but other than that mate it was just all grind it was just pure grind it is in killer and man it was but I loved it I loved every second of it cuz an amazing any chance you have a turbo controller no okay there's a there's a controllers that you can just they're called turbo controllers they are made for fighting games and for killing specifically you can just hold the a button and you'll get the 200 matches achievement which is kind of the the longest one for each character you can just turbo the a button and you get to skip a couple hours every character the way I was doing it for and like the practice be practice mode for a certain number of hours and blah blah at the time I also had a Surface Pro 4 for a while so I would just leave have it in the background while I was like having dinner and stuff and I'd have my Surface Pro for there on the side and I just like pushing a button to start a match or to stay in practice or to kick someone here I'm like eating dinner I'm like yep y y like pushing buttons and should feel as shamed of yourself honestly grinding away 4,355 or something gamer score that that game has I've got all of it that's nuts that is well um but yes I I'm more happy that they haven't forgotten about Ki which we knew anyway because we said here that the second one still in development there you go so yeah exclusive I mean you know Godard Godard is head of Ki at Microsoft why would you have description why would you have a head of Killer Instinct if you're not doing anything with Killer Instinct yeah you clearly are so logic it um now a couple of other ones bit of drama bit of drama on the internet today Mike Rose of no more robots I think is it no more robots the publisher it is no more robots they made descenders yes they did make the senders yeah quite right we're coming back full circle um they launched earlier this month spirity um and I I don't know there's a lot of drama about this effectively it's focusing on one tweet and he's talked about how successful it's been on Xbox how rubbish it was on on on Steam and how Xbox and switch were the primary platforms blah blah blah blah blah but then he said a hugely notable thing that happened during this launch was that we got zero YouTube coverage at all go search the game on YouTube You'll see there's a couple of big videos nearly every YouTuber got back to us wanted money to make a video and I wonder I wonder kind of what the approach was here so I read this as like if you go to out to YouTubers and say hey do you want to review my game I wouldn't expect a YouTuber to say sure give me money because you're doing a review right if you're going to YouTubers and you're saying hey you want to promote my game yeah I'll do some content on it give me money reasonable discussion right but it all kicked off for poor Mike and he has apologized since for for Runing up all those content creators out there and I totally get it right like you wouldn't if someone said please cover my game as opposed to would you like a review copy different conversation right would you agree MAA as a as a YouTuber yeah I get pitched games all the time there's a there's a wide spectrum of uh of styles for ping yeah but I I didn't read that as him perly saying YouTubers are worthless and they shouldn't ask for money for what they do I read that as and this is what I presumed in my head perhaps innocently they was like hey you want to review this and a lot of them were like yeah give me money and I think that's said though no he didn't say review he said all he said was near ever a YouTuber who got back to us so he didn't say what the pitch was effectively but I um I asked Jesse I'm like did we review Spirit T and Jesse's like no offered nobody I thought you said I asked I would have done it myself I did ask I would have done it myself I just I never hear back from no more robots whenever I email them that's what I mean so I actually that thread made me check my email and I never ended up they never ended up reaching out to me which I thought was weird because not a lot of people covered descenders and I was one of the few who covered descenders yeah I thought like maybe I'd be on one of their lists you know somewhere but they never reached out to me either um direct Emil nothing if they just said hey we're a Game Pass I'd be like I'll I'll try your game I don't it's it's a tough it's a tough week to try to compete with Call of Duty but uh yeah I'll try to fit you in yeah he he he did catch a lot of flack for it and apologized and I mean fair play to him for apologizing right I don't think he meant initially what it was being taken as though it felt like two different conversations were being had where there there were people in the people in the industry started getting really mad saying well you're asking for paid reviews when the the YouTubers were more like well no if we're part of your marketing machine and you come to our agencies to do a sponsored segment that is a very different thing we charge for that like if we see a game and we want to play it and we'll ask you for a review code there's no money there but if you're if as they are constantly pitched like whenever you see the SP hashtag ad at the bottom when they're playing a new season Apex or something like a big part of the marketing budget for big releases now is to pay big YouTubers to play it because they are it's worth it you get a lot of return from that because they have fans who want to actually spend money as you can see by the amount of cash that they throw at the screen with freaking super chats and everything all the time so it's just it's a marketing expense speaking of super chats we've got a couple that have come in we do Trev G with an Aussie $10 still killing superb content as always guys thanks Trev jeez it's like 100 quid man's Rich wow thanks Trev uh and hush Al ghoul who is also a member Nick the question is do you have the 1,000 of 1,000 for Bluey not yet not yet maybe someone will get Nick and his family Bluey for Christmas you know maybe maybe that's he spent a grand on a Zelda game he's not going to play so he doesn't have any money oh man Zelda don't get him started no stop it no not in a good way in a bad way oh I just like yeah I know you just not enjoying it that much it's just right last last two bit maybe one of our Aussie members patrons massive fans could gift me Bluey don't do it people he's I'm not spending $60 on Blue he's a secret millionaire either I am definitely not a secret millionaire secret secr millionaire special Nick um yeah but an Australian millionaire is like a you know 500 erir in Britain that's right this this I've picked last two two more news pieces and then we'll get into name game and I think Nick dare I say you've got a rumor mill lined up have you not I do you do do I've heard stuff MAA gets to experience a live rumor very rare nowadays yeah I don't get them much anymore no no well we're probably a little you're probably a little bit more careful than you used to be let's put it that way um last two pieces I'll touch on first one um this is an interesting one and I thought this would be an interesting discussion um as we all know the PlayStation portal recently released to uh you know wide a claim um as a as what I would consider an accessory and yet uh Matt piscatella who is one of the analysts of s we often see him on Twitter in many sales threads really revealing interesting information um apparently it was it's now deleted the Tweet so I don't know if he's got this wrong or it's not true or whatever but apparently um PlayStation portal was tracked as a console and not as a accessory allegedly according to the Tweet duude to a request by Sony interactive entertainment and I feel like I know I mentioned this ridiculous conspiracy and we didn't really dive into it because it is stupid that PlayStation is secretly going bankrupt and it's all a lie and that's why Jim Ryan's being fired it's a stupid conspiracy but this then fed into that and it just caused people to go off the dend like they're inflating their numbers as a console I have no cuz they want 25 million unit ship this year yeah but they're not but they're not but they're not tracking it as a PlayStation 5 console they're tracking it as its own thing aren't they like a PS they said they want 25 million consoles shipped this year and they have a lot of different skews for consoles now but yeah I thought there was an interesting one do do you think that that or does that sound weird it sounds weird to me I don't feel like that's true it's not weird it's dodgy yeah but if it's true true it's dodgy if it's true obviously if it's true it's dodgy Matt Matt's deleted the Tweet so maybe it's all just it's an accessory it's literally an accessory like there's no other way to spin it it doesn't work without a PS5 it doesn't work without a PS5 it's an accessory like you can't just walk into a store buy a portal turn it on and just start using it it's not its own thing unless you connect to your neighbors uh through the walls yeah PS5 hey bro I think you'd have to have already logged into it once for your account to be there like oh man like it's it's literally the definition of an accessory for your PS5 why would they want to why are they tracking it as a console like I I don't feel that's right I don't feel like that's right but it did that's why I made that joke tweet well maybe Microsoft needs to start counting surfaces as Xbox consoles well why not if they play Xbox games play anywhere they they remote play they stream xcloud get that list going the Samsung TVs with the Xbox app on them console down it's a console every Le my iPhone console you lo you log into Office 365 Game Pass subscriber monthly yeah did pass in office 3 Ed I use Edge and I can play xcloud on edge my Mac is an Xbox there you go yeah right it's it's just maybe funny but yeah there you go May me laugh the last piece of news I want to touch on um and only because I played this so I'm being selfish with my news but it's also like a bit halowishes anyway and I know MAA you're a big halo fan right loves oh yeah oh well you know there you go like it's it's it's an interesting one so max Hoban uh who is the legend founder and CEO and an absolutely lovely bloke uh of certain Affinity so he was originally part of Bungie he was the man that pioneered the Halo 2 matchmaking you know couch console system that's now in every game across the world he was also in the news this week for sharing his thoughts on sbmm which is the way that matchmaking works and how it's I still don't get that complaint so the complaint is this in current Halo infinite so there two different topics now people so keep up in Halo infinite currently if you play especially if you if you play any mode after a little while if you play a lot you'll find that every single [ __ ] game is this tight as [ __ ] [ __ ] like you have to like just be like Ultra focused sweat your tits off to win right you play the best of your ability and if you do that all the [ __ ] time it becomes just a grind to play you you stop having fun I love ranked games but if I want that experience I'll go play ranked the problem is with sbmm is it's coming into every experience because for whatever reason and I don't know I don't know anyone at the 343 team that actually designed the system whatever that's presumably how they want it to work and Max was talking a little bit about well if you think back in the day sometimes you'll go in and you'll Stomp and sometimes you'll go in and you'll get stomped and every now and then we'll give you a game where it's [ __ ] me you you've got to you've got to pull everything out to win and he says and that's fun but if you're constantly stomping or you're constantly getting stomped it's fun but if you're constantly playing down to the wire matches it also is not fun so there has to be a mix really yeah I I disagree wholeheartedly it's interesting let's have the conversation I I agree wholeheartedly like I I don't get me wrong I think stomping is fun I I love feeling like I'm a gun and just dominating people that are [ __ ] like I and I assume and that's I assume why streamers are raging at sbmm because they want to stomp for this stream yeah they want to STP for this stream also why Christmas Smurfs would be a thing on Christmas Day love Christmas noobs play with all the people who got an Xbox on Christmas day and you could [ __ ] on them in Halo 3 yeah was great times oh Christmas news oh God rocket league has that too rocket League's got such a SM problem like I'm yeah I've got this weird thing in rocket League where once I crack into champ rank I actually find I win more often and yet somehow if I get put back into Diamond I think it's because I end up with really horrible teammates and I lose more despite being in that lower rank I have no idea how rocket leagues I've had a similar experience with rocket league but with platinum and Diamond when I go back to to platinum and my teammates don't know how to like rotate I also find myself losing a million times more yeah do you play rocket League I do not great at it I only have I have a mere 600 hours which is rookie numbers that's that's still a lot for any game I'm at like 3,000 hours yeah if you're not at a th000 hours dude don't even don't even talk I'm at like nearly 3,000 in rocket League um but 600's no slouch I'm 400 in Killer Instinct yeah no me for me those games are pubg and like Halo 3 those kind of B pubg pubg I have hundreds of wins yeah not fortnite NOP never was into fortnite but fortnite has a very interesting case of skill-based matchmaking since we are talking about that which is the same one that Apex Legends has it has like a moving you have like a a rank and it moves as you play but when you're not playing it's falling and the goal is that when you come back you always win or almost win your first game back to get you H feel good yeah you're right you're 100% right all night trying to chase that feeling again yeah for it to never happen you won't win your second game ever but then the next time you get in again your first game is gonna be pretty easy you're gonna get win or get close to winning get you hooked and uh so that's kind of how fortnite tackles like skill based matchmaking no you're right cuz when I jump back into o G first game up I W first gameological manipulation just out there on display and we're just like cool lapping it up I will I will admit though I'm not bad at fortnite so I'm usually top 10 anyway but wow that's why we like pubg didn't really have skill-based matchmaking we would win like one out of every three games every every night just in a row constantly and uh I'm not a big proponent of skill-based matchmaking when it comes to like the context of Halo infinite in non-ranked modes like yes I don't want to play sweaty Fiesta even sweaty Fiesta which is awful by the way because it's just people trying to get the one gun they're good with like or trying to go for no scopes but it makes playing with your friends literally impossible yeah if you have a friend who's great a friend who's average and a friend who's learning good luck having even one of you guys have a fun time yeah it's horrible the game is trying to force you guys to lose because you have the one good guy on your team the guy who's at the bottom is just going 0 and 18 and losing it for everyone not having a good time can't practice can't figure out what the controls are it's like it's a really awful experience in my opinion when you try to mix your group in a skill-based match making casual game like Halo infinite I don't know whatever Fiesta or or whatever mode they come out with for Christmas candy cane shoot him up and and and you're getting just the guy who's trying his hardest to win every game it's so it's so frustrating yeah sweaty Fiesta I I will say I've never experienced that cuz I pretty much just exclusively play tactical Slayer formerly known as SWAT SWAT that's honestly the more you the more you play the more you kind of like this is really like never going in alone because you'll have a bad time you'll never be given good teammates like I'm pretty good I like sweaty matches of SWAT I like I love ranked that's my favorite way to play but sometimes especially when you're with a mixed skill group you just want to kick back and have fun and hey 3 had it right H infinet is really they tightened those screws too much but anyway that's one side of the discussion now Max hobman at CEO s pH we've all heard the rumors of the Halo battle royale it's been a rumor for ages are they switching to Unreal what a certain Affinity working on and he did an interview and he talked about and I'm reading Idol sloth's here tweet because it's a great resource here of just the the nutshell um but he mentioned it they've got uh 3.1 projects in development right three big ones and a small one the main project is their continued partnership with 343 Industries which is their biggest project their second project is a totally unannounced codevelopment on something big and exciting that's brand new an original Ip developed by team of 30 odd people and they'll probably announce the project in December now we've got the game awards coming up maybe we'll see something from C Affinity there then they have uh a third and very small fourth project where they've been self-funding an original game to build a playable prototype in demo since Gamescom last year you may recall that at Gamescom earlier this year uh I actually got to play that that was uh project Loro I can't say much about what it is outside of its an FPS it was very cool um and I really hope that they've either picked up a publisher by now or whatever the case may be but it's interesting that of all those things the biggest one is is the partnership with 343 so I I go back do we still feel are they making a battle royale because it's been very quiet since that very first rumored leak right project to tanker been very very quiet is it just another Halo game now to keep the the drum rolling while 343 reposition like what do we think is it Battle Royale go Jesse you I know you're a big halo fan we'll go with you first what do you think what's going on I mean it's I don't think it'll just be Battle Royale because that that Market's pretty saturated and there hasn't really been a successful one so I think anything like that it has to be their spin on what a big probably free to-play Halo thing could be um I remember there were rumors yeah there were rumors of a 6v6 like six teams on six team like just some massive number of teams like in a big halo thing um clal said it a long time ago like it there's it's weird I'm curious definitely with the revamp of 343 as a studio in general um I wouldn't be surprised if scope and scale and budget and goals and stuff changed if it had been a part of infinite and now it's its own thing to bridge the gap between the next time we get something new from 343 so I wouldn't mind pvpve but that's also a genre that I kind of feel like has come and gone with a lot of the extraction mode stuff um crashing and burning hard lately I'm I'm really hoping it is a big more casual friendly take on Halo because we have the very good Arena shooter and we're going to have firefight and everything coming in hopefully very soon I'm curious if we hear about that at the game awards but um like I I it has to be something very different to to that actually grab people and something that the Halo faithful can enjoy but hopefully it is different enough where they're not [ __ ] about it cering to the Casual c yeah like the people who just get so mad if they've got funny skins or celebrity thing like that's the only way those games work is if they start incorporating that stuff and it's actually been one of the things that's hurt Apex more is it's all their universe and their stuff and they can't do the Nicki Minaj skins you get in Call of Duty and dumb [ __ ] like that people just want to throw their money at so I'm hopeful it's something big and new OD no care no people want to be Spartans they don't want to be humans they want to be SP Nots they could just be people want cat ears I think people want cat ears on their Spartan absolutely right I have some I I said I said do you know talk to Marvel and get like Iron Man outfits for your Spartans and do like a whole Marvel Iron Man series power armor and Dooms Slayer like they could just pull from their own stuff and not have to pay for IPs like yeah I know could do that but they know they know their fan base but the thing is their fan base is going to lose their [ __ ] because their fan base is a bunch of old guys who don't like change and what do you mean I'm old I'm old and I play Halo and I made one of my Spartans look like Iron Man I made one of my halo Spartans look like you spent $144,000 in fortnite yeah what man before this before this escalates out of all control what about you what do you feel like they're going to do or should do I don't feel anything because I am a part of the Halo 4Runner group and as a result I am privileged to certain things and workings within 343 that do not allow me to comment on anything in the future that's not publicly known period end of discussion so whether it was true or the I'm in the Forge Council so I'm very curious but okay yeah we'll have that conversation off air no shall we the same answer I don't have be like [ __ ] you Xbox has much better lawyers than I can afford there is nothing scarier than a Microsoft lawyer so yeah I completely agree really I I wouldn't know yet luckily don't tease me please yeah you say their name three times and they'll like Beetle Juice they'll appear and then we'll be all gone we'll be dead but awesome all right well there yeah that's all roughly the news of the week so we're at the point in the show now um chat where we're going to play and we're gonna ask macka to host it because uh we're not doing the rumor mill yet no after make these make these make these fers stick around you know what I mean uh we're gonna play name game so let's let's do that and press the button Name [Music] Game there he can host so three of you buzzing code buzzing code yes oh sure hold on so oh I guic too to to to to tee you up as it were so you've been provided the uh theme and the questions for this week's uh name of game uh every week we play Nick and I for our patrons um and I believe you know if you want to become and earn the opportunity for nicar to be your Champion just head to patreon.com xboxer you can plent your support for as little as a cup of coffee a month and Bish bash BOS you might win a game cfee like I know like don't get me wrong I don't like giving up coffee very much cuz our coffee is very good here but come on just a one coffee one one that's it one one hey who are we playing for this week nick uh I am playing for our newest member slf frequent super chatter new Patron major Patron by the way one of the highest tier patrons labara X sure he'll be thrilled yes I'm sure he'll be thrilled that I'm playing for him excellent who am I playing for Zack Fuller lovely hi Zach you're just as important don't don't let Nick's lack of I didn't say he's that important I newest most high valued patr is like I've never seen Zach in the chat unless I just haven't noticed him well I've seen labara in the chat he's in the chat right now spamming Phil emojis there you go well either way Zach I love you too uh all right MAA welcome to the the game show you're now the game show host what's the theme this week do I got to do like a whole hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show thank you although you do have you do have the voice for it you have the voice for it yeah go go you go hard however you feel today is category is games released in the year 2000 what were you guys doing in the year 2000 oh [ __ ] I was 16 I was 20 in the year 2000 wow when everyone was freaking out about y 2K and how all the world's computers were going to shut down and the world was going to come to an end remember that remember that that was a was a had a full head of hair amazing yeah yeah all right so today's category again games released in the year 2000 I was given a list here that is alphabetical we're going to do it out of order because that would be too easy so it could be get anywhere in the alphabet yeah it was by luck that it was alphabetical it was just as I was doing going down the Wikipedia okay they're actually not alphabetical they're almost they almost were alphabetical all right okay okay so the first fake name is anti- ethical assault sorry did I read that wrong anti anti ethical I got that wrong anti anal yeah an I've never seen this word in my life anical okay I apologize English anthe antithetical assault you guys want to try that antical assault okay interesting interesting anal got to make my screen bigger in the year 2000 word dock if you want that no we're good I zoomed in okay I tried copy pasting the table and it just doesn't copy paste well we're good we're good we're good I know what antithetical means I'm just trying to this is one compound words so the game name itself has The Hyphen in the middle yes it does have a hyph oh that's throwing me then okay interesting one word yeah one hyphenated word one antithetical assault in the year 200 the series known for being on PC especially only on Steam I will say this is the most famous game out of all of the ones on the list it's Nick buzzed in go Counter Strike ding ding ding do I am I the ding- Dinger ding ding ding ding ding yes that is the correct answer we have something know anti the antithetical I know what it means it means the antithesis the antithesis of something the counter to something coun the counter there you go that makes sense antithesis is the word I know yes all right the next one we're going to go for is beam Guy full circle what beam be guy be Bey beam Guy full circle beam it's a it's a website Microsoft made I I don't know it's still around I'm sure has to be they would have never closed it uh be Guy full circle is this two two words no yes just two normal words beam guy for be guy what what is that even mean beam guy well I know what game I think of when I think of beam guy I know the game I think do you what I don't Know full circle I just saw my mic go red I just saw my mic go red you're fine we hear you beam guy I the full I'll give John I'll give John the the first part I think beam guy beam hyphen guy Space full circle two straight remember because the second word there's there were so many games full circle oh full circle means you're back at the start so Nick Rayman Origins no nope oh you got a free guess John [ __ ] uh Buzz in [ __ ] me hang on let me think okay uh Rayman there was The Great Escape timer second uh full circle full circle what other Rayman Origin revolutions revolutions re ran revolutions ding ding ding ding ding [ __ ] yeah see I said I knew the first half but the second half was yes got an at the buzzer cuz full circle start full circle origin remember every [ __ ] moniker at the end of a r I know that's what I mean I knew Rayman I knew it was Rayman but I'm like there's so many Rayman revolutions and Origins and yeah if you hadn't if you hadn't guess wrong I was not getting Rayman at all but as soon as you said I was like okay I know a few Ray Man games at first I thought Mega Man I'm like but beam man it's not Mega Man cuz I thought of me I'm like no wait next one am I allowed to give am I allowed to give like slight clues in the way I if you feel we're not getting it yeah you can struggling okay I think this one for an Xbox Centric podcast I'd be disappointed in you guys if you didn't know it Vermillion [Music] atmospheres Nick Crimson Skies yes that was easy that was that was if you didn't get that we'd be in big trouble for this next one scripture Noir oh uh [ __ ] okay you're in trouble if you get this one yeah I think this one might be one of the harder ones for sure oh yeah I know what his brain went to with Noir I know what his brain went to you went to you went to a oh I don't know no yeah well no but scripture scripture is different right scripture is not in the word black cuz black is just black based on an Infamous Japanese animation I'm [ __ ] I was about to say [Music] that's that's isn't that isn't that Bible black yes it is wow we would expect you to know that just for the type of game that's why when Jess is like you're going to get in trouble I'm like oh hold on Bible black no idea never heard of it is Bible black a bit controversial is that why you're getting in trouble I think I might that's why I didn't want to say it for a second I'm like wait what's going to happen if I say Bible black anyway uh next up we have forn rebirth forn is in a thorn on your side or forign currency foreign Canadian a that's the Canadian accent a foreign rebirth foreign foreign for foran foreign rebirth man this is hard for me I was very young 2000 it's really not you literally talked about this game in this show wow o we did the series we talked about the series yeah you talked about a game in the series for really we did did we mhm it was one that was talked about Peppa Pig and that's what everyone usually says in the chat don't they don't they all say Peppa Pig in the chat yeah I'm not doing pepper pig foreign give you guys a couple more seconds okay I've got I've got it I know what it is well I know what the first word is but I can't give it to Nick uhhuh uh [ __ ] what's another what's the other word for rebirth I can't remember I know what it is I know what it is [ __ ] you I I'll give you a chance before I Buzz I can't is it Alien Resurrection d d d ding ding let's go all right this next one a s simple one worder and that word is shank there's a game called shank it didn't come out in the year 2000 but there's a game called shank what does he Us in that game from clay Clay Studio that made Mark of the Ninja shank well shank shank's Cisco Rog got it immediately again shank is a knife is there a game called knife there's there might be a game called knife but it's not the one we're talking about right now is this is this based is it I'm sitting there thinking like a a [ __ ] filed down toothbrush and I'm like in the year 2000 shank blade knife sword sick well Nick just gave it to me it's blade that came out film film franchise came out around 2000 didn't it is there a blade game I think so yes it's [ __ ] terrible it I didn't even know there was a blade game yeah it's on Xbox it's not good not good at all the next game is not the original it is a sequel and it is a sequel to a franchise you may or may not have played but the clue is murdered or not murdered too sick year 2000 I know it sounds like I'm probably going to be wrong but I've already lost so I don't really care half lifee 2 no the [ __ ] I was like half murdered is he half honestly half life too I'm going to I like that answer I'd give you give you two points thanks bro I would have been kind of murdered partly murdered I don't know I was I was I was just theorizing you were being weird murdered or not murder in it's hard to go back to 2000 and remember everything from back then that was 23 years this was an original Xbox game that I pulled from it was probably other stuff too but it was definitely an original Xbox man Jiggles Galore yeah it shared some resemblances to the I know what it is no hold on this didn't come out on Xbox on its own it was part of an ultimate collection it was on Dreamcast and Playstation 2 on its own no one cares John got the buzz did I Buzz go ahead yeah oh wow that you buzz you got it wrong already with your half life guess it's next yeah yeah then it's me life to life too this didn't didn't come out of by itself but the other one he didn't say Xbox he said American release it was on but not alone it was originally wasn't it Dreamcast in PS2 yeah okay the next one is the longest one of the entire group here it's five words so use your listening ears and put on those thinking caps fellas we're going for Global grappling guys zero [Music] forgiveness Global grappling guys zero forgiveness absolutely it could I almost did Global grappling global global grappling Corporation sick first what is this uh I actually think I know this one because I remember playing it uh my on the N64 and I'm going to go with the worldwide feding World Wrestling Federation no mercy WWF no correct the one with Dwayne The Rock Johnson on the cover wow what a guy no mercy is the greatest wrestling game that is probably the only wrestling question I could ever answer because it's the only wrestling game I've ever played go figure wasn't was was no mercy WWF or had it changed to by then it was F it was F then yeah W game was I've never even heard of you've never heard of this no the next game I'm I'm about to introduce I've definitely heard of WWF no mercy that was on uh greatest thing game ever mate yeah all right this next one I don't know if you guys can get this like uh maybe you're just you're probably meant to do something greater uh kill killing deceased murder too this is legitimately a phenomenal game killing deceased murder two I already know it mdk2 it is wow congratulations oh MDK I've still got it on Dreamcast you want me to pull my Dreamcast copy out is that the one with the weird black suit the black head MDK all that needs is a remake with modern controls modern yeah the controls are real they were they were use the d-pad and use the face buttons to aim and move it did not play well on Dreamcast if they remade mdk1 and2 with modern control and new oh my God that would be fantastic game like that that's a game that would hold up with modern control hang on a second wasn't Alien Resurrection the infamous alien game that first introduced twin stick controls and got panned for it by IGN and and other public it was an alien game was it Alien Resurrection alien game yeah alen Resurrection but an alien first person shooter on the original PlayStation was the first to have twin sck controls and it got pooped on and then Halo did it and it was like oh okay this makes sense it's weird that's that PlayStation tags guys yeah back in the day yeah PlayStation TXS what Happ the world continues to spin there you go well congratulations to lebara X you've won a fre games cont Jesse on the disc there's one more to go if you guys want just for fun just for the fun of it we have the reproductions the most successful game of all these on the list sick The Sims oh the Sim correct yes that was for 10 points so you actually won you just fli it yeah yeah buzzer beater buzzer be hey labara said he'll actually get a code off you wow the see him try well look thank you meca how was your experience in hosting this prestigious event like did you enjoy I'm I'm very glad I'm on this side because I think I have decent video game knowledge but I think the 2000s might be like maybe one of my blind spots because I don't know if I I don't know how many of those I could have got but it wouldn't have been many it was just at the cusp of me kind of like I was in a me kid up until then like 20 2001 was when I kind of transitioned so yeah tough one definitely Nick's game there but well played well played um all right uh I think then it leaves us with two things remaining three things remaining one a polite and kind reminder to our wonderful Community watching right now to hit that like button there's 200 of you it's only 12 something likes you know hit the like button help it's literally free guys like literally like thumb literally free just Lally hit the button just do it you know you'll feel good about yourself um and then the next thing is we've got a rumor mill and some Community questions to finish up R I actually forgot about that right you want to do the rumor mill we haven't hit this button in a while should we have the cheesy theme tune enjoy this m if you've never seen one of these before enjoy enjoy the theme tune contributed to us by the community here we go it's the room we never heard that before it's the rill things change we can't for sure it's the room you know they may not come [Music] true the Xbox era podcast is not responsible for websites presenting these rumors as facts that cracks me up I would say that was that's a very topical introduction but I got I think you guys had that from before uh the recent news yeah yeah okay r r let's see what have I what stuff have I been hearing about remember these are rumors people I don't like the way people take them as announcements they're rumors just on the great line it's funny cuz I got this DM roughly around the time the controversy was kicking up about Wonder Woman and everyone was like oh rumors are Wonder Woman's going to be live service games as a service and I wonder if this info I got confused people and made them think it's going to be a live service game cuz then they had to come out and be like no no no it's a single player game yeah they actually actually weird made an announcement which is really strange yeah because I got given some info about Wonder Woman and I mentioned that in the Discord and everyone's like oh is a game I'm like well this doesn't seem to indicate games as a service but I can understand why someone else who may have got this info may have seen it and gone oh it's games as a serice so what have I heard about Wonder Woman so I again that I'm looking at two screens here so I'm just looking at my DM and it's funny that my source here took a jab at me in this too and I'll get to that you'll know why they took they took a jab at me in this info so at the moment what I'm hearing about Wonder Woman is that it is currently 30 frames that's what they they have it running at 30 but they are pushing for a performance mode to be there cuz as we know Gotham Knights didn't have a performance boat uh-huh uh-huh but in Wonder Woman that it's currently 30 like Gotham but they're pushing for 60 and hopefully they'll have a performance mode uh visually similar to Gotham Knights but probably a little bit better but although Gotham Knights is actually a good-looking game isn't it Jesse it's fine yeah if I mean especially if you're running it on PC max out it's very pretty yeah so visually similar to Gotham Knights but again I I'm guessing most will probably find it better um so this is the PA that I reckon maybe might have thrown someone where they thought it was life servers although I think it was based on job listings but I don't know it says here you defeat mobs and bosses and mini bosses and stuff and there's like chests and like loot there's looting like you get loot drops and chests opening so I wonder if that threw people made making them think it was games and service I don't know that's what I've got here but that to me seems like standard stuff even in single player games um the loot is Boots braces like torso stuff with stats so sounds similar to God of War almost like Ragnarok has that like God of War and Ragnarok has that they drop Loot and bosses drop different items like braces and stuff that just sound similar to God of War like that to me uh the invisible jet is there for fast travel the invisible jet like hey at least you don't have to render anything like Yeah The Invisible just flying around the invisible you don't have to render a whole ship Wonder Woman is just sitting there in a seated position flying around in the Skye oh right if I actually do that I would [ __ ] crack up like does doesn't she have a jet that turns invisible yeah that's the joke it is called the invisible jet and it's just like this is down so that's a fast travel mechan shout out to the graic guy get make that yeah yeah so now now tell me if you know where the Jeet where the jebbit me comes in jumping and leaping and fast dashing feels really cool like a good version of Crackdown oo okay yeah that is a jab at you wow that's a jab directly at me that's not very even even my sources take Jabs at me it's not just you guys and everyone on Twitter and stuff even my sources do it like a good version of Crackdown like Crackdown already doesn't feel amazing it does um yeah Lariat the larat the the lasso they say Lariat I thought it was anyway feels good to use Works kind of like sort of like Spider-Man's webs um and you can like wrap it around people slam them make them tell the truth and combo them I wonder if they'll have it doesn't say anything here about it but I wonder if they'll have the truth mechanic maybe it's part of like you need to investigate something they have a truth mechanic I'm not saying that's what please sloth don't say that I'm saying that I'm wondering that since that's what the power of that rope is it makes people tell the truth so surely they include that as a mechanic um but that's it that's the in I've got for Wonder Woman okay so it doesn't sound like it sound it doesn't sound like games it sounds like a single player game to me cool um um the people who made that made the Shadow of Mordor game which also had loot boxes that were yeah had a rarity in them in a single I think that like make you tell the truth mechanic would work perfectly well in like their like uh Nemesis what was it like the it was the Nemesis system moral system or whatever yeah I feel like that's a pretty easy like adaptation to make from that game to this one yeah like you get you get to the Target you interrogate them with the truth Leu you know surely they do that again that's not the info I have I'm making an assumption supposition as if as if you wouldn't use that in your game when you have that as a power of the character you're using yeah yeah for sure um for sure the next thing you're tell us is that Wonder Woman's in it but we don't even know that yeah the clud in the title probably You' think so you'd think so but yeah I I that doesn't sound to me like a games as a service game sounds like a single player game to me yeah there you go single player games as a service games like the industries the industry's definition for live service is very different from our definition for live service if they keep working on it post launch it's live service yeah cyber Punk live service uh best ongoing game is it good question assassin entertainment did they indicate how far out it is their last game was six years ago no that's not here sorry that's not in the DM hey nothing here about the KE are coming up December maybe you'll see like something maybe maybe you see a trailer who knows it's the biggest G rumors at I mean Wonder Woman is on Xbox I know it's on an XBox exclusive but it is on Xbox plus we also like Microsoft to like like us a little bit so we have to be a bit careful on that front just saying uh but yeah there you go it's lovely rumor Nick thank you for sharing this there's another there's another rumor M I'll save that one for the Christmas episode with grub okay fair it's grub you got to have something special when it's me and Jeff grub doing grubs understand I'll save it for there well in that case then uh MAA the last thing we have today before we wrap things up is uh our patrons um by being wonderful supporters of patreon.com Xbox era they get to Annoy Us every week in the super Secret Squirrel cool kids Lounge um where they get to ask us Community question every week some of them that's not really a question some of them it's a lengthy di tribe some's just a statement but uh they do it and we've got a few to go through we've knocked off a couple we've got a couple left to go through so we'll just burn through these and then uh yeah we'll we we'll wrap things up so we're actually doing all right for time I know it feels feels pretty good 220 I just jinx it yeah probably let's see how long you get get on tangents Ma I apologize in advance Community questions I'm all ears hi them G oh God so Jesse how is your thanks giving and same goes for you Paka since you celebrated in October in Canada but by the way did you have three uh did you three have a delicious feast like that drumstick of a turkey or whatever part of that bird and such and I bet Asante who is watching this podcast had a delicious Thanksgiving feast too since he was the substitute for Nick when he was away last week but I bet you three had a good one anyway I mean I wasn't sitting at a wedding I had a good time what about you ma uh Thanksgiving does exist here in October but I wouldn't say it's uh it's celebrated quite as uh ostentatiously as in the US yes what's the difference is it a different story is it a different story I would assume it has to do with um the cultivating of the crops I would assume it's earlier here just because it's colder so the like end of The Season's probably earlier uh I had to guess it has um yeah I'm not really sure exactly I don't even know I'm not really sure what the history is it's just earlier but it's also not like a hug it's not as serious as a holiday and we still wait for your guys's Black Friday and Cyber Monday which I think is kind of the nothing beats American consumerism if I can't get a TV for 98% off then I don't want the um the entire reason it's the 4th nove fourth Thursday of November is because FDR wanted to give people more time to shop that is the reason that sounds like the confusion around Greek Easter Orthodox Easter it's like Orthodox Easter is different to everyone else's Easter every year and I remember as kids were like wait so what Jesus died on a different day in in Greece yeah in Orthodox religion like always and it changes every year like some years they're the same some years they're two weeks apart some years they're a month apart and it's like just make it at the same time and be done with it yeah I did a quick Google and in Canada it is I was I was right it is based on the cultivating of the crops right before they freeze yeah we only care about money here so it's just based on companies making more money yes whole m i I had a I had a weird Thanksgiving where we were going to go to the sister-in-laws but then they were all sick so I to very quickly spend a bunch of money and make like a lasagna and ham and stuff and we had a little one here now the misses is at her sisters tonight but obviously since I'm doing this I'm here I didn't go yeah s's too important I see that tra great Easter is always different every now and again sort of like a leap year every few years it aligns on the same weekend every now and again but usually yes Greek Easter is very different oh well the question continues yes I did you jents do your Black Friday shopping and got something on a good deal during yesterday's shopping and did you jents go early Christmas shopping for next month making sure you guys are on the nice list and not the NY list or you jents be giving coal as a gift if you're bad at this that is um I didn't do done some Black Friday I've done X I did some Xbox Black Friday sale shopping um what do I get I got Mirror's Edge Catalyst for a buck um I got of the what come on no what they demanded I'm sure the game is fine it's just like maybe the least relevant game I could I could think of right now maybe I'm sure it's good I I I remember it being good mirrors are just great um there's also a couple of Online achievements that you have to get before it shuts down in December yeah um I got Guardians of the Galaxy 25 bucks uh and yeah and I got something else I can't remember what the third game was uh Christmas shopping I did get some of the Christmas shopping out of the way already mate uh I'm not going to say that in case any of those people happen to watch and M know what I got them you shouldn't you shouldn't I did get my kids I had to pre-order my kids the Collingwood Premiership jumper which has all the players names and stuff like that on the back I got them in advance that don't come till December Australian football just just nod and smile Ma and you'll be F the best football y uhhuh but that's it for me what about you guys did you guys get any early Christmas presents or anything nah no I uh I've been trying to get I've been trying I've been building a PC for like a long time like a theoretical one in my head but some of the first parts were purchased during this Black Friday and I must say I do the whole like price history chart I got going I got like those extensions that show me the 90% of these Black Friday deals are are fake they're not real it'll be like 90 it'll be like 40% off and then you look at the price history it's the same price as it was three months ago um but I did buy some PC parts I'm trying to put together you know a PC Master race system not even for gaming mostly just for you know content creation and loading times and whatever for the stuff I I use my PC for primarily man people say it's easy to build a PC they are liars unless you're building like a cookie cutter easy PC and someone's already outlined all the steps for you online it is not as easy as people uh make it seem have you have you tried PC po Pi I that's what I've been primarily using the I I don't love the site but at least it tells me that things are compatible and I know that things will fit and there's enough cables and connections but um like I have a capture card and you can't put a capture card in there like an internal PC capture card you can't put it on PC part picker so you don't know if you have enough PCI pcie slots and if they're far enough apart for the giant GPU to like fit and have air in there it is awful I don't recommend it to anyone but I I cannot wait for when I'm done so I can play Starfield on Max settings at 40 frames it'll be amazing 40 dude Max running it's a very demanding game a 4090 Max Max everything Starfield it easily does 120 FPS okay in ultrawide they put frame Jen in so the latest P really helped the performance even without frame gen you're you'll get 100 EAS outside of the major cities where it will bog down like the 60s um it's a lot better now at launch 79 7900 XTX and uh 500x like a decent computer really good GPU I still could hit like 45 in the cities at 4K Ultra but now after the Patch I'm like 70 most of the time and that's not even with if I can make a recommendation to you MAA check out for a case the half Evo 7900 I already bought the NZXT H9 flow okay because in white I needed a white case because I wanted things to just be a little different this time around I wanted to pay that extra 20% tax they they give just for turning it putting you know printing it in white plastic yeah they all do it everything's just more expensive the case I got is without anything in it is 25 kilograms what is it called I'm I'm gonna type it down honestly you got to have a look at it the half HF Evo 7900 but if NZXT wants the throw some cases our way or some PC builds I don't have a PC I could use a PC yeah yeah come on NZXT NZXT you need to be in you need to be in America sorry yeah that case has a a mini screen on the front that you can put any animation in you want which is super nerdy and and totally unnecessary but yeah all the glass bars so well it's good it's good case huge she'll never run out of slots Jesse they're in Australia they've got an Australian website I'm on it right now the austral then try and contact Australia PR because us PR won't send you [ __ ] True Story come on NZXT Australia send me all the pr companies are extremely Territorial and you must deal with them in your lighting and the cool fans NZXT doesn't like paying import tax so they just kind of they they're they're very like us based to be honest okay I mean they the background and I'll show the PC in the background like it the the way I think we can get around it is I am us-based so normally they can send it to me and then we can just pay to ship it to other people but all right do that get on it them yeah I want a free PC so I can start reviewing games on a beastly PC uh and Ham's also going to watch Christmas movies and wants to know if anyone got trampled in sales yes people did used to get trampled in sales here on our on our Boxing Day sales they used to full ony there's John he did he did freeze there twice my streamyard just just I went to Move It from one window to another and it just completely crashed bizar sorry about that you're not on a Mac like I of course okay uh Jesse brother hi all you lovely non-americans and Happy Thanksgiving to my American Brethren John your Bluey review with your kids was freaking adorable Crossing out the 6.5 and replacing it with a 10 was a very clever touch did we both have the same idea because I was going to review Bluey and get my son in on the review yeah pretty much man like we both have the same idea yeah we must have like I pretty much was like steal my idea you did you tell me your idea I think I did okay let's let's pretend that then yeah it was a case of like yeah I can review this kid game from my perspective but it doesn't really matter what my perspective is what do the kids think and they loved it so yeah yeah uh and sorry for any spoilers I hinted at in alen Wake 2 that being said you have got to that awesome part yet no he hasn't if not pick up the pace you bum this isn't your Mass Effect Legendary Edition review that never came you know what's funny I still halfway through me3 I just ran out of steam with those I couldn't play like three of them in a row just D dum dum I got halfway through me and I'm like I'm only halfway through me1 on 360 wow you didn't need to finish bought years ago and just never played through it all uh Jess I have to admit I did try Modern Warfare 3 but after so many four stealth levels I just uninstalled it that Kate lwell level where you had to walk by all the Russian soldiers and not get too close had me begging for another stroke you said lots of stealth missions in Modern Warfare 3 campaign I think there's three kind of near the beginning but I think the one where you have to walk near people you only have to do that for like 90 seconds seconds and I don't think there's stealth after that for the rest of the game that's like the halfway point not even I love stealth uh last Almost lastly no questions but I do have a friendly movie recommendation Kiss Kiss Bang Bang of it's it's a great film it's directed by Shane black and stars pre Iron Man Robert Danny Jr and pre- lung cancer Val Kilmer and it's bloody brilliant very funny have a good weekend see you all in December Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was Robert Dany Jr's comeback movie after all the jail time and drugs and all that sort of stuff Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was his return before Iron Man Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was 05 I want to say and then he did Iron Man and the rest is history he literally created the MCU um yeah should we do Kiss Kiss Bang Bang I should rewatch that I don't mind rewatching it again just for just just to keep people in the no so Ma's like what we also do as part of our patreon uh an exclusive movie podcast which is just the Nick and I chatting bollocks about films um a letter box account no I I i' I've thought about using it because I am a bit of a what letter box it's like you go on you Rite movies effectively it's like uh I don't know if you use IMDb they have like a whole diary Journal kind of feature on there but essentially it's it's kind of like true achievements it's like a social media uh movie logging app oh okay you go on you movies you've seen you add your friends who've also rated movies you add dates to the movies you've seen so they go in your diary I use it like religious like too much wow wow okay it's kind of like tapped for beer fans like that's does that mean that one of our patreon exclusive movie podcast we should have Maca on and we should get ma Pi the movie or you guys yeah you you could we can collaborate and pick the two we do two movies we do as long as as long as MAA you are going to insist that one of the movies that we do on an upcoming movie Focus podcast is the 4K re-release director's cut edition of James Cameron's the abyss because that movie is [ __ ] legit and I can't wait Nick's never seen it Nick's never seen or can wait for the 4our long director's cut of Napoleon that's coming [Music] soon Ridley Scott I don't know how much do you hate history if you hate history in accuracy you'll love Napoleon yeah I watched the Creator John yeah what did you think movie tangent a lot I liked it a lot I think Creator on our next episode that's fine by me I thought it was very cool but it was also like it was I went in hoping oh let this be the return of original top tier non-franchised sci-fi movie making and I was left underwhelmed why because everything about it was completely predictable in every way like everything that that came out of that movie was just like okay yep saw that yeah anyway I we'll talk about it on the podcast but uh but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable doing the podcast now talk about it on a podcast or talk about it on the show we'll get into it I really liked it un built District 9 Vibes m in that lowbudget high budget looking because it the director is another one of those former VFX guys y that got into movie making just like Neil Blom camp and then made amazing looking CG on a Sho string budget I love that I love it when they do that Neil Blom Camp the guy who made the Grand Turismo movie yeah I know I can't believe that I haven't seen it Grand have you seen it me yeah I've seen it I have not but apparently it's like it's good it's fine it's fine above average yeah did you like District N9 though I never W I think I watched District n like in passing one time similar I have I have weird blind spots in my gaming knowledge when I was just addicted to Halo 3 for like nine hours a day every day and I have weird little like blank missing parts of like movie history around the Times Like District n came out yeah me too like they all freaked out cuz I hadn't watched sh shank um me neither what yeah I hadn't watched it either don't don't because you know why you shouldn't watch it take it from someone who has now watched it post all the hype and all the oh my God oh my God you're not going to enjoy it as much as everyone's hyping it up it's a perfectly it's a perfectly fine movie that was like when I watched go go go go I was just going to say it's a perfectly fine movie but it's one that you needed to have watched back then to get the hype and all the oh my God sh Shank that was me watching pop fiction like a month ago for the first time I was like I can totally see that I can totally I disagree oh it's it's good it's stylish yeah and and it's a movie the thing is the thing is I disagree purely for the fact that when sha Shank Redemption released it it flopped it flopped completely so did Scarface and it was only when it came out on like home release and then I think it had its first television network debut and then people like holy [ __ ] what is this film and then it and it took off from there it's good it's a perfectly good movie it's the ultimate bloke movie it's got no ladies in it it's just two Bros in prison there's one woman but she gets killed exactly and this is where it gets tricky MAA the problem with movies like that is is that so many like it come post that you probably have seen that sh shank will lose its impact now on you of course yeah you know a lot of these people that are all about shank are revealing their ages this is where my age and experience comes to the four what a lot of these guys won't have seen is Midnight Express you want to watch a prison movie A lot of these blos won't have seen Midnight Express which is why they're all going on about shank that's another reason shank didn't have that impact for me because I've seen Midnight Express um one of the advantages of being old the few advantages um I don't think I'd want to do that for the movie podcast by the way but Midnight Express if you like your prison movies maybe go watch Midnight Express that's a fullon movie um but yeah I think we're going to need to get meca on one of those movie podcasts don't know man's not saying sh shank only just NE I haven't seen The Godfather I haven't seen The Godfather me neither me neither I've seen the movies that matter I've seen like the shutter exclusive horror movie where like it's about like the killer has Co and that's like the whole bunch light of the whole movie wow like no budget when we're talking no budget I mean like the actor in the movie is like the guy's friend you know those are I watch those those types of movies all the time wow I haven't seen Gone With the Wind I haven't seen BL don't get me wrong I'm I'm just like you know who isther though I actually agree with you I I did not care for The Godfather haven't seen it I've seen casino and I've seen Good Fellas how good is Good Fellas great movie Good Fellas is man you seen The Exorcist have you seen Good Fellas I have not seen Good Fellas I of the flower Moon and I've seen like taxi driver and a couple of the scoring movies but taxi driver is great Taxi Driver not uh again but Taxi Driver once you've seen Joker and you didn't know that joker was kind of based on king of comedy and Taxi Driver like taxi driver hits different when you have watched Joker not that I'm saying Joker is better or worse I can totally totally get it yeah you're just saying you like superhero movies more than Scorsese that's fine I hate get movies I haven't watched a superhero movie since Iron Man 2 oh that'll that will end it for you because that movie was so bad it was not it was horrible and the raid too and then and then people always recommend that to me what was that that person made a new movie what movie was that um uh I always get confused between Gareth Evans and Gareth Edwards uh the ra director was Gareth Evans what did he make made he's making something called Havoc which is in post production yeah yeah yeah my friends love that movie uh like too much they almost talk about it too much to the point where I if they talked about it in in passing conversation maybe I'd watch it but like they're too pushy about it to the point where I'm now resisting I'm trying to get a there's another one taste I'm I'm trying to there's another one you can go for it's called Killzone 2 also known as SPL 2 one of my favorite kung fu movies it's like seven years old or something it's very good an entertaining watch I watch a lot of uh five out of five for yeah I'll get five out but I'm not an action guy but I'm not an action guy uh I am an artsy fartsy think about it kind of guy that's Annihilation uh didn't watch I swear seen so many movies you guys are up like the the ones I haven't give me horror movies how are you on horror movies so Horrors are like my number one that's that's the genre for me so talk to me you're Australian so you're impartial uh I didn't like it it was it was overhyped it was over I think yeah like I kept hearing oh best I got to see it like a week early at like an early showing and everyone's like oh it's the scariest movie it's the best horror movie it's not that scary uh but I I don't know something with that ending in the story like it was what it's kind of predictable it was kind of like I think what happened with talk to me specifically was the best parts were a small focus and the worst parts were the the longer Focus timing wise the best parts to me were like the seanes which were 10% of the movie and then 90% of the movie was outside of the seances I thought they should have switched it where like most of the movies was in the Seance most some of the movies out of it but like for me like best movies hereditary if you're looking for something artsy fartsy and kind of newer bones and all I love bones and all it's not for everyone it's a romance [ __ ] Barbarian it's up there it's like a four out of five um uh wreck from 2007 a Spanish movie it's the best found footage horror movie you'll ever watch Rick yep yep yep Rick give me an example of an aie F The Grudge uh The Grudge the grudge is an artsy fartsy film is like um uh what is that I forget what it's called because the title of the movie is so different it's it's it's called where uh there's a couple actually but there's a if if you want a good recommendation there's one called we're all going to the World's Fair highly recommended it's like 80 minutes it's super artsy fartsy no one's heard of it you haven't heard of it watch it it's like a slow burn St is also a great movie but it's more wellknown um we're thinking I'm thinking of ending things is like the most artsy fartsy movie you can ever watch in your life and I quite enjoyed it but you need like you need like an threeh hour lecture after the movie to even know what happened yeah okay okay I want meca to watch Swimming with Sharks Nick has a habit of recommending some or possibly even terrible films no they're not terrible films they're good they're just old Terri and I watched them when I was a teenager so maybe they hit differently when I was a teenager they did yeah yeah that's why you guys need a letter box so we can compare scores and then we can know what each other's tastes are i' have to fill in so much though you would so many mov I'm open to anything that's what I like about my taste in movies I'm open to anything if it's a good movie I I love Blockbuster and I love my smaller stuff if it's a good genuinely good movie I don't care what it is but honestly have you seen everything everywhere all at once M I have I did watch it last year uh I liked it quite a lot I got I got a chance to see it I mean it's not as good as other movies of the years previous um you know parasite is like the last 10 years unbeatable I think in terms of like of the Year movies uh was it like better than like banshees of in airan probably I love I love that movie too uh it's pretty good I'd recommend it it's so sad it's so sad I saw I saw saw X last night yeah and did you like it I think that's one of it's good I I did like it but there were things that I found even for me that were like silly and I thought about it I'm like why did that happen like sure like nothing happened to what's her face Cecilia nothing happened to her she was the most evil person in the whole thing and nothing happened to her she just got away with her maybe that's she's this super evil person that would kill a child an innocent child yet didn't come after John Kramer after everything she went through with him she just let it go what I don't know just up until that end I was like I was like this is okay for a Saw movie and then I got to the end and I'm like wait she's the worst one and she didn't die yeah like what do you mean I think you have to like suspend your disbelief a little bit for the Saw movie bit they are what they are a little bit I dusk From Dusk Till Dawn mea nope oh my God that's a butterly classic bro I recently just did a complete rewatch of the new Planet of the Apes movies which are all like genuinely legitimately good movies and then out of [ __ ] nowhere Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming out next year I'm like what oh yeah I saw that I'm so excited about this this is brilliant news they were so good so yeah I blame Jesse's brother for this tangent yeah sorry everybody this is all Jesse's fault uh Jesse's brother's fault actually Jesse's fault let's blame Jesse uh I blame Trev it's trev's fault we were doing so well all time never mind we were we were we were running real quick and that's all been screwed up by Jesse brother okay next question that was amazing I could talk movies like that all day long though all day long especially while I'm trying to gauge maa's taste for when we get him on the sick and Nick flick podcast best movies of all time you're ready for the list really quick it's La [ __ ] it Go who cares this guy it's La La Land Interstellar and then I got to think about it La Land La La Land is it's a masterpiece it's a masterpiece bar got like as a musical it is a masterpiece wow okay I've got I've got I've got like stuff like Dogma you want art FY what about Dogma okay of all time I don't know if it's of an all time it's not it's not an of all time it is for me Dogman snatch uh Tron legacy Home Alone one The Longest Yard oh what That's a classic certified said Longest Yard like that's how you remake an old movie and make it a million times better than the original that's great The Longest Yard okay Omen La Land okay with it being the week of Thanksgiving I figured I would ask this question going down each member of the panel what quality going down each okay I almost added another word there what quality are you most thankful that they have the idea is to compliment each other Nick you are not allowed to name any qualities about yourself as you do that every week already well I can I can start this is easy and I I will talk about Nick I love how utterly selfless and un egotistical he is it's just it's it's it's remarkable how Lally thinks about himself it's it's a miracle to be honest some people are so selfish you said what quality are you most thankful that they have I'm I'm that grateful that you're not an egotistical jerk I'm also really sarcastic you can be grateful for my sarcasm if you like it's fine no I think I'm grateful that Nick uh has an equal or slightly better than uh British sense of humor yes that's why we work so well together I'm grateful to Nick for when I texted him that we should both wear black shirts hair the headphones matching beards he was totally on board yeah good all about that life I I am thankful for I'm thankful for Jesse's hard work and for John's kind nature but I'm particularly thankful for the fact that they both so in life there are there are gardeners and there are flowers [ __ ] off and I am thankful for the for the fact that John and Jesse are such fantastic gardeners that they allow me to bloom like the flower that I am I'm very thankful Jesse come on you're last and I am thankful for maca's guides nice so helpful and have helped me for years to get through games better Jesse I'm I'm so thankful that Nick never uh just takes over a show and refuses to stop talking over everyone very fun to do a podcast with him I'm very thankful that he begs me for codes non-stop um I'm very thankful that Jon's almost impossible to get a hold of most of the time yeah yeah I know the most unresponsive person like there's only two or three people on Discord I respond to nearly straight away and you and Jesse are two of them think that we would get the same treatment in return if if it's any it's any consolation everybody on Discord is treated equally I hear the badunk and I think a look at that I even reply to you guys half the time while driving which is illegal W don't do that don't arrested I'm very unthankful that Nick hasn't crashed while driving yet oh that's that's me because it would be a good lesson for everyone to not text and drive very dangerous very dangerous usually while I'm at a red light or something all to be serious act actually thankful thankful for you two for making this site so that I could work on it nonstop a see look oh we we're thankful for things it's sweet right but let's keep let's keep the pace going let's keep the pace going because this is uh we're ticking into three hours here people y yeah okay uh Hugh howy y'all I think it's fair to say that Xbox has grown quite a bit in the past few years with 40 plus Studios split across five publishing arms Studios Bethesda Activision Blizzard King although not the largest by head count the Xbox game studios arm has the most Studios to manage it got me thinking do you think Xbox might eventually change this layer also assuming that they expand or acquire more Studios do you think they will still put them under Xbox game studios or create a second arm I think it might be quite interesting to group them into similar genres although this may not help with their creativity what do you guys think if I may start if there's one thing m Microsoft and Xbox love it's a good reorg so you can pretty much bet on it that there will be some shuffling in reorganization whether it's public facing or not doesn't really matter if they they've already done a bit of it right we've we've seen the new name Sarah Sarah Bond's the new president of of X you know yada yada yada and Mike Booty's got a new job and I I do I would agree with you MAA but I think that new Microsoft realizes that the creative teams here should not be meddled with to a certain degree they've still got to find the balance of you know Halo to era let them just do what they want oh [ __ ] they've had to rebuild the game in nine months versus Halo 3 get it done by this date we're going to check in with you every week and then you had a much more stringent process but then it it stifled them to the point that they wanted to leave right so they' got to find a balance but yeah I don't one thing I think is true no matter what is none of them will go under ABK any new studio they get will be Bethesda or Xbox because they don't want to deal with a cloud deal and seaga will be its own thing when they get SE they better get seaga I won't rest I won't rest until they get Seager you who do you want them to acquire next Mecca oh God that is a tangent and a half I'm impartial to Sega I mean people say Capcom but like I don't know maybe Ubisoft like they seem like they're they seem like they could use some want's help right now yeah yep okay uh our least favorite SL least most important Patron Shady pin Steve see this this question that he's asking explains a little bit what's your booze of choice I got into bourbon in a big way during Co and now I have more bottles and I'll ever be able to drink if you don't drink feel free to just be quiet John and Jesse keep up the good work see he drinks that explains a bit H if I have a drink it'll be like a a copper BG or recordig or something like that I don't really do I drink lemon lime BS and I don't really do spirits so lemon go ahead oh I was just going to say lemon lime and Bitters is like the irony is it's one of the most alcoholic things there is cuz bitters the actual agura bitters are like bloody 60% alcohol or some [ __ ] 70% alcohol but they only put like two drops in it cuz it's so full on tastes great I love me a drink with an umbrella in it nice nice yeah I can see being a f drink the umbrella in yeah as long as it's Blended and I feel like I'm on vacation yeah I'll it's whiskey what if it's straight whiskey put an umbrella in it I'm on vacation I'll just fuel Chuck an umbr in it Ramen Coke kind of guy I don't know just whatever I I love me a girly drink once in a while though yeah so does does the umbrella make it taste different it makes it taste like vacation yeah of course he's right it's a placebo it's a placebo Xbox send me some Xbox branded beers I think like a year ago they were not good oh really although I'm not much of a Beer Drinker I think they were just relabeled like they just kind of found a brewery around and kind of relabeled them for it was like a I don't know it was like an Xbox game pass promotional thing it was like an official Xbox head you know head office thing yeah but okay interesting I should have brought my I should have go grabbed my Callingwood beers when collingwood's won the premiership which is our football coach so they they play footy and they make beer no but what they do is when when a team I don't know about the other clubs cuz I don't care about them but when Collingwood has won the premiership they've done like Premiership beers with a certain brand this year they did whis as well with a brand these beautiful whiskey I don't drink but these bottles are just stunning beautiful whiskey bottles with Callingwood stickers oh the Premiership and blah blah blah it's cool stuff as a collector's item but I don't drink it's not for moral Reasons by the way Shady Pine Steve I don't not drink for moral reasons which is what a lot of people in my real life think um it's just because I haven't found anything that tastes any good like nothing except lemon lime and Bitters have you tried copperberg or record yes here's the problem John you know how you know how sharks can smell blood in the water 3 kilometers away yeah yeah yeah I'm the same with alcohol oh okay so people keep challenging me in real life you can't taste the alcohol in this I'm like I'm reckon I'm going to be be able to and I always can I can taste alcohol in anything okay fair enough I'm like a shark but an alcohol shark that doesn't like alcohol as in can detect it in the liquid from miles away even in the tiniest amounts okay but if you can find me like I keep challenging people you find me an alcoholic drink that where I genuinely can't taste the alcohol and lemon lime and bits I think is the only one that's why I drink lemon lime bits because it tastes amazing I bet you I might be able to find something but I have zero interest in if you ever drink anything so I won't bother you won't people have been trying for 20 years to find me an alcoholic drink where I can't taste the alcohol alcohol and it hasn't worked is what it is four questions left go on okay hey y'all it's the slackiyeraw uh I got a small problem I've been playing a lot of Halo infinite for the past month or so but I have noticed that nearly half of my matches end in a draw or a win or loss by no more than a single point or two this is what we were talking about earlier it is no other game I have played where almost every match is so incredibly stressful like Halo infinite multiplayer I play Arena and btb and the results are only slightly different in Arena matches it doesn't end in a draw very often but it's almost always as close to even as possible btb however runs the clock to zero almost every other match leaving no Victor do the hardcore players like this I don't want to have every match be super easy but the time to kill in Halo mix with almost perfectly even matches feels more stressful to me than Cotter OverWatch oh no oh no oh no I just want to hear I just want to hear Nick say that for no reason whatsoever I'm not going to splice it into a future video absolutely not all right peace this Australian oh no thing is seriously we we just say oh no like oh no there's no oddd way oh no the condensation we don't say oh no oh no oh oh no no where did that come from I still want to know where Australia mate Australia it comes from Australia oh no oh no you're doing no it's normal oh no and I'm and I'm Greek background like I have a bit of an like a slight twinged to my accent like you know people here know I'm of ethnic descent anyway no no one's ever heard that before don't let him bring up Greece for God's sake come on play tactical Slayer you want cuz in tactical Slayer you still can get stomping matches like big time they're not as you don't get that close every single time there's there's a wild mix in tactical Slayer because it's just the time to kill is zero as long as you get them in the head they're gone John John will tell you how good I am at he's pretty good at it don't worry mate SWAT Master Okay Brit oh no we did Brits uh Mt hello there do you think there is any hope that Xbox will give some love to achievements anytime soon what would you like to see I want some sort of platinum trophy equivalent most of all but there's a lot that could be done to make it more fun hugs more is qualified to answer this as a completionist what would you want to see them do this goes back to that reorg thing I said just a minute ago uh Xbox loves them a good reorg anytime it feels like maybe there's some kind of uh light at the end of the tunnel for achievements it seems like you know something happens to make it not happen um you know I've I've been lucky enough to like kind of be in some conversations here and there to try to kind of offer my perspective and say you know why I think it's important but I think just across the board and this isn't even achievements this is anyone can just see this like loading up your console looking at the dashboard it seems like Xbox is kind of pushing away from being like a social platform they just want to be like the place that connects to Discord they don't want to they don't want to make a party chat they they just connect to Discord you know uh they don't want to update lfg and what what clubs and whatever it's not important to them the friend feed the activity feed uh all those types of feeds they're pretty much non-existent wiped off the face of the console used to be able to like like people's achievements and achievement art and all that stuff um it it's very obvious to me that there is like a lack of effort across the board not just to achievements but it does extend to achievements in creating like a social ecosystem platform where your account matters on the console and you can carry that account around um and I think that with that being said I think it's like calculated like I think that's what they want and that's what they decided to do because they could have made Xbox Live party chat as good as Discord but they decided to go with integrating Discord they you know they could make achievements better they know how they're not they're not dumb they it's very easy to know people want completions and that's what I want and that's what I would recommend to Xbox anytime they ask me um but instead of that we get you know we get very small drips we get the ability to reveal secret achievements why because PlayStation you can do that on Playstation we get the ability to like you know rare achievements and achievement Rarity and and just super small stuff like that uh I think like it needs an a complete overhaul it's good to see that they made some changes with like how they allow and don't allow certain games that are basically selling gamer score flat out they did introduce new policies new rules in the um developer kit or what what is it what uh X xdk GDK game development kit whatever uh some of that documentation did receive some new language when it comes to talking about achievements and what's allowed and what's not allowed and you shouldn't be selling gamer score and how title updates are supposed to work and so they they're kind of doing like the bare minimum which is better than nothing but it does seem like I'm not optimistic about the future of like achievements specifically I'm also not optimistic about like some of those social features that I really liked which were like clubs and Arenas and L ofgs and being able to like see an activity feed of what my friends are playing and their achievements it kind of just seems like they want you to be like you're that rocket League guy you're that fortnite guy you're gonna play that every day for the for the next five years just get an Xbox and just keep doing that and the Xbox will be in the background the Xbox will be in the background getting in the least way as possible so I don't know that's it just kind of seems maybe it's the reorgs maybe it's the uh lack of Prior like prioritization of these features but kind of seems like it's almost on purpose yeah yeah it it definitely feels like an afterthought now this point with no significant development on the horizon is it yeah but I heard a long time ago that they were looking at it so it was interesting they were a long time ago that was back in the day when they were thinking about the career profile and the career levels and and all that stuff which is for sure canceled now um that was I mean careers was I don't know probably six years ago oh cuz I know jez had mentioned stuff and cuz even how long ago would have been probably over a year ago now I had heard that they were looking into things like a platinum trophy equivalent and all that sort of stuff and I wonder if that got be it it's the language in which you want to say that like they've been according to me my language they've been looking into it since the Inception of PlayStation cons putting in a platinum trophy they've been looking into it they've been doing market research collecting data surveying users seeing if someone team wants to work on it prioritization of other features like it's always been on the list on the table but yeah from my perspective just as like a guy who uses the console and someone who's really into achievements like it it kind of seems like they are doing the bare minimum and sometimes even less because right now there's some exploits and people are cheating and we're not talking about the types of cheats where you're going into the admin commands in the game and and skipping a couple level talking about real cheats and XBox doesn't really seem that interested in even necessarily fixing these problems that the community has so it's almost like you know there's there's some very basic things need to happen before we start dreaming of completions which is which is a dream I think for me I'd love to see it I just have a hard time imagining it with kind of I don't know what I see happening you know yeah yeah it's possible it's possible yeah I just yeah I wonder if they I wonder if they did have like real plans to like put in the platinum trophy and stuff and then just like you were saying like maybe they just scrapped it maybe just wasn't worth the effort like if you think about it you would know more than most you know in the 360 days achievements were this amazing thing and they were 99% reliable all of a sudden Xbox one came and achievements just broke they just broke like so many games had glitched achievements and all that sort of stuff they just and they did that thing where they weren't local they were server side and it broke things and and I feel like that hurt a lot of the passion for achievements from a lot of for a lot of people it depends who you ask for for a lot of my friends who were like going for a million 10 years ago to them it died like it died to everyone it died in a different moment to people who got a million 10 years ago it died when the Xbox one came out and arcade games offered a thousand gamer score to some people it died five years ago when ACA Neo Geo games came out and you could get 880,000 gamer score in 80 hours playing the shitty arcade games from 40 years ago and then other people yeah don't you be slandering all the old arcade games that I grew up with please right and then to someone and to someone like me it kind of died more recently when uh developers started optimizing their games to be a transaction to exchange your money for gamer score as easily and as frictionlessly as possible yeah you know when it I think it died for me once games that had online only achievements started shutting down their servers preventing you getting those achievements that's when it died for me fair enough yeah like I'm sorry I've paid money for your game part of that is the achievements and you are now locking me out from being able to do something in the game that that's why I always hated Online achievements that was the main reason why I think for me it was when games started to like Play 10,000 hours and you know like make this game your one game and and I'm like I I missed like achievements just doing fun stuff with friends was like hey have fun and you'll get a little at the end like the in Halo still the gold standard like I used to I used to 1,000 or 100% every Halo game and after I think Halo 4 I was just like I didn't bother with Halo 5 I could have I didn't I was just like I stopped caring know I I don't even look at achievements anymore now like I'll try games out and I won't freak out about oh my god I've got one achievement out of a thousand in games and then be like stuck on my list forever I've tried it whatever a little bit of my OCD that chews away at me with a little bit not as much as it used to be it used to be like a full-on thing for me not as bad now like to get myself back on a five I went and played overcooked and got the first achievement which is one point and I got back on to five and I've just left overcooked alone now I'm back on my five now I'm a great game it is friends for me the game that did that was red that made my gamer score end in a seven forever I actually have a theory about that but I don't know if we have enough time for it mate we've got time for whatever you want my theory is and I have this is literally just like some stupid idea I probably had in a dream or something my theory is that redfall was initially in development for PlayStation and they already had an achievement list or trophy list going and essentially just to convert the trophies over to achievements they made bronze ones were 10 gamer score gold ones worth like the 35 or the 90 and then essentially they were left with like a certain amount of silver and a certain amount of gamer score and they just divided them evenly and that's why all the silver trophies what should be silver trophies in my opinion are all worth 17 interesting that is an interesting Theory interesting because there's no good reason there should be 17 Gamers score achievements there's no good reason why that game should have 66 achievements and they all have to be one of three values they're all either 10 gamer score 17 or like the the high ones which are the gold ones interesting so that was my theory was that essentially it was just sounds like a good theory a game theory and uh you know they didn't try very particularly hard with the achievement art and stuff either so it's just kind of maybe they were just phoned in and someone who had no idea what they were doing was like [ __ ] I have 20 achievements and 300 gamer score I gotta just but it just seems weird how like the ones to me that are supposed to be bronze and silver and gold they're all in like groups yeah I don't know okay just an idea interesting put that away JY please so that's a question I'd like to ask you for for me I still hold Crackdown one as the gold standard for achievements for like designing a list yep because there's no there's no unachievable ones they're mostly fun they don't necessarily force you to grind now before you interrupt me I know you have to give get all the orbs but getting the or good that is the game get that's the game getting the orbs is basically Crackdown so I just think the Crackdown achievement list it has always been the gold standard for how you do an achievement list for your games it doesn't ask you to do stupid unreasonable stuff the stuff it gets you to do that's outside the game is fun get to the top of the highest tower jump down into the water um throw this truck 400 m like it's stuff that doesn't yeah I just think it's for me the gold standard still to this day what would yours be I don't know if I can start thinking of all the games I've ever played but recent so I agree like there's a creativity problem and it's let's not get into why but there exists a problem with developers not putting in any effort to their achievement list it could be just because it's an afterthought it's part of checklist the checklist of the xdk you need to fulfill in order to get through that beautiful certification process especially if you don't want to pay the rush fee um but anyways recently there was a game the crew motorfest had an amazingly good achievement list because it was things like go do a doughnut around the pineapple building go put your character in a suit and drive an Aston Martin go fly a plane and then transform your plane into into a car and fall into a volcano yeah fun stupid stuff that you probably wouldn't do otherwise yeah yeah um so I think like the crew motorfest was a pretty good title that did it pretty recently um there's a there's honestly there's a lot more games that do it badly nowadays than games that do it well though I'm almost having a hard time thinking games that did it well yeah okay Liara X 10 Xbox hero membership and Jesse got one did he I did I still don't have one I don't understand I don't get it me me me why not me me me me me me you sound PR never going to get one yeah why was that a British voice cotney cuz I do British for you and I do Australian for John cuz they're the same they're the same man they should they should make they should remake Crackdown remake it the one the original yeah remake it God crack did you like Crackdown let's be honest why why let me ask you this why did you get Crackdown go ahead he L for the Halo 3 beta let's be honest let's not lie here f is bad Crackdown demo I tried the Crackdown 1 Hour full game demo and adored it it so I was one of the rare people who brought bought Crackdown for Crackdown and the Halo 3 beta was the bonus for me and I still I still remember the photoshops of the Halo 3 beta it was the whole case cover and it had a square Crackdown one that's why I played Crackdown although I agree it was much better than it had any right being really for like kind of I I loved Crackdown so much it was for me remember I had played all the GTA on PS2 and this was from the maker of GTA like the original maker of GTA so I'm like okay this is better than GTA GTA it's still had the lock on it still had it felt very similar to GTA on PS2 but it was just so much more fun you know what topic we didn't talk about and I wish we had there's a couple of things actually anniversary of Xbox one cuz we've talked about Xbox One a fa bit oh God I don't know if I can go for another hour bro man save it for next week yeah and I also forgot about Jet Force Gemini too uh 99 Rook oh no wait uh do game sorry sorry sorry do game macka good to see you I remember you were at Toronto FanFest a few years ago I was my question my question this week is pretty straightforward Hi-Fi Rush was a pleasant surprise earlier this year what do you think the next pleasant surprise of that caliber will be from Xbox is is there an announced game or Studio you feel people are sleeping on personally I think south of midnight has extreme potential the style is gorgeous and the riding team of compulsion at topnotch I feel they've just struggled in the past with the meat and potatoes of games uh like control camera Etc with funding matching their vision and new highs from places like Ubisoft and idos I think we're about to see what happens when compulsions brilliant well design and storytelling meshes with strong gaming fundamentals no longer the diamond in the rough but polished showstopper well that's the game I'm looking forward to yeah I really like the look of it yeah I uh I have a hard like compulsion I've met some of the people who work there amazing people I think uh you know contrast was kind of more of like a proof of concept than anything just to get their foot in the door uh it was good for what it was but like they said it did struggle with just kind of like running well and and uh funny enough a PlayStation exclusive when it came out uh and then we had like we happy few and I think we happy few had a marketing problem more than anything like it was shown off as one thing and then it was something different yeah so I think everyone was just just disappointed because they didn't get what they thought they were getting so I think that's they just need to be like we just need to be honest about what we're getting and why we're getting it but I think that the broader Point here is that like high-fi rush and like sound uh this new compulsion game what is it called again south of midnight s south of midnight I thought it was sound of midnight for a sec uh yeah I need to catch up on some of these I try not to get games on my radar too early because you just inevitably they get delayed and you just end up disappointed and by the time it comes out you know it's changed five times um but I think uh just in general I think Xbox could benefit from this a lot if they kind of focus a little bit less on they need the triaa big titles but I think those double A games or even people call them B tier you know B tier shooters were a whole genre back in the day but they gave us gems like spec Ops the Line which we talked about earlier I think just generally Xbox could get a lot done with some of these smaller B tier or double A games like high-fi rush and I think that's that's kind of a shift we need to see I think there's too many companies that are making triaa games huge rewards but huge risks and right now in the current market that risk doesn't equal that reward it 90% of these people are losing money failing no one's playing their games the game servers are closing after a week Immortals of aam has the same exact title as that other game that came out a week later and Atlas Fallen like who can even keep up with some of these games but there just needs to be like this kind of people are trying to make a game that's everything they need to make a game that does one thing really well yeah yep I think 100% it is funny with um with high-fi Rush that was actually a that was like five years in Dev it's more shocking that it didn't leak like it was actually a very big project the name leaked we knew the name existed in there like a couple of years before but no one knew what it was when it was coming anything it was great surprise love it they are more into the like pament and Asus Falls and project Aras and Tower borns like I do think they definitely are the publisher outside of Nintendo who does that a lot with smaller stuff um they're they're definitely moving away from the more PlayStation approach which is we want everything to be a giant ttin Banger yeah everything has to be a Ted pole I'd love more smaller stuff love it at the same time it's impossible to argue with like what a game like Starfield does for Game Pass subscribers you know like it's hard to go up and be like hey Xbox change everything you do because we I know Starfield had 10 million new members join game pass but you need another game like s pentant or another game like high-fi rush so Game Pass does need those though game pass over service still needs those games Starfield is the one that will pull you in and those other ones are the ones that you're like oh I never would have played this now I see all these on the service and I am I am hooked and like Brit mentioned and we've mentioned it before more stuff like hivebusters more expander loans you've already made the tent pole build more smaller stuff off it you've already got the assets there you've already got everything there when when I saw that leaked footage of the uh that Halo Mega Block game oh do you guys remember that game so good that looks so good I mourn for the loss of that game now coming out it would have been so much fun yeah love stuff like that love stuff like that and even you know what now that we're talking about this I'll bring it up now so jetforce gini is coming to Nintendo switch online and I have been saying for years cuz it reminded me when I saw that bring back jetforce Gemini as a Ratchet and Clank clone what does Xbox have that's like Ratchet and Clank nothing absolutely nothing I feel like they have one they have like give me a second here I mean Psychonauts might be the closest thing to it super luy tail but that's not not Microsoft that's not Microsoft and that's more traditional 3D platform of course than like when I think of ret and Clank that's just like jetforce Gemini y just bring a back and I've been saying this for the longest time just get you've got 100 million Studios now get a Toys for Bob get one of these Studios just to bring back jetforce Gemini as a straight up Ratchet and Clank clone don't even try and do your own thing just copyright [ __ ] and Clank they're really fun really good games it's it's already there like they need more stuff like that yes if you take the straight up uh balance sheet viewer it oh no it's not going to sell 100 million copies so we're not going to do it but they've got to drop that attitude now for Game Pass you got to drop it yeah God I love Jeff for sh I deep breaths Nick you'll be okay yes Amit Kumar jetforce was before wratchet but jetforce was only one game on Nintendo 64 a lot of Nintendo 64 games don't hold up because of that controller and the way those games played a a modernday Jet Force would be H amazing last question we're there we're there 99 ruken hello hope hope you're having a good day I get to the point I get to the point super short question with a hopefully long answer why do people like or and want crossover stuff if Done Right For example Kingdom Hearts smash BRS and Captain laserhawk the hell is Captain laser Hawk it's the um Far Cry Faron Faron cartoon based on like the Netflix show yeah the Netflix show based on the Far Cry blood dragon stuff I've never heard of this yeah there's a far cry show supposed to be it's supposed to be pretty good i' played I've played blood dragon they revealed it during the Ubisoft uh E3 next event and it was one of the cringiest things that have ever happened at E3 well E3 whatever Jeff Key's event Summer Games first yeah they they released this guy came up on stage like dressed as Far Cry blood dragon guy it was it was rough it was rough yeah it didn't play like it was a cool concept but it played really sluggishly and and like I've never thought apart from Rainbow Six Siege the Ubisoft made particularly interesting FPS games but yeah but this is a show now that just came out they're still milk in the franchise you know it's an FPS game John Avatar frontiers of Pandora is it really is it just GNA be Far Cry Avatar basically it is made by Massive the developers of the division of which both games are incredible yeah but it is it is it's it's gonna be from previews and everything I've seen it is that far crysh setup but made by Massive and not the the the actual Far Cry team visually Avatar looks like it's going to be next level visually massive knows how to make very pretty games yeah I I got sent some screenshots of Avatar a while back ones that I cannot release cuz they have I don't have to say everything and man oh the graphics in this game my God I have no idea how it's going to play but and I feel for and his guide that he has to do for it man that's going to be a lot of work for you bud uh you I feel like I feel like they're going to put all the collectibles on the maps and stuff so might actually be lighter might be lighter for your sake well there's no fuse when they do that anyone knows if anyone knows how to do colle oh yeah that's true map games it's Ubisoft yeah Shadow Mordor is still the best Assassin's Creed game best I haven't played yet so I can't answer that question but yeah but we're there Marco you've done it you've you've thanks mate you haven't broken the the the 4our barrier there's there's a couple of guests that have done that but that movie Tanger destroyed us yeah he went for a long ho though bro absolutely yeah but I'm glad that Mack is so into the movie talk because we're getting you on the movie podcast mate yeah yeah yeah let's do it okay I'm in I'm in but if you've never seen the abys I really like both of you have never seen it it is in my top 10 of all time it is it was one of the most better than La La Land impossible abely honestly was one of the most technical shoots ever done to this day uh underwater shoots um and even if you watch the the non upscaled non- remastered version all of it still holds up and it is an incredible sci-fi story so yeah well we'll watch it as long as you oversell it they will definitely not like it the more you overell defitely overhype this old movie that we haven't seen it is a it's a good movie that I quite enjoyed back when I watched it it's a good you might like it there that's that's my thanks thanks Jesse for keeping it real but as always chat thank you for hanging out and watching uh MAA before we we all wrap it up and say goodbye where can they find you give us some give us the buzz you know you know the [ __ ] you know the drill I I'm they don't have to find me if they don't want to if if you need help with an achievement and you search on YouTube you might see one of my videos if you click on it that's cool if you don't that's cool Mac 91 on some of you know YouTube Instagram uh Twitter All That Jazz you find me you find me you don't you don't uh it's been my pleasure and uh thank you so much for having me yes thank you for making the time yeah and we'll be back next week usual time usual place yep Che for now [Music] [Music]